Instructions: In the Ocean’s Impact on Weather Lab, you explored the effects of restoring mangrove habitat
compared to natural mangrove regrowth following a natural disaster. Record your observations in the lab
report below. You will submit your completed report.
(30 points possible)
Hypothesis (2 points)
Identify the independent and dependent variables in your investigations.
The independent variable is the mangroves and the dependent variable is the restoration team.
My hypothesis is if I replant the mangroves by myself in the north beach, then the north will repair
faster than the south beach.
At the north beach, your team will implement a project to replant three mangrove species and monitor
their growth over five years. The growth of the replanted mangroves will be compared to the natural
regrowth of mangroves in the south beach area. Mangrove growth in both beach areas will be
monitored via satellite. You will record data for each location about the percentage of mangrove
coverage, the number of species in the area, and the average mangrove height in order to assess the
health of the beaches.
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North Beach South Beach
Before hurricane 90 100
Immediately after hurricane 2 2
6 months post hurricane 25 20
1 year post hurricane 30 30
2 years post hurricane 45 40
3 years post hurricane 50 50
4 years post hurricane 70 60
5 years post hurricane 80 80
Number of Species
Create a graph to display the mangrove coverage from the first data table. It should be a line graph
showing percent coverage over time and have two lines of data points on it, one for the north beach
and one for the south beach. Title and label the graph. (3 points)
on paper attachment
Create a graph to display the number of species from the second data table. It should be a line graph
showing the number of species over time and have two lines of data points on it, one for the north
beach and one for the south beach. Title and label the graph. (3 points)
on paper attachment
Conclusion (9 points)
Your conclusion will include a summary of the lab results and an interpretation of the results. Please
answer in complete sentences.
1. Was the restoration project effective? Explain why or why not, supporting your answer with
information from your data tables and graphs.
At first it was effective because north beach had more mangroves growing then south beach
but towards the end they both had the same percentage being 80% and south beach had 55
species and north only had 51.
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Florida Virtual School.
2. Why was counting the number of species in the area important? In your answer, consider the
effect a mangrove habitat has on biodiversity.
It shows how much the hurricane had affected the beaches.
3. After five years, the average height of each mangrove species was also measured. Did this
information help you better evaluate the success of the restoration project, or did it change your
mind? Explain your reasoning.
Seeing the information of the mangrove trees helped me figure out my answer. The project was not
successful because North beach had an average height of 3m while south beach had an average height
of 3.7m.
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Florida Virtual School.