Estimate 2
Estimate 2
Estimate 2
ITEM No.3: Filling in plinth and floors with approved excavated materials in 15
centimetre to 20 centimetre layers including watering and compaction etc. complete.
ITEM No.4: Filling in plinth and floors with contractor's soil, sand or murum in 15 centimetre to
20 centimetre Layers including watering and compaction etc. complete.
ITEM No.5: Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete M-15/ 1:2:4 of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including form work, dewatering,
compacting roughening them if required and curing etc. complete.
ITEM No.9: Providing and casting in situ Cement concrete M-20 of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete slabs and landings as per
detailed designs and drawings, including centering, formwork, compacting, and
roughening the surface is special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete
(Excluding reinforcement). (7.60 bag/cum)
1)First Slab
slab 1 6.04 6.44 0.150 5.83
for septic tank 1 4.50 2.10 0.150 1.42
water tank 1 3.00 2.10 0.150 0.95
Staircase room slab 1 4.76 2.44 0.150 1.74
Total 9.939 Cu.M. 6140.00 61027
ITEM No.11 : Providing and casting in situ cement concrete 1:2:4 of trap/
granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete copying to plinth or
parapet and sills of doors and windows, moulded or chamfered as per detailed
drawings approved by the Engineer in charge including centering formwork,
compacting, finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficientminimum
thickness to give a smooth and even surface curing etc
Terrace Floor
For Parapet 2 11.50 0.23 0.90 4.761
2 6.09 0.23 0.90 2.521
Sills of Windows 7 1.50 0.23 0.10 0.242
Total 7.524 Cum 10313.00 77593
ITEM No.12: Providing and fixing in position H.Y.S.D. bar reinforcement of various
diameters for reinforced cement concrete pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs,
beaams, columns, canopies, stair case, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardis, copings,
fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules including cutting,
bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required
For Footing
1 5.000 50 250.00
For Column
1 5.000 150 750.00
For Beams & lintels
2 6.000 80 960.00
For Slab & Landings
2 7.000 50 700.00
For Waist Slab & Steps
2 1.000 60 120.00
2780.00 kg
2.78 M.T. 58500.00 162630
ITEM No. 14: Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/Indian
standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth of inner walls/in
plinth ofexternal walls including bailling out water manually, striking joints on unexposed
faces, racking out joints on exposed faces and watering complete.
Basement Level
ITEM No.15: Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ Indian
standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in plinth as backing with composite masonry
including bailing out water manually, striking joints, racking out joints and watering
Septic tank 2 3.65 0.15 2.10 2.300
4 2.10 0.15 2.10 2.646
Water Tank 2 3.50 0.15 2.10 2.205
2 2.10 0.15 2.10 1.323
ITEM No.16:- Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ Indian
standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructure including striking joints,
racking out joints, watering and scaffolding complete.
ITEM No.17: Providing internal cement plaster 12 millimetre thick in single coats in
cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete, brick surface, in all positions
including scaffolding and curing complete.
Basement Floor
Septic Tank 2 3.65 1.80 13.14
6 2.10 1.80 22.68
Water Tank 2 3.00 1.80 10.80
2 2.30 1.80 8.28
First Floor
2 35.00 3.10 217.00
Description Nos. Length W/B H/D Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Stair case room 2 3.57 2.46 17.56
2 2.44 2.45 11.96
D -1.0 1.00 2.10 -2.10
D1 -14.0 0.90 2.10 -26.46
W -13.0 1.50 1.20 -23.40
Toilet Door D2 -4.0 0.76 0.23 1.80 -1.26
Ventilator V -4.0 0.45 0.23 0.60 -0.25
Sq.m 210.00 52070
ITEM No.18: Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using Kharsalia/
kasaba or similar type of sand, in all positions including base coat of 15 millimetre thick
in cement mortar 1:4 using water proofing compound at 1 kilogram per cement bag,
curing the same of the base than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough
to receive the sand faced treatment 10 millimetre thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the
surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc. complete.
ITEM No 22: Providing and applying washable oil-bound distemper of approved colour
and shade to old and new surfaces in two coats including scaffolding, preparing the
surfaces (excluding the primer coat) complete
ITEM No.24: Providing sills of polished Kotah stone 25 mm. to 30 mm. thick, on a bed
of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joints with slurry, curing, polishing and
cleaning complete.
ITEM No.25: Providing and laying machine cut polished Kotah Stone slabs 20 to 25
millimetre thick for treads and risers of steps and stair case, in one piece upto 1.35
metre width with rounded nosing for the treads on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including
neat cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning
Ground Floor
stair case trades 60 0.90 0.25 13.50
stair case risers 62 0.90 0.18 9.77
23.27 Sq.M 1200.00 27918
ITEM No. 26 : Providing and fixing Kadappa stone 25 to 30 mm thick and 30 cm. Wide
both side polished for shelf including making groove in B.B. masonry and redoing etc.
Ground &First Floor
Kitchen Otta top 1 2.50 0.60 1.50
Supports 4 0.60 0.90 2.16
Facia 2 2.40 0.10 0.48
Kitchen Shelf 20 2.20 0.60 26.40
30.54 Sq.M 650.00 19851
ITEM No.27: Providing and laying vitirified premium quality matt finish decorative
type tiles of size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and
confirming to IS 15622 - 2006 (group Bla) of approved make shade and pattern for
flooring in required position laid on a bed for 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement
float, filling joints curing and clearing etc. complete. Bd.M.12 Page No. 385.
hall 1 3.10 3.50 10.85
kitchen 1 3.50 4.00 14.00
bed room1 1 2.74 4.10 11.23
Passages 1 1.50 4.00 6.00
hall 1 4.00 3.50 14.00
kitchen 1 2.74 4.00 10.96
Description Nos. Length W/B H/D Quantity Unit Rate Amount
bed room1 1 4.50 2.45 10.40
Passages 1 1.50 2.00 3.00
80.44 Sq. M
1300.00 104577
ITEM No.28: Providing and fixing Granite stone 20 mm thick for Dado & skirting of
approved quality colour shade and size in coloured cement jointing and bed of CM 1:4
cement floting slurry cutting of required size polishing moulding, finishing ete complete
as directed by Engineer incharge.
First floor
hall 2 5.63 0.10 1.126
2 2.57 0.10 0.514
kitchen 2 2.74 0.10 0.548
2 4.57 0.10 0.914
bed room1 2 2.74 0.10 0.548
2 3.74 0.10 0.748
Hall 2 4.74 0.10 0.948
2 2.57 0.10 0.514
Sq. M 3200.00 18752
ITEM No.29: Providing and fixing pracast R.C.C. frames for doors/ windows /louvered
windows/ventilators of cross section 125 mm x 50 mm with two bars of 8 mm, for steel
as reinforcement and compressive strenght of 30 kg./sqm. with wood like finish, having
3 nos/of 6 nos. of 12 gauge G.I. pipes, embedded on vertical members for single /
double leaf door shutter respectively for fixing hinges with 4 Nos. of threaded holes on
each plate, 1 No./2 Nos. of 12 mm dia hole / holes on horizontal top member for fixing
tower bolts 16 mm dia. soils for aldrop and sliding door bolt of the shutter is single leaf, 3
Nos. of splitend tailed M.S. hold fast on each of the vertical members fixed in concrete
block of 10 x 10 x 20 cm in half brick wall and 23 x 10 x 20 cm in one brick thick wall etc.
First Floor
Toilets 6 0.76 4.56
6 2.10 12.60
17.16 Rg.M. 320.00 5491
ITEM No.30: Providing and fixing country teak wood frame of required size as per
drawing for second class doors and windows, ventilators, fan light, cup board and
clear storey windows including chamfering/ rounding, rebating and mild steel hold fast
of size 300 X 40 X 5 millimetre fixed with screw by drilling holes to wooden frames
including cutting recesses into frame to accommodate outside strip of frame grill and
finishing with oil painting complete.
First Floor
Door D 2 2.10 0.10 0.075 0.032
2 1.00 0.10 0.075 0.015
D1 6 2.10 0.10 0.075 0.095
6 0.90 0.10 0.075 0.041
Item No.32: Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators etc. 20 Kg./sqm.
as per drawing including fixtures, necessary welding and painting with one coat of anticorrosive
paint and two coats of oil painting complete.
Spec. No. :Bd.U. 1 Page No. 537
D.S.R. I.No.346 P.No.87
Window 6 1.50 0.90 8.10
8.10 Sq.m 1295.00 10490
ITEM No.33: Providing and fixing country teak wood double second class fully
panelled single/ double leaf with ventilator/ fanlight shutters as per detailed
drawings including sizes of style, top rail, frieze rail 95 millimetre x 40 millimetre thick
with lock and bottom rail 195 millimetre x 40 millimetre thick with panels of 35 millimetre
thickness including iron oxidised fixtures and fastening, finishing the wood work with one
coat of primer (excluding door frame) complete. (for upto span of 1400 x 2800
First Floor
Door D1 6 0.90 2.100 11.340
ITEM No. 34 : Providing and fixing in position P.V.C. door shutters standard size with
P.V.C. shutters frame section of 60. mm x 24 mm panelled with multi chambered hollow
plastic section of 200 mm x 20 mm / 75 mm x 20 mm with tongue and groove joints
including all aluminum fixtures and fastenings as per detailed drawing as directed.
Ground Floor &First Floor
Toilets 2 0.75 2.10 3.15
3.15 Sq.M 1884.00 5935
Item No.35: Providing and fixing mild steel grill railing 30 Kg./sqm. with teak wood hand
rail of size 75 mm. X 60 mm. and sill of 75 mm. X 25 mm. and newel posts for stair
cases, including fabricating, fixtures, erecting painting the grill work with one coat of anti
corrosive paint and two coats of oil painting with approved colour and polishing the sill,
hand rail and the newel post with french polish.
Spec. No. :Bd.U. 2 Page No. 537
D.S.R. I.No.347 P.No.87
1 8.50
8.50 Sq.M 2275.00 19338
Description Nos. Length W / B H / D Quantity Unit Rate Amount
ITEM No.36:-Providing and fixing European type white glazed earthenware water closet pan
with polished T.W. Mahogany/ PVC seat and lid with chromium plated brass hinges and rubber
buffer including cast iron soil and vent pipes upto the outside face of the wall and 100 mm.
diameter C.I. plug bend, including paper holder, 10 litres PVC low level flushing cistern with
fitting, inlet pipes with stop tap, brackets for fixing the flushing cistern, 40 mm. diameter
enameled porcelain bends and rubber -209 mm. diameter P.V.C. overflow pipe with special and
mosquito proof coupling chromium plated working handle, painting of exposed pipes and cutting
and making good walls and floors. (Prior approval of sample and brand alike parryware/ Jagwar/
Nitco/Crabtree by Executive Engineer is necessary before use )
First Floor
Toilets 2 2.00
2.00 No 3232.00 6464
ITEM No.37: Providing and laying in position unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC)
ultra vioilet stabilized 110 mm. outer diameter for soil/ waste pipe confirming to I.S.
4985 including necessary fitting such as P.V.C. bends with door tee with door single
junction with door double junciton with door P.V.C. clamps, nails rubber ring and making
all connections water tight with solvent cement and testing, boring holes in masonry/
concrete and redoing the same in cement mortar 1:4 curing
First Floor
From W/c To Septic Tank 1 6.10 6.10
6.10 Sq.M 262.60 1602
ITEM No.38: Providing and fixing 15 cm. x 10 cm. salt gaized stone ware gully trap in
cement concrete 1:4:8 outside the building including cast iron grating in the sink,
connecting glazed stoneware pipe, brick masonry chamber with cast iron grating for the
gully trap, and shahabad stone covering fixed with cement
First Floor 2 2.00
2.00 No 605.00 1210
ITEM No.39: Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floors, 20 mm. diameter light grade
(type) having embossed as ISI Mark galvanised iron pipes with screwed, sockets,
joints and necessary galvanised iron fittings such as sockets, back nuts, elbows, bends,
tees, reducers, enlargers, plugs, clamps etc. including necessary drilling holes in walls,
slabs etc. and remaking good the demolished portion to restore the same in original
condition neatly and applying anti corrosive primer oil paint and two coats of oil painting
First Floor
into the Toilets 2 6.10 12.2
12.20 Rgm 185.00 2257
ITEM No.40: Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floors 50 mm. diameter light grade
(type) having embossed as ISI Mark galvanised iron pipes with screwed, sockets, joints
and necessary galvanised iron fittings such as sockets, back nuts, elbows, bends, tees,
reducers, enlargers, plugs, clamps etc. including necessary drilling holes in walls, slabs
etc. and remaking good the demolished portion to restore the same in original condition
neatly and applying anti corrosive primer oil paint and two coats of oil painting complete.
Description Nos. Length W/B H/D Quantity Unit Rate Amount
ITEM No 41: Providing and fixing floor trap connection 75 mm. diameter unplasticized
polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) ultra violet stabilized deep seal Nahani trap including P.V.C.
grating confirming to I.S. 4985, rubber plug and piece of P.V.C. pipes of suitable
diameter and length upto outside face of wall and making all joints water tight with
providing rubber socketed packing and sealing with suitable and durable water tight
resins and making holes in masonry/ concrete, redoing the same ith cement mortar 1:4
Floor etc. complete.
Toilets 2 2
2.00 No 272.70 545
ITEM No.42: Providing and fixing 100 mm. diameter chromium plated brass showers
rose to 15 mm. diameter supply including necessary bend and socket complete.
Ground Floor
Toilets 2 2
2.00 No 252.50 505
ITEM No.43: Supplying Mirror 40 x 50 cm. D.S.R. Sr.No.130, Code No. 634, Page
First Floor
Toilets 1 1
1.00 No 200.00 200
ITEM No.44: Providing and fixing chromium plated towel rod 16 mm. diameter and 75
cm. in length including all accessories complete.
First Floor
Toilets 2 2
2.00 No 92.00 184
ITEM No.45: Providing and fixing chromium plated long body arm cock including
necessary sockets complete
First Floor
Toilets 2 2
2.00 No 450.00 900
Item No.46: Providing and installing high density polyethylene water storage tanks
moulded to seamless perfection from FDA approved grades of polyethylene in approved
shape and size with specified capacity in specified position complete. (Prior approval of
sample and brand by Executive Engineer is necessary before use )
Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in charge
D.S.R. I.No.363 P.No.91
1 5000.00
5000.00 Lit. 6.35 31750
Description Nos. Length W/B H/D Quantity Unit Rate Amount
TOTAL 1385859
ITEM No.47: Providing and fixing country teak wood chairs, sofaset, furniture, as per detailed
drawings including sizes of style, top rail, frieze rail 20 millimetre thick with formica and sal wood
polishing if required including iron oxidised fixtures and fastening, finishing the wood work with
one coat of primer / coating complete. (Prior approval of sample and brand by Executive
Engineer is necessary before use)