DIASS Week 3 Activity Sheets

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SECTION: __________________________________________
TEAM NUMBER: ____________________________________
TEAM LEADER: _____________________________________
TEAM MEMBERS: ___________________________________

Activity 1. Anticipation Reaction Guide

Directions: The following statements enable you to reflect on or figure – out your level of understanding about counseling, its
goals and scope. Place a check mark (/) on the Before the Chapter Study column if you agree with the statement and cross (X)
if you do not agree.

After the Chapter Study. Place a check mark (/) on the After the Chapter Study column if you agree with the statement and a
cross mark (X) if you do not agree.
Before the Statements After the
Chapter Study Chapter Study
Counselors are called on to provide career planning and adjustment assistance to
Consultation is the process of helping a client through a third party or helping
system improve its service to its clientele.
It is a counselor–centered process that demand confidentiality
Individual counseling is the practice of helping the clients find needed expert
assistance that the referring counselor cannot provide.

Activity 2. Deciphering Roles, Functions and Competencies of Counselors
Direction: Form groups with 5 members (refer to the seat plan). Decode each role, function and competency of counselors
described in each item on your activity sheet and discuss the descriptions of each of these with your team members.

Roles and Functions of Counselors

Roles / Functions Description
IDINIVUDLA MENTSSAESS 1. Seeks to identify the characteristics and potential of every client ; promotes
the client’s self-understanding and assisting counselors to understand the client
IDINIVUDLA CUONESLING 2. Considers as the core activity through which other activities become
meaningful. It is a client –centered process that demand confidentiality.
Relationship is established between counselor and client.
G P R U O C U O N E S L I N G and 3. Groups are means of providing organized and planned assistance to
GEUCINDA individuals for an array of needs. Counselor provides assistance through group
counseling and group guidance.
CERERA SATNECASSI 4. Counselors are called on to provide career planning and adjustment
assistance to clients.
S T N E M E C A L P and 5. A service of school counseling programs with emphasis on educational
F W O O L L-U P placements in course and programs.
RLEAFRER 6. It is the practice of helping the clients find needed expert assistance that the
referring counselor cannot provide.
CNOONISTAULT 7. It is the process of helping a client through a third party or helping system
improve its service to its clientele.
REHCRAES 8. It is necessary to advance the profession of counseling; it can provide
empirically based data relevant to the ultimate goal of implementing effective
N O I T A U L A V E and 9. Evaluation is a means of assessing the effectiveness of counselor’s activities.
ACTYCOLIUNBITA Accountability is an outgrowth of demand that schools and other tax-supported
institutions be held accountable for their actions.
PRETIONNEV 10. This includes promotion of mental health through primary prevention using a
social – psychological perspective.

Competencies of Counselors
Roles / Functions Description
PERINTERSONAL SKLLIS 1. Counselors who are competent display ability to listen, communicate;
empathize; be present; aware of nonverbal communication; sensitive to voice
quality, responsive to expressions of emotion, turn taking, structure of time and
use of language.
S O N A L P E R B E L E F I S and 2. Counselors have the capacity to accept others, belief in potential of change,
ATTISEDUT awareness of ethical and moral choices and sensitive to values held by client
and self.
CEPTUALCON ABITYLI 3. Counselors have the ability to understand and assess client’s problem; to
anticipate future problems; make sense of immediate process in terms of wider
conceptual scheme to remember information about the client.
SONPERAL NESSDNUOS 4. Counselors must have no irrational beliefs that are destructive to counseling
relationships, self-confidence ,capacity to tolerate strong of uncomfortable
feelings in relation to the clients, secure personal boundaries, ability to be a
client ; must carry no social prejudice, ethnocentrism and authoritarianism.
MASRYET OF TECHSEUQNI 5. Counselors must have a knowledge of when and how to carry out specific
interventions, ability to assess effectiveness of the interventions, understanding
the rationale behind techniques, possession of wide repertoire of intervention
UNDERSTAND TO ABILITY AND WORK 6. This would be compromise of awareness of family and work relationships of
SOCIAL SYSTEM WITHIN client the impact of agency on the clients, the capacity to use support networks
and supervision ; sensitivity to client from different gender, ethnicity , sexual
orientation, or age group.
LEARNING OPENNESS TO INQUIRY 7. Counselors must have the capacity to be curious about client’s backgrounds
AND and problems; being open to new knowledge

Activity 3. Graphic Organizer on Roles and Functions of Counselors
Direction: The students discuss the roles and functions of counselors per team/group after answering the WH questions using
the graphic organizer on their activity sheets.

Roles and Functions of Counselors

Activity 4. What Kind of Counseling Do I Need?
Direction: Using your activity sheet as reference and answer sheet, identify the area of specialization of counselors appropriate
for each of the situations/problems listed below. Justify your answer.

1. I am a battered and abused child.

2. I am a adolescent needing help on how to choose the fitting college program for me.
3. I am soon to retire from my work and I consider entering a nursing home.
4. My wife and I fight often but I don’t want to divorce her.
5. I have difficulty managing my stress and it leads me to have poor appetite.
6. I need educational and occupational information and guidance on my career development.
7. I am a college student and I need guidance on how to go on with my activities as a student.
8. I used to smoke a lot and I feel that I have to stop doing it already.
9. I am a CEO and I need consultation to innovate/improave my organization.
10. I own a business but it’s negatively affecting my quality time for my family and my overall work-life balance.
11. I fear being abandoned and I need help to counter my phobia.

Areas of Specialization of Counselors

1. Marriage and Family Counseling – refers to the efforts to establish an encouraging relationship with couple or family and
appreciate the complications in the family system.
2. Child and Adolescent Counseling – is a developing area of expertise in counseling profession. The counseling strategies
focus on helping children and adolescents acquire coping skills through promotion of resiliency, positive attachment relationship,
emotional and intellectual intelligence, and other qualities that promote optional development.
3. Group Counseling – is the dynamic field in the counseling profession. Group counseling as a practice can be located in most
counseling programs and became the essential part of counselor’s system. Group counseling offers the following : opportunities
to members to learn from observing other group members ; can functions as helpers and helps ; opportunities to discover that
you others have similar concerns ; members are encouraged to offer help to others ;opportunities to enhance interpersonal
skills; the therapeutic climate created similar as the client’s family origin.
4. Career Counseling –is an evolving and challenging counseling field. This type of counseling aids individual on decisions and
planning concerning their career. The counseling approach includes integrating theory and practice. Adopted Savickas
( 1996 )as cited Nystul ( 20003 ) adopted the model of Wagner ( 1971) on structural analysis of personality to the realm of
vocational psychology. The model consist of vocational career services, occupational placement , vocational guidance , career
counseling , career education , career therapy, and position coaching.
5. School Counseling- refers to the process of reaching out students with concerns on drugs, family and peers or gang
involvement. The job requires sensitivity to individual differences and considers diversity in enhancing educational perspective.
The job requires skills on consultation, counseling’s exceptional students and with the ability to handle problems such as drug
abuse, teenage pregnancy, divorced or single parents, dropping out of school.
6. Mental Health Counseling - is manifested in the challenges posed by its clientele with mental disorders. Mental disorders
include serious depression, schizophrenia, and substance abuse. Mental health counselors have to be inventive, and creative to
address these problems. The job requires patience, humility, kindness and compassion.

Activity 5. Matrix on Career Opportunities for Counselors
Direction: On your activity sheet, write the appropriate career opportunity for counselors on the blank before each description.
The options are given on the box on your activity sheet.

Educational and school counselors Addictions and behavioral counselors Genetics Counselors
Vocational or career counselors Mental health counselors Rehabilitation counselors
Marriage and family counselors

_________________________1. They offer personal, educational, social and academic counseling services. The professionals
often work in elementary school, high school, or university settings to help students assess their abilities and resolve personal or
social problems, and do so in tandem with teachers and school administrators.
_________________________2. These professionals facilitate career decision-making. They aid individuals or groups in
determining jobs that are best suited to their needs, skills, and interests. In some cases, they may also help clients who are
already employed to improve their skills, including how to manage work-related stress or burnout.
_________________________3. These professionals offer a wide range of services for couples and families. They help couples
and families deal with social issues, emotional problems, and in some cases, mental health treatment. They do conduct
conseling sessions with couples or the entire family unit.
_________________________4. These professionals work with people suffering from addictions. These range from drugs,
alcohol, sex, eating disorders and gambling. The help family members who have been affected by the addicts’ actions to deal
well with the situation and as much as possible survive the wounds.
_________________________5. These professionals work with people suffering from mental or psychological distress such as
anxiety, phobias, depression, grief, esteem issues, trauma, substance abuse, and related issues. They aim at promoting mental
_________________________6. These individuals are engaged with individuals suffering from physical or emotional
disabilities. In many cases, such disabilities may even affect their family, social, school, or work life. They provide services such
as evaluation of strengths and limitations of clients and their goal is to facilitate the rehabilitation process and prevent relapse.
_________________________7. These professionals operate in a very specialized contest of dealing with genetic information
for individuals and decisions that come with it. The common area heere is counseling parents who are concerned with
determining if their potential offspring might be at risk for being born with an inherited disorder, or individual adults themselves
who may be at risk of developing a genetic disease such as heart disease and breast cancer.


Research on the following topics and make an advanced reading:

- Rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of counselors
- Code of Ethics of Counselors

Reference: Magna Carta for Licensed Guidance Counselors (book or any search engine)

Record what you have researched on your notebook and use it as reference for the activities on the next session.


SECTION: __________________________________________
TEAM NUMBER: ____________________________________
TEAM LEADER: _____________________________________
TEAM MEMBERS: ___________________________________

Activity 1. Anticipation Reaction Guide

Directions: The following statements enable you to reflect on or figure – out your level of understanding about the core values
and principles of counseling. Place a check mark (/) on the Before the Chapter Study column if you agree with the statement
and cross (X) if you do not agree.

After the Chapter Study. Place a check mark (/) on the After the Chapter Study column if you agree with the statement and a
cross mark (X) if you do not agree.
Before the Chapter Statements After the Chapter
Study Study
Counseling relationships, confidentiality and professional responsibility are
covered in the Code of Ethics of Counselors.
Counselors are bound by the Code of Ethics not to accept their superiors and
subordinates as their clients.
When couseling clients, parents or guardians may be included in the counseling
process as appropriate.
When counselors practice their profession, they can go beyond the boundaries
of their competence determined by their education, training, experience and
professional credentials.

Activity 2. Count Me In, Count Me Out: Will I Give Up My Job?

1. The class will be divided into two. The first group will choose, “quit the job.” The second group will choose stay on the job.”
2. Using the given situations, answer the following questions in a form of debate: Why? Which is more ethical? Why is it more

1. In the area of counseling relationships of the Code of Ethics, it states that, “Counselors should not have any serious
relationship with clients and do not counsel persons with whom they have intimate relationship. Counselors should not also
engage in any form of intimacies with a former client within a minimum of two years.”
2. If you are a counselor and you have fallen in love with your client and your client also fell in love with you. Since it is unethical
to pursue on the relationship, you have to quit your job. Your job is also important to you. Now, what will be your decision?

Activity 3. Will I Report My Client or Not?
1. In the area of confidentiality of the Code of Ethics, there is a portion on client’s right to privacy. What if the counselor, in
his/her conversation with the client, found out that the client accidentally killed a person, will you report the client to police or
not? Explain your answer.
2. The class will be divided into two groups. Teams 1-5 will be assigned the position of disclosing the information to the right
authorities. Teams 6-10 will take the position of not disclosing the information to the authorities. What is your position? Why?
3. Share your answer through a debate.
4. Will we report it? Or will we not?

Guide Questions for DISCUSSION 1:

1. Based on your activity did you see the roles and core values counseling? What are those? Explain.
2. is counseling a big responsibility? Why?

Activity 4. Decoding 4 Overal Ethical Principles according to The Institute of Guidance Counselors’ Code
Direction: Form groups with 5 members (refer to the seat plan). Decode and discuss with your team members the four overall
ethical principles according to The Institute of Guidance Counselors’ Code described in each item on your activity sheet.
Direction: Discuss how the core values of counseling were demonstrated during the session. Use the graphic organizer in your
activity sheet to note spectic manifestations of the core values and principles.

Principle 1: R E S T C E P R O F T H E S T H G I R A N D N I T Y G I D O F T H E T N E I L C
Pinrciple 2: C O M E C N E T E P
Principle 3: R E S B I P O N L I T Y S I
Principle 4: Y T I R G E T N I

1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________


Activity 5. Info Test (Formative Assessment)

Instruction: On a 1/4 sheet of pad paper, distinguish the situation if it is ethical or unethical behavior of a professional counselor.

1. Counselor Ana divulges to the class president that her student got depressed because of a break-up with her boyfriend.
2. Counselor Dan meets with the parents of his minor client to discuss parental interventions on the client’s addiction to video
3. Counselor Marie accepted her supervisor as her client.
4. Counselor Jane engaged in a sexual relationship with her client.
5. Counselor Lito collaborated with the nutritionist-dietetian of his client who has been suffering from an eating disorder.


Create a brochure to promote the profession of counselors to Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of your school. Make it
comprehensive by including information about competencies, career opportunities, responsibilities and accountabilities of a
professional counselor. Make your brochure inspiring and request permission from your school administration to share and
disseminate it among your schoolmates. Deadline is next session. (50 points)

Rubric for Advocacy Campaign Material

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Poor
Content 25 20 15 10

Creativity 15 12 9 6

Organization 10 8 6 4
Descriptions for each rating scale are found on the rubrics (attached).


Research for the following topics:

- The Clientele and Audiences of Counseling

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