PS#2 Key
PS#2 Key
PS#2 Key
Manufacturing company plans to build a warehouse somewhere near to its three existing plants.
The coordinates of the existing plants and the number of trips to the warehouse a day are given
a) Determine the location for the warehouse which minimizes the maxirrmm distance
between the warehouse and any existing plant (10 pt).
b) What is the maximum distance for this option? (5 pt)
c) The management has decided that it may build more than one warehouse in order to reduce
the total costs. Determine _the optimal number of warehouses and which plants should be
served by which warehouse. It costs 40 USD to build each warehouse. (20 pt)
0. CA b a+b -a -tb
io .)0 40 o
4o !l.5 6S · - 1.5
25 3S' 60 10
"" .;c.
( ~, l ~ , ) -: (o S ) ( C 1- C.3 , c , + c3 -t-c,s) ~ o . S (. S 5 /3o) -= (i~, 5, 2 5 )
f le ·,s o'"'
(y._t, 8 t) = o ,sc C:2 -cl.( , cl+U(:_ c.s)-= o.5 (ss-0s01 =0",s . .2.~) +h~ ?0'1nc
c.2.~,s. :2..s)
b . rnol< drst:crce
~ :- U -5.
Coses- -ro COf1'Side r- :
#cf'v..J:YehQ..l'!ii!s foc(l(±Ies: "::2.(vt:d .
A I l-2-3
B ~ I ,/ 2-3
!J. 1-..2 ,I 3
1) ::.2._ 1-3 7 :2
t 3 I I 2 , .3
Cose A
f"o r )( (tor~ .
FQr tlecpto..
.i 2
.2..o 2
3 b _., cpt. X COOrcl. .l
.2. 5 5 """'cpl. 8 c~d .
8 ,3 35 S
~ = 4 -5
Lo:ottcn ,cP -t.,lr\e. -= L2 S,25)
To+o l cost.= 40+ C...1x10) + (~x/5)+ (4xo)-= 145 .
Cose B
= 10::.ot.t on ( .20, .:2 0 )
fo X. C Cr:Yd -
For X CXlO""d ·
~ '3 b ~ cpt X. cccreL b ~ q::,t" 4ccorcL
se,n..,es. t.o I, 3
~ II'\ o-der +o r>i"'lin,mi ~ e. -,he c.os-t c~l...j s'heul cl either build 3 u.PtehOJS?s
(o\"le fur eoch plont') or ,;;. ~ho.J.~ ~ e- a-e.. s=-r..ies. +or- ?Cf'lt ..2 mcl
one s.e fJe S. .fur \ O"\ d - 3 _
Question 2 (30 points) Viking Ragnar Lothbrok is a young farmer and f~y
· 1 al 1..: ftain' h
w~o is
d bis Viking raiders east
ftusttated by the policies of Earl Haraldson, bis oc ewe w o sen s
to the Baltic states and Russia, whose residents are as poor as the Norsemen. Ragnar wants to
head west, across the ocean, to discover new civilizations. With assistance from his friend Floki,
Ragnar builds a faster, sleeker fleet of boats to help him make it to the Western world. Suppose
the following layout of 6 different colonies (A,B,C, .. F) is provided as the initial layout for battle
field. Also, the connectivity and distance mattixes are given as below.
a) Given the data and the initial layout, which colony pairs will NOT be considered for
C. .
New cl,.._IS~ ;:nee. T'not:ri X
\ ~ C t:I E: ~
- I_ 'f'
- - :,,_A A .lS
I --=1-0
I ) C.
~ ,2?
- ~ I -
·- • - 45 -
_ i e_ .' -,-
I \ ~\ •--..-
., ._ ... -.
1-•- . . l . . - - , - - ---· • t
r'D f
r - ----r rt= -
loto\COSt= ('0-25)+LU.'1,:~-o)-t (s~~)T'l~.:,<.SO)
-=- \Of>O
Question 3 (35 points) Daenerys Targaryen is the Mother of Dragons and becomes to be ruler
of the Seven .Kingdom. She now needs to schedule his soldiers to conquer the King's Landing at
the Battle of the Blackwater. After the long term observations, it is seen that seven different battle
tactics should be used in this war. The optimistic, most likely and pessimistic time estimates (in
terms of days) for these tactical movements are given in the table below. What is the probability
that the war will be completed before day 67?
Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic Expected
Tactics Predecessors Variance
time time time time ,,.......,
A 17 29 47 30
B A 6 12 24 13
C A 16 19 28 20 4
16 19
D B 13 16
E C 2 5 14 6 4
F D,E 2 5 8 5 (1)
( 6- o )
AOA N e two rk
F, 5 -r'::"\
A O N N etwork
4 3--t-D-t-5----i.9
, 16
Cl A 30 ,,
,, ',,,
59 '
59 F 6 4
30 5 64
~IU C !>O 50 E 56
::!O 6
Chapter 10
1) A project consists of seven activities. The precedence relationships are given in the
following table.
Activity Time (days) Predecessors
A 32
B 21
C 30
D 45 A
E 26 A,B
F 28 C
G 20 E, F
If indirect costs amount to $100 per day, determine the optimal t ime to complete the
project and the optimal project completion cost.
l .
b Ac.tluf~
"Time. ~ Ef LS li s \
A 32 0 'S.2 0 .sa D
B .2.l 0 ..2. I II
II 3.'.2..
.3o 0 .30 ~o .30 0
~ A 45 3.2. -=f 1" 33 ~g ~
'F C. 1-g 30 5~ 30 5g {)
Cribrco\ ~ s
j_ _ A- E-~ c.-=r~ ~.s )
e.ritrcol CCtiuicie..s ... A, c, E, r, 6i
~ . c - F- Ei C=ti doys)
f I~
_ +-+-____..__..._,.~ - ~ : - ' -
.,.- •-l-+',-1 .sltff-"' E1>-~ - \
N • ~ ~
/ NtTT'(\. trrre - t.itp· ~,rr-e.
mu&t be \e§ ~ ~ 00 4
Cntiml a:t-.
Curr-. Trrne_ ~7i~ co~tpe,rweet_
A .32 2k EC
C. ao 00
45 l\o 60
t .lb .:io 110
F :2.i .;!. y
G (@ I&' ""tS
All 3 fX)ths coo be reduced
6, rroucrn..9 A a-id f ~ 4 cb..t.s ecc.h .
50+40 -=90 < IOQ
., ii {[) -:1;5
..i =-.1
Activity a m b
A 2 5 9
B A 1 6 8
C A 3 5 12
D B 2 4 12
E B,C 4 6 8
F B 6 7 8
G D,E 1 2 6
H F,G 4 6 16
a. Draw a network for this project and determine the critical path based on the
most likely times by inspection.
b . Assuming that the critical path is the one you identified in part (a), what is the
probability that the project will be completed before 28 weeks?
c. Assuming that the critical path is the one you identified in part (a), how many
weeks are required to complete the project with probability 0.957
2 ( 2.
Q. fa= O+ ~m+b 0 = 6- 0 )
b 3(.,
Ac..t.iul ~ -#- ..!J...
t:. . I ~ ~'f/3b
S .6 L,C'f/3t,
i; .•u 2 t I / 3/o
D s IC0 /.3b
6 b lb/3 /o
l=' -=I- ~13 '-
:i.s z.s 13, crH,icol potl"l= A-C- ~-G-t\
H :+.3 3 llHU 3 b
p \ ;t S o .5 6 3) -= O-~l.2 3
c. ? ( ' =t ~; o95
\: -= 0 'J:--+ p w 'r>er e 2.o,o 1:> ~ I · b~
3) A machine shop located on the outskirts of Los Angeles accepts custom orders from a
number of high-tech firms in southern California . The machine shop consists of four
departments: A (lathes), B (drills), C (grinders), and D (sanders) . The from-to chart showing
distances in feet between department centers is given here.
To department
A 45 63 32
From B 29 27 46
department C 63 75 68
D 40 30 68
The shop has accepted orders for production of four products: Pl, P2, P3, and P4. The
routing for production of these products and the weekly production rates are
,fu,iyl;o B C 'b
Product Routing Weekly Production A
/25 = 8 A 0 ~ .2. l.( 0
Pl A-8-C-D 200
0 H~
600 /2. 5 = :21./ 0
B .2. 'if
P2 A-C-D
400 / .2 r; :: 1-" C 0 0 0 5 .2
P3 B-D
P4 8-C-D 500 I .2 s = ~o l) 0 0 0 D
a. Convert this information into a from -to chart giving numbers of materials handling
trips per week between departments.
b. If the cost to transport one batch 1 foot is estimated to be $1.50, convert the from-to
chart you found in part (a) to one giving the materials handling cost per week between
c. Develop an activity relationship chart for these four departments based on the results
of part (b). Assume that A is assigned to the highest cost and Oto the least, with the
rankings E and I assigned to the costs falling in between the extremes.
d. Suppose that machine shop is located in a building that is 60 feet by 80 feet.
Furthermore, suppose that departments are rectangularly shaped with the following
Department Dimensions
A 20 x 30
B 40 x 20
C 45 x 55
D 37 x 25
Sketch a layout consistent with the rel chart you obtained in part (c) .
u. A
A R C D ,;iCb/25:: K
0 ~ ..2 Ll 0 6 00 /.2 s == lY
B 0 0 .2.'8' Ib 4COI2 '5 ~ I l:,
l) t9 0 0 0
C. A ob9o\ul£lY ·,mr-
E €.spea~ ir<?
"I 1mp:>fto"'t C
0 l'ti 11'\0n.j i«'I?0<t;CY"C e_
ro _D ., /
u u.n1m9o rto'")+
X (.). r,de.srro \ole..
d. (oOft X -&Oft. ·
I -
- -
A l
,~ C.
\(( B
D '-.
- -
4) University of Atlantic is moving its faculty of engineering int o a new bui lding, w hich has
been designed to house six academic departments. The average t ime requ ired for a st udent
to get to and from classes in the building depends upon the location of the departm ent in
which he or she is taking the class. Based on the distribution of class loads, t he dean has
estimated the following mean student trip times in minutes, given t he depart ment al
1 13 18 20 13 13
2 18 17 19 17 16
3 16 14 17 15 19
4 18 14 13 15 12
5 19 20 19 20 19
6 22 23 24 28 25
Find t he optimal assignment of departments to locat ions t o minim ize mean student trip
t ime in and out of building.
j_, Subtrttt, s 'fnQ\\ T'\um t:er .fr,olY) €.aih rOvJ . ..2 . ~ btroct s"""° \est -tf'CO'"l ea:h c.o
A- 'B C b £ F ~ s D € F
.i ..i G 0 I? .:1.. J_ - -o -1-
- \-- 0 - 4r - ➔
A ~ C 'D E F
~ f, 4 -.::,. 0
4 ---1
~ l
G ~ 0
5 0 2- 2. [Q]
_ f..}. l -
g () .2. @ :2. b 4
ti '=:. b
lo:..obm Dert
.1. -= 13
B 3 = \~
Co = 11
1) 5 ,.; \'J
( .:i " \~
f LI = 1..2.
5) A coordinate system is superimposed on a map. Three existing facilities are located at (5,
15), (10, 20), and (6, 9). Suppose that there are only t hree feasible locations for the new
facility: (8, 16), (6, 15), and (4, 18).
a. What is the optimal location if the objective is to minimize the total rectilinear distance
to the three existing facilities?
b. What is the optimal location if the objective is to minimize the total Euclidean distance
to the three existing facilities?
Lcc.otioC'\ CC;? , lb )
e. : f O
+ 3 6
Loc.ot:(on (4 ,I~)
(i;, ,s ) ~ , : \Lt- sl--t /1~-1 s l~ 4
e · [ 1~-+ ~ ~ ri;
1 . \ u. _, o I + l I t-2-0 I = '2
e · [ e/- + 4 -= J 4o
e_ . ~ u + 8-l- ~ hs
6) Frank Green, an independent TV repairman, is considering purchasing a home in Ames,
Iowa, that he will use as a base of operations for his repair business. Frank' s primary sources
of business are 10 industrial accounts located throughout the Ames area. He has overlaid a
grid on a map of the city and determined the following locations for these clients as well as
the expected number of calls per month he rece ives:
Client Grid Location Expected Calls per Month We. w ·,11 stot b::)
,): (S, 8) 2 = 24 (Y)J Iti p\~ IV'\~ ~.,fr\·h \1.
;t (10, 3) 1 12
Q. X oo\ul?S .
\ .2.. 1.1.
ob 4'6
y 2..
;. 4 -=1-2
.::.1... 5
10 12. '84
12... 96 _,, )(:::: ll\ i~ Of't;'~ ·
3 14
1-- 9g
"=t- 14
\0 lb
b IOb
fi op~ ~\Utfcn ·l\l\ , LI )
4'& 154
1:lo 1-eio/2 ='15
35 ,36
'-I :H, 3(..
·9 1-2.
2 '3(,,
3 \ 2.. %4 l.du2
8~ ~
&t., _ is th~ oye1rro\ 'cl
-=,., 3
~g l't.2{/
8 4 IS:!!
I z ;i..u
.3 ly \-=lo
I 2.
..l l
I t.2.
\ 'ii 4
\ t\ 0 19ot2-"'f S
6 .2 S b
'lwi c;1
t.:. w;
J, r---- ~
10-1-10+\u+~+ I +-\+ .2. 2,3, + la)+ IQ~+ lb/c =
.:l~ 1 +1 + 3 ~ 1-r O ,5 ~ o, \hbb + 1..\-+ 3-r \.bh.
ll.¥. --
-.::J I b+3+1l.l+f,+ \~+ 12..S-1-06H(c.+3+ 3 .5 . -:
\-=t- .C".3~
C ffllniroO<. .
C, : rY) \'(\ (Qi+ 'b ", ) =- l'YW('\ l 12>, I:> 1li . - - -- -- 3-:;) = 4
C. :2.- -=-- rnox. lo H b \ ) :. 4~
C3 ~ m \T"I l-oi-+ b ·, ) =- rn,n ( 3 , -1" , o _ _ 5 ) = - 34
X.:i.. = c: 2 - c~ -=- u '?) - 1i.. =13 .~ y ;l. =- C.2..-t Cl(-C5 .:- ::1. =-4 ,S
.).. ,). .:i
-5' ,5
-.S ,S
I.\ - L\ . S -: X -1 33
~:= ---;.. - 3 -'7 lir,e..
7) A telecommunications system is going to be installed at a company site. The switching
center that governs the system must be located in one of the five buildings to be served.
The goal is to minimize the amount of underground cabling required . In which building
should the switching center be located? Assume a straight-line distance measure.
Building Location
1 (10, 10)
2 (0, 4)
3 (6, 15)
4 (8, 20)
5 (15, 0)