Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen

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Taiwan Journal of TESOL

Vol. 18.1, 29-61, 2021 DOI: 10.30397/TJTESOL.202104_18(1).0002



Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen

This study evaluates the development of L2 collocational competence in texts
written by learners of differing proficiency levels, compared to native speaker
collocation patterns from a reference corpus. We address: (1) whether learners
develop their collocation competence as their proficiency grows; and (2) How is
this development mediated by different aspects of collocability, i.e., exclusivity,
directionality, and dispersion? Effective quantitative metrics based on the native
corpus were assigned to each bigram type in L2 texts, covering important aspects
of collocability. Correlations between the text-based average scores of each metric
and L2 proficiency were analyzed to examine the development of collocability in
each dimension. Our results show that exclusivity increases with learner
proficiency. When directionality is considered, learners develop native-likeness in
forward-directed word selection across all levels; backward competence, however,
improves more markedly at advanced levels. Our analysis also suggests learners
start to use less deviant collocation patterns but more domain-specific bundles as
their proficiency grows.

Key Words: collocation, writing assessment, delta P, mutual information, inverse

document frequency


Phraseology has received widespread attention in language learning

(Appel & Trofimovich, 2017; Gablasova, Brezina, & McEnery, 2017;
Pawley & Syder, 1983; Wood, 2015; Wray, 2002). It can be broadly stated
as a general linguistic phenomenon that words tend to co-occur as bundles
of variable lengths, i.e., multiword sequences ranging from idiomatic
expressions to semantically compositional sequences (Wood, 2015). Of
particular interest to the present study are the two-word combinations,

Alvin C.-H. Chen

which have often fallen under the cover term of collocation. It is suggested
that collocation competence is considered an essential component in
native-like mastery of an L2. Collocation represents an initial, yet crucial
stage, where learners start to develop their grammatical competence of
concatenating lexical items into longer sequences for more sophisticated
linguistic expression and social communication. Collocation itself,
however, is an ambiguous term which has been operationalized by
scholars from many different perspectives. A general definition of
collocation may be traced back to a general linguistic observation, which
says that some words tend to occur in the same neighborhood (Firth, 1957;
Sinclair, 1991). The recurrence of pairs of words has therefore been a
central criterion in defining collocations.
While recurrence may seem an intuitive criterion for defining
collocation, scholars differ in their approach to deriving a more restricted
set of qualifying features for collocations. For example, collocation is
sometimes used more restrictedly to refer to word combinations which
have little semantic transparency (Nation, 2001; Nesselhauf, 2005), such
as idioms (e.g., spill the beans) or fixed expressions (e.g., nuts and bolts).
Alternatively, collocations can also refer to word combinations of relative
semantic transparency, such as strong coffee, heavy smoker. They are
uniquely defined as collocations due to the fact that one of the words in
the combinations is highly constrained to this bundle with its unique
semantics (e.g., strong and heavy). Collocations can also be defined even
more broadly as word combinations that habitually co-occur, whose
semantics can be fairly transparent (Biber & Conrad, 1999; Laufer &
Waldman, 2011; Simpson-Vlach & Ellis, 2010; Sinclair, 1991): for
example, strong man or heavy load.
This study adopts this broader co-occurrence based approach to
collocation, and regards recurring word combinations as collocations.
Most importantly, we subscribe to a graded view of collocation, by
treating word combinations as bundles of varying conventionality
depending on the degree of recurrence. In other words, collocation is
considered not a categorical feature but a quantitative feature of a two-
word sequence, which is defined based on the sequence’s corpus-based
distributional properties. On this continuum one may see word
combinations whose meaning is semantically compositional based on
their parts at one end, as well as idioms or fixed expressions whose
meaning is fully opaque at the other extreme. Syntactically, collocations
can be grammatically legitimate phrases, fully predictable from phrase-


structure rules, or structurally fragmented. These two-word sequences can

be more or less collocation-like depending on how “frequently” they occur
in the corpus. Therefore, in this study, we use “collocation” in its most
general sense to cover any type of habitually occurring word combination,
to which may be ascribed a range of different terms depending on the
research paradigm adopted, including lexical bundles, multiword
expressions, CollGrams, and ngrams. Wray (2002, p. 9) has identified
more than fifty different terms used in the previous literature for this
general concept of formulaic language. In the following sections, we
discuss different methods of defining the construct of “recurrence” (i.e.,
how frequently the sequences occur), which is greatly connected to the
“formulaicity” of multiword combinations.

Operationalizing Collocations

A classic way of identifying collocations is to rely on proficient native

speaker intuition (Laufer & Waldman, 2011; Nesselhauf, 2005). A
collocation dictionary may be consulted for defining correct collocations.
Collocations according to this approach have two important
characteristics. First, collocation is considered a categorical property of a
multiword unit (i.e., a two-word sequence is either collocation or non-
collocation). Second, intuition-based collocation lists often include word
combinations that are not semantically compositional (i.e., idiomatic
expressions). In this dictionary-based approach, the assessment of learners’
collocation knowledge often relies on a quantitative study of the
frequencies and functions of these dictionary-derived or intuition-based
collocations in L2 productions. More uses of these dictionary-listed
collocations are indicators of L2 collocation competence. Word
combinations in L2 productions that depart from these intuition-based
collocations may be considered incorrect (or “deviant”, to use Laufer &
Waldman’s [2011, p. 654] term).
Altenberg and Granger (2001) analyzed advanced learners’ use of the
high-frequency verb make by comparing its frequencies in a learner corpus
and a native writer corpus. They categorized the collocations of make into
eight functional types based on native judgement. In their observations,
learners consistently show learning difficulty with delexical (e.g., make a
decision, make a reform) and causative uses (e.g., make someone believe
something, make something possible) of make (i.e., learners underuse
make in these functions). Examining the verb + noun combinations of

Alvin C.-H. Chen

high-frequency nouns, Laufer and Waldman (2011) assessed the

correctness of these combinations in the learner texts by consulting the
collocation dictionaries. Their findings suggest that advanced learners did
not show more uses of correct collocations.
Easy access to large corpora data has driven a distribution-based,
bottom-up approach to research on collocations and phraseology (Ä del &
Erman, 2012; Bestgen, 2017; Bestgen & Granger, 2014; Crossley &
Salsbury, 2011; Durrant & Schmitt, 2009; Ellis, Simpson-Vlach, &
Maynard, 2008; Leńko-Szymańska, 2014). Proficient native speaker
intuition can be more reliably estimated using a large representative native
corpus. Whether a two-word unit is a true collocation or not may now be
an empirical question, which can be quantitatively answered given its
distribution in the reference corpus. The semantic compositionality of the
multiword unit may be less crucial in this distribution-based research
paradigm. One of the most comprehensive distributional features is the co-
occurrence frequency of two-word bundles in the corpus. These
frequency-based collocations include phrases that are both semantically
opaque and semantically compositional. This frequency-based approach
to collocations provides two possible ways to analyze L2 collocational
On the one hand, the term, collocation, is sometimes used more
broadly to cover multiword units beyond two-word sequences that satisfy
strict distributional criteria, such as frequency and range. Sequences
meeting these criteria are often referred to as lexical bundles (Biber &
Conrad, 1999; Biber, Conrad, & Cortes, 2004). Research on lexical
bundles often focuses on sequences of more than two words, typically
four-word bundles (Ä del & Erman, 2012; Biber et al., 2004; Cortes, 2004;
Hyland, 2008). This approach often takes a cross-sectional design to
analyze phraseological development by comparing the differences of the
bundles observed in two contrastive corpora, varying in at least one
external criterion, such as L2 proficiency (Appel & Wood, 2016),
discipline (Hyland, 2008), register (Biber et al., 2004), or publishing
experience (Chen & Baker, 2010). The structural or functional differences
in the use of bundles are therefore connected to the distinctive feature of
the two corpora. This study will limit our discussion of collocation
competence to two-word sequences only.
On the other hand, the distribution-based approach provides the
possibility of analyzing collocations as a graded property of the multiword
units: the higher the co-occurrence frequency is, the more formulaic it is.


Every two-word bundle can be assessed in terms of its collocability based

on its distribution in a representative native corpus. These distributional
metrics in turn can be utilized to evaluate the bundles used by learners.
That is, these distributional metrics informed by native corpora can serve
as an effective measure to assess the native-likeness of each multiword
sequence used by learners (Bestgen, 2017; Bestgen & Granger, 2014;
Crossley & Salsbury, 2011; Durrant & Schmitt, 2009), and average scores
of these bundles’ distributional metrics can be generated to capture the
degree of formulaicity in either each L2 text, or of the whole collection.

Corpus-Based Distributional Metrics

Two types of corpus-based distributional statistics have been

commonly used in operationalizing the formulaicity, or “native-likeness”,
of collocations: frequency, and statistical associations. Frequency
concerns the most intuitive distributional evidence that words co-occur
frequently, and this can be taken as an indicator of formulaicity. For
instance, Crossley and Salsbury (2011) analyzed the use of two-word
bundles in the spoken English production of learners of different L1
backgrounds across a whole year. Using the Santa Barbara Corpus of
Spoken American English as a reference corpus, Crossley and Salsbury
first identified all bigrams used in L2 spoken productions that were also
present in the reference corpus and compared the correlations of the
normalized frequencies of these bigrams in both corpora. They assumed
that the more the frequency distribution of these shared bigrams in the
learner production approximated the native speaker use, the more accurate
the bigram use was. According to their findings, the correlation increases
significantly with the time spent in English learning. Kyle and Crossley
(2015) also estimated formulaicity of all bigrams and trigrams in L2 texts
using the frequency-based scores of these bundles in the British National
Corpus (BNC). They found that the ngram frequency-based indices show
strong positive correlations with a learner’s speaking and lexical
proficiency scores, accounting for 22.3-35.2% of the variance.
While frequency of a multiword unit can be an effective and useful
metric for the formulaicity of the bundle, statistical associations have been
used more often in research on L2 collocation acquisition because the
significance of the frequency of a multiword unit may need to be evaluated
in terms of the frequency of its parts (Evert, 2009). Two widely-used
association measures are mutual information (MI) and t-scores

Alvin C.-H. Chen

(Gablasova et al., 2017; Hunston, 2002). Focusing on two-word sequences

co-occurring in a modifier + noun construction, Durrant and Schmitt (2009)
analyzed the lexical associations of these bigrams using MI scores and t-
scores, which were computed based on the British National Corpus (BNC).
In their study, L2 learners tended to underuse bigrams of high mutual
information scores, which were often low in frequency. Bestgen and
Granger (2014) further extended the analysis of bigrams to all contiguous
two-word sequences in L2 texts. Every L2 text was assigned three indices:
the mean MI score and mean t-score of all bigrams in the text and the
Pabsent rate, i.e., the proportion of unseen bigrams in the reference corpus.
Their analysis showed that the MI mean scores of L2 texts positively
correlated with the human ratings of writing assessment, but higher
Pabsent rates were connected to lower ratings. Also, their findings suggest
that the formulaicity average scores (i.e., MI) based on bigram types
correlate with the human text ratings in a more significant way than those
based on bigram tokens. Their findings support the hypothesis that more
proficient learners do produce bigrams that are more “formulaic” (as
defined by higher average MI scores). The metric of t-score did not seem
effective in predicting the human text quality ratings; this may be partly
due to its confounding strong association with high frequency words.
Bestgen (2017) further suggests that the phraseological metrics provided
by CollGrams out-performed single-word lexical measures of diversity
and sophistication in predicting the human text quality rating. Similarly,
Kyle, Crossley, and Berger (2018) observed that corpus-based indices
related to phraseology association strength and frequency are able to
account for almost 28% of the variance of human ratings on learner

This Study

Studies adopting a categorical view of collocation tend to analyze the

learner’s overuse, underuse, correctness, and functional salience of the
collocations (Laufer & Waldman, 2011; Nesselhauf, 2005) while those
adopting a graded view of collocation may evaluate the development of
“formulaicity” in learners’ use of multiword items as a numeric trend
(Bestgen, 2017; Bestgen & Granger, 2014; Kyle et al., 2018). While both
approaches have provided many insights into L2 collocational knowledge,
there are two important gaps in the literature on the L2 collocation
competence in terms of their use of two-word combinations. First of all,


studies adopting a categorical approach often focus on structurally-

dependent collocations. Despite different ways of defining collocations,
most of the previous studies often adopt a particular constructional schema
as a basis for the analysis of collocations, e.g., modifier + noun in Durrant
and Schmitt (2009), noun + adjective (of L2 Italian) in Siyanova-
Chanturia (2015), or verb + noun in Laufer and Waldman (2011).
One major disadvantage of analyzing structurally dependent
collocations is that the conclusions may not necessarily be generalizable
to the learner’s overall collocation competence. Sometimes contradictory
results may be obtained in different studies. For example, Laufer and
Waldman (2011) analyzed the verb + noun combinations used by learners
and found that learners did not show a noticeable increase in use of
collocations as their proficiency grew. Siyanova-Chanturia (2015)
conducted a longitudinal study on the noun + adjective combinations used
by beginner learners of Italian throughout an intensive course. They first
computed the MI scores of the bigram pairs observed in a learner corpus,
comparing with a native Italian reference corpus. They observed that at
the end of the course, learners produced more noun + adjective
combinations with higher frequencies and MI scores, suggesting a
development in collocational knowledge in beginner learners of L2 Italian.
Both Laufer and Waldman (2010) and Siyanova-Chanturia (2015)
examined collocations that were structurally dependent in different types
of construction. Their contradictory findings may be partly attributed to
the fact that collocational development based on particular syntactic
structures may not necessarily generalize to the overall development of
collocation competence. Moreover, their different operational definitions
of structurally-dependent collocations may further render their findings
less comparable. Siyanova-Chanturia (2015) used a distribution-based
bottom-up method while Laufer and Waldman (2011) adopted a more top-
down dictionary-based approach. Given their different methodological
emphases, it remains unclear to readers of the two papers whether learners
show a clear development in their collocational knowledge as their
proficiency grows in terms of all types of two-word combinations.
The second important gap is that previous corpus-based research on
L2 collocation often neglects several important dimensions of
collocability in phraseological development. While frequency information
has been one of the most intuitive distributional properties provided by
corpus data, it can be misleading and may therefore need to be assessed
by considering other important aspects of the distributional properties of

Alvin C.-H. Chen

the linguistic units. In particular, Gablasova et al. (2017) point out that the
distributional properties of linguistic units may need to consider three
important dimensions of collocability: exclusivity, dispersion, and
directionality. Exclusivity concerns the statistical significance of the
extent to which the words’ co-occurrence is beyond the expected
frequency. Dispersion is the evenness of distribution of the multiword unit
in a corpus. Directionality highlights the fact that words in a bundle are
not always attracted to each other with equal strength. When learners
develop their collocation competence, they may develop their sensitivity
to this multifaceted nature of the distributional properties (Ellis, O'Donnell,
& Römer, 2014; Ellis & Ogden, 2017). Corpus data can provide relevant
distributional metrics for us to further examine the distributional
differences of the collocations.
In this study, we use the Corpus of Contemporary American English
(COCA) as our source of distributional metrics. Take the following two
bigrams, Monday night and excellent swimmer, for example. In COCA,
there are 2314 tokens of Monday night and 12 tokens of excellent swimmer.
The raw frequencies of these two bigrams may give the impression that
Monday night is more formulaic than the other. However, based on several
corpus-based quantitative metrics to be further introduced in Method,
these two bigrams can be compared more comprehensively by considering
the exclusivity, directionality, and dispersion of their distributional
To begin with, when considering the bigram’s lexical associations, we
can analyze the property of exclusivity of these bigrams in addition to their
frequencies. Based on the mutual information scores of Monday night (MI
= 7.83) and excellent swimmer (MI = 7.70), the lexical items of these two
bigrams are almost equally exclusive to each other even though their
frequencies differ by two orders of magnitude. In other words, these two
bigrams may be equally important as conventional expressions in English
in terms of the exclusivity aspect of the bigram distribution.
Second, when adopting lexical associations with directionality (See
delta P in Collocability Metrics), we can analyze whether the lexical items
in these two bigrams are attracted to each other in a symmetrical way.
According to the delta P scores (See Collocability Metrics for a step-by-
step computation) of these two bigrams, Monday night is a forward-
directed collocation, where the first word, Monday, more strongly prompts
the second word, night; in contrast, excellent swimmer is a backward-
directed collocation, where the second word, swimmer, more strongly


prompts the first word, excellent. Therefore, these two bigrams may differ
in the relative strengths of their forward-directed and backward-directed
lexical associations.
Studies we have reviewed so far (Bestgen, 2017; Bestgen & Granger,
2014; Durrant & Schmitt, 2009; Siyanova-Chanturia, 2015) seem to have
stressed mainly the first dimension, exclusivity, when analyzing the
development of L2 collocation competence. More specifically, they have
mostly adopted non-directional association measures, such as MI or t-
scores. These association measures do not address to what extent the
development of the L2 collocation knowledge may be mediated by the
directionality of collocability. It is therefore unclear whether learners
develop collocation competence differently in terms of their native-
likeness in forward and backward word selection. Learners may develop
collocation competence by using word combinations that are more native-
like in terms of forward-directed temporal relations between words. For
example, when using the word apply, learners may demonstrate a forward-
directed collocation knowledge if they choose a preposition for after apply.
On the other hand, learners may develop their collocation knowledge by
using word combinations that are more native-like in terms of backward-
directed temporal relations of words. For example, given a word home,
learners may demonstrate the collocation knowledge when choosing the
preposition at before home.
Finally, Monday night and excellent swimmer may also differ in their
dispersion. According to their distribution in COCA, Monday night is a
bigram which is more widely-dispersed in different documents than
excellent swimmer: the former is found in 119 different documents in the
entire corpus while the latter is found in only 11 documents. Lexical
association measures (i.e., MI, t-score, delta P) would not inform the
degree of dispersion of the collocation, which may however play a role in
the development of L2 collocation competence. While previous studies
have identified a positive relationship between L2 proficiency and the
average MI scores of the two-word sequences used by the learners
(Bestgen, 2017; Bestgen & Granger, 2014; Durrant & Schmitt, 2009;
Siyanova-Chanturia, 2015), it remains unclear how this increase of
exclusivity in two-word sequences may be mediated by their dispersion
rates. We may wonder whether learners also develop collocation
competence by acquiring word sequences that are more domain-general
(i.e., sequences that are widely-dispersed in different documents) at the
beginning and mastering ones that are more domain-specific (i.e.,

Alvin C.-H. Chen

sequences that are more centralized in particular sets of documents) in

later learning phases.
The objective of this study is thus to bridge these gaps by (1) assessing
the collocational development not in a particular morphosyntactic setting
but in all the two-word sequences used by learners, and (2) examining
whether learners develop their collocation competence as their proficiency
level grows in terms of the exclusivity, directionality and dispersion of
collocability. To address these important issues, we follow the
distribution-based approach to collocation and take a large representative
native corpus as a “proxy for native speaker intuition” (Bestgen, 2017, p.
66), from which a range of quantitative metrics will be utilized to assess
L2 collocation knowledge. We will utilize not only commonly used
association measures, such as MI and t-scores, to assess the development
in exclusivity, but also adopt an effective directional association measure
(Ellis, 2006; Gries, 2013), delta P (DP), to see if learners develop their
collocation knowledge in different directions. Also, we will use a useful
metric of dispersion, inverse document frequency, to address the issue of
dispersion. These effective distributional metrics will be computed based
on the Corpus of Contemporary American English (Davies, 2012), a proxy
for the proficient speaker’s intuition in co-selection of words in varying
scenarios. By considering different dimensions of collocability, we hope
to provide a more comprehensive picture of L2 development in collocation



This study analyzed the L2 texts collected in the International Corpus

Network of Asian Learners of English V2.0 (ICNALE) (Ishikawa, 2013).
This learner corpus includes around 2 million words from essays and
monologues produced by both L1 writers and L2 English learners from
different countries of Asia. We analyzed all essays written by L2 learners,
which amounted to 5200 essays. For each L2 text, ICNALE annotated the
proficiency level of the learner using the reference points of the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The learner
proficiency levels were defined based on external criteria, using
standardized English proficiency tests (TOEIC, TOEFL, or IELTS) or an
objective vocabulary size test (Nation & Beglar, 2007). In ICNALE, the


original CEFR B2, C1, and C2 were collapsed into B2+ and the original
B1 was subdivided into B1_1 and B1_2 in order to better represent the
largest group of Asian intermediate-level learners (cf. Ishikawa, 2013).
Thus, learners were grouped into four proficiency levels: A2, B1_1, B1_2,
and B2+. Table 1 shows the distribution of texts in all levels.

Table 1

Data Distribution of ICNALE 2.0

Proficiency Number of Number of Mean Text
Level Texts Words Length
A2 960 216479 225.5 22.95
B1_1 1904 437904 229.99 25.92
B1_2 1872 439631 234.85 28.49
B2+ 464 111916 241.2 29.94

The present study used the Corpus of Contemporary American

English (COCA) (Davies, 2012) as the reference native corpus for the
estimation of a range of collocability features. COCA comprises 560-
million-word texts of American English, which are equally divided among
spoken, fiction, popular magazine, newspaper and academic genres from
1990 to 2012. Given its size and representativeness, this corpus can serve
as a yardstick by which an ideal proficient native speaker intuition of
collocation knowledge can be quantitatively estimated. All the
collocability metrics in this study were based on COCA. All data
preprocessing and statistical computation was done with self-developed
scripts written in R.

Data Preprocessing

To generate proper estimates of collocability metrics, the reference

corpus was preprocessed as follows. All HTML/XML tags in the corpus
were removed. Raw texts in each corpus file were segmented into chunks
by taking as the delimiters all non-word tokens consisting of symbols
except for word-internal characters (i.e., the hyphen - and the apostrophe
'). This was to ensure that the later extraction of contiguous two-word
sequences did not span the boundaries of sentences and punctuation marks.
All contiguous two-word combinations were extracted from each corpus

Alvin C.-H. Chen

file. Bigrams containing numbers were removed. All bigrams extracted

were normalized into lower-case letters. To control for the minimum
frequencies and the dispersion of the bigrams included in the reference
corpus model, only bigrams of raw frequency > 10, occurring in at least
five different documents in the entire COCA were included.
After data preprocessing, we identified 2,334,463 bigram types from
COCA. For each type, we further computed several distributional metrics
that characterized the three aspects of their collocability (i.e., exclusivity,
directionality, and dispersion). The next section will introduce the
statistical metrics and their computation for each dimension of the
collocation competence.

Collocability Metrics

As collocation has been operationalized in many different ways, this

study adopts a corpus-based method, and relies on distributional statistics
of words, which are less subjective compared to methods based on native
intuition judgements. After data preprocessing, the reference corpus
provided the necessary distributional statistics for estimating different
aspects of collocability for every bigram type in COCA. The frequency
information is arranged in a contingency table, as Table 2. This study
investigated L2 collocation competence from four important perspectives,
each of which was quantitatively measured utilizing the distributional
statistics of Table 2 informed by the native corpus. The following sections
present the mathematical computations of each metric.


Table 2.

Contingency Table for W1W2 Collocability Metrics Computation

W2 ¬W2
W1 O11 O12 R1
¬W1 O21 O22 R2
C1 C2 N2
Notes. O refers to the observed frequencies of each cell; R refers to the sums of
the rows; C refers to the sums of the columns. O11 refers to the co-occurrence
frequency of the two words; O12 refers to the frequency of W1 in the absence of
W2; O21 refers to the frequency of W2 in the absence of W1; O22 refers to the
frequency of all the other two-word sequences that are not W1W2.


First, we analyzed the exclusivity of the two-word sequences using

MI and t-scores. Given a potential bigram, W1W2, observed in COCA, we
estimated its exclusivity using the frequency distributions of its sub-units.
The association measures for a bigram W1W2 were computed using (1) and
(2), which are based on Evert (2008).
𝑝(𝑊1 ,𝑊2 )
(1) MI(W1,W2) = 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑝(𝑊 )×𝑝(𝑊 )
1 2
𝑝(𝑊1 ,𝑊2 ) − 𝑝(𝑊1 )×𝑝(𝑊2 )
(2) t-score(W1,W2) =
√𝑝(𝑊1 ,𝑊2 )
In the formulas, the P(W1,W2) refers to the joint probability of W1 and
W2 in COCA; P(W1) and P(W2) refer to the respective probabilities of W1
and W2 in COCA.


The rationale behind directionality is that words in a collocation may

not be attracted to each other in a symmetrical way. Delta P (DP) is an
effective metric for capturing a directional association between a cue and
an outcome (Ellis, 2006; Gablasova et al., 2017; Gries, 2013). It is a
normalized conditional probability of an outcome given a cue, i.e.,
P(outcome|cue), which considers the potential impact of the conditional
probability of an outcome in the absence of the cue, i.e., P(outcome |¬ cue).
This metric can be used to produce directional lexical associations of

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any two-word sequence, i.e. W1W2. When W2 is taken as the outcome and
W1 as the cue, a forward-directed DP can be computed using the formula
in (3); on the other hand, when W1 is taken as the outcome and W2 as the
cue, a backward-directed DP can be computed using the formula in (4).
(3) Forward Delta P of W1W2:
𝐷𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎 𝑃 = 𝑃(𝑊2 |𝑊1 ) − 𝑃(𝑊2 |¬𝑊1 ) = 𝑅11 − 𝑅21
1 2
(4) Backward Delta P of W1W2:
𝐷𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎 𝑃 = 𝑃(𝑊1 |𝑊2 ) − 𝑃(𝑊1 |¬𝑊2 ) = 11 − 12
𝐶1 𝐶2
We generated directional DPs, forward and backward, for all bigrams
in COCA, amounting to 2,334,463 different bigram types. These adjusted
conditional probabilities can be useful indicators of the native-like
intuition in forward- or backward-directed word co-selection. For example,
according to the forward DP based on COCA, the top five words that most
likely follow the first-person pronoun I… are am, think, do, was, and have.
If the cue is different, e.g., you…, then the native-like intuition for forward
word selection may predict a different set, i.e., know, are, can, have, and
do. Similarly, a native-like intuition for backward word selection would
predict that the top five words that most likely come before home are at,
go, back, his, and come. A different cue word like house would lead to a
different set of words likely preceding the cue, i.e., the, white, ‘s, a, and
my. It is hypothesized that more advanced learners may perform the co-
selection of words more similarly to native-speaker intuition. This study
makes a step further examining whether directionality in word co-
selection plays a role.


Dispersion is an effective notion in assessing the learner’s use of

collocations in terms of the domain-specificity of the collocations. It is
posited that learners may start to acquire collocations that are common in
general situations (i.e., those that are high in dispersion) and start to
acquire those that are used in particular domains (i.e., those that are low
in dispersion) in later learning phases. For every bigram type in COCA,
we computed a useful metric, inverse document frequency (IDF), which
was inspired by its effectiveness in information retrieval (Manning &
Schütze, 1999). A comprehensive review of various dispersion metrics
can be found in Gries (2010). IDF is calculated as follows.
(5) Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) = 𝑙𝑜𝑔 (𝑁)


In (5), the d refers to the number of documents in COCA where the

bigram is observed; N refers to the total number of the documents in
COCA. If a bigram occurs in every document of COCA, the IDF would
be 0. If a bigram is concentrated in only a few documents in COCA, its
IDF would increase.

Unseen Rates
All the aforementioned metrics were targeted toward bigrams used by
learners that were also present in the native reference corpus. That is, the
metrics analyzed bigrams that were found in both L2 texts and COCA.
Following CollGrams (Bestgen, 2017; Bestgen & Granger, 2014), we
considered as well the rates of bigrams that are absent in the reference
corpus in the learner’s production. An unseen bigram may be significant
in two important senses. On the one hand, an unseen word combination
may be an ungrammatical or incongruent sequence in English (i.e., a
deviant word combination); on the other hand, a novel combination may
suggest a learner has mastered creative use of collocation to some extent.

Research Questions

An L2 Text

(A) Identifying

(B) Assigning Bigrams

Collocability Scores

(C) Computing Text-

based Average Scores

Figure 1. Flowchart of the data analysis

The collocability metrics of bigrams collected from COCA were used

as a reference list to analyze the acquisition of L2 collocation knowledge

Alvin C.-H. Chen

in ICNALE texts. Figure 1 provides a flowchart of our data analysis. First,

each L2 text in ICNALE was preprocessed with the same procedure as for
the COCA to create a list of bigram types used by each learner (Step [A]
in Figure 1). Table 3 shows the number of bigram types for the L2 text
collections of each proficiency level. Among the four levels, B2 learners
show the most use of the bigrams that were present on the COCA reference
list, with on average 62.13 bigram types per text.

Table 3

Number of Bigram Types Observed in L2 Texts by Proficiency Levels

Level Bigram Number of Number of Bigram Types
Types Texts Per Text
A2 39459 960 41.10
B1_1 62045 1904 32.59
B1_2 70766 1872 37.80
B2+ 28830 464 62.13
Notes. Bigram types refer to the L2 bigrams that are present in the reference list
identified in the native corpus, i.e., Corpus of Contemporary American English.

After identifying the bigram types of each L2 text, we assigned each

L2 bigram type five collocability scores. As introduced in Method, these
scores were computed based on the distributional properties of these
bigrams in COCA, highlighting different aspects of collocability—MI
scores and t-scores for exclusivity, forward and backward DP for
directionality, IDF for dispersion (Step [B] in Figure 1). Finally, we
computed the text-based mean scores of each collocability metric for each
L2 text by calculating the average scores of all the L2 bigram types (Step
[C] in Figure 1). The proportion of bigram types that were absent in the
reference native corpus was also computed for each L2 text. Therefore,
each L2 text had six collocability metrics in total.
The main objective of this study was to examine whether the text-
based mean collocability scores increase with learner proficiency. Two
questions were addressed in this study:

- Do learners develop their collocational knowledge in two-word

sequences as their proficiency grows?


- How is the development of collocation competence mediated by

different aspects of collocability, i.e., exclusivity, directionality,
dispersion, and novelty (use of unseen collocations)?

Learner proficiency was defined as an ordinal dependent variable

LEVEL with four values: A2, B1_1, B1_2, and B2+. We analyzed how
LEVEL correlates with collocability metrics on different dimensions,
including the exclusivity (measured by MI and t-score), directionality
(measured by forward and backward DP), dispersion (measured by IDF)
and novelty (measured by unseen bigram rate). Depending on the
matching degrees of the statistical assumptions of each metric, appropriate
statistical methods were used to determine the significance of the
phraseological development.



Exclusivity was operationalized using non-directional association

measures, MI and t-score. As neither metric satisfied the statistical
assumptions of normality and variance homogeneity, we adopted two non-
parametric Kruskal-Wallis tests on the variation of MI and t-score in
relation to LEVEL. Our results show that both metrics were significantly
affected by LEVEL (t-score: H(3) = 28.24, p < 0.01, r = -0.06; MI: H(3) =
275.95, p < 0.01, r = -0.23). We conducted a post-hoc Jonckheere-Terpstra
test, which is a useful trend analysis for the ordered pattern to the medians
of the groups compared (cf. Ch 15 in Field, Miles, & Field, 2012). The
Jonckheere-Terpstra tests revealed a significant trend in MI scores: as
learners progress to more advanced levels, the MI scores increase (J =
5624700, p < 0.01); however, no significant trend was found in t-scores.
As shown in Figure 2, learners show a clear growing trend in the
exclusivity of collocability measured by MI; the tendency measured by t-
score may be less conclusive. We will come back to this point in the next

Alvin C.-H. Chen

Figure 2. Means and 95% confidence intervals of MI and t-scores by



According to a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, DP values of the L2 texts

did not deviate from the normal distribution significantly (D = 0.0159, p
> 0.01). In the analysis of DPs, each bigram type used in L2 texts was
assigned two directional metrics, forward and backward DP. Mixed design
ANOVA was used to analyze the variation of DP values in relation to its
directionality (DIRECTION) and the L2 proficiency (LEVEL), with the
former as a within-subject, the latter as a between-subjects factor. The
model also included the interaction between LEVEL and DIRECTION.
Polynomial orthogonal contrasts were used for post-hoc analyses. Results
are shown in Table 4.


Table 4

ANOVA Table for Directionality

Model df AIC BIC logLik L.Ratio
Intercept 4 -68464.23 -68435.23 34236.11 NA
LEVEL 7 -68547.87 -68497.12 34280.93 89.64*
DIRECTION 8 -69593.66 -69535.66 34804.83 1047.79*
LEVEL × 11 -69754.34 -69674.59 34888.17 166.68*
Notes. * = p < 0.001

The main effect of LEVEL suggests that DP varies significantly across

different proficiency levels. Figure 3 plots the DP mean scores of learners
of each proficiency level, showing a general increasing trend in DP with
learner proficiency. The general tendency of DIRECTION is that learners
use collocations of higher backward DP values on average. Most
importantly, there was a significant interaction between LEVEL and
DIRECTION. The post-hoc analysis suggests that the linear trends across
different proficiency levels are significantly different for forward and
backward DPs (β = -0.004, SE = 0.00004, t(5196) = -10.2571, p < 0.01, r
= 0.14). We computed the effect size (r) of the interaction based on the
focused contrast using the formula below (Field et al., 2012, p. 640):
𝑟= √
𝑡 2 + 𝑑𝑓
Figure 5 provides a graphic illustration of the interactional effect.
While the backward DP is higher than the forward DP on average, learners
seem to demonstrate a more stable growing pattern in the forward DPs.
The development of the backward DP may be less prominent until learners
reach a more advanced level (e.g. from B1_2 to B2+).

Alvin C.-H. Chen

Figure 3. Means and 95% confidence intervals of DP by LEVEL

Figure 4. Means and 95% confidence intervals of DP by DIRECTION


Figure 5. Interaction plot of LEVEL X DIRECTION on DP


Dispersion of collocations was evaluated using the IDF. A higher IDF

mean score for an L2 text may suggest that the two-word sequences used
by the learner are on average more concentrated in particular sets of
documents in the corpus, i.e., more domain-specific (or idiosyncratic). It
is suggested that the acquisition of domain-specific collocations may
emerge more markedly in more proficient learners.
The IDF values in our data met the statistical assumption of normality
but violated the assumption of variance homogeneity. As ANOVA is
generally robust to this variance violation when the sample size is large, it
was used to analyze the differences of IDF among the four proficiency
levels. Our results show that LEVEL has a significant effect on IDF with a
small effect size (F(3, 5196) = 24.39, p < 0.01, ω2 = 0.01). The post-hoc
comparisons suggest only a significant growth in IDF when learners
develop from B1_1 to B1_2, as illustrated in Figure 6.

Alvin C.-H. Chen

Figure 6. Means and 95% confidence intervals of Inverse Document

Frequency (IDF) by LEVEL

Unseen Rates

Unseen rates (URs) were a simple percentage, showing the proportion

of the two-word sequences in L2 essays that were absent from the native
corpora, i.e. COCA. Because a large representative native corpus may be
expected to have included most salient collocation possibilities in English,
an unseen bigram may be either an ungrammatical word combination or a
highly creative use. As the distribution of URs in our data violated the
statistical assumptions of normality and variance homogeneity, we
adopted a non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test to analyze the LEVEL effect
on the UR variation.
The result shows that URs were significantly affected by LEVEL with
a small effect size (H(3) = 14.82, p < 0.01, r = -0.04). The Jonckheere-
Terstra test revealed a significant linear negative relationship between UR
and LEVEL (J = 4504600, p < 0.01), indicating that learners show smaller
UR on average as their proficiency grows. The trend of UR variation by
LEVEL was given in Figure 7.


Figure 7. Means and 95% confidence intervals of Unseen Rates (UR) by



This study examined the development of learner collocation

competence by analyzing four aspects of collocability: directionality,
exclusivity, dispersion, and novelty. Our analysis on exclusivity aligns
with previous studies, showing a positive relationship between the
exclusivity of the two-word sequences used in L2 texts and learner
proficiency levels. Also, it is suggested that MI may be a more effective
metric in showing the growth in exclusivity; t-scores did not reveal a clear
linear growth across different proficiency levels, and this has also been
observed in CollGrams-based studies (Bestgen & Granger, 2014).
When a metric does not positively correlate with the proficiency level,
two interpretations are possible: (1) learners do not develop the construct
measured by the metric as their proficiency grows, or (2) the metric is not
an effective operational measure for capturing the development of the

Alvin C.-H. Chen

construct. In this study, we are more inclined to adopt the latter

interpretation for the t-scores. As most of our metrics in the other
collocability dimensions all point to a positive growth in learners’
collocation competence, we suggest that exclusivity based on t-scores may
be confounded by the fact that t-scores are often sensitive to high-
frequency words (Evert, 2009; Gablasova et al., 2017; Hunston, 2002).
Bestgen and Granger (2014) evaluated the bigrams used by learners with
the same sets of association measures, MI and t-score, computed based on
COCA. They analyzed the correlation between the average MI and t-score
of all bigrams and the human ratings of each learner text. Different from
our study, their text-based mean scores were analyzed both in terms of
bigram tokens and types. Their results clearly suggest that the correlation
between t-scores and the text ratings was substantially higher (from rtype =
0.03 to rtoken = 0.11) when it was computed based on tokens than when
based on types (Bestgen & Granger, 2014, p. 37). We posit that t-scores
may not be an effective phraseological metric in the assessment of
collocation competence. What MI could give us is a more conclusive
pattern: learners tend to use bigrams that are more strongly associated as
their proficiency grows.
Furthermore, our analysis has also identified different patterns of
development in collocation competence in terms of the directionality of
collocability. Learners show a steady linear growth in the forward
collocability across different proficiency levels, but this tendency is
obscured in backward collocability. In addition, our data suggest that
learners may not demonstrate a marked growth in backward collocability
until they reach a more advanced level (i.e., B1_1 to B2+). It should be
noted that this study focused on the quantitative analysis of L2
development in different aspects of collocation competence. We analyzed
the text-based average scores of all the bigrams for different collocability
metrics and therefore did not work on the analysis of collocation tokens
that were specific to a particular syntactic schema. In other words,
individual bigram tokens in each text may not be our major concern. The
present study may be more helpful than Laufer and Waldman (2011) and
Siyanova-Chanturia (2015) in that the developmental trends observed here
can be more generalizable because they are based on the overall (or
average) uses of all the two-word sequences in L2 texts.
The asymmetrical developments in forward-directed and backward-
directed associations may have important implications for the
development of L2 grammatical competence. Because learners write one


word at a time during writing production, they would understandably have

a stronger need to develop the competence in forward-directed word co-
selection, while the acquisition of backward temporal relations is less
pressing. Native speakers are normally able to make an intuitive
judgement as to what the upcoming word should be given the preceding
linguistic context, and learners need to acquire this skill for their L2
production. Our results have confirmed the significance of this forward
collocation competence across learners of different proficiency levels. In
our other project, we have also extended the analysis of directional
collocability in two-word sequences to the lexical associations of
multiword combinations beyond two-word collocations (Chen, 2019). A
similar growth in forward-directed phraseological competence was also
found in L2 uses of longer multiword combinations (cf. three- to five-word
sequences in Chen [2019]). On the other hand, the late growth in
backward-directed collocability is also found in Chen’s (2019) analysis of
multiword combinations beyond two-word sequences. Therefore,
following Chen (2019), we posit that this lagging development of
backward collocation competence may suggest a more sophisticated
development in phrasal cohesiveness.
In recent years, a retrodiction-based learning has started to receive
more attention in cognitive psychology. Humans can learn through both
prediction-based (forward-directed) and retrodiction-based (backward-
directed) association. A classic example was the experiment conducted in
Jones and Pashler (2007), where human subjects could learn the varied
forward and backward transitional probabilities of geometric shape
sequences from the inputs and made correct predictions based on this
implicitly-learned statistical knowledge. Moreover, the directionality of
word-sequence associations may be related to the syntactic typology of
the language in question. It has been found that language word order, or
constituency structures, may act as a significant predictor of either higher
forward or backward transitional probabilities in word sequences. For
example, analyzing the English bigrams in the SUSANNE corpus, Onnis
and Thiessen (2013) investigated the relationship between the bi-
directional transitional probabilities of bigrams and the structures that
these bigrams spanned. Their data suggest that bigram’s backward
transitional probability positively correlates with the phrase cohesiveness
between the two words, i.e., tighter constituents in English formed by the
two words. A bigram of high backward transitional probability is more
often observed in words belonging to the same syntactic constituent or

Alvin C.-H. Chen

across a syntactic boundary that is at the lower syntactic level.

In particular, a backward-dominant association of a bigram W1W2
often implies that W1 is limited in possibilities when W2 is given, which
can be connected to the head-initial right-branching structure of English.
English syntactic maximal projections, such as a preposition phrase (PP),
or complementizer phrase (CP), often take a functional head on the left
and other lexical dependents on the right. This right-branching structure
applies especially to common noun phrases and verb phrases where
functional words like articles, determiners, or modals are positioned on
the left-end of the phrase.
Let us illustrate the connection between phrasal cohesiveness and
backward DP with some examples from L2 texts. For instance, in the
prepositional phrase, in advance, the forward DP based on COCA is
0.0007, but its backward DP is 0.3365, almost five thousand times larger
than the former. The asymmetrical strengths of the directional lexical
associations suggest that given a content word like advance, in is one of
the only few (functional) words that can precede it; however, many more
words are likely to follow the preposition in. Similar asymmetrical
backward-prominent lexical associations can also be found with bigrams
that connect or mediate phrasally cohesive structures, such as noun
phrases (e.g., the importance, the impression, the happiness), verbal
phrases (e.g., to abandon, to achieve, can contaminate, can extinguish),
and complementizer phrases (e.g., that allows, that promotes, that
connects). The backward DP scores of the previous bigram examples are
all stronger than their forward DP scores by at least three orders of
magnitude. Figure 8 further provides the proportions of bigrams whose
backward DP scores are larger than their forward DP scores by at least
three orders of magnitude (i.e., backward DP/forward DP >= 1000) in
terms of all bigrams whose first word is a functional word for each
proficiency level. It is clear to see that the higher the learner proficiency,
the more uses of backward-prominent bigrams. We argue that this may be
preliminary evidence for advanced learners’ acquisition of L2 collocation
competence at a phrasal (or grammatical) level—the increase in backward
DP may indicate the L2 development of collocability in-between tighter
constituents, thus leading to a higher level of phrasal cohesiveness in


Figure 8. Proportion of backward-prominent bigrams by levels.

Backward-prominent bigrams refer to the bigrams (a) whose first word is
a functional word and (b) whose backward DP is larger than its forward
DP by at least three orders of magnitude.

For dispersion, our analysis suggests that learners may start to use
more domain-specific collocation patterns in the intermediate level (i.e.,
B1_1 to B1_2) because the IDF shows the most change on average in the
transition of these two learning phases. Interestingly, on the other hand,
the unseen rates show a more prominent decrease in the initial learning
phases (i.e., from A2 to B1_2), suggesting that less proficient learners
begin to use fewer bigrams that have not been used by native speakers
when their proficiency progresses. These two findings both point to a

Alvin C.-H. Chen

developmental pattern in learners’ collocation competence: as learners’

proficiency grows, they start to use fewer deviant collocation patterns (i.e.,
unseen bigrams) but more domain-specific bundles (i.e., bigrams of high


This study has provided a more comprehensive analysis of the

development of L2 collocation competence as learners grow in their
proficiency. Different from previous research on phraseology, we
examined the L2 collocation competence in a range of important
dimensions of collocability. This study provides empirical evidence
showing that learners use collocations that are more native-like in terms
of exclusivity, directionality, and dispersion. Our findings are clear:
learners do develop their collocation competence as their proficiency
grows. Our analysis further suggests that learners develop this collocation
competence more markedly, in terms of native-likeness, in the forward
selection of words given the previous word. We suggest that a native-like
intuition in backward selection of words may be developed in a more
advanced learning phase. This may indicate that backward-directed
collocation competence requires more implicit learning from extensive
exposure to language input. Finally, our analysis of the dispersion and
unseen rates has also highlighted a developmental pattern in learners’
collocation competence: as learners’ proficiency grows, they show a
decreasing use of unseen bigrams, which are likely deviant collocation
patterns, but an increasing use of domain-specific bundles. Overall, this
study has provided a holistic account of the development of L2
collocational competence.
We would like to conclude this study by pointing out some of the
directions for future research that stem from the limitations of the present
study. The first limitation is concerned with the operational definition of
learners’ proficiency levels provided in the ICNALE. While proficiency
levels of the learners were modeled and estimated based on well-received
standardized English proficiency tests, a more rigorous validation may be
needed to ensure the mapping between the test scores and CERF labels.
Also, the test scores may represent a particular dimension of learner
proficiency only. Secondly, this study is limited to two-word bundles that
are adjacent to each other. Collocation competence may not necessarily be
confined to contiguous two-word sequences (Bestgen, 2017; Gries, 2013).


For example, the Word Sketch Engine, a powerful on-line collocation

toolkit, aims to capture collocations in a comprehensive range of long-
distance grammatical relations (Kilgarriff et al., 2014). Although we have
successfully extended the analysis of lexical associations to multiword
combinations beyond bigrams (Chen, 2019), more research is needed to
take into account the aspects of dispersion and creativity in multiword
Thirdly, this study only examines L2 essays in a particular genre, i.e.,
argumentative writings. Future studies are needed to examine the
development of collocability competence in other contexts because
studies have shown that phraseology varies considerably in different
genres and/or registers, serving as effective linguistic scaffolding for
creating domain-specific conventional texts (Biber et al., 2004; Hyland,
2008). Future studies may investigate how the development of L2
collocation competence may interact with these factors in a meaningful
way. Another important issue that remains for further study is concerned
with the fact that L2 collocation knowledge may be related to the structure
of learners’ L1 (Altenberg & Granger, 2001; Leńko-Szymańska, 2014). If
the collocation patterns in L1 are similar to the patterns in L2, the
development may be different. This may require an operational definition
for cross-linguistic phraseological similarity. Finally, the present study
has analyzed the development of the three aspects of collocability across
proficiency levels independently. Future work is needed to further explore
the inter-relationships among these three aspects, which may require a
larger-scale analysis with more representative samples of each proficiency

Alvin C.-H. Chen


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The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers of the Taiwan Journal of
TESOL for their constructive comments to help improve earlier versions of this
manuscript. This research was supported by a grant from the Taiwan Ministry of Science
and Technology (108-2410-H-003-023-MY2).


Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University,

Taipei, Taiwan.
Email address: [email protected]


Manuscript received: May 11, 2020; Revision received: August 9, 2020; Manuscript
accepted: August 24, 2020.


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