FS Legionella FAQ

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Legionella Frequently Asked Questions

What is Legionella? contracting LD include smokers, organ transplant patients,

patients with cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, kidney
Legionella is the name given to a genus of bacteria of which disease, and any immunosuppressed condition.
40 species have been identified. Legionellae are rod-shaped,
aerobic organisms that are widespread and commonly What environmental factors support
present in both natural and man-made aquatic environ- the amplification of Legionella?
ments. While many of these species have been associated
with human disease, Legionella pneumophila, which means Legionella organisms are widespread and are found in natu-
lung-loving, is the most virulent. Of the fourteen ral and man-made water systems. Conditions that favor the
Legionella pneumophila serogroups identified, serogroups 1, growth of Legionella include:
4 and 6 account for approximately 90% of reported cases of
Legionellosis. Water temperatures in the range of 68 to 122 F (20 to
50 C).
What is Legionellosis? Stagnant water conditions especially those found in
certain water systems containing tanks, reservoirs, ba-
Legionellosis is the term used for infections caused by the sins, fittings, piping, etc.
inhalation of airborne water droplets containing the Scale, sediments and sludges.
Legionella pneumophila bacteria. There are two clinical The presence of biofilms, which provide nutrient
forms of Legionellosis: sources and protect the organisms from microbiocides
that would otherwise destroy Legionella.
Pontiac Fever is a nonfatal, flu-like illness that typi-
cally lasts for five to ten days. This illness is generally What are the most common sources of
mild and often undiagnosed; therefore, statistical in- Legionella associated with
formation on its occurrence is sparse. Legionnaires disease?
Legionnaires disease is a severe respiratory infection
that can cause serious complications and possibly The most common sources of Legionella-contaminated aero-
death. Signs and symptoms of Legionnaires disease sols causing infection are water systems having ideal envi-
resemble other bacterial pneumonias, making diagno- ronmental factors that favor growth. Areas that provide the
sis and treatment difficult. The Centers for Disease greatest Legionella growth and transmission through aero-
Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that between sols include cooling towers, evaporative condensers, hu-
10,000 and 50,000 cases occur each year. The fatality midifiers, misters, domestic hot water systems, showers,
rate is estimated at 15 to 20 percent; however, in immu- spas and whirlpools and decorative fountains.
nosuppressed persons or those with other underlying
diseases, this figure can be much higher. Can Legionnaires disease be
How is Legionnaires disease
transmitted? Legionella bacteria are pervasive and proliferate in many
water sources. Therefore the organism cannot be fully
Legionnaires disease (LD) is caused by inhaling airborne eradicated. However, by implementing an effective Le-
droplets or mist containing viable Legionella pneumophila, gionella risk management program, it is possible to reduce
which are small enough to pass deep into the lungs. Most the potential for growth, dissemination and transmission of
healthy people are resistant to infections caused by the the organism, and subsequently reduce the potential for ex-
Legionella bacteria; however, some people are at an in- posure to the bacteria.
creased risk. Individuals who have an increased risk of

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DREW INDUSTRIAL DIVISION One Drew Plaza, Boonton, New Jersey 07005 Tel: (973) 263-7600 Fax: (973) 263-4483
Does Drew Industrial Division offer a Is routine testing for Legionella
Legionella risk management program? recommended?

Drew Industrial Division has extensive, global experience Most professional and government agencies that have is-
treating Legionella in industrial cooling systems and offers sued Legionella position statements and guidelines do not
an effective 5-component Best Practices Legionella risk recommend testing on a routine basis because of the diffi-
management program. Best Practices is a proactive, com- culty in interpreting Legionella test results. Further, accurate
prehensive, system approach to minimizing the prolifera- Legionella testing requires a 10-14 day turnaround time.
tion of Legionella through both mechanical and chemical This period is too long to allow Legionella monitoring to
assessment, treatment, and monitoring. Drew Industrials serve as a useful control tool.
Best Practices program is based on years of experience as
well as key recommendations published by authoritative If I do test for Legionella, what is the
agencies in both the United States and United Kingdom. likelihood of a positive test?

What is Drew Industrials Best Based on published studies, most systems have a 40-60 per-
Practices Legionella risk management cent chance of testing positive. This high probability sub-
program? stantiates the importance of implementing an intensive
microbiological treatment program to minimize Legionella
Drew Industrials Best Practices Legionella risk manage- growth. Prior to testing, be sure a contingency plan is in
ment program consists of the following components: place such as the ability to increase microbiocide dosage
rates until a hyperchlorination and cleaning of the system
System Assessment A comprehensive mechanical can be achieved. If the system tests positive, take measures
and chemical assessment of the water systems poten- to eliminate the organism from the system.
tial for Legionella contamination. The assessment be-
gins with a formal survey for the evaluation of specific What should I do if my cooling tower
risk factors, followed by an assessment of the level of tests positive for Legionella?
bacterial contamination and development of action
plans to reduce bacterial levels. Interpretation and action plans for various levels of
Legionella can be found in the technical paper entitled
Intensive Microbiological Treatment Program Ap- Legionella General Information and Current Trends,
plication of a customized, intensive microbiological (CWT-TP-65). Contact your Drew Industrial representative
treatment program specifically designed to minimize for further details and information.
Legionella contamination. The Best Practices microbio-
logical program includes both oxidizing and nonoxi- Why do systems that are effectively
dizing microbiocides that are expected to be effective treated still show positive results?
on Legionella. Drew Industrials intensive microbiologi-
cal treatment program addresses both sessile and Legionella, like all bacteria, are continuously inoculating
planktonic bacteria as well as the control of Legionella- cooling towers through the cooling water makeup and air-
harboring biofilms. borne particles that are scrubbed from the air. Increasing
the existing microbiocide dosages can usually reduce these
Sterilization Periodic disinfecting discourages the levels. If Legionella levels within the system do not respond
growth of Legionella as well as their host organisms. to increased biocide treatment, then further investigation
for potential growth sites that may not be evident during
Monitoring - An effective Drew Industrial Best Prac- routine visible inspection must be researched. A complete
tices Legionella risk management program is dependent hyperchlorination and/or off-line cleaning may be neces-
on maintaining a consistent level of performance and sary.
control. Routine monitoring of critical water param-
eters and system indicators is the best means of assur- Is an adequately maintained,
ing system cleanliness and enhancing program performance-based cooling water
effectiveness. Drew Industrial offers a wide range of
program sufficient in controlling
both on-line and off-line control and monitoring sys-
tems designed to accommodate a variety of applica-
Legionella growth within the system?
tions of all levels of complexity.
Only to a limited extent. Alternating microbiocides with
Documentation - Our Best Practices documentation proper levels of oxidizers within the framework of a per-
package provides a record system to assist with the se- formance-based program reduce all bacteria growth (in-
lection of proper precautionary measures and treat- cluding Legionella) within a system. However, Legionella
ments to minimize exposure. reduction is not the primary objective of these programs.
Performance-based programs are designed to minimize

CWT-FS-033 Rev. 4
scale, corrosion and to ensure clean heat transfer surfaces. transmission in industrial water systems. This comprehen-
The Drew Industrial Best Practices Legionella risk manage- sive approach not only addresses chemical treatment and
ment program is designed to specifically identify and ad- control, but also emphasizes the need to eliminate mechani-
dress conditions that promote Legionella growth within the cal systemic conditions that favor Legionella growth. Our
water system. Legionella risk management programs are program is supported by products and programs such as:
more intensive than standard performance-based programs
and therefore are frequently more aggressive and higher in A complete selection of oxidizing microbiocides in-
cost. cluding chlorine, bromine and chlorine dioxide-based
What safety precautions should be Effective organic microbiocides specific for biofilm
taken in and around cooling towers control such as BIOSPERSE 254 or BIOSPERSE 255
that are suspected of containing microbiocide.
Legionella growth sites? PERFORMAX MILLENNIUM high performance,
oxidant-resistant corrosion and deposit control pro-
It is always prudent to be cautious about Legionella at each gram.
location. However, in all reported cases, it is understood A complete selection of ONGUARD controllers and
that infection has been acquired by inhaling very small monitoring equipment, including specialized ORP sys-
droplets of water contaminated with a virulent strain of tems to accommodate a wide range of applications.
Legionella. Thus, for infection to occur, there must be: The availability of accurate microbiological monitoring
programs ranging from dip slides, rapid ATP method-
A source of Legionella pneumophila ologies and Legionella detection.
Aerosol production Investment protection programs for proactive equip-
Sufficient organisms to initiate infection ment maintenance.
Susceptible individual DREW SYSTEMS MANAGER program and
DREWTRAX treatment program software and data
In cooling towers where aerosols are present, a minimum of management programs.
eye protection and a NIOSH-approved half-face air-purify-
ing respirator equipped with a particulate filter (HEPA) is How can I obtain additional
suggested as personal protective equipment. For additional information on developing a Best
information refer to the OSHA web site at http:// Practices Legionella risk management
www.osha-slc.gov/dts/osta/otm/otm_iii/otm_iii_7.html program for my facility?
section 2e.
Contact your local Drew Industrial representative or visit
What are some of the features of Drew Drew Industrials website at www.drewindustrial.com.
Industrials Best Practices Legionella
risk management program?

The 5-component Drew Industrial Best Practices Legionella

risk management program is designed to minimize specific
factors that favor Legionella growth, dissemination and

CWT-FS-033 Rev. 4

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