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International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE)

Vol. 3. Issue 1, September 2021, pp. 20-28

eISSN 2686-472X


Optimizing Job Satisfaction in Mediating Motivation on Lecturer


Khairatun Nazah1*, Sabaruddin Chaniago1, Berupilihen Br Ginting1, Martin1, Amin Hou2

Job satisfaction gives hope, especially for a lecturer in improving his welfare. Having good
work motivation is expected to be able to increase the quantity and quality of lecturers in
carrying out their duties and responsibilities. The main focus of this study is to determine
the role of job satisfaction in mediating motivation on performance. This research method
uses a Structure Equation Model (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS). In this study,
the population and sample were 52 permanent lecturers of the LP3M Superior Polytechnic.
Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The results of data analysis show that
motivation directly has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, indirectly
motivation does not affect performance. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect
on performance. Indirectly job satisfaction has a role in mediating motivation to

Keywords: : Motivation, Satisfaction, Performance

DOI : https://doi.org/10.30596/ijbe.v3i1.7896
JEL Classification : O15, J28, L25

Copyright©2021, International Journal of Business Economics

(IJBE). This is an open acces article under the CC-BY-SA lisence

Cite this article as:

Nazah, K., Chaniago, S., Br Ginting, B. B., Martin., & Hou, A. (2021). Optimizing Job
Satisfaction in Mediating Motivation on Lecturer Performance. International Journal
of Business Economics (IJBE), 31), 20-28.

Politeknik Unggul PL3M, Medan, Indonesia
STIE Mahkota Tricom Unggul, Medan, Indonesia
*Corresponding: [email protected]

International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE)
Vol. 3. Issue 1, September 2021, pp. 20-28
eISSN 2686-472X

Competition among private universities demands that management in the management
of human resources or lecturers in achieving the goals that have been set must be carried out
properly and correctly (Novitasari, 2021). Aspects of lecturers in maintaining the survival of
private universities have a top priority (Akrim, 2021). So that maintaining human resources
such as lecturers so as not to move to other universities must of course be done by management
or even foundations at private universities. So don't let newly recruited lecturers be trained and
gain important experience to move in the future. Losing a permanent lecturer who has good
performance, of course, is a big loss, especially for private universities (Nirmalasari, 2020).
Private universities that are good at managing human resources, of course, already have an
internal assessment system to record the extent to which the targets set by management have
been met (Mangkunegara, 2013).
Lecturers are an important element in the development of universities, both public and
private. Universities that have good performance will easily explain management work plans
or programs (Dasmadi, 2021). The performance of a lecturer is measured by the tridharma of
higher education consisting of education, research and community service (Teruna, 2021). As
long as Dikti continues to monitor and evaluate the performance of lecturers in Indonesia. One
of the extensions of the Dikti party is LL Dikti Region 1. Furthermore, the classic problem that
exists in private universities is the problem of welfare which has an impact on lecturer
The results of observations of special researchers on the performance of lecturers at the
LP3M Superior Polytechnic can be stated that only lecturers who have passed lecturer
certification are actively carrying out the tridharma of higher education. The tridharma of
higher education, such as research, only fulfills quantitatively but in terms of quality it is still
far from perfect. For example, the results of lecturers' research are only published in local
journals within the LPPM Polytechnic Superior LP3M environment. Likewise, community
service is only carried out in the local environment and has never been published. Meanwhile,
for lecturers who are not certified in the lecturer certification program, they are not interested
in implementing the tridharma of higher education. So this has an impact on the low
achievement of the main indicators of higher education and finally becomes a problem in
increasing accreditation both at the level of study programs and at the institutional level
(Nirmalasari, 2020).
One of the factors that cause the low performance of lecturers and the less than optimal
quality of the tridharma of higher education is more due to the sense of satisfaction of the
lecturers at work (Ritonga, 2021). Every lecturer who works at a private university will want a
sense of job satisfaction. Regarding job satisfaction, of course, it will be different (A. F. Nasib,
2020). Job satisfaction is the attitude or feeling of the lecturer towards the pleasant aspects of
work that are in accordance with the assessment of each worker (Badriah, 2015). Job
satisfaction will have an important meaning for a private university where when a lecturer is
satisfied with his work, it has an impact on achievement compared to other lecturers, the level
of absenteeism is low, there is no desire to move to another company, the age of the lecturer in
his work, the opportunity to get a position level. higher than other lecturers (Siagian, 2015). So
far, the satisfaction of lecturers at the LP3M Superior Polytechnic has not been well felt, either
by lecturers who have passed certification or lecturers who have not been certified. This
lecturer satisfaction will be seen from the absence of a program to increase the salary or
honorarium of lecturers either based on functional positions or lecturers with longer tenures.

International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE)
Vol. 3. Issue 1, September 2021, pp. 20-28
eISSN 2686-472X

Management gives the same honors to both senior and junior lecturers. Then junior lecturers
with good college tridharma also did not get an award by management for their sacrifice and
loyalty to their work.
In addition to job satisfaction, the motivation that exists in a lecturer will also affect his
performance (Supardi, 2021). Strong motivation makes a lecturer aware of his duties in
carrying out the tridharma of higher education. The motivation of lecturers at the LP3M
Superior Polytechnic looks different between young lecturers and old lecturers, academic
lecturers and practitioner lecturers. So that this will also have an impact on the performance of
lecturers on their burdens and obligations. The low motivation of lecturers in implementing the
tridharma of higher education is a problem that must be addressed wisely (Daulay, 2020).
When the management is wrong in directing the existing motivation, of course, the lecturer
will move to another campus or even choose not to do anything. Lecturers judge that how many
classes are given, how many students are mentored, how much job allowance is not a problem.
However, lecturers only ask for performance reports of lecturers who have passed the
certification, which should make it easier to get administrative services.
Motivation will be able to give a lecturer able to carry out the tridharma of higher
education well. Lecturers with high motivation have complete awareness of their noble duties.
The knowledge he has will be given to his students, but the community can also get it through
community service programs. In addition, research innovation or service can be used,
especially in the industrial world that needs it. The results of previous studies state that
motivation has a positive influence on employee job satisfaction (Abdul, 2019; Pattiruhu, 2020;
Anw, 2021). So it can be stated that when an employee's motivation is getting better, it will
have a positive impact on the job satisfaction he feels.
H1: Motivation affects job satisfaction

The demands of a lecturer at a university to carry out their functions properly and
correctly are the expectations of all parties. As a lecturer who works more than the target set
by the Higher Education or the management, it must be maintained. The quantity and quality
of the lecturers have an important meaning, especially the campus where the lecturer serves.
Significantly the results of lecturers' employees will be used as material for filling out self-
evaluations at the study program level or at the institutional level. Previous research has shown
that when the work motivation that exists in a lecturer will have a significant influence on his
performance (Mahaputra, 2020; Purwanto, 2021; Domínguez, 2021).
H2: Motivation affects performance

As a private lecturer, expecting a salary or income from the tridharma of higher education
is everyone's dream. Universities that are able to provide job satisfaction to lecturers will get
feedback on their performance. If the management is not able to provide satisfaction to their
permanent lecturers, this will have an impact on the risk of the lecturer leaving or moving
homebase to other universities. The results of research conducted by (Abdul, 2019; Pebri, 2020;
Domínguez, 2021) stated that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on
performance. It can be stated that when lecturer satisfaction appears in him, it will lead to better
performance of the tridharma of higher education.
H3: Satisfaction affects performance

Private universities have a responsibility not only to their students but also to their
permanent lecturers. It is undeniable that having lecturers with good work loyalty will help
management in carrying out the work plans that have been set. The performance of lecturers is

International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE)
Vol. 3. Issue 1, September 2021, pp. 20-28
eISSN 2686-472X

the hope of all parties, not only students but the foundation will also get the impact of this
performance. Furthermore, lecturers who work with good loyalty will not be separated from
being satisfied with their burdens and responsibilities. Feeling that they are getting
remuneration in accordance with what is expected of course must be done by every private
university so that existing lecturers do not move to other universities. Performance and job
satisfaction will be much influenced by the motivation that exists in private universities. Good
work motivation in lecturers will have an impact on increasing their love for the work they do
and will have an impact on maximum work results. Previous research conducted by (Kristiana,
2020; Alifah, 2021; Ismanto, 2021) stated that job satisfaction has a role in mediating
motivation to performance.
H4: Motivation affects performance through job satisfaction



Figure 1. Theoretical Thinking Framework

This research method uses a Structure Equation Model (SEM) based on Partial Least
Square (PLS). The population and sample in this study were all permanent lecturers at the
LP3M Superior Polytechnic campus, totaling 52 permanent lecturers. Where the sampling
technique uses total sampling. So that the sample in this study is 52 respondents. Data
collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, documentation and
questionnaires (questionnaires). The measurement scale uses a Likert scale with a value of 1-
5. Where 1 (Strongly Disagree), 2 (Disagree), 3 (Doubtful), 4 (Agree), 5 (Strongly Agree).

Measurement Model Analysis (Outer Model)
Convergent Validity Test

Figure 2. Outer Model Results

Based on the picture above, all indicators in the model are < 0.7. So it can be declared
reliable for the measurement of research variables. Then it can be used in the next analysis.

International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE)
Vol. 3. Issue 1, September 2021, pp. 20-28
eISSN 2686-472X

Construct Reliability Test

The results of data processing show that:
Table 3. Construct Reliability
Composite Average Variance Extracted
Reliability (AVE)
Motivation 0.805 0.628
Job Satisfaction 0.840 0.612
Performance 0.608 0.713

Based on table 3 shows that the average value is >0.5. Then the composite reliability
value> 0.7. So it can be concluded that the indicators in the study are able to measure well.

Measurement Model Analysis (Inner Model)

Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Table 4. R Square
Variabel R Square R Square Adjusted
Job Satisfaction 0.468 0.459
Performance 0.288 0.264

Based on the data from table 4, it is known that the R Square Adjusted value for the job
satisfaction variable is 0.459 or 45.9% while the remaining 54.1% is influenced by other
variables that are not variables of this study. while for the performance variable the value of R
Square Adjusted is 0.288 or 28.8% while the side is 71.2% influenced by other variables not
included in this study.

Predictive Relevance (Q2)

The value of Q2 has the same meaning as the coefficient of determination (R-Square).
Q- Large value of Square (Q2) 0 indicates the model has Predictive relevance, otherwise if a
value (Q2) is less than 0, this indicates the model has less Predictive relevance; or in other
words, where all the values of Q2 are higher, the model can be considered more suitable to the
data. Consideration of the value of Q2 can be done as follows:
Q2 = 1-(1-R12)(1-R22) ..(1-Rn2)
Q2 = 1-(1-0.459)(1-0.288)
Q2 = 1-(0,541)(0,712)
Q2 = 1-0,385
Q2 = 0.614

Based on these results, the value of Q2 is 0.614. So it can be concluded that all the
variables in this study motivation, job satisfaction and performance contributed to the
originality of data in the existing structural model of 61.4%. Then the remaining 38.6 need to
be developed apart from the research variables.

Effect Size (F2)

Effect Size (F2) is to determine the goodness of the model. To find out whether the predictor
variable has a weak, sufficient, or strong influence at the structural level.

International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE)
Vol. 3. Issue 1, September 2021, pp. 20-28
eISSN 2686-472X

Hypothesis Test
Table 6. Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis Sample (STDEV) t Statistik P Value
Motivation  Job
Satisfaction 0,684 0,701 0,063 10,889 0,000 Significant
Motivation Not
Performance 0,245 0,227 0,257 0,957 0,339 significant
Job Satisfaction  Significant
Performance 0,338 0,358 0,254 2,331 0,000
MotivationJob Significant
Satisfaction 
Performance 0,231 0,252 0,185 2,250 0,000

The Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction
The results of data analysis show that motivation directly has a positive and significant effect on
job satisfaction. The results of this study support previous research which states that good motivation
can provide a sense of satisfaction at work (Abdul, 2019)(Pattiruhu, 2020)(Martin, 2020). In addition,
the motivation that encourages a lecturer to work to improve the quality of this higher education
tridharma will also have an impact on work performance among other lecturers (S. C. S. A. Y. Nasib,
2019). So it is very important especially for management to know on an ongoing basis what motivations
encourage a lecturer to accept being a permanent lecturer for the LP3M Superior Polytechnic. So that
the title of being a lecturer is not only as a teacher but also being able to do research and serve the

The Effect of Motivation on Performance

Based on the results of data analysis shows that motivation has no direct impact on the
performance of a lecturer. The results of this study are not in line with previous research which
states that motivation has a positive and significant effect on lecturer performance (Salleh,
2017)(Kuswati, 2020)(Mulia, 2020). The implications of the findings in this study indicate that the
lecturers at the LP3M Superior Polytechnic are, on average, practitioners. So the motivation to improve
the quality and quantity of the tridharma is not so much the focus of its main goal of becoming a lecturer.
For many lecturers, it is stated that the calling as a lecturer is more directed to a lifestyle. Where the life
of a lecturer is seen as a noble profession in the eyes of the community.

The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Performance

The results of data processing state that job satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on lecturer performance. The results of this study are certainly in line with previous
research which states that when a teacher feels satisfied, it will have a significant effect on his
performance (Jasiyah, 2018)(Mustika, 2019)(Surya, 2020). The findings of the research found that so
far it is true that the management at the LP3M Superior Polytechnic does not have a program to increase
lecturer satisfaction through the provision of financial incentives. Lecturers with long tenures with co-
op lecturers are paid the same basic salary. Then there is no incentive for promotion benefits. This has
an impact on the lack of enthusiasm for lecturers to take care of their functional positions. So this also
has an impact on the low value of accreditation from the element of human resources or lecturers.

International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE)
Vol. 3. Issue 1, September 2021, pp. 20-28
eISSN 2686-472X

The Effect of Motivation on Performance Through Job Satisfaction

The results showed that indirectly job satisfaction was able to mediate motivation on
performance. The results of this study are in line with previous research which states that job
satisfaction has an important meaning for a lecturer in improving performance where through
existing job satisfaction fosters a lecturer's encouragement to work optimally and carry out the
tridharma of higher education (Supriyanto, 2021)(Susita, 2021). However, according to
(Subagja, 2020) stated that job satisfaction has no role in mediating between motivation and
job satisfaction. The implication of the findings that researchers get is that when job satisfaction
has been felt by a lecturer, it will certainly increase the awareness of lecturers in implementing
the tridharma of higher education. Lecturers at the LP3M Superior Polytechnic expect
commitment from management in assisting lecturers in carrying out the tridharma of higher
education. Assistance with the publication of articles in international journals, financial
assistance for participating in national or international seminars and the opportunity for
lecturers to advance to the doctoral level are highly expected.

Based on the results of data processing and discussion, the researchers concluded that motivation
directly has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction. Directly motivation does not affect
performance. Directly satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on performance. Lastly, job
satisfaction indirectly has a role in mediating between motivation and job satisfaction. The suggestions
that researchers can give, especially to the management of the LP3M Superior Polytechnic, should pay
attention to the job satisfaction factor for their permanent lecturers. A strong commitment is needed
between management and the foundation in assisting each lecturer's activities in order to carry out the
tridharma of higher education. So that it is expected to be able to contribute to the value of accreditation
both at the study program level or even at the institutional level. The authors thank the Director of
the LP3M Superior Polytechnic who has given permission and the necessary data sources. In
addition, the authors would like to thank in particular the Director of Research and Community
Service (DRPM) who has provided research funding support through the novice lecturer grant
research program.

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