Yah Kalo Ini Mah Anikwe

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Received: 9 June 2020    Revised: 19 June 2020    Accepted: 29 June 2020    First published online: 24 July 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.13293


Coronavirus disease 2019: Knowledge, attitude, and practice

of pregnant women in a tertiary hospital in Abakaliki,
southeast Nigeria

Chidebe C. Anikwe1,* | Christian O. Ogah1 | Ifeyinwa H. Anikwe2 | 

Bartholomew C. Okorochukwu3 | Cyril C. Ikeoha1

Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Alex Ekwueme Federal Abstract
University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Objective: To determine the knowledge, attitude, and practice of antenatal attend-
Ebonyi, Nigeria
ees towards COVID‐19 in Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital,
Department of Administration, Alex
Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Abakaliki, Nigeria.
Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi, Nigeria
Methods: A cross‐sectional survey was carried out among 430 consenting preg-
Department of Obstetrics and
nant women attending antenatal clinics between March 1 and May 30, 2020, using
Gynaecology, Federal Medical Centre,
Owerri, Imo, Nigeria pretested questionnaires.
Results: The mean age and mean gestational age of the respondents were 30.04 years
Chidebe C. Anikwe, Department of (95% confidence interval [CI] 28.9–31.1) and 26.3 weeks (95% CI 23.3–29.3), respec-
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Alex Ekwueme
tively. More than four‐fifths (82%) of the women believed that COVID‐19 is real and
Federal University Teaching Hospital
Abakaliki, Abakaliki, Ebonyi, Nigeria. their main source of information was mass media. The majority had adequate knowledge
Email: [email protected]
of COVID‐19. More than half of the respondents said COVID‐19 is a curable disease
and that chloroquine can be used. The majority showed a good attitude and preventive
practice of COVID‐19 disease; however, one‐fourth (24%) thought that infected indi-
viduals should be killed to prevent the spread of the virus.
Conclusion: The study population has good knowledge, attitude, and practice of
COVID‐19 disease. However, it is worrisome that some respondents thought that
infected individuals should be killed. Proper education must be given to the populace to
avert these negative attitudes while promoting a positive preventive attitude.
The study population has adequate knowledge, good attitude, and preventive prac-
tice of COVID‐19; however, community education is needed to reduce anxiety among
the populace.

Abakaliki; Chloroquine; COVID‐19; Knowledge; Nigeria; Pregnancy

1 |  INTRODUCTION death of men, women, and children around the globe.1 The African con-
tinent is the least affected and Nigeria has so far confirmed 12 486 cases
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is a public health problem of global of COVID‐19 with 354 deaths. The number is expected to increase1 with
1 2,3
concern which is caused by a novel human coronavirus (SARS‐COV‐2). dire consequences if proactive action is not taken by African nations.4
The virus has spread around the world wreaking havoc along its path. The cure for COVID‐19 remains elusive but tremendous efforts have
Apart from its economic impact, it has contributed significantly to the been made by scientists towards the development of drugs or vaccines for

Int J Gynecol Obstet 2020; 151: 197–202 © 2020 International Federation of |  197
Gynecology and Obstetrics
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198       Anikwe ET AL.

its curtailment.5,6 Currently, therapeutic management is mainly supportive labor, care of the newborn, exclusive breastfeeding, and immunization.
with great emphasis being placed on the prevention of transmission of the Other health issues, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, malaria,
virus.1 To this end, WHO has recommended a series of preventive mea- anemia, HIV/AIDS, family planning, and contemporary health issues,
sures to halt the spread of the disease7 and which has been adopted by the were also discussed. Routine services after the health talk included
Nigerian government. The success of these measures is largely dependent measuring weight and height, estimation of blood pressure, urinalysis,
on the populace having a good knowledge of them. and estimation of hemoglobin. Folic acid, ferrous sulfate, intermittent
Everybody is at risk of becoming infected9; however, an immunocom- prophylactic treatment (IPT), and multivitamin supplementation are
promised state, as seen in pregnancy with its physiological changes, could prescribed. Antiretroviral therapy and Septrin were also given to HIV‐
predispose a pregnant woman to increased risk of SARS‐COV‐2 infec- positive pregnant women. Ethical approval for the study was obtained
tion compared to the general population. The cytokine storm that from the Research and Ethics Committee of the hospital.
occurs in COVID‐19 infection is likely to predispose a pregnant woman
with COVID‐19 to increased morbidity and even mortality.9,11 The cumu-
2.3 | Study instrument
lative effect of the disease on the woman is likely to have a detrimental
effect on her and the developing fetus. It could predispose a develop- The study instrument was a pretested structured interviewer question-
ing fetus to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), preterm delivery with naire which was divided into sections: socio‐demographic and obstetric
immediate and long‐term sequelae, abortion, and stillbirth.12 Even though characteristics; knowledge; attitude; and practice of COVID‐19 infection.
vertical transmission is yet to be confirmed,12,13 fear and anxiety asso- A 4‐point Likert scale (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)
ciated with infection could lead to increased demand for abortion and was used to assess the adequacy of attitudes among the respondents. A
operative deliveries.12,14 With the above background, it becomes imper- respondent was judged as having an adequate attitude if her response to
ative that great efforts should be made to prevent pregnant women and a question was “Agree” or “Strongly agree” while those with a response
their fetuses from the scourge of COVID‐19. This can only be achieved of “Strongly disagree” or “Disagree” were assessed as having inadequate
if a woman is knowledgeable about how to prevent contracting the virus knowledge. Each questionnaire took 5–10 minutes to complete.
and its transmission to her family and others. This becomes very obvi-
ous in the study setting that lacks the enabling social and medical infra-
2.4 | Sample size
structures needed to properly manage a case of COVID‐19.4 The aim of
the present study is to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and preven- The sample size was calculated using the formula for cross‐sectional
tive practice of pregnant women towards COVID‐19 in Alex Ekwueme study (N=Z2 PQ/D2) where N is the required sample size, Z is 1.96 at
Teaching Hospital Abakalliki, Nigeria. The findings from the study will 95% confidence interval (CI), P is estimated patient satisfaction from
help to modify policies and guidelines towards the successful prevention similar studies of 50% (0.5), D is the margin of error at 5% (stand-
of COVID‐19 among an obstetric population in Nigeria. ard deviation of 0.05), and Q is 1 − P. A minimum sample size of 423
patients was obtained and, after the addition of a 10% attrition rate,
was increased to 430.

2.1 | Study design 2.5 | Study population

The present study is a cross‐sectional study that assessed the knowl- The study population comprised women that attended their routine visit
edge, attitudes, and preventive practice of COVID‐19 infection among to the antenatal clinic. The study population was recruited by using a
antenatal attendees in Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching ballot method of simple random sampling method after verbal consent
Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. was obtained. Women who consented were asked to pick a piece of a
white card marked “Yes” (include) or “No” (exclude) with replacements
from a black polythene bag in which an equal number of “Yes” and
2.2 | Study setting
“No” cards were added. Women that picked a card marked “Yes” were
The study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and recruited to the study population. They were interviewed by resident
Gynaecology of Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, doctors in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology who were
Abakaliki, Ebonyi State (AE‐FUTHA) between March 1 and May 30, trained to administer the questionnaire. Face masks were provided to
2020. AE‐FUTHA is the only specialist teaching hospital in the state, the study population during the process of data collection and each of
receiving referrals from private and mission hospitals from within the the researchers also wore a face mask. Translation into native languages
state and from neighboring states. The antenatal clinic is held daily on was done in cases where the respondents had lower levels of education.
Mondays through Fridays, as are the booking and postnatal clinics. The
clinics are run by consultant obstetricians with their teams of resident
2.6 | Data analysis
doctors and are assisted by nurses. Health talks were given that cov-
ered various topical issues including nutrition, diet, personal and envi- The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS version 20 (IBM Corp.,
ronmental hygiene, signs of danger during pregnancy, the experience of Armonk, NY, USA). The results were presented with frequency tables/
18793479, 2020, 2, Downloaded from https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ijgo.13293 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [05/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Anikwe ET AL. |

percentages and bar charts (Tables 1–3 and Fig. 1). Categorical vari- This gave a response rate of 95.6%. The mean age and mean gesta-
ables were compared with odds ratios (OR) and x test. The level of tional age of the respondents were 30.0 4years (95% CI 28.9–31.1)
significance was set at P<0.05. and 26.3 weeks (95% CI 23.3–29.3), respectively.

T A B L E 2   Knowledge of COVID‐19 among the respondents.a

3 | RESULTS Variables

Is COVID‐19 real?
A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed among antenatal
Yes 353 (82)
attendees, of which 430 were correctly filled and used for analysis.
No 60 (14)
Not sure 17 (10)
T A B L E 1   Sociodemographic and obstetrics variables of
Sources of information
the respondents.a
TV 91 (16)
Parameters Radio 62 (11)
Age (years) Newspaper 37 (7)
≤24 17 (4) Friends 69 (12)
25–30 43 (10) Health worker 91 (16)
31–35 224 (52) Social media 75 (13)
>35 142 (38) Internet 65 (12)
Marital status Churches/mosque 50 (9)
Married 404 (94) Town criers 9 (2)
Unmarried 26 (06) Billboard 9 (2)
Level of education Aware of COVID‐19 vaccine trials
Primary 60 (14) Yes 52 (12)
Secondary 155 (36) No 378 (88)
Tertiary 215 (50) Agents of COVID‐19
Occupation Virus 378 (88)
Housewife 120 (28) Bacteria 52 (12)
Trading 189 (44) Sources of infection
Civil servant 95 (22) Animal 138 (32)
Public servant 26 (06) Human 163 (38)
Religion Air 129 (30)
Christianity 396 (92) Symptoms of COVID‐19
Islam 34 (08) Fever 164 (43)
Residence Diarrhea 5 (1)
Urban 327 (76) Cough 164 (43)
Rural 103 (24) Weakness 60 (13)
Gestational age Headache 50 (10)
First trimester 86 (20) Nose/mouth bleeding 30 (6)
Second trimester 112 (26) Vaginal bleeding 5 (1)
Third trimester 323 (54) Does COVID‐19 have a cure?
Number of children Yes 225 (52)
0 69 (16) No 205 (48)
1 112 (26) Cure for COVID‐19
2 86 (20) Chloroquine 245 (56)
3 112 (26) Antibiotics 32 (7)
4 34 (8) Drink hot water 90 (21)
5 9 (02) Drink hot gin 23 (5)
6 9 (02) Drink saltwater 40 (9)
a a
Values are given as number (percentage). Values are given as number (percentage).
18793479, 2020, 2, Downloaded from https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ijgo.13293 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [05/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
200       Anikwe ET AL.

T A B L E 3   Attitude of the women towards COVID‐19.a

Variables Adequate knowledge Inadequate knowledge OR (95% CI)

COVID‐19 affect the economy negatively 319 (74) 111 (26) 8.25 (6.08–11.20)
Report suspected cases 344 (80) 86 (20) 16.00 (11.45–22.34)
Health education is important 223 (52) 207 (48) 1.16 (0.88–1.51)
Government can prevent COVID‐19 352 (82) 78 (18) 20.36 (14.39–28.81)
Afraid family member can contact COVID‐19 284 (66) 146 (34) 3.78 (2.85–5.01)
Afraid to visit common places 292 (68) 138 (32) 4.47 (3.36–5.96)
Home treatment for infected persons 112 (26) 318 (72) 0.12 (0.09–0.16)
Medical staff not at risk of infection 172 (40) 258 (60) 0.44 (0.33–0.58)
Closure of public places 353 (82) 77 (18) 21.01 (14.83–29.78)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

Values are given as number (percentage).

changing this disposition. The majority (n=339, 61%) of the respondent

was informed by mass media. It highlighted the importance of mass media
in the fight against COVID‐19, especially when people are in lockdown.
COVID‐19 infection is a public health problem and adequate knowledge
The present study also showed that less than 20% of the respondents
among the populace is essential for its management.1,7 It has been dem-
got their information from healthcare workers and churches. The ban
onstrated that adequate knowledge is a prerequisite for the establish-
on religious activities in Nigeria and the fear among the populace that
ment of preventive belief, forming a positive attitude, and promoting of
they could contract the disease by visiting a hospital because patients
positive practice to disease.15,16 The present study shows that the major-
infected with COVID‐19 are likely to be there might be the reason.
ity of respondents had adequate knowledge about COVID‐19 infection.
To date, supportive care is the main therapeutic approach for a
Of the respondents, 353 (82%) believed that the disease is real while
patient with COVID‐19 infection, although efforts are being intensi-
more than four‐fifths (88%) of respondents thought that the disease is
fied in finding a drug or a vaccine5,6 as there are currently no approved
caused by a virus. The findings of the present study support the ear-
drugs for the treatment of COVID‐19. In the index study, over half of
lier findings by Zhong et al.8 (90%) and Zhou et al.17 (89%) in China, and
the population (52.0%) believes the disease is curable, with more than
the findings of Ranjan et al.18 (95%) in India. This high level of knowl-
half (56%) of the studied population believing that chloroquine can
edge is expected, bearing in mind the economic and social impact of
cure the disease. Even though there are some controversies on the
the COVID‐19 pandemic in the study area. It is a cause of concern that
place of chloroquine in the management of COVID‐19 infection, it has
24% of the women interviewed said that COVID‐19 infection is a pos-
been documented by Gao et al.15 that the use of chloroquine can be
sible scam. This negative attitude exhibited by these respondents might
useful as it is superior to placebo in the management of COVID‐19. A
mitigate the efforts made by the government and the health sector to
clinical trial in Beijing, China has also recommended chloroquine phos-
curb the spread of the disease. These women are not likely to adhere
phate for the treatment of COVID‐19 in the elderly but warned of the
to recommendations made by the government to reduce the spread of
adverse effect of chloroquine in this group of patients. This expres-
the virus. Public sensitization and enlightenment programs can assist in
sion of the women on the place of chloroquine is a cause of concern
because it could cause misuse and abuse of the drug by herself, her
family, and the community in general. This is especially the case in
Nigeria where the majority of the population can buy drugs without a
300 prescription from a doctor or clinical pharmacist from multiple patent/
200 pharmacy outlets in the country. This belief that the use of chloroquine
can be of help in a patient with SARS CoV‐2 virus infection has led to
50 panic buying, hoarding, and skyrocketing of the price of chloroquine in
the study area. About 21% of the respondents in the index study said
COVID‐19 is cured by intake of hot water, while 5% attributed the
cure to intake of hot gin and 9% to intake of saltwater. This erroneous
belief on the treatment and cure of COVID‐19 could be dangerous,
YES NO especially to the pregnant population and their unborn babies.
Opinion about the source of the infection is diverse among the
F I G U R E 1   Practice of COVID‐19 prevention among the respondents as 32%, 38%, and 30% of the antenatal women studied
respondents. Abbreviation: HOPB, handling of personal belongings. believed that the sources of infection are from an animal, human, and
18793479, 2020, 2, Downloaded from https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ijgo.13293 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [05/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Anikwe ET AL. |

airborne, respectively. This corresponded with the general lack of worrisome that 24% of the women think that individuals infected with
proper information about the mode of transmission of the disease. COVID‐19 should be killed. This might be attributed to fears about the
COVID‐19 infection has been reported to cause clusters of severe disease and calls for proper dissemination of information. Support for
respiratory illness and common symptoms of the disease include fever, some of the findings in the present study is seen in the work of Zhou et
cough, body pain, headache, hemoptysis, and diarrhea.11,19 When the al.,17 although among a different study population, where the major-
population in the present study was asked about the symptoms of ity of their study population (85%) was afraid of becoming infected at
COVID‐19, they showed a fair knowledge of the symptoms of the their places work. They also discovered that the greater the knowledge
disease. The common known symptoms were fever and cough, in of COVID‐19, the more confident the respondents were in defeating
keeping with the commonest symptoms of the disease. Other symp- the virus.17
toms known to the study population included weakness, diarrhea, and WHO has recommended a series of preventive measures to halt
headache. Bleeding from the orifices was reported in less than 10% the spread of the disease7; these measures have been adopted by the
of the women as one of the symptoms of the disease. This response Nigerian government as part of an armamentarium to its determina-
might be influenced by the respondent’s knowledge of Lassa fever tion to reduce the burden of COVID‐19 in Nigeria. It is important that
– a viral disease – which is a known cause of bleeding disorder and the populace adheres to these measures. The present study popula-
is endemic in the study area.20 The poor awareness of the common tion showed a satisfactory knowledge of the prevention of COVID‐19,
symptoms of the disease by the respondents in the present study may which is supported by earlier findings from the study area.24 The
affect the early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. At present, majority are aware that the practice of handwashing, wearing a mask,
the best weapon to curtail the virus is preventive measures aimed at sneezing into the elbow, avoiding touching the face, health education,
reducing transmission21 thus emphasizing the importance of knowl- closure of public places, quarantine, and hospitalization of an infected
edge of the symptomatology of the disease. Adequate knowledge of person are good measures and were seen as a good practice towards
the symptomatology will prompt early presentation at the hospital for the prevention of COVID‐19 infection. It is hoped that this satisfac-
appropriate care and will also indirectly lead to the reduction of the tory knowledge will promote the day‐to‐day practice of COVID‐19
spread of the virus. prevention. In a related study, a significant number of healthcare
The attitude and practice of a person towards the disease are workers surveyed had a good preventive practice of COVID‐19.8,25
dependent on their knowledge of the disease. Zhong et al. and Zhou This high level of practice is expected from healthcare workers, prob-
et al. reported the existence of a positive correlation between atti- ably because of the nature of their training and experience in their
tudes/practice of COVID‐19 and level of knowledge among the indi- workplace. This good practice seen in healthcare workers is not in tan-
viduals they studied in China. The majority of the women in the present dem with the poor practice seen among pregnant women in Nigeria,24
study have adequate knowledge concerning the strategies outlined even though expressing good knowledge of the measures is needed
for the containment of the spread of the disease. It is encouraging to contain person‐to‐person transmission of the virus. Apart from the
that the respondents are likely to support government policies (OR above reasons, other contributing factors to confounding variables
20.36, 95% CI 14.39–28.81) aimed at the prevention of the spread of might be availability and/or cost of materials such as masks, illiteracy,
the disease despite its possible negative effect on the economy (OR and poverty.
8.25, 95% CI 6.08–11.20). They were of the opinion that restriction The present study is limited by its cross‐sectional nature and
of movement (OR 21.0, 95% CI 14.83–29.78) is a good measure to by being a hospital‐based study since only those women that came
reduce the spread of the virus. There are reduced odds among the for antenatal care in the designated facility were interviewed. The
women that a home medication would be adopted for the manage- findings could not be generalized to the obstetric population in the
ment of COVID‐19 as the majority is likely to report to the hospital study area. However, the study highlights that the women, and, by
(or take a family member with clinical symptoms of COVID‐19 to hos- extension, the populace of Abakaliki, are adapting to the measures
pital) for expert care (OR 16.0, 95% CI 11.45–22.34). These findings introduced by the government to curtail the spread of the virus. The
are encouraging and a good behavioral disposition to the global fight social desirability barrier might have influenced the responses of the
for the containment of COVID‐19. Pregnant women are not immune respondents. However, an effort was made to reduce it by proper
to the psychological problems of the COVID‐19 pandemic as stud- counseling and informing the respondents not to write their names on
ies have shown that they are prone to heightened anxiety about the the questionnaire.
wellbeing of their relatives, children, and their unborn baby.22,23 This In conclusion, the present study has shown a good knowledge
could lead to depression and self‐induced stress and may be associ- of COVID‐19 among the cohort of women interviewed. It is hoped
ated with sleep disorders.23 Evidence of this psychiatric manifestation that this good knowledge will improve the overall practice of pre-
is demonstrated among the women studied as a significant number of ventive measures aimed at reducing the burden of the disease in
the women are afraid that their loved ones might contract the disease Nigeria. Moreover, to reduce the risk of infection in a population
and are not likely to visit places such as amusement parks, recreational of antenatal attendees, it is recommended that further education
clubs, places of work, and markets. This is a cause for concern as sleep should be implemented to convey the importance of observing the
disorders and other stress occurring in pregnant women might lead recommended practice towards reducing contraction and transmis-
to unfavourable pregnancy outcomes and interventions.12,19 It is also sion of COVID‐19.
18793479, 2020, 2, Downloaded from https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ijgo.13293 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [05/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
202       Anikwe ET AL.

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