Client Info Form
Client Info Form
Client Info Form
Congratulations for choosing a Personal Trainer at The Birdcoop! To help you not only reach but also excel
with your fitness and lifestyle goals. The information you provide below aids your Personal Trainer to
develop the best-suited program for your needs. All information provided below is confidential.
Address: ____________________________________________________________
When was your last medical check up? ____________________
Do you have any of the following conditions or any other conditions we should know about?
Diabetes, arthritis, asthma? _______________________________________________________
Have you had any surgery in the past two years? YES or NO If yes please explain:
Do you know any other reason why you should not do physical activity? YES or NO
List any potential “sabotage activities” activities: IE: junk food, alcohol, desserts etc:
How physically active are you presently? Times per week: _______ Length: _____________
Type: ____________________________________________________________________
Check off the areas you would like to improve on. Please prioritize… number 1 being most important to you.
Increase Energy: ____ Decrease health risks: ____ Sleep better: ____
Gain lean muscle: ____ Improve eating habits: ____ Reduce stress: ____
Reduce body fat: ____ Decrease injury pain: ____ Increase health: ____
Tone and shape: ____ Other: ____________________________________________
Please list the areas below that you most want to improve.
IE: Abs, arms, lower back etc.
2. _______________________________________
_________________________ ___________________________
Witness name Participant’s signature
_________________________ ___________________________
Witness signature Parent or Legal Guardian signature