of Filtration
of Filtration
of Filtration
1. Direction of flow
2. Type of filter media and bed
3. Driving force
4. Method of flow rate control
5. Filtration rate
• The process of passing the water through the beds of granular material is known as filtration.
• Two types of filters are commonly used for treating municipal water supplies
• Slow sand filter
• Rapid sand filter
• Slow sand filters can remove much larger percentage of impurities and bacteria from water as
compared to rapid gravity filter
• Slow sand filter yield a vary slow rate of filtration about 1/30th of that given by rapid gravity filter.
• It requires larger area and costly
• The necessity of maximum removal of bacteria has decreased due to advancement of disinfection
technique and therefore slow sand filters are obsolete these days.
• The water from coagulation-sedimentation plant is directly fed into the rapid gravity filters and the
water exit from filtration unit are disinfected for complete killing germs and colour removal.
The suspended particles present in water and which are bigger size than the size of the voids in sand layers of
filter cannot pass through these voids and get arrested in them. Most of the particles are removed in the
upper sand layers. The arrested particles including the coagulated flocs forms a mat on the top of the bed
which further helps in straining out the impurities.
The filters are able to remove even particles of size smaller than the size of the voids present in the filter. This
can be explained by assuming that the void spaces act like tiny coagulation-sedimentation tanks. The
colloidal matter arrested in these voids is a gelatinous mass and therefore attract other finer particles.
These finer particles thus settle down in the voids and get removed.
Certain micro-organisms and bacteria are generally present in the voids of the filters. They may either reside
initially as coatings over sand grains or they may be caught during the initial process of filtration. These
organisms utilise such organic impurities and convert them into harmless compounds by the process of
biological metabolism. The harmless compounds so formed generally form a layer on the top which is called
schmutzdecke. This layer helps in absorbing and straining out the impurities.
The purifying action of filter can also be explained by the theory of ionisation. According to this theory, a filter
helps in purifying the water by changing the chemical characteristics of water. This may be explained by the
fact that the sand grains of the filter media and impurities in water carry electrical charges of opposite nature.
When these oppositely charged particles and impurities come in contact with each other, they neutralise each
other, thereby changing the character of water and making it purer. After a certain interval, the electrical
charges of sand grains get exhausted and have to be restored by cleaning the filter.
Filter Materials
Sand: Sand, either fine or coarse, is generally used as filter media. The size of the sand is measured and
expressed by the term called effective size. The effective size, i.e. D10 may be defined as the size of the
sieve in mm through which ten percent of the sample of sand by weight will pass. The uniformity in size or
degree of variations in sizes of particles is measured and expressed by the term called uniformity
coefficient. The uniformity coefficient, i.e. (D60/D10) may be defined as the ratio of the sieve size in mm
through which 60 percent of the sample of sand will pass, to the effective size of the sand.
Gravel: The layers of sand may be supported on gravel, which permits the filtered water
to move freely to the under drains, and allows the wash water to move uniformly
upwards. It should be hard, durable, free from impurities, properly rounded and should
have a density of about 1600 kg/m3 .
Other materials: Instead of using sand, sometimes, anthrafilt is used as filter media.
Anthrafilt is made from anthracite, which is a type of coal-stone that burns without smoke
or flames. It is cheaper and has been able to give a high rate of filtration.
The resultant water after sedimentation will not be pure, and may contain some
very fine suspended particles and bacteria in it. To remove or to reduce the
remaining impurities still further, the water is filtered through the beds of fine
granular material, such as sand, etc. The process of passing the water through
the beds of such granular materials is known as Filtration.
How Filters Work: Filtration Mechanisms
There are four basic filtration mechanisms:
SEDIMENTATION : The mechanism of sedimentation is due to force of gravity
and the associate settling velocity of the particle, which causes it to cross the
streamlines and reach the collector.
INTERCEPTION : Interception of particles is common for large particles. If a
large enough particle follows the streamline, that lies very close to the media
surface it will hit the media grain and be captured.
Multimedia filters: They consist of two or more layers of different granular materials, with
different densities. Usually, anthracite coal, sand, and gravel are used. The different layers
combined may provide more versatile collection than a single sand layer. Because of the
differences in densities, the layers stay neatly separated, even after backwashing.
Principles of Slow Sand Filtration
• In a slow sand filter impurities in the water are removed by a combination of processes: sedimentation,
straining, adsorption, and chemical and bacteriological action.
• During the first few days, water is purified mainly by mechanical and physical-chemical processes. The
resulting accumulation of sediment and organic matter forms a thin layer on the sand surface, which remains
permeable and retains particles even smaller than the spaces between the sand grains.
• As this layer (referred to as “Schmutzdecke”) develops, it becomes living quarters of vast numbers of micro-
organisms which break down organic material retained from the water, converting it into water, carbon dioxide
and other oxides.
•Most impurities, including bacteria and viruses, are removed from the raw water as it
passes through the filter skin and the layer of filter bed sand just below. The
purification mechanisms extend from the filter skin to approx. 0.3-0.4 m below the
surface of the filter bed, gradually decreasing in activity at lower levels as the water
becomes purified and contains less organic material.
•When the micro-organisms become well established, the filter will work efficiently and
produce high quality effluent which is virtually free of disease carrying organisms and
biodegradable organic matter.
•They are suitable for treating waters with low colors, low turbidities and low bacterial
Components →
l Enclosure tank
l Filter media
l Base material
l Under drainage system
l Inlet and outlet arrangements
Enclosure tank
l An open watertight rectangular tank made of masonry and concrete.
l Depth→ 2.50-3.50m
l Plan area → 100-2000m² depending on quantity of water to be treated.
l Bed slope is about 1in 100 towards the central drain.
Filter Media
Filtering media consists of sand layers of 90-110 cm in depth and placed over a gravel support.
Effective size D10 of sand varies from 0.2-0.4 mm
Uniformity coefficient (D60 / D10 ) varies from 1.8-2.5.
The top 15 cm layer of the sand is generally finer variety.
Coarsest layer should be placed near the bottom and finest towards top.
Finer the sand purer will be water (More impurities and bacteria will be removed)
Base material
• Base material is gravel and it supports the sand
• 30-75 cm thick gravels of different sizes placed in layers
• Generally 3-4 layers each of 15-20 cm depth are used.
• Coarsest gravel is used in the bottom most layer (40-65 mm size gravel), 1st intermediate layer (20-
40 mm size gravel), 2nd intermediate layer (6-20 mm size gravel) and finest gravel (3.0-6 mm) is
used as top most layer.
Under drainage system
• The gravel support is laid on the top of an under-drainage system.
• It consists of a central drain and lateral drains.
• The laterals are open jointed pipe drains or porous drains placed 3-5 m apart on the bottom floor
and sloping towards a main covered central drain.
• Lateral collects the filtered water and discharges it into main drain which further moves to filtered
water well.
Inlet and outlet arrangements
• Inlet chamber admits the effluent from sedimentation tank without disturbing sand layers of the filter and
distribute uniformly over the filter bed.
• Filtered water well is also constructed on the outlet side to collect the filtered water coming out from the
underdrainage system.
Other appuretenances
Vertical air pipes: It passes through the layer of sand for proper functioning of the filtering layers.
Arrangements are made to control the depth of water above the sand layer to 1-1.5 m.
Meter: To measure the flow
Gauges: To measure the loss of head.
Filter head: It is the loss of head caused by the resistance offered by the sand grains to the flow of water through
it. Difference of water levels between filter tank and filtered water well. The resistance offered will be less for a
freshly cleaned filter unit (10-15 cm generally) and it will be more as clogging of filter layer increases
The filter should be cleaned if loss of head is high (0.7-1.2 m)
Operation and cleaning of slow sand filter
• The treated water from sedimentation tank is allowed to enter the inlet chamber and get distributed uniformly
over the filter bed.
• The water purified during percolating through filter media. The water entered into gravel layer and gets
collected in the laterals through open joints in filtered water well.
• The rate of filtration is kept constant.
• Water entering the slow sand filter should not be treated by coagulants because the dirty skin formed by the
floc affects the economical working of the filter.
• Depth of water on filter is generally kept equal to the depth of filter sand.
• The cleaning of slow sand filter is done by scrapping and removing the 1.5 – 3 cm of top sand layer. The top
surface is finally raked, roughened, cleaned and washed with good water.
• The amount of wash water required is of the order of 0.2-0.6 % of total water filtered.
• More sand is added when the sand depth is reduced to 40 cm due to cleaning.
• Effluents obtained during beginning of just after cleaning the filter bed will not be pure and are not used for
about 24-36 hours until formation of a film of arrested impurities around the sand grain has taken place.
• Since the filtering action of slow sand filters depends on formation of schmutzdecke, the effluents obtained
in the beginning shall not be pure.
• The interval between the two successive cleanings depends on nature of impurities present in water and size
of the filtering sand used in filter. But the normal interval between the two successive cleanings is 1-3
Rate of filtration:
• 100-200 litres per hour per m2 of filter area
Efficiency and performance of slow sand filter
• Highly efficient in removal of bacteria (upto 98-99 % or more).
• This filter also removes the odours and taste particularly those caused by the presence of organic impurities
such as algae and plankton.
• Less efficient in removing colors of raw water.
• Remove turbidities upto 50 mg/lit
Design six slow sand filter beds from following data
Population to be served = 50000 persons
Per capita demand = 150 litres/capita/day
Rate of filtration = 180 litres/ hr/sq. m
Length of each bed = twice the breadth
Max demand is 1.8 times of average daily demand
Assume one unit out of six will be kept as stand by.
Valve 1 & 4 closed and valve 5 & 6 are opened. The wash water and compressed air are thus forced upward from
the upper drainage through the gravel and sand beds.
Valve 5 is closed after supplying required amount of air
The dirty water resulting from washings, overflows into the wash water troughs and is removed by opening valve 2
through the inlet chamber into the wash water gutter.
For backwashing system
The process of washing the filters and removing the dirty water is generally continued for a period of 3-5 minutes.
After washing of the filter has been completed, valve 2 and 6 will be closed and valve 1 & 3 are opened
This restores the inlet supply through valve 1 but the filtered water in the beginning is not collected and washed
for a few minutes through valve 3 to the gutter.
This is necessary because the remains of the wash water must be removed from the voids of the filter and a
surface mat must be allowed to be formed on sand.
Then valve 3 is closed and valve 4 is opened to get filtered supplies again.
Entire process of back washing the filters and re-maintaining filtered supplies takes about 15 minutes and the
filter unit remains out of operation for this much of time.
The amount of water required for washing a rapid gravity filter may vary from 2-5% of the total amount of water
filtered .
Rapid gravity filters get clogged very frequently and have to be washed every 24-48 hours.
Normally 10-15 minutes are required in washing but in recommissioning, a total of 30 minutes may be
The pressure at which wash water is supplied is about 40 kN/m2.
Large volume of wash water containing low concentration of solids (100-1000 mg/l), will be evolved from the
water treatment plants using filters.
These filters can also be washed efficiently by surface wash.
Clean filtered water is applied to the sand bed from the top by means of nozzles. Rate of application of wash
water may range 200-600 litres/minute/sqm. and it may be applied under a pressure of 10-20 m head of
The water letting out of the nozzles cleaning the top layers easily. Since the trapped particles in top layer can
not be easily cleaned by backwashing, surface wash may be used to supplement the back wash.
The water percolating through the filter moves downward under the force of gravity. This motion is opposed by
the resistance offered by the sand grains and the impurities arrested in them. The percolating water therefore
losses some of its head.
The loss of head can be easily computed by knowing the water level in the filter and the pressure of water in
the outlet pipe. The difference between the two heads will give the loss of head called filter head.
The loss of head is measured by inserting two piezometers, one in the water standing over the filter and other
in the outlet pipe. The difference in the readings of these two piezometers will give the loss of head.
When the filter is newly commissioned, the loss of head is very small 15-30 cm. The loss of head goes on
increasing as the time passes and as more and more impurities get trapped into it.
A stage is reached when the frictional resistance offered by the filter media exceeds the static head of water
above the sand bed. Most of this resistance is caused by the top 10-15 cm sand layer. The bottom sand then
acts like more vacuum and water is sucked through the filter media rather than getting filtered through it.
The negative pressure tend to release the dissolved air and other gases present in water.
The formation of bubbles takes place which stick to the sand grains and thereby seriously affecting the
working of the filter. The phenomenon is known as air binding as the air binds the filter and stops its
Loss of head is generally limited to 2.5-3.5 m and the negative head to about 1.2 m.
1. air binding
2. formation of mud balls
3. cracking of filters
Design a rapid sand filter unit for 4 million litres per day of supply with all its principal components.
Slow Sand Filters vs. Rapid Sand Filters
•Pre treatment requirement: Effluents either from plain sedimentation tank or raw waters
are fed in SSF whereas coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation is must in RSF.
•Base material: In SSF it varies from 3 to 65 mm in size and 30 to 75 cm in depth while in
RSF it varies from 3 to 40 mm in size and its depth is slightly more, i.e. about 60 to 90 cm.
•Filter sand: In SSF the effective size ranges between 0.2 to 0.4 mm and uniformity
coefficient between 1.8 to 2.5 or 3.0. In RSF the effective size ranges between 0.35 to 0.55
and uniformity coefficient between 1.2 to 1.8.
•Rate of filtration: In SSF it is small, such as 100 to 200 L/h/sq.m. of filter area while in
RSF it is large, such as 3000 to 6000 L/h/sq.m. of filter area.
•Flexibility: SSF are not flexible for meeting variation in demand whereas RSF are quite
flexible for meeting reasonable variations in demand.
•Post treatment required: Almost pure water is obtained from SSF. However, water may
be disinfected slightly to make it completely safe. Disinfection is a must after RSF.
•Method of cleaning: Scrapping and removing of the top 1.5 to 3 cm thick layer is done to
clean SSF. To clean RSF, sand is agitated and backwashed with or without compressed air.
•Loss of head: In case of SSF approx. 10 cm is the initial loss, and 0.8 to 1.2m is the
final limit when cleaning is required. For RSF 0.3m is the initial loss, and 2.5 to 3.5m is
the final limit when cleaning is required.
•Period of cleaning: SSF cleaned at interval of 1-3 months but RSF cleaned frequently
at intervals of 1-3 days.
•Quantity of wash water required: 0.2-0.6 percent of total filter water is required for
SSF but 1-5 percent of total filter water is required for RSF.
•Method of cleaning: Scrapping and removing the top 1.5-3 cm thick layer and washing
down by hoses in SSF but Agitating the sand grain through backwashing with or without
compressed air in RSF.
• The Halogens: Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine
• Ozone
• Potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide
• Silver and copper ions
• pH > 11 or pH < 3: pathogenic bacteria donot survive
Advantages & Disadvantages of Ozone as disinfectant
Ozone is being unstable, nothing remains in water, by the time time it reaches the distribution system
Ozone removes the colour, taste and odour from water, in addition to removing the bacteria from it.
The ozonized water becomes tasty and pleasant unlike the chlorinated water which becomes bitter to tongue.
It is very costly and much costlier than chlorination
Ozone needs electricity for its manufacture and hence it can be used only when electricity is available easily and
No residuals can be maintained because it is highly unstable and thus its use doesnot ensure safety against
possible future contamination.
Complicated ozone manufacturing apparatus called ozoniser is required to be installed at the treatment plants
because it can not be supplied in cylinders as chlorine can be.
Treatment with ultra-violet rays
These rays usually found in sunlight and can be prepared by passing electric current through mercury
enclosed in quartz bulbs.
Water to be treated with ultra-violet ray should less turbid (< 15 mg/lit) and low in colour (Colourless).
Sterilisation with UV rays doesnot impart any additional taste or odour to water
It is very costly, possibility of interruption due to failure of electricity.
This method is useful for treating swimming pool water and suitable where cost is a minor factor.
Treatment with Potassium Permanganate:
Disinfecting well water in villages
It also helps in oxidizing the taste producing organic matter.
Normal dose is 1-2 mg/lit with a contact period of 4-6 hours
It can remove about 98% of bacteria. It can possible remove 100% organisms causing cholera.
When chlorine is dissolved in water at temperatures between 90C – 1000C, it reacts to form hypochlorous
and hydrochloric acid.
𝐶𝑙! + 𝐻! 𝑂 ↔ 𝐻𝑂𝐶𝑙 + 𝐻𝐶𝑙 (𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝐻 > 5)
Hypochlorous acid (since it is unstable) dissociates into hydrogen ion and hypochlorite ion.
𝐻𝑂𝐶𝑙 ↔ 𝐻 " + 𝑂𝐶𝑙# (𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝐻 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟)
The dissociation of HOCl into ions is more effective at high pH values and vice versa. pH > 10, only OCl ions
are formed. pH <7 but more than 5; HOCl exist without dissociating into Ocl ions and pH < 5 chlorine does
not react and remains as elemental chlorine.
At pH < 5 chlorine exist as elemental chlorine.
At pH 5-7, It remains in the form of hypochlorous acid (HOCl)
At pH 7-10, it remains in the form of both hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions. Concentration of HOCl
decreases and OCl increases as pH increases.
At pH > 10, only OCl ion exist.
The chlorine existing in water as molecular chlorine, hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions and their
sum is known as free chlorine.
It is the hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions which accomplish disinfection.
Disinfection efficiency depends upon the ratio of hypochlorous acid to the hypochlorite ions. Higher
efficiency at higher ratio.
Hypochlorous acid is about 80 times effective than hypochlorite ions
Therefore, pH of water to be treated should be maintained at less than 7 to prevent ionization of HOCl.
Chlorine will also react with ammonia present in water to form various chloramines and found to
possess disinfecting properties. They can remove odour upto certain extent.
Combined chlorine is less effective (25 times less effective) than free chlorine in causing disinfection
Use of hypochlorite and bleaching powder
𝑂𝐶𝑙# + 𝐻 " ⟺ HOCl# (Hypochlorite ions may combine with hydrogen ions present in water to form hypochlorous acid
A 100% pure hypochlorite should contain free available chlorine equal to Ocl- value of the compound.
142 parts of calcium hypochlorite will contain 102 parts of free chlorine (around 70%)
Chlorine usage in the treatment of 20000 cubic meter per day is 8kg/day. The
residual after 10 minute contact period is 0.2 mg/lit. Calculate the dosage in mg/lit
and chlorine demand of water.
It indicates the addition of excess amount of chlorine (5-15 mg/lit) to the water.
It requires in special cases of highly contaminated water or during epidemics of water borne diseases.
If water contains cysts of histolytica (cause amoeba dysentery), super chlorination is required.
1-2 mg/lit of residual chlorine exist beyond break point
Dechlorination may be required later by using dechlorinating agents (Sodium thiosulphate, activated
carbon, sulphur dioxide gas etc.). This ensures the removal of bad taste and odours caused by the
presence of excess chlorine.
This the process of removal of excess chlorine from water.