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The term filtration, as applied to water treatment, refers to the removal of suspended
solids from water. In most cases it is the last stage in the pre treatment of water for
removal of undissolved impurities prior to treatment by Ion Exchange or by Reverse
Osmosis . Coagulation, flocculation and clarification precede filtration.

Suspended solids are made of silica, clay, silt, oxides of iron or manganese and
degraded organic matter. Suspended solids tend to clog equipment and impair the
efficiency of downstream units like Ion Exchange or Reverse Osmosis. Removal of
suspended solids is therefore the first step in water treatment.

Suspended solids also include very finely divided particles of colloidal dimensions
(of size less than 1 micron. These particles result in haziness and make the water
turbid. While large particles would settle down easily, the finely divided particles do not
settle .Finely divided particles carry a negative charge on their surface and as like
charges repel each other, the particles do not collide with each other and therefore do
not settle.

There are at least three stages of treatment involved in removal of suspended solids
including colloidal particles from water.

- Coagulation in which a coagulant like Alum is added to the water in a tank fitted with a
high speed agitator with a retention time of 1-2 minutes.to allow the coagulant to mix
with the entire volume of water. A coagulant like Alum neutralises the surface charge
present on the particle and allows the particles to collide with each other and form a
bigger particle. Alum reacts with the alkalinity present in water and forms a gelatinous
precipitate aluminium hydroxide to which the particles get adhered.

- Flocculation in which a poly electrolyte is added in a flocculator fitted with a low speed
agitator to provide the gentle agitation required for agglomeration of the flocs.
Polyelectrolytes are water soluble high molecular weight long chain compounds
based on Polyacrylamide and its derivatives and these are added to aid the
coagulation process. They may include cationic or anionic groups. Charges on these
polyelecrolytes serve two purposes; they provide means of adsorption onto the
particle surfaces by electrostatic attraction and they cause the polymer molecule to
extend and uncoil due to charge repulsion along the polymer chain.

The selection of the coagulant, flocculant and their dosages are best determined by
Jar Tests.

- Clarification & settling in which the flocs are allowed to settle to the bottom of the
clarifier to be collected and disposed off

- Clarified water would still contain a low level of suspended solids(upto10-15 mg/l) and
will have a turbidity less than 2 Nephelometric Turbidity Unit(NTU).The process of
filtration removes the residual suspended solids present in clarified water and also
reduces the turbidity to less than 1 NTU.
Filtration for removal of suspended solids

Filters are also employed to remove the hardness salts that are precipitated when the
process of softening of water by the lime or lime-soda process is used. Filters with
special media are also used to remove iron and or manganese that may be present in
some borewell waters.

Filters used in water treatment are either pressure or gravity filters depending upon the
flow of water-Water is pumped through a pressure filter while water flows by gravity in a
gravity filter .They employ granular media like sand, anthracite or activated carbon either
alone or in combination as the filter media.

Granular Media filters

Granular media filters remove suspended solids that are visible to the naked eye-these
are particles typically greater than20 micron in size.

Pressure Sand filters

A typical pressure sand filter consists of a pressure vessel-this could be either vertical or
horizontal-fitted with a set of frontal pipe work and valves, graded sand supported by
layers of graded under bed consisting of pebbles and silex, a top distributor to distribute
the incoming water uniformly throughout the cross section of the filter, and an under
drain system to collect filtered water.

Raw water flows down wards through the filter bed and as the suspended matter- which
has usually been treated by addition of a coagulant like alum- is retained on the sand
surface ands between the sand grains immediately below the surface. There is steady
rise in the loss of head as the filtration process continues and the flow reduces once the
pressure drop across the filter is excessive.

The filter is now taken out of service and cleaning of the filter is effected by flow reversal.
To assist in cleaning the bed, the backwash operation is often preceded by air agitation
through the under drain system. The process of air scouring agitates the sand with a
scrubbing action, which loosens the intercepted particles. The filter is now ready to be
put back into service.

Gravity Sand filters

Conventional Gravity Filters are units, which are used for filtering gravity flows of water,
and which incorporate a nest of valves for the operation of the different functions of
filtering, backwashing and rinsing. These units may be made of concrete, steel, or wood,
but concrete is the material that is almost universally employed. Also, the rectangular
form is the one that is most widely used, because, in that way, the walls of the inner
units in any one battery can be made common to one another. Their application is
generally limited to the municipal treatment field where high flow rates of water must be
treated. The filter effluent water in such a case is usually pretreated in a coagulation and/
or settling basin. Their size and number in any one plant is governed by the size of the
valves that would be required, as well as by the shape of the area available for the
installation. In other words the maximum design area for any one conventional filter is
almost limitless, but they are usually kept within 1000 sq.ft so as not to require
excessively sized valves and controls. Filter media is generally sand or anthracite, with a
bed depth of 24”. Fig 2 & 3 show the constructional feature of a typical Rapid Gravity
sand filter.

Multigrade filters

Multigrade filter is a depth filter that makes use of coarse and fine media mixed together
in a fixed proportion. This arrangement produces a filter bed with adequate pore
dimensions for retaining both large and small suspended particles. This filter performs at
a substantially higher specific flow rate than conventional filters. Specific flow rates of
15 – 30 m/h have been successfully obtained for treating waters containing 25 – 50 ppm
suspended solids respectively to produce filtrate with less than 5 ppm.

Advantages : • Higher specific flow rate than conventional down flow filters
thereby saving on space and cost.
• Very little maintenance required.
• Lower backwash water requirement
• In most cases, raw water can be used for backwash.

Applications Multigrade filters is an ideal choice for all applications where a

conventional sand filter is used. It is extensively used in side
stream filtration of cooling water and in potable water treatment.
It is ideal for filtration of clarified water. In addition it finds
application in sea water filtration and in filtration of chemical
solutions. For these types of filtrations rubber lined or epoxy
painted filters are used.

Dual Media filters

Anthracite can be used as a stand alone filter medium or it can be used in combination
with sand in what are called dual media filters. Used in this way higher filtration rates in
excess of 10m/h are achieved in typical dual media filter consists of a layer of anthracite
(1.25-2.5mm) resting on a a layer of fine sand(1-1.5mm)Anthracite is coarse and has
more dirt holding capacity as compared to sand.

If it is desired to remove particles less than 15-20 microns, Micron cartridge filters can be
used. Feed to Reverse osmosis units always incorporate these filters to produce clear
water, free from micron size particles and with a low silt density index.

Automatic valveless gravity filters (AVGF)

AVGF operates automatically on the head loss principle. This is generally accepted as
being the most accurate control besides eliminating the need for continuous analysis of
filtrate turbidity which is seldom practical. The head loss at which the AVGF initiates
backwashing is determined by the height of the inverted U turn of the top of the
backwash pipe. The level of water in this pipe is proportional to the head loss across the

Working : Filtering : Raw water enters the filter chamber, flows down
through the filter media into the collection chamber
and up through the ducts to the backwash storage
chamber and to service.

As the filter bed collects dirt during the filter run,

head loss increases and the water level rises in both
the inlet and backwash pipes. When the water starts
flowing over and into the downward section of the
backwash pipe, a siphon action occurs and
backwash begins.

Backwashing : Flow through the backwash pipe reduces pressure

immediately above filter bed. This draws water from
the backwash storage compartment down through
the ducts and up through the strainers expanding the
filter bed and cleaning it, and then discharging it to
waste. Backwashing continues until the backwash
water level drops below the end of the siphon
breaker. This admits air to the top of the backwash
pipe, terminating the siphon action and backwash.

Rinsing : At this point inlet water resumes its flow down

through the filter chamber, automatically rinsing,
settling and levelling the bed. The rinse water then
flows up into backwash storage chamber where it is
held for the next backwash. When water rises to the
filtered water outlet level, all filtered water then flows
to service.

Features & Advantages

Features Advantages

Automatic backwash Reliable. No manpower required for monitoring

No valves, instrumentation and Cost effective
backwash pumps
No moving parts Low maintenance
Compact and modular design Low installation and expansion costs
Backwash can be initiated manually Flexibility in operation
Handles inlet suspended solids load Best suited downstream of clarifiers
upto 25 ppm while giving consistent
high quality treated water of less than
2 ppm
Rinse water through a freshly Saves water
backwashed AVGF is not discarded
but stored and used for next
backwash cycle.

Applications : • Pretreatment of process water for the paper and pulp, metallurgical,
refinery, food processing, automobile, fertilizer and petrochemical
• Ideal for side stream filtration. It is widely used to reduce
suspended solids in recirculating cooling water to improve the
efficiency of the cooling system as a whole and reduce
maintenance and cleaning costs.
• Treatment of potable water supplies. Internationally, AVGFs are
approved and used by the majority of municipal corporations for
treatment of potable water.
• Polishing filter for domestic sewage as well as industrial effluent.

Figure given below shows the cross sectional view of the AVGF.

Activated carbon filters

Activated carbon filters are normally used to remove free chlorine and organic molecules
that cause taste or odour problem. It is often necessary to filter water going to an
activated carbon filter to ensure that influent turbidity is less than 5 NTU

DynaSand (Continuous) Filters

The filters described above operates on a batch mode. Contrasted with this,
a DynaSand filter operates continuously and does not require to be stopped for
backwash. Recycling the sand internally continuously cleans the filter media. Water to
be filtered enters at the bottom, flows upward through a set of riser tubes and is evenly
distributed into the sand bed through a distribution hood. The influent moves upward
through the downward moving sand with the solids getting trapped in the sand. Filtered
water exits from the sand bed, overflows a weir and is discharged from the filter.

Simultaneously, the sand is drawn downward into the suction of an air lift pump.
The sand, dirt and water are transported upward through the pipe to the collection vessel
in the upper part of the filter. Sand gets washed ,is rinsed and clean sand falls back to
the surface of the filter bed The dirty liquid is discharged through the wash water outlet

The DynaSand filter is thus a continuous, upflow, deep bed granular media filter and can
handle water containing high turbidity without coagulation. Continuous operation means
elimination of peripheral equipment like backwash pumps, air blowers, backwash
storage tank etc. Figure given below shows the arrangement of a battery of filters in
honeycomb design in concrete

The DynaSand continuous filter was originally developed for use in steel mills for mill
scale filtration. Water used for quenching the hot metal contains very fine mill scale and
oil. DynaSand filters have been found to be ideal for these applications. Conventional
filters get clogged very quickly because of presence of oil. Figure given below shows
the schematic arrangement for mill scale filtration.

Yet another application is in recovery of white water from paper mills. White water
contains very fine fibres apart from other suspended solids and needs to be filtered
before reuse. The DynaSand filter has been found to be ideally suited for recovery of
white water. Figure given below shows the schematic arrangement for white water
recovery from paper mills.

Fresh Water
Apply heat

Paper White water Secondary

Processing recovery screen
by thickner
Fresh water

Rejected Water DSF


Crossflow filtration

The filtration processes described above involve what is called “Dead end “ filtration- a
process in which water flows in a direction perpendicular to the media and the dirt gets
accumulated on the media and needs to be removed by backwash.In contrast, in
crossflow filtration water flows tangentially along the surface. Figure given below shows
the schematic for crossflow filtration.

Membrane processes almost always involve the “cross-flow” filtration, a process in which
water flows in a direction tangential to the filtration surface and filtrate permeates
through the membrane. The dirt is not allowed to accumulate on the surface in as much
as the flowing water continuously sweeps away the solids. Ultrafiltration is a membrane
process that typically runs on this mode.Ultrafiltration not only removes suspended
solids and colloidal particles but also bacteria and pyrogens and dissolved organic
matter depending upon the molecular weight cut off(MWCO) of the membrane.For
example a membrane with a 5000 MWCO will typically remove organic molecules whose
molecular weight is in excess of 5000.One of the applications of UF membrane is
removal of colloidal silica from boiler feed water.It is also emerging as the most optimal
way of pretreating RO feed water to ensure trouble free operation of RO systems.
Figure given below shows the general arrangement of an ultrafiltration system.

Specifications for media employed in filtration


The suggested specifications for various filter media are given in Annexure –1. It is
hoped the reader will find it useful and informative.


We have covered in the above article the various types of filters in use in water
treatment .We have also attempted to touch upon the recent developments in this
important field.

Specifications for filter media

Sr. No. Parameters Unit Value Remarks

1 Anthracite For use in Dual Media filters
Density kg/m 800
Bed Depth m 0.610 – 0.194
Service Flow m /hr/m 2
Backwash flow m 3/hr/m 2 29.32 – 43.97
2 Activate Alumina For removal of fluoride, arsenic
Density kg/m 3 688 and humic acid
Bed Depth m 0.914+
Service Flow m 3/hr/m 2 2.44 – 4.88
Backwash flow m 3/hr/m 2 19.54 – 24.43
3 Crushed Marble (Calcite) For correction of pH of RO
Density kg/m 3 1600 treated water
Bed Depth m 0.610 – 0.762
Service Flow m 3/hr/m 2 4.88 – 14.66
Backwash flow m 3/hr/m 2 24.43 – 29.32
4 Granular Activated For removal of free chlorine,
Carbon odour and taste
Density kg/m 3 400
Bed Depth m 0.610 – 0.914
Chlorine removal service m 3/hr/m 2 7.33 – 12.22
Organic removal service m 3/hr/m 2 2.44 – 7.33
Backwash flow m 3/hr/m 2 19.54 – 24.43
5 KDF 85 For removal of Iron, Manganese
Density kg/m 3 1200 and H2S
Bed Depth m 0.254+
Service Flow m 3/hr/m 2 36.65
Backwash flow m 3/hr/m 2 73.29
6 Manganese Greensand For removal of iron, manganese
Density kg/m 3 1361 and H2S
Bed Depth M 0.762 – 0.914
Service Flow m 3/hr/m 2 4.88 – 12.22
Backwash flow m 3/hr/m 2 29.32 – 36.65
7 Multi-media ( Anthracite, For use as depth filter and
sand and garnet) reduce SDI.
Density kg/m 3 1463
Bed Depth M 0.914
Service Flow m 3/hr/m 2 24.43
Backwash flow m 3/hr/m 2 36.65
8 Sand For removal of suspended
Density kg/m 3
1600 solids.
Bed Depth m 0.457 – 0.914
Service Flow m 3/hr/m 2 7.33 – 12.22
Backwash flow m 3/hr/m 2 36.65 – 48.86

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