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Department of Education

Region 3
Division of Pampanga
Saint Anthony Academy of Guagua Pampanga Incorporated

Proper Time Management to the Academic Performance of the Senior

High School Students of Saint Anthony Academy of Guagua Pampanga Incorporated

A Research Paper Presented to

Saint Anthony Academy

Guagua, Pampanga

S.Y. 2022-2023

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Practical Research 2

Bacani, Jaebee Manalang, James

Capati, Christine Mendoza, Franzyn

David, Dhemy Rugayan, Joshua

De Jesus, John

General Academic Strand of Grade 12 Jeremiah

Ms. Joann A. Morales
Mr. Cornelius F. Ducut

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each of them. First and foremost, we are

grateful to the Almighty God, who guided us through everything, for his showers of blessings

throughout our research work, which enabled us to complete it successfully.

The researchers would like to thank their classmates at Saint Anthony Academy for their

cooperation in conducting their research survey. The researchers were able to do it because of

them. The researchers would like to thank everyone who assisted and participated in their

research, because it would not have been possible without their support. And lastly, we would

like to thank our research adviser for guiding and helping us while we conducted this research.

Time management is the process of organizing and scheduling your time in order to

complete as many tasks as possible in the time allotted. Enhancing students' performance and

achievements require effective time management. Time management can also have an effect on

the stress level of students as they have to cope with their tasks and their personal achievements.

Learning time management skills will help you now and in the future.

Claessens, B. J. C., (2007) Stated that the academic performance and the

achievements of students are greatly aided by effective time management. Every student should

be able to manage their time well, which involves creating objectives and priorities, utilizing

time management methods, and being well-organized. Self-motivation is the only way to manage

time in this situation; performance, ability, and motivation are all required. Does having proper

time management helps students improve their academic performance?


Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………………2

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………… 3


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………… .6

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………………....7

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………………………8

Scope and Delimitations ……………………………………………………………………..9

Review of Related Theories ………………………………………...………………………..9

Review of Related Literature ( Foreign )…………………………………………………….10

Review of Related Literature ( Local )……………………………………………………….11

Review of Related Studies …………………………………………………………………...12

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………………………13

Hypothesis of the Study ….…………………………………………………………………..13

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………………………..14


Methods and Techniques of the Study ………………………………………………………..15

Population and Sampling ………... …………………………………………………………..15

Research Instruments …. ……………………………………………………………………..15

Data Gathering and Procedures ……..………………………………………………………...16

Data Collection and Statistical Treatment ……………………………………………………..16


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data .. ………..…………………………………17

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations ………... ……..…………………29



Time is viewed as a usable commodity in modern society. With time management,

students may finish more work in less time because their attention is focused and they are not

wasting time on other things, such as using social media. For students, time management is

essential since it allows them to focus on their studies. Students’ productivity will improve as

well as their morale grades.

According to Alay and Kocak (2003) The secret to moving forward in life is effectively

managing this resource, which belongs to everyone equally, and placing enough emphasis on

planning through effective time management. Even though time was used effectively and

efficiently for the assignments, the demand for time management has increased due to the

continued addition of knowledge, information, and skills expected of modern employees. In

order to succeed in public activity, one must work hard and productively, which is only possible

with effective time management. As of right now, people are energized by the modest era as a

foundational education for effective time management. The management of time and its

use in accordance with needs is necessary to accomplish the objectives set and perform better.
The academic performance and achievements of students are greatly aided by effective

time management. Every student must be able to effectively manage their time, which includes

creating objectives and priorities, utilizing time management methods, and being

well organized. In today's competitive climate, people are encouraged to organize and manage

their time wisely as early as elementary school in today's competitive climate This study will

help determine if time management has a beneficial or negative impact on students' academic

success. It will also assist us in making some judgments about adjustments we would like to

make to make better use of our time. There is no other approach to time management, yet it is

critical to get to know ourselves so that we may make accurate choices regarding how we spend

our time.


This study aims to determine the effect of time management to the academic performance

of Senior High School Students in Saint Anthony Academy of Guagua Pampanga Incorporated

● How does time management affect the academic performance of the Senior High School

students in Saint Anthony Academy of Guagua Pampanga Incorporated?

● What is the significant relationship of time management and the academic performance

of the students?

The study may help students to know the things they can practice to have a better use of

their time. The study's findings will be considered significant for the following reasons:

LEARNERS: This study will help the learners increase their knowledge of how to use time

management. They will know the advantage of having proper time management. Also, to know

how to come up with the difficulties in doing their tasks. And to overcome the difficulties of

using their time, that will surely yield benefits.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS: Researchers in the future can use this study to improve their

understanding of time usage. This research will serve as their guide as they conduct the same


GUARDIAN: They will understand how important it is for their children to be able to choose

how they spend their time. For them to understand how their child is struggling with time

management, whether on academics or on themselves, and to provide full support for the best

choices. Also, by guiding their children in terms of school-related activities.

TEACHERS: This research will help teachers in getting to know their students better so that

they can give assistance to their pupils.


In this study, we will be asking Grade 11 and 12 students of the Saint Anthony Academy year

(2022 - 2023) to answer a questionnaire. This study deals mainly with the implications for how

the students manage their time management skills and academic performance. It seeks to

determine the impact of time management skills on their academic performance.


The research is based on Abraham Maslow's Theory of Time Management, which

emphasizes recognizing one's needs, the capacity to separate these needs, and the time spent

doing tasks so that these activities do not overlap with other essential areas of one's life. Working

students' lives are intricately related to their capacity to properly manage time for both

employment and academics. Students must focus on their academics in order to enhance their

marks. They cannot, however, dedicate their entire time to study since they must provide for

themselves. They should be able to concentrate on their work since it will allow them to continue

their education. Failure to achieve a balance between employment and academics may result in

poor school performance. Maslow (1954)

Furthermore, Albert Bandura's (1995) self-efficacy hypothesis describes how one's

confidence in one's capacity to plan and execute the steps needed to manage future events They

must successfully manage their time between employment and study as working students. Their

self-efficacy is determined by how well they manage their time. Part-time students may design
techniques to manage their time between employment and school studies in order to endure this


According to Gerald (2002), Time management is the skill of planning, organizing,

budgeting, and managing one's time in order to increase productivity and work effectiveness. It is

also viewed as a collection of guidelines, procedures, know-how, methods, tools, and systems

that ought to cooperate in order to raise standard of living (Argarwal, 2008; Kelly, 2004). When

one is time-conscious, it is essential that he makes plans before acting and establishes priorities

for many of his daily duties. In order to properly manage the tasks and finish them within the

time allotted, time management involves allocating enough time for each activity to be carried

out. The ability to prioritize tasks depends on how well people manage their time by balancing

the urgency of their goals and the amount of time they have to spend on each task.



According to Kelly, W. E. (2002). Previous research has found that time management has a

positive effect.. Time management abilities have been shown to improve students' learning. A

number of studies have found that time management has a positive impact. Time management

abilities have been found to have a favorable influence on student learning and student results,

indicating that the capacity to efficiently manage their time is the standard of students in creating

improved study habits as well as methods for success.

Mercanlioglu (2010) reported that pupils who utilized time-saving strategies performed

academically well. Pupils who did not employ time-saving strategies in their academic work

performed academically worse than expected. Procrastination, setting priorities, and socialization

are three elements that occasionally influence management, which scholars take into account

when describing how they may have an effect on pupils' performance. Because students struggle

to organize things and encounter problems like dislike for their obligations and a lack of control,

they postpone being responsible.


Igdem (2010) investigated time management and success in postgraduate education. The

research was Data collecting methods employed were quantitative and survey-based. The study's

findings showed a significant beneficial relationship between time management and students'

accomplishments. He implied that people are confined by the harsh and competitive environment

of academic life and that they manage their time effectively as a result of doing many things at


According to the study of Lebuna et al., (2016) the top five common time management

activities of College of Education students at West Visayas State University- Lambunao Campus

were: coming to school before time schedule; reviewing notes before class; reading books and

studying lessons after meal when there time management activities of students in school were:

reviewing notes before class, coming to school before time schedule, talking with friends after

lunch time reading books and studying lessons after meal if there is time; going to the library

when there is time.


Several studies have found a correlation between time management and academic success in


According to Britton and Tesser's (1991) Time management techniques could be used to

predict grade point averages. They requested the SAT results of 90 Georgia students, who were

also asked to complete a 35-question survey on time management. They discovered that

planning, which includes using short- and long-term goals, and time attitudes, or the idea of how

their time has to be spent, have a direct impact on the cumulative GPA. Because they felt more in

control of how their time was spent and were able to say "no" to activities, learners who

exercised both planning and positive time attitudes discovered that they had considerably more

time to finish their assignments.

Kaushar (2013) studied the effect of time management on college students' academic

performance . 50 college students that participated in the survey and interview were the

responders. According to the study's findings, student behavior in the category of time planning

was at the highest level, whereas student behavior in the category of time management was at the

lowest level. The students also outperformed the national average. The study came to the further

conclusion that time management, time planning, and student academic achievement were

significantly and positively correlated.

Adebayo (2015). Time management is a collection of skills that you may use to make the

most of your time and enhance your quality of life. Most frequently, students do not manage their

time wisely as needed to achieve their objectives. As a result, this essay looked at how time
management affects students' academic performance in higher education settings in Nigeria. To

determine the limitations of students' time management, hypotheses were developed. The

findings showed that time management behaviors such as procrastination, prioritizing, and

planning had a significant impact on the academic achievement of the students. It was strongly

advised that students keep track of their time when completing academic tasks in order to

achieve high levels of academic achievement.



Respondent Profile Survey Questionnaire

Proper Time Management to
a. Age the Academic Performance of
the Senior
b. Gender
High School Students of
c. Grade Saint Anthony Academy of
Guagua Pampanga


Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) There is a significant relationship between time management

and the academic performance of Senior High School students in Saint Anthony Academy

Guagua Pampanga Incorporated.

Null Hypothesis (Ho) There is no significant relationship between time management and

the academic performance of Senior High School students in Saint Anthony Academy Guagua

Pampanga Incorporated.


Academic Performance - This pertains to the final grades that students receive at the end of

the term.

Planning - involves establishing goals and creating a plan of action to achieve those goals.

Prioritization - is the process of choosing which set of items is the most essential so that you

may sort them out first. This refers to the student's time management and prioritization of tasks.

Procrastination - the act of putting off an important work by giving priority to fun, entertaining,

and easy activity instead of one that is more vital.

Time Management - Time management is the capacity to use time successfully or productively,

especially in work.


This study used a quantitative type of research, where it makes use of data, logic, and an

unbiased view. A descriptive research design seeks to properly gather data in order to describe a

phenomena, circumstance, or population. It also describes the factors that affect the students

regarding their usage of time. This aims to describe the difficulties of students in their academic

performance at Saint Anthony Academy of Guagua, Pampanga Incorporated.


In order to select the research participants for this investigation, the researcher used a

convenience sampling approach. Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique

where components are chosen for the sample based on their convenience to the researcher. Grade

11 and 12 students who are directly involved in the curriculum were chosen to take part in the

study, and their cooperation is highly valued for this research. It has a total of 45 students in

senior high school for the School Year 2022-2023 but then out of those students we only chose

26 from senior highschool students from Saint Anthony Academy of Guagua Pampanga



Questionnaire. The descriptive survey was the primary tool used to get the needed data

from the respondents on the different situation in time management difficulties of Grade 12

students at Saint Anthony Academy of Guagua, Pampanga Incorporated.


To gather data, the researcher modified a standard questionnaire utilizing the Likert Scale.

The researchers will conduct a survey that will prove that there is a factor that can affect the

students on how they utilize their time. And it is a 15-item questionnaire.


The following statistical procedures were used to interpret the data gathered from the

respondents of the study.

Simple Percentage, the demographic profile variables of the respondents were analyzed using the

simple percentage with the following formula;


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total Number of Students

100 = Constant Multiplier



This chapter presents the analysis and interprets the data gathered in order to draw out

important information and significant points about the The Advantage of Having Proper Time

Management to the Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students of Saint

Anthony Academy School Year 2022-2023.

Table 1. Age Of The Respondents


16-17 15 57.7%

18-19 12 42.3%

TOTAL 26 100%

The table 1 shows the age of the respondents, 57.7% of the respondents are 16-17 in age while

42.3% are 18- 19 years of age.

Table 2. Grade Level Of The Respondents


11 7 26.9%

12 19 73.1%

TOTAL 26 100%
This table shows the grade level of the respondents, 7 are the Grade 11 while 19 are Grade 12.

Table 3. Gender Of The Respondents


Male 16 61.5%

Female 10 38.5%

TOTAL 26 100%

This table shows the gender of the respondents, 61.5 % of the respondents are Male, While

38.5% of the respondents are Female.


Table 1.

Question 1. Do you tend to finish your task on time?


Always 7 26.9%

Rarely 3 11.5%

Sometimes 16 61.5%

Never 0 0%

TOTAL 26 100%
This table shows how frequently students complete their tasks on time. Only 26.9% of the

respondents said that they do it on time, while 61.5% said that they do it sometimes and 11.5%

said that they rarely do it. Doing your tasks on time has a great impact on improving students'

quality of work.

Table 2.

Question 2. Do you set a time for planning the following week?


Yes 19 73.1%

No 7 26.9%

TOTAL 26 100%

Planning for the following week can help you organize and stay productive. But only 73.1% of

the respondents said that they set their time aside for planning for the following week, while

26.9% said that they don’t set their time aside for planning.
Table 3.

Question 3. Do you make a list of the things that you have to do each day?


Always 2 7.7%

Rarely 5 19.2%

Sometimes 18 69.2%

Never 1 3.8%

TOTAL 26 100%

This table shows that only 7.7% of the respondents said that they always make a list each day,

while 69.2% said that they sometimes make a list, 19.2% rarely do it, and the remaining 3.8%

said that they never make a list. By keeping a list like this, you can ensure that all of your tasks

are recorded in one location and that you do not miss anything important.

Table 4.

Question 4. Do you give each task a time limit?


Yes 21 80.8%

No 5 19.2%
TOTAL 26 100%

Setting time limits for tasks and projects encourages us to be more focused and use our time

purposefully. But in this table, it shows that 80.8% of the respondents are giving each task a time

limit, while 19.2% of the respondents do not give each task a time limit.

Table 5.

Question 5. Do you do your task in order of their importance?


Always 13 50%

Rarely 4 15.4%

Sometimes 9 34.6%

Never 0 0%

TOTAL 26 100%

In order to finish everything that needs to be done, priorities must be set. 50% of the respondents

said that they always do their tasks in order of importance, while 34.6% of the respondents

sometimes do it, and 15.4% said that they rarely do.

Table 6.

Question 6. Do you set yourself a specific and clearly defined goals?


Yes 23 88.5%

No 3 11.5%

TOTAL 26 100%

Setting clear and specific goals reduces the confusion that occurs when a goal is set in a more

clear way. But only 88.5% said that they set specific and clearly defined goals, while 11.5% said

that they do not set specific and clearly defined goals.

Table 7.

Question 7. Do you use effective techniques for completing tasks?


Always 6 23.1%

Rarely 7 26.9%

Sometimes 11 42.3%

Never 2 7.7%

TOTAL 26 100%
This table shows that 23.1% of the respondents said they always use techniques, while 42.3% of

the respondents sometimes use effective techniques to complete their tasks, 26.9% rarely use

techniques, and 7.7% of the respondents said that they never use any techniques.

Table 8.

Question 8. Do you prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list?


Always 7 26.9%

Rarely 5 19.2%

Sometimes 11 42.3%

Never 3 11.5%

TOTAL 26 100%

Preparing a daily or weekly to-do list has an impact because it allows you to organize and

complete the most crucial tasks first. This table shows that only 26.9% of the respondents always
make a daily or weekly to-do list, while 42.3% of the respondents said that they make a daily or

weekly to do list, 19.2% of the respondents rarely do it, and 11.5% of the respondents do not

make a list.

Table 9.

Question 9. Do you submit your task on time?


Yes 13 50%

No 0 0%

Sometimes 13 50%

TOTAL 26 100%

According to the answers, half of the respondents submitted their tasks on time. While the other

half does not always submit their task on time.

Table 10.

Question 10. Do you believe that there is a room for improvement in the way you manage time?


Yes 26 100%

No 0 0%
TOTAL 26 100%

Regarding the improvement of time management, all of the respondents believe that there is a

room for improvement in the way they manage time.

Table 11.

Question 11. How often do you procrastinate?


Always 2 7.7%

Rarely 8 30.8%

Sometimes 16 61.5%

Never 0 0%

TOTAL 26 100%

Procrastination can cause low academic performance and time pressure for students. The

answers show that 7.7% of the respondents always procrastinate, 30.8% of them rarely

procrastinate, and the remaining 61.5% of the respondents are only procrastinating often.
Table 12.

Question 12. How effective is time management for you?


Not at all 6 23.1%


Slightly Effective 8 30.8%

Moderately 5 19.2%

Very Effective 7 26.9%

TOTAL 26 100%

The table shows that 26.9% of the respondents find time management very effective, while

19.2% find it moderately effective, and 30.8% only find it slightly effective. While contradictory

to the answers of the other respondents, 23.1% of them believe that time management is not at all


Table 13.

Question 13. How much time do you spend each day on average learning?


1-3 HOURS 6 23.1%

3-5 HOURS 9 34.6%

5-7 HOURS 7 26.9%

7-10 HOURS 4 15.4%

TOTAL 26 100%

The majority of the students, which is 34.6% of the respondents, spend 3-5 hours of their time

learning. This is followed by the 26.9% who spend 5-7 hours of their time learning. Thirdly,

23.1% of the students spend 1-3 hours a day learning. And lastly, the 15.4% who are spending

their 7–10 hours of time learning.

Table 14.

Question 14. Is having proper time management is necessary for students?


Yes 24 92.3%

No 2 7.7%

TOTAL 26 100%

Almost all of the students, 92.3% of them to be specific, think that having proper time

management is necessary for students. While the remaining percentage of the students do not

believe in it.
Table 15.

Question 15. How well can you manage your time? Rate yourself (1 is the lowest and 5 is the



1 2 7.7%

2 2 7.7%

3 15 57.7%

4 5 19.2%

5 2 7.7%

TOTAL 26 100%

More than half of the students 57.7% rated their self time management as 3. And followed by the

19.2% who rated their time management 4. And the rates 1, 2, and 5 got 7.7%, 7.7%, and 7.7%,

Select/ Choose five (5) effects of not having proper time management



Tables showing the 26 populations of Saint Anthony Academy students who answered the

survey show that from table 1, 57.7% are 16–17 years old, followed by 18–19 years old with an

average of 42.3%. Table 2 shows the grade level of the students: 26.9% are grade 11 students,

while 73.1% are grade 12. Table 3 shows the gender of the respondents. 61.5% of it is male, and

38.5% is female. Regarding how effective time management is for students, only 26.9% of them

said that time management is very effective, and 57.7% of them rated their own time

management as 3. The respondents spend each day, on average learning for 3-5 hours each day,

and 7.7% of them always procrastinate. The respondents chose the top 5 effects of not having

proper time management; first is the late passing of activities, with an average of 80.8%, they are

having difficulty passing them on time mainly because they always procrastinate. second is lack

of focus with an average of 57.7%, they experience lack of focus because their attention is on

other things like scrolling on social media platforms; third and fourth have the same average of

50%, which is lack of sleep and having low grades, and last is being unable to handle themselves

well with an average of 46.2%.


According to the results and findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the senior

high school students at Saint Anthony Academy of Guagua Pampanga Incorporated are having

difficulties dealing with their time, which has a significant effect on their academic performance.

Most of them experience difficulties like late passing of activities and severe procrastination, and

because of these difficulties, they are having a hard time being productive in school.


Students should take into consideration the importance and value of prioritizing to ensure

the accomplishment of their tasks and activities and, more importantly, to improve their

academic performance. Teachers are also encouraged to incorporate the importance and

application of time management into classes, particularly management subjects where the

concepts of planning and management are primarily addressed, and to reduce procrastination.

Procrastination has a significant impact on students’ academic performance, and efforts should

be made to reduce or eliminate cases of procrastination because it delays the accomplishment of

tasks and responsibilities for both the students and the teachers.

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Alay, S., & Kocak, S. (2003). Relationship between time management and academic

achievement of university students. Journal of Educational Management in Theory and Practice,

35, 326-335.

Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological

Review, 84(2), 191-215.

Britton, B. K., & Abraham, T. (1991). Effects of time-management practices on college grades.

Journal of Educational Psychology, 83(3), 405–410.–0663.83.3.405

Gerard, M. (2002). Negative influences of time management. Retrieved November 22, 2016
Igdem, M. (2010). The relationship of time management to academic performance of masters

level students. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 2(1), 657-684.

Kaushar, M. (2013). Study of Impact of Time Management on Academic Performance ofCollege

Students. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 9(6), 59-60.

Kelly, W. E. (2002). Harnessing the River of Time: A Theoretical Framework of Time Use

Efficiency with Suggestions for Counselors. Journal of Employment Counseling, 39, 12-21.

Mercanlioglu, C. (2010). The Relationship of Time Management to Academic Performance of

Master Level Students. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 2, 25-36.

Igdem, M. (2010). The relationship of time management to academic performance of masters

level students. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 2(1), 657-684.
Bacani, Jaebee S.
San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga
[email protected]

I can fully apply my knowledge and experiences from previous positions and later improve such
skills through employment with your company.

Date of Birth : March 09, 2004

Place of Birth : Sta Rita, Pampanga

Age : 18

Citizenship : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Religion : Aglipay

Height : 5’11”

Weight : 55kgs.

Secondary : Saint Anthony Academy

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga

2017 - 2023

Primary : San Antonio, Elementary School

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga


Michael Capati

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

Jaebee Bacani

Capati, Christine S.
110 San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga
[email protected]

To pursue a respectable career that will allow me to prove, demonstrate, as well as further
develop the full benefit of my skills and qualities

Date of Birth : May 15, 2005

Place of Birth : Guagua, Pampanga

Age : 17

Citizenship : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Female

Religion : Aglipay

Height : 5’4”

Weight : 48kgs.

Secondary : Saint Anthony Academy

San Antonio Guagua Pampanga

2017 - 2023

Primary : San Antonio, Elementary School

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga


Lolito P. Capati

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

Christine S. Capati
David, Dhemy Cardy B.
San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga
[email protected]

To secure a challenging position in a reputable organization to expand my learnings, knowledge,

and skills.

Date of Birth : July 18, 2005

Place of Birth : Lubao, Pampanga

Age : 17

Citizenship : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Religion : Aglipay

Height : 5’10”

Weight : 53kgs.

Secondary : Lubao National High School

Lubao, Pampanga

2016 - 2017

Saint Anthony Academy

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga

2017 - 2023
Primary : San Antonio, Elementary School

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga


Lorena B. David

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

Dhemy David
De Jesus, John Adams L.
San Matias, Guagua, Pampanga
[email protected]

Work for an organization that allows me to develop my skills and knowledge while also
advancing the organization's goals.

Date of Birth : October 27, 2003

Place of Birth : Guagua, Pampanga

Age : 19

Citizenship : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Religion : Catholic

Height : 5’11”

Weight : 75kgs.

Secondary : Saint Anthony Academy

San Antonio Guagua Pampanga

2017 - 2023

Primary : San Matias, Elementary School

San Matias, Guagua, Pampanga


Ma. Lucia Serrano


I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

John De Jesus

Manalang, James Emmanuel G.
San Isidro, Guagua, Pampanga
[email protected]

I can fully apply my knowledge and experiences from previous positions and later improve such
skills through employment with your company.

Date of Birth : October 21, 2003

Place of Birth : Tondo, Manila

Age : 19

Citizenship : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Religion : Born Again

Height : 6’0”

Weight : 59kgs.

Secondary : Saint Anthony Academy

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga

2017 - 2023

Primary : San Antonio, Elementary School

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga


Gem Krizza Bacani

(Med Tech)

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

James Manalang
Mendoza, Franzyn R.
San Juan 1st, Guagua, Pampanga
[email protected]

To secure a challenging position in a reputable organization to expand my learnings, knowledge,

and skills.

Date of Birth : August 31, 2005

Place of Birth : Lubao, Pampanga

Age : 17

Citizenship : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Female

Religion : Iglesia Ni Cristo

Height : 5’4”

Weight : 35kgs.

Secondary : Saint Anthony Academy

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga

2016 - 2023

Primary : San Juan, Elementary School

San Juan, Guagua, Pampanga


Mary Jane Villegas


I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

Franzyn Mendoza
Rugayan, Joshua Matthew A.
San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga
[email protected]

Professional with strong problem-solving skills looking to use a recent accounting degree to
launch a successful career.

Date of Birth : July 07, 2003

Place of Birth : San Fernando, Macabale Pampanga

Age : 19

Citizenship : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Religion : Catholic

Height : 5’2”

Weight : 55kgs.

Secondary : Saint Anthony Academy

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga

2017 - 2023

Primary : Saint Anthony Academy

San Antonio, Guagua, Pampanga


Jean Tricia Soco


I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

Joshua Rugayan

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