TRS601 Vocabulary List
TRS601 Vocabulary List
TRS601 Vocabulary List
Sociology 31. buoy (v) to support or raise something (such as profits, prices, someone's
1 mood)
32. anthem (n) a formal or religious song
33. foster (v) to help to develop a skill, feeling, ideal, etc., over a period of time
77. infiltrate (v) to secretly enter a place or organization to find out information or
do harm
Sociology 78. sweeping affecting many things, or making an important difference to things
2 (adj)
79. traction (n) support for a plan, person, group, etc.
80. meticulous very careful about small details, making sure that everything is
(adj) done correctly
81. completely unacceptable or morally wrong
82. crackdown action that is taken in order to deal more strictly with a problem
83. succumb to stop opposing someone or something that is stronger than you,
(v) and allow that person or thing to take control
84. parallel (n) a relationship or similarity between two things, especially things
that exist or happen in different places or at different times
Biology 2 96. food chain the hierarchical system in which larger animals and plants eat
(n) smaller ones
97. lie dormant to reside in a certain place without being active
98. overreach improperly aggressive action beyond one's area of responsibility
99. innards (n) the internal organs and tissues of an animal
100. closed a situation in which a former mystery or problem has been
case (n) resolved
101. efficacious effectively improving health
102. safeguard to protect something from harm or damage