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7-Acacia, Narra,


Daily Mahogany
Lesson Teacher: JOSE ANGELO B. ORCALES Learning Area: ENGLISH
Log Teaching Date and Time:
August 29, 30, 31; September 1, 2023
Quarter: 1st
7:30-8:30, 10:45-11:45, 2:00-3:00


The learner demonstrates understanding of pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various
A. Content Standard reading styles; ways of determining word meanings; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct
subject-verb agreement.
The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate
reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds
B. Performance Standard
correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb
EN7F-I-a-1-3.11: EN7LT-I-a-1: EN7LC-I-a-5: EN7VC-I-a-8: Use
Observe the correct Discover literature as a Recognize prosodic features: structural analysis to
production of vowel and means of connecting to a volume, projection, pitch, determine the meaning of
consonant sounds, significant past. stress, intonation, juncture, unfamiliar words or
diphthongs, blends, glides, EN7LT-I-a-2: and speech rate that serve expressions from the
etc. Describe the different as carriers of meaning. material viewed.
EN7F-I-a-3.11.1: literary genres during the EN7LC-I-a-5.1: EN7RC-I-a-7: Use the
Read words, phrases, pre-colonial period. Listen for important points appropriate reading style
clauses, sentences and EN7LT-I-a-2.1: signaled by volume, (scanning, skimming, speed
C. Learning paragraphs using the Identify the distinguishing projection, pitch, stress, reading, intensive reading
correct production of vowel features of proverbs, myths, intonation, juncture and etc.) for one’s purpose.
Competencies/Objectives and consonant sounds, and legends. rate of speech. EN7SS-I-a-1.5.2: Scan for a
(Write LC Code for each) diphthongs, blends and EN7LC-I-a-5.2: specific information.
glides. Note the changes in volume, EN7V-I-a-22:
projection, pitch, stress, Distinguish between slang
intonation, juncture, and and colloquial expressions
rate of speech that affect in conversations.
meaning. EN7-I-22.1:
Distinguish features of
colloquial language (fillers,
contractions, etc.) and
Reading words, phrases, Literature as a means of Stress and Intonation Scanning for specific
II. CONTENT clauses, sentences and connecting to a significant “Stress It Out” purpose Words of Wisdom
paragraphs using the past. Pre-colonial literary Slang and colloquial
correct production of vowel genres. expressions
and consonant sounds, Features of proverbs, myths
diphthongs, blends and and legends.


A. References
pp. 15, 18 pp. 7, 15-17
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
pp. 17-19/ p. 144 pp. 1-18, p. 144
2. Learner’s Material pages

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources (LR) Portal

B. Other Learning Resources

 Read and enhance your Refer to Task 1: The
pronunciation of a few Philippines during the Pre-
critical vowel and consonant Colonial Period; pages 12-
sounds, diphthongs, blends 15; Grade 7 LM.
and glides based on the Genre is a French term for
article entitled Words of Form.
A. Review Previous Wisdom. (see p. ) (The literary genres are the
Lesson/Present New Lesson following:)
1. Prose narratives in
prehistoric Philippines
consisted largely of myths,
hero tales, fables and
B. Establishing a purpose Further applications of Knowledge and application
correct production of vowel of the pre-colonial literary
for the lesson and consonant sounds, genres, distinguishing
diphthongs, blends and features of proverbs, myths
glides. Refer to Task 5: and legends. From the
Sounds of Language; pages presentation, what are the
17-18; Grade 7 LM. different literary genres in
the pre-colonial period?

Possible Answer:
Prose narratives in
prehistoric Philippines
consist largely of myths,
Refer to “This is Good to Task 11. Nuggets of
Know”; page 19; Grade 7 Wisdom Game:
LM.  Invite the students to play
a game. Ask the class to
close their books. Invite two
students to be the timer and
scorer in front of the class
 Form two groups with one
representative each who will
stand in a row beside their
respective groups to answer
the questions. One point is
C. Presenting given for every correct
Examples/Instances of the answer.
 As the teacher shows the
New Lesson strips of proverbs with
English translation
(previously prepared) one by
one, tell the groups,
especially the
representatives, to be
familiar with every proverb
in original language or even
memorize it.
(See Appendix for suggested
proverbs and pictures.)
D. Discussing new concepts Pronunciation drills from Key Difference:
Speech Improvement with Legends are narrative of
and practicing new skill # 1 Practice and Exercise by actions performed by
Aurora L. Samonte &Leticia humans sometime in
R. Arbis, page 20:Read the history; it is a historical
following : Part 1: account of events and
1. Fan-van people from ancient times.
2. Half-halve Myths are stories or tales
3. Chin-gin that have been rooted in
4. Bath-bathe religion or folk beliefs of
5. Peace-peas that time. Legend, derived
6. Seal-zeal from Latin word ‘legenda’
meaning "things to be read",
is a narrative of actions
performed by humans
sometime in history; it is a
historical account of events
and people from ancient
times. These accounts may
have little amount of
evidence supporting the
person or place, but it
cannot be effectively
verified. These tales include
people or events in the past
that have been exaggerated
to the point where it now
includes supernatural or
extraordinary elements.
Myths, derived from the
Greek word ‘mythos’
meaning “thought, story, or
speech”, are stories or tales
that have been rooted in
religion or folk beliefs of
that time. The stories were a
way in order to represent or
explain how the world came
to be in its natural state
and natural phenomena
that occur in the world.
They are usually
supernatural in nature.
Myth is defined as,” a
usually traditional story of
ostensibly historical events
that serves to unfold part of
the world view of a people or
explain a practice, belief, or
natural phenomenon; a
person or thing having only
an imaginary or unverifiable
E. Discussing new concepts Speech Improvement with Literature is said to be an
Practice and Exercise by enduring expression of
and practicing new skill #2 Aurora L. Samonte &Leticia significant human
R. Arbis, page29: experience for several
Read the following, reasons. One, we can often
observing blending: relate to the experiences of
Part 1: others when we read their
a. nothing in it for him writings. Also, once a piece
b. something in her look of writing is published, it
c. a world of difference can remain available for
d. a minute of silence centuries. And, the most
e. the uncertain future important events in history
f. the executive secretary are recorded in writing. A
g. tall and thin significant human
h. read or write experience is something
Part 2: that happens to you that is
a. What of it? very important or makes a
b. Where in the world did big difference in your life.
you go? Examples might be: Birth,
c. They’re with her through death, marriage, divorce,
thick and thin child birth, a debilitating
d. What’s with them now? injury or sickness, a sudden
e. Have you read the articles change in circumstance
of the constitution? to/from wealth, or your
f. Where’s the conversion to/from a
administrative officer? particular belief - might be a
g. How do you go home? By personal experience with
boat or by plane? God, etc.
h. Where are you enrolled? How can literature
Day or night school? connect to a significant
i. She’s a member of the past?
“You and I” Club. Literature makes a
j. This is just between you significant contribution to
and me. the understanding of a topic
Part 3: hence can be used to study
a. In a day the history of something.
b. The academe
c. In a nutshell
d. Give it to her.
e. In the wink of an eye
f. Sell or lose
g. Come and get it.
h. Send them the card.
i. For a moment
j. Then and now
k. By the avenue
l. From the mouth of babes
m. She received a dose of
her own medicine.
n. Oil and water do not mix.
What are the uses of correct PICTURE WORDS”
production of vowel and  Examine carefully how
F. Developing mastery (leads consonant sounds, individual words used in the
to formative assessment 3) diphthongs, blends, glides, proverbs in Task 11 convey
etc? exact meaning, feeling,
sound, and then figure out
Possible Answer: how each word adds impact
The uses of correct to the proverb. Think about
production of vowel and the reasons why the poet
consonant sounds, chose those words.
diphthongs, blends, glides, Complete the chart and
etc: write the words that appeal
It assists because they help to the senses.
achieve the following:
 Allow speakers to use
appropriate signals to
deliver correct and clearer
 Provide clues to meanings
of utterances in various
What are the advantages of a. What are the benefits of
knowing and applying literature to the society?
correct pronunciation in b. What are the uses of
speaking and correct production of
communicating? vowel and consonant
sounds, diphthongs,
Possible Answers: blends, glides, etc.?
1. One of the advantages of Possible Answer:
applying correct a. People are informed of
G. Finding Practical pronunciation in speaking the events.
applications of skills in daily and communicating is to Society has records of
history of events.
living easily understand other
people. b. It assists because they
2. Another is to easily help achieve the following:
understand what other  Allow speakers to use
foreign people say. appropriate signals to
deliver correct and clearer
 Provide clues to meanings
of utterances in various
H. Generalizing and What are the reasons why a. Going back to the lesson
we need to use correct in literary connections, how
abstractions about the pronunciation and correct can you relate your personal
lesson production of sounds? experiences with those of
Possible Answers: characters in the stories of
1. This is important when the past?
one is applying for a job. Possible Answer:
2. This is necessary when a. We can relate our
one is taking examinations experiences by putting
and interviews for formal ourselves into the shoes of
communication. the characters in the
3. As a professional, this is stories.
important for public Using pre-colonial literary
speaking. genres, proverbs, and
myths, in introducing the
Filipino to the world.

Read the sample legend

below and find out the two
concepts of “Orag” of the
Bikolanos and write your
answers on your answers on
your notebook.

The Legend of the Concept

of Orag
By Eilyn L. Nidea-. Parocha

Bikolanos are known today

as oragon. Orag means
courage, bravery, guts and
This concept of orag
originated from the epic
Ibalong, specifically from
the fights and encounters
between Handiong, one of
the three major heroes; and
Oriol the serpent woman.
Handiong and Oriol became
lovers at one point in the
narrative thus, giving way to
the second concept or
connotation of orag, which
is sexual attraction or lust.

1. What does orag mean?
2. What is the other concept
of orag?
Possible Answers:
1. Courage, bravery, guts,
and strengths.
2. Sexual attraction or lust.
I. Evaluating learning Note: The activity will be ORAL EXERCISES
performed by the learners A. Ways literature can
themselves. connect to a significant
Refer to Task 5: Sounds of past.
Language; pages 17-18; 1. Recall the story of Ibong
Grade 7 LM. Adarna. In the story, Don
Juan is the youngest
Each group will be given an son/prince of the rich king.
assigned speaking task with He went on a journey to
emphasis on correct look for the cure of his
pronunciation. Tasks will be father’s illness. If you were
divided to the class Don Juan, what will you
accordingly. bring to your father to make
Group 1 – Words him better?
Group 2 – Phrases
Group 3 – Clauses Possible Answers:
Group 4 – Sentences 1. I will bring a doctor or a
Group 5 – Paragraphs traditional healer to check
him up.
*Criteria for speaking 2. I will give him fruits and
activity: vitamins.
Pronunciation --- 35 3. I will ask him what will
Use of language --30 make him better, then I will
Voice quality and volume 35 give it to him.
Total -----------------100



Prepared by:


English Teacher
Checked by:
Department Head


Secondary School Principal III

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