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Amarilo S A S (Colombia)
Source: - Colombia - IFRS Industrial, Commercial and Other Comp.

Statement type Annual, Individual Annual, Individual Annual, Individual

Period end date 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31
Units Millions COP Millions COP Millions COP

Income Statement 2019 2018 2017

Total operating revenue 1,131,519 926,459 1,052,758
      Net sales revenue 1,115,446 912,171 1,039,937
      Cost of goods sold -988,686 -801,293 -924,323
Gross profit 126,760 110,877 115,614
      Selling and distribution expenses -284 -311 -264
      Administrative expenses -54,491 -47,869 -44,944
      Net other operating result 11,552 12,774 10,041
            Other operating income 16,074 14,289 12,821
            Other operating expenses -4,521 -1,514 -2,780
Operating profit (EBIT) 83,537 75,471 80,448
EBITDA 85,037 75,930 80,895
Financial result -32,671 -29,763 -32,684
      Finance income 480 412 11,589
      Finance Expenses -33,151 -30,175 -44,273
Profit before income tax 50,865 45,707 47,764
Income tax -5,300 -5,033 -11,739
Profit after income tax 45,565 40,675 36,025
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period 45,565 40,675 36,025
Balance Sheet 2019 2018 2017
Total assets 2,481,261 2,417,733 2,110,026
      Non-current assets 383,785 608,523 253,279
            Property, plant and equipment 53,339 44,600 27,935
            Intangible assets and goodwill 9,030 7,185 1,515
                  Other intangible assets 9,030 7,185 1,515
            Long-term financial assets 154,679 171,753 126,268
                  Investment properties 101,935 125,493 83,576
                  Investments in subsidiaries 52,743 000 40,248
                  Other non-current financial assets 000 46,261 2,443
            Deferred assets 371 088 957
                  Non-current deferred tax assets 371 088 957
            Other non-current assets 166,366 384,897 96,603
      Current assets 2,097,476 1,809,210 1,856,747
            Inventories 1,581,520 1,310,478 1,497,923
            Trade and other receivables 252,639 180,426 199,465
                  Current trade receivables 252,639 180,426 159,329
                  Tax receivables 000 000 40,136
            Short term financial assets 000 108,901 000
                  Other current financial assets 000 108,901 000
            Cash and Cash Equivalents 165,573 202,613 159,359
            Other current assets 90,769 000 000
            Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale 6,975 6,792 000
Total equity and liabilities 2,481,261 2,417,733 2,110,026
      Total equity 713,023 672,548 519,336
            Equity attributable to owners of the parent 713,023 672,548 519,336
                  Issued capital 12,000 12,000 12,000
                  Other reserves 324,693 284,019 251,362
                  Retained earnings 33,602 28,847 24,820
                  Other components of equity 342,728 347,683 231,154
      Total liabilities 1,768,237 1,745,185 1,590,690
            Non-current liabilities 161,989 136,987 1,251
                  Non-current loans and borrowings 159,283 135,694 000
                  Deferred revenue, accrued expenses and other deferred non-current liabilities 2,706 1,293 1,251
            Current liabilities 1,606,248 1,608,198 1,589,440
                  Current loans and borrowings 963,919 958,598 939,020
                  Trade and other payables 167,513 134,377 257,049
                        Current trade payables 167,513 134,377 257,049
                  Provisions for other liabilities and charges 104,106 94,467 36,283
                  Other current liabilities 370,710 420,757 357,087
                  Current income tax liabilities 000 000 000

Cash Flow Statement 2019 2018 2017

Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities -141,138 -1,197 -49,738
      Net profit 45,565 40,675 36,025
      Cash generated from operations 31,446 135,085 71,227
            Adjustments for: Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment 1,500 459 447
            Adjustments for: Other adjustments 29,946 134,626 70,519
            Changes in: Inventories -51,791 -100,848 -178,141
            Changes in: Trade and other receivables -59,484 -92,428 16,694
            Changes in: Trade and other payables 33,136 -122,672 -59,204
            Changes in: Provisions and employee benefits 000 000 262
      Other operating activity cash flows -140,009 138,993 63,662
Net cash flow from (used in) investing activities -16,471 -34,746 -21,340
      Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 000 000 000
      Purchase of property, plant and equipment -153 -787 -295
      Purchase of intangible assets -2,153 -5,773 000
      Proceeds from sale of financial instruments 000 000 000
      Acquisition of subsidiary -8,619 -4,917 -4,763
      Other investing activity cash flows -5,546 -23,269 -16,282
Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities 120,568 79,196 95,592
      Proceeds from borrowings 3,324,713 3,167,261 2,951,776
      Repayment of borrowings -3,204,145 -3,088,065 -2,856,184
      Dividends paid 000 000 000
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents -37,040 43,254 24,513
Cash at the beginning of the period 202,613 159,359 134,846
Cash at the end of the period 165,573 202,613 159,359
Capital Expenditure (CapEx) -2,306 -6,559 -295
Statement type Annual, Individual Annual, Individual Annual, Individual
Begin date of reporting period 2019-01-01 2018-01-01 2017-01-01
Period end date 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31
Original Units as Reported COP Thousands COP Thousands COP Thousands
Audited Audited Audited Audited
Source Supersociedades - IFRS Supersociedades - IFRS Supersociedades - IFRS

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Annual, Individual Annual, Individual

2016-12-31 2015-12-31
Millions COP Millions COP

2016 2015
943,468 763,056
939,658 762,806
-822,777 -651,900
116,881 110,907
-520 -6,129
-40,246 -29,343
2,266 249
3,810 249
-1,545 000
78,381 75,684
78,620 76,054
-13,760 -15,032
23,863 6,964
-37,623 -21,996
64,621 60,652
-11,532 -13,186
53,089 47,466
53,089 47,466
2016 2015
1,910,173 1,564,275
267,383 94,211
16,544 9,263
000 000
000 000
123,719 83,387
84,643 30,831
000 50,580
39,076 1,976
1,467 1,561
1,467 1,561
125,653 000
1,642,790 1,470,065
1,290,731 1,098,419
217,212 192,802
195,377 192,802
21,836 000
000 3,566
000 3,566
134,846 152,201
000 23,076
000 000
1,910,173 1,564,275
444,765 205,017
444,765 205,017
12,000 12,000
198,274 150,808
41,884 41,100
192,607 1,110
1,465,408 1,359,258
1,114 000
000 000
1,114 000
1,464,294 1,359,258
785,872 856,742
316,253 180,439
316,253 180,439
22,468 3,064
335,157 306,471
4,544 12,542

2016 2015
-161,078 -26,551
53,089 47,466
122,430 14,714
240 370
105,217 13,729
-317,965 -182,732
-1,334 -82,823
135,815 176,824
16,974 615
-153,113 000
49,260 -14,755
194 099
-530 -455
000 000
000 953
-3,467 -7,853
53,063 -7,501
94,464 97,428
1,751,884 1,326,710
-1,657,421 -1,178,895
000 -42,000
-17,355 56,122
152,201 96,080
134,846 152,201
-530 -455
Annual, Individual Annual, Individual
2016-01-01 2015-01-01
2016-12-31 2015-12-31
COP Thousands COP Thousands
Audited Audited
Supersociedades - IFRS Supersociedades - IFRS

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