Analysis of Buffer Overflow Attacks
Analysis of Buffer Overflow Attacks
Analysis of Buffer Overflow Attacks
What causes the buffer overflow condition? Broadly speaking, buffer overflow occurs anytime the program writes more information into the buffer than the space it has allocated in the memory. This allows an attacker to overwrite data that controls the program execution path and hijack the control of the program to execute the attackers code instead the process code. For those who are curious to see how this works, we will now attempt to examine in more detail the mechanism of this attack and also to outline certain preventive measures. Published: Nov 08, 2002 Updated: Jul 23, 2004 Section: Articles :: Windows OS Security Author: Maciej Ogorkiewicz & Piotr Frej Rating: 4.2/5 - 269 Votes
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What causes the buffer overflow condition? Broadly speaking, buffer overflow occurs anytime the program writes more information into the buffer than the space it has allocated in the memory. This allows an attacker to overwrite data that controls the program execution path and hijack the control of the program to execute the attackers code instead the process code. For those who are curious to see how this works, we will now attempt to examine in more detail the mechanism of this attack and also to outline certain preventive measures. From experience we know that many have heard about these attacks, but few really understand the mechanics of them. Others have a vague idea or none at all of what an overflow buffer attack is. There also those who consider this problem to fall under a category of secret wisdom and skills available only to a narrow segment of specialists. However this is nothing except for a vulnerability problem brought about by careless programmers. Programs written in C language, where more focus is given to the programming efficiency and code length than to the security aspect, are most susceptible to this type of attack. In fact, in programming terms, C language is considered to be very flexible and powerful, but it seems that although this tool is an asset it may become a headache for many novice programmers. It is enough to mention a pointer-based call by direct memory reference mode or a text string approach. This latter implies a situation that even among library functions working on text strings, there are indeed those that cannot control the length of the real buffer thereby becoming susceptible to an overflow of the declared length. Before attempting any further analysis of the mechanism by which the attack progresses, let us develop a familiarity with some technical aspects regarding program execution and memory management functions.
Process Memory
When a program is executed, its various compilation units are mapped in memory in a well-structured manner. Fig. 1 represents the memory layout. Fig. 1: Memory arrangement
Legend: The text segment contains primarily the program code, i.e., a series of executable program instructions. The next segment is an area of memory containing both initialized and uninitialized global data. Its size is provided at compilation time. Going further into the memory structure toward higher addresses, we have a portion shared by the stack and heap that, in turn, are allocated at run time. The stack is used to store function call-by arguments, local variables and values of selected registers allowing it to retrieve the program state. The heap holds dynamic variables. To allocate memory, the heap uses the malloc function or the new operator.
Function calls
The program works by sequentially executing CPU instructions. For this purpose the CPU has the Extended Instruction Counter (EIP register) to maintain the sequence order. It controls the execution of the program, indicating the address of the next instruction to be executed. For example, running a jump or calling a function causes the said register to be appropriately modified. Suppose that the EIP calls itself at the address of its own code section and proceeds with execution. What will happen then? When a procedure is called, the return address for function call, which the program needs to resume execution, is put into the stack. Looking at it from the attackers point of view, this is a situation of key importance. If the attacker somehow managed to overwrite the return address stored on the stack, upon termination of the procedure, it would be loaded into the EIP register, potentially allowing any overflow code to be executed instead of the process code resulting from the normal behavior of the program. We may see how the stack behaves after the code of Listing 1 has been executed. Listing1 void f(int a, int b) { char buf[10]; // <-- the stack is watched here } void main()
{ f(1, 2); } After the function f() is entered, the stack looks like the illustration in Figure 2. Fig. 2 Behavior of the stack during execution of a code from Listing 1
Legend: Firstly, the function arguments are pushed backwards in the stack (in accordance with the C language rules), followed by the return address. From now on, the function f() takes the return address to exploit it. f() pushes the current EBP content (EBP will be discussed further below) and then allocates a portion of the stack to its local variables. Two things are worth noticing. Firstly, the stack grows downwards in memory as it gets bigger. It is important to remember, because a statement like this: sub esp, 08h That causes the stack to grow, may seem confusing. In fact, the bigger the ESP, the smaller the stack size and vice versa. An apparent paradox. Secondly, whole 32-bit words are pushed onto the stack. Hence, a 10-character array occupies really three full words, i.e. 12 bytes.
The threat
How to recognize where an attack may occur? We just know that the return address is stored on the stack. Also, data is handled in the stack. Later we will learn what happens to the return address if we consider a combination, under certain circumstances, of both facts. With this in mind, let us try with this simple application example using Listing 2. Listing 2 #include char *code = "AAAABBBBCCCCDDD"; //including the character '\0' size = 16 bytes
void main() { char buf[8]; strcpy(buf, code); } When executed, the above application returns an access violation {2}. Why? Because an attempt was made to fit a 16-character string into an 8byte space (it is fairly possible since no checking of limits is carried out). Thus, the allocated memory space has been exceeded and the data at the stack bottom is overwritten. Let us look once again at Figure 2. Such critical data as both the frame address and the return address get overwritten (!). Therefore, upon returning from the function, a modified return address has been pushed into EIP, thereby allowing the program to proceed with the address pointed to by this value, thus creating the stack execution error. So, corrupting the return address on the stack is not only feasible, but also trivial if enhanced by programming errors. Poor programming practices and bugged software provide a huge opportunity for a potential attacker to execute malicious code designed by him.
Stack overrun
We must now sort all the information. As we already know, the program uses the EIP register to control execution. We also know that upon calling a function, the address of the instruction immediately following the call instruction is pushed onto the stack and then popped from there and moved to EIP when a return is performed. We may ascertain that the saved EIP can be modified when being pushed onto the stack, by overwriting the buffer in a controlled manner. Thus, an attacker has all the information to point his own code and get it executed, creating a thread in the victim process. Roughly, the algorithm to effectively overrun the buffer is as follows: 1. Discovering a code, which is vulnerable to a buffer overflow. 2. Determining the number of bytes to be long enough to overwrite the return address. 3. Calculating the address to point the alternate code. 4. Writing the code to be executed. 5. Linking everything together and testing . The following Listing 3 is an example of a victims code. Listing 3 The victims code #include #define BUF_LEN 40 void main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[BUF_LEN]; if (argv > 1) { printf(\buffer length: %d\nparameter length: %d, BUF_LEN, strlen(argv[1]) ); strcpy(buf, argv[1]);
} } This sample code has all the characteristics to indicate a potential buffer overflow vulnerability: a local buffer and an unsafe function that writes to memory, the value of the first instruction line parameter with no bounds checking employed. Putting to use our newfound knowledge, let us accomplish a sample hackers task. As we ascertained earlier, guessing a code section potentially vulnerable to buffer overflow seems simple. The use of a source code (if available) may be helpful otherwise we can just look for something critical in the program to overwrite it. The first approach will focus on searching for string-based function like strcpy(), strcat() or gets(). Their common feature is that they do not use unbounded copy operations, i.e. they copy as many as possible until a NULL byte is found (code 0). If, in addition, these functions operate on a local buffer and there is the possibility to redirect the process execution flow to anywhere we want, we will be successful in accomplishing an attack. Another approach would be trial and error, by relying on stuffing an inconsistently large batch of data inside any available space. Consider now the following example: victim.exe AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA If the program returns an access violation error, we may simply move on to step 2. The problem now, is to construct a large string with overflow potential to effectively overwrite the return address. This step is also very easy. Remembering that only whole words can be pushed onto the stack, we simply need to construct the following string: AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGGHHHHIIIIJJJJKKKKLLLLMMMMNNNNOOOOPPPPQQQQRRRRSSSSTTTTUUUU............. If successful, in terms of potential buffer overflow, this string will cause the program to fail with the well-known error message: The instruction at 0x4b4b4b4b referenced memory at 0x4b4b4b4b. The memory could not be read The only conclusion to be drawn is that since the value 0x4b is the letter capital K in ASCII code, the return address has been overwritten with KKKK. Therefore, we can proceed to Step 3.Finding the buffer beginning address in memory (and the injected shellcode) will not be easy. Several methods can be used to make this guessing more efficient, one of which we will discuss now, while the others will be explained later. In the meanwhile we need to get the necessary address by simply tracing the code. After starting the debugger and loading the victim program, we will attempt to proceed. The initial concern is to get through a series of system function calls that are irrelevant from this task point of view. A good method is to trace the stack at runtime until the input string characters appear successively. Perhaps two or more approaches will be required to find a code similar to that provided below: :00401045 8A08 mov cl, byte ptr [eax] :00401047 880C02 mov byte ptr [edx+eax], cl :0040104A 40 inc eax :0040104B 84C9 test cl, cl :0040104D 75F6 jne 00401045 This is the strcpy function we are looking for. On entry to the function, the memory location pointed by EAX is read in order to move (next line) its value into memory location, pointed by the sum of the registers EAX and EDX. By reading the content of these registers during the first iteration we can determine that the buffer is located at 0x0012fec0. Writing a shellcode is an art itself. Since operating systems use different system function calls, an individual approach is needed, depending on the OS environment under which the code must run and the goal it is being aimed at. In the simplest case, nothing needs to be done, since just overwriting the return address causes the program to deviate from its expected behavior and fail. In fact, due to the nature of buffer overflow flaws associated with the possibility that the attacker can execute arbitrary code, it is possible to develop a range of different activities constrained only by available space (although this problem can also be circumvented) and access privileges. In most cases, buffer overflow is a way for an attacker to gain super user privileges on the system or to use a vulnerable system to launch a Denial of Service attack. Let us try, for example, to create a shellcode allowing commands (interpreter cmd.exe in WinNT/2000). This can be attained by using standard API functions: WinExec or CreateProcess. When WinExec is called, the process will look like this: WinExec(command, state)
In terms of the activities that are necessary from our point of view, the following steps must be carried out: - pushing the command to run onto the stack. It will be cmd /c calc. - pushing the second parameter of WinExec onto the stack. We assume it to be zero in this script. - pushing the address of the command cmd /c calc. - calling WinExec. There are many ways to accomplish this task and the snippet below is only one of possible tricks:
sub esp, 28h ; 3 bytes jmp call ; 2 bytes par: call WinExec ; 5 bytes push eax ; 1 byte call ExitProcess ; 5 bytes calling: xor eax, eax ; 2 bytes push eax ; 1 byte call par ; 5 bytes .string cmd /c calc|| ; 13 bytes Some comments on this: sub esp, 28h This instruction adds some room to the stack. Since the procedure containing an overflow buffer had been completed, consequently, the stack space allocated for local variables is now declared as unused due to the change in ESP. This has the effect that any function call which is given from the code level is likely to overwrite our arduously constructed code inserted in the buffer. To have a function callee-save, all we need is to restore the stack pointer to what it was before garbage, that is to its original value (40 bytes) thereby assuring that our data will not be overwritten. jmp call The next instruction jumps to the location where the WinExec function arguments are pushed onto the stack. Some attention must be paid to this. Firstly, a NULL value is required to be elaborated and placed onto the stack. Such a function argument cannot be taken directly from the code otherwise it will be interpreted as null terminating the string that has only been partially copied. In the next step, we need a way of pointing the address of the command to run and we will make this in a somewhat ad hoc manner. As we may remember, each time a function is called, the address following the call instruction is placed onto the stack. Our successful (hopefully) exploit first overwrites the saved return address with the address of the function we wish to call. Notice that the address for the string may appear somewhere in the memory. Subsequently, WinExec followed by ExitProcess will be run. As we already know, CALL represents an offset that moves the stack pointer up to the address of the function following the callee. And now we need to compute this offset. Fig. 3 below shows a structure of a shellcode to accomplish this task. Fig. 3 A sample shellcode
Legend: As can be seen, our example does not consider our reference point, the EBP, that needs to be pushed onto the stack. This is due to an assumption that the victim program is a VC++ 7 compiled code with its default settings that skip the said operation. The remaining job around this problem is to have the code pieces put together and test the whole. The above shellcode, incorporated in a C program and being more suitable for the CPU is presented in Listing 4. Listing 4 Exploit of a program victim.exe #include #include #include #include char *victim = "victim.exe"; char *code = "\x90\x90\x90\x83\xec\x28\xeb\x0b\xe8\xe2\xa8\xd6\x77\x50\xe8\xc1\x90\xd6\x77\x33\xc0\x50\xe8\xed\xff\xff\xff"; char *oper = "cmd /c calc||"; char *rets = "\xc0\xfe\x12"; char par[42]; void main() { strncat(par, code, 28); strncat(par, oper, 14); strncat(par, rets, 4); char *buf; buf = (char*)malloc( strlen(victim) + strlen(par) + 4); if (!buf) { printf("Error malloc"); return; } wsprintf(buf, "%s \"%s\"", victim, par); printf("Calling: %s", buf);
WinExec(buf, 0); } Ooops, it works! The only requisite is that the current directory has a compiled file victim.exe from Listing 3. If all goes as expected, we will see a window with a well-known System Calculator.
Legend: A non-stack-based exploit requires no instruction in the buffer but only the calling parameters of the function WinExec. Because a command terminated with a NULL character cannot be handled, we will use a character |. It is used to link multiple commands in a single command line. This way each successive command will be executed only if the execution of a previous command has failed. The above step is indispensable for terminating the command to run without having executed the padding. Next to the padding which is only used to fill the buffer, we will place the return address (ret) to overwrite the current address with that of WinExec. Furthermore, pushing a dummy return address onto it (R) must ensure a suitable stack size. Since WinExec function accepts any DWORD values for a mode of display, it is possible to let it use whatever is currently on the stack. Thus, only one of two parameters remains to terminate the string. In order to test this approach, it is necessary to have the victims program. It will be very similar to the previous one but with a buffer which is considerably larger (why? We will explain later). This program is called victim2.exe and is presented as Listing 5. Listing 5 A victim of a non-stack based exploit attack #include #define BUF_LEN 1024 void main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[BUF_LEN]; if (argv > 1) { printf(\nBuffer length: %d\nParameter length: %d, BUF_LEN, strlen(argv[1]) ); strcpy(buf, argv[1]); } }
To exploit this program we need a piece given in Listing 6. Listing 6 Exploit of the program victim2.exe #include char* code = "victim2.exe \"cmd /c calc||AAAAA...AAAAA\xaf\xa7\xe9\x77\x90\x90\x90\x90\xe8\xfa\x12\""; void main() { WinExec( code, 0 ); } For simplicitys sake, a portion of A characters from inside the string has been deleted. The sum of all characters in our program should be 1011. When the WinExec function returns, the program makes a jump to the dummy saved return address and will consequently quit working. It will then return the function call error but by that time the command should already be performing its purpose. Given this buffer size, one may ask why it is so large whereas the malicious code has become relatively smaller? Notice that with this procedure, we overwrite the return address upon termination of the task. This implies that the stack top restores the original size thus leaving a free space for its local variables. This, in turn, causes the space for our code (a local buffer, in fact) to become a room for a sequence of procedures. The latter can use the allocated space in an arbitrary manner, most likely by overwriting the saved data. This means that there is no way to move the stack pointer manually, as we cannot execute any own code from there. For example, the function WinExec that is called just at the beginning of the process, occupies 84 bytes of the stack and calls subsequent functions that also place their data onto the stack. We need to have such a large buffer to prevent our data from destruction. Figure 5 illustrates this methodology. Fig. 5 A sample non-stack based exploit: stack usage
Legend: This is just one of possible solutions that has many alternatives to consider. First of all, it is easy to compile because it is not necessary to create an own shellcode. It is also immune to protections that use monitoring libraries for capturing illegal codes on the stack.
addresses. For details, see Table 1. Table 1. Kernel addresses vs. OS environment Windows Platform Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT (Service Pack 4 and 5) Win2000 Kernel Base Address 0xBFF70000 0xBFF70000 0xBFF60000 0x77F00000 0x77F00000
To prove it, simply run our example under operating an system other than Windows NT/2000/XP. What remedy would be appropriate? The key is to dynamically fetch function addresses, at the cost of a considerable increase in the code length. It turns out that it is sufficient to find where two useful system functions are located, namely GetProcAddress and LoadLibraryA, and use them to get any other function address returned. For more details, see references, particularly the Kungfoo project developed by Harmony [6].
The 0x90 code corresponds to a NOP slide that does literally nothing. If we point at any NOP, the program will slide it and consequently it will go to the shellcode beginning. This is the trick to avoid a cumbersome search for the precise address of the beginning of the buffer.
Of course, there are plenty of interesting buffer overflow issues which have not been discussed. Our intention was to demonstrate a concept and bring forth certain problems. We hope that this paper will be a contribution to the improvement of the software development process quality through better understanding of the threat, and hence, providing better security to all of us.
adv ert i s em ent
The links listed below form a small part of a huge number of references available on the World Wide Web.
[1] Aleph One, Smashing The Stack For Fun and Profit, Phrack Magazine nr 49, [2] P. Fayolle, V. Glaume, A Buffer Overflow Study, Attacks & Defenses, [3] I. Simon, A Comparative Analysis of Methods of Defense against Buffer Overflow Attacks, [4] Bulba and Kil3r, Bypassing StackGuard and Stackshield, Phrack Magazine 56 No 5, view&article=p56-5 [5] many interesting papers on Buffer Overflow and not only: [6] [7] [8] Endnotes: {1} In practice, certain code-optimizing compilers may operate without pushing EBP on the stack. The Visual C++ 7 Compiler uses it as a default option. To deactivate it, set: Project Properties | C/C++ | Optimization | Omit Frame Pointer for NO. {2} Microsoft has introduced a buffer overrun security tool in its Visual C++ 7. If you are intending to use the above examples to run in this environment, ensure that this option is not selected before compilation: Project Properties | C/C++ | Code Generation | Buffer Security Check should have the value NO.
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