Legionella Pneumophilia Paper
Legionella Pneumophilia Paper
Legionella Pneumophilia Paper
Legionella Pneumophilia
Clifton Torrence
Legionella Pneumophilia
Legionella Pneumophilia was first identified in 1976 during the annual convention at the
American Legion. It began as an outbreak of a possible fatal form of pneumonia. During this
time, 182 cases were reported, and 29 of those cases ended up fatal (Iliadi et al., 2022).
rod-shaped and are typically found singly or in pairs. They do not form spores but can survive
for long periods in the environment in a dormant state. Legionella can be difficult to culture and
The bacteria are motile under certain conditions, and some species form a characteristic darting
motility under dark field microscopy. Colonies on a solid medium are usually beige or gray and
are often characterized by their smooth, shiny appearance. In humans, Legionella can cause a
severe form of pneumonia known as Legionnaires’ disease, and it is commonly associated with
water systems like air conditioning units, hot water tanks, and cooling towers (Cassell &
Oliphant, 2020).
Virulence Factors
illness in humans by inhaling contaminated water droplets. It has a repertoire of virulence factors
that contribute to its pathogenicity. The two major virulence factors of Legionella are the
Dot/Icm type IV secretion system and the flagellum (Cassell & Oliphant, 2020).
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The Dot/Icm system is responsible for delivering over 300 effector proteins into the host
cell, enabling Legionella to establish a replicative niche within the host cell. These effector
proteins manipulate various signaling pathways in the host cell, altering its structure and
function. For example, some effector proteins prevent fusion of the phagosome containing
Legionella with the lysosome of the host cell, allowing Legionella to evade destruction. The
Dot/Icm system also induces the formation of a unique organelle called the Legionella-
containing vacuole (LCV), in which Legionella can replicate and evade the host's immune
The flagellum is another major virulence factor of Legionella. It helps the bacteria in
motility and chemotaxis, allowing it to move towards favorable conditions such as oxygen and
nutrients. Additionally, the flagellum is important in invading host cells, as it helps in adherence
to host cell surfaces. Once inside the host cell, the flagellum helps Legionella move around the
host cell and deliver effector proteins to different locations within the cell (Cassell & Oliphant,
These virulence factors of Legionella have various effects on the host. The Dot/Icm
system allows Legionella to establish a replicative niche within the host cell, which can cause
damage to the host cell. The altered signaling pathways in the host cell can lead to inflammation,
tissue damage, and even apoptosis. The flagellum enables Legionella to penetrate host cells,
leading to cellular damage. In addition, the flagellum and its movement in the host cell can
trigger an immune response, causing inflammatory responses within the host (Cassell &
Oliphant, 2020).
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pathogenicity and its ability to cause severe respiratory illness in humans. Understanding these
virulence factors can help in developing effective treatments and strategies to control the spread
The primary defense against Legionella pneumophilia infections is the innate immune
system, which includes physical barriers such as the skin and mucous membranes and immune
cells such as macrophages and neutrophils. These cells can recognize and engulf the pathogen,
preventing it from replicating and spreading (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.).
Once the pathogen reaches the lungs, the adaptive immune system is activated, which
includes specific immune cells that target the pathogen. Specifically, Legionella pneumophilia
induces a cell-mediated immune response, which involves activating T-cells and releasing
cytokines to combat the infection (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.).
individuals or those working in high-risk occupations. These vaccines stimulate the production
of antibodies that can prevent infection by neutralizing the pathogen (Centers for Disease
Legionnaires' disease, as well as a milder, flu-like illness called Pontiac fever. These infections
affect the respiratory system, particularly the lungs. Legionella pneumophilia is an aerobic,
gram-negative bacillus that is naturally found in freshwater environments, such as lakes and
streams. It can also grow and proliferate in man-made water systems, such as hot tubs, air
conditioning systems, and cooling towers (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021).
leading to symptoms such as cough, fever, chest pain, muscle aches, headache, shortness of
breath, and sometimes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and confusion. Legionnaires' disease can be
fatal in severe cases, especially in individuals with underlying medical conditions, such as
immunosuppression, chronic lung disease, or kidney failure (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2021).
Pontiac fever, on the other hand, is characterized by flu-like symptoms, such as fever,
muscle aches, and headache. Unlike Legionnaires' disease, Pontiac fever does not cause
pneumonia and is usually self-limited, resolving within a few days (Centers for Disease Control
Legionella pneumophilia infections are acute; they come on suddenly and can be severe
if left untreated. The complications of Legionnaires' disease can include respiratory failure,
kidney failure, septic shock, and even death in some cases (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2021).
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with specific risk factors or predisposing conditions, such as a weakened immune system,
chronic lung disease, smoking, and advanced age. The bacteria are usually found in low levels in
natural water sources. However, they can grow to high levels in man-made water systems that
are not properly maintained, leading to an increased risk of contamination and infection (Centers
Portal of Exit
Transmission Respiratory Droplets
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There is currently no vaccine recommended for routine childhood use against Legionella
bacteria, but there is a vaccine available for at-risk groups (CDC, n.d.).
The vaccine is called the Legionella pneumophilia SG1 Vaccine. It is recommended for individuals
who work in or who are visiting high-risk environments where the bacteria is likely to be present, such
as in healthcare settings, long-term care facilities, or hotels. The vaccine is administered in two doses, 28
days apart, and regular booster doses after the initial vaccination series may be required to maintain
The Legionella pneumophilia SG1 vaccine is a subunit vaccine that is composed of a specific
antigen that triggers an immune response in the body. The vaccine produces antibodies in the body that
specifically target and neutralize the Legionella bacteria, preventing it from causing illness in the
1. Regular maintenance and disinfection of cooling towers, hot tubs, and other potential sources of
stagnant water to prevent Legionella from growing and contaminating the water supply.
3. Testing of water samples to ensure that they are free of Legionella (Harrison et al., 2018).
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Azithromycin concentrates within macrophages and epithelial cells, which are the primary
targets of legionella. It has been shown to be effective against legionella infections, including
IV, which are essential enzymes for bacterial DNA replication and repair. Levofloxacin is
effective against many bacteria, including legionella pneumophilia (Mayo Clinic, 2021).
to the bacterial ribosome. Doxycycline is effective against many types of bacteria, including
The reason these agents are efficacious against legionella pneumophilia is that they target
essential bacterial functions, such as protein synthesis and DNA replication, which are necessary
Additional therapeutic agents or practices may include supportive care, such as oxygen
therapy, hydration, and fever control. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary, and
intravenous antibiotic therapy may be required to control the infection. Close monitoring of
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respiratory function is also critical, particularly for patients who develop severe pneumonia
Clinical Relevance
the serogroups 1, 3, 6, and 8. These MDR strains are of great concern and have been reported in
hospitals and long-term care facilities, making them a known healthcare-associated pathogen
According to a study by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, the
highest rates of Legionella infections (including MDR strains) are observed among patients in
critical care units, followed by hematology/oncology and transplant units. Patients with
compromised immune systems, chronic lung disease, or a history of smoking are particularly at
risk of developing Legionella infections (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,
The treatment of MDR Legionella infections is challenging since these strains may be
resistant to the usual antibiotics. However, the use of a combination of antibiotics such as
fluoroquinolones (e.g., levofloxacin) and macrolides (e.g., azithromycin) has shown efficacy
against MDR strains of Legionella pneumophilia. Other antibiotics, such as tetracyclines (e.g.,
doxycycline), rifampin, and aminoglycosides, may also be effective. Treatment duration and
choice of antibiotics should be guided by susceptibility testing of the identified strain (García-
Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever. The bacterium can be found in natural and human-made
water systems, and infection occurs through the inhalation of contaminated aerosols. Although
the mortality rate of Legionnaires' disease has reduced significantly with early diagnosis and
Effective prevention and control measures should include surveillance of water systems,
routine disinfection and maintenance, and prompt reporting of outbreaks. Healthcare providers
should maintain a high level of clinical suspicion and follow recommended guidelines for
effective prevention measures, improved diagnosis and treatment, and increased research, it is
possible to control and reduce the impact of this microorganism on human health.
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Cassell, G. H., & Oliphant, C. M. (2020). Legionella and Legionnaires' Disease. In Mandell,
Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases (9th ed.) (pp. 2484–
2491). Elsevier.
Cassell, K. G., & Oliphant, C. M. (2020). Legionella: a persistent and evolving aquatic
CDC. (n.d.). Legionella (Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever). Centers for Disease Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Legionella (Legionnaires’ Disease and
Chen, D. J., Provo, B. J., Hamilton, S. D., Carter, C., Thompson, C., Price, R., & Harriman, K.
H. (2016). Legionella pneumophila SG1 Vaccine Evaluation Study Group. Safety and
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Legionnaires' disease in Europe, 2019.
Fukuyama, Y., & Takamura, S. (2014). Progress on the research for a Legionella pneumophilia
Harrison, T. G., Uldum, S. A., Alexiou‐Daniel, S., Bangsborg, J. M., Bernander, S., Wretlind, B.,
Iliadi, V., Staykova, J., Iliadis, S., Konstantinidou, I., Sivykh, P., Romanidou, G., Vardikov, D.
F., Cassimos, D., & Konstantinidis, T. G. (2022). Legionella pneumophilia: The Journey