Chapter08 PDF
Chapter08 PDF
Chapter08 PDF
• Single-line macro
Macros • Multi-line macro
A predefined set of instructions that can easily be inserted wherever
Macro definitions should be placed in the source file before the data
and code sections and being used in the text (code) section.
Source code Compiled code
Multi-line Macros
The general format:
%macro <name> <number of arguments>
The arguments can be referenced within the macro by %<number>,
with %1 being the first argument, and %2 the second argument…
%macro abs 1
cmp %1, 0
jge %%done
neg %1
%%done: ; label must be prefixed with %%
Multi-line Macros
%macro writeStr 2 section .data
mov edx,%2 msg1 db 'Welcome to the world of, ',10
mov ecx,%1 len1 equ $-msg1
mov ebx,1 msg2 db 'linux assembly programming',10
mov eax,4 len2 equ $-msg2
int 0x80 section .text
%endmacro global _start
writeStr msg1,len1
writeStr msg2,len2
mov eax,1
int 0x80
Multi-line Macros
%macro writeStr 2 section .data
mov edx,%2 msg db ‘Assembly programming',10
mov ecx,%1 mlen equ $-msg
mov ebx,1 KEY equ 0x88
mov eax,4 section .text
int 0x80 global _start
%endmacro _start:
%macro encrypt 3 encrypt msg, mlen, KEY
mov esi,%1 writeStr msg,mlen
mov ecx,%2-1 encrypt msg, mlen, KEY
%%loop_label: writeStr msg,mlen
xor byte[esi],%3
inc esi _exit:
loop %%loop_label mov eax,1
%endmacro int 0x80
• Caller vs Callee
Functions • Calling conventions
Functions are located in the _start:
push msg1
code (text) segment. push len1
call writeStr
The general format:
global <procName>
mov eax,1
<procName>: int 0x80
... writeStr:
ret push ebp
mov ebp,esp
The function is invoked by placing mov edx,[ebp+8]
call <procName> in the calling program mov ecx,[ebp+12]
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80
Stack Frame
The items on the stack as part of a function call
call 0x8bff9130
0x8bff8430 func(arg1, arg2)
Stack area
arg 1
arg 2
Callee rules
1. Push the value of EBP onto the stack, then copy ESP into EBP.
This action maintains the base pointer, EBP which is used by
convention as a point of reference for finding parameters and local
variables on the stack.
2. Set spaces for local variables by subtracting ESP by the size of all
local variables.
esp Stack area
3. Proceed subroutine body code.
Local var 2
4. Before return:
esp Local var 1
Leave return value in EAX, leave
Restore EBP by executing mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
return by ret arg 1
arg 2
section .data writeStr:
msg1 db 'Welcome to the world of, ',10 push ebp
len1 equ $-msg1
mov ebp,esp
msg2 db 'linux assembly programming',10
mov edx,[ebp+8]; get len1 from stack
len2 equ $-msg2
section .text mov ecx,[ebp+12]; get msg1 from stack
global _start mov ebx,1
_start: mov eax,4
push msg1 int 0x80
push len1
call writeStr
push msg2
push len2 esp
call writeStr
_exit: return addr return addr
mov eax,1 len1 len1
int 0x80 msg1 msg1
2. Compile:
nasm –f elf mem.asm
Calling assembly from C program
Passing parameters Assembly code
{ push ebp
mov ebp,esp
char *s=“String is allocated in C\n”;
mov esi,[ebp+8]
int k = 0;
mov ecx,[ebp+12]
while (s[k++]!=NULL);
write_str esi,ecx
return 0;