Assembly Language Lab10

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Faculty of Engineering

Computer Engineering Department

Islamic University of Gaza

Assembly Language Lab # 10

Advanced Procedures

Eng. Alaa.I.Haniya
Assembly Language Fundamentals

To learn more about procedures.

Part1: Stack Frame (activation record):

Area of the stack set aside for passed arguments, subroutine return address, local variables,
and saved registers.

Created by the following steps:

1. Passed arguments, if any, are pushed on the stack.

2. The subroutine is called, causing the subroutine return address to be pushed on the stack.
3. As the subroutine begins to execute, EBP is pushed on the stack.
4. EBP is set equal to ESP. From this point on, EBP acts as a base reference for all of the subroutine
5. If there are local variables, ESP is decremented to reserve space for the variables on the stack.
6. If any registers need to be saved, they are pushed on the stack.
Advanced Procedures

Explicit Access to Stack Parameters:

A procedure can explicitly access stack parameters using constant offsets from EBP.
 EBP is often called the base pointer or frame pointer because it holds the base address
of the stack frame.

 EBP must be restored to its original value when a procedure returns.

RET Instruction:
Assembly Language Lab # 10

 Return from subroutine.

 Pops stack into the instruction pointer (EIP or IP). Control transfers to the target address.

 RET n

Optional operand n causes n bytes to be added to the stack pointer after EIP (or IP)
is assigned a value.

sum DWORD ?
push 6 ; second argument
push 5 ; first argument
call AddTwo ; EAX = sum
mov sum,eax ; save the sum

push ebp
mov ebp,esp ; base of stack frame
mov eax,[ebp + 12] ; second parameter
add eax,[ebp + 8] ; first parameter
pop ebp

Part2: Local Variables:

A local variable is created, used, and destroyed within a single procedure.

 Local variables are created on the runtime stack, usually below the base pointer (EBP).
 The LOCAL directive declares a list of local variables and immediately follows the PROC
directive, each variable is assigned a type.
 Syntax: LOCAL varlist

Advanced Procedures
LOCAL var1:type1, var2:type2, . . .


LOCAL var1:BYTE, var2:WORD, var3:DWORD Assembly Language Lab # 10

Part3: Recursion:

 A recursive procedure is one that calls itself, either directly or indirectly.

 Recursion, the practice of calling recursive procedures, can be a powerful tool when
working with data structures that have repeating patterns.

Lab work:
Write an assembly recursive procedure that prints a hexadecimal number saved in memory on the screen.
Advanced Procedures
Assembly Language Lab # 10

This function calculates the factorial of integer n ≥ 0. A new value of n is saved in each stack
frame: (use n=3, 5, 12)

int function factorial(int n)

if(n == 0)
return 1;
return n * factorial(n-1);

Advanced Procedures
Assembly Language Lab # 10

Assembly Language Lab # 10 Advanced Procedures

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