Students' Adaptability Challenges On Online Learning in A Philippine Public University: Input For Academic Policy Modification
Students' Adaptability Challenges On Online Learning in A Philippine Public University: Input For Academic Policy Modification
Students' Adaptability Challenges On Online Learning in A Philippine Public University: Input For Academic Policy Modification
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 3284–3300
assisting high school students manage their all used to gather information. Analysis of an
online learning throughout a time of COVID-19 online survey administered to online tertiary
that involved either entirely or partly distance- students in the Caribbean revealed that self-
based online learning. He evaluated the effect of reported perceptions of work and family
adaptability in predicting students' online obligations, the pace of courses, the quality of
learning self-efficacy in mathematics and their online course materials, and the timeliness with
end-of-year mathematics achievement using the which tutors responded to assignments were
Job Demands-Resources theory and data from a among the most significant factors impeding
sample of 1,548 Australian high school students learning and academic performance. Some other
from nine schools. After controlling for factors findings included perceptions of students'
such as online learning demands, online and successful use of online learning tools by tutors
parental learning support, and background and perceptions of which online learning tools are
characteristics, he discovered that adaptability best suited for increasing students' academic
was significantly associated with higher levels achievement based on their individual learning
of online learning self-efficacy and with gains in styles and preferences, (Tanyel and Griffin,
later achievement; online learning self-efficacy 2014).
was also significantly associated with gains in Furthermore, as perceived by students,
achievement and that this relationship was online learning is student-centered, with the
significant mediator between adaptability and learning process model shifting from a 'black box'
achievement (Wladis, Conway and Hachey model in which inputs consist of presented
2015). As a result of these findings, flexibility knowledge and the metrics of the output focus on
has been identified as a valuable personal what is known to a model that deals with the
resource that can assist students in their online construction of cognition and competencies.
learning, even during periods of remote Furthermore, the development of
instruction, such as those experienced during learning environments is essential for the success
COVID-19. of online learning. This is an example of how
Online education in the Caribbean, on online learning, with its emphasis on the student,
the other hand, has been explored by Kerr (2015), is shifting away from the conventional
who discovered that by exploiting the instruction-centered orientation and toward the
opportunities provided by the Internet, online support of learning. The instructor's position is
education in the Caribbean can enhance access to evolving to include more responsibilities such as
education. High failure rates among online setting up the learning environment and serving
postsecondary institutions, on the other hand, as a resource for the learner.
result in unacceptable levels of attrition, reduced Online learning becomes active in the
graduate throughput, and increased costs of sense that the student is challenged to own,
training for a country's labor force. In this manage, and schedule their own learning because
context, this study examined students' regular classes are no longer held in a physical
impressions of their online learning experiences environment. The ability to control something
in the Caribbean in order to determine the most that was previously under the authority of the
important elements impacting their academic instructor can be a tough challenge for some
success, with the goal of implementing corrective learners, especially those who are experiencing it
actions to increase retention and academic for the first time. On the other hand, online
performance. An online survey, a focus group learning should be interactive and collaborative,
discussion, and a learning style assessment were in which media-enabled learners are given the
opportunity to interact with the course content, as performance?”, “Is there a significant difference
well as with the course teacher and with their on the problems encountered by student-
fellow course participants and instructors, (Craig, respondents when grouped according to their
2015). campus?” and “ Is there a correlation between the
Students should be motivated and have a academic performance of the students and the
positive attitude toward On-line learning in light problems encountered during online” were
of the current situation, as they will be confronted answered.
with issues such as geographic location, Objectives of the Study
adaptability difficulties, technical difficulties,
time management, and motivation when The study determined the problems on
participating in On-line learning. adaptability faced by the students of Cagayan
In this study, the research questions such State University on Online Learning. It
as “What is the profile of the student-respondents specifically identified the profile of the student-
in terms of age, sex, monthly family income, respondents in terms of age, sex, socio-
father’s highest educational attainment and economic status, educational attainment of the
mother’s highest educational attainment; “What respondents’ parents and the campus they
is the Academic Performance of the students belong. It also identified the academic
during the Second Semester, School Year 2020- performance of the student-respondents.
2021?”; “What are the problems faced by the Furthermore, it determined the problems faced
students during online learning along by the students during online class along
geographical location, adaptability struggle, geographical location, adaptability struggle,
technical issues, computer literacy, time technical issues, computer literacy, time
management and self-motivation?”; “Is there any management and self-motivation.
significant relationship between the profile of the
student-respondents and their academic
94 196 8.88
93 33 1.49
92 144 6.52
91 190 8.61
90 190 8.61
89 149 6.75
88 378 17.12
87 161 7.29
86 131 5.93
85 42 1.90
84 88 3.99
83 156 7.07
82 35 1.59
81 158 7.16
80 52 2.36
79 22 1.00
75 2 0.09
Mean= 88.021; s. d. = 0.089
C. Problems on adaptability faced by the they are taking their online courses are not
student-respondents during Online Learning conducive to learning and are not comfortable
The student-respondents reported difficulties for them to be.
with online learning due to a variety of factors
including geographic location, adaptation Adaptability was also a problem for the
difficulties, technological difficulties, computer respondents when it came to the new learning
literacy, time management, and motivation. platform, according to the responses. In
accordance with the data in the table, the mean
With a mean of 4.33 and a description value of score is 3.89, with the descriptive value "Agree."
"agree," the first statement in the category of It appears from this research that the respondents
geographical location, "Studying in a far-flung are accepting of the fact that transferring from a
barrio is difficult," has the highest mean and the traditional classroom and face-to-face training to
highest description value, while the second computer-based training in a virtual classroom
statement, "The community where I study is not results in a completely different learning
comfortable," has the lowest mean and a experience. It took some time for the pupils to
description value of "disagree." The overall become acclimated to the Learning Management
mean is 3.77, with a descriptive value of "agree" Systems (LENS) and the computer-based
as its descriptive value. As a result of this education methods used in the classroom.
finding, the respondents rarely study online, Furthermore, they struggled to cope with online
particularly when they are from a remote barrio, learning since they have a "traditional" attitude
because they found logging into an online and find it difficult to adjust to new learning
learning system difficult, and the internet environments; as a result, they were stressed out
connection in their location was unreliable. In by the large number of academic activities and
addition, the respondents' environments in which online submissions.
In addition, the students were confronted with requirements of their chosen course while online
technical difficulties. As indicated in the table, learning; others do not even have access to a
the total mean is 3.52 with a descriptive value of computer and must rely on others for technical
agree, and the descriptive value is 3.52. assistance as well as for properly preparing
Consequently, this study implies that themselves for the successful completion of their
respondents may not have access to high course.
bandwidth or a robust internet connection, which
are required for online courses, and as a result, Respondents were unsure of their answers to the
they are sometimes unable to keep up with questions on computer literacy when it came to
virtual classes. Furthermore, because the the statements that were asked. The finding
students' monitors are inadequate, it was received a mean score of 2.92 out of a possible 5
difficult for them to keep up with the online points, with a descriptive value of "uncertain."
class, which made their learning experience Thus, students have a limited understanding of
difficult to manage. Moreover, they found it how to run fundamental programs such as
difficult to stay on top of the technical Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, but they are
unsure of their ability to fix fundamental
A. Geographical Location Mean Interpretation
1. Studying in a far flung barrio is hard. 4.33 Agree
2. Logging in to online learning system is difficult. 3.92 Agree
3. The place where I am taking my online class is not conducive 3.43 Uncertain
for learning
4. The community where I study is not comfortable. 3.24 Uncertain
1. I am not provided with the high bandwidth or the strong internet 3.61 Agree
connection that online courses require; thus, I fail to catch up with
virtual classes.
2. My weak monitors make it hard to follow the online class and my 3.64 Agree
learning experience becomes problematic.
3. I find it difficult to keep in tune with the technical requirements of 3.60 Agree
my chosen course.
4. I don’t even own a computer and I need to seek help from others 3.38 Uncertain
for technical assistance.
5. I need technological support as well as properly equipping myself 3.38 Uncertain
for the course’s successful completion.
Overall Mean 3.52 Agree
D. Computer Literacy
Mean Interpretation
1. I cannot operate basic programs such as Microsoft Word and 2.69 Uncertain
PowerPoint and therefore I am not able to manage my files.
2. I find fixing basic computer problems troublesome, as I have no 3.13 Uncertain
knowledge in this area.
3. I cannot manage my assignments and courseware in an organized 2.88 Uncertain
1. I fall behind and nurture the idea of giving up, as difficulties in 3.28 Uncertain
handling a technological medium during online class seem
2. I am less motivated to follow the new educational trends and 3.33 Uncertain
also I am not properly equip for future challenges
3. I felt burn out during online class. 3.49 Uncertain
4. I could hardly understand online lectures because I am not that 3.23 Uncertain
positive driven in attending online classes.
5. I am a little bit depressed when attending my online class 3.24 Uncertain
Overall Mean 3.31 Uncertain
D. Relationship between the Profile of the between the respondents' overall success and
Student-Respondents and their Academic their academic performance. This implies that
Performance characteristics such as the pupils' age, gender,
The association between the profile of and educational attainment of their parents have
the student-respondents and their academic an impact on their performance.
success is depicted in the following table. It can In accordance with Martin's study
be demonstrated that the P-values for the (2021), the function of flexibility in assisting
variables age, gender, and educational high school students navigate their online
achievement of the parents are less than the 0.05 learning throughout a period of COVID-19 that
level of statistical significance. As a result, the included totally or partially remote online
null hypothesis is ruled out. This indicates that learning, this finding is supported by the
there is a statistically significant association literature. After controlling for factors such as
online learning demands, online and parental adaptability and later achievement, Daymont
learning support, as well as student's own and Blau (2008). As a result of these findings,
background characteristics, he discovered that flexibility has been identified as a valuable
adaptability was significantly associated with personal resource that can assist students in their
higher levels of online learning self-efficacy and online learning, even during periods of remote
with gains in later achievement; online learning instruction, such as those experienced during
self-efficacy was also significantly associated COVID-19.
with gains in achievement—and that it
significantly mediated the relationship between
Table 4. Relationship between the profile of the student-respondents and their academic
α = 0.05
according to their university. This can be due to This finding was consistent with the findings of
the fact that the respondents come from a variety Bigelow (2009), who demonstrated that the
of geographical areas, have varying levels of complexity of online learning has a detrimental
motivation and time management, and have impact on the effectiveness of the learning
varying levels of technological and computer experience. These ramifications include the fact
proficiency. In addition, some respondents had a that technology is not always efficient, that it is
positive impression of the internet, but others more difficult for students to absorb concepts
were not as driven and interested in learning as being taught, that online learning can induce
they could be due to family and extra-curricular social isolation, and that pupils do not develop
activities. necessary communication skills.
C. Technical issues
1. I am not provided with the high bandwidth or .93524106 36.32 0.0032** Highly
the strong internet connection that online courses Significant
require; thus, I fail to catch up with virtual
2. My weak monitors make it hard to follow the .74103548 10.07 0.0001** Highly
online class and my learning experience becomes Significant
3. I find it difficult to keep in tune with the .93524106 36.32 0.576 Not
technical requirements of my chosen course. Significant
4. I don’t even own a computer and I need to seek .877990345 25.34 0.192 Not
help from others for technical assistance. Significant
5. I need technological support as well as properly .844131443 27.91 0.0000** Highly
equipping myself for the course’s successful Significant
D. Computer Literacy
Time Management and Motivation be gradually encouraged to develop and provide self-directed
addressed as said factors are found to be modules to students with problems on online
affecting the academic performance of students. access. Students with poor internet connectivity
should likewise avail of the Local Government
Significantly, a close and sustained collaboration Unit’s free wi-fi in their barangay hall, if
of Cagayan State University with Local possible, so they can attend their online classes.
Government Units where CSU students are The university should allocate more funds to
situated should emerged to provide students with enhance information technology resources and
wider access to the internet by providing them make online learning be more accessible to
with free wi-fi connection. students. Those who have no technological or
educational gadgets to be used for their online
Moreover, the blended learning be sustained as a classes must be the top priority of the university
modality of instruction in the university to in identifying students who are in need of
address the need of students who have poor financial assistance from generous benefactors
connectivity due to their geographical location or scholarship donors.
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