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The Professionals and

Practitioners in the Discipline

of Counseling
Group 1
3.1.Defining the Roles, Function
and Competencies of Counselors
Roles of Guidance Counselors
• To assist the person or persons
in realizing a change in behavior
or attitude.
• to assist them to seek
achievement of goals, assist
them to find help, and in some
• The role of Counselors includes
the teaching of social skills,
effective communication,
spiritual guidance, decision –
making, and career choices
Functions of Guidance Counselors
• The Philippine Republic Act
No.9258(sec. 2-3) defines a guidance
counselor as a natural person who has
been professionally registered and
licensed by a legitimate state entity
and by virtue of specialized training to
perform the functions of guidance and
Functions of Guidance Counselors

1. Helping a client develop potentials to

the fullest
2. Helping a client plan to utilize his or
her potentials to the fullest
3. Helping a client plan his or her future
in accordance with his or her
abilities, interests, and needs
Functions of Guidance Counselors

4. Sharing and applying knowledge

related to counseling such as
counseling theories, tools, and
5. Administering a wide range of
human development services.
Competencies of Guidance Counselors

1. Guidance Counselors have the ability to

administer and maintain career guidance
and counseling program.
2. Guidance Counselors are capable career
3. Guidance Counselors can facilitate
conduct of career advocacy in
collaboration with career advocates and
peer facilitators.
Other Competencies that apply to the
broader counseling work
Egan (2002) calls them the three stages theory of counseling
and marks out three broad competencies for a counselor that

I. What’s going on?

II. What solutions make sense for me?
III. What do I have to do to get what I need or want?
Foundation Skills

• Attending and Listening Skills

Foundation Skills

• Reflective Skills

Did you
mean to
say ?
Foundation Skills

• Probing Skills
Four Common Skills in Applied Social
1. Communication Skills
2. Motivational Skills
3. Problem-solving Skills
4. Conflict Resolution Skills
3.2. Areas of Specialization where
Counselors Work
Areas of Specialization where Counselors
• Child development and Counseling.

• Adolescent development and Counseling.

Areas of Specialization where Counselors Work

• Gerontology (the aged)

• Marital relationship counseling

Areas of Specialization where Counselors Work

• Health

• Career/Lifestyle
Areas of Specialization where Counselors Work

• College and university

• Drugs
Areas of Specialization where Counselors Work

• Consultation

• Business and Industry

Other specialties
• Phobia Counseling
• Agoraphobia
• Self-management
• Intra-personal management
• Interpersonal relationship management
• Grief counseling
3.3 Career Opportunities for
Career Opportunities for Counselors

1. Educational and School Counselors

2. Vocational or career Counselors
3. Marriage and Family Counselors
4. Addictions and Behavioral
Career Opportunities for Counselors

5. Mental health Counselors

6. Rehabilitation Counselors
7. Genetics counselors
3.4 Rights, Responsibilities and
accountabilities of Counselors
Rights, Responsibilities and
accountabilities of Counselors
• As state registered and licensed
professionals, Counselors are
protected. They are governed by
scientific theories, practices, and
processes as well as professional
standards and ethics.
3.5 Code of Ethics of Counselors
Code of Ethics of Counselors

• Counselors must observe

confidentiality at all times.
• The values include an assertion that
the work of the guidance counselor
involves a special relationship of
Ethical Principles

1. Respect for the rights and dignity

of the client
2. Competence
3. Responsibility
4. integrity
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