Torsion & Detorsion Zoology

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In freshwater and terrestrial molluscs, there is no free swimming larval stage.

Both trochophore and veliger stages are passed inside the egg and a tiny snail
hatches out of the egg. Early larva is symmetrical with anterior mouth and
posterior anus and gills lie on the posterior side. As the larva develops shell its
visceral mass starts twisting in anticlockwise direction to rearrange the visceral
organs so that they are accommodated inside the coils of the shell and
openings of organs are shifted to the anterior side where the shell opening lies.

During torsion visceral and pallial organs change their position by twisting
through 180°. Posterior mantle cavity is brought to the front position. Gills and
kidney move from left to right side and in front which helps in breathing. In
nervous system the two pleurovisceral connectives cross themselves into a
figure of 8, one passing above the intestine and the other below it. Alimentary
canal twists in the visceral mass and opens by anus on the side of the head on
the anterior side. After torsion the foot can be withdrawn after the head.
Ninety percent of the torsion is affected by the right retractor muscle which is
quite prominent in the larva while the left retractor muscle is rudimentary.
Rest of the 10% of torsion is caused by the differential growth of the visceral
mass. Torsion takes place quickly and is completed from 15-30 minutes.


As gastropod shell has only one opening, it has to serve as entrance as well as
exit for all visceral organs. Both mouth and anus must open on the anterior
side. Mantle cavity also must open on the anterior side for easy respiration.
Respiratory current opposes locomotion after torsion which increases
availability of water inside the branchial chamber. Visceral mass has to
undergo rearrangement so that openings of kidneys, gonads and anus should
migrate to the front side which is the only opening of the shell. The small
chemoreceptor osphradium also migrates to the front side so that it could
chemically analyse water current entering the mantle cavity. The bulky buccal
mass migrates to the anterior side that provides stability during locomotion.
Torsion allows foot to be retracted after the head for better protection of


Detorsion is reversal of torsion which takes place when during evolution shell
is lost or a type of shell evolves that has openings on the opposite sides. In
such situations twisting of visceral mass is not necessary. Hence, detorsion
takes place during the larval stage and the animal again becomes bilaterally
symmetrical. Nervous system becomes symmetrical and not twisted in the
shape of 8. Pallial complex travels backwards. Ctenidium travels backwards or
to the lateral side. Auricle moves behind the ventricle. Visceral loop and
intestine become straightened.

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