TRS601 Vocabulary List

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Sociology 31. buoy (v) to support or raise something (such as profits, prices, someone's
1 mood)
32. anthem (n) a formal or religious song
33. foster (v) to help to develop a skill, feeling, ideal, etc., over a period of time

34. the act of making something stronger

35. disparate very different or not related to each other
36. infuse (v) to fill someone or something with a particular feeling or quality

37. imbue [the put X into the culture

culture] with X
38. antiquity old times
39. the cradles the places where [the Western civilization] began
of [Western
40. á la similar to [modern brass knuckles]
[modern brass
41. corporate teamwork
activity (n)
42. by and large for the most part
Economics 43. exploit (v) to use something to one's advantage
44. rebound (v) to get better; to come back to a good position after bad times

45. go awry (v) to turn out worse than was planned

46. pin hopes to see something as a potential solution to a problem
on (v)
47. coupled together with
48. set off (v) to start; to put in motion
49. never having happened before, or never having happened so much
50. mainstream characteristic of ideas, methods, or people that are considered the
(adj) most usual or normal in a society
51. steadfastly with certainty or firm belief, refusing to change position or
(adv) opinion
52. safeguard a rule or action that is intended to protect someone or something
(n) from possible dangers or problems
53. retaliatory done against someone because he or she has harmed you
54. rally (v) to come together or bring people together to support an idea

55. export (n) a commodity, article, or service sold abroad

56. the basic systems and structures that a country or organization
infrastructure needs in order to work properly, for example roads, railways,
(n) banks
57. outsource to obtain (goods or a service) from an outside or foreign supplier,
(v) especially in place of an internal source
58. investment the use of money to get a profit or to make a business activity
(n) successful, or the money that is used
59. prosperity when people have money and everything that is needed for a good
(n) life
60. the process of changing something so that all its parts or features
homogenization become the same or very similar
Biology 1 61. not capable of inducing disease
62. inoculate to protect someone against a disease, usually by injecting him or
(v) her with a weak form of it
63. render (v) to cause someone or something to be in a particular condition

64. confer (v) to give (as a property or characteristic) to someone or something

65. potent (adj) powerful and effective

66. rising tide increasing number
67. slanted diagonal
68. tubular long and hollow
69. hold still (v) not move
70. trauma (n) sudden injury
71. flagging (v- decreasing
72. the body system involving the stomach and intestines to digest
gastrointestinal food
tract (n)
73. endemic present in a particular place or among a particular group of people
74. paralysis the loss of ability to move all or part of your body
75. eradication attempts to completely get rid of or destroy something
efforts (n)
76. mucous the thin surface that covers some inner parts of the body, such as
membrane (n) the inside of the nose, and produces mucus

77. infiltrate (v) to secretly enter a place or organization to find out information or
do harm
Sociology 78. sweeping affecting many things, or making an important difference to things
2 (adj)
79. traction (n) support for a plan, person, group, etc.
80. meticulous very careful about small details, making sure that everything is
(adj) done correctly
81. completely unacceptable or morally wrong
82. crackdown action that is taken in order to deal more strictly with a problem
83. succumb to stop opposing someone or something that is stronger than you,
(v) and allow that person or thing to take control

84. parallel (n) a relationship or similarity between two things, especially things
that exist or happen in different places or at different times

85. inflict (v) to make someone suffer something bad or painful

86. emulate (v) to try to do something or behave in the same way as someone else,
especially because you admire him or her

87. ostracize to stop accepting a person as a member of a group

88. plight (n) a bad, serious, or sad condition or situation
89. laud (v) to praise someone or something
Economics 90. have a taste to want to have or experience something pleasurable, as a matter
2 for of habit
91. well- trying to do the right thing, but not really knowing how
meaning (adj)
92. coincide to happen at the same time as something else, especially by chance
with (v)
93. fizzle (v) to fail by slowly losing strength
94. in effect actually in place or valid at a given time; often refers to a rule or
95. waft (v) to float in the air; usually refers to a gas, smell, or sound

Biology 2 96. food chain the hierarchical system in which larger animals and plants eat
(n) smaller ones
97. lie dormant to reside in a certain place without being active
98. overreach improperly aggressive action beyond one's area of responsibility
99. innards (n) the internal organs and tissues of an animal
100. closed a situation in which a former mystery or problem has been
case (n) resolved
101. efficacious effectively improving health
102. safeguard to protect something from harm or damage

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