Thesis - Celline Claudia - B1024181005

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In Order to Fulfill the Requirements to Obtain a Bachelor of Management

NIM B1024181005



Name : Celline Claudia

Student ID : B1024181005
Department : Management
Study Program : Management (International Class)
Concentration : Human Resources Management

Strictly declare that the thesis above, as a whole, is purely the work of the
author herself and not a plagiarism work of others. The parts referred to as literature
sources are by the applicable writing guidelines. If the author is proven to have
committed plagiarism, it is entirely the author's responsibility, resulting in the
cancellation of the thesis with the title above. Thus, the author made this statement

Pontianak, July 6th, 2022

Celline Claudia
NIM. B1024181005


I, undersigned below:
Name : Celline Claudia
Major : Management
Study Program : Management (International Class)
Concentration : Human Resources Management
Test Date : July 19th 2022
Thesis Title The
: Influence of Work Discipline and Work Motivation
on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as
an Intervening Variable in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi
Mandiri in Pontianak

Stating that the thesis is my own work and all sources, both quoted and
references, I have stated correctly.

Pontianak, 21 July 2022

Celline Claudia
NIM. B1024181005

The Influence of Work Discipline and Work Motivation on Employee
Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable in PT Buana Cahaya
Abadi Mandiri in Pontianak

Juridical Responsible Person

Celline Claudia
NIM. B1024181005

Department : Management
Study Program : S1 Management
Major : Human Resources Management
Date of Thesis and Comprehensive Exams : July 19th, 2022

No Board of Advisor Name/ NIP Date Signature

1 Advisor 1 Ilzar Daud, S.E., M.Si, Ph.D 8/08/2022

2 Advisor 2 Harry Setiawan, S.E., M.M. 8/08/2022


No Board of Examiner Name/ NIP Date Signature

1 Examiner 1 Dr. Titik Rosnani, S.E., M.Si. 28/07/2022

2 Examiner 2 Dr. Maria Christiana Iman Kalis, 4/08/2022

S.E., M.M.

Declared to be Qualified and Graduated in Thesis and Comprehensive Exams

Head of Management Study Program

Dr. Erna Listiana, S. E, M. Si.

NIP. 197407251998022001


With all the praise and thanks to The Almighty God, who has given
His love and mercy so that a paper entitled “The Influence of Work Discipline and
Work Motivation on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as an
Intervening Variable in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri in Pontianak” can be
finished well. The paper is structured as the final project.
During the process of studying at Universitas Tanjungpura until finishing
this thesis, the writer has received a lot of enormous guidance and support from
many people. Hence, the writer would like to express the best gratitude and
appreciation to those honorable people:
1. Dr. Barkah, S.E., M.Si. as the Dean of Faculty of Economics and
Business, Universitas Tanjungpura.
2. Dr. Titik Rosnani, S.E., M.Si. as the Head of Management Department in
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Tanjungpura
3. Dr. Heriyadi, S.E, M.E. as the Secretary of Management Department in
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Tanjungpura.
4. Dr. Erna Listiana, S.E., M.Si. as the Head of Management Program for
Undergraduates in Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas
5. Ilzar Daud, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D. as the Academic Supervisor who has given
a lot of advice and support throughout the academic years. Helping and
guiding the writer from selecting the thesis topic to the final completion
of the thesis.
6. Harry Setiawan, SE, MM as the Thesis Supervisor who has given
enormous support and guidance throughout the research process.
7. Dr. Titik Rosnani, S.E., M.Si. as Lecturer Examiner 1 who provides
guidance, advice and useful advice for writer.
8. Dr. Maria C. Iman Kalis, S.E., M.M. as Lecturer Examiner 2 who provides
guidance, advice and useful advice for writer.

9. Dr. Helma Malini, S.E., M.M. as the manager of the international class
who has given a lot of tremendous experience, guidance, and coaching in
every international class event and competition.
10. All honorable lecturers and staff in the Faculty of Economics and
Business, Universitas Tanjungpura, who have given their best in teaching,
guiding, and assisting in every academic administration procedure.
11. My beloved family, no words can ever describe how grateful I am to have
you all in my life. Especially for my mom and dad, thank you for your
endless love, sacrifice, support, and prayers. I promise I will make both of
you proud. Also, to my best sister (Cicilia Cindy Claudia) who always be
there for me. Much love for you guys.
12. My plus one and best partner, Ryan Septian. Thank you for always be there
for me through ups and downs and for your love and continuous support.
13. The International Class of Management batch 2018 who have given
friendships and experiences throughout the years.
And many more people who have given a lot of support to the writer to finish
writing the thesis that cannot be mentioned one by one. The author is open to any
suggestions and critics for a better revision in the future.

Pontianak, July 6th, 2022

Celline Claudia
NIM. B1024181005



The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of Work
Discipline (X1) and Work Motivation (X2) on Employee Performance (Y) with Job
Satisfaction (Z) as the intervening variable. The population used in this study were
all employees of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri in Pontianak. The sample used
as the object in this study was 105 employees. The sampling technique in this study
is a purpose sampling technique, namely the technique of determining the sample
with certain considerations. Collecting data through questionnaires. Data
processing in this study using Smart PLS 3.3 software. This analysis uses the
Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEMPLS) data analysis method.
This analysis includes convergent validity tests (Loading Factor, AVE,
Communality), discriminant validity tests (Cross Loading), and reliability tests
(Cronbach Alpha and Composite Reliability). The results showed that the work
discipline variable had a positive and significant effect on employee performance,
the work motivation variable had a positive and significant effect on employee
performance, the work discipline variable had a positive and significant effect on
job satisfaction, the work motivation variable had a positive and significant effect
on job satisfaction, and the job satisfaction variable has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance.

Keywords: Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Employee




Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh
Disiplin Kerja (X1) dan Motivasi Kerja (X2) terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Y)
dengan Kepuasan Kerja (Z) sebagai variabel intervening. Populasi yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri di
Pontianak. Sampel yang digunakan sebagai objek dalam penelitian ini 105
karyawan. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik purpose
sampling, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu.
Pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner atau angket. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian
ini menggunakan software Smart PLS 3.3. Analisis ini menggunakan metode
analisis data Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEMPLS). Analisis
ini meliputi uji validitas konvergen (Loading Factor, AVE, Communality), uji
validitas diskriminan (Cross Loading), dan uji reliabilitas (Cronbach Alpha dan
Composite Reliability). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel disiplin kerja
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, variabel motivasi
kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, variabel
disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja, variabel
motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja, dan
variabel kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja

Kata Kunci: Disiplin Kerja, Motivasi Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan


1. Research Background and Objective

In the current era of globalization, many company in world is undergoing
rapid changes accompanied by the emergence of more and more powerful
competitors. With these conditions, each company must be able to find a vision,
mission and adaptation strategies in the company's structure, culture and systems
that can give them an edge over other competitors. Human resource management is
implemented properly will provide a large enough contribution to the business
achieve company goals. Performance is an important activity carried out by any
company that wants to achieve business goals or objectives with effective. The
behavior of maintaining how long people will continue to strive to achieve goals.
The greater the motivation given by the boss, the higher the employee's motivation
to achieve company goals. In this study, job satisfaction is used as a variable that
mediates between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Because
employees who have high performance but have low job satisfaction will reduce
employee performance, but if employees have high work discipline and have high
job satisfaction, of course it will also improve employee performance.
This study is written to find out the impact of Work Discipline, Motivation
on Employee Performance with the job satisfaction as the intervening in PT Buana
Cahaya Abadi Mandiri. Furthermore, it also aims to find out whether Work
Discipline, Motivation, and Job Satisfaction has any influence on the relationship
of Employee Performance

2. Research Method
The sampling technique in this study is a purpose sampling technique,
namely the technique of determining the sample with certain considerations. This

research is using quantitative data and the instrument that was used to collect data
is by using questionnaires. Data processing in this study using Smart PLS 3.3
software. Convergent Validity test, Discriminant Validity test, and Reliability Test
were applied to this study. The hypotheses are: H1: Work Discipline has a
significant influence on employee performance. H2: Motivation has a significant
influence on employee performance. H3: Work Discipline has a significant
influence on job satisfaction. H4: Motivation has a significant influence on job
satisfaction. H5: Job Satisfaction has a significant influence on employee

3. Results
The result of the hypotheses test shows that H1: Work Discipline has a
significant influence on employee performance. H2: Motivation has a significant
influence on employee performance. H3: Work Discipline has a significant
influence on job satisfaction. H4: Motivation has a significant influence on job
satisfaction. H5: Job Satisfaction has a significant influence on employee

4. Conclusion
Based on the research that was conducted and evaluated, the author came
up with the following concluded research final results such as the relationship
between Work Discipline (X1) and Employee Performance (Y) is supported. The
relationship between Motivation (X2) and Employee Performance is supported.
The relationship between Work Discipline (X1) and Job Satisfaction (Z) is
supported. The relationship between Motivation (X2) and Job Satisfaction (Z) is
supported. The relationship between Job Satisfaction (Z) and Employee
Performance (Y) is supported.
Further research on this related topic could use a larger sample size and
variety than this study, so that it can be used to depict a more precise situation and
be properly analyzed. Besides, the author suggests that for the next researcher to
perform a research based on current events or phenomena. The author suggests that

the variables of the model be expanded for the next researcher because there are
many other variables that could influence the employee performance.


1. Latar Belakang dan Tujuan Penelitian

Di era globalisasi saat ini, banyak perusahaan di dunia mengalami
perubahan yang cepat disertai dengan munculnya pesaing yang semakin kuat.
Dengan kondisi tersebut, setiap perusahaan harus mampu menemukan visi, misi
dan strategi adaptasi dalam struktur, budaya dan sistem perusahaan yang dapat
memberikan keunggulan atas pesaing lainnya. Manajemen sumber daya manusia
yang dilaksanakan dengan baik akan memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar
untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Kinerja merupakan kegiatan penting yang
dilakukan oleh setiap perusahaan yang ingin mencapai tujuan atau sasaran bisnis
dengan efektif. Salah satu faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam sumber daya
manusia adalah faktor disiplin. Semakin besar motivasi yang diberikan atasan,
maka semakin tinggi pula motivasi karyawan untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan.
Dalam penelitian ini kepuasan kerja digunakan sebagai variabel yang menjadi
penengah antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Karena pegawai yang memiliki
kinerja tinggi namun memiliki kepuasan kerja yang rendah akan menurunkan
kinerja pegawai, namun jika pegawai memiliki disiplin kerja yang tinggi dan
memiliki kepuasan kerja yang tinggi tentunya juga akan meningkatkan kinerja
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Disiplin Kerja,
Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai
Intervensi di PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri. Selanjutnya juga bertujuan untuk
mengetahui apakah Disiplin Kerja, Motivasi Kerja, dan Kepuasan Kerja
berpengaruh terhadap hubungan Kinerja Karyawan.

2. Metode Penelitian
Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik purpose
sampling, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Penelitian
ini menggunakan data kuantitatif dan instrumen yang digunakan untuk
mengumpulkan data adalah dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Pengolahan data
dalam penelitian ini menggunakan software Smart PLS 3.3. Uji Validitas
Konvergen, Uji Validitas Diskriminan, dan Uji Reliabilitas digunakan dalam
penelitian ini. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah: H1: Disiplin Kerja berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. H2: Motivasi Kerja berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap kinerja karyawan. H3: Disiplin Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
kepuasan kerja. H4: Motivasi Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan
kerja. H5: Kepuasan Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan.

3. Hasil
Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa H1: Disiplin Kerja berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. H2: Motivasi Kerja berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap kinerja karyawan. H3: Disiplin Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
kepuasan kerja. H4: Motivasi Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan
kerja. H5: Kepuasan Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan.

4. Kesimpulan dan Saran

Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan dievaluasi, maka penulis
mendapatkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut hasil akhir penelitian seperti hubungan
antara Disiplin Kerja (X1) dengan Kinerja Karyawan (Y) didukung. Hubungan
antara Motivasi Kerja (X2) dengan Kinerja Karyawan didukung. Hubungan antara
Disiplin Kerja (X1) dan Kepuasan Kerja (Z) didukung. Hubungan antara Motivasi
Kerja (X2) dan Kepuasan Kerja (Z) didukung. Hubungan antara Kepuasan Kerja
(Z) dan Kinerja Karyawan (Y) didukung.
Penelitian lebih lanjut tentang topik terkait ini dapat menggunakan ukuran
dan variasi sampel yang lebih besar daripada penelitian ini, sehingga dapat
digunakan untuk menggambarkan situasi yang lebih tepat dan dianalisis dengan

baik. Selain itu, penulis menyarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk melakukan
penelitian berdasarkan peristiwa atau fenomena terkini. Penulis menyarankan agar
variabel model diperluas untuk peneliti selanjutnya karena masih banyak variabel
lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan.


STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ......................................................................... i

PREFACE ............................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRAK ...............................................................................................................v
SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... vi
RINGKASAN ........................................................................................................ ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... xii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xvi
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................. xvii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................1

1.1. Research Background ..............................................................................1
1.2. Research Problem ....................................................................................5
1.2.1. Problem Statement .........................................................................5
1.2.2. Research Question .........................................................................6
1.3. Research Objective ..................................................................................6
1.4. Research Contribution .............................................................................7
1.4.1. Theoretical Contribution................................................................7
1.4.2. Practical Contribution ....................................................................7
1.5. Contextual Description ............................................................................7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................9

2.1. Theoretical Basis .....................................................................................9
2.1.1. Work Discipline .............................................................................9 Definition of Work Discipline .........................................9 Work Discipline Factors .................................................10 Work Discipline Indicators .............................................11
2.1.2. Work Motivation .........................................................................11 Definition of Work Motivation .......................................11

xiv The Factors Influencing Work Motivation .....................12 Purposes of Work Motivation ........................................13 Work Motivation Indicators ............................................13
2.1.3. Job Satisfaction ............................................................................14 Definition of Job Satisfaction .........................................14 The Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction .......................15 Job Satisfaction Indicators ..............................................15 Cause of Job Satisfaction ...............................................16 The Ways to Increase Job Satisfaction............................16
2.1.4. Employee Performance................................................................17 Definition of Performance ..............................................17 Performance Indicators ..................................................17 The Factors influencing Performance .............................18
2.2. Empirical Study .....................................................................................19
2.3. Relationship Among Variables ..............................................................29
2.3.1. Relationship between Work Discipline and Performance ...........29
2.3.2. Relationship between Work Motivation and Performance..........30
2.3.3. Relationship between Work Discipline and Job Satisfaction ......30
2.3.4. Relationship between Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction.....31
2.3.5. Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Performance ............31
2.4. Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis ................................................32
2.4.1. Conceptual Framework................................................................32
2.4.2. Hypothesis ...................................................................................33

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................34

3.1. Type of Research ...................................................................................34
3.2. Place and Time of Research ..................................................................34
3.3. Data ........................................................................................................34
3.3.1. Data Collection Method...............................................................34
3.3.2. Type and Source of Data .............................................................35 Types of Data ..................................................................35

xv Sources of Data ...............................................................35
3.4. Population and Sample ..........................................................................35
3.4.1. Population ....................................................................................35
3.4.2. Sample .........................................................................................36
3.5. Research Variable and Operational Definition ......................................36
3.5.1. Research Variable ........................................................................36
3.5.2. Operational Definition .................................................................37
3.6. Measuring Variable ...............................................................................40
3.7. Analysis Method ....................................................................................40
3.7.1. Model Structural SEM- PLS........................................................41
3.7.2. Evaluation of Measurement (Outer) Model.................................43
3.7.3. Testing the Outer Model ..............................................................43
3.7.4. Hypothesis Testing ......................................................................49
3.7.5. Mediation Effect Analysis ...........................................................49

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................................................51

4.1. Research Results ....................................................................................51
4.1.1. Characteristics of Respondent .....................................................51 Respondent Based on Gender ........................................ 51 Respondent Based on Age ............................................. 51 Respondent Based on Division ....................................... 52
4.1.2 Respondent’s Responses to Each Variables ...................................... 53 Work Discipline (X1) ................................................................. 53 Work Motivation (X2) ................................................................ 55 Job Satisfaction (Z) ..................................................................... 55 Employee Performance (Y) ........................................................ 57
4.1.3 SEM PLS Analysis ............................................................................. 58 Evaluation of Measurement (Outer) Model ................................ 59 Convergent Validity ............................................................ 59 Discriminant Validity .......................................................... 60 Reliability Test ............................................................................ 62

xvi Structural Model (Inner Model) .................................................. 63 R-Square .............................................................................. 63 Hypotheses Testing ............................................................. 64 Hypotheses 1 ............................................................... 65 Hypotheses 2 ............................................................... 66 Hypotheses 3 ............................................................... 66 Hypotheses 4 ............................................................... 66 Hypotheses 5 ............................................................... 66 Mediation Effect Analysis ........................................... 67 Hypothesis Testing Summary .................................................... 67
4.2 Discussion ................................................................................................ 68
4.2.1 Work Discipline and Employee Performance .................................... 68
4.2.2 Work Motivation and Employee Performance ................................... 69
4.2.3 Work Discipline and Job Satisfaction................................................. 70
4.2.4 Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction ............................................... 71
4.2.5 Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance ..................................... 71

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .............................. 73

5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 73
5.2 Recommendation ....................................................................................... 74
5.2.1 For Firms ............................................................................................ 74
5.2.2. For Academy ..................................................................................... 74
5.2.2. For Future Research........................................................................... 74
5.3. Limitations................................................................................................. 74

REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 75


Table 1.1. Position and Number of Employee................................................4

Table 2.2. Empirical Study ...........................................................................19
Table 3.1. Position and Number of Employee..............................................36
Table 3.2. Operational Definition of Variables ............................................38
Table 3.3. Indicator’s level by Likert Scale ..................................................40
Table 3.4. Measurement of Outer Model......................................................45
Table 3.5. Measurement of Inner Model ......................................................48
Table 4.1. Respondent Based on Gender ......................................................51
Table 4.2. Respondent Based on Age ...........................................................52
Table 4.3. Respondent Based on Division ....................................................53
Table 4.4. The Respondent towards Work Discipline ..................................54
Table 4.5. The Respondent towards Work Motivation ................................55
Table 4.6. The Respondent towards Job Satisfaction ...................................56
Table 4.7. The Respondent towards Employee Performance .......................57
Table 4.8. Outer Loading Test Result...........................................................59
Table 4.9. Outer Loading Test Result...........................................................60
Table 4.10. Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Test Result .......................61
Table 4.11. Reliability Test Result ...............................................................62
Table 4.12. T-Statistics and P-Value Test Result .........................................63
Table 4.13. Specific Indirect Effect Result...................................................67
Table 4.14. Hypothesis Testing Summary....................................................67


Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework ..............................................................33

Figure 3.1. Steps in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) ..........................41
Figure 4.1. R-Square Test Result..................................................................63
Figure 4.2. Bootstrapping Output .................................................................64


1.1. Research Background

In the current era of globalization, many company in world is undergoing
rapid changes accompanied by the emergence of more and more powerful
competitors. With these conditions, each company must be able to find a vision,
mission and adaptation strategies in the company's structure, culture and systems
that can give them an edge over other competitors. Changes that occur due to
advances in technology and information make companies have the courage to make
strategic changes that require training and development to anticipate future needs.
With this change, it requires employees to think creatively, work quickly and
precisely to become individuals who are able to compete (Meilany and Mariaty,
Human resource management is the science and art of managing human
resource management appropriately and efficiently in achieving predetermined
goals through planning, organizing, directing, controlling procurement,
development, compensation, integration, and maintenance (Handoko, 2012).
Human resources are the most important investment for the company, because
employees are the foundation of the company's success in facing competition.
Human resource management is implemented properly will provide a large
enough contribution to the business achieve company goals. Its implementation
refers to the rules and regulations that have been formulated and ratified by
company management. The achievement of a goal in the company is closely related
to the professionalism of employees who are able to be responsible for their work
so that the goals of the company can be achieved. Therefore, companies must work
harder with all efforts to manage and develop existing resources by improving
employee performance as a very important program (Hetami, 2008).
Performance is the output produced by functions or indicators of a job or a
profession within a certain time (Wirawan, 2012: 5). Performance is an important
activity carried out by any company that wants to achieve business goals or

objectives with effective. This is indicated by the presence of employees and a sense
of wanting to make work changes, from this it can be seen that the desires of
employees through work discipline and work motivation are shown by activities
that lead to company goals.
One of the most influential factors in human resources is the discipline
factor. Work discipline is a form of training that seeks to improve and shape the
knowledge, attitudes and behavior of employees so that employees voluntarily try
to work cooperatively with other employees and improve their work performance
(Siagian, 2000: 305). According to Kurniawan and Arasy (2015), it shows that work
discipline has a significant positive effect on employee performance. This influence
can be seen from the awareness of employees who are willing to do their job well
to achieve maximum performance. Meanwhile, according to Arianto (2013) shows
that work discipline has no effect on employee performance.
According to Greenberg and Robert (2010) motivation is a series of
processes that generate, direct and maintain human behavior towards achieving
goals. Generating relates to the drive or energy behind the action. Motivation is also
concerned with the choices people make and the direction of their behavior.
Meanwhile, the behavior of maintaining how long people will continue to strive to
achieve goals. The greater the motivation given by the boss, the higher the
employee's motivation to achieve company goals.
This study uses job satisfaction as a mediating variable (intervening) from
the influence of work discipline and work motivation on employee performance.
Job satisfaction is the feeling that is enjoyed at work by obtaining the goals of work
results, placement, treatment and a good working environment (Hasibuan, 2010).
Employees who enjoy job satisfaction will prioritize their work rather than
remuneration for the implementation of their duties. There is no absolute level of
satisfaction benchmarks, because each individual employee has a different standard
of satisfaction. In this study, job satisfaction is used as a variable that mediates
between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Because employees
who have high performance but have low job satisfaction will reduce employee

performance, but if employees have high work discipline and have high job
satisfaction, of course it will also improve employee performance.
The difference between this study and previous studies is the use of work
discipline and work motivation as independent variables, employee performance as
the dependent variable then adding an intervening variable in the form of job
satisfaction. The object used in this research is PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.
Some empirical evidence which states that there is a significant influence
between work discipline and employee performance, including the results of
research by Safitri (2013) which states that work discipline has a significant effect
on employee performance, this is evidenced by remuneration made by employees
to the company at work). Research by Sahanggamu and Silvya (2014) states that
work discipline is significant and has a positive effect on employee performance,
due to good work discipline by following company rules. In addition, the research
of Kurniawan and Arasy (2015) shows that work discipline has a significant
positive effect on employee performance, because good work discipline reflects that
the HRM function is carried out according to plan.
Different research results are shown by research by Arianto (2013) which
states that work discipline has no effect on employee performance, lack of
awareness and willingness to obey company regulations is a problem in work
discipline. Sari (2014) shows that work discipline is not significant in affecting
employee performance because job responsibilities and absences do not necessarily
result in satisfactory work. Furthermore, research conducted by Setiawan (2013)
states that work discipline simultaneously has no effect on employee performance,
because high work discipline does not necessarily improve employee performance.
Besides, a study by Siti and Badiya (2019) has revealed that there were the research
limitations that further researcher needs to add to the sample and the respondents
that will be examined along with other variables to determine other factors that
affect the discipline of work, work environment and employee performance such as
motivation, leadership, ability, job stress. Based on the background description and
the limitation, it indicates there is the research gap, and the author of this research
is interested to do further research and the authors are interested in conducting a

study in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri located in Pontianak. PT Buana Cahaya
Abadi Mandiri has 105 employees in different division, as the table below shows
the table of number of employees and their position in PT Buana Cahaya Mandiri

Table 1.1.
Position and number of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri
Employee in 2021
Division Amount of Employee
Marketing 13
Finance 8
Accountant 17
Operational 31
Human Resources 21
Production 15
Total 105
Source: PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri

Based on the data about employee absenteeism in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi

Mandiri in 2020, the results shows that there are 88.6% of attendance and 11.4% of
absenteeism. Besides, late attendance on time both starting work in the morning and
after lunch break still seems orderly, which reflects employee discipline is still low.
According to Busro (2018), work discipline is a mental attitude of a person or group
who always wishes to obey or follow all the rules that have been determined. The
discipline that grows from an employee will create his satisfaction (Hasibuan,
2014). This opinion confirms that discipline is an essential factor in the
development of an employee’s personality characteristics such as responsibility,
confidence, perseverance in working, and self-control and can maintain and
develop appropriate behavior at work and ultimately can improve employee
performance. According to Tiwari (2014), the absenteeism affects the level of
satisfaction among the employees and organizational performance. Onikoyi (2014)
stated that absenteeism significantly affects corporate performance. This result was

confirmed based on the results of the analysis of the determinant variables which
showed that absenteeism reduces the level of organizational productivity,
profitability, and employee performance in Cadbury Nigeria Plc, Ikeja. This
indicates that the percentage of attendance may affect performance of employee in
PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.
Based on an interview with the manager of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri
stated that the company has a low scale of employee performance which is 6 from
10. According to manager of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri, the low employee
performance affects the number of products that also affect the sales because the
process in making the products can defect easily if the ingredients of the products
not mixed properly. In addition, based on data in 2020, the management stated that
there was a 10% decrease in sales percentage compared to 2019. According to
Aragon, (2003) employee performance are all determinants of increased sales. This
means that poor low employee performance will bring about decreased sales.
Omotosho (2002) insisted employees will only perform well under good motivation
systems. It should be noted that just a small portion of 40 to 50 percent of average
employees will put effort into the job during a particular period it is therefore a
chain that looks like work motivation can increased performance, and finally can
increase sales. The manager of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri stated that
motivation given by the company less than optimal because the decrease of sales
also affects the less than optimal due to declining sales so that a few mistakes made
by employees are considered fatal and require employees to work harder than usual.
It indicates that the company tends to not give motivation to the employee. The
study result proposed by Abdurrahman (2018) proved that work motivation
positively and significantly influences employees’ performance. To attain the desire
goals and objectives from employee motivation, the organization must motivate
employees by using main aspects such as achievement, recognition, challenge,
responsibility, development, involvement, and opportunity (Sastrohadiwiryo,
2019). Employees have different ways to feel motivated in performing tasks and
the work environment is one of the factors that affected their work motivation.

Moreover, motivation is an important aspect to predict the work performance of an
employee (Abdurrahman, 2019)
Based on the interview with the manager of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi
Mandiri, he stated that the level of job satisfaction of the employee was decrease
when the salary was cut during Covid-19. The relationship between work discipline
and job satisfaction according to Davis and Newstrom (2004:262), dissatisfaction
leads to behavior lazy employees, late for work and other disciplinary violations,
while satisfied behavior is more profitable for the company. Based on the problems
above, study of employee performance in particular at PT Buana Cahaya Abadi
Mandiri is that really needs to be done. For predict how much discipline factor work
affects performance employees by entering satisfaction work as an intervening
variable and provide input to PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri as one of the efforts
to improve employee performance.
Based on the previous researchers, there are some limitations such as the
this research was conducted on employees at PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri,
who have busy working hours,so that the data obtained is not optimal.Based on the
data above, the author wants to do more research to analyze whether the employee
implements work discipline and obtain motivation along with a good percentage of
attendance from the employees towards employee performance. In addition, the
author interest to do the research based on the research gap and limitations related
to the work discipline and motivation with job satisfaction as the intervening on
influencing employee performance in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.
From the whole analysis, the author took the title "The Influence of Work
Discipline and Work Motivation on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction
as an Intervening Variable in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri”.

1.2. Research Problem

1.2.1. Problem Statement
Each company focuses on achieving the company's goals, for that the
company must also be able to face rapid environmental changes in order to survive
in increasingly fierce market competition. The existence of qualified and competent

human resources has become a necessity so that companies can have better
performance. According to several views, motivation, work discipline, and job
satisfaction are believed to have an influence on the performance of a company.
However, in several studies, showed different results. Seeing the differences
between views and research results, as well as the existence of research gaps
between one study and another. The formulation of problem that authors intend to
examine is how far the relationship between motivation and work discipline and job
satisfaction affects employee performance in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.

1.2.2. Research Problem

Based on the research above, the authors could identify the research
questions as follow:
1. Does work discipline have an influence on employee performance in PT Buana
Cahaya Abadi Mandiri?
2. Does work motivation have an influence on employee performance in PT Buana
Cahaya Abadi Mandiri?
3. Does discipline have an influence on job satisfaction in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi
4. Does work motivation have an influence on job satisfaction in PT Buana Cahaya
Abadi Mandiri?
5. Does job satisfaction have an influence on employee performance in PT Buana
Cahaya Abadi Mandiri?

1.3.Research Objective
According to the research background presented above, the objectives of
this research are to know the influence of work discipline and motivation towards
employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable:
1. To test and analyze the influence of work discipline on the employee
performance in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.
2. To test and analyze the influence of work motivation on the employee
performance in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.

3. To test and analyze the influence of work discipline on job satisfaction in PT
Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.
4. To test and analyze the influence of work motivation on job satisfaction in PT
Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.
5. To test and analyze the influence of job satisfaction on the employee
performance in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri.

1.4.Research Contribution
1.4.1. Theoretical Contribution
This research provides contribution for some parties, including:
1. The Company
The results of this research are expected to provide a useful contribution to work
discipline, motivation, job satisfaction, and employee performance. Thus, the
company could find the right way in an attempt to use its work discipline, work
motivation, and job satisfaction to improve employee performance.
2. The Academy
The results of this research are expected to help the learning process as well as
the application of science, especially those related to Human Resource
Management (HRM), work discipline, motivation, and job satisfaction on
employee performance.
3. The researchers
The result of this research is expected to provide valuable information in the
field of management for further research in the future.

1.4.2. Practical Contribution

The results of this research provide contribution for other parties. It can be
used as an additional reference or for the development of new ideas for further
research and as a consideration of companies or other institutions facing similar

1.5. Research Contextual Overview

The objects of this research PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri. This research
will be conducted at PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri, located in Jalan Wajok Hulu
km 9,8 Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat. PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri
is a manufacturing company that produces goods such as fiber roofs, water tanks,
water hoses, and septic tanks. Concerning the current condition of human resource
management, PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri has carried out a process of work
discipline as its development strategy in creating reliable human resource. PT
Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri always believe that employees are one of the most
valuable assets for any organization and company. Sustainability will not be
possible without the contribution of employees. PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri
also strives to create the best working conditions and experiences for all employees.
PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri really prioritize work discipline to be
implemented in the workplace. Besides, work discipline also become one of the
principles of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri. PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri
also motivate the employees to work in order to achieve the best career, get high
salaries, adequate facilities and get adequate pension funds. After the employee is
placed at PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri, the employee will be given training.


2.1. Theoretical Basis

2.1.1. Work Discipline Definition of Work Discipline
According to Saydam (2000: 198) discipline is the attitude of a person's
willingness and willingness to obey all the regulatory norms that are applied around
him. Work discipline is shown so that all employees in the company are willing to
voluntarily obey all applicable rules and regulations without compulsion.
Complying with the regulations means giving positive support to the company in
implementing the programs that have been set, so that it will make it easier to
achieve company goals. The achievement of goals is closely related to the work
discipline of employees. Good work discipline will accelerate the achievement of
company goals and decreased discipline will become a barrier and slow down the
achievement of company goals.
Discipline is a procedure that correcting or punishing the subordinates for
violating the rules (Simamora, 2004:610). Work discipline is a tool used by
managers to communicate with employees, so that they are willing to reviews their
behavior as well as an effort to raise awareness and willingness to obey company
rules and social norms (Rivai, 2004:444). Work discipline can be defined as an
attitude in honoring, respecting, obedience, and compliance to the regulations
(Sastrohadiwirjo, 2003:294). Discipline is a management action to encourage
organizational members to meet the demand of various conditions. Work discipline
is a form of training that seeks to improve and shape the knowledge, attitudes and
behavior of employees so that employees voluntarily try to work cooperatively with
other employees and improve their work performance (Siagian, 2000: 305).
From a number of descriptions of the above research it can be concluded
that work discipline is a rule or norms that have been established in an organization
aimed at employees to be obeyed with full awareness and willingness which aims
to improve attitudes and morals that are in the employee's responsibility in carrying
out the task the tasks that have been given by an organization.

10 Work Discipline Factors
According to Edi Sutrisno (2009) the factors that influence work discipline
are as follows:
1. The size of the compensation
Employees will influence all applicable regulations, if they feel that they are
guaranteed remuneration that is commensurate with their efforts that have been
contributed to the company.
2. Whether or not there is exemplary leadership in the company
Exemplary leadership is very important, because in a company environment, all
employees will always pay attention to how the leader can enforce his self-
discipline and how the leader can control himself from words, actions and
attitudes that can harm the established rules of discipline.
3. Whether there are definite rules that can be used as guidance
This is for the development of discipline if there are no definite written rules to
be used as a common grip.
4. Leadership courage in taking action
For employees who violate discipline, it is necessary to have leadership courage
to take actions in accordance with the violations they have made.
5. Whether there is leadership supervision or not
Supervision is carried out so that employees can carry out their work
appropriately and in accordance with what has been determined.
6. Whether there is concern for employees
Because employees are not only satisfied with receiving high compensation,
challenging work, but also, they still need great attention from their own leaders.
7. Fulfillment of needs
Determined by the level of job characteristics, which provide opportunities for
individuals to meet their needs.
8. Justice
It is a function of how fairly individuals are treated in the workplace. Satisfaction
is the result of people's perception that the comparison between work output and

input is relatively more favorable than the comparison between output and other
work input.
9. Created habits that support the upholding of discipline.
The positive habits include the following:
a. Mutual respect, when we meet at work.
b. Give praise according to the place and time, so that employees will also feel
proud of the praise.
c. Often includes employees in meetings, especially meetings related to their
fate and work.
d. Notifying if you want to leave the place to colleagues, by informing, where
and for what business, even to subordinates. Work Discipline Indicators

According to Davis (2007) discipline indicators are as follows:
1. Attendance is an activity that indicates whether an employee is coming or not to
carry out work activities.
2. Work procedures, namely rules or regulations, must be obeyed by the employer
and by the worker in carrying out work, human relations and company security.
3. Obedience to superiors, namely obeying or following those given by the
leadership in the company in order to do a good job.
4. Responsibility, namely the willingness of employees to be accountable for their
policies and work results, necessary infrastructure and work behavior.

2.1.2. Work Motivation Definition of Work Motivation
Broussard and Garrison (2004:106) have broadly defined motivation as the
attribute that moves us to do or not to do something. Therefore, motivation is one
of important thing in human life, because with motivation people can push the limit
of their mind and reach something they need and want. Motivation is an important
role in all public and private organizations. Without motivating their employees’
organizations cannot run and cannot achieve their goals. All organizations

encounter the matter of motivation whether they are in the public or private sector
Chintallo and Mahadeo (2013: 978).
According to Fathoni (2006), motivation is a mental condition that
encourages activity and provides energy that leads to achieving needs, giving
satisfaction or reducing imbalances. Motivation is said to be a condition that moves
or directs a person to carry out a certain action. Motivation is expected to produce
effectiveness, productivity and efficient work results, both for the individual
concerned and for the company.
According to Greenberg and Robert (2003: 190) motivation is a series of
processes that generate, direct and maintain human behavior towards achieving
goals. Generating relates to the drive or energy behind the action. Motivation is also
concerned with the choices people make and the direction of their behavior. While
the behavior of maintaining or maintaining how long people will continue to try to
achieve goals.
From the opinions mentioned above, it can be concluded that motivation is
an impetus for a series of human behavior processes in achieving goals. While the
elements contained in motivation include arousing, directing, maintaining,
showing, intensity, being continuous and having a purpose. The Factors Influencing Work Motivation

Motivation as a psychological process in a person will be influenced by
several factors (Saydam, 2000: 258). These factors can be divided into external
factors that come from outside the employee and internal factors that come from
within the employee.
External factors that can affect this motivation include:
a. Fun work environment.
b. Adequate compensation.
c. Good supervision.
d. There is an award for achievement.
e. Status and responsibilities.
f. Applicable regulation.

Meanwhile, internal factors that influence motivation for an employee
a. Personal maturity.
b. Level of education.
c. Personal wishes and expectations.
d. Needs.
e. Fatigue and boredom.
f. Job satisfaction. Purposes of Work Motivation

According to Saydam (2000: 228), in essence, the purpose of providing
motivation to employees is to:
1. Change employee behavior in accordance with the wishes of the company.
2. Increase passion and morale.
3. Increase work discipline.
4. Improve work performance.
5. Improve employee morale.
6. Increase the sense of responsibility.
7. Increase productivity and efficiency.
8. Foster employee loyalty to the company. Work Motivation Indicators

David McClelland’s Perspective, is the arousal of particular motives in a
specific setting. A motive is a recurrent concern for a goal state or condition as
measured in fantasy which drives, directs and selects the behaviour of the individual
(McClelland, 1985). David Mc. Clelland thinks inside Malay book S.P. Hasibuan
(2005:97) states that the indicators of motivation consist of:
1. The need for achievement, namely the desire to do something better than before.
The need for achievement is an unconscious drive to do better and to aspire to a
standard of excellence (McClelland, 1975; Stahl, 1983). People with strong need
for achievement often assess themselves as a way to measure progress towards

various ends. They set goals: strive to take moderate risks (that is to say
challenging, but realistic); prefer individual activities; prefer recreational
activities during which a person can get a ‘score’ (like sales target); and prefers
occupations where performance data are clearly available, such as sales positions
(McClelland and Burnham, 1976; Hines, 1973).
2. The need for power is the extent to which an individual desires to control or
influence others (McClelland, 1985). According to Winter (1973), people with
strong needs for power often assert themselves against or in the presence of
others in various ways.
3. The need for affiliation is the extent to which an individual is concerned about
establishing and maintaining good inter personal relations, being linked, and
having other people around them get along with each other (McClelland, 1985).
The need for affiliation is an unconscious drive to be part of warm, close
relationships and friendships (McGregor, 1960). People with strong need for
affiliation often choose to spend time with close friends or significant others
rather than be in any other setting.

2.1.3. Job Satisfaction Definition of Job Satisfaction
Satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment for someone who
arises after comparing the expected performance (results) if the performance meets
company expectations. If performance exceeds expectations, employees will feel
satisfied or happy. Satisfied employees tend to make a good contribution to a
company (Kotler and Keller, 2007).
According to Fathoni (2006: 128) job satisfaction at work is when employee
enjoy at work by obtaining work results, placement, treatment and a good working
atmosphere. Employees who prefer to enjoy job satisfaction in this job will
prioritize their work rather than remuneration for the implementation of their duties.
There is no absolute level of satisfaction benchmarks, because each individual
employee has a different standard of satisfaction.

15 The Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction
The job satisfaction of employees is influenced by the following factors
(Fathoni, 2006: 129), namely:
1. Fair and proper remuneration.
2. The right placement according to expertise.
3. The weight of the work.
4. The atmosphere and work environment.
5. Equipment that supports the implementation of work.
6. The attitude of the leader in his leadership.
7. The nature of work is monotonous or not. Job Satisfaction Indicators

According to Luthans (2002) the indicators of job satisfaction are:
1. The work itself
This aspect explains the views of employees as an interesting job, through
the work employees get the opportunity to learn, and get the opportunity to
accept responsibility.
2. Salary
The higher the level employee education, the higher the probability the employee
makes social comparisons with other employees. If the salary given by the
company is lower than it should be, this will have an impact on job satisfaction,
which is dissatisfaction.
3. Promotion
Promotion will provide opportunities for personal growth, more
responsibilities, and increased social status. If promotions made in a fair manner
are expected to provide satisfaction to employees.
4. Co-workers
The good relationship between co-workers is good this means it influence
on the quality and the intensity of the interactions that occur within a group.
Group that has a high degree of closeness tends to cause workers to more
satisfied with being in a group.

5. Supervision
The supervisory task cannot be separated from the leadership function.
namely the effort to influence the activities of employee through the
communication process to achieve certain goals set by the organization. Cause of Job Satisfaction

According to Wibowo (2010: 504) there are five factors that can influence
job satisfaction, namely as follows:
1. Meeting Needs
Satisfaction is determined by the level of job characteristics, providing
opportunities for individuals to meet needs.
2. Differences
Fulfillment of expectations reflects the difference between what individuals
expect and get from work.
3. Value Achievement
Satisfaction is the result of the perception that the job provides an
important fulfillment of individual work values.
4. Justice
Satisfaction is the result of people's perception that the comparison
between work results and inputs is relatively more favorable than the comparison
between output and input for other jobs.
5. Genetic Components
Job satisfaction is a function of personal traits and genetic factors that
imply differences between individuals. The Ways to Increase Job Satisfaction

Greenberg and Baron (2003: 159) suggest ways to increase job satisfaction,
1. Make work fun
People are more satisfied with jobs they enjoy doing than boring ones.
2. People are paid honestly

People who believe that the wage system is dishonest tend to be dissatisfied
with their jobs.
3. Bringing people together with jobs that match their interests
The more people find that they can fulfill their interests while at work,
the more satisfied they will be with their jobs.
4. Avoid boredom and repetitive work
Most people tend to find little satisfaction in doing very tedious and repetitive

2.1.4. Employee Performance Definition of Performance
According to Wirawan (2012: 5) performance is the output produced by
functions or indicators of a job or a profession within a certain time. In this case
completing something or making something that only requires certain energy and
skills. Valuable work output required by valuable workplace organizations which
can consist of work results, work behavior, and personal characteristics that are
related to work.
Performance is a work performance or work result (output) both in quality
and quantity achieved by the human resources of the unity period of time in carrying
out their work tasks. Human performance is usually determined by ability and
motivation (Mangkunegara, 2005: 9).
According to Armstrong, Michael and Angela (2010), performance is about
doing work and the results achieved from that work. Performance is about what to
do and how to do it. Performance is the result of a job has a strong relationship with
the goals of organizational strategy, customer satisfaction and contributes to the
economy. Indicators
According to Mathis and Jackson (2009), performance indicator is:
1) Quantity results, measured by the employee perception of the number of
activities assigned along with the results.

2) Quality results, measured by the employee perceptions of the quality of work
produced and the task's perfection of the employees' skills and abilities. The
results of the work performed are near perfect or meet the expected goals of the
3) Timeliness, measured by the employee perceptions of an activity completed
from the beginning of time until it becomes output. The employee can complete
at a set time and maximize the time available for other activities.
4) Presence, the level of employees’ attendance in the company can determine the
employee performance
5) Ability to cooperate, maximize utilization of resources and time in the
organization to increase profits and reduce losses The Factors Influencing Performance

There are several factors that affect employee performance according to
Mangkunegara (2011: 67-68), namely as follows:
1. Ability Factor
In general, this ability is divided into two, namely potential abilities and
reality abilities.
2. Motivation Factors
Motivation is formed from the attitude of employees in dealing with work
situations. Motivation for lecturers is very important to achieve the vision and
mission of an educational institute. Being a lecturer should be a motivation that
is formed from the start, not coercion or accident.
According to Wirawan (2009), performance is influenced by various
factors. These factors are the internal environmental factors of the organization,
external environmental factors, and internal factors of employees.
a. Employee Internal Factors
That is the factors of the employee which are congenital factors from birth and
factors obtained when he develops. Innate factors, such as knowledge, skills,
work ethic, and work experience.
b. Organizational Internal Environmental Factors

In doing their job, employees need organizational support. This support greatly
affects the level of employee performance. Conversely, if the compensation
system and the organization's working climate are bad, employee performance
will decline. Other internal organizational factors, for example, leadership,
organizational strategy, support needed resources to carry out work, as well as
management and compensation systems.
c. Organizational External Environmental Factors
Organizational external environmental factors are circumstances, events, or
situations that occur in the organization's external environment that affect
employee performance. Community culture is also an external factor that affects
employee performance.

2.2. Empirical Study

Previous research is the results of research that has been carried out by
previous researchers and is related to the research that will be carried out. The
results of research conducted related to work discipline, motivation, job satisfaction
and employee performance have been studied by previous researchers.
Table 2.1.
Empirical Study
No Name Tittle Of Keywords Research Measurement Research Results
Research Variable
1 Sudibya The Influence of Motivation, X1: Motivation According to There is a positive but
and Motivation, Work Hasibuan insignificant effect on the
Mudiarth Work Environment, X2: Work (2009) motivation of the
a (2015) Environment, Competence, Environment indicators that participants on their job
Competence, and affect job satisfaction as indicated
and Compensation, X3: satisfaction are by the standardized direct
Compensation Job Competence enjoy doing effect. This indicates that
on Job Satisfaction , and doing their the motivation of
Satisfaction and and Employee X4: job, employees in the Office of
Employee Performanc Compensation comfortable Public Works in Bali

Performance in with the Province affects employee
the Public Y1: Job existing job satisfaction but has an
Works Office Satisfaction environment in insignificant effect.
Environment the company,
Bali province Y2: Employee enjoy the work
Performance provided by
the company,
loyal to the
where the

2 Meisy The Influence of Leadership, X1: Leadership The indicators The result work discipline
(2015) Leadership Motivation, Style of work has not significantly
Style, Work discipline influence to employee
Motivation, and Discipline, and X2: Motivation according to performance. Based on the
Work Discipline Employee Siswanto regression output, it
on Employee Performance X3: Work (2011:291) are influenced employee
Performance at Discipline (1) Frequency performance
Bank Sulut KCP of Attendance, simultaneously along with
Likupang Y: Employee (2) Level of leadership style and
Performance Alertness, (3) motivation.
with Work
Standards, (5)
Work ethic.
3 Lucky The Effect of Motivation, X1: Work According to These results indicate that
and Motivation, Discipline, Discipline Armanu the higher the level of
Mauritz Discipline, and Work Thoyib (2013) employee discipline does
(2016) The Work Environment, X2: Motivation Discipline is not affect to increase job
Environment on Employee an ideal state satisfaction at PT. Bank
Employee Satisfaction X3: Work in supporting Sulut Airmadidi Branch.
Satisfaction In Environment the
PT Airmadidi implementatio
Branch North Y: Job n of the tasks
Sulawesi Bank Satisfaction in accordance
rules in order
to support the

Quality of
Quantity of
in need,
Location Work
Place or
4 Afianto The Effect of Discipline, X1: Work According to The results of this study
and Work Discipline Organizational Discipline Armanu indicate that work
Hamidah and Communicatio Thoyib (2013) discipline has a significant
(2017) Organizational n, Job X2: Discipline is positive effect on
Communication Satisfaction, Communicatio an ideal state employee job satisfaction.
s on Job Employee n in supporting The higher the work
Satisfaction and Performance the discipline of employees,
Employee Y1: Job implementatio not only the formality of
Performance Satisfaction n of the tasks working in the company,
(Study On in accordance but they must be able to
Marketing Y2: Employee rules in order feel and enjoy their work
Division Performance to support the so they don't feel bored.
Employees of optimization That way employees feel
Pt. Victory work. happy in working
International Indicators: according to existing work
Futures Malang Quality of rules and procedures so as
City) Discipline, to increase job satisfaction.
Quantity of
in need,
Location Work

Place or
5 Nugraha The Influencing Work X1: Work There are four The results this research
ninsih of Work Discipline, Discipline performance state that job satisfaction
and Discipline and Work indicators can add up the power of
Julaela Work Environment, X2: Work described by work discipline influence
(2017) Environment on Employee Environment Robbins on employee performance.
Employee Performance (2006) which The meaning job
Performance Z: Job are doing a job satisfaction is able to
Satisfaction in a timely mediate the influence of
manner that work discipline on
Y: Employee has been employee performance.
Performance determined by
the company,
products in
with the
criteria and
quality set by
the company,
using the best
possible work
time and as
much as
possible, able
to work
according to
must rely on

orders from

6 Karyono The Influence Work X1: Work Indicators of The results of this study
(2017) Of Work Discipline, Discipline Discipline indicate that work
Discipline and Work according to discipline has no
Work Experience, X2: Work Agustini significant to employee
Experience on Employee Experience (2011) are performance.
Employee Performance attendance,
Performance Of Y: Employee awareness
PT Surya Alam Performance works,
Semesta adherence to
the boss, and
7 Wahyudi The Influence of Work X1: Work According to The results of this study
(2019) Work Discipline Discipline, Discipline George and state that motivation has a
and Motivation Motivation, Jones (2005) positive effect on
on Employee Employee X2: Motivation indicators employee performance.
Performance Performance contained in This is because motivation
Y: Employee motivation can be a good driver that
Performance include comes from within and
physiological from outside who can
needs, the need provide inspiration,
for security, encouragement, and the
and social urge to work totally in
ownership. achieving work

8 Priadana The Influence of Work X1: Work The indicators The results this research
and Bayu Work Discipline Discipline, Discipline of work state that work discipline
(2019) and Compensation, discipline are: affects satisfaction work.
Compensation Job X2: Attendance, Evidenced by employees
on Job Satisfaction Compensation Obedience at who do the job with fluent,
Satisfaction work according to the rules and
Y: Job regulations, attitudes respect among
Satisfaction Adherence to employees so work can be
standards of done with easy.
work, a high
level of
vigilance, and
work ethically
(Rivai &
Sagala, 2011),
9 Kelvin The Influence Organizational X1: Motivation The indicators The results of this study
Pang and Organizational motivation, job of employee state that motivation has
Chin- motivation and satisfaction, X2: Employee performance no effect on employee
Shan Lu employee job organizational Performance are number of performance.
(2021) satisfaction performance jobs, quality
towards Y: Job work, and
organizational Satisfaction punctuality.
An empirical
study of
companies in

10 Baiq The Influence of Work X1: Work Work The results are that work
Lisma Work Discipline, Discipline Discipline discipline affects
Rossalia Discipline, Motivation, indicators are employee performance. A
and Motivation, Job Job X2: Motivation presence, positive value explains the
Budiriant Satisfaction and Satisfaction, adherence to unidirectional
i (2020) the Work Work X3: Work work Influence, namely if work
Environment on Environment, Environment regulations, discipline increases, the
the Performance Performance adherence to performance of contract
of Contract Y: the employees will also
Employees Performance labor increase.
of Contract standards,
work ethic

11 Winarno The Effect of Motivation, X1: Motivation Employee The results is that work
and Hadi Motivation, Discipline, Performance motivation has no effect
(2017) Discipline and Satisfaction, X2: Work indicators are on performance.
Satisfaction on Employee Discipline quality,
Employee Performance quantity,
Performance X3: punctuality,
(Case Study on Satisfaction effectiveness,
Employees of and autonomy
PT Anugerah Y: Employee
Putra Siantan Performance
12 Siti The Influence of Work X1: Work Employee Work discipline positive
Karlina Work Discipline Discipline, Discipline performance and significant effect on
Hidayat and Work Work indicators are: the performance of
and Environment to the number of employees at the Hospital

Badia Performance of Environment, X2: Work jobs, quality of Dr. Mohammad Hosein
Perizade Employee: Performance. Environment work, Palembang.
(2019) Study case on timeliness,
Hospital Dr. Y: Employee presence and
Mohammad Performance collaboration
Hosein capabilities
Palembang. (Bangun,
13 Muham Effect of Compensation, X1: According to Work discipline has a
mad Arif Compensation Discipline, Compensation Armanu positive and significant
and Putri and Discipline Employee Thoyib (2013) impact on the performance
Endah on Employee Performance X2: Work the indicators of employees at the
Syaifani Performance Discipline of discipline Department of Highways
(2019) are quality of and Development
Y: Employee discipline, Construction Technical
Performance quantity of Implementation Unit of
work, Roads and Bridges in
compensation North Sumatra Province.
in need, Assuming that the better
location work discipline of work
place or performed by employees,
residence. the performance of
employees will increase.

14 Valensia The Influence of Work X1: Work According to The results showed that
Angelina Work Discipline, Discipline George and motivation does not affect
Wisti Discipline, Leadership, Jones (2005) the performance of the
Leadership, and Motivation, X2: Leadership indicators employee for it is expected
Motivation on Employee contained in that the management of
Employee Performance X3: Motivation motivation employee performance at

Performance at include PT. Trakindo Utama
PT Trakindo physiological Manado to always provide
Utama Manado Y: Employee needs, the need continuous motivation by
Performance for security, providing rewards for
and social employees who excel and
ownership. give punishment to
employees who committed
violations, with the aim
that the employee can
carry out his work.

15 Habibur Effect of Motivation, X1: Motivation Job The results shows that
and Rinu Motivation and Job satisfaction motivation and job
Fatema Job Satisfaction Satisfaction, X2: Job indicators are satisfaction has an positive
(2019) on Employee Employee Satisfaction engagement; affect towards employee
Performance: Performance respect, praise performance.
An Empirical Y: Employee and
Study Performance recognition;
motivation and
life satisfaction
16 Muh The Motivation, X1: Motivation Here six The results of testing the
Pananran Influence of Job indicators to hypothesis in this study
gi and Motivation and Satisfaction, X2: Job considered found that Work
Osman Job Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction satisfaction of Motivation has a
Lewangk on Performance the employees positive and significant
a (2020) Employee Y: Employee of the selected effect on Employee
Performance In Performance banks. These

PT Son Karella factors are job Performance if mediated
Mare environment, by Job Satisfaction.
social status.
17 Rima The Influence of Job X1: Motivation According to The results of testing the
Dian Job Satisfaction Satisfaction, George and hypothesis in this study
Safitri, and Motivation Motivation, X2: Job Jones (2005) found that motivation
Agus on Employees Satisfaction indicators has a positive and
Suratno, Employees Performance contained in significant effect on
and Performance at Y: Employee motivation Employee Performance.
Endang PT Chakra Naga Performance include
Sulistiya Furniture Jepara physiological
ni (2018) needs, the need
for security,
and social

18 Andika The Effect of Work X1: Work According to Simultaneously, job

Palar Work Motivation, Motivation Davis quoted satisfaction and motivation
(2016) Motivation and Job by have a significant
Job Satisfaction, X2: Job Mangkunegara influences to the employee
Satisfaction on Employee Satisfaction (2013:117) performance of at PT Bank
Employee Performance suggests that SulutGo Tbk Tomohon
Performance at Y: Employee job satisfaction
Bank Performance is related to
variables (1)

Sulutgo Turnover, (2)
Tomohon Level of work
(absence), (3)
Age, (4) Level
of work, (5)
Source: Journal

2.3. Relationship Among Variables

2.3.1. Relationship Between Work Discipline and Employee Performance
Work discipline is an action that educates someone to behave and behave in
accordance with the stipulated provisions or guidelines (Kompri, 2014: 59). A
number of studies have been conducted to determine the effect of work discipline
on employee performance.
Safitri (2013) in the results of his research shows that work discipline has a
significant effect on employee performance, this is evidenced by the remuneration
made by employees to the company (not lazing around in work). According to
Sahanggamu and Silvya (2014) in their research, it is stated that work discipline is
significant and has a positive effect on employee performance, due to good work
discipline by following company rules. Research by Kurniawan and Arasy (2015)
shows that work discipline has a significant positive effect on employee
performance, because good work discipline reflects that the HRM function has been
carried out according to plan. This shows that the higher the work discipline, the
higher the employee's performance.

2.3.2. Relationship between Motivation and Employee Performance

Motivation is a mental condition that encourages activity and provides
energy that leads to the achievement of needs, gives satisfaction or reduces
imbalances (Fathoni, 2006).

A number of studies have been conducted to determine the effect of work
motivation on employee performance. Larasati and Alini (2014) in their research
show that work motivation has a positive and significant impact on employee
performance, because motivation is an encouragement for employees to work hard
and try to provide the best for the company. According to Abrivianto, Bambang and
Hamidah (2014) in their research, it proves that work motivation has a significant
and dominant effect on employee performance, because motivation is an attraction
that causes someone to do something because there is a reward for meeting needs.
Wijaya and Fransisca's research (2015) shows that work motivation has a positive
and significant influence on employee performance, as evidenced by employees
who complete their work properly. This shows that the higher the work motivation
the higher the employee's performance.

2.3.3. Relationship Between Work Discipline and Job Satisfaction

A number of studies have been conducted to determine the effect of work
discipline on job satisfaction. Work discipline is an action that educates someone
to behave and behave in accordance with the provisions or guidelines that have been
set. Research according to Afianto and Hamidah (2017) states that work discipline
has a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction, work discipline is
proven not only by work formality but must be able to feel and enjoy their work so
they don't get bored. The results of research by Priadana and Bayu (2017) show that
work discipline affects employee job satisfaction, as evidenced by carrying out
work smoothly according to the rules, harmony with other employees in work and
respect for employees. This shows that the higher the work discipline, the higher
the job satisfaction.

2.3.4. Relationship Between Motivation and Job Satisfaction

A number of studies have been conducted to determine the effect of work
motivation on job satisfaction. According to Liana (2012), the results of her
research show that work motivation has a positive effect on job satisfaction, this is
related to the company's work process so that they have more skills and will increase

their ability to work. Muslih (2012) stated that work motivation has a significant
effect on job satisfaction, because the strength and weakness of a person's
motivation or work motivation will determine the size of job satisfaction. Research
by Kartika and Thomas (2010) shows that work motivation has a significant effect
on job satisfaction, this situation occurs when there are similarities in the
expectations of employees and companies where employees work well while
companies provide compensation according to their work. This shows that the
higher the work motivation, the higher the job satisfaction.

2.3.5. Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance

Satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment for someone who
arises after comparing the expected performance (results) if the performance meets
company expectations.
A number of studies have been conducted to determine the effect of job
satisfaction on employee performance. Research by Cahyani and Ahyar (2010)
proves that there is a direct effect between job satisfaction and employee
performance, in this case satisfaction can be increased through attention and good
relations between employees and superiors so that they feel that they are an
important part of the work organization. According to Tobing (2009) in his
research, it shows that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance, this means that one's performance will increase when the
job satisfaction of individuals is in a high position. Indrawati (2013) in his research
proves that employee job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on employee
performance, companies must always provide what employees need so that
employees will try to provide the best service to the company. This shows that the
higher the job satisfaction, the higher the employee's performance.

2.4. Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis

2.4.1. Conceptual Framework
According to Uma Sekaran (2006) Conceptual framework is a conceptual
model about how theory relates to various factors which has been defined as an

important issue. The framework would theoretically explain the link between
research variables. Thus, theoretically it is necessary to explain the relationship
between independent variable and dependent variable.
In this study, the measurement of the independent influence variable, which
are work discipline (X1) and motivation (X2) towards the dependent variable,
employee performance (Y) and job satisfaction (Z) as the intervening variable.

Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework

2.4.2. Hypothesis

The following are hypotheses that will be tested in order to find the answers
of the research questions. Based on the purpose of this study, the hypotheses can be
constructed as follows:
H1: Work Discipline has a significant influence on employee performance.
H2: Motivation has a significant influence on employee performance.
H3: Work Discipline has a significant influence on job satisfaction.
H4: Motivation has a significant influence on job satisfaction.
H5: Job Satisfaction has a significant influence on employee performance.


3.1. Type of Research

This research is a type of survey research. This survey research was
conducted to collect information by compiling a list of questions asked of
respondents (Wiratna, 2017: 47), namely employees about work discipline, work
motivation, job satisfaction and have an effect on employee performance.
The approach used is a quantitative approach, which is a scientific approach
used to research on a particular population or sample. Data collection using research
instruments, data analysis is quantitative /statistical with the aim to test the
hypothesis that has been set. This approach is called a quantitative approach
because the research data is in the form of numbers and the analysis uses statistics
(Sugiyono, 2012: 7).

3.2. Place and Time of Research

This research will be conducted at PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri, located
Jalan Wajok Hulu km 9,8 Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat. The research
will start from the beginning of November 2021 to January 2022.

3.3. Data
3.3.1. Data Collection Method
The data collection technique in this research is a questionnaire. The
questionnaire is a method used by researchers to reveal or capture quantitative
information from respondents according to the scope of the study. Online form
questionnaire will be used, it is use to obtain the relevant data for solving and
analyzing the problem. Researcher will give the questionnaire link to the company
manager and the management will distribute it to the employees under the
supervision of the management.

3.3.2. Type and Source of Data Type of Data
The type of data in this research is quantitative data the data in the form of
numbers and any quantifiable information that can be used for mathematical
calculations and statistical analysis. In this research, the data is from the answer of
the questioners based on the interview. Source of Data

The data source in this study is primary data because the dependent variable
in this study is performance, so it must use primary data, namely data obtained from
the main data source questions (Enny, 2017: 110). Primary Data is the data obtained
through an experiment. In this experiment, participants will be exposed to a
particular condition in a questionnaire. After that, they will be asked to fill the
questionnaire. A questionnaire is a set of questions for obtaining statistically useful
or personal information from individuals (Merriam-Webster, 2018). The
questionnaires will be distributed to a number of respondents who become samples
of this study through paper based. Besides, in this study also use secondary data.
Secondary data are supporting data which usually can be obtained from library
material literatures related to the problem under study such as journals, books,
reports, thesis, websites and online sources.

3.4. Population and Sample

3.4.1. Population
According to Sugiyono (in Kasmadi and Sunariah, 2014) “population is the
generalization area consist of object and subject that have certain quantity and
characteristics defined by researcher to studied and then drawn its conclusions”. In
this study, respondent is the active employees under the management of the
company. Based on the information from the human resources manager of PT
Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri, there are 105 people that can be used as the

3.4.2. Sample
Sample is a portion of population consisting of a number of members
selected from population. In other words, a number, but not all, of population
elements will form a sample (Sekaran, 2006). This sample taken from different
employee division, as shows from the table below.

Table 3.1.
Position and number of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri
Employee in 2021
Division Amount of Employee
Marketing 13
Finance 8
Accountant 17
Operational 31
Human Resources 21
Production 15
Total 105
Source: PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri

The sample were consisting of 105 employees from different division as

mention above. The respondent are active employees of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi
Mandiri (not an internship nor outsourcing). The age of the respondent is from 21
until 60 years old.

3.5. Research Variable and Operational Definition

3.5.1. Research Variable
Sugiyono (2004) stated that the research variable is an attribute or nature or
value of the object or activity that has certain variations that are determined by
research to be studied and drawn conclusions. Research variables are used to
facilitate a study to go and lead to a clear goal. The treatment of research variables
will depend on the model developed to solve the research problem proposed

(Ferdinand, 2007). The research variables consisted of three kinds of variables,
1. Independent Variable (X)
According to Sugiyanto (2012: 39), this variable is often referred to as the
stimulus, predictor, and antecedent variable. In Indonesian it is often called the
independent variable. Independent variables are variables that affect or cause it to
arise dependent variable (bound). The independent variables in this study are work
discipline and work motivation.
2. Dependent Variable (Y)
According to Sugiyanto (2012: 39), this variable is often referred to as the
output variable, criteria, consequences. In Indonesian it is often referred to as the
dependent variable. The dependent variable is the variable that is affected or that is
the result, because of the independent variable. The dependent variable in this study
is employee performance.
2. Intervening Variable (Z)
Intervening variables according to Sugiyono (2012: 39), are variables that
theoretically affect the relationship between independent and dependent variables
into an indirect relationship and cannot be observed and measured. This variable is
an interrupter or intermediate variable that lies between the independent variable
and the dependent variable, so that the independent variable does not directly affect
the change or emergence of the dependent variable. The intervening variable in this
study is job satisfaction.

3.5.2. Operational Definition

The operational definition is everything that the researcher determines to
study so that information about the research data is obtained (Sugiyono, 2009). The
operational definition used in the research is used to understand each variable in
this study in more depth, which can further facilitate in making the indicators so
that these variables can be measured. The operational definition of the variables in
this study are:

Table 3.2.
Operational Definition of Variables
No Variable Definition Indicators Items
1. Work Discipline (X1) Work discipline is 1. On time. 1. I arrived on time
an action that 2. Work according according to company
educates someone to the rules. regulations
to behave and 3. Obeying 2. I carry out work
behave in superiors. according to work
accordance with 4. Responsibility. procedures set by the
the new (Davis, 2007). company.
provisions that 3. I always obey orders
have been set from superiors where I
(Kompri, 2014: work.
59). 4. I am always responsible
for the assigned tasks.
2. Work Motivation (X2) Work motivation 1. Need for 1. Outstanding employees
is a series of achievement need to be rewarded
processes that 2. Need for power 2. Need closeness to the
generate, direct 3. Need for affiliation leader for good work
and maintain (David McClelland, 3. Leaders involve
human behavior 2005). employees in decision
towards achieving making
goals (Wibowo,
2010: 379).
3. Job Satisfaction (Z) Job satisfaction is 1. The work itself 1. I am happy with my work
a person's feelings 2. Salary itself because it is in
that arise after 3. Promotion accordance with hope
comparing work 4. Co- workers 2. The company has paid
results with 5. Supervision employees according to
meeting company (Luthans,2002). standards applicable

expectations 3. If I do my job well then, I
(Kotler and will be promoted in the
Keller, 2007). company
4. Work with co-workers
who help each other solve
5. Leaders pay attention to
4. Employee Employee 1. Quantity 1. Employees are able to
Performance (Y) performance is the results complete the work
output produced 2. Quality results according to the
by a person for the 3. Timeliness standards set company
functions of a job 4. Presence for 8 hours
or a profession 5. Ability to 2. In order to maintain
within a certain cooperate quality customer service,
time (Wirawan, (Mathis & I always carry out the 3S
2012: 5). Jackson, 2009). (Senyum, Salam, Sapa)
3. Employees think quickly,
carefully in solving work
4. Employees come to work
early so they are ready to
work when work hours
start (half hour before
shift starts)
5. Employees are able to use
it well facilities and
equipment provided
company to complete

3.6. Measuring Variable
According to Wiratna (2015: 102) the measurement scale is an agreement that is
used as a basis for determining how long the interval is in the measuring instrument, so
that the measuring instrument when used in measurements will produce quantitative
data (original numbers). The measuring variable of this research is using Likert. Likert
scale is a technique for the measurement of attributes in answer question regarding
variables using Likert scale as follow:

Table 3.3.
Indicator’s level by Likert Scale
No. Answer Score
1 Strongly agree 5
2 Agree 4
3 Neutral 3
4 Disagree 2
5 Strongly Disagree 1
Source: Hildenbrand, K., Sacramento, C.A and Binnewies, C. (2018)

3.7. Analysis Method

Quantitative analysis is a technique that uses mathematical and statistical
modeling, measurement, and research to understand behavior. This research uses
quantitative data where the data can be expressed in numerical form and the data
will use Structural Equation Modelling in SmartPLS 3.3 software. SmartPLS is a
statistical software for variance-based structural equation modeling using the partial
least squares method. Structural Equation Modeling, is a statistical modeling
technique that is highly cross-sectional, linear and general.
Structural Equation Modeling can be viewed as a combination of analysis and
regression or path analysis (Hox & Bechger, 2011). However, Partial Least Squares is
a method for constructing predictive models when the factors are many and highly
collinear. The general idea of Partial Least Square is to try to extract the latent factors
when the number of factors gets too large, accounting for as much of the manifest factor
variation as possible while modelling the responses well (Haenlein, Kaplan & Andreas,

2004). This data processing program is very helpful in data processing, so that the
results of data processing can be accounted for and reliable.

3.7.1. Model Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS)

Figure 3.1. Steps in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

In PLS-SEM, there are 5 steps which are:

a. Model Conceptualization
PLS-SEM analysis is the initial stage in Model Conceptualization. The
construct domain specification, choosing the items questions that reflect a
construct, data collecting, reliability testing, validity testing, and determining the
construct measurement score are all done in this step.
b. Determine Algorithm Analysis Method

After the model has gone through the conceptualization step, the
algorithmic analytical method that will be used for model estimate is determined.
PLS algorithm is the only algorithmic analysis approach available in PSL-SEM,
with three schemes to choose from: factorial, centroid, and route or structural
weighting. Path or structural weighting is the suggested scheme (Ghozali, 2014.
p. 51). The next step is to decide the number of samples; a minimum sample size
of 30 to 100 instances is recommended. The number of PLS samples can be
determined by 10 times the number of endogenous variables in the model,
according to Chin (1998).
c. Determine the Resampling Method
The resampling process is carried out using two methods: bootstrapping and
jackknifing. In structural equation models, the bootstrapping method is more
commonly utilized. The SmartPLS program only offers one resampling
approach, bootstrapping, which is divided into three schemes: no sign changes,
individual sign changes, and construct level changes. The construct level
modifications scheme recommended by SmartPLS (default) makes loose
assumptions, enabling the T-statistic to increase because it only applies a loading
score measure that has a direct relationship between latent variables and
indicators (Abdillah, 2014, p. 209).
d. Draw the Path Diagram
After developing the model and defining the algorithm analysis and resampling
methods, the next stage is to build a path diagram using Falk and Miller's (1992)
nomogram reticular action modeling (RAM) approach which are a circle is
drawn on theoretical constructions that show latent variables, a box is drawn
around all observed variables or indicators, a single arrow represents the
asymmetric relationship, and double arrows represent symmetrical relationships.
e. Model Evaluation
The model was ready to be estimated and the overall results reviewed
after constructing the path diagram. The model can be evaluated by assessing
the results of the measurement model by testing the latent construct's validity

and reliability, then continuing on to the structural model and testing the
significance to test the effect between constructs or variables.

3.7.2. Evaluation of Measurement (Outer) Model

1) Reliability Test
According to Bawono (2006: 64), in principle, the reliability test is used
to test the data we get as a result of the answers to the questionnaires that we
share. A questionnaire is said to be reliable or reliable if someone's answer to
a question is consistent or stable over time. The reliability test used was the
Cronbach's Alpha test statistic with the following test criteria:
1) If the Cronbach Alpha coefficient > 0.600, then the variable is reliable.
2) If the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient < 0.600, then the variable is not reliable.
2) Validity test
According to Bawono (2006: 68), the validity test is carried out to
reveal whether the questions on the questionnaire are valid or not. With a
significance level of 0.05, if r count > r table, it can be said that the
questionnaire item is valid.
To test the validity of the data, it can be done in various ways, one of
which is the correlation between the score of the questions and the total score.
The significance or not of this correlation can be seen in the column or row of
the total score, if in that column or row each question item totals an asterisk,
then it is significant.

3.7.3. Testing the Outer Model

In this research, there are two models that need to be analyze which are outer
and inner model.
1. Testing the Outer Model
The outer model specifies the relationships between a latent variable and its
observed or manifest variables. There are measurements criteria for assessing
the outer model, namely Convergent Validity, Discriminant Validity, and
Composite Reliability (Ghozali, 2014).

a. Convergent Validity
Convergent Validity is a sub-type of construct validity. Convergent
validity takes two measures that are supposed to be measuring the same
construct and shows that they are related. (StatisticHowTo, 2015). The
empirical evaluation of formative measurement models in PLS-SEM
requires convergent validity analysis. The amount to which a measure
connects to other measures of the same phenomenon is known as convergent
validity (Hair et al., 2017a). Convergent validity describes that a set of
indicators represent a single latent variable and that the underlying variable
underpins the set of indicators. Unidimensionality, which may be stated
using the average variance extracted, can be used to explain this
representation which is average variance extracted (AVE). At least 0.5 is
the AVE value. This value indicates approved convergent validity, which
suggests that on average, one latent variable can explain more than half of
the variation in its indicators (Ghozali, 2016).
The outer loadings or loading factor, as well as the Average
Variance Extracted, may be used to measure convergent validity (AVE). A
loading factor limit of 0.70 is commonly utilized in research. When the
value of outer loadings > 0.70 and the Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
value is > 0.50, an indicator may be said to have convergent validity and a
high level of validity (Chin & Todd, 1995). For example, each indicator in
the study variable has an outer loadings value more than 0.70, indicating
that all indicators have convergent validity and a high value. For each study
variable, the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value is more than 0.50.
As a result, it's important to note that all of the research variables have strong
convergent validity (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).

b. Discriminant Validity
Discriminant validity is sometimes erroneously referred to as
divergent validity. Discriminant validity occurs where constructs that are
expected not to relate do not, such that it is possible to discriminate between

these constructs. (, 2016). Discriminant validity is used
to verify that each latent model notion is distinct from other variables.
Validity process is performed to see how accurate a measuring instrument
is in performing its measurement function (Ghozali, 2016) Discriminant
validity testing may be assessed in SMART-PLS using the Fornell-Larcker
criterion and cross loading. Discriminant validity is shown to be useful in
the Fornell-Larcker criterion test if the root of the AVE in the construct is
higher than the correlation of the construct with other latent variables, and
the cross-loading test must show a higher indicator value of each construct
compared to indicators in other constructs (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
c. Composite Validity
In PLS-SEM, to measure the reliability of a construct with reflexive
indicators can be done in two ways, namely by Cronbach Alpha and
Composite Reliability which is often referred to as Dillon-Goldstein's. The
use of Cronbach alpha in the reliability test construct will give a lower value
(underestimate) so it is better to use Composite Reliability. According
Ghozali (2013) reliability of composite results will indicate if a satisfactory
score above 0.7. Although the value of 0.6 is still accepted (Heir et al, 2008)

Table 3.4.
Measurement of Outer Model
Validity and Parameter Rule of Thumb
Convergent Loading Factor 1. 0,7 for
Validity Confirmatory
2. >0,60 for

Average Variance >0,50 Confirmatory
Extracted (AVE) Research and
Explanatory Research
Communality >0,50 Confirmatory
Research and
Explanatory Research
Discriminant Cross Loading >0,70 for every variable
Validity Square root AVE and AVE Square Root >
Correlation between Correlation between
Latent Constructs Latent Constructs
Reliability Cronbach Alpha 1. 0.70 for
2. > 0.60 is still
acceptable for
Composite Reliability 1 > 0.70 for
2 > 0.60- 0.70 is still
acceptable for
Source: (Ghozali dan Latan, 2015)

2. Testing the Inner Model

The inner model is the part of the model that describes the relationships
among the latent variables that make up the model.
a. Effect Size f2

Changes in the value of R2 can be used to determine if the exogenous
latent variable has a substantive effect on the endogenous variable (Ghozali,
2014), which is measured by Effect Size f2 and represented as follows:
𝑅2 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑑−𝑅2 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑑
f2 = 1− 𝑅2 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑑

Where R2included and R2excluded is the R2 value of the endogenous

latent variable obtained when the exogenous variable is incorporated or
removed from the model. Cohen (1988) advised that same f2 value of 0.02 has
a slight impact; 0.15 has a moderate effect, and 0.35 has a significant impact at
the structural level (Chin, 1998) in Ghozali (2014).
b. Stone-Geisser Test (Q2)
The PLS model is evaluated by looking at the Q2 predictive relevance,
which indicates how effectively the observed values are generated by the
model, as well as the parameter estimates, in addition to the size of the R 2 value.
A Q2 value greater than 0 indicates that the model is predictively relevant,
whereas a value less than 0 shows that it is not have predictive relevance
(Ghozali, 2014).
Q2 = 1- ∑𝐷 𝑂𝐷

- D = omission distance
- E = the sum of squares of prediction error
- O = the sum of square errors using the mean for prediction
c. Goodness of Fit (Gof) index Test
The Goodness of Fit (GoF) index, which was founded by Tenenhaus,
et al (2004), was used to validate the model as a whole. This index was created
to assess measurement and structural models, as well as to provide a basic
measurement for the model's overall prediction (Ghozali, 2014).

- The average communalities are represented by the striped com.

- The model mean of R2 is shown by the striped R2.

GoF value ranges from 0 to 1, with an indicated communality value of
0.50 and the value of R square. The value 0.10 is specified to the small GoF
level, 0.25 to the medium GoF level, and 0.36 to the large GoF level (Cohen,
1988) in Ghozali (2014).

Table 3.5.
Measurement of Inner Model
Criteria Minimum Value
R-Square 0.67 show strong, 0.33 show moderate,
and 0.19 indicate weak model (Chin et al,
0.75 show strong, 0.50 indicates moderate
and 0.25 indicates weak.
Effect Size of f2 0,02 show small, 0,15 show moderate and
0,35 big
Q2 predictive relevance Q2 > 0 indicates that the model has
predictive relevance and if Q2 < 0
indicates that the model lacks predictive
0,02, 0,25 dan 0,35 (weak, moderate,
Significance (one-tailed) T-value 1.28 (significance level = 10%),
1.65 (significance level = 5%) and 2.33
(significance level =1%)
Significance (two-tailed) T-value 1,65 (significance level= 10%)
1,96 (significance level=5%) and 2,58
(significance level=1%).
Source: (Ghozali dan Latan, 2015)

3.7.4. Hypothesis Testing
Statistically hypothesis is interpreted as a statement about the state of the
population (parameters) which will be verifiable based on data obtained from a
sample of researchers (statistic). It declared a state population estimates through
sample data. Hypothesis testing using full model analysis Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) with smartPLS. Along with predicting the model, the entire SEM
model with PLS also explains whether or not there is a link between latent variables.
The following is the connection derived from path analysis of all latent variables in
PLS in this study which are the connection between indicators and latent variables
is specified by the outer model, the connection between latent variables is specified
by the inner model, and the case value of the latent variable may be approximated
using a weight relation.
The value of the t-table one tail test obtained in this research was 1.645 for
a significance of 0.05, which was used to make the decision on whether or not to
accept the hypothesis in this study. The t-table value is also used as the cut-off value
for approving or rejecting the provided hypothesis:
1. The value of each indicator's outer weight and its significance value. In the one-
tailed test, the recommended weight value is above and the t-statistic is above
the t-table value of 1.645 for α = 0.05.
2. Determine the value of the inner weight of the latent variable relationship. In the
one-tailed test, the relationship's weight value must be positive with a t-statistic
value above the t-table value of 1.645 for α = 0.05.
3. If the weight value of the relationship between latent variables indicates the
direction with the t-statistic value above the t-table value of 1.645 for α = 0.05,
the research hypothesis is accepted: If the weight value of the relationship
between variables has a t-statistic value less than the t-table value for α = 0.05,
the research hypothesis is rejected.

3.7.5. Mediation Effect Analysis

Mediation effect analysis is the process to identify, explain and understand
a known relationship by exploring the underlying mechanism by which one variable

influences another variable through a mediator or intervening variable (Cohen J,
2003). There are two types of effect such as:
1. Direct effect is a pathway from the independent variable to the outcome while
controlling for the mediator.
2. Indirect effect describes the pathway from the independent variable to the
outcome through the mediator.
According to Baron and Kenny (1986), the role of variables as mediators
occurs when:
1. Variations in the independent variables are able to explain significantly the
variations in the mediator variable.
2. Variations in the mediator variable are able to explain significantly the
variation in the dependent variable.
3. When the mediator variable is controlled, the relationship between independent
variables and dependent variables is not or significant.
There are two models of mediation involved in this analysis composed as
1. Full mediation: occur when independent variable is no longer significant when
mediator is controlled.
2. Partial mediation: means that the mediator only mediates part of the effect of the
intervention on the outcome. Partial mediation implies that there is not only a
significant relationship between the mediator and the dependent variable, but
also some direct relationship between the independent and dependent variable.


4.1. Research Results

4.1.1. Characteristics of Respondent
Respondent characteristics are important to be classified, it will be use as a
tool to differentiate the type of respondents based on gender, age, and division of
the employees. This is expected to provide a fairly clear picture of the condition of
the respondent and its relation to the problem and the research objectives. Respondent Base on Gender
Characteristics of respondents in the form of gender is one of the factors that
can influence a person in thinking and making decisions. Characteristics of
respondents based on gender shown in table 4.1 as below:
Table 4.1
Respondent Based on Gender
Gender Number of Number of Respondent in
Respondent Percentage (%)
Male 71 67.6%
Female 34 32.4%
Total 105 100%
Source: Primary data processed (2022)
Based on Table 4.1 above, it is known that the majority of respondents are
male which are 71 respondents or 67.6% and female as many as 34 respondents
or 32.4%. Respondent Base on Age

Age is also a factor that can influence a person in responding to the statements
on the research questionnaire. The distribution of age will be revealed in the table
4.2 below:

Table 4.2
Respondent Based on Age
Age Number of Number of Respondent
Respondent in Percentage
21-30 36 34.3%
31-40 49 46.6%
41-50 19 18.1%
51-60 1 0.95%
Total 105 100%
Source: Primary data processed (2022)
Based on the Table 4.2 above, it is known that the majority of respondents
are in the age of 31 to 40 years old that are as much as 49 respondents or 46.6%.
Respondents in the age within 21 to 30 years old are 36 respondents or 34.3%,
respondents in the age 41 to 50 years old are 19 respondents or 18.1%, and
respondent in the age within 51 to 60 years old are 1 respondent or 0.95%. Respondent Base on Division

Respondent based on division is the way of looking and understanding any
particular job description of the employee. This is the most important characteristics
that might affect the person’s understanding in way to know the questioner.
Table 4.3
Respondent Based on Division
Division Number of Respondent Number of Respondent in
Percentage (%)
Marketing 13 16.2%
Finance 8 12.4%
Accountant 17 7.6%
Operational 31 20%
Human Resources 21 14.3%
Production 15 29.5%
Total 105 100%
Source: Primary data processed (2022)

Based on the Table 4.3 above which show the respondents based on
division, it is know that the majority of respondents is production which are 31
respondents or 29.5%. While respondents of operational are 21 respondents or 20%.
On the other hand, respondents of marketing are 17 respondents or 16.2%,
respondents of human resources are 15 respondents or 14.3%, respondents of
finance are 13 respondents or 12.4%. Followed by respondents of accountant are 8
respondents or 7.6%.

4.1.2. Respondent’s Responses to Each Variables

The objective of this analysis is to obtain the overview of the respondent’s
answers in relation to Work Discipline, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Employee
performance. Translation of data is done by providing a score to the raw data
collected by means of questionnaires. The analysis was performed by using the
index to determine the distance interval as follows:
• Maximum Value: 5
• Minimum Value: 1
• Range of Scale: = 0.8

The classification assessment of the overall research variables will be

based on the average score of the following criteria:
✓ 1.00 – 1.80 = Very Low
✓ 1.81 – 2.60 = Low
✓ 2.61 – 3.40 = Neutral
✓ 3.41 – 4.20 = High
✓ 4.21 – 5.00 = Very High Work Discipline (X1)

The respondent’s assessment regarding Work Discipline can be seen as

Table 4.4
The respondent towards Work Discipline
No. Indicator SD D N A SA Total Mean Description
1 2 3 4 5 (std dev)
1 I arrived on time 0 0 10 43 52 105 4.4 Very High
according to 0 0 30 172 260 462 (0.656)
company regulations

2 I carry out work 0 0 12 43 50 105 4.362 Very High

according to work 0 0 36 172 250 458 (0.678)
procedures set by the

3 I always obey orders 0 0 15 41 49 105 4.324 Very High

from superiors where 0 0 45 164 245 454 (0.71)
I work.

4 I am always 0 0 14 42 49 105 4.333 Very High

responsible for the 0 0 42 168 245 455 (0.699)
assigned tasks.
Total 17.419
Mean 4.35
Source: Primary data processed (2022)

Based on Table 4.4 above the Mean of respondent’s assessment is 4.35 and it
belongs to Strongly agree category. While the lowest mean in the table is 4.3 which
belong to Strongly agree category, and the highest mean is 4.4 which belong to
Strongly agree category, therefore it can be concluded that Work Discipline in PT
Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri has high assessment.

56 Work Motivation (X2)
The respondent’s assessment regarding Work Motivation can be seen as
Table 4.5
The respondent towards Work Motivation
No. Indicator SD D SLD N SLA Total Mean Description
1 2 3 4 5 (std
1 Outstanding employees 0 0 11 35 59 105 4.457 Very High
need to be rewarded 0 0 33 140 295 468 (0.677)
Need closeness to the
leader for good work
2 Need closeness to the 0 0 12 45 48 105 4.343 Very High
leader for good work 0 0 36 180 240 456 (0.674)

3 Leaders involve 0 0 16 40 49 105 4.314 Very High

employees in decision 0 0 48 160 245 453 (0.721)
Total 13.114
Mean 4.37
Source: Primary data processed (2022)
Based on Table 4.5 above the Mean of respondent’s assessment is 4.37 and
it belongs to Strongly agree category. While the lowest mean in the table is 4.3
which belong to Strongly agree category, and the highest mean is 4.4 which belong
to Strongly agree category, therefore it can be concluded that Work Motivation in
PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri has high assessment. Job Satisfaction (Z)

The respondent’s assessment regarding Job Satisfaction can be seen as

Table 4.6
The respondent towards Job Satisfaction
No. Indicator SD D SLD N SLA Total Mean Description
1 2 3 4 5 (std dev)
1 I am happy with my 0 0 12 47 46 105 4.324 Very High
work itself because it is 0 0 36 188 230 454 (0.669)
in accordance with hope

2 The company has paid 0 0 11 40 54 105 4.41 Very High

employees according to 0 0 33 160 270 463 (0.672)
standards applicable
3 If I do my job well then, 0 0 14 43 48 105 4.324 Very High
I will be promoted in the 0 0 42 172 240 454 (0.697)

4 Work with co-workers 0 0 16 36 53 105 4.352 Very High

who help each other 0 0 48 144 265 457 (0.73)
solve profession.

5 Leaders pay attention to 0 0 12 52 41 105 4.276 Very High

employees 0 0 36 208 205 449 (0.655)

Total 21.686
Mean 4.337
Source: Primary data processed (2022)

Based on Table 4.6 above the Mean of respondent’s assessment is 4.337

and it belongs to strongly agree category. While the lowest mean in the table is 4.2
which belong to strongly agree category, and the highest mean is 4.4 which belong

to strongly agree category, therefore it can be concluded that Job Satisfaction in PT
Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri has high assessment. Employee Performance (Y)

The respondent’s assessment regarding Employee Performance can be
seen as follows:

Table 4.7
The respondent towards Employee Performance
No. Indicator SD D SLD N SLA Total Mean Description
1 2 3 4 5 (std dev)
1 Employees are able to 0 0 13 41 51 105 4.362 Very High
complete the work 0 0 39 164 255 458 (0.692)
according to the
standards set company
for 8 hours

2 In order to maintain 0 0 14 36 55 105 4.39 Very High

quality customer 0 0 42 144 275 461 (0.71)
service, I always carry
out the 3S (Senyum,
Salam, Sapa)

3 Employees think 0 0 12 47 46 105 4.324 Very High

quickly, carefully in 0 0 36 188 230 454 (0.669)
solving work problems.

4 Employees come to 0 0 12 33 60 105 4.457 Very High

work early so they are 0 0 36 132 300 468 (0.69)
ready to work when

work hours start (half
hour before shift starts)

5 Employees are able to 0 0 12 45 48 105 4.343 Very High

use it well facilities and 0 0 36 180 240 456 (0.674)
equipment provided
company to complete
Total 21.876

Mean 4.375
Source: Primary data processed (2022)
Based on Table 4.7 above the Mean of respondent’s assessment is 4.375
and it belongs to strongly agree category. While the lowest mean in the table is 4.3
which belong to strongly agree category, and the highest mean is 4.4 which belong
to strongly agree category, therefore it can be concluded that Employee
performance in PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri has high assessment.

4.1.3 SEM-PLS Analysis

The data collected in this research will be analysed in Structural Equation
Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). PLS is a SEM technique based on an
iterative approach that maximizes the variance described from many constructs
(Fornell and Bookstein, 1982). According to (Lohmoller and Wold, 1980, p.1)
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a PLS that primarily intended for research
contexts that are rich in data and theoretical frameworks. Model building is then an
evolutionary process, a dialogue between investigators and computers. In the
process, the model extracts new knowledge from the data, thereby placing the flesh
on the theoretical bone. At every step PLS rests on content with the consistency of
the unknown. This research evaluation is conducted using Evaluation of
Measurement (Outer) Model, Reliability Test and Structural (Inner) Model is used.

60 Evaluation of Measurement (Outer) Model
Examination of the PLS model in this study can be done with a measure
of fit on the measurement model which aims to assess (evaluate) variables that
cannot be measured directly (observed variables), which reflect a construct or latent
variable in both perception data and ratio data. Empirical analysis aims to validate
the model and construct reliability that reflects shows the weight of each indicator
as a measure of each latent variable. The indicator with the largest outer loading
shows that the indicator is the strongest (dominant) variable measuring. Evaluation
of the latent variable measurement model was analyzed by looking at the
convergent validity. Convergent validity testing on PLS can be seen from the
amount of outer loading of each indicator on the latent variable. Outer loading
above 0.50 (Ghozali, 2015). All variables of Work Discipline, Motivation, Job
Satisfaction, and Employee Performance are measured by reflective indicators, so
that evaluation of the measurement model can be done by looking at the values of
convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability. Convergent Validity

Convergent validity is related to the principle that the measures (manifest
variables) of a construct should be highly correlated. The individual reflective
measure is said to be high if it correlates more than 0.70 with the construct to be
measured. However, a model with a reflexive indicator can be seen from the
correlation between the item / indicator score and the construct score. The indicator
is declared reliable if it has a correlation value above 0.70 (Pening, 2020)
Table 4.8
Outer Loading Test Result
(X1) Work (X2) Work (Z) Job (Y) Employee
Discipline Motivation Satisfaction Performance
D1 0.789
D2 0.734
D3 0.787
D4 0.785

M1 0.789
M2 0.783
M3 0.810
JS1 0.757
JS2 0.760
JS3 0.763
JS4 0.819
JS5 0.740
EP1 0.807
EP2 0.775
EP3 0.734
EP4 0.805
EP5 0.776
Source: Primary data processed (2022)
As we can see from the Table 4.8 above that all of the outer loading value
is more than 0.7 therefore the variables are valid because all of them had pass the
requirement. Discriminant Validity

Discriminant validity is referring to the extent in which the construct is
actually differing from one another empirically. It also measures the degree of
differences between the overlapping construct. The discriminant validity can be
evaluated by using cross-loading of indicator, Fornell & Larcker(1981) criterion
and Heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlation. By looking at the cross-
loading, the factor loading indicators on the assigned construct have to be higher
than all loading of other constructs with condition that the cut-off value of factor
loading is higher than 0.70.
Table 4.9
Outer Loading Test Result
(X1) Work (X2) Work (Z) Job (Y) Employee
Discipline Motivation Satisfaction Performance

D1 0.789 0.591 0.619 0.662
D2 0.734 0.622 0.634 0.623
D3 0.787 0.612 0.662 0.605
D4 0.785 0.677 0.686 0.626
M1 0.628 0.789 0.680 0.697
M2 0.633 0.783 0.648 0.662
M3 0.666 0.810 0.636 0.625
JS1 0.596 0.592 0.726 0.664
JS2 0.614 0.648 0.648 0.626
JS3 0.592 0.651 0.757 0.640
JS4 0.692 0.700 0.760 0.659
JS5 0.623 0.599 0.763 0.617
EP1 0.667 0.684 0.639 0.807
EP2 0.693 0.661 0.641 0.775
EP3 0.642 0.639 0.584 0.734
EP4 0.681 0.674 0.726 0.805
EP5 0.585 0.552 0.648 0.776
Source: Primary data processed (2022)
From the table 4.9 above, the latent contract that predicts a block indicator
is higher than the indicator in the other blocks. Another way to evaluate the
discriminant validity is to look at the value of the square root of the Average
Variance Extracted (AVE), the recommended value is equal to or above 0.5 and if
AVE below 0.5 means error variance exceeds the explained variance. Here are the
results of the AVE:
Table 4.10
Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Test Result
Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Work Discipline (X1) 0.599
Work Motivation (X2) 0.631
Employee Performance (Y) 0.608
Source: Primary data processed (2022)

From the table 4.10 above, the AVE test result shown that all of the
variables AVE value passes the requirement because all of the AVE value is more
than 0.5. This mean that it shows that the construct can explains more than half of
the variance of its indicators (Fornell & Larcker 1981). Reliability Test

Reliability test is a tool for measuring a questionnaire which is an indicator
of a variable or construct. This test is done by conducting composite reliability and
Cronbach's alpha tests. If all latent variable values have a Composite Reliability or
Cronbach alpha value of ≥ 0.7, it means that the construct has good reliability or
the questionnaire is used as a tool in the study. Based on, it is found that each
variable has a reliability value greater than 0.7, so it is said that the reliability is
very good, the questionnaire is reliable and consistent. Alpha and CR value
exceeded the threshold value of 0.7 most of the factor loadings were statistically
significant and exceeded the threshold of 0.7 (Jahmani et al., 2018). The result of
composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha is shown in the table below:
Table 4.11
Reliability Test Result
Cronbach’s Alpha Composite
Work Discipline (X1) 0.777 0.857
Work Motivation (X2) 0.707 0.837
Employee Performance (Y) 0.839 0.886
Source: Primary data processed (2022)
From the Table 4.11 above, the reliability test result shown that all of the
value of Cronbach’s Alpha and Composite Reliability pass the requirement that is
> 0,7 where it means that the construct has a high reliability. Structural Model (Inner Model)

Inner Model or Inner Measurement is also known as a structural model.
Structural model is a model that connects latent variables. R-Square
R-square are the coefficient of determination in a statistical measure of
how close the data is to the regression line installed. This is also known as the
coefficient of determination, or the coefficient of determination for multiple
regression. The coefficient of determination is very simple to define. The
percentage of variation in the response variable described by the linear model.
According to Chin and Newsted (1999) stated that the result of 0.67 and above for
endogenous latent variables in the structural model shows that the effect of
independent variables (influencing) on dependent variables (influenced) is in the
good category. Meanwhile, if the result is 0.00- 0.199 very low, 0.20- 0.399 low,
0.40- 0.599 Medium, 0.60- 0.799 strong and 0.80 – 1.00 very strong

Figure 4.1 R-Square Test Result

Source: Primary data processed (2022)
The results of the PLS R-Squares represent the total variance of the
constructs described by the model. The greater the number of the R-Square the

better the model was generated. From the figure above, the R-Square test result has
shown that the R-Square value of Job Satisfaction 0,751 the value can be
categorized as strong category, while the value of 0,790 in Employee Performance
can be categorized as strong category. Hypothesis Testing

Research hypothesis testing to determine the consistency of the proposed
model in population, the value of the relationship between one variable and another
variable. In order to analyze hypothesis testing, therefore the researcher make a
bootstrapping process:

Figure 4.2 Bootstrapping Output

Source: Primary data processed (2022)
The hypothesis test in this study was conducted by looking at the value of
the T-statistics and the value of p-values. According Roger B. Davis, Kenneth
(2006) criteria for acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis when the T-Statistics
are greater than T-table which is 1.96 (significance level = 5%) and p-value is
smaller than 0.05.
Table 4.12

T-Statistics and P-value Test Result
Original Sample Standard T Statistics P Values Conclusion
Sample (O) Mean (M) Deviation (|O/STDEV|)
(X1) Work Discipline - Supported
> (Y) Employee 0.379 0.363 0.083 4.594 0.000
(X2) Work Motivation Supported
-> (Y) Employee 0.398 0.404 0.100 3.986 0.000
(X1) Work Discipline - Supported
0.269 0.263 0.089 3.021 0.003
> (Z) Job Satisfaction
(X2) Work Motivation Supported
0.512 0.509 0.098 5.235 0.000
-> (Z) Job Satisfaction
(Z) Job Satisfaction -> Supported
(Y) Employee 0.299 0.323 0.089 3.365 0.001
Source: Primary Sourcing Data (2022)
Based on Table 4.12 above we will conclude the hypothesis is significant or
not significant if the p-value of the hypothesis is below the alpha score of 5% or
0,05. The hypothesis will be supported if the p-value less or same as 0,05, the
hypothesis won’t be supported if the p-value is more than 0.05. Hypothesis 1
H1: Work Discipline has a significant influence on Employee Performance
According to the table 4.12 it shows that Work Discipline has positive and
significant influence to Employee Performance is proven. The p-value for H1 is
0.000 which is smaller than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded H1: Work Discipline
has a significant influence on Employee Performance is supported. Hypothesis 2

H2: Work Motivation has a significant influence on Employee Performance
According to the table 4.12 it shows that Motivation has positive and
significant influence to Employee Performance is proven. The p-value for H2 is
0.000 which is smaller than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded Motivation has a
significant influence on Employee Performance is supported. Hypothesis 3
H3: Work Discipline has a significant influence on Job Satisfaction.
According to the table 4.12 it shows that Work Discipline has positive and
significant influence to Job Satisfaction is proven. The p-value for H3 is 0.003
which is smaller than 0.05. Thus, H3: Work Discipline has a significant influence
on Job Satisfaction is supported. Hypothesis 4
H4: Work Motivation has a significant influence on Job Satisfaction.
According to the table 4.12 it shows that Motivation has positive and
significant influence to Job Satisfaction is proven. The p-value for H3 is 0.000
which is smaller than 0.05. Thus, H4: Motivation has a significant influence on Job
Satisfaction is supported. Hypothesis 5
H5: Job Satisfaction has a significant influence on Employee Performance
According to the table 4.12 it shows that Job Satisfaction has positive and
significant influence to Employee Performance is proven. The P-value for H5 is
0.001 which is smaller than 0.05. Thus, H5: Job Satisfaction has a significant
influence on Employee Performance is supported. Mediation Effect Analysis

Mediation effect analysis is the process in which we can identify, explain
and understand a known relationship by exploring the underlying mechanism by
which one variable influences another variable through a mediator or intervening

variable (Cohen J, 2003). There are two models of mediation involved in the
analysis composed as follows:
• Full mediation: happen when independent variable is no longer significant when
mediator is controlled.
• Partial mediation: happen when the mediator only mediates the part of the effect
of the intervention on the outcome.
Table 4.13
Specific Indirect Effect Result
Original Sample Standard T Statistics P Values
Sample Mean (M) Deviation (|O/STDEV|)
(X1) Work Discipline - 0.124 0.123 0.050 2.468 0.014
> (Z) Job Satisfaction -
> (Y) Employee
(X2) Work Motivation - 0.155 0.155 0.053 2.935 0.003
> (Z) Job Satisfaction -
> (Y) Employee
Performance Hypothesis Summary

Table 4.14
Hypothesis Testing Summary
Hypothesis Statement Result
H1 H1: Work Discipline has a significant
influence on Employee Performance Supported
H2 H2: Work Motivation has a significant
influence on Employee Performance Supported
H3 H3: Work Discipline has a significant
influence on Job Satisfaction Supported

H4 H4: Work Motivation has a significant
influence on Job Satisfaction Supported
H5 H5: Job Satisfaction has a significant
influence on Employee Performance Supported

4.2. Discussion
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between Work
Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance, with Job Satisfaction as an
intervening role. Furthermore, SEM PLS 3.3 was used in this study to analyze the
data collected from questionnaires. The data was gathered using e-questionnaires
filled by employee of PT Buana Cahaya Abadi Mandiri. The questionnaires were
used to collect and analyze data from 105 respondents.
According to the analysis test in this study, there are five hypotheses were
supported. As a result, the relationship that occurs between variables in this study
will be discussed in this point with references to the hypothesis that was raise and
tested in the previous points.
4.2.1 Work Discipline and Employee Performance
Work Discipline (X1) and Employee Performance (Y) has a relationship
with P-value 0.000 which lower than 0.05. The value of original sample is 0.374, it
indicates the relationship between Work Discipline and Employee Performance is
supported. This result also supported from previous research by Safitri (2013) who
found that Work Discipline has a significant influence on Employee Performance.
Also based on previous findings from Chusminah (2019), Work Discipline and
employee performance have a strong correlation because work discipline have a
positive and significant influence.
Work Discipline is proven to have an important role in improving
performance of employee. Discipline in the workplace is an important factor that
must be owned by an employee who want to achieve their best performance. This
is related to the theory that stated by Mangkunegara and Waris (2015), that work
discipline can be in the form of: work on time, including obedience in carrying out
the tasks assigned to him. Nowadays, most companies really need employees who

are disciplined in their work. The company hopes to recruit employee who have
high morale, comply with the rules set by the company, and able to take advantage
of company facilities well so that they can compete well in nationally, regionally
and internationally. In addition, with high work discipline, an employee will be
expert at their work that has been done and will achieve maximum performance.

4.2.2 Work Motivation and Employee Performance

Work Motivation (X2) and Employee Performance (Y) has a relationship
with P-value 0,003 which lower than 0.05. The value of original sample is 0.267, it
indicates the relationship between Motivation and Employee Performance is
supported. This result is supported from previous research by Pratama (2014) which
state that motivation has a positive and significant influence on performance
improvements. According to Augustinus and Halim (2021) that there is a positive
and significant relationship between motivation and employee performance.
This research is related to theory by Abdurrahman (2019) that motivation
is an important aspect to predict the work performance of an employee. Besides,
according to Nizam and Shah (2015), motivation is the process that stimulates
performance, which results in stimulating people to make an action and achieve a
desired performance. It is therefore the process of causing employees to act which
by reflecting behavior, maintaining the development of behavior, and directing
behavior. Thus, motivation is the internal feeling that makes employees feel
energized to act in specific a behavior. Rivai (2004, 2008, 2011) also states that
motivation is a series of attitudes and values that influence individuals to achieve
high employee performance. Besides, the results of this study are in line with
research conducted by Larasati and Gilang (2014) states that the work motivation
influence employee performance because the greater the motivation given by the
company, the bigger it will be the quality of the performance produced by the

4.2.3 Work Discipline and Job Satisfaction

Work Discipline (X1) and Job Satisfaction (Z) has a relationship with P-
value 0.000 which lower than 0.05. The value of original sample is 0.403, it
indicates the relationship between Work Discipline and Job Satisfaction is
supported. This finding is in line with previous research by Kartika and Djastuti
(2017) stated that work discipline has a positive and significant influence towards
job satisfaction as the intervening. According to Dewi and Tri (2019) also indicate
that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and
meaning that the better the work discipline, the better the job satisfaction of
According to Demak & Pengemanan (2014) disciplinary processes are
critical tools for achieving management success, such as employee stability,
employee turnover, and increased effective productivity. If an employee can follow
all of the company's rules and respond positively, it will have a psychological
influence on enhancing job satisfaction. As a result, disciplinary procedures must
be adequately enforced, notably by delivering objectively applied disciplinary
punishments that are acceptable to all employees. Furthermore, work discipline has
an impact on job satisfaction; therefore, management should improve employee
work discipline because, according to Rivai (2013), discipline is a tool used by
managers to communicate with employees so that they are willing to change their
behavior and as an effort to increase awareness and willingness to follow a
company's rules and norms. Furthermore, individual attitudes influence behavior,
and contentment, work involvement, and loyalty to the organization all influence
attitude. Employee involvement in the organization is an attitude that must be
demonstrated by having a strong dedication to work and participating in the creation
or consideration of work plans. Thus, employee discipline is a healthy attitude that
must be appropriate within an organization as a whole so that it forms a positive
attitude that is widely adopted, firm, and consistent by its members or employees
to achieve organizational goals.

4.2.4 Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction
Work Motivation (X2) and Job Satisfaction (Z) has a relationship with P-
value 0,000 which lower than 0.05. The value of original sample is 0.504, it
indicates the relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction is supported.
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Djamaludin (2009)
stated that the variable motivation has a positive and significant influence on job
satisfaction. According to Nazah (2021) also stated that motivation directly has a
positive and significant influence on job satisfaction.
The results of this study support previous research which states that good
motivation can provide a sense of satisfaction at work (Abdul, 2019), (Pattiruhu,
2020), (Martin, 2020). This also means that when employees often get motivation
from company to do a good job it will improve the quality and desired job
satisfaction, because the level of motivation from the employee will determine the
level of job satisfaction itself. According to Djamaludin (2009) stated that the
variable work motivation has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction
because motivation is the driving force behind a person in carrying out an activity
in order to get the desired result best, if employees have high motivation, it also
impacts to the high job satisfaction as well. In this research, it is necessary to raise
employee work motivation so that employees can increase the job satisfaction and
achieve the best performance for the company.

4.2.5 Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance

Job Satisfaction (Z) and Employee Performance (Y) has a relationship
with P-value 0.001 which lower than 0.05. The value of original sample is 0.308, it
indicates the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee performance is
supported. This supported by previous research by Muslih's research (2011) shows
that job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance, because the
higher the employee's job satisfaction, the higher the employee performance. This
research is also in line with the previous research by Alwi and Suhendra (2019)
stated that job satisfaction has a positive effect on to employee performance.

Robbins (2006), states regarding the impact of job satisfaction on
employee performance. Satisfied employees about their work have a possibility
bigger one to talk about positive things about their organization, helps others and
do job performance they exceed normal estimates and Sutrisno (2010), states that
Dissatisfaction at work will results an aggressive behavior, or otherwise will show
attitude withdraw from the environment social. For example, by taking attitude of
quitting the company, likes to be absent, and other behaviors that tend to be avoid
organizational activities. Forms of aggressive behavior, for example sabotage,
intentionally make mistakes at work, or against superiors. According to Tentama
(2015), Rosita and Yuniati (2016), job satisfaction has significant and positive
effect on employee performance, if job satisfaction increases then employee
performance significantly increased. According to Gibson (2008), one factor that
affects performance employee is a factor of variable psychology such as job
satisfaction, this is a feeling of pleasure or joy or the feeling of liking someone
before and after doing a job.


5.1. Conclusion
Based on the research that was conducted and evaluated, the author came up with
the following concluded research final results:
1) The relationship between Work Discipline (X1) and Employee Performance (Y)
is supported. This result supported from previous research by Chusminah (2019),
Work Discipline and employee performance have a strong correlation because
work discipline have a positive and significant influence.
2) The relationship between Work Motivation (X2) and Employee Performance is
supported. This result supported from previous research by Augustinus and
Halim (2021) that there is a positive and significant relationship between
motivation and employee performance.
3) The relationship between Work Discipline (X1) and Job Satisfaction (Z) is
supported. This result supported from previous research by Dewi and Tri (2019)
also indicate that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on job
satisfaction and meaning that the better the work discipline, the better the job
satisfaction of employees.
4) The relationship between Work Motivation (X2) and Job Satisfaction (Z) is
supported. This result supported from previous research by Nazah (2021) stated
that motivation directly has a positive and significant influence on job
5) The relationship between Job Satisfaction (Z) and Employee Performance (Y) is
supported. This result supported from previous research by by Alwi and
Suhendra (2019) stated that job satisfaction has a positive effect on to employee

5.2. Recommendation
5.2.1. For Firms
As the result of study analysis, it shown that Work Discipline, Motivation,
and Job Satisfaction are influencing Employee Performance. PT Buana Cahaya

Abadi Mandiri should have put more attention to maintain their employee by
considering employee’s Job Satisfaction. The company also should to increase the
rules in order to maintain the employee to always discipline. On the other hand, the
company must always give support to increase the motivation of the employee.
5.2.2. For Academy
For the academy, the researcher hope that the findings help the learning
process as well as the application of science, especially those related to Human
Resources Management.
5.2.3. For Future Researchers
For future research the author suggest that the researcher can use a larger
sample size and variety than this study, so that it can be used to depict a more precise
situation and be properly analyzed. The author suggests that for the next researcher
to perform a research based on current events or phenomena. For future research,
the author suggests that the variables of the model be expanded for the next
researcher because there are many other variables that could influence the employee

During the process of analysis of this study, the author found some
limitation or weakness of this study. One of them is the limitation when many of
the respondents are hard to answer the questioners via online because they do not
really understand how to answer it with their phone because most of the respondents
never answer questioners via online.


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Appendix 1. Research Questioner

Nama :
Usia :
Divisi :

Penelitian ini menginginkan pendapat Saudara/i tentang Disiplin Kerja,

Motivasi Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan, dan Kepuasan Kerja. Petunjuk pengisiannya
yaitu responden menjawab pada kolom yang disediakan sesuai dengan jawaban
Saudara/i dengan alternatif jawaban sebagai berikut: 5 = Sangat setuju (SS) 4 =
Setuju (S) 3 = Netral (N) 2 = Tidak Setuju (TS) 1 = Sangat tidak setuju (STS)

1. Work Discipline
No. Question STS TS N S SS
1 2 3 4 5
1 I arrived on time
according to company

2 I carry out work

according to work
procedures set by the
3 I always obey orders
from superiors where I

4 I am always
responsible for the
assigned tasks.

2. Motivation
No. Question STS TS N S SS
1 2 3 4 5
1 Outstanding
employees need to be
Need closeness to the
leader for good work
2 I carry out work
according to work
procedures set by the
3 Need closeness to the
leader for good work

3. Job Satisfaction
No. Question STS TS N S SS
1 2 3 4 5
1 I am happy with my
work itself because it
is in accordance with

2 The company has paid
employees according
to standards applicable

3 If I do my job well
then, I will be
promoted in the

4 Work with co-workers

who help each other
solve profession.

5 Leaders pay attention

to employees

4. Employee Performance
No. Question STS TS N S SS
1 2 3 4 5
1 Employees are able to
complete the work
according to the
standards set company
for 8 hours

2 In order to maintain
quality customer
service, I always carry
out the 3S (Senyum,
Salam, Sapa)

3 Employees think
quickly, carefully in
solving work

4 Employees come to
work early so they are
ready to work when
work hours start (half
hour before shift

5 Employees are able to

use it well facilities
and equipment
provided company to
complete profession

Appendix 2. Results
6) Work Discipline
D1 D2 D3 D4
1 5 5 5 4
2 4 5 4 5
3 5 5 5 5
4 5 4 5 5
5 5 4 4 4
6 5 5 5 4
7 5 5 5 4
8 4 5 5 5
9 4 4 3 3
10 4 4 5 5
11 3 4 4 4
12 5 5 5 4
13 4 4 5 4

14 5 5 5 4
15 5 5 4 5
16 5 5 5 5
17 3 3 4 4
18 5 5 4 5
19 5 5 4 5
20 5 5 5 4
21 5 5 4 5
22 4 4 4 5
23 3 3 4 3
24 4 4 5 4
25 5 4 4 5
26 5 4 4 5
27 5 4 4 5
28 4 4 3 4
29 4 4 3 4
30 4 3 4 3
31 5 5 5 5
32 5 5 4 5
33 5 4 5 5
34 5 4 5 4
35 4 4 3 3
36 5 4 5 5
37 3 4 3 3
38 3 3 4 4
39 4 3 4 3
40 5 4 5 5
41 4 5 4 4
42 5 4 5 4
43 4 5 4 5
44 4 5 5 4
45 4 5 4 4
46 4 5 4 5
47 4 5 5 5
48 4 5 4 5
49 4 4 3 3
50 4 5 4 4
51 5 5 5 4
52 5 5 4 4
53 5 5 5 4
54 4 4 5 5

55 5 4 5 5
56 5 5 5 4
57 5 4 5 5
58 5 5 5 5
59 5 5 4 5
60 4 5 5 4
61 3 4 4 4
62 5 4 5 5
63 5 4 5 5
64 5 5 4 5
65 4 3 4 3
66 5 5 5 5
67 5 5 5 5
68 4 5 4 5
69 3 3 3 4
70 5 5 5 4
71 3 3 3 3
72 4 5 5 5
73 4 5 4 4
74 4 5 5 4
75 4 3 3 3
76 4 4 3 3
77 5 4 5 5
78 5 5 5 5
79 4 4 5 5
80 5 4 4 4
81 4 4 5 4
82 4 3 3 4
83 4 5 5 5
84 4 4 4 3
85 4 3 3 3
86 4 5 4 4
87 3 4 3 4
88 3 4 4 4
89 5 5 5 5
90 4 4 3 3
91 4 5 4 4
92 5 5 5 5
93 5 4 5 5
94 4 3 3 4
95 5 5 4 4

96 4 4 4 5
97 4 5 5 4
98 5 5 4 5
99 5 5 4 5
100 5 4 5 5
101 4 4 4 5
102 5 4 5 5
103 5 4 5 4
104 5 5 4 4
105 5 4 5 5

7) Motivation
M1 M2 M3
1 4 5 5
2 5 4 4
3 5 4 5
4 4 5 5
5 5 5 5
6 4 4 4
7 5 4 5
8 5 4 5
9 3 3 4
10 5 5 5
11 4 3 3
12 5 5 4
13 5 4 5
14 5 4 4
15 4 5 4
16 5 4 5
17 4 3 3
18 5 5 5
19 4 5 4
20 4 5 4
21 5 5 5
22 5 5 5
23 3 4 4
24 5 4 4
25 4 4 5
26 5 5 4
27 5 4 4
28 3 4 3

29 3 4 3
30 3 3 3
31 5 4 5
32 5 4 4
33 5 4 5
34 5 5 4
35 4 4 3
36 5 4 5
37 3 3 4
38 3 4 4
39 4 4 3
40 5 4 5
41 5 5 4
42 5 5 4
43 5 5 5
44 5 5 5
45 5 4 4
46 5 5 5
47 5 5 4
48 5 5 5
49 3 4 3
50 5 4 4
51 4 5 5
52 4 5 5
53 4 5 5
54 5 4 5
55 5 5 5
56 5 4 3
57 5 5 5
58 4 4 5
59 5 5 4
60 5 5 4
61 4 3 4
62 5 4 5
63 4 5 5
64 5 5 5
65 4 3 3
66 5 5 5
67 5 4 5
68 5 4 5
69 4 3 3

70 4 5 5
71 4 4 4
72 5 5 5
73 5 5 4
74 4 5 5
75 4 3 4
76 4 3 4
77 5 5 5
78 4 5 5
79 5 4 4
80 5 4 5
81 5 5 4
82 4 3 4
83 4 5 5
84 4 4 3
85 3 4 4
86 5 5 4
87 3 4 3
88 4 3 3
89 4 5 5
90 4 4 3
91 5 4 5
92 5 5 4
93 4 5 4
94 3 4 3
95 5 5 5
96 5 5 4
97 5 4 4
98 5 5 5
99 5 5 5
100 5 4 4
101 4 4 5
102 4 5 5
103 4 4 4
104 5 4 5
105 5 5 4

3. Job Satisfaction
1 4 5 5 4 5
2 4 4 4 4 4

3 4 5 4 5 4
4 5 5 5 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 5 4 4 4 4
7 4 5 5 4 5
8 5 5 5 5 4
9 4 3 3 3 4
10 4 4 5 5 4
11 3 3 3 3 4
12 4 5 5 5 4
13 4 5 4 4 4
14 5 5 5 5 4
15 4 5 5 5 5
16 5 4 4 5 5
17 3 3 3 3 4
18 5 4 5 4 5
19 4 5 4 5 4
20 5 4 4 5 4
21 4 5 4 5 4
22 5 5 5 5 5
23 3 4 3 3 4
24 4 5 5 4 4
25 4 5 4 5 4
26 4 5 5 5 4
27 5 4 5 5 4
28 4 3 4 3 4
29 4 4 3 3 4
30 4 3 3 4 4
31 5 5 4 5 4
32 5 4 4 5 5
33 4 5 5 4 5
34 4 5 5 4 5
35 4 4 5 4 4
36 5 4 5 5 4
37 3 4 3 3 3
38 4 3 4 3 3
39 3 4 3 4 4
40 4 5 4 5 4
41 5 4 5 4 4
42 5 5 4 5 5
43 5 4 5 5 4

44 4 5 5 5 4
45 5 5 4 5 4
46 5 5 4 5 5
47 5 4 5 5 5
48 4 5 4 4 5
49 4 3 4 4 4
50 4 4 5 5 4
51 5 4 5 5 4
52 4 5 5 4 5
53 4 4 5 4 5
54 5 5 5 5 5
55 5 5 5 4 5
56 5 5 5 5 5
57 4 4 5 4 4
58 4 5 5 5 5
59 4 5 4 5 4
60 4 5 5 5 4
61 3 3 3 4 3
62 4 5 5 5 4
63 5 4 5 5 4
64 4 4 4 5 5
65 4 4 3 3 3
66 5 4 4 5 5
67 4 5 5 5 5
68 5 4 4 5 5
69 3 3 4 4 3
70 4 4 5 4 5
71 3 4 3 4 3
72 4 4 4 5 4
73 5 4 5 5 5
74 5 5 4 4 5
75 3 4 4 3 3
76 4 4 3 3 4
77 5 5 4 4 4
78 4 4 4 4 4
79 5 5 4 5 4
80 5 4 5 5 4
81 5 5 4 5 5
82 4 4 3 4 4
83 5 5 4 5 5
84 3 3 4 3 4

85 4 4 4 3 3
86 5 4 5 4 5
87 3 4 4 4 3
88 4 4 3 3 3
89 5 5 5 4 5
90 4 4 4 3 3
91 5 5 5 4 5
92 5 5 5 5 5
93 5 5 4 4 5
94 3 3 4 3 3
95 5 5 5 5 5
96 5 5 5 5 5
97 4 5 4 4 4
98 5 5 5 5 4
99 5 5 5 5 5
100 4 5 4 5 5
101 5 5 4 5 4
102 4 5 5 5 5
103 5 5 5 4 5
104 5 5 4 5 5
105 5 5 4 4 4

4. Employee Performance
1 5 5 4 4 4
2 4 5 4 4 4
3 4 5 5 5 4
4 5 5 4 4 4
5 4 5 5 4 5
6 4 4 4 4 5
7 5 5 5 4 4
8 5 5 5 5 5
9 4 4 3 3 4
10 5 4 4 5 5
11 3 4 4 4 5
12 5 4 5 4 5
13 5 4 4 5 4
14 4 4 4 5 5
15 5 5 5 5 5
16 5 5 5 5 5
17 4 3 4 4 3

18 5 5 5 5 5
19 4 5 4 5 4
20 5 5 5 5 5
21 5 5 5 5 5
22 4 5 5 5 4
23 3 3 3 4 3
24 5 5 4 5 5
25 4 4 5 4 4
26 4 4 5 5 4
27 5 5 4 5 5
28 3 3 4 4 4
29 3 4 4 3 4
30 3 3 4 3 4
31 5 5 4 5 5
32 4 5 4 5 4
33 5 5 5 5 5
34 4 5 4 5 4
35 4 3 3 4 4
36 5 5 4 5 4
37 4 4 4 3 3
38 3 4 4 3 4
39 4 3 3 4 4
40 4 4 5 4 4
41 5 5 5 5 5
42 4 4 5 5 4
43 5 5 5 5 4
44 4 4 5 5 4
45 4 5 5 5 4
46 5 4 5 5 5
47 4 5 4 5 4
48 5 5 4 5 5
49 4 3 4 4 3
50 4 5 5 4 4
51 4 5 4 5 5
52 5 5 5 5 5
53 4 4 4 5 4
54 5 5 4 5 5
55 5 4 5 4 5
56 4 5 4 5 5
57 5 5 5 5 5
58 5 4 5 5 5

59 4 5 4 5 4
60 5 4 5 5 5
61 4 3 3 3 3
62 5 5 4 5 4
63 5 5 4 5 5
64 5 4 5 5 4
65 4 4 3 3 4
66 5 4 5 4 4
67 4 5 4 4 4
68 5 4 5 5 5
69 3 3 3 4 3
70 5 5 5 4 5
71 3 4 4 3 3
72 5 5 5 4 4
73 5 4 4 5 5
74 4 5 4 4 5
75 4 3 3 3 4
76 3 4 3 3 3
77 5 5 5 5 5
78 4 5 5 5 4
79 5 4 5 5 5
80 5 5 5 5 4
81 5 5 4 5 5
82 3 3 4 4 4
83 5 4 5 5 4
84 4 3 4 4 3
85 3 4 3 3 4
86 5 5 4 5 5
87 4 3 3 4 3
88 3 4 4 3 3
89 4 5 5 5 4
90 3 4 3 4 4
91 4 5 5 5 5
92 5 5 5 5 5
93 5 5 5 5 5
94 4 3 4 4 3
95 5 4 4 4 5
96 4 4 4 5 5
97 5 5 5 4 5
98 4 5 5 5 4
99 5 5 4 4 5

100 5 4 4 5 5
101 4 5 5 5 5
102 5 5 5 4 5
103 5 5 4 5 5
104 5 4 5 5 4
105 5 5 4 5 5

Research Result
Outer Loading Test Result
(X1) Work (X2) (Z) Job (Y) Employee
Discipline Motivation Satisfaction Performance
D1 0.789
D2 0.734
D3 0.787
D4 0.785
M1 0.789
M2 0.783
M3 0.810
JS1 0.757
JS2 0.760
JS3 0.763
JS4 0.819
JS5 0.740
EP1 0.807
EP2 0.775
EP3 0.734
EP4 0.805
EP5 0.776

Outer Loading Test Result

(X1) Work (X2) (Z) Job (Y) Employee
Discipline Motivation Satisfaction Performance
D1 0.789 0.591 0.619 0.662
D2 0.734 0.622 0.634 0.623
D3 0.787 0.612 0.662 0.605
D4 0.785 0.677 0.686 0.626
M1 0.628 0.789 0.680 0.697
M2 0.633 0.783 0.648 0.662

M3 0.666 0.810 0.636 0.625
JS1 0.596 0.592 0.726 0.664
JS2 0.614 0.648 0.648 0.626
JS3 0.592 0.651 0.757 0.640
JS4 0.692 0.700 0.760 0.659
JS5 0.623 0.599 0.763 0.617
EP1 0.667 0.684 0.639 0.807
EP2 0.693 0.661 0.641 0.775
EP3 0.642 0.639 0.584 0.734
EP4 0.681 0.674 0.726 0.805
EP5 0.585 0.552 0.648 0.776

Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Test Result

Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Work Discipline (X1) 0.599
Motivation (X2) 0.631
Employee Performance (Y) 0.608

Reliability Test Result

Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability
Work Discipline (X1) 0.777 0.857
Motivation (X2) 0.707 0.837
Employee Performance (Y) 0.839 0.886

R-Square Test Result

Bootstrapping Output

T-Statistics and P-value Test Result
Original Sample Standard T Statistics P Values Conclusion
Sample (O) Mean (M) Deviation (|O/STDEV|)
(X1) Work Discipline - Supported
> (Y) Employee 0.379 0.363 0.083 4.594 0.000
(X2) Motivation -> (Y) Supported
Employee 0.398 0.404 0.100 3.986 0.000
(X1) Work Discipline - Supported
0.269 0.263 0.089 3.021 0.003
> (Z) Job Satisfaction
(X2) Motivation -> (Z) Supported
0.512 0.509 0.098 5.235 0.000
Job Satisfaction
(Z) Job Satisfaction -> Supported
(Y) Employee 0.299 0.323 0.089 3.365 0.001

Specific Indirect Effect Result

Original Sample Standard T Statistics P Values
Sample Mean (M) Deviation (|O/STDEV|)
(X1) Work Discipline -> (Z) Job 0.124 0.123 0.050 2.468 0.014
Satisfaction -> (Y) Employee
(X2) Motivation -> (Z) Job 0.155 0.155 0.053 2.935 0.003
Satisfaction -> (Y) Employee


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