Supplementary Outcome Appendix M

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1. Identify the features labelled a, b, c and d on the diagram above of an Intra Oral X-ray film
packet and describe their function.
Feature Function
The black paper film wrapped inside the film packet is
a protective sheet that covers the film and shields it
a) Black paper
from light and mechanical damage.

Outer wrapper/plastic envelope protects contents

b) Plastic envelope
from mechanical/moisture and/or light damage
The lead foil sheet is a single piece of foil that is
included in the film packet, behind the film and
wrapped in black protective paper. The thin lead foil
sheet is positioned behind the film to shield the film
from back-scattered (secondary) radiation that results
c) Lead foil in film fog.
The manufacturer-placed embossed pattern on the
lead foil sheet is visible on a processed radiograph if
the film packet is inadvertently positioned in the
mouth backward and then exposed.

d) Film The film purpose is to record of image

2. List 2 precautions you or the dental team may take to protect staff and patient during the
taking of dental radiographs
When taking radiographs operator should stand well clear of the beam, not less than 2
a) metres.
All radiographs taken must be of diagnostic value. The Quality Assurance ratings are from 1
to 3. Score 1 indicates ‘excellent quality’, Score 2 indicates ‘diagnostically acceptable with
minimal errors’, and score 3 indicates ‘unacceptable quality of no diagnostic value’.
We must follow principles of ALARA. Acronym for "As Low As Reasonably Achievable."
making every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to ionizing radiation as far below the
dose limits as practical.

6. Tutor feedback
This section should be completed by the GDC registrant who is assessing all sections of the completed PER
and is normally based at the Training Centre. Constructive feedback will help the student to develop their
performance in the workplace.

Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Tutor Name:
Date: Click here to enter a date.
GDC Number:

Internal Moderation
Internal Moderator Name:
Date Sampled: Click here to enter a date.
GDC Number:
Meets NEBDN Requirements: Yes ☐ No ☐

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