Structural Analysis of Guide Sheave Housing On Backhoe
Structural Analysis of Guide Sheave Housing On Backhoe
Structural Analysis of Guide Sheave Housing On Backhoe
Backhoe dredgers are complex and distinguished ships. A 60m long, self-propelled Backhoe
dredger in concern is used for excavation of soft soil in the Panama Canal. For lifting and
positioning of the backhoe dredger, the pontoon is equipped with the three spuds: two fixed spuds
are positioned close to the excavator, while the third spud, with a hydraulically-operated spud
carrier, is positioned on the opposite site of the dredger. Spud lifting operation is performed by
hydraulic winch and sheave housings. Guide sheave housing is an important part of the lifting
operation and represents a non-typical, custom-made structural detail. Due to significant sheave
forces and the importance of the guide sheave housing integrity, a structural analysis is performed
to assess the overall strength, as well as the stress concentration in the critical hot-spots. A top-
down FEM analysis is performed. Global FE model of the ship and two-level sub-models were
generated and then hot-spot stress is being determined on two considered locations. IIW and DNV
Rules have been used for stress extrapolation. The results were scattered and the consequences of
these findings are commented in the article.
Key words: structural analysis, hot-spot, global model, sub-model, non-typical structural detail
Ključne riječi: strukturna analiza, žarišno naprezanje, globalni model, podmodel, netipični
strukturni detalj
21. simpozij Sorta 2014 Strukturna analiza kućišta kolotura na jaružaru s grabilicom
1. Introduction
Dredging is vital to the construction and maintenance of maritime infrastructure upon which
economic prosperity and social well-being depends. Dredging industry has been developed locally
in areas where maintenance of navigable waterways was needed (Netherlands, Denmark etc.) so it
is not surprise that most of the dredging industry is situated in those areas. In recent years, dredging
industry has been developed significantly, developing more sophisticated and specialized dredgers.
One of these specialized dredgers, namely backhoe dredger, is described in this article. In addition
to that, this article presents structural analysis of non-typical, custom made structural detail on
backhoe dredger.
Backhoe dredger is a mechanical dredger that works by mechanically digging sediments from
bottom surface through the use of a backhoe. Sometimes this type of the dredgers is equipped with a
rock breaker and a TT pumps. Backhoe dredger is mostly used for moving a wide variety of
materials, such as human waste, trash, gravel etc. They also help to keep the canals, harbors and
marinas clean. Area of the application covers almost all soils from the soft silt to the sand or rocks.
Project of the backhoe dredger in concern was made by Dutch company IHC Merwede in
cooperation with a Dutch shipyard NMC and Croatian company Navalis who did technical and
CAM/CAD documentation. One of the tasks that were appointed to Navalis is to make a structural
analysis of the guide sheave housing, a vital part of spud lifting operation.
Linear static FEM analysis has been performed and a result of that analysis has been presented in
this article. In addition to the linear static analysis, hot spot stress has been determined for the two
considered locations. For this analysis sub-modeling technique was used.
Structural analysis of guide sheave housing on backhoe dredger 21st symposium Sorta 2014
ship trim tanks are arranged in order to reduce the vessel's trim to even keel when in working
Main particulars of the backhoe dredger “Alberto Alemán Zubieta” are shown in Table 1.
21. simpozij Sorta 2014 Strukturna analiza kućišta kolotura na jaružaru s grabilicom
tensioning and fastening system, fitted in the dead part of the spud hoisting wire. See Figure 2 for
visual representation of the above mentioned.
At the bottom, the spuds are provided with a heavily constructed steel peak. The steel peak
allows penetration in hard soils and has sufficient strength to withstand the maximum spud load.
The spuds are provided with a locking system for locking the spuds in maximum hoisted position.
All three spuds are identical. Spuds are provided at top and bottom with sheaves for hoisting and
lowering. Guide sheave housing has a guide mechanism to keep cable within the sheave groove in
the event of a slack cable condition.
The spud winch has a following specification: maximum nominal line pull 1 250 kN at 16
m/min, maximum holding force 2 000 kN, drum diameter approx. 1910 mm, drum width approx.
2030 mm, steel wire diameter 80 mm, steel wire type 6 x36 WS + steel core. 1.960 N/mm2,
breaking strength approx. 4470 kN.
Subject of this paper is one part of this system i.e. guide sheave housing. Figure 3 shows the
model of a guide sheave housing (left figure) with the cross section view of the sheaves (right
figure). Two sheaves are mounted per housing. Two guide sheave housing exist, situated on
portside and starboard side of ship, mirrored. Housing plate thickness varies and is 8, 10, 12, 15, 20,
25, 30, 40 and 60 mm. Sheave material is a cast steel and the housing plate material is a high tensile
steel S275JO, S355JG.
Guide sheave housing cross section
310 690 310 (S355J2G3)
BUSH O750/O350X90
SHAFT O320 L=440
RING O500/O320X10
Structural analysis of guide sheave housing on backhoe dredger 21st symposium Sorta 2014
21. simpozij Sorta 2014 Strukturna analiza kućišta kolotura na jaružaru s grabilicom
Structural analysis of guide sheave housing on backhoe dredger 21st symposium Sorta 2014
Figure 6. Main purpose is to analyse structural behavior of the local structure surounding the guide
sheave housing. Displacements of the global model, i.e. coarse mesh model, are used as boundary
condition. For the first level submodel fine mesh model is thus forced into the same displacement
pattern as the coarse model corresponding to ship global deformation. In addition to that, local
hydrostatic pressure load is included in the local model, producing local stress. Local hydrostatic
pressure load is acting on hull plating. Mesh size of the model is 100x100 mm element size, but in
the area of the guide sheave housing, mesh size is even smaller. Model dimensions are Length x
Width x Height = 10400 x 5700 x 4520 mm. Model has 51137 elements. Detail of guide sheave
housing model is shown on Figure 6 right.
Fig. 6. Guide sheave housing - first level sub-model (main deck and hull hidden)
Linear static FEM analysis show that the highest von Mises stress in the guide sheave housing
is 131.5 MPa under prescribed load, figure 7. Maximal total translation is 1.1 mm. Since the
housing plates are made from the high tensile steel it can be concluded that highest stress is under
allowable limit with a safety factor of 2.1.
21. simpozij Sorta 2014 Strukturna analiza kućišta kolotura na jaružaru s grabilicom
1. When fatigue design of a new welded detail or fatigue assessment of an existing detail is
required, but the detail is not a standard detail that can be found in the tables provided by the
design code.
2. In complex details where a clear definition for the nominal stress cannot be made
3. When modelling a component with a detailed finite element model, calculation of the
nominal stress is not trivial and at least needs some post-processing.
For determination of the hot spot stress it is necessary that the element mesh is adequately
small to more accurately describe stress distribution. Fine element mesh is very sensitive on the
choice of size and type of the finite element. With a lowering of the element size stress could
unrealistically increase, thus elements size has to be predetermined and the hot spot stress is to be
determined by the means of extrapolation. IIW and DNV give the guidelines on the element size
and a way to perform extrapolation. Hot spot stress approach is only applicable to the situations
where the potential mode of failure is by fatigue crack growth from the toe of a weld. In general
three types of weld toe failure can be identified, Figure 8:
1. Type a) used for welds at the end of longitudinal attachment (weld toe or end on loaded
plate surface)
2. Type b) used for welds on or around a plate edge (weld toe on plate edge),
3. Type c) used for welds transverse to loading (weld toe on loaded plate)
In two cases, (a) and (c), it is generally accepted that the stress distribution approaching the
weld toe depends, amongst other things, on the plate thickness. For this case the structural hot spot
stress is determined using reference points and extrapolation equations. Element size can either be
0.4 t x t or t x t, where t is plate thickness. For the element size 0.4 t x t extrapolation is performed
by evaluation of nodal stresses at two reference points 0.4 t and 1.0 t and linear extrapolation to the
hot spot or by quadratic extrapolation at the three reference points 0.4 t, 0.9 t and 1.4 t. Last method
is recommended in a case with pronounced non-linear structural stress increase toward the hot spot.
Structural analysis of guide sheave housing on backhoe dredger 21st symposium Sorta 2014
In the case of type (b) the stress distribution is not dependent on the plate thickness so
reference points are given at the absolute distance from the weld toe or from the weld end if the
weld does not continue around the end of the attached plate. Element size is 4 x 4 mm or 10 x 10
mm; in case of element size 4 x 4 mm extrapolation is performed at three reference points at 4 mm,
8 mm and 12 mm and quadratic extrapolation is used. In case of 10 x 10 mm element size
evaluation of the stresses is done at the mid-side points of the first two elements and linear
extrapolation is used.
21. simpozij Sorta 2014 Strukturna analiza kućišta kolotura na jaružaru s grabilicom
For each detail, two types of finite element mesh have been generated; shell and solid. For model
with the solid elements, welds have also been modelled. Size of the elements is determined
according to recommendations of IIW [1] and DNV [2].
8-node Shell 10 x 10
20-node Solid 10 x 10 x 10
0 5 10 15 20
Distance from hot spot in mm
Fig. 10. Hot spot extrapolation for detail A
Figure 10 represents a hot spot stress extrapolation for Detail A. As noticed, solid elements
with the elements size of 10 x 10 x 10 mm show smaller values of the extrapolated hot spot stress
then sub-model modelled with the shell elements of size 10 x 10 mm. Reason for that is additional
weld stiffness included in 3D sub-model. Extrapolated stress for the shell sub-model is 229 MPa
and for the solid sub-model is 210 MPa.
Structural analysis of guide sheave housing on backhoe dredger 21st symposium Sorta 2014
spot. Finite elements used are second order elements with element aspect ratio no more then 1:3.
Also mesh size t x t is applicable where hot spot stress is determined by linear extrapolation
between nodes at 0,5t and 1,5t distance from hot spot. Three models have been made, one 20-node
solid model with finite element size 10 x 25 x 25 mm and two 8-node shell models with finite
element size 25 x 25 mm and 10 x 25 mm.
0 10 20 30 40
Distance from the hot spot in mm
Figure 12 represents a hot spot stress extrapolation for Detail B. Similar to Detail A, solid
elements with elements size of a 0,4t x t x t mm show smaller values of extrapolated hot spot stress
then sub-model modelled with the shell elements. Reason is the same as for Detail A - additional
weld stiffness included in 3D sub-model. Two additional shell sub-models have been made with the
different mesh size and the hot spot stress extrapolation method. As shown in figure, results deviate
from each other, meaning that extrapolated stress for element size of the t x t show higher hot spot
stress value then the sub-model modelled with the shell elements of size 0,4t x t. From this it can be
concluded that uncertainties in computed structural stress exists mainly due to element properties
and sizes.
5. Conclusion
This paper describes structural analysis of one non-standard structural detail on Backhoe
dredger. Three-stage analysis was performed using top-down approach; global model analysis, first
level sub-model and second level sub-model analysis. Global model analysis was performed to
21. simpozij Sorta 2014 Strukturna analiza kućišta kolotura na jaružaru s grabilicom
determine dredger global behaviour and to determine the global deformation that was then applied
on the first level sub-model representing guide sheave housing. Second level model was made for
the purpose of determining the hot spot stress. On the second level sub-model a deformation of the
first level sub-model has been applied. The aim of the paper is to investigate the application of hot
spot stress approach on two structural guide sheave housing details. Two details were investigated
as shown in previous chapters and cumulative result can be found in table 4.
Table 13. Hot spot stress results
10 x 10 x 10
A Solid Linear Midside node at 5 and 15 mm 210,6
10 x 25 x 25
B Solid Linear Midside node at 12,5 and 25 mm 171,56
(0,4t x t x t)
25 x 25 mm
B Shell Linear Midside node at 0,5t and 1,5t 222,75
(t x t )
10 x 25 mm
B Shell Linear Node at 0,4 t and 1t 181,3
(0,4t x 1t)
The structural hot spot stress approach is a relatively new approach for fatigue assessment of welds.
The method is advantageous compared to the traditional nominal stress method mainly because of
its ability to assess more types and variations of the structural details. It incorporates the effect of
structural geometry into the local stress ranges at the welds and predicts the fatigue life based on
these local stress ranges. The structural hot spot stress method has been accepted widely in the
shipbuilding and offshore industry for many years as an efficient and reliable method to assess the
fatigue strength of welded steel detail. It is expected that this method leads to more realistic fatigue
life assessment of welded details. Although many advantages of this method exist it should be
pointed out that scatter and non-consistency of results are present and addition research and
scientific effort should be made which would allow more reliable results and guidelines. Noticeable
difference in computed structural hot spot stress between the solid element models and shell
element models was found. Shell element models predict higher hot spot stress level leading to
shorter fatigue life then solid element models do. This is on the safe side of calculation.
Uncertainties in the stress evaluation are also found mainly due to the element properties and size.
Till better guidelines are defined, analyst can rely on recommendations of classification society’s or
scientific research on the standard existing details.
The drawings, figures and opinions incorporating the original design and conceptions of the
author is in property of NAVALIS d.o.o. and should not be disclosed, copied, duplicated or in any
way made use of except with approval of NAVALIS d.o.o.
[1] ...: “Recommendations for fatigue design of welded joints and components”, International Institution of
Welding, October 2008.
[2] ...: “Fatigue Assessment of Ship Structures” Det Norske Veritas, October 2008.
[3] ...: “Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships”, Bureau Veritas, France, 2009.
[4] ...: “Common structural Rules for Bulk carriers”, Rules, January 2006.
Albert ZAMARIN, Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka, Vukovarska 58, HR-51000 Rijeka,
Hrvatska, [email protected]
Tin MATULJA, Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka, Vukovarska 58, HR-51000 Rijeka,
Hrvtaska, [email protected]
Nikša FAFANDJEL, Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka, Vukovarska 58, HR-51000
Rijeka, Hrvatska, [email protected]
Darko SRZENTIĆ, Brodoplan d.o.o., Kumičićeva 13, HR-51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska,
[email protected]
Kobilica jedrilice je izdanak trupa koji ima presudnu važnost u postizanju performansi jedrilice.
Uloga kobilice je osiguravanje stabiliteta, održavanje kursnog kuta i brzine, pri čemu presudnu
ulogu imaju oblik i težina kobilice. Moderne jedrilice imaju kobilice u obliku peraje, koje se često
koriste kod jedrilica za krstarenje, budući daju dobre performanse, a relativno su jeftine i
jednostavne izvedbe. Kobilice na regatnim jedrilicama su duže i vitkije u svrhu postizanja znatno
boljih performansi, zbog čega je pri odabiru oblika i mase kobilice potrebno voditi računa o
dimenzijama unutarnje strukture koja mora osiguravati dovoljnu krutost i čvrstoću. U radu je
prikazan projektni pristup odabiru i proračunu parametara lista i bulba kobilice, kao što su
geometrija, masa i položaj težišta. Za dva predložena modela (L-bulb i T-bulb) proveden je
proračun čvrstoće prema pravilima ISO-12215. Posebna pažnja je posvećena spoju kobilice i trupa,
tj. odabiru vijaka. Za oba modela izvešena je analiza globalne čvrstoće struka kobilice primjenom
metode konačnih elemenata, a dobiveni rezultati pokazuju deformacije i naprezanja u granicama
Ballast keel is a hull appendage which is crucial in achieving the sailing yachts performance. The
main function of the keel is to ensure stability, maintaining the ship's angle and speed, with the most
important characteristics the shape and weight of the keel. Modern sailboats have keel-shaped fins,
which are often used on cruisers as provide good performance and are relatively cheap and simple
in design. In order to achieve the best or optimal performance, racing sailing yachts are designed
and constructed with longer and slender keels with bulb. Therefore, during design process special
attention should be paid to shape and weight selection as well as to provide required stiffens and
strength. Within the paper, design approach is presented on keel and bulb parameters selection and
calculations such as geometry, mass and centar of gravity. For the two proposed structural models,
first with L-bulb and second one with T-bulb, strength calculation is presented according to ISO-
12215 rules. Special attention is paid to keel to hull connection, i.e. screws dimension calculation
and selection. Finite elements global strength analyses of the keel internal structure is performed for
the both of the structural models. Presented results, in form of deformations and stresses are
discussed and are within allowable limits.