18-20 = 26+
Passage 1= 6
Passage 2 = 5
Passage 3 = 4
10 times
– 10 times the size of the average forest
fire of 20 years ago.
● Reasons wildfires cause more One explanation for the trend to more
damage today compared to the superhot fires is that the region, which
past: usually has dry summers, has had
– rainfall: 3………… average significantly below normal precipitation in
Below average = below normal many recent years.
Located in = situated in
3 Vertical farms could use Although the system would consume
methane from plants and animals energy, it would return energy to the grid via
to produce……………….. methane generation from composting
nonedible parts of plants.
Verb + NOUN = Return + energy
It would also dramatically reduce fossil fuel
use, by cutting out the need for tractors,
ploughs and shipping.
4 The consumption
of………………… would be cut
because agricultural vehicles
would be unnecessary.
Consume = consumption
Use = apply / eat
7 The most probable While it is possible that much of our food will
development is that food will be be grown in skyscrapers in future, most
grown on………………… in towns experts currently believe it is far more likely
and cities. that we will simply use the space available
on urban rooftops.
Advantages of cork bottle The classic cork stopper does have several
stoppers advantages, however. Firstly, its traditional
• suit the image is more in keeping with that of the
9……………………………… of type of high quality goods with which it has
quality products long been associated.
First century BC: glass was The glass made during this time was highly
coloured because of the coloured due to the impurities of the raw
4………………………. in the material.
material. In the first century AD, methods of creating
colourless glass were developed, which was
Because of = thanks to / due to / then tinted by the addition of colouring
owing to / materials.
Until 476 AD: Only the The secret of glass making was taken
5………………………… knew across Europe by the Romans during this
how to make glass. century.
To avoid = to counter
The effect = the occurence
‘Your Words’ • travelers could send a link The website also had a ‘Your
to their 7…………blog …… Words’ section where anyone
could submit a blog of their
New Zealand travels for
9 After 1880, Cutty Sark In 1880, violence aboard the ship led
carried ………………………… ultimately to the replacement of the captain
as its main cargo during its most with an incompetent drunkard who stole the
successful time. crew’s wages.
12 Between 1923 and 1954, Dowman used Cutty Sark as a training ship,
Cutty Sark was used for and she continued in this role after his death.
…………training …..
When she was no longer required, in 1954,
The ship was used as a training she was transferred to dry dock at Greenwich
ship. to go on public display.
13 Cutty Sark has twice been The ship suffered from fire in 2007, and
damaged by ………fire …… in again, less seriously, in 2014, but now Cutty
the 21st century.
Uses of children’s play Although she isn’t aware of it, this fantasy is
helping her take her first steps towards her
• building a ‘magical capacity for creativity and so it will have important
kingdom’ may help develop repercussions in her adult life.
• board games involve 2 Later on, when they tire of this and settle down
……………………………. with a board game, she’s learning about the need
and turn-taking to follow rules and take turns with a partner.
International policies on nternational bodies like the United Nations and the
children’s play European Union have begun to develop policies
concerned with children’s right to play, and to
• it is difficult to find 7 consider implications for leisure facilities and
…………………………… to educational programmes.But what they often lack
support new policies is the evidence to base policies on.
• research needs to study ‘And we want to know what the long-term impact
the impact of play on the of play is. It’s a real challenge.’
rest of the child’s 8 Dr Jenny Gibson agrees, pointing out that although
…………………………….. some of the steps in the puzzle of how and why
play is important have been looked at, there is very
little data on the impact it has on the child’s later
text = as stupid
Text = a photographer
standing on a platform.
● Polar bears have displayed In other studies, such as one by Alison Ames in
behaviour such as conscious 2008, polar bears showed deliberate and
manipulation of objects and focused manipulation. For example, Ames
activity similar to a 12 observed bears putting objects in piles and then
……………game.…. . knocking them over in what appeared to be a
Bears may also display game.
emotions. For example: