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These days, the production of new definitions of the Class Mammalia appears to
be a healthy cottage industry. The products vary according to the different
philosophies of classification espoused by their authors and the applications for
which they are intended. Here, I shall discuss classifications that may be
appropriate for two different types of inquiries:
First are definitions of the Class for the purposes of comparing members of the
Mammalia with members of other groups of comparable rank, especially
Reptilia or Aves. Assessment of the fidelity with which a classification
represents patterns and rates of evolution is particularly important when studies
emphasise comparison of characters of modern members of the classes.
Second, other definitions have been proposed for the purpose of circumscribing
the Mammalia and distinguishing its membership from the animals that usually
are dubbed the ‘mammal-like reptiles’. These commonly are based on a
foundation made up of the living mammals – monotremes, marsupials and
eutherians. Then, on different criteria, related prehistoric species are included. In
some, membership is strictly defined to include only modern mammals, their
last common ancestor and members of all extinct lineages derived from that
common ancestor. Other definitions have been variously designed to recognise
the origin of a mammalian grade of evolution, typus or Bauplan with a specific
character or suite of characters arbitrarily chosen to define membership. A
survey of the classifications produced by these different approaches shows that
in both the apparent common ancestors of all living mammals usually are
included in the Class. Frequently, however, those based on recognition of a
mammalian grade of evolution also incorporate some closely related, extinct
groups that have achieved this grade of evolution in some characters, but are
side branches from lineages leading to the common ancestor of modern
mammals. Although these attempts differ significantly in approach, the number
of species of which membership in the Mammalia is debated is relatively small.
Our current understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of the major groups
of amniote tetrapods – reptiles, birds and mammals – is presented
diagrammatically in Fig. 14.1. Although one recent comparative study has led to
the suggestion of a closer relationship between birds and mammals (Gardiner
1982), the weight of evidence, particularly that from the fossil record, supports
the interpretation given in the diagram (Gauthier 1984; Gauthier & Padian
The basal dichotomy between the group including modern reptiles and birds on
one hand and that including modern mammals on the other now appears to date
back to the late Carboniferous, some 300 mybp (Kemp 1982). Time of origin of
Aves from their reptilian ancestors has long been placed within the Late Jurassic
(some 135 mybp).
Turning to the other major branch of the diagram, the discovery in Australia of
Steropodon has extended the record of Monotremata back to the later part of the
Early Cretaceous, about 100 mybp (Archer et al. 1985). The oldest records of
mammals clearly identifiable as members of the Marsupialia and Eutheria
(therian mammals) come from rocks of Late Cretaceous age, some 70–80 mybp.
Some fragmentary material, however, indicates these groups might have
evolved earlier in the Cretaceous (Clemens & Lillegraven 1986; Clemens 1986).
Current research suggests that the monotreme lineage might have diverged from
the therian during the Late Triassic, some 200 mybp, or more recently, in the
Early Jurassic. The ‘stem’ of this branch, leading from the basal ‘reptile-bird vs.


Figure 14.1 Diagrammatic representation of phylogenetic relationships of

some major groups of amniote vertebrates.

mammal’ dichotomy to the first members of the mammals, includes a wide

range of late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic forms that unfortunately have been
dubbed the ‘mammal-like reptiles’.


Goodrich’s (1916) classic study, synthesising information from comparative
anatomical and palaeontological studies recognised that, as traditionally used,
Reptilia was an ‘artificial group’ containing three major units. The first, and
geologically oldest, included the Protosauria, ‘early amphibian-like’ amniotes.
Goodrich stressed that the interrelationship of the higher Amniota constituted a
major evolutionary dichotomy of the second and third groups: reptiles and birds
(the Sauropsida) and mammals (the Theropsida).
The traditional pattern of classification, based on the theropsid-sauropsid
dichotomy, clearly recognises the great antiquity of the evolutionary divergence
of the last two major groups of amniotes. The oldest known members of the
Theropsida were those Carboniferous amniotes that first evolved a single
opening low on the posterior part of their skull behind the orbit, the synapsid
type of skull (Kemp 1982). It must be stressed that the ‘reptile-like’ similarities
of theropsid skeletal morphology that have been used to justify description of
primitive synapsids as ‘mammal-like reptiles’ are either primitive characters
present in the last common ancestor of sauropsids and theropsids or products of
parallel evolution.
In his influential classifications of vertebrates, A.S. Romer (1966 and earlier
editions) included in the Class Mammalia all the theropsid amniotes having a
dentary-squamosal jaw joint and, possibly, a few other characters (for example,
reduction or loss of other bones of the mandible). Theropsids lacking this
character were designated ‘mammal-like reptiles’ and classified as members of
the Class Reptilia. Several authors (for example, see the exchange of views
between Reed 1960; Van Valen 1960; Simpson 1960) have suggested that
various groups of early theropsids also should be included in the Class
The inertia of the traditional taxonomy probably will prevent redefinition of the
Mammalia to include all theropsids. In terms of naming levels within the
hierarchy of a classification, the question is really semantic; it matters little


whether the ‘mammal-like reptiles’ are included in the Class Mammalia or these
groups are joined in a higher category, dubbed the Theropsida or Synapsida, for
In contrast, in comparative studies addressing similarities or differences of
Mesozoic or Cainozoic reptiles and mammals recognition of phylogenetic
relationships is more than a semantic exercise. Although the first records of
animals now usually classified as mammals come from deposits of the Late
Triassic, some 200 mybp, this is not the calibration point, the time of last
common ancestry, for these studies. Investigations of differences in rates and
patterns of evolution of reptiles and mammals must be set to the time of
differentiation of the sauropsids and theropsids, an event now thought to have
occurred about 300 mybp.


Although not always expressed in such terms, the history of the concept of
Mammalia, in part, has been a quest to bring together at least the modern
monotremes, marsupials and eutherians, their last common ancestor and all
intermediate lineages. The goal has been to isolate this crown of the theropsid
phylogenetic tree. A large suite of characters (presence of hair, mammary
glands, a dentary-squamosal jaw articulation and three bones in the middle ear,
to cite but a few) unites the modern members of the Mammalia. Most likely,
they are characters inherited from their last common ancestor.
A second theme underlying attempts to define Mammalia focuses on the origin
of this peculiar mammalian ‘adaptive grade’ or Bauplan. Depending upon the
authors’ choices of ‘significant’ characters, origin of some ‘adaptive grades’
apparently preceded significantly the differentiation of the major groups of
modern mammals from the basal synapsid stock.
In recent decades, students of both patterns of phylogenetic relationships and
origins of adaptive grades, have increasingly adopted cladistic methods of
analysis and classification. These taxonomists are directing their attention to
defining strictly monophyletic groups and insisting that only such groups be
used in evolutionary studies.
Outside the specialised palaeontological literature, the widely used diagnosis of
the Class Mammalia is based on the presence of a dentary-squamosal
articulation as the key, if not the sole, diagnostic character required for
membership in the Class (Romer 1966, for example). This diagnostic criterion
appeared to satisfy, or at least not be in open defiance, of the goals of: including
monotremes and therians in the Mammalia; designating a diagnostic character
that is clearly associated with origin of a mammalian grade of evolution, and;
defining a relatively monophyletic group.
In spite of some dissent and modification by expansion to include other
characters, this diagnosis by the late G.G. Simpson and others, was used by most
specialists during the 1950s and 1960s. In his analysis of papers presented at a
symposium on Mesozoic mammals held at the Linnean Society in 1970 and
evaluation of the general status of studies of Mesozoic mammals, Simpson
mused: ‘It is interesting and significant that in this symposium no one attempted
a formal definition of the class, in the usual sense of ‘definition', and the
problem was no more than mentioned’ (Simpson 1971, p. 193). In the following
decade, this consensus within the field was shattered.
The evolutionary transition from the advanced non-mammalian Cynodonta – the
most derived of the ‘mammal-like reptiles’ – to early mammals has long been
described as one of the best documented segments of vertebrate history. A
continuing flood of new material adds justification for this assessment. For
example, Morganucodon, which usually is classified as a mammal, is now


known from large samples of fossils from broadly contemporaneous deposits in

Western Europe and China (Clemens 1986). Research on the skull by Kermack
and associates (Kermack, Mussett & Rigney 1981) and jaws (Kermack, Mussett
& Rigney 1973), on the dentition by Mills (1971) and Parrington (1971) and on
the postcranial skeleton by Jenkins & Parrington (1976) have made
Morganucodon one of the best known of the theropsids involved in the
transition from ‘mammal-like reptile’ to mammal (Fig. 14.2).

20 mm

Figure 14.2 Composite skeletal reconstruction of a morganucodont based on

isolated bones of Morganucodon selected and associated according to the
body proportions of Megazostrodon. (After Jenkins & Parrington 1976;
© ABRS) [F. Knight]

No longer do gaps in the fossil record allow ‘mammal-like reptiles’ with the
primitive quadrate-articular jaw articulation to be clearly distinguished from
mammals in which the dentary and squamosal exclusively form the jaw
articulation. In Morganucodon and other recently discovered genera,
articulations between the jaws and skull are complex, involving both pairs of
bones or others (Crompton & Jenkins 1979; Kemp 1982). Should Mammalia be
defined on the origin of a dentary-squamosal joint, the loss of the quadrate and
articular from the jaw articulation or some other feature? This new material fills
gaps in the fossil record and the problem of choice of the character or characters
to adopt as diagnostic of mammals becomes increasingly complex.
Increasing application of cladistic analysis in study of the ‘mammal-like
reptiles’ (for example, Hopson & Barghusen 1986; Kemp 1982, 1983, 1985;
Rowe 1986) and Mesozoic mammals (for example, McKenna 1975; Prothero
1981) has contributed constructively to the current, unsettled situation. Because
of the demand for data on homologous characters of all forms analysed, these
studies have revealed major biases in the fossil record available for study. Until
recently, most of the advanced ‘mammal-like reptiles’ were known from skulls
and partial skeletons. In comparison to those of marsupials and eutherians, the
dentitions of these forms are made up of relatively simple postcanine teeth that
show little morphological variation – hardly subjects of detailed investigation.
In contrast, the most primitive groups included in the Mammalia are known
almost exclusively from isolated teeth or, at best, fragments of jaws.
Because of the absence of material or appropriate studies of available fossils,
analyses of the evolutionary transition were greatly impaired. Recent work is
diminishing this bias. The dentitions of ‘mammal-like reptiles’ are receiving
much more attention (for example, Crompton 1974). In the last decades, skulls
and skeletons of some of the early mammals have been discovered and more
knowledgeably studied.


As research on cranial and postcranial anatomy of advanced cynodonts and

early mammals progresses, it is revealing a mosaic pattern of evolution. Kemp
(1983) has noted that if Tritylodonta, which are usually classified as ‘mammal-
like reptiles’, were known only from their postcranial skeletons, they probably
would be included in the Mammalia. Although they processed their food with
highly specialised dentitions, their mandibles moved on a quadrato-articular
Finally, a major disquieting event has been the challenge and probable
falsification of a dominant hypothesis of relationships within the Mammalia.
Until recently, the argument has been that very early in their differentiation a
basic dichotomy occurred (Hopson 1970; Kermack & Kielan-Jaworowska
1971). One lineage was characterised by cheek teeth on which the cusps are
arranged in linear (antero-posterior) patterns. The lateral wall of the expanding
braincase was formed by enlargement of an anterior lamina of the petrosal.
Monotremes, as was argued, are the only living representatives of this group, the
Atheria, Prototheria or non-therian mammals.
Members of the other lineage, including the marsupials and eutherians, were
characterised by cheek teeth with cusps arranged in triangular patterns and
enlargement of the alisphenoid to form a significant part of the braincase.
Studies by Griffiths (1978), Presley (1981) and Presley & Steel (1976) have
challenged previous interpretations of the embryology and anatomy of the
mammalian skull and definitely discredit the neat therian vs. non-therian
dichotomy. Kemp (1983) argued that the linear pattern of organisation of cusps
on the cheek teeth is a primitive pattern inherited from ‘mammal-like reptiles’
and thereby cannot be treated as compelling evidence of close relationship.
In consequence, current perceptions of the interrelationships of early mammals
are in disarray. The groups of mammals characterised by a triangular pattern of
symmetry of the cusps of the cheek teeth and a derived pattern of distribution of
bones forming the lateral side of the braincase still appear to be a natural,
monophyletic clade, the Theria. The dentition of Steropodon, the Early
Cretaceous monotreme, shows a triangular pattern of symmetry suggesting that
this group might be related more closely to therian mammals than previously
suspected. The interrelationships of the other so called non-therian mammals
(morganucodontids, triconodontids and multituberculates, for example) remain


Gone are the days when there was a consensus among systematists on an
appropriate definition of the Mammalia; probably, this is good riddance. Where
do we stand now? A new, widely accepted view has yet to emerge. Some
taxonomists appear to regard this situation as a normal state of affairs, ‘... it is
not surprising that there have been varied opinions on defining the Class
Mammalia ...’ (Jenkins 1984, p. 38). Others are far from content: ‘It is a
considerable irony that an operational osteological definition remains elusive for
Mammalia ...’ (Kirsch 1984, p. 21).
In his excellent monograph on the ‘mammal-like reptiles’, Kemp (1982; 1983)
provided a thorough review and analysis of previous attempts to refine the
diagnosis of the Mammalia, but he stopped short of providing a full revision.
The available spectrum of choices is broad. At one extreme we could include
only therians (marsupials and eutherians) in the Mammalia. A possibly broader
definition might be to include all the descendants of the last common ancestor of
monotremes and therians, but the interrelationships of these groups are not
clearly understood.


A specific character, such as the origin of an articulation between the dentary

and squamosal or the shift of the quadrate (incus) and articular (malleus) from
the functional jaw articulation into the middle ear, could be used to diagnose a
mammalian grade of evolution. This would probably cast the net farther and
result in the inclusion of forms that are related to, but not descendants of the last
common ancestor of modern mammals. Without an external standard, however,
such as a requirement that the character be a specialisation (apomorphy) of the
last common ancestor of the group, the choice of diagnostic characters will still
vary greatly. For example, Crompton & Sun (1985) argued that the origin of a
dentary-squamosal articulation should be only one of several diagnostic
characters of the Mammalia; consequently, they included Sinoconodon and
Morganucodon in the Mammalia. In contrast, Zhang & Cui (1983) argued that
inclusion of the quadrate and articular in the middle ear should be the diagnostic
character of the Mammalia; consequently, they removed these genera to the
‘mammal-like reptiles’.

Obviously, these and other suggestions will vary according to their author’s
method of classification. What is appropriate for a cladistic classification might
be rejected by those favouring neo-Darwinian or phenetic methods of
classification. Of the groups shown in Fig. 14.3, almost certainly the therians
and monotremes will be included in any definition of the Class Mammalia. The
bevelled end of the horizontal bar labelled ‘Mammalia’ in Fig. 14.3 lies opposite
taxa whose reference to the class is currently being contested. Likewise, the
bevelled end of the bar labelled ‘Theria’ lies opposite many of the taxa once
classified as non-therian or atherian mammals of which the taxonomic
allocation also is being debated. Here, recent discoveries loom large in their
contribution to the discussions. For example, the cusps of the cheek teeth of
Steropodon show a distinct triangular pattern of arrangement suggesting closer
relationship of monotremes and therians than previously expected (Archer et al.
1985). Discovery of three ear-ossicles in the multituberculate Lambdopsalis
also raises questions concerning the relationships of this group (Maio &
Lillegraven 1986).

Although long celebrated as the best documented and understood evolutionary
history of the origin of a new class of vertebrates, the transition from the
‘mammal-like reptiles’ to mammals does not coincide with the time when
modern members of the Reptilia and Mammalia shared their last common
ancestor. The division between these lineages occurred much earlier, in the late
Carboniferous, some 300 mybp. The reptile-like characters of the ‘mammal-like
reptiles’ are either the retention of primitive characters inherited from their
common ancestor or the product of parallel evolution.

The simple, traditional consensus diagnosis of the Mammalia, based on the

presence of an articulation between the dentary and squamosal bones and, in
some cases, supported by a few other characters, is being challenged. Likewise
the hypothesis that very early in mammalian evolution there was a
differentiation of the group into non-therians (including the monotremes) and
therians (including the marsupials and eutherians) has been seriously weakened.
The therian mammals, including Marsupialia and Eutheria, characterised by a
triangular pattern of organisation of the cusps on their molars, still appear to be a
monophyletic group which possibly might be enlarged to include the
Monotremata. The phyletic relationships of groups formerly classified as non-
therian mammals, Atheria or Prototheria, remain poorly understood. Currently,
there is debate over which, if any, of these non-therian groups should be
included in the Mammalia.


Figure 14.3 Stratigraphic ranges of some groups of advanced ‘mammal-like reptiles’

and early mammals. Divisions are not proportional to duration of the geological
periods. Bevelled end of the horizontal bar labelled ‘Mammalia’ lies opposite taxa
whose reference to the class currently is contested. Likewise, bevelled end of the bar
labelled ‘Theria’ lies opposite taxa once classified as non-therian or atherian
mammals, the taxonomic allocation of which is also debated.


I have greatly benefited from discussions of a wide variety of views on the
appropriate development of classification of the Mammalia with a number of
colleagues, particularly N.S. Greenwald, Z. Luo, K. Padian and T. Rowe.
Dr Padian provided a most helpful review of a draft of this manuscript.
Drs J.A. Hopson and H.R. Barghusen graciously provided me with a copy of the
manuscript of their analysis of therapsid relationships. Mr Luo provided
translations of the Chinese literature that have given me an insight into Asian
colleagues research. Research supported by National Science Foundation grant
BSR-8513253 and the Annie M. Alexander Endowment, Museum of
Palaeontology, University of California Berkeley is gratefully acknowledged.


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