New Community Perception On Local Gevt Services 2
New Community Perception On Local Gevt Services 2
New Community Perception On Local Gevt Services 2
A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Business, Administration and Accountancy
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Santa Cruz Main Campus
Santa Cruz, Laguna
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master in Public Administration
the provision can easily be explained and simply assessed through the kind of
relationship build upon by those in power in one end and that of the community in
the other end. The simple illustration is acknowledged in the description of Lee
and Park (2022) pertaining to the importance of the role of those in power. The
shaping the overall quality of life and the sense of well-being of its residents. It is
because they directly impact public trust, civic engagement, and community
development. There are several key reasons why the perception of local
effectiveness, and disaster preparedness and response (Lee and Park, 2022).
the machineries and operation, ultimately should redound into the benefits and
satisfaction of the people. People are very much aware of this arrangement and
stand with the belief that those in the helm should always be held accountable to
the people they served. The account shared in the subsequent discussion affirm
the accountability as one of the essential frameworks that concretize the provisions
of the constitution.
transparent and accountable in delivering services, they are more likely to trust the
government and its elected officials. This trust fosters a sense of partnership
between the government and the community, which can lead to increased
cooperation and support for government initiatives (Manaf, Mohamed, and Harvey,
community engagement. Residents who feel their voices are heard and their needs
are met are more likely to participate in civic activities, attend public meetings, and
volunteer for community projects. This engagement can create a stronger sense
and investment to the community. When businesses believe they will receive
efficient and reliable services, they are more likely to establish or expand
operations in the area. This can lead to job creation, increased tax revenue, and
improved economic opportunities for residents (Harilal, and Tichaawa, 2020). This
exactly is becoming the direction set forward by every local government since
every opportunity created and made available to the community, in the long run
offered the best of everything and a more positive outlook in the future.
Unimaginable benefits will reach and enjoyed by community of people if common
understanding of each role and function is inherent within themselves. Other than
those already explained, more of the comfort are explicitly illustrated. Residents'
perception of local government services has a direct impact on their quality of life.
services tend to have higher levels of social cohesion. When residents feel that
fairness, it can reduce social divisions and promote inclusivity among diverse
groups, (Cantarero, Potter, and Leach, 2013) (Manaf, Mohamed, and Harvey,
areas where services may need improvement. Regular feedback from residents
prioritize projects that align with the needs and desires of the community, (Brucal
et al, 2020). During times of crisis, such as natural disasters or public health
Residents who trust their local government are more likely to follow safety
a matter of public opinion; it has far-reaching implications for the social, economic,
engagement, and ultimately improve the overall quality of life for their residents.
With all the insights provided in the preceding paragraph, one would
are not something expected to offer by someone in the power, nor to be treated as
something that will come and go, but instead something that everyone should
believe with great conviction that it should always go along with the system.
Basically, the local government comprised of the unit that defined the
territorial and political subdivisions of the state. Since the time before the country
declared its own independence, local government units are operating within the
7160, the Local Government Code of 1991, the local government consisting of the
the Act specifically provides that the local government structure shall enjoy
genuine and meaningful local autonomy to enable them to attain their fullest
leverage to completely act on their own. The policy of the State as indicated in the
Act ensure the accountability of local government units through the institution of
mandate is the necessity for the local to undergo regular evaluation of their
performance through the valued provision of most essential and effective services
to their constituents.
Local Governance Act of 2019 was approved on April 12, 2019. The Act declared
transparency and accountability in all the essential services and projects, projects,
constituency from threats to life and safeguarding the integrity of environment, the
the general welfare of their constituency and in enforcing existing laws (Section 1,
forged a contract of commitment with the community they served as far as the
and exhibited their awards, bringing this recognition into the realm of
performing and complying with what they promised to the community. At this
instance, is it safe to say that the community generated a good impression of the
This study will attempt to establish the real impression through the conduct
problems, and foregoing solutions, this paper will significantly contribute to the
government services.
Theoretical Framework
This study will anchor on the framework of Ko (2018), it has explained that
satisfaction with the public services provided by the local government positively
affects subjective QoL. In other words, satisfaction with local government is seen
Local Government
H2 H2
Perception of Community Quality of Life
In this study, the perception of the local community was taken into account
as the main determinant of quality of life. We specifically looked at how QoL was
was a significant mediating influence between the two variables from satisfaction
the community environment requires taking into account both the social and
physical environments, which are dependent on neighborhood interactions (OECD
2013). Convenience, health, and safety have also been highlighted by the World
were among the sub elements that made up this study. Moreover, earlier research
has demonstrated that these elements improve quality of life. First, it was
were located in their community. De Vos and Witlox (2017), for example, confirmed
that contentment with commercial facilities, such as marts and department stores,
had a favorable effect on QoL. Next, safety includes the likelihood of accidents
caused by fires and road accidents, as well as facility risks and natural disasters.
neighborhoods and greater QoL among residents (Sirgy et al. 2008; Martnez et al.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 2 shows the research paradigm of the study which utilized Input-
Process-Output (IPO) method. Input of the study included the specific objectives
Environment and the quality of life. On the process it included gathering, analysis
and interpretation of data. Finally, the output which a proposed acition Pala
included the tangible or intangible products as part of the result of the research
being conducted
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Level of Satisfaction on
Local Government
Service Delivery
Community Quality of
environment which was explained by OECD and WHO, how physical and social
environment, and convenience, health and safety are essential in evaluating the
local government service delivery and community quality of life (QoL). Level of
satisfaction on local government service delivery was sourced from Republic Act
No. 11292 or the Seal of Good Governance Act of 2019 while QoL was adapted
from WHO QoL. Through this research, this will test the relationship among the
1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex;
1.6. Residency
4. What is the community quality of life in 2nd District of Laguna in terms of:
4.2. Psychological
District of Laguna?
government service delivery system and the community quality of life in 2nd
District of Laguna?
8. Based on the findings of the study, what action plan may be proposed?
The following are the null hypothesis of the study based on .05 level of significance:
level of satisfaction on local government service delivery system in the 2nd District
of Laguna.
There is no significant relationship between level of satisfaction on local
government service delivery system and the community quality of life in 2nd District
of Laguna.
This study will focus on the 2nd district of Laguna to conduct an in-depth
analysis of local government services and community perception. The chosen area
will be representative of typical urban or rural settings. The research will cover a
broad spectrum of local government services, including but not limited to financial
consider a specific time frame, which may encompass several years leading up to
the present, to analyze trends and changes in community perception over time.
The study will take into account the diversity of the community, including
factors such as age, sex, source of income, status of employment, net income
(monthly); and residency. Findings from this study may be specific to the chosen
region or municipality and may not be directly applicable to other geographic areas
biases and experiences. Efforts will be made to minimize bias, but some
subjectivity in responses is inevitable. The depth and breadth of the research may
Community perceptions are dynamic and can change rapidly due to various
factors. The study's snapshot approach may not capture ongoing changes in real-
time. While striving for transparency and community involvement, the study will
respect privacy considerations and may not be able to access certain sensitive
information or opinions. The study may not fully account for external factors, such
The significance of the study lies in its potential to shed light on the
areas of improvement and bridge the gap between expectations and reality. This
study could also help local governments tailor their services to better meet the
needs and preferences of the community, ultimately enhancing the overall quality
of service delivery.
resource allocation, and strategic planning to maximize positive outcomes for the
realm. It has the potential to influence real-world policies and practices, fostering
a more responsive and accountable local government that actively engages with
Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for better
the locality.
Community Perception. This term refers to A community's collective
and comprehend the social, cultural, political, and environmental facets of their
immediate environment. How a community views itself can greatly influence how
before, during and after disaster, through actions such as development and/or
the provisions of Republic Act No. 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid
by adhering with accounting and auditing standards and compliance with the
mechanisms that a local government authority uses to offer basic public services
services are given and received. It includes many facets of the environment in
which healthcare is provided and is essential in defining the standard of care and
many elements of their life are evaluated using the multidimensional and subjective
environmental circumstances.
Safety Environment. A safety environment, also called a safe
the protection of constituents from the threats to life, health, and security.
Social Environment. The term "social environment" describes the local and wider
social setting in which people go about their daily lives, socialize, and interact with
one another. It includes all social and cultural determinants of behavior, attitudes,
are greatly influenced by their social environments. Important elements and factors
citizens, indigenous peoples (IPs), and persons with disability (PWD) among
this initiative by launching the "Full Disclosure Policy," or simply the FDP program.
This program requires all provinces, cities, municipalities, and villages across the
Additionally, these documents must be posted online into the FDP portal (DILG,
well as the state's reputation (Evangelio and Abocejo, 2015). Additionally, it aims
officials from misusing public funds (Batalla, 2015). The FDP works to give local
residents a designated space where they may access and review LGU financial
records, giving them a better understanding of how their funds are distributed,
This study is relevant to the public's quest for legitimacy, accountability, and
transparency because the main objective of the FDP programs is to create a more
citizens have been calling for effective ways for government institutions to function
and operate in a just and ethical manner (Abocejo et al., 2012; Pepinsky, 2018;
Abocejo, 2017; Dean, 2018; AlaaAldin Abdul Rahim, 2008) for a long time (Lloyd-
by Hood in 1995. The NPM shows a high degree of trust in the public sector and
a low level of trust in the private sector. Public officials are therefore intimately and
Graycar and Masters, 2018). The NPM is a method of managing a public office
widely held notion that public officials are corrupt (Abocejo, 2015) and use their
office and positions to benefit themselves (Hood, 2013; Quinn and Warren, 2017).
the eight defining features of the NPM, which has been dubbed "a new paradigm
customer service are given a lot of weight (Alvarez et al., 2017; Almazan et al.,
2018). These measures will eventually help the government gain the public's trust
and improve its reputation. In the Philippines, there is a persistent push for
enhancing public trust and the government's reputation (Abocejo, 2015a; Abocejo
and Gubalane, 2013; Dela Serna et al., 2017). Abocejo and Gubalane (2013),
Untalan (2017), Abocejo, 2015b, Liwanag and Wyss (2019), Schleiter and
Voznaya (2018), and others made several attempts and endeavors to address the
disaster, recovery is not assured, according to the Ravago et al. study. Natural
catastrophe severity and frequency have the potential to undermine and obstruct
complete recovery. The need to identify and put into practice a cost-effective
solution is one policy difficulty. It was shown that long-term preventative actions,
cleanup operations, and the restoration of water and power supplies greatly
provides local governments with a foundation upon which to assess their strategies
Mamuaya et al. also mentioned that strong, responsible, and effective state
positive ties between the public sector, the private sector, and society (Mamuaya
et al. 2018).
The caliber of services a firm offers affects its revenue generation, image
services since they are intangible, varied, perishable, and integral. The most
reliable gauge of a service's quality is customer feedback, (Talavera 2020). A
consistently and precisely deliver the promised service. Being responsive means
having the ability to help and serve clients quickly. Assurance is a term used to
confidence in others. Caring and giving each person their own attention are
examples of empathy (Ocampo et al. 2019). These five dimensions will be modified
by the study's researchers. The researchers will also consider "fulfillment," which
was used to evaluate the quality of e-services in the Ighomereho (2022) study.
This was described in the study as the result of the performance of service delivery,
to examine how local government units (LGUs) handled the pandemic. In order to
assess service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction, the precise
approach is also used in many researches across the globe to measure both
perceived and expected service quality (Alam and Mondal 2019). The purpose of
this study is to evaluate the level of service provided by a local government unit's
disaster response using SERVQUAL and AHP. The municipality of La Paz, Tarlac,
was able to better target its resources and enhance its disaster response thanks
to this study. It demonstrated that it was more aware of the needs of the locals and
Public Safety Program's implementation, it found that while there are notable
2018 study, Alonzo focused on the Philippine National Police Services in Nasipit,
Agusan del Norte, emphasizing how well they performed in maintaining security
and safety. Jr., (2020) assesses the Peace and Order and Public Safety strategy
uphold law and order in Iligan City, Galabin (2021) finds a strong correlation
between the frequency of police operations and crime rates, as well as a high
degree of reaction. All things considered, these papers underscore how crucial
degree, while there are notable variations between barangays. Collado (2005)
talks about how rural local governments and communities are affected by the Local
Government Code of 1991. Ishii (2017) looks at how the community participates in
local government and emphasizes the value of central government operations and
local leadership. Bulos, (2021) examines public works and infrastructure services
in Tumauini, Isabela, with an emphasis on citizen knowledge and satisfaction. The
study concludes that the public is aware of and content with the services offered
perceptions of their jobs' impact on citizens were influenced by their passion for
public service. Andrews, (2013) investigated how the public's opinions of the
with the caliber of public services in Kediri City, Indonesia. In her study on sub-
investigation of how regional institutional players draw BPO firms, Kleibert, (2014)
highlights the role that these players play in strategically combining regional
efforts to influence the way the public views local government services in the
evidenced by their use of ecosystem services and perceptions of them, which can
2019). In his discussion of the institutional and political changes required for
emphasis on the state's need to establish the institutional framework and policies
that will enable community-initiated change. Su, (2008) study centers on how the
the ways in which attitudes, wealth, and a desire to manage the lake affect this
local government units (LGUs). In his discussion of the obstacles to and prospects
to involve the public directly through channels for public involvement established
by all levels of government, as this fosters a direct contact with society. The
evaluating and ranking local government service delivery, (Bozeman, 2002; Lewis
the lack of enforcement, (Rasli et al., 2020) and the relatively light penalty for
accountability offenses (The Star, 2010, 2013). In the country accountability refers
to the great obligation placed on government entities at all levels to act to enhance
service delivery performance. In order to fulfill its mandate of being able to "deliver
to the community," the federal government must be able to respond to requests for
down and bottom-up accountability in an ideal scenario. Both the federal and state
governments must have supervision functions in place in order to carry out policy
organizations, and individual people. This influences how people view public
(Teruki et al., 2019). More accountability and performance from local governments
are being demanded by the people and the government. The local daily media
incompetence, misuse of authority, and bad planning (Salleh & Khalid, 2013;
Siddiquee, 2013; Siddiquee & Mohamed, 2013). The current state of local
local elections in 1970, the Menteri Besar, or Chief Minister, has selected mayors
cannot select a mayor or council members who can effectively represent their
interests, and councilors are not seen as fully independent (Lim, 2013; The Star,
management. People in the community are trying to assert their right to participate
in their local council's decision-making process and to be given more power (Nooi,
2013). This entails giving local government more authority and decentralizing its
assessment methods to determine how well their programs meet the requirements
of their citizens. The concept of performance itself is vague, which makes it difficult
metric for the public sector that is generally accepted. In order to evaluate the
efficacy and efficiency of public service, a number of metrics have been used,
satisfaction. Though these measurements are widely used in both academic and
practical contexts, there has not been much thought given to the link between
Given the emphasis currently being placed on citizens as clients or customers, this
citizen satisfaction surveys are a useful tool for evaluating how well the
According to Park & Blenkinsopp (in Mishra & Geleta, 2019), public
and Geleta (2019), one of the first proponents, Locke, described satisfaction as a
"pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job."
According to James, Lyons, et al., Hero and Durand, and Beck et al. in
it can devise novel ways to provide services to the populace and win their support
(Mishra & Geleta, 2019). According to Magoutas and Mentzas in Wirtz & Kurtz,
(2016), the new public administration views residents as clients or customers who
pay fees and taxes and would therefore acquire the service. As such, the
this type of data for policy objectives. It is notable because it becomes crucial for
management paradigm (Coe, 2013; Kelly, 2013). These measures are generally
are characterized in terms of (1) workload, (2) some measure of efficacy, and (3)
productivity values from the business sector into the provision of public services
where the goals and practices of (municipal) administration are ideally citizen-
oriented and/or citizen-driven (Giannocarro et al., 2013) (Glaser and Bardo, 2013).
movement, which gave rise to citizen survey research (Osborne and Gaebler,
2013). This movement brought back "soft indicators," such as citizen satisfaction,
service delivery based on the perception and opinion of the citizens who use public
services (Swindell & Kelly, 2013; Kelly, 2013; Cassia & Magno, 2013; Stipak,
and Kelly, 2013; Glaser & Bardo, 2013; Manasan et al., 2013).
Many people consider the current direct democratic interaction between the
accountable form of public service (Murphy, Ferry, Glennon, & Greenhalgh, 2019).
The Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS) was introduced in 2013 by the
awareness, satisfaction, and availability with the essential basic services provided
local government units (LGUs) by supporting them in fulfilling their duty to ensure
the welfare of the populace and providing oversight in areas where the provision
to be improved.
The need for local governments to proactively plan and implement methods
community resilience.
Three key factors that shape how the community is perceived are safety,
unique and interconnected role. It highlights the need for a comprehensive and
Research Methodology
Research Design
through observation and survey to gather necessary data for the study. Descriptive
than assume cause and effect correlations. Lappe (2000) emphasized that when
the community quality of life, this research design is appropriate for the study.
simple, usually inexpensive, and fast to do. This study will investigate the level of
Hence, the crucial preliminary research for more investigations which will be
carried out to ascertain the causes and effects of relationships between variables
should be evident.
The respondents of this study will be two hundred (n = 200) officials from
the 2nd district of Laguna which includes the municipality of Bay, Los Baños and
Cabuyao. Specifically, the respondents will be officials who are engaged in the
local government service deliveries. They are the fundamental political unit in the
programs, and basic services. It also acts as a platform for the community's
to national government organizations (Boysillo, 2017). They are essential for this
study since they are at the heart of local government service delivery which
indicates that their experiences and opinions are crucial for assessing the
effectiveness and quality of these services. Their feedback can help drive
improvements and enhance the overall well-being of the communities within the
Sampling Technique
This study will use a stratified random sampling to equally select the respondents
which will accurately reflect the population being studied. It is a technique where
from the three municipalities and their respective barangays to form a group of
officials who will serve as the respondents of the study. Hence, this sampling
Iliyasu & Etikan (2021) stated that stratified random sampling is a technique
where a selection of objects has been made from the population through random
Research Instrument
of life.
For the first section, demographic profile of the respondents which consists
of age; sex; source of income; status of employment; net income; and residency.
On the other hand, the second section which covers the level of satisfaction on
local government service delivery system was adopted from Republic Act No.
11292 or The Seal of Good Local Governance Act of 2019. This consist of thirty
(30) items divided into seven parts: financial administration and sustainability,
development. The checklist will use a four-point Likert scale equivalent to very
Environment. It was adapted from the research of Lee and Park (2018) entitled
Quality of Life: The Case of Gyeonggi, Korea” from open access journal of Social
Sciences under MDPI. This consists of seventeen (17) items divided into four
parts: facility, safety, medical and social environment. This will use a four-point
Likert scale ranging from strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.
Finally, the fourth section focuses on the quality of life was adapted from
Instrument (WHO, 2012). The copy was accessed by completing user’s agreement
divided into four parts: physical health, psychological, social relationships and
environmental health. This used a four-point Likert scale ranging from very high,
To commence the data gathering, the researcher will seek approval from the
and Accountancy. Upon approval of the request letter, the researcher quickly got
in touch with the mayor’s office of each municipality in the 2nd district of laguna to
ask for permission for the conduct of the study. Strict adherence to ethical
standards will be made to guarantee both the respondents' welfare and the privacy
of the data.
The researcher will personally deliver the questionnaire to the barangay hall
guarantee that the officials could easily finish the survey, they will be given clear
instructions. This will be conducted within three (3) weeks of personal visitation of
Following the collection, the data will be tallied and tabulated by the
researcher using an Excel spreadsheet. After that, using the tabulated data as a
basis, the researcher will present, examine, and explain the findings. The
researcher will also work with a selected statistician who will professionally use the
right statistical methods for data treatment in order to answer the research
The analysis and interpretation of the gathered data involved the utilization of
of age, sex, Source of income, status of employment, net income (Monthly) and
variable, taking into account the assigned weights for the Likert scale responses.
delivery systems and the quality of life among the respondents in the 2nd District
of Laguna.
the standard deviation will be calculated. It shed light on how far the responses of
environment and the community quality of life. It will also be used to determine the
delivery systems and the community quality of life in 2nd District of Laguna.
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Instructions: Kindly read and state your degree of agreement/ disagreement with the
following statements. Put a Check (/) in the box which corresponds to your choice of
Monthly Net Income: How many years have you lived at your
[ ] less than P10,000 current residence?
[ ] P10,001-P20,000 [ ] less than 1 year
[ ] P20,001-P30,000 [ ] 1-5 years
[ ] P30,001-P40,000 [ ] 6-10 years
[ ] P40,001-P50,000 [ ] 10-15 years
[ ] more than P50,000 [ ] more than 15 years
Part II. Level of Satisfaction on Local Government Service Delivery System in 2nd
District of Laguna
This section focused on the assessment on the Level of Satisfaction on Local Government
Service Delivery System in 2nd District of Laguna. Please refer to the four-point Likert
scale below.
Physical Health 4 3 2 1
1. Pain and discomfort
2. Medical treatment
3. Energy
4. Discomfort
5. sleep
6. ability to perform daily living activities
7. capacity for work
Psychological 4 3 2 1
1. Positive feelings
2. Self-esteem
3. Thinking, learning, memory and concentration
4. Bodily image and appearance
5. Satisfy with you
6. Negative feelings
Social Relationships 4 3 2 1
1. Personal relationship
2. Social support
3. Sexual activity
Environmental Health 4 3 2 1
1. Freedom, physical safety and security
2. Physical environment
3. Financial resources
4. Opportunities for acquiring new information and skills
5. Participation in and opportunities for recreation/leisure
6. Home environment
7. Health and social care: accessibility and quality
8. Transport
Overall Quality of Life and General Health 4 3 2 1
1. Overall Quality of Life
2. General Health
Respondent’s Signature