Wealth-Tea Affirmation and Instruction Book

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Crystin Eman X


WEALTH-Tea seeks to create a community
of wellness and elevation through spirit-
lifting, body cleansing, and mind advancing
tea. A space for present feelings, past
reflections and future creations.

Warning: Please speak with your doctor if you are on ANY

medications, have or had any form of cancer or tumor,
pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you are preparing for any form
of a surgery. Some of the ingredients may cause an increase in
estrogen or blood sugar level, and other factors. Again, consult
with a doctor before indulging in any of the Wealth-Tea
During our Wealth-tea journey, our goal is to protect
our bodies for a prosperous life. It’s been said repeatedly
that the first wealth is health. Not only does this tea
provide you with the herbs needed in aiding your body into
health, we encourages you to dig deeper to help the tea
help you by addressing underlying unhealed regions from
your past.

Ex. If you are having stomach pains, ask yourself “What

is it that I can not bare to stomach?”, in addition to drinking
the tea. Another additive, is to practice deep breathing
every time you make yourself a cup of our tea!

During your Wealth-tea journey, your health does not

stop at your physical being. We’ve seen over and over that
health encompasses your mind, body and spiritual self. So,
let’s think of each of these areas as our own gardens. Your
mental garden, bodily garden and your spiritual garden all
need your attention constantly. Imagine, for so many years,
you have either cultivated your gardens vigorously, ignored
your gardens or semi-gardened.

Wherever you fall, we all continuously have work to do!

The Wealth-tea community is here to help you through it
by creating wellness and elevation through spirit lifting,
body cleansing, and mind advancing tea.
Start this journey by mentally committing to being
consistent with your Wealth-tea journey. Know what results
you are looking for, be open to investing your full self into
the process and envision what you want the outcome to
look like to you. As you read through this eBook, you want
to identify what chakra(s) may be blocked. It is also
important to note wether it is blocked because it is
overactive or if it is blocked under active. Once you know,
follow the reading to see what you can do as you drink
your matched tea to help you unblock that chakra and heal
your mind, body and spirit.

When you get to the questions to ask yourself portion,

use a journal! Journaling will not only help you answer the
questions, but it will give you a space where you can find
your own solutions, look into the cause of why you
answered the question how you did and also give you a
reference as you grow and heal through this journey.

Most importantly, forgive yourself as you discover that

we plan the biggest role in our health journeys. You can
create a new story for your future at any point in your
journey so be open to what life shows you is possible. We
are the cause and we create the effect. So choose to hop in
the drivers seat and take back control of your total health
Root Chakra
The root chakra is your base, representing your foundation.

t the root of any structure, there is a need to have a
sound and balanced foundation. Imagine then that
this is also true for your root chakra. The root
chakra is exactly that, your root. It is the base to the rest of
your chakra system and should be balanced before
proceeding to balance the other chakras.
The root chakra is associated with the color red and has
a huge influence on your circulatory system.
Your chakras can be balanced, overactive or under
active which can affect your physical, emotional and
spiritual well-being.
Fearful, anxious, insecure, irritable, greedy or stuck/
Under active
Nomadic, anxious, codependent, disconnected, inability to

Physical symptoms
Unbalanced hormones, bladder problems, fatigue, anemia,
constipation, weight challenges, cramps

Where it Shows Up Physically

Bladder, Rectum, Hip/Hip Joints, Male Reproductive
System, Knee, Ankle, Skin, Hair, Nails, Legs, Feet, Immune
System, Medulla
With any healing process, we have to look within to see
how we have contributed to our balance or unbalanced
chakra alignment. Sometimes our healing is rooted further
than our life span. Sometimes we carry over pain and
traumas from our ancestors. If we do not heal these
traumas, then it is likely your next generation/off-spring will
have these same problems to deal with.
In addition to the meditation to align your root chakra,
yoga, journaling, healthy eating and affirmations can help
you balance your root chakra. Also, eat more red fruits and
vegetables. Use The Surety tea to help you encourage
healing of your organs that are affected by an overactive or
under active root chakra.

Question to ask to help you unblock root chakra:

Are you obsessed with money? Are you neglectful of
Do you trust myself in all areas of my life that matter?
Do you trust anyone? Do you trust too many people?
Do you have dependable relationship where you can rely
on others if you need to?
How are your family relationships functioning?
How are your friendships?
Do you live in a scarcity, abundant or just enough
Do you feel like you have to be in control of everything,
completely carefree/careless or is control case by case?
In every room you enter, are you confident and
comfortable to be your authenticate self?
Are you in tune with nature and your surroundings?
How is your relationship with material things?
How is your relationship with food?
How is the health of your lower body?

19 Root Chakra Affirmations:

I am grounded.
I am safe.
I am financially free.
I am trusting my body.
I am wise.
I am abundant.
I am confident in all I do.
I am secure.
I am divine.
I am peaceful.
I am balanced.
I am brave.
I am connected to the Universe.
I am connected to Earth.
I am provided for.
I am nourished and supported by Mother Earth.
I am safe, protected and guided in my body.
I am taken care of.
I am powerful, rooted and strong.

Action Step: Sit outdoors with your feet firmly planted in the
Earth( under a tree, in the grass or in natural running water).
For best use, brew in fresh spring water, agave, fresh lemon
juice add ginger and/or turmeric root.

Bring water to boil with agave, ginger and/or turmeric and

lemon or lime juice. Once the water is at boiling temperature,
cut the heat off and add in your herbal blend.

We recommend the mesh balls, to avoid the additional

chemicals that can leak from tea bags

If you are diabetic or natural sweeteners work against your

goals, we recommend acquiring the taste of the raw herbs
with or without ginger/turmeric.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is the second chakra,
representing sexuality and creativity.

s the emotional piece of the chakra system, the
sacral chakra is in place to nurture healthy sexuality
and creativity. These two are stimulated by
pleasure. Imagine this chakra as a driving force to what
inspires you to feel, to build relationships, to create and to
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the color orange
and has a huge impact on your creative energy.
Your chakras can be balanced, overactive or under
active which can affect your physical, emotional and
spiritual well-being.
Overindulgence, overly emotional, extremely extroverted,
dependent on others

Under active
Lack of sexual drive, lack of creativity, lack of passion, lack
of emotions, low self-esteem

Physical symptoms
Kidney problems, infertility/impotence or over-exerted
sexual arousal, lower-back pain

Where it Shows Up Physically

Female Reproductive System, Kidney, Large and Small
Intestines, Colon, Bones, Pelvic Muscles, Bladder, Lower
With any healing process, we have to look within to see
how we have contributed to our balance or unbalanced
chakra alignment. If you are experiencing an overactive
sacral chakra, it is likely that you find yourself too sexually
active or driven by sex, pouring all your energy in your
work life or jumping from project to project. In the case
that your sacral chakra is under active you may be alone
often, in a depressed like state due to lack of inspiration, or
having trouble performing sexually or in your career.
In addition to meditation to align your sacral chakra
yoga, journaling, healthy eating and affirmations can help
you balance your sacral chakra. Also, eat more orange
fruits, vegetables and ginger. Use The Prolific tea to help
you encourage the healing of your organs that are affected
by an overactive or under active sacral chakra.

Question to ask to help you unblock your sacral chakra:

Are you in control of my vice?
Are you addicted to any of your pleasures (food,
gambling, sex, work, alcohol, drugs, compulsive buying,
How do you feel emotionally?
Are you practicing healthy and safe sex (physically,
emotionally and spiritually)?
Do you desire a healthy amount of sex?
How is your sex life? Are you compulsive with my
Are you experiencing problems with infertility or
Is your mensuration healthy, predictable and/or without
much discomfort?
Are you fatigued often?
Do you freely and/or sensibly express your feelings?
How are you emotionally?
Are you able to create easily?
How is your career life?
How are your relationships with work partners,
partnerships or co-workers?
Do you have pain in your lower back, kidney or stomach

19 Sacral Chakra Affirmations:

I am living a pleasurable life.

I am embracing my sexuality.
I am safe with my partner.
I am accepting my sexuality.
I am forgiving any past sexual traumas.
I am peaceful.
I am open to giving unconditional love.
I am open to receiving unconditional love.
I am creative.
I am expressing my sexuality in a positive way.
I am sociable.
I am surrounded by trusting relationships.
I am balanced.
I am honoring my body.
I am attracting like-minded relationships.
I am connected to my creative self.
I am listening for inspiration.
I am healing.
I am sexually and creatively balanced.
Action Step: Explore create e self-expression. Find a new hobby
to try that allows you to think creatively.

For best use, brew in fresh spring water, agave, fresh lemon
juice add ginger and/or turmeric root.

Bring water to boil with agave, ginger and/or turmeric and

lemon or lime juice. Once the water is at boiling temperature,
cut the heat off and add in your herbal blend.

We recommend the mesh balls, to avoid the additional

chemicals that can leak from tea bags

If you are diabetic or natural sweeteners work against your

goals, we recommend acquiring the taste of the raw herbs
with or without ginger/turmeric.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra,
representing wisdom and power.

s you think of your solar plexus, also think of what
ego means to you. The solar plexus is your core
chakra which acts as the last chakra before the
bridge between your lower chakras and your higher
chakras. This chakra deals with your ability to manage your
willpower and how you view yourself in relation to the
world. The solar plexus is heavily connected to your
digestive system and your stomach is known as your
second brain. This is why the solar plexus can also
represent the health of your mental abilities.
The Solar Plexus is associated with the color yellow and
has an impact on your ego and your courageous side.
Your chakras can be balanced, overactive or under
active which can affect your physical, emotional and
spiritual well-being.
Controlling, aggressive, manipulative, obsessive, critical,

Under active
Passive, indecisive, lack of control, lack of purpose in life,
low self-esteem, insecurity

Physical symptoms
Ulcers, digestive problems, eating disorders, respiratory
problems, nerve pain, liver infection, kidney infection
Where it Shows Up Physically
Spine, Digestive System, Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen,
Pancreases, Nervous System, Stomach, Adrenal, Thoracic

With any healing process, we have to look within to see

how we have contributed to our balance or unbalanced
chakra alignment. If you are experiencing an overactive
solar plexus you may be overbearing to most of your close
associates. Through excessive needs to be a perfectionist
and to be in control of everything. If you are experiencing
an under active solar plexus you may be experiencing low
self esteem which show up as a lack of the ability to know
self and you’re probably allowing everyone else around you
to take the lead even in areas that you are great at naturally.
You may be in pain throughout your body often because
the solar plexus is at your core.
In addition to meditation to align your Solar Plexus
chakra yoga, journaling, healthy eating and affirmations
can help you balance your solar plexus chakra. Also, eat
more fruits and vegetables that are yellow. Use The
Enlightenment tea to help you encourage healing of your
organs that are affected by an overactive or under active
solar plexus chakra.

Question to ask to help you unblock your solar plexus

Are you fatigue and/or lazy?
Are you over indulging in food?
Are you manipulative to others?
Are you inner powers feeling powerful or powerless?
Are you too dominate in your personal or work
Are you secure in who you are and what you stand for?
Where does your confidence stand?
Are you a self-starter or do you need approval from others
Are you too egotistical?
Do you have any addictions?
Do you have healthy boundaries in your relationships?
Are you too dependent or independent of others?
Are you experiencing constipation, gas, diabetes or
excessive mid section weight gain?

19 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations:

I am powerful.
I am embrace my identity.
I am strong.
I am worthy of respect.
I am confident.
I am healthy decisions.
I am living in my truth.
I am honoring myself.
I am strong.
I am brave.
I am motivated by results.
I am protecting myself.
I am worthy of my desires.
I am accomplished.
I am grateful.
I am protecting my beliefs.
I am certain of my identity.
I am peaceful.
I am working well with others
Action Step: Explore your relationships and do an evaluation.
Some of your relationships may need to be revived, discontinued
or decreased in the amount of energy spent.

Also, reevaluate the goals you’ve set to assure they are up to date
on where you are and where you are going.

For best use, brew in fresh spring water, agave, fresh lemon
juice add ginger and/or turmeric root.

Bring water to boil with agave, ginger and/or turmeric and

lemon or lime juice. Once the water is at boiling temperature,
cut the heat off and add in your herbal blend.

We recommend the mesh balls, to avoid the additional

chemicals that can leak from tea bags

If you are diabetic or natural sweeteners work against your

goals, we recommend acquiring the taste of the raw herbs
with or without ginger/turmeric.
Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is the fourth chakra,
representing love and healing.

s the fourth chakra, the heart chakra is responsible
for all things love and healing. The heart chakra is
known as being the official bridge between the
lower and higher chakras. This can also be illustrated as
the bridge between your earthly chakras and your spiritual
chakras. Although, the heart chakra represents love, it also
plays a huge role in healing because it’s connected to your
endocrine (hormonal) and lymphatic (immune) systems.
The heart chakra is associated with the color green and
resonates with our feelings.
Your chakras can be balanced, overactive or under
active which can affect your physical, emotional and
spiritual well-being.
Too attached emotionally, over-absorbed in relationships, too
compassionate, too accommodating, protective, jealous

Under active
Lack of self-esteem, unable to feel emotions, oblivious, naive,
defensive, victim, lacking self love, fear of intimacy

Physical symptoms
Weak immune system, unbalanced hormones, susceptible to
breast cancer, poor blood circulation (high blood pressure,
heart attacks), respiratory ailments
Where it Shows Up Physically
Heart, Lungs, Shoulders, Chest, Arms, Circulatory, Hands,
Ribs, Diaphragm, Breast, Mid-Back
With any healing process, we have to look within to see
how we have contributed to our balance or unbalanced
chakra alignment. If you are experiencing an overactive
heart chakra you could be obsessing about relationship
while not giving enough time to the things that heal and
motivate you. This represents your work and home
relationships where you are putting others before your own
health. This is typically tough to break through but this is
what this Wealth-tea journey is for. This is your time to heal
you so that you can then flourish abundantly. Just like a
lite candle, once your flame is going, you are able to light
other candles without losing yours flame.
In addition to meditation to align your heart chakra
yoga, journaling, healthy eating and affirmations can help
you balance your heart chakra. Also, eat more fruits and
vegetables that are green. Use The Treasure tea to help
encourage healing of your organs that are affected by an
overactive or under active heart chakra.

Question to ask to help you unblock your heart chakra:

How are your intimate relationships and connections with
How is your social life?
Are your relationships “equally yoked”, respectful and
Are you able to identify your emotions and express them
Are you able to be alone and still feel complete?
Are you dependent on your relationships with others to
feel complete?
How do you do in crowds of people or at social events?
Have you taken time to forgive and let go of all wrong
doings to you or by you?
Are you easily angered?
Who do you allow to anger you? What is it about this
person or that action that caused you to get angry?
Are you able to love all of yourself (“good” and “bad”)?
Do you allow yourself to make mistake and bounce back
easily or are you too critical?
Are you jealous or envious of anyone or have jealous
tendencies in your relationships (partners and friends)?
Have you dealt with your traumas in life and created
bridges to overcome them?
Have you become a victim in your own story?
Are you able to give and receive love unconditionally and
Are you mistrusting of yourself and/or other people?
Do you have any heart, lung or chest pain, including poor
blood circulation?

19 Heart Chakra Affirmations:

I am worthy of love.
I am in love with myself.
I am healing.
I am grateful for healthy relationships.
I am forgiving past pains.
I am peaceful.
I am open to giving unconditional love.
I am open to receiving unconditional love.
I am grateful for a healthy immune system.
I am grateful for respiratory health.
I am surrounded by trusting relationships.
I am open to love.
I am balanced.
I am filled with joy.
I am kind to myself.
I am guided by love.
I am healthy and strong.
I am in safe relationships at work, at home, and with God.
I am accepting of others as they are.

Action Step: Practice journaling. Specifically, create time in your

day to write down what you are grateful and thankful for and
forgive any past pains or traumas. If possible, find time to do
this outdoors (in the sun, in fresh air or surrounded by trees).

For best use, brew in fresh spring water, agave, fresh lemon
juice add ginger and/or turmeric root.

Bring water to boil with agave, ginger and/or turmeric and

lemon or lime juice. Once the water is at boiling
temperature, cut the heat off and add in your herbal blend.

We recommend the mesh balls, to avoid the additional

chemicals that can leak from tea bags

If you are diabetic or natural sweeteners work against your

goals, we recommend acquiring the taste of the raw herbs
with or without ginger/turmeric.
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is the fifth chakra, representing truth,
self-expression and communication.

s the fifth chakra, the throat chakra is the
embodiment of communication. It is not only a
form of communication on earth but it also
represents your ability to communicate with your spiritual
self. This can be recognized as prayer, meditation and self-
The throat chakra is associated with the color blue and
not just communication but your ability to trust and deal
with logic.
Your chakras can be balanced, overactive or under
active which can affect your physical, emotional and
spiritual well-being.
Talkative, provocative, poor listener, dishonesty, verbally
abusive, condescending

Under active
Fear of speaking, timid voice, shy, inability to speak up for

Physical symptoms
Thyroid problems, stiffness in neck, shoulders, earaches or,
dental problems

Where it Shows Up Physically

Thymus, Tonsil, Thyroid Gland, Mouth, Tongue, Neck,
Teeth, Gums, Parathyroid, Esophagus, Cervical Spine
With any healing process, we have to look within to see
how we have contributed to our balance or unbalanced
chakra alignment. If you are experiencing an overactive
t h r o at ch ak r a t y p ic al ly, yo u’r e ove r b e ar i n g i n
communication. You are unwilling to share the floor when
it’s time to share and you are very disconnected from your
audience. If you are experiencing an under active throat
chakra, you are probably extremely shy and choose not to
talk more often than you do. It’s possible that you are in a
space where you are subordinate to others around you and
in a possible toxic environment that does not promote
growth. This chakra is big on thyroid connectivity and can
cause extreme problems, such as excessive weight gain.
In addition to meditation to align your throat chakra,
yoga, journaling, healthy eating and affirmations can help
you balance your throat chakra. Also, avoid dairy and eat
more fruits that are blue, vegetables that contains mostly
water and drinking water or pure coconut water. Use The
Messenger tea to help you encourage healing of your
organs that are affected by an overactive or under active
throat chakra.

Question to ask to help you unblock your throat chakra:

How was your upbringing as a child in relations to
communication in your family?
What kind of communicators did you have as guardians?
How were you as a communicator in your youth?
How are you as a communicator now?
Is it difficult to express your emotions in a healthy way?
Do you get nervous when its your time to talk, do a
presentation or interact in larger settings?
Do you express your opinions in a way that cause others
to be uncomfortable?
Do you fear the act of expressing your opinion or feel there
isn’t value in your opinion?
Do you force your opinion on others?
Are you over secretive about your life or overshare?
Do you find yourself in a space where many express a
miscommunication with you?
Do you feel like you’re being ignore in your intimate
relationships or career environment?
Are you over-opinionated?
Do you know who you are and what you stand for?
Do you have respectful communication boundaries in
your relationships?
Are you honest with yourself?
Are you a hypocrite? Giving advice but not taking it for
Do you have swollen lymph nodes, ear aches, sinus or
respiratory infections?

19 Throat Chakra Affirmations:

I am expressive.
I am a great listener.
I am articulate.
I am important.
I am open to learning from others.
I am nourishing my spirit.
I am listening to my own expressions.
I am communicating my truth.
I am allowing my creativity to flow through me.
I am grateful for balanced hormones and emotions.
I am an excellent communicator
I am grateful for thyroid health.
I am speaking with purpose.
I am clear in communication.
I am honest about who I am.
I am expressive of my gratitude.
I am surrounded by healthy relationships.
I am in safe relationships at work, at home, and with God.
I am open to hearing others thoughts.

Action Step: If you are normally quiet try singing a loud, maybe
karaoke! If you are normally talkative, give someone else a
chance to talk to you with out interjecting your opinion on
them. Just let them talk.

For best use, brew in fresh spring water, agave, fresh lemon
juice add ginger and/or turmeric root.

Bring water to boil with agave, ginger and/or turmeric and

lemon or lime juice. Once the water is at boiling temperature,
cut the heat off and add in your herbal blend.

We recommend the mesh balls, to avoid the additional

chemicals that can leak from tea bags

If you are diabetic or natural sweeteners work against your

goals, we recommend acquiring the taste of the raw herbs
with/or without ginger/turmeric.
Third Eye Chakra
The third eye is the sixth chakra, representing awareness.

s the sixth chakra, the third eye is also known as
Ajna and brings dual reality into form. The third
eye can represent your sixth sense, your ability to
have vision and gives you insight to your spirit. When your
third eye is aligned you may experience dream-like states or
frequent visions that are as clear as watching a movie.
The third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo
as it relates to our spirit and intuition.
Your chakras can be balanced, overactive or under
active which can affect your physical, emotional and
spiritual well-being.
Oblivious to reality, unable to focus, unable to discern reality,
overindulging in fantasies, nightmares, delusion, obsession
Under active
Stubborn, stuck, unwilling to learn and be taught, unable to
discern inner thoughts, lack of clarity, biased against
spirituality, short term thinker, poor vision, poor memory

Physical symptoms
Vision problems, sleeping disorders, brain/mental issues

Where it Shows Up Physically

Brain, Nervous System, Eyes, Ears, Pituitary Gland, Pineal
Gland, Nose, Thalamus
With any healing process, we have to look within to see
how we have contributed to our balance or unbalanced
chakra alignment. If you are experiencing an overactive
third eye chakra you could have trouble knowing what
reality you are in which can cause disorientation and losing
track of time. When your third eye is under active, you
maybe unable to relate to your spirit self and lack a
purpose for life based on God’s guidance. You may be
overly concerned with surviving versus trusting that you
are going to be taking care of and inspiring for an
abundant life.
In addition to meditation to align your third eye chakra,
yoga, journaling, healthy eating and affirmations can help
you balance your third eye chakra. Also, eat more fruits and
vegetables that are dark blue/indigo and purple. Use The
Clairvoyance tea to help you encourage healing of your
organs that are affected by an overactive or under active
third eye chakra.

Question to ask to help you unblock your third eye chakra:

Where you raised in a close-minded family that ignored
free thinking?
Are you inspired or passionate about your life currently?
Do you often ignore intuition?
Do you lack hutches from your instincts or intuition?
Do you only take on the task right in front of you and lack
the ability to see the vision?
Are you overwhelmed by your thoughts?
Do you get stuck in your realities? Stuck in your human
interactive or stuck in your day dreaming.
Do you avoid reality often through day dreaming, over
sleeping or constantly indulging in food, spending, sex,
drugs or alcohol?
Do you lose your thoughts?
Do you only define yourself by your human or divine
abilities and not a balance with both?
Do you have any known mental distortions or history in
your family?
Do you lack the ability to connect with your spirit?
Are you unmoving in your idea of the “real” world and
“spirit” world?
Do you lack the ability to focus?
Do you often experience head aches or migraines, sinus
issues or delusion/mental illness?

19 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations:

I am open to inner guidance.

I am wise.
I am trusting my intuition.
I am connected to my higher power.
I am always learning.
I am always growing.
I am able to think clearly.
I am moving towards my purpose.
I am trust in divine timing.
I am abundant.
I am covered in God’s grace.
I am seeking guidance.
I am balanced.
I am the source of my truth.
I am the source of love.
I am present.
I am open to the wisdom of my elders.
I am clear on my path.
I am confident in my spiritual guidance.

Action Step: Journal your dreams. Every day when you awaken
from your slumber, use your phone or a physical journal and try
to remember what you dreamed about the night before.

If you would like, do research on what your dream could

possibly mean and only take away what’s relevant to you.

For best use, brew in fresh spring water, agave, fresh lemon
juice add ginger and/or turmeric root.

Bring water to boil with agave, ginger and/or turmeric and

lemon or lime juice. Once the water is at boiling temperature,
cut the heat off and add in your herbal blend.

We recommend the mesh balls, to avoid the additional

chemicals that can leak from tea bags.

If you are diabetic or natural sweeteners work against your

goals, we recommend acquiring the taste of the raw herbs
with or without ginger/turmeric.
Crown Chakra
The seventh chakra is the crown chakra, representing
spirituality and divinity.

s the seventh chakra, the crown chakra is the
representation of your spirit. With the chakra being
at the top of our head, it is connected to our brain,
nervous system and also our hormones. It is also looked at
as the gateway to our cosmic selves.
The crown chakra is associated with the color purple
and your ability to feel one with God /universe/the divine.
Your chakras can be balanced, overactive or under
active which can affect your physical, emotional and
spiritual well-being.
In ability to connect with physical body, constant day
dreaming, overly emotional
Under active
Cynicism, close minded, lack of motivation towards purpose

Physical symptoms
Nerve problems, sleeping disorders, brain/mental issues

Where it Shows Up Physically

Brain, Frontal Cortex, Skeletal System, Muscular System,
Skin, Cerebrum, Cerebellum
With any healing process, we have to look within to see
how we have contributed to our balance or unbalanced
chakra alignment. Because the crown chakra is so intwined
with our brain functionality there is a thin space for
balance. When the crown chakra is balanced we experience
clarity which can also come with tingling or vibrating
Besides physical problems, such as an unhealthy diet,
not getting enough fresh air and sun light, our ability to
connect to our crown chakra can be blocked by what we
are consuming through entertainment and our inner
In addition to meditation to align your crown chakra,
yoga, journaling, healthy eating and affirmations can help
you balance your crown chakra. Also, eat more fruits and
vegetables that are purple. Use The Essence tea to help you
encourage healing of your organs that are affected by an
overactive or under active crown chakra.

Question to ask to help you unblock your crown chakra:

Do you experience nightmares?
Are you unenthusiastic about life?
Do you lack a vision for your future?
Are you battling with greed or materialism?
Do you lack the ability to connect emotionally or mentally
with others?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Are you overly anxious and worried?
Do you lack the ability to connect with your spirit?
Do you feel alone in the world mentally, physically or
Are you dogmatic?
Do you feel like there is a meaning to your life or the lack
there of?
Do you limit your thoughts about who you are and what
you are capable of?
Do you feel confusion, fatigue, headaches/migraines,
sensitive to lights or any neurological disorders?

19 Crown Chakra Affirmations:

I am honoring the divine within me.

I am wise.
I am trusting my intuition.
I am connected to my higher power.
I am always learning.
I am always growing.
I am open to letting go of attachments.
I am pure light and joy.
I am trust in divine timing.
I am abundant.
I am protected.
I am peaceful.
I am a part of divine energy.
I am honoring divine power.
I am open to new ideas.
I am present.
I am guided by my inner wisdom.
I am one with this world.
I am releasing beliefs that do not suit me now
Action Step: Exercise your brain. Physical activities can bring
much needed oxygen to your brain. Also reading self-growth
and self-development books, watching documentaries about a
new subject you haven’t explored yet and/or listening to podcast
that can enhance your current skills.

For best use, brew in fresh spring water, agave, fresh lemon
juice add ginger and/or turmeric root.

Bring water to boil with agave, ginger and/or turmeric and

lemon or lime juice. Once the water is at boiling temperature,
cut the heat off and add in your herbal blend.

We recommend the mesh balls, to avoid the additional

chemicals that can leak from tea bags

If you are diabetic or natural sweeteners work against your

goals, we recommend acquiring the taste of the raw herbs
with or without ginger/turmeric.
You are Wealth-tea!
Now that you’ve made it this far, with repeated
practice and focus you should be experiencing
a balanced Wealth-Tea life.

How to know you are or close to Balance ? Look within.

Root Chakra

You are aware of your ability to survive. You are

trusting of yourself and of others. You are stable and secure
in all areas of your life. You are able to provide your basic
needs for self-preservation.

Sacral Chakra

You are experiencing healthy emotions, relationships,

sexuality, and self-talk. You are able to actively create in
your area of passion. You are also healthy sexually, from
your actions to your reproductive organs.

Solar Plexus Chakra

You are taking responsibility for your life and able to

grow in each experience when your solar plexus is
balanced. You are confident in who you are and what you
are working towards. You are able to accomplish things on
your own but you know when to work with others. You
have a healthy gut and digestive system.
Heart Chakra

You take time to love and heal yourself before you

take time love and heal others. You are in a place of peace
and joy in all areas of your life that matter to you. You are
able to acknowledge the signs from your earthly and
spiritual chakras. You are able to give and receive
unconditional love. You are forgiving of past pains and
traumas with minimal emotional triggers.

Throat Chakra

You are living in your truth and your purpose. You

are actively pursuing your innate vocation full time or part
time. You are able to articulate at your command and with
purpose. When the throat chakra is balance you can
project your creatively. Physically you have a healthy and
balanced thyroid.

Third Eye Chakra

You are often instinctual and typically act on your

gut feelings. You are able to be guided by your insight. You
live life purposefully because you are in tune with your
intuition. You are able to see the auras of others, pick up on
vibes / vibrations easily and respond accordingly. You are
able to give more energy to the intangibles and work
towards greater enlightenment and growth to your highest
Crown Chakra

You are in a state of bliss when you are aligned and

balanced in your crown chakra. You are able to connect
with higher states of consciousness without limitation.
These limitations are broken when your crown chakra is
balanced and we are able to transcend physically and

Warning: Please speak with your doctor if you are on ANY

medications, have or had any form of cancer or tumor,
pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you are preparing for any form
of a surgery. Some of the ingredients may cause an increase in
estrogen or blood sugar level, and other factors, consult with a
doctor before indulging in .
About the Author

Born and raised in Washington, DC, Crystin knew

diversity because her parents made it their mission to travel
with her and her siblings often. Her parents were adamant
about that and school. She later went off to school at
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
where she received a degree in Computer Science. Not only
did she gain a degree in Computer Science but here is
where she became adamant about reading and being a
student of life.
Crystin later moved back to Washington, DC and was
able to land a job with the government and was promoted
three times in a five year period. She was very progressive
in the work arena until work began to take a toil on her
physical, mental and emotional health. Not because of the
work load, but because the environment lacked a space for
her ambitious nature.
In the Fall of 2019, she walked away from her “good
government” job because the financial security was not
worth her sanity. So many others, were confused on her
decision and did not believe she was making the right
choice. For her, it was the best decision she could have
made for herself!
Since then, she has used that time to rediscover who she
is and who she is meant to be. She began to dedicate time
for loving herself more and digging deeper into her
connection with spirit and purpose. In the midst of this, the
world fell into a pandemic that gave her the time to
understand what life is supposed to be like. The answer,
Full of love, full of ambitious, full of abundance, full of
kindness, and full of time well spent. In this time she was
able to heal parts of herself that she was ashamed of and
parts of herself that she didn’t know was neglected.
In this time, she found a love for herbal teas and
spiritual development and this was the birth of the Wealth-
Tea experience. She hopes you enjoy and continue to use
this guide in your everyday life because loving yourself is
something we must do every second of every day!

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