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Fill out gaps

18-20 = 26+

Passage 1= 6
Passage 2 = 5
Passage 3 = 4

What is asking for ?

- Noun
- Verb ?
- Adjective
- Adverb ?
1. A talented student = a + adj + noun
2. Talented students = adj + noun
3. Intelligent
4. Students
5. A/ an / the + student = a / an / the + student

Student = a student / students

Talented student = a/an/the talented student / talented students

1. A talented _________ . = singular noun = a + adj + noun

2. The talented ______ . = singular / plural + noun = the talented
students / the talented student
3. Talented ___________ . = noun = plural noun = talented students
4. A _________ student . = Adj = stupid / talented/ good
Consonant + adj
5. Spread more erratically = verb + adv + adv
6. The class is two times better than _______ =
7. Spread significantly = verb + adv
8. Stunningly beautiful = adv + adj
Countable = s / es
Uncountable = no s/es


1. Cam 10 Test 4 = Passage 1

- movement: 1……………. more The wildfires themselves, experts say, are

unpredictably generally hotter, faster,

More = more and spread more erratically than in the past.

Unpredictably = erratically
spread more erratically
– size of fires: 2……………. Megafires, also called ‘siege fires’, are the
greater on average than two increasingly frequent blazes that burn
decades ago 500,000 acres or more

10 times
– 10 times the size of the average forest
fire of 20 years ago.
● Reasons wildfires cause more One explanation for the trend to more
damage today compared to the superhot fires is that the region, which
past: usually has dry summers, has had
– rainfall: 3………… average significantly below normal precipitation in
Below average = below normal many recent years.

more brush to act as The unintentional consequence has been to

4…………….. halt the natural eradication of underbrush,

Fuel now the primary fuel for megafires.

– increase in yearly temperature Three other factors contribute to the trend,
– extended fire 5…………….. they add. First is climate change, marked by
a 1-degree Fahrenheit rise in average yearly
Adj + adj + noun temperature across the western states.

Second is fire seasons that on average are

– more building of 6……………. 78 days longer than they were 20 years ago.
in vulnerable places
Third is increased construction of homes
in wooded areas


2. CAM 11 TEST 1 = PASSAGE 1

1 Some food plants, The concept of indoor farming is not new,

including……………… are already since hothouse production of tomatoes and
grown indoors. other produce has been in vogue for some
Including = for example / such as
produce = grow
Production = grown indoors

2 Vertical farms would be Situated in the heart of urban centres,

located in………………,
they would drastically reduce the amount
meaning that there would be less of transportation required to bring food to
need to take them long distances consumers.
to customers.

Located in = situated in
3 Vertical farms could use Although the system would consume
methane from plants and animals energy, it would return energy to the grid via
to produce……………….. methane generation from composting
nonedible parts of plants.
Verb + NOUN = Return + energy
It would also dramatically reduce fossil fuel
use, by cutting out the need for tractors,
ploughs and shipping.
4 The consumption
of………………… would be cut
because agricultural vehicles
would be unnecessary.


The use of fossil fuel = fossil fuel

The consumption of tractors =

tractors use

The consumption of fast food=

fast food consumption

Consume = consumption
Use = apply / eat

5 The fact that vertical farms A major drawback of vertical farming,

would need……………….. light is however, is that the plants would require
a disadvantage. artificial light. Without it, those plants nearest
the windows would be exposed to more
Artificial sunlight and grow more quickly, reducing the
efficiency of the system.
6 One form of vertical farming One variation on vertical farming that has
involves planting in……………….. been developed is to grow plants in stacked
which are not fixed. trays that move on rails.

7 The most probable While it is possible that much of our food will
development is that food will be be grown in skyscrapers in future, most
grown on………………… in towns experts currently believe it is far more likely
and cities. that we will simply use the space available
on urban rooftops.



Advantages of aluminium screw Recent years have seen the end of the
caps virtual monopoly of cork as the material for
• do not affect the bottle stoppers, due to concerns about the
6…………………………… of the effect it may have on the contents of the
bottle contents bottle. This is caused by a chemical
compound called 2,4,6-trichloroanisole
(TCA), which forms through the interaction
of plant phenols, chlorine and mould. The
tiniest concentrations – as little as three or
four parts to a trillion – can spoil the taste of
the product contained in the bottle. The
result has been a gradual yet steady move
first towards plastic stoppers and, more
recently, to aluminium screw caps. These
substitutes are cheaper to manufacture and,
in the case of screw caps, move convenient
for the user.
are 7…………………………….. to These substitutes are cheaper to
produce manufacture and, in the case of screw caps,
• are 8……………………………… move convenient for the user.
to use

Advantages of cork bottle The classic cork stopper does have several
stoppers advantages, however. Firstly, its traditional
• suit the image is more in keeping with that of the
9……………………………… of type of high quality goods with which it has
quality products long been associated.

• made from a Secondly – and very importantly – cork is a

10……………………………… sustainable product that can be recycled
material without difficulty.
• easily

cork forests aid Moreover, cork forests are a resource which

12………………………………… support local biodiversity, and prevent


• cork forests stop desertification in the regions where they are
13………………………………. planted.


From our earliest origins, man has been

The History of Glass making use of glass.

Historians have discovered that a type of

• Early humans used a material
natural glass – obsidian – formed in places
called 1………obsidian….. to
such as the mouth of a volcano as a result of
make the sharp points of their
the intense heat of an eruption melting sand
– was first used as tips for spears.

Early humans used obsidian to

make the sharp points of their

4000 BC: Archaeologists have even found evidence of

3………………………… made of man-made glass which dates back to 4000
stone were covered in a coating BC;
of man-made glass.
this took the form of glazes used for coating
Stone beads = beads made of stone beads.

Plastic containers = containers

made of plastic
= ___________ made of plastic


Wood table = table made of
wood = ________ made of wood

Glass blowing became the most common

way to make glass containers from the first
century BC.

First century BC: glass was The glass made during this time was highly
coloured because of the coloured due to the impurities of the raw
4………………………. in the material.
material. In the first century AD, methods of creating
colourless glass were developed, which was
Because of = thanks to / due to / then tinted by the addition of colouring
owing to / materials.
Until 476 AD: Only the The secret of glass making was taken
5………………………… knew across Europe by the Romans during this
how to make glass. century.

Predict = a person / a nation However, they guarded the skills and

technology required to make glass very
closely, and it was not until their empire
collapsed in 476 AD that glass-making
knowledge became widespread throughout
Europe and the Middle East.
17th century: George A major milestone in the history of glass
Ravenscroft developed a process occurred with the invention of lead crystal
using 6……… lead ……….. to glass by the English glass manufacturer
avoid the occurrence of George Ravenscroft (1632-1683).
7………………………. in blown
glass. He attempted to counter the effect of
clouding that sometimes occurred in blown
Using = applying / incorporating / glass by introducing lead to the raw
introducing / implementing materials used in the process.

To avoid = to counter
The effect = the occurence


Mid-19th century: British glass
production developed after
changes to laws concerning

5. CAM 13 TEST 1 = PASSAGE 1

Database of • easy for tourism-related In addition, because

tourism services businesses to get on the list participating businesses
• allowed businesses to were able to update the
1…………………………… details they gave on a
information regularly regular basis,

Allowed = enable / helped /

facilitatd the information provided
remained accurate.
participating businesses
were able = businesses Because _______1______,
were allowed to ____2_________ .
Details = information

• provided a country-wide And to maintain and improve

evaluation of businesses, standards, Tourism New
including their impact on the Zealand organised a scheme
2…………environment …….. whereby organisations
appearing on the website
underwent an independent
Impact on = effect on evaluation against a set of
agreed national standards of
quality. As part of this, the
effect of each business on the
environment was considered.


Special features • e.g. an interview with a One of the most popular was
on local topics former sports an interview with
former New Zealand All
Sports = rugby Blacks rugby captain Tana
A formar president Umaga.
A former captain

and an interactive tour of Another feature that attracted

various locations used in a lot of attention was an
4…………films ………. interactive journey through a
number of the locations
Used in = v3 chosen for blockbuster films
Chosen for = v3 which had made use of New
Zealand’s stunning scenery as
Blockbluster films = adj + a backdrop.

Information on • varied depending on the To make it easier to plan

driving routes 5…………………………… motoring holidays, the site
catalogued the most popular
Depending on = according to driving routes in the country,
highlighting different routes
according to the season and
indicating distances and
Travel Planner • included a map showing The Travel Planner offered
selected places, details of suggested routes and public
public transport and local transport options between the
6…………………………. chosen locations.

Accommodation in the area = There were also links to

local accommodation accommodation in the area.

‘Your Words’ • travelers could send a link The website also had a ‘Your
to their 7…………blog …… Words’ section where anyone
could submit a blog of their
New Zealand travels for


possible inclusion on the

6. CAM 13 TEST 4 = PASSAGE 1

9 After 1880, Cutty Sark In 1880, violence aboard the ship led
carried ………………………… ultimately to the replacement of the captain
as its main cargo during its most with an incompetent drunkard who stole the
successful time. crew’s wages.

Carry = transport He was suspended from service, and a new

captain appointed. This marked a turnaround
and the beginning of the most successful
period in Cutty Sark’s working life,
transporting wool from Australia to Britain.
10 As a captain and The ship’s next captain, Richard Woodget,
…………………………., was an excellent navigator, who got the best
Woodget was very skilled. out of both his ship and his crew.

11 Ferreira went to Falmouth to Badly damaged in a gale in 1922, she was

repair damage that a ………gale put into Falmouth harbor in southwest
…………. had caused. England, for repairs.

12 Between 1923 and 1954, Dowman used Cutty Sark as a training ship,
Cutty Sark was used for and she continued in this role after his death.
…………training …..
When she was no longer required, in 1954,
The ship was used as a training she was transferred to dry dock at Greenwich
ship. to go on public display.

Cutty Sark was used for ____ .

13 Cutty Sark has twice been The ship suffered from fire in 2007, and
damaged by ………fire …… in again, less seriously, in 2014, but now Cutty
the 21st century.


Sark attracts a quarter of a million visitors a

7. CAM 14 TEST 1 = PASSAGE 1

Uses of children’s play Although she isn’t aware of it, this fantasy is
helping her take her first steps towards her
• building a ‘magical capacity for creativity and so it will have important
kingdom’ may help develop repercussions in her adult life.

• board games involve 2 Later on, when they tire of this and settle down
……………………………. with a board game, she’s learning about the need
and turn-taking to follow rules and take turns with a partner.

Recent changes affecting But we live in changing times, and Whitebread is

children’s play mindful of a worldwide decline in play, pointing out
that over half the people in the world now live in
• population of 3 cities.
………………………… have

• opportunities for free ‘The opportunities for free play, which I

play are limited due to experienced almost every day of my childhood, are
becoming increasingly scarce,’ he says.
– fear of 4 ……………… Outdoor play is curtailed by perceptions of risk to
– fear of 5 …………… do with traffic, as well as parents’ increased wish to
protect their children from being the victims of


– increased 6 crime, and by the emphasis on ‘earlier is better’
………………… in schools which is leading to greater competition in academic
learning and schools.

International policies on nternational bodies like the United Nations and the
children’s play European Union have begun to develop policies
concerned with children’s right to play, and to
• it is difficult to find 7 consider implications for leisure facilities and
…………………………… to educational programmes.But what they often lack
support new policies is the evidence to base policies on.

• research needs to study ‘And we want to know what the long-term impact
the impact of play on the of play is. It’s a real challenge.’
rest of the child’s 8 Dr Jenny Gibson agrees, pointing out that although
…………………………….. some of the steps in the puzzle of how and why
play is important have been looked at, there is very
little data on the impact it has on the child’s later

8. CAM 16 TEST 1 = PASSAGE 1

People think of bears as Bears, on the other hand, seem to be perceived

as stupid and in many cases violent.
unintelligent and 8


text = as stupid


● In Tennoji Zoo, a bear has A male bear called GoGo in Tennoji Zoo, Osaka,
been seen using a branch as has even been observed making use of a tool to
a 9 ………………. . This manipulate his environment. The bear used a
allowed him to knock down tree branch on multiple occasions to dislodge a
some 10 ………meat…… piece of meat hung out of his reach.

● A wild polar bear worked A calculated move by a male bear involved

out a method of reaching a running and jumping onto barrels in an attempt to
platform where a 11 get to a photographer standing on a platform four
…photographer. was located. metres high.

A platform where a ______

was located.

Text = a photographer
standing on a platform.

● Polar bears have displayed In other studies, such as one by Alison Ames in
behaviour such as conscious 2008, polar bears showed deliberate and
manipulation of objects and focused manipulation. For example, Ames
activity similar to a 12 observed bears putting objects in piles and then
……………game.…. . knocking them over in what appeared to be a
Bears may also display game.
emotions. For example:

● They may make As for emotions, while the evidence is once

movements suggesting 13 again anecdotal, many bears have been seen to
…………frustration . if hit out at ice and snow – seemingly out of
disappointed when hunting. frustration – when they have just missed out on a



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