Influence of Reflections On The Operation of The 2
Influence of Reflections On The Operation of The 2
Influence of Reflections On The Operation of The 2
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Nucl. Fusion 43 (2003) 1454–1457 PII: S0029-5515(03)67560-5
Single CVD Diamond Disk Window
er = 5.67, tan d = 4×10-5 , d = 1.852 mm
collector (SDC)
R w (dB)
ceramic -15
output window
rf-beam phase correcting mirrors
electron gun with Table 1. The operating TE− 34,19 and competing modes with their
coaxial insertt frequencies and amplitude reflection coefficients. Rotation ‘+’
means counter-rotating with the electrons and ‘−’ co-rotating. In
sc-magnet (Bmax 6.6T)
with dipole coils
the calculations it was assumed that counter-rotating modes were
not reflected (see text).
Mode Rotation F (GHz) |Rs |
34, 19 − 170.00 <0.10
36, 19 − 174.24 0.36
35, 19 − 172.13 0.20
33, 19 − 167.90 0.18
rf-beam 32, 19 + 165.79 0.34 (0)
34, 20 + 175.38 0.42 (0)
33, 20 + 173.26 0.28 (0)
32, 20 + 171.15 0.10 (0)
M.I. Airila et al
coefficient, the distance to the load, and the delay time have Without reflections the wave freely propagates in the
transparent meanings. In gyrotrons with a radial output longitudinal direction once it leaves the interaction space. In
(figure 1) this transparency is lost. After leaving the cavity real gyrotron resonators this is described by imposing the
the RF signal hits the launcher in which individual (one or following boundary condition at the end of the exit cone:
several) rotating high-order cavity modes lose their identity
∂fs (ζ, τ )
and are converted into a linearly polarized Gaussian output + iks fs (ζ, τ ) = 0, (3)
∂ζ ζ =ζout
beam which is guided by means of phase correcting mirrors
to the output window. The reflected RF signal is partially where ks = 2cβ β⊥−2 ωc−1 [ω̄s 2 /c2 − χs2 (ζ )/Rcav 2
(ζ )]1/2 is the
dissipated in the entire volume of the tube and partially finds dimensionless wave number, χs is the eigenvalue of the mode,
its way back to the cavity in all possible modes. No specific and Rcav is the cavity radius.
models exist for description of these complicated processes. Theoretically reflections in the widest sense can be
In the light of this we simply assume that the reflections occur described by introducing the normalized complex reflection
just at the exit from the cavity and the entire reflected RF signal coefficient Rs :
in a specific cavity mode returns to the cavity. The reflection ∂fs /∂z + iks fs
Rs = , (4)
is described by a complex reflection coefficient; no distance ∂fs /∂z − iks fs
to the reflection point and no delay time are involved in the which for Rs = 0 reduces to the usual boundary condition (3).
theory. We now can formulate a generalized boundary condition for
the second equation of the system (1)
4. Formalism
i ∂fs (ζ, τ ) 1 − Rs
fs (ζout , τ ) = · . (5)
Our study is based on the following system of partial ks ∂ζ ζ =ζout 1 + Rs
differential equations [13] which describe self-consistently
mode competition in gyrotrons:
5. Single-mode calculations
+ i(|p|2 − 1)p = i fs exp[i(s ζ + ψs )],
∂ζ s
We first assume that the operation parameters of the gyrotron
are such (Rel = 10 mm, I0 = 70 A, Ub = 90 kV (α = 1.3),
∂ fs
−i + δs fs (1) B = 6.86 T) that a single-mode operation in the nominal
∂ζ 2 ∂τ TE−
2π 2π 34,19 mode is ensured and pose the question how reflections
1 might influence the output power. This question can be
= Is 2 p dϑ0 exp [−i(s ζ + ψs )] dφ.
4π 0 0
conveniently answered by plotting contours of constant output
Here p is the complex transverse momentum of the electron power in the plane of the real and imaginary parts of the
normalized to its initial absolute value, ζ = (β⊥2 ωc /2β c)z reflection coefficient. Such plots are called Rieke diagrams.
is the dimensionless longitudinal coordinate, β = v /c and We solved the system of equations (1) in the single-mode
β⊥ = v⊥ /c are normalized electron velocities, c is the velocity approximation for the operating TE− 34,19 mode for many values
of light, z is the longitudinal coordinate, (ωc /2π) [GHz] = of R. On the basis of these computations we constructed the
Rieke diagram shown in figure 3. It can be seen that in the worst
28B [T]/γrel is the electron cyclotron frequency, B is
possible case when the reflection coefficient is real (poorest
the magnetic field in the resonator, γrel = 1+Ub [kV]/511 is the
phase) for obtaining high-power (Pout > 2 MW) single-
relativistic factor, Ub = Uc − Ud is the beam voltage, Uc is the
mode oscillations the condition |R| < 0.1 must be satisfied,
cathode voltage, Ud is voltage depression, s = 2β⊥−2 (ω̄s −
which means that the amount of reflected power should be less
ωc )ωc−1 is the frequency mismatch, fs (ζ, τ ) is the RF field in
than 1%.
the resonator, ψs = 8β2 β⊥−4 (ω̄s − ωc )ωc−1 τ + (1 ∓ ms )φ is
the phase of the mode, ms and φ are the azimuthal index and
coordinate, respectively, τ = 18 β⊥4 β−2 ωc t is the dimensionless
time, t is time, δs = 8β2 β⊥−4 [ω̄s − ωcut,s (ζ )]ωc−1 describes
variation of the cut-off frequency ωcut,s (ζ ) along the resonator 0.5
axis, ω̄s is the cut-off frequency at the exit from the resonator, 2.0
and Is is a dimensionless current which includes the RF field 2.0 2.5 0 Im{R}
and electron beam coupling
Jm2 s ±1 ((2π/λs )Rel )
Is = 0.94 × 10−4 I0 β0 β⊥0 . (2) -0.5
γrel (νs2 − m2s )Jm2 s (νs )
Reflections in the coaxial gyrotron for ITER
U/kV U / kV
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
4000 4000
3000 3000 34,19
34,19 34,19
PRF / kW
PRF / kW
33,20 35,19
2000 33,20 2000 33,20
35,19 33,20
34,20 33,19
34,20 34,20
1000 36,19 1000
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
t / ns
Figure 4. Mode competition scenario on the assumption that there Figure 5. Mode competition scenario in the case of reflections
are no reflections. The output power corresponding to B = 6.84 T is given by figure 2 and table 1. It was assumed that Rs = 0 for
plotted with ——, to B = 6.86 T with - - - -, and to B = 6.88 T counter-rotating modes. Other conventions are the same as in
with · · · · · ·. figure 4.