Fluency Teacher 4

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Teacher's Book

Leah Williams Chelsey Smith

Carmen A. Racheal S.

Unit Topic Listening/ Reading/ Phonics Grammar Vocabu- CLIL Functions

Speaking Writing lary
1 At the - Talking - Reading Graph- - Con- - Health First aid - Talking about
Doctors about illness- texts about eme y ditional and Hos- when camp- facts and things
es and symp- camping. Type 0 & 1 pitals ing that are true.
toms. /i/ /iː/ /
- Writing a aɪ/
- Talking paragraph
about medical about
instruments. camping
using cause
and effect
2 Weather - Talking - Read- Graph- - Future - Weather Seasons - Talking about
Condi- about the ing about eme s tense us- the future:
tions weather. weather ing will, plans, predic-
and sea- /s/ /z/ be going tions, decisions,
- Making pre- sons. /ɪz/ to, present arrangements
dictions about simple and schedules.
the weather. - Writing a tense and
paragraph present - Describing the
- Talking about “The continu- weather.
about de- Weather in ous tense
cisions and my Coun-
plans for the try”.

3 In the - Talking - Reading Words - Verbs fol- - Cooking Winter Veg- - Reading, writ-
Kitchen about food food reci- starting lowed by and Reci- etable Soup ing and talking
recipes. pes. with con- gerund or pes Recipe about food rec-
sonant infinitive ipes.
- Asking and - Writing a clusters:
answering paragraph - Talking about
questions about “My food.
about cook- Favourite
ing. Recipe”. s+conso-
4 Hobbies - Talking - Reading Words - Present - Hobbies Arts and - Talking about
and about hobbies about hob- starting perfect Crafts Club hobbies.
Handi- and handi- bies and with con- tense - Handi-
crafts crafts. handicraft. sonant craft - Talking about
clusters: actions that be-
- Tools gan in the past
and still have a
- Writing a connection to
paragraph g + con- the present.
about “The sonant
of Tools.”

5 Inside - Talking - Reading Words - Past con- - Airport A Flight Ex- - Talking about
the Air- about expe- about trav- with ini- tinuous and Air- perience what happened
plane riences in an elling expe- tial con- tense planes at specific mo-
airplane. riences. sonant ment in the
clusters: past.
- Asking and - Writing a
answering paragraph
questions about a
about travel travel expe- Conso-
experiences. rience. nant + l

6 Crime - Asking and - Read- Words - Present Crimes A Police Of- - Talking about
and answering ing about with ini- perfect vs. and Acci- ficer Comes events in the
Emer- questions crimes. tial con- past sim- dents to School. past.
gency about crimes sonant ple
and accidents.- Writing a clusters: - Talking about
paragraph events in the
- Talking about a past which have
about a crime crime, seen a connection to
or accident or read s + con- the present.
seen. about. sonant
+ conso- - Talking about
nant: str, crimes and
sqr, squ emergency situ-

7 Describ- - Talking - Reading Words - Relative Adjectives Twins - Describing a

ing Char- about peo- about be- with con- clauses person’s char-
acters ple’s be- haviour and sonant acter and be-
and Be- haviour and character. + con- haviour.
haviours character. sonant
- Writing a ending:
about “The
person I
admire the sk, st, ld,
most”. lt
8 Types of - Asking and - Reading Words Singular Verte- Animal - Discussing
animals answering about an- with con- and plural brate Ani- Groups different types
questions imals and sonant nouns mals of animals.
about types of their char- + con-
animals. acteristics. sonant
- Writing a
about “An
animal I mb, nt,
know”. nk, nd,
ft, mp, ft,

9 Family - Talking - Reading Pronun- Compara- Stages of Big Family - Talking about
and Stag- about family. about stag- ciation tives and Life: Uni- stages in life.
es of Life es in life of conso- Superla- versity,
- Discussing and family nant c: tives Marriage, - Comparing
stages in life. members. Senior feelings, char-
Years, acteristics and
- Writing a Death objects.
paragraph hard
about fam- c/k/ and
ily mem- soft c/s/
10 Sports - Talking - Discussing Pronun- Indefinite - Sports Sport Ven- - Talking about
and about games sports. ciation pronouns ues sports.
Games and sports. of graph- and - Games
- Writing eme g: - Describing
- Talking about adjective objects, people,
about sport sporting word or- and events.
venues. events. der
Hard g
/g/ and
soft g

INTRODUCTION Phonics is the fourth section. On this page, a group
of sounds are emphasised to help students to rec-
The course Fluency Elementary is a six-level ognise and produce English sounds properly. Addi-
course for elementary school students. This is a tional exercises reinforce sound acquisition.
series for learning English as a foreign language so The fifth section is CLIL (Content and Language
students are in a context where English is not spo- Integrated Learning). This part provides students
ken outside the classroom. These books provide the opportunity to combine language learning with
the main source of English contact students have. topics of other subjects and even daily life, from the
Besides, the syllabus is systematically planned and perspective of content-based subject. Students im-
developed so students learn language effectively prove not only their knowledge about the language
at a steady pace, with a wide range of activities. but also enrich their view on different topics. The
Thanks to the variety of learning resources that topics allow students to see English beyond a mere
stimulates the practice of student’s skills, students’ subject; moreover, motivating contents encourage
learning is reinforced through practice. Activities students to language acquisition and active partic-
are designed to increase learner’s interest in learn- ipation.
The last section is related is Writing. Students have
the opportunity to practice the grammar and vo-
Each level of Fluency Elementary consists of a cabulary while developing writing skills.
Student’s Book, a Student’s Workbook, a Teacher’s
Book, an Audio CD and an interactive application.
The audio CD

Student’s Book
The audio CD contains all the listening activities
form the Students’ Book. It includes sections such
The Student’s Book has 10 units of 8 pages each, as: listening to conversations, phonics, odd one out
with full colour illustrations. Units are organised exercises and songs.
around a topic to contextualised vocabulary, gram-
mar and functions. At the same time, units are di-
vided into six sections. Student’s Workbook
Section 1 is Words and Conversation and it is re-
lated to vocabulary and grammar acquisition. The
topic of the unit is introduced on this section, and The Student’s Workbook provides additional read-
it shows how vocabulary and grammar input work ing and writing exercises to expose students to
in communicative situations. Dialogues have an more opportunities to practice the target language.
attractive presentation and a set of exercises stimu- Besides, the exercises on the Workbook help teach-
lates vocabulary practice. er to monitor students’ learning process so he can
design any additional strategy to reinforce learn-
The second section contains two pages related to ing.
Grammar. It provides graded exposure to the gram-
mar structure through oral and written practice. In
the grammar section students have the opportuni-
Teachers’ Book
ty to practice the vocabulary from the unit.

The third section is Use of English. This section

presents a new group of words to increase stu- The Teachers’ Book contains accurate and detailed
dents’ vocabulary and also it provides more gram- description of how to use the Students’ Book. Be-
mar and review vocabulary from previous unit. sides, it has the answer Key of every exercise in the

Students’ Approach.
Book and Workbook. Each unit has a Warm up at
the beginning of every unit and a set of additional
activities throughout the lessons to provide vari- This collection combines different methodologies
ety and to avoid routinization and predictability in to create an environment rich of stimuli to motivate
class, thanks to games, dramatizations, songs and students towards language acquisition. Language is
additional practice. This book also gives teacher introduced progressively and students are always
the opportunity to develop his/her own creativity recycling and practising previous structures and
to improve and adapt the exercises according to the vocabulary. They have the opportunity to realise
characteristics of the group. how they have progressed throughout the course.
The text is student-centred and language is always
The Teachers Book has a section dedicated to ac- contextualised and focused on a topic, so English
tivities and games that allow the flexibility that is functional and meaningful to students. The tasks
teachers need to complement the daily routine and improve communicative language with graded dif-
customising the content according to the group, the ficulty. Each session provides students new vocab-
topic and objectives of the class session. ulary and experiences to make the language acqui-
sition process meaningful and stimulating.
Another section of the Teacher’s Book is the Gram-
mar and Usage. It has general information about The text bears in mind the theory of Multiple Intel-
grammar and it is especially designed for teachers. ligences, so it involves a great variety of activities
to get to different learner styles. Students are ex-
If students require more grammar practice, there is
posed to a wide variety of stimuli, such as visual,
a full section dedicated to provide students the op-
auditory, kinaesthetic, experiential, interpersonal,
portunity to practice and study the new structures.
intrapersonal, naturalistic and logical. Besides, the
The assessment section has ten exams, one for each Teacher’s Book offers the opportunity to choose
unit, so teachers can check students’ progress. The and adapt the activities according to the character-
Teacher’s Book includes a Teaching Resources sec- istics of the group and leaving space for teachers to
tion, where teachers can find pedagogical materials detect students’ needs and use the adequate strat-
such as FlashcardFlashcards, games, puzzles and egy.
craft, to stimulate students’ learning process.
Students are also benefit from the global view and
Finally, there is a worksheet section, with printable cultural awareness of the Content and Language
material to promote extra activities and more op- Integrated Leaning (CLIL) approach. The collection
portunities to exposed students to the target lan- prepares students to take English beyond the class-
guage. room, not only because of the application and ad-
ditional practice students have, but also because of
the meaningful material that demonstrate students
how important English is to modern world.
Interactive Application
On the other hand, the text creates opportunities
for cooperative work. There are discussion groups,
An interactive application complements this group work and pair work. These activities not
course. The application reinforces the content of only provide the opportunity to change the pace of
every unit with a wide range of interactive activi- the class work, but also encourage students’ partic-
ties that helps students be in contact with English ipation and avoid routinization.
beyond the school. The interactive application
The text provides a lot of opportunities for teach-
helps students be in contact with English using
ers with potential activities that he/she can include
new technologies and stimulating language acqui-
enriching students’ experience. The Teacher’s Book
sition through games and activities out of the class-
is just an instrument to guide teachers to the day-
room, increasing student’s opportunities to be in
to-day work, but it provides teachers opportunities
contact with English.
to develop their own creativity and adapt the text

to his/her immediate reality. variety of experiences, involving all different kinds
of activities to stimulate multiple intelligences,
using oral and written practice, applications, CDs
and different types of individual and group work in
Lesson Planning class to internalise the target language.

4. Closing: all sessions finish with a funny addition-

al activity to review the content studied in a memo-
Lesson plans are designed combining different
rable experience to help students to remember and
approaches to achieve the main purpose of the
reinforce the contents of the class.
course: to promote English language acquisition
through a set of memorable experiences that con-
tribute to the integral formation of students. The

Lesson Plans have a detail explanation about how
to use the Student’s Textbook, all the possibilities
of leaning experiences that the book can provide to
students. Classroom Management
Lesson Plans include an accurate description of
how to exploit the Students’ Book, and a collection
of warm up and activities to avoid routinization Motivation
and predictability in the class: games, songs, and
puzzles are just some of the opportunities students
have to practice vocabulary, grammar structures Motivation is an essential part in language teaching.
and writing. Besides, teachers are encouraged to Students are motivated when they are engaged in
introduce new activities or omit others he/she may classroom activities and in their own learning pro-
consider irrelevant for his/her group. The main cess. There are some ideas to keep students moti-
idea of the lesson plan section is to structure the vated:
session according to students’ needs and to keep a
motivating and enriching environment to learn the Learn your students’ name and use them as
language. The activities are graded, so students go often as possible. But it is not only a matter
from simple to more complex structures and exer- to just knowing their names: pay attention
cises. Every unit has a set of meticulously organ- to the strengths and limitation of your stu-
ised activities to enable students to improve their dents and design strategies to reinforce their
language skills in a communicative environment. strength and strengthen their weakness. If
Each lesson plan contains four distinctive sections: students feel you are concerned about get-
ting to know them, they feel appreciated and
1. Warm-up: every session starts with a warm up known as individuals.
based on the vocabulary or grammar focus of the
unit or a review of the previous one. The warm- Get students to stablish goals and make a
up activities are short, around five minutes, but plan to accomplish it. Let students come up
enough to provide energy and stimulate students’ the idea by themselves. It is important that
curiosity about what they are going to study on the students find their intrinsic motivation. Help
session. them to find their own reasons to doing class
work, working hard and learning the lan-
2. Introduction of the Target Language: Flashcard- guage. On this way, students will feel more
Flashcards, Word Cards, realia, charts, gestures and interested on the subject.
games are used to introduce meaningfully the vo-
cabulary or grammar. The idea is to make it memo- Give feedback and offer chances to improve.
rable and consolidate the assimilation. Avoid frustration by focusing students’ ener-
gy in how to overcome difficulties. Help them
3. Practice the Target Language: besides the text- to design their own strategies to deal with
book, students have the opportunity to have a wide difficult issues.

Your attitude is very important: be enthusi- cessful. Even if they failed, there is always
astic, motivated, show with your face, body something positive to say. Reinforce partici-
language and words that you are really en- pation, language achievements and adequate
joying your job. Smile. Remember that if you behaviour with your face expression, body
show a positive attitude, students will feel it. language, and use words of acknowledge-
ment such as:
Vary the instructional strategies. Be sensi-
tive to student’s attitude towards an activity. Excellent
If they do not like it, change to another. It is
important to prepare beforehand alternative Good job
strategies and activities in case one of the Very good
planned activities does not work.
You can do this
Move from one activity to another while
students are motivated. Canalise the ener- Good try
gy to the following activity. Do not wait until
students have over practiced or get bored, Try again
because raising motivation again will be a
I believe in you
tough work. Each activity cannot last more
than 20 minutes, with youngers no more That’s good work
than 10. Bear in mind this detail when plan-
ning your class. I really notice your effort

Make learning fun and memorable by using a You have improved a lot
wide variety of exercises, games and compe-
tition that help students to learn while hav-
ing a good time.

Move around the classroom while you teach. Use English as much as possible. Design ac-
Do not stay only in front of the class: move tivities in which students can communicate
between the rows, maintain body flexibility in English, even in pairs, group work or in
and use body language to shorten the dis- front of the class. Be gradual. Some students
tance between you and your students. Make may be shy or reticent, so help them to build
frequent eye contact. Monitor students when up their self-esteem and do not force them to
they are working in groups. Make them feel speak publicly if they are not ready to do so.
you are there.
Stablish goals and objectives clear to your
Your tone of voice and inflexion are very im- students at the beginning of every lesson. Be
portant. Not only use the appropriate inflex- realistic and stablish them according to the
ions and pitches of the language. Use your characteristics of the group.
voice as an instrument to catch students’
motivation. Discipline
Encourage students to share their ideas and
ask questions during the class. You can ask
a general question, address a question to a Discipline problems generally occur when students
student, or ask for an example. This is the are not motivated. To keep students engage with
best way to know if students are getting the the class activity, plan in blocks in which you inter-
idea; it does not matter if it is right or not. change different strategies through the class, such
The idea is to give students the opportunity as work in pairs, group work, your oral presentation
to speak in the class. input, games, and so on. These are some tips to help
you manage discipline in class:
Stimulate students to make them feel suc-

From the first class, establish a set of expec- keep students motivated during class in such
tations, goals, rules and daily routine they a way that they conceive homework as a task
are going to deal with during the rest of the to complete classwork.
school year. Stablish the rules clearly from
the first class and make students involve in Stablish a routine to assign homework.
the elaboration of rules, such us, bring the Stablish a routine to revise homework, for
material, be cooperative, respect your class- example, some minutes at the beginning or
mates, and so on. Stablish a short set of rules, end of the class. Vary strategies to check stu-
easy to remember. dent’s homework, for example, discuss the
Get ready for disruptions and observe how answers with the group as a whole or choose
and when they occur, and be ready to change some key exercises to revise.
activities to avoid routinization. Assign tasks that students can complete by
Manage conflicts in the classroom by en- their own and give clear instructions in class.
gaging both parts in a dialogue, relocating If it is necessary, do one or two exercises to
students, and speak with students privately, illustrate what they have to do.
if possible. Remember not to threaten stu- Motivate students to do their homework,
dents, but talk to them and try to make them such as a monthly basis award, stickers, let-
feel involved with the class activity. ters to their parents, comments and so on. Be
Be fair. Treat your students respectfully and sensitive detecting reasons why students do
equitably. Be sensitive to students’ needs not do their homework. External factors may
and difficulties. Some discipline problems influence student’s commitment to home-
are not related to the class itself, but external work activities so do not abuse with punish-
problems such as weather, family, bullying, ments.
and so on.

Verbal reprimands should be private, brief

and as immediate as possible. Multiple Intelligences
Avoid excess of negative comments and try
to use positive sentences Students have different learning styles so it is essen-
Increase parental involvement: contact par- tial to take them into account when planning a class.
ents periodically through the year. Parents Observe student in class and take notes about how
can help to provide solutions to difficult they react to activities. Also, vary the strategies so
classroom problems. all students will feel comfortable in class because of
the wide variety of stimuli you use. It is an impossi-
ble task to please all students at the same time, but
the Teacher’s Book will help you to improve motiva-
Homework tion by using different methods of teaching. There
basically eight learning styles:

Linguistic: use listening activities, written

Homework is a great opportunity to use English text and speaking tasks. This type of intel-
outside the classroom. Homework gives students ligence is fond of reading and writing. They
the opportunity to reinforce what they have learned also enjoy memory games and trivia quizzes.
in class and in young learners it provides parents
the opportunity to be involved in their kid’s learn- Logical/mathematical: use questions, cate-
ing. There are some tips to bear in mind in relation gorisations, and substitution drills. Include
to homework: in the activities, puzzles, reasoning, logic and
problem solving.
Homework is an extension of classwork, so

Visual/Spatial: use visual stimuli, such as sibilities. The student’s book has a Word Cards at
drawings, arts, craft, Flashcards, colours, pic- the end of the edition. Students can colour them
tures, relia and project works. and cut them out. There are many activities in the
Teacher’s Book to exploit these cards in different
Musical: use rhythms, songs, musical instru- activities in the classroom.
ments, body percussion and chants.
Besides, Flashcards have a special section in the
Bodily/Kinaesthetic: use movements to in- Teacher’s Book. Flashcards are very useful to intro-
volve students, such as action songs and duce or reinforce vocabulary. There are many tech-
games, mime, realia, Total Physical Response niques to use Flashcards to introduce vocabulary.
activities, circuits and any other activity For example:
where drama and gestures are employed.
Reveal progressively the card until one of
Interpersonal: students with this learning the students reveals the name, either in the
style are fond of cooperative learning strat- target language or the mother tongue. Get
egies, such as group work, debates and dis- students to listen and repeat the word in
cussions English.
Intrapersonal: Students prefer to work indi- Flip the card as many times as possible until
vidually because they are focus in their own a student says the name, either in the target
interests. language or mother tongue. Get students to
Naturalistic. Use topics related to nature or listen and repeat the word in English.
use analogies using nature, such as spider Stick the cards on the board as soon as they
maps and trees. are introduced and get students to say the
name when you point to the illustration.

A variation from the previous, students re-

Teacher Tools cite the name of each item and you start to
take the card off the wall. Students have to
keep recite the word even the card is not
Lesson Plans there.

Lesson plans are designed combining different For younger kids, stick the cards on the
approaches to achieve the main purpose of the board. Make them close their eyes and de-
course: to promote English language acquisition lete one of the Flashcard from the set. Stu-
through a set of memorable experiences that con- dents open their eyes and say the name of
tribute to the integral formation of students. The the missing Flashcard.
Teacher’s Book has a step-by-step lesson plans to
With smaller groups, stick the Flashcards
exploit students’ book, beside many other option-
in different places of the room and students
al activities that can enrich the experience in the
have to run to the Flashcard to the word
classroom. However, the teacher has a final word
that represents the word you say.
according to what his/her group really needs and
the lesson plans are flexible enough to be adapted Play action games dividing the groups ac-
and customised according to the classroom envi- cording to the Flashcard of the vocabulary
ronment. of the lesson. Say a verb and then the group,
for example, “Touch your nose, cow,” and
only the group of the Flashcard “cow” can
Word Cards and Flashcards touch their nose.

Cards are an important visual resource that can Another visual resource is the use of realia, pic-
be used in the classroom to reinforce vocabulary, tures form magazines and drawings done by
to warm-up, to play games, and many other pos- students. The idea is to bring reality to class and

provide a wide variety of memorable experience to Puzzles by writing a sentence and separate
facilitate language learning. the words. Put the words in an envelope.
Prepare enough sets to have students work
in pairs. Another option is that each group
has a different set. In class, students work
Games and activities in pairs. Give one envelop to each pair. Stu-
dents build up the sentences and then write
The following activities provide teachers the op-
them on the board.
portunity to enrich their classes and scape from
predictability and routinisation, adapting new Get me. This activity is for very young
strategies in classroom management. These activ- learners. Get students to sit down in a cir-
ities are useful to review vocabulary and grammar cle. Spread the Flashcards or objects in the
structures, either as a warm-up at the beginning of middle. Ask a student to fetch something
a class or as a closure of a session. Besides, the flex- for you, for example, “…, can you get me an
ibility of the text allows teacher’s creative develop- apple, please.” The appointed student takes
ment. These activities are short. Do not allow the object and gives it to you.
this activity to be long and draggy and remember
to keep moving to next activity while students are Whisper Game. Line up students into two
still motivated. Some of the games are: groups. Whispers in the first student’s ear a
sentence studied in the lesson or previous
units. Students whisper to the following
students’ ear what he/she understood. They
Pass the Ball. Students sit on the floor in a
pass the message until the message reaches
circle. With a ball in your hands say a sen-
the last student in the line. The last student
tence or word studied in class. Roll the ball
says the message. Write the message on the
to any student and help him to do the same.
board and write also the original message.
Invite him/her to roll the ball to another stu-
There are no rights or wrongs on this exer-
dent. It is important to stimulate students’
cise. The idea is to enjoy and compare the
participation. Use mother tongue when nec-
Action Games. There are many possibilities
Hot Potato. Sit the whole class in a circle.
for action games to practice verbs. Simon
With a potato or a beanball in your hands,
Says is perhaps one of the most popular, but
give simple instructions. Speak in English
also teachers can divide the classroom into
but use gestures to explain the game. Use
groups according to gender or the vocabu-
students’ mother tongue when necessary.
lary learned in class and say commands and
Students are going to pass the potato/bean-
the specific group which has to perform the
ball to the next student on his/her right as
soon as possible. Say (close your eyes), “Hot
potato, hot potato, hot potato… Stop”. When Mime. Mime is an excellent resource to
you say stop, the student with the potato practice verbs and vocabulary. There are
says a sentence or word studied during the many possibilities using this resource. For
class that day or one studied in previous les- example, different volunteers mime a verb
sons. Close your eyes again and repeat the or a word and his/her classmates guess the
process. Never take out a student from the verb or the object.
activity. The main idea is to encourage par-
ticipation. With older students, the student The one in the middle. Get students to
who has the ball is the new leader in the arrange chairs in a circle. All students are
game, and he/she is the one who says, “Hot on their chairs except one who is standing
potato, hot potato, stop.” in the middle of the circle. Assign each stu-
dent a number, a colour or an animal. The
Word Puzzles. This activity is excellent to student in the middle says a colour, number
review grammar structures. Prepare Word

or animal and those students assigned with Songs and Chants
that item interchange seats. When he/she
says a key word, for example, rainbow, sal- Singing is very appealing for learners. It is an im-
ad, soup or any other you have agreed be- portant resource to get rhythm, intonation and
fore, everybody stands up and change seats. fluency. Although there are many songs available
The student in the middle looks for a chair. on the Internet, there are many options that can be
The student who could not get a chair is the used in the classroom.
new in the middle. Poems and rhymes. Sit students in a circle.
Look for your partner. Each student has Bring an easy poem to learn based on the
a different card according to the content grammar or vocabulary focus for the class
of the unit. They cannot show the card to or the previous one. Say the poem first and
anybody. They have to look for a partner invite students to join you. The poem or
based on the description. When they find a rhyme should have a repeated pattern in
partner, they stay together. When the group rhythm and words, so students can internal-
is big, students have to continue looking for ize it easily.
the rest of the members of the group. Songs. Create simple songs based on previ-
A variation: Stick the image on students’ ously learnt grammar or vocabulary. Songs
backs so they cannot see it, only his/her should have a repeated pattern in rhyme
classmates. Students walk around the class- and rhythm. Some sentences should be re-
room and ask questions about what he has peated so students can get easily the idea to
on his/her back, but nobody can tell him/ sing along. Traditional songs can be adapted
her the word. Only yes or no questions to the objectives or improvise jazz chants or
about the object are allowed. They find their hip-hop songs. In jazz chants and hip-hop
partner and if the group is big, they have to songs, use hands, feet and body in general to
continue looking for them until all students create a rhythmic pattern.
are together. Singing a word. Students stand in a circle.
Counting. This game is for young learners. Select a student and ask him/her which
Students stand up in a circle. Ask students word or sentence he/she remembers from
to count themselves from one to any num- the whole unit. Tell him to repeat his word
ber you are studying. When they reach the with rhythm, using his palms or another
last number, they have to start again. body expression to accompany the word.
The student has to keep the rhythm without
Walking around the chairs. Line up the stopping. Ask another student to say a word
chairs. Play a lively music. Ask students to or sentence and add another way to express
walk around the chairs. While they are do- it with rhythm. Students keep saying their
ing so, take a chair out of the group. When word simultaneously, but softly, so they can
you stop the music, they have to sit down in listen what the next one says. Add another
a chair. The student with no chair has to say student and continue until all the class is
a sentence or word related to the unit stud- included in the improvised rhyme.
ied that day or the previous class.
Dramatizing songs. Prepare a tradition-
Role play activities. There are a lot of po- al song and extract elements which can be
tential activities to practice role plays on used for drama purposes. For example, “Ten
the textbook. For example: Stick pictures on Green Bottles” and “Five Little Monkeys”
the wall and students stand up and practice are very useful to encourage students’ par-
a model dialogue based on the pictures or ticipation. Bring any additional resource to
playing roles at a restaurant or at a zoo. complement the song. There are also many
traditional nursery rhymes and games that
encourage students participation and are

appropriate to this level, for example, “If you er kids at least every five or seven minutes,
are happy”, “Simon Says”, “This little Piggy”, for older ten minutes. It is important to
“Old MacDonald” change the activity before students lose in-
terest. The idea is to change while they are
still motivated. For example, dialogues or
Pair and Group Work role-plays have to be a short activity so stu-
dents are not tempted to use their mother
Use quick methods to form groups in class to avoid tongue and talk about different matters to-
disruption. Although some methods can be at ran- tally different from the English class.
dom, in occasions it is important to bear in mind
cooperative learning strategies, where students can Warn students that you are about to change
help each other to understand the content. Some the activity, for example, say “one minute
strategies to form class are: left” so they hurry to close the activity.

Students work in pairs formed with the Ask students their feedback about your
nearest classmate. class so you can take these observations to
improve your planning.
Form groups according to the row.
Use English as a language of instruction.
Form groups with students sitting nearby. Help yourself with gestures, facial expres-
sion, body language, drawings or visual aids.
Students count themselves up to the num- Avoid using the mother tongue as much as
ber of groups you need (for example, 6). possible.
Students with the repeated number, sit
down together.

Write words in different sheet of paper or Assessment and Corrections

use cards and introduce them in a paper
bag. Students take a sheet of paper or card The language acquisition process is continuous.
and work with the classmates who got the Not only a traditional written test is enough to
same word or picture. evaluate: teacher’s close observation in classes is
very important and through this way it is possible
to help students to improve gradually.

Correcting mistakes is part of this process and

Practical Teaching Tips
teachers should be very careful about the method
to correct to avoid students’ rejection to the sub-
ject, losing confidence or losing motivation. Some
Daily Routine tips for corrections are:
It is important to stablish a daily routine to keep Observe students’ reaction when they are
the rhythm of the class, completely independent corrected.
from what you are going to do. The routine gives
students the sense of security. These actions must Avoid over-correction.
be a constant in all your classes:
Try not to interrupt students’ flow of ideas
Choose a sign or sound to get students at- if it is a group discussion or an oral presen-
tention, for example clap your hands, sing tation.
a rhyme, or any other short action that can
Correct when there is a pause, by using the
catch students’ attention. Use always the
intonation and stress to focus on the mis-
same sign, so students will not be confused
pronounced word. You can get the student
and are clear of the purpose of the sign.
or the whole class to repeat the word if nec-
Change the activities periodically, for young- essary.

Another way to correct oral speech is to re- source of information to understand your students
peat students’ sentence but doing a pause better.
before the word which was mispronounced,
and raise your intonation to emphasise the Try to involve them with students’ home-
correct pronunciation. Get the student or work
the whole class to repeat the word. Inform parents about students’ progress.

Send monthly report to parents.

Large Classes Meet with parents at least twice a year, in
Teaching large classes can be difficult when mon- the middle of the school year and at the end.
itoring groups. To improve large class teaching Prepare presentations for parents, for exam-
there are some ideas: ple, songs, choral reading, dramatizations,
Do not be static. Move around the class- art exhibitions, and so forth.
room, the row, be flexible in your body lan-
guage. Do not stay in a fixed point in front of WORDS AND CONVERSATION
the class. Go closer to those who are in the
back or the room as well. SAMPLE PAGE AND LESSON
When there are games, divide the classroom PLAN
in groups, so while one group play, the oth-
er may observe or do another activity, and
then interchange roles.

When the visual aid is not big enough, walk

also up to the middle of the class so they can
visualise the material. Try to use posters if

When using the board, do not use the last

lines because students from the back cannot
see it. Also write in a letter big enough to be
seen from the back chairs.

Warm up and review

Culture in the Classroom
1. Do an activity to review the Writing learned in
As English is a foreign language, keep students the previous lesson. An example activity is provid-
open minded to learn about English speaking cul- ed in each lesson.
tures. Bring to class folk tales, nursery rhymes,
2. Check the Workbook assignment complete either
legends, music, coins and videos. Also compare
in class or for homework. In the Answer Key sec-
and contrast oral expressions such as idioms and
tion there are detailed instructions about how to
phrasal verbs and compare them to the native cul-
check each question according to the nature of the
ture. Bring native speakers to class, food, clothes
and any other realia that help students be in con-
tact with English speaking countries.

Introduce the conversation

Involving Parents 1. Many activities are provided to introduce the
new vocabulary of the unit. All of them require the
Keep close contact with parents. They are the best

Teaching Materials at the end of the book. Detailed 3. There are many strategies to discuss the ques-
activities are explained in each lesson. tions: seminars, dramatisations, group rotation,
phillis 66 and many others. Strategies vary accord-
2. Students open their books and listen, point and ing to the unit and all the steps are specified in
repeat the lesson vocabulary. each one.
3. Students match the words with the correct
definitions. Students can check the Dictionary
to improve vocabulary. Some games and addition- Games and activities
al activities with vocabulary are specified in each
unit. Many activities and games are provided to facilitate
students the process of learning the conversation.
Three or more games or activities are provided in
each lesson plan. Some activities focus on vocab-
Listen and read ulary, whereas others focus on full sentences. On
1. There is a dialogue that contextualises grammar some occasions, they can practice vocabulary and
structures and vocabulary. grammar from previous lessons.

2. Students listen to the dialogue.

3. Go through each line to explain the relevant vo- Finish the lesson
cabulary to the lesson. 1. Each lesson plan contains an activity or game to
4. Divide the class into two groups to play the dif- review the main content of the lesson.
ferent roles and then interchange them. 2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation
5. Ask for volunteers to read the dialogue. exercise in the Workbook. It is important to pro-
vide instructions according to the Instructions and
Answer Key for the Workbook.

Read again and choose the correct answer

1. Students read the dialogue again. GRAMMAR

2. Students answer open ended questions.
3. Check the answers as a group.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words

1. Students read the text and complete it by filling

in the blanks using the vocabulary on the previous

2. There are many different strategies to check the

passage according to the unit.

Practice with a partner

1. Students either in pairs or bigger groups discuss

the questions.

2. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts.

ually introduce the pattern in more complex struc-

4. There are additional grammar explanations to

introduce more complex elements within the struc-
ture. For example: first, students learn how to use
the structure; then, they learn how to write a ques-
tion; and finally, how to answer in affirmative or

5. There are different types of exercises, all of them

with a key in the Teacher’s Book:

- Write the verb in brackets in the correct form: stu-

dents read a passage or a sentence and write the
verb in the correct verb tense.
Warm up and review - Underline the correct verb, noun, adverb or prepo-
1. Review the Words and Conversation section sition in brackets: students read a sentence careful-
learned in the previous lesson. An activity is provid- ly and have to underline the correct option.
ed in each lesson. - Fill in the chart to apply a grammar rule: this type
2. Check the Workbook assignment completed ei- of exercise is appropriate to form the plural, third
ther in class or for homework. In the Answer Key person singular, gerunds, past tense and/or past
section there are detailed instructions about how to participle.
check each question according to the nature of the - Read instructions and complete the chart.
- Multiple choice: students carefully read the sen-
tence and choose the most appropriate of the four
Introduce the grammar structure options.

1. The grammar section has two pages. - Complete sentences or passages: students read the
information provided and fill in the passage or sen-
2. In every grammar lesson, there is a set of activi- tence with the missing word(s), based on the pat-
ties suggested to introduce the grammar. tern studied.

3. The pattern is introduced step-by-step. - Write negatives or questions from the sentences
provided: students are given a sentence that they
4. When students are familiar, stimulate them to have to change into the interrogative or negative
provide examples on their own. form.
5. For additional grammar input, there is a Gram- - Place a given word into the correct place in a sen-
mar Reference section in the Student’s Book. tence: a full logical sentence is provided and stu-
dents have to add in a piece of information provided.

Practice the pattern - Error analysis: students have a set of sentences

with grammatical mistakes. They have to correct
1. Students open their books and read the sample and rewrite the sentence.
provided to contextualised the grammar structure.
- Grammar cloze: a list of words is provided and stu-
2. The pattern is explained in context with addition- dents have to complete a passage or a list of sen-
al examples to illustrate usage. tences using the words. - Words can be used once
3. There are different types of exercises which grad-

- Organising words to make a sentence: students are SAMPLE PAGE AND LESSON
provided with a list of scrambled words. They have
to organise them to make a correct sentence. PLAN
- Synthesis and transformation exercises: students
have to join two sentences using a connector pro-

6. To check exercises, many options are provided for

each exercise:

- Read a part of the sentence / passage provided and

stop when there is a blank.

- Students complete as a group.

- Ask for volunteers to write answers on the board.

- Students share their answers in pairs, while you

monitor and correct their answers.

- Volunteers write the answers on the board.

- Volunteers answer orally.

5. Additional grammar exercises are provided in the Warm up and Review

Teacher’s Book. 1. Do an activity to review the Grammar section. An
activity is provided in each lesson. Sometimes, this
could be a game or a written exercise, depending on
Games and activities the nature of the lesson.

Many activities and games are provided to facilitate 2. Check the Workbook assignment completed ei-
students the process of learning new vocabulary. ther in class or for homework. In the Answer Key
Three or more games or activities are provided in section there are detailed instructions about how to
each lesson plan. Some activities focus on vocab- check each question according to the nature of the
ulary, whereas others focus on full sentences. On activity.
some occasions, they can practice vocabulary and
grammar from previous lessons.
Introduce the words

Finish the lesson 1. Many activities are provided to introduce the new
vocabulary of the unit. Some of them require Flash-
1. Each lesson plan contains an activity or game to cards; others require realia or real objects, for ex-
review the main content of the lesson. ample. Each unit specifies the additional materials
2. Explain and assign the Grammar exercise in the
Workbook. It is important to provide instructions
according to the Instructions and Answer Key for
the Workbook. Read the sentences and try to explain the mean-
ing of the words in bold
VOCABULARY ENRICHMENT & 1. Students open their books to the lesson.
ENGLISH IN USE 2. The words are introduced in context and students
infer the meaning of words.

Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1

1. Students observe the pictures and according to

the sentences, infer the picture that corresponds
with the highlighted word.

2. There are many strategies to discuss the answers,

such as working in pairs, working in groups and the
class working as a whole.

Categorising exercise

1. Students organise and categorise vocabulary into

a table.

2. Each unit has a detail set of activities to be com-

pleted according to the vocabulary.

Warm up and review

Games and activities
1. Do an activity to review the vocabulary and gram-
Many activities and games are provided to facilitate mar learned in the previous lessons. This activity is
students the process of learning the new vocabulary. usually a dictation of sentences from previous units.
Three or more games are provided in each lesson Read them at least three times: the first time for
plan. Some activities focus on vocabulary, whereas them to listen; the second time for them to write;
others focus on full sentences. On some occasions, and the last time for them to check. Ask for volun-
they can practice vocabulary and grammar from teers to write the words on the board. Sentences to
previous lessons. dictate are provided in each lesson.

2. Check the Workbook assignment completed ei-

ther in class or for homework. In the Answer Key
Finish the lesson section there are detailed instructions about how to
check each question according to the nature of the
1. Each lesson plan contains an activity or game to
review the main content of the lesson.

2. Explain and assign the Vocabulary Enrichment

& English in Use exercise in the Workbook. It is im- Introduce the sounds
portant to provide instructions according to the In-
structions and Answer Key for the Workbook. 1. Sounds are usually introduced with Flashcards
from the Teacher’s Resources at the end of the book
or by brainstorming words with the same pronun-
2. When listening and repeating, focus student’s at-
SAMPLE PAGE AND LESSON tention on the target sound.

PLAN 3. Some sounds are presented in pairs.

4. The lessons are focused on vowel sounds or con-

sonant clusters.

5. Each unit has an additional explanation according

to the target sound. Games and activities

Many activities and games are provided to facilitate

students the process of learning the new vocabu-
Listen and circle lary. Two or more games or activities are provided
1. Students listen to the passage and underline or in each lesson plan. Some activities focus on vocab-
circle the target sounds. ulary, whereas others focus on full sentences. On
some occasions, they can practice vocabulary and
2. The sounds in the book are presented in context. grammar from previous lessons.

Complete the table Finish the lesson

1. Students are asked to complete a table according 1. Each lesson plan contains an activity or game to
to pronunciation rules or sounds studied. They have review the main content of the lesson.
to work with the words from the previous exercise,
classifying the sounds studied. 2. Explain and assign the Phonics exercise in the
workbook. It is important to provide instructions
2. Check with the group as a whole or ask volunteers according to the Instructions and Answer Key for
to write the words on the board. the Workbook.

3. Students listen and repeat the words. Sounds studied in the Student’s Book

Listen and circle Grapheme(s) Sound Sample Word

1. Students identify the sound and write a number a / æ/ apple
or symbol to identify the target sound (or sounds). b /b/ banana
c, k, q /k/ cat, koala, question
2. Students listen to the sounds. There are several
d /d/ doll
types of exercises in this section:
e /ɛ/ elephant
- Label the picture with the full name. f /f/ food
- Identify the sounds using numbers or symbols. g /g/ goat
h /h/ hen
- Writing the missing letter(s).
i /I/ insect
- Choose between two sounds. j /ʤ/ jam
l /l/ lollipop
3. In all cases, there are many options to check:
m /m/ mother
- Write the sounds on the board and students, as n /n/ nose
a group, indicate the sound (especially when two
o /o/ orange
sounds are studied).
p /p/ parrot
- Read aloud and students indicate the answer as r /r/ radio
soon as you read them. Then students listen and
repeat. s /s/ sun
t /t/ table
- Draw a chart on the board and volunteers write u /u/ umbrella
the words in the right column. Then students listen
v /v/ vase
and repeat.
w /w/ watch

x /ks/ six
y /y/ yogurt Exercises to introduce vocabulary
z /z/ zebra
1. Depending on the nature of the unit, students
sh /ʃ/ ship
have a labelling exercise, a matching exercise or just
ch /ʧ/ chair a listen and repeat exercise. Each lesson has the ac-
th /θ// ð/ thumb, that tivities carefully explained.

Match the words to their definitions and check
SAMPLE PAGE AND LESSON your dictionary
PLAN 1. Students match the words to the meaning. In
some cases, they can infer it, in other cases, they
may have to use a dictionary.

2. To check, there are many possible strategies and

each unit has the suggested strategy clearly ex-

- Read the word and students indicate the answer.

- Ask for volunteers.

- Mime and play games to check vocabulary

Read the following passage and fill in the blanks

using the words in Exercise A

1. Students read the text silently.

2. Students complete the text with the words pro-

Warm up and review vided.

1. Do an activity to review the Phonics section. An 3. Check the words by reading the passage and stu-
activity is provided in each lesson. dents say the missing word as a group.

2. Check the Workbook assignment either complet- 4. Answer any questions that students have and use
ed in class or for homework. In the Answer Key sec- gestures and body language to help them under-
tion there are detailed instructions about how to stand the meaning.
check each question according to the nature of the 5. Any additional activities are carefully described
activity. in each lesson plan.

Introduce the vocabulary of the reading Read again and answer the following questions
1. Materials to introduce the vocabulary varies from 1. Students read the text again (now they have all
Flashcards to realia. the words) and discuss with a partner (or bigger
2. The topic is introduced in an interactive and at- groups) the answer to each question.
tractive way. Each lesson has its own instructions. 2. Any additional detail is carefully explained in

each lesson plan.

Choose the best answer

1. The closing exercise of each unit provides stu-

dents the opportunity to revise any additional ex-
pressions, idioms, proverbs or additional vocabu-
lary taken from the text.

2. According to the unit, additional activities are

carefully explained in the lesson plan.

3. There are many ways in which students can check

their answers. Each unit explains how to revise stu-
dents’ answers according to the nature of the unit.

Warm up and review

Games and activities
1. Do an activity to review the CLIL. An activity is
Many activities and games are provided to facilitate provided in each lesson.
students the process of learning the new vocabu-
lary. Three or more games or activities are provided 2. Check the Workbook assignment either complet-
in each lesson plan. Some activities focus on vocab- ed in class or for homework. In the Answer Key sec-
ulary, whereas others focus on full sentences. On tion there are detailed instructions about how to
some occasions, they can practice vocabulary and check each question according to the nature of the
grammar from previous lessons. activity.

Finish the lesson Introduction to writing

1. Each lesson plan contains an activity or game to 1. Revise some keywords in the lesson. Sometimes
review the main content of the lesson. you may need Flashcards. Each lesson plan has its
own suggested activities and strategies.
2. Explain and assign the CLIL exercise in the Work-
book. It is important to provide instructions ac-
cording to the Instructions and Answer Key for the
Workbook. Brainstorming

1. Students have a list of words from the unit to or-

WRITING ganise into a box according to a category given.

SAMPLE PAGE AND LESSON 2. These words provide information to stimulate


Writing exercise

1. Students have to write a paragraph composition

following two parameters:

- Note: This part gives a guideline about how to pres-

ent ideas, including information about the grammar

structure they need, linking words, punctuation Materials: CD, beanball, board, markers and
marks and vocabulary notes, characteristics of the real objects (x-ray, pills, tablet, thermometer and
sentence, topics, and so forth. stethoscope).

- Brainstorming: general ideas to improve writing

composition and important structure hints.

- Proofreading: guidelines to check if the paper has

the basic elements to complete it.

-Track your progress: this part reminds students the

steps to writing a paragraph: brainstorming, organi-
sation, first draft, edition and final draft.

2. Students have to write a composition in the space


3. To check, each unit suggests strategies to revise

and provide feedback.

4. On some occasions, the exercise suggests to start

with a specific exercise from the Workbook.

Games and activities

Many activities and games are provided to facilitate

students the process of learning the new vocabu- Warm-up and review
lary. Three or more games or activities are provided
1. Game: Take the beanball and ask students to in-
in each lesson plan. Some activities focus on vocab-
troduce themselves saying their name and where
ulary, whereas others focus on full sentences. On
are they from. Model what they have to say by
some occasions, they can practice vocabulary and
introducing yourself: “I am … I am from … I like
grammar from previous lessons.
(sport) and I like (food).” Pass the ball and the fol-
lowing student has to do the same. Then the ball is
passed in the opposite direction; pass the ball and
Finish the lesson introduce the student who receives the ball. The
next student has to do the same.
1. Each lesson plan contains an activity or game to
review the main content of the lesson. 2. Explain that in every class you are going to revise
the homework before starting the daily routine.
2. Explain and assign the Writing exercise in the
Workbook. It is important to provide instructions
according to the Instructions and Answer Key for
the Workbook. Introduce the conversation

1. Ask students if they have ever been to the Doctor.

Unit 1: At the Doctor’s Prompts: Have you ever been to the Doctor? What
did you do there? What did you feel? What did the
doctor prescribe?
Words and Conversation 2. Write on the board the key words related to
Language Focus: Health care tools, medicine and symptoms, especially those
that are connected to the unit.
Functions: Talking to the Doctor about symptoms.

3. If you brought real objects into class (they could 7. Ask students to repeat the process with the sec-
be from a kid’s game), the session will be more mo- ond word, symptoms. While they look for the word,
tivating, for example, a thermometer, stethoscope, monitor and help students with their dictionaries.
pill, tablet and/or x-ray.
8. Once most of the students have found the word,
4. Show an instrument and students listen and discuss which letter is the one with the closest
repeat after you, at least three times for each one. meaning.
Repeat the strategy with the next object.
9. Repeat the process with the third word.
5. Before moving on to the next word, revise the
first two words, and repeat the process with the 10. The last word is an idiom. Explain that idioms
third object. are an important part of speech in any culture and
the meaning is not always literal. Provide examples
6. Ask students to open their books to the Words from students’ mother tongue.
and Conversation section, in Unit 1. Students ob-
serve the picture on the left in the Listen, Point
and Repeat section.

8. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat

each word.

Match the words with the definitions and check

your dictionary

1. As this is the first session with the dictionary, it

is important to revise the alphabet.

2. Ask students to say the alphabet as a group. If

they do not remember it, write it on the board and
have them repeat after you.

3. Say to students that the dictionary has the mean-

ing of the most important words in a language, or-
ganised alphabetically.

4. Ask students to look in the dictionary for the

meaning of the word appointment. Prompts:
Which letter do you have to look for first? What can Answer Key
you do next? Do you have to read the all words in
this letter to find the word? What is next step? 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c)

5. Once students have found the word, discuss the

meaning of the abbreviations that explain the part Listen and read
of the word. If students have different editions, for 1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation.
the next word you can review their dictionaries
and help them to look for the words. Highlight the 2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify
importance of knowing the words, their definition vocabulary. It is essential that students know the
and use in speech (some dictionaries have phonetic meaning of each word and the sense of each sen-
transcriptions, only focus though on the meaning tence. Some words and expressions are: I’m not
and use in speech). feeling well, actually, dear, hard to breathe, hot un-
well, worse, overnight and ill.
6. Ask students to choose which one of the four
definitions is the most appropriate for the word. 3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-

sion questions. Prompts: Where is Amil? Why is 3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss-
Amil there? What are Amil’s symptoms? How long ing word. Students answer as a group.
has he been ill? Is anyone else in his family sick? Was
Amil sick at school?

4. Play the CD and have students listen and repeat Answer Key
each line after the CD (or after you).
5. Divide the classroom into two groups; one group
reads the role of Amil, and the other the doctor
and/or receptionist. Then interchange roles. symptoms
6. Have two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. breathe
Ask the other group to do the same.
Read again and answer the questions
go to school
1. Students read the text again.
2. Students answer the comprehension questions.
Tell them they may go back to the text to look for Pair and Group work
the correct answer. 1. Students discuss these questions. They have to
3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students exchange information about their experiences at
share their answers. the Doctor’s. One student asks and the other an-
4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts.
2. Add any additional vocabulary to improve the
terminology explored about going to the Doctor,
such as headache, sore throat, medicine, prescrip-
Answer Key tion, rest, and so on.
1. He is going to the Doctor because he 3. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to
feels ill. improve their vocabulary.
2. He finds it hard to breath, and he feel
hot and clammy.
Games and Activities
3. He started to feel unwell yesterday/the
day before. 1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your
questions based on the dialogue. Specifically, use
4. No, there isn’t anyone in Amil’s family the six questions in the Discuss the following
who has the same symptoms.
with your partner(s) section. The student replies
5. Yes, he will help Amil. and brings the ball back to you. Try to ensure that
most of the students participate. Check pronunci-
ation and fluency. Help them build up sentences. If
there is an important pronunciation problem, get
Fill in the blanks with the suitable word the whole class to listen and repeat.
1. Students read the passage and complete it using 2. Pass the ball. Ask a question related to health to
the new words from the lesson. the student next to you. They have to answer and
2. Students first work individually and then they then ask another question to the following student.
share their answers with a classmate. The process is repeated until most of students have

3. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on a section of their Workbook (See the Workbook sec-
sheet of paper. Divide the class into two. Give the tion in the Teacher’s Book).
first student of each group the first sentence. They
have to read it, memorise it, and then go to the sec- Grammar
ond student in the row to secretly say the sentence,
whispering in their ear. Once the student gets the
message, they then pass it on in the same way until Grammar Focus: Conditional sentences (Type 0
the message reaches the last. The last student has and 1).
to say the message out loud. Have fun comparing
the original message and the final one. Some sug-
gested sentences are: Functions: To express ideas under real conditions.
What symptoms do you have? Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
What medicine did the Doctor give you?

Let’s take your temperature

It is hard to breathe.

4. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-

versation on a sheet of paper and put all of them in
an envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
copies for students to practise in pairs. You can
prepare different sets so there will be more than
one line used in the class. In class, students work in
pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and students
have to organise the words to make a sentence.
Some of these sentences can be:

I am not feeling well.

I am finding it hard to breathe.

I feel all hot.

You will be right as rain.

Warm-up and review
5. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and
write a dialogue based on the structures on page 2 1. Organise the conversation. Students organise
and 3. Then they exchange dialogues with another a conversation written at random and then practise
group, check the dialogue and read the dialogue the role play. The conversation can be presented
aloud in front of the class. either on the board or on sheets of paper cut up
and put in an envelope. Students have to enact the
dialogue in front of the class with a partner. A sam-
ple dialogue can be:
Finish the lesson
A: Why did you go to the Doctor?
1. Pass the bag. Write different words from the
unit on different sheets of paper and put them in a B: I did not feel very well.
bag. In class students take a piece of paper and say
a sentence using that word. Then they pass the bag A: What symptoms did you have?
to the following classmate.
B: I found it hard to breathe.
2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation
A: Did the Doctor take the temperature?

B: Yes, he did. Motivate students to form their own conditional
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in 5. Join the sentences using if and when in all
the Teacher’s Book). positions. Students read the sentences carefully
and join them using if and when, interchanging
the place of the clauses. They have to write four
Introduce the grammar structure sentences for each pair of words provided. Warn
students about the necessary transformation of the
1. Write on the board the sentence: “If you heat ice, subject when they interchange places.
it melts.”
6. Solve the first one as an example.
2. Explain to students that this type of statement
expresses a condition that has a consequence 7. Ask students to determine in each exercise
which is always the same: it is a fact or a general which of the sentences is the if clause, and which is
truth. the condition.

3. Analyse with the students the grammar struc- 8. Discuss the answers and ask for volunteers to
ture: explain that the sentence has two parts, the write the first two on the board (to focus on punc-
‘if’ clause, which is a condition, and the ‘main’ tuation marks and verb tenses). The rest of them
clause. Underline both sentences separately on the can be done orally, however, use the board to clari-
board. fy any doubts.

4. Highlight the fact that both sentences must be

in the present tense when talking about facts and
Answer Key
generally true statements and conditions.
1. If people eat too much, they get fat.
5. Focus students’ attention on the punctuation
marks. Write the sentence interchanging the posi- People get fat if they eat too much.
tion of clauses to demonstrate the use of commas
when the if clause is at the beginning. When people eat too much, they get fat.

6. Provide other examples and encourage students People get fat when they eat too much.
to build their own. For example: “If you mix dark
2. If you touch a fire, you get burnt.
blue and white, you get a lighter blue,”; “If you
freeze water, it becomes ice.” You get burnt if you touch a fire.
7. Check the Grammar Reference in the Student’s When you touch a fire, you get burnt.
You get burnt when you touch a fire.
3. People die if they don’t eat.
Practice the pattern
If people don’t eat, they die.
1. Ask students to open their books on Lesson 2,
People die when they don’t eat.
Grammar section, Conditional Type 0 & 1.
When people don’t eat, they die.
2. Circle the verbs in the following sentences.
Students read the passage carefully. They have to 4. If snakes are scared, they bite.
look for the verbs.
Snakes bite if they are scared.
3. Discuss the verb tense of all sentences and high-
light punctuation marks.

4. Read through the Note and clarify any doubts.

Introducing the pattern

1. Write on the board the sentence: “If we move to

a big house, I will have a pet.”

2. Explain to students that this type of statement

expresses a condition that has a consequence in
the future.

3. Analyse along with students the grammar struc-

ture: explain that the sentence has two parts, the
if clause, which is a condition in present tense, and
the main clause, using the future tense. Underline
both sentences separately on the board.

4. Focus students’ attention on the punctuation

marks. Remind them that the punctuation mark is
similar to the one studied in Conditional Type 0.

6. Provide other examples and encourage students

to build their own. For example: “If I have time, I
will go to the park” or “If you study hard, you will
pass the exam.”

When snakes are scared, they bite. 7. Check the Grammar Reference in the Student’s
Snakes bite when they are scared.
5. If babies are hungry, they cry.
Practising the structure
Babies cry if they are hungry.
1. Ask students to open their Student’s Book, to the
When babies are hungry, they cry. second page of the Grammar section: Conditional
Type 1.
Babies cry when they are hungry.
2. Read through the text and clarify any doubts.
Correct the verb in brackets
Stimulate students to build up their own state-
1. Students read the statements carefully. They ments.
have to rewrite the sentences changing the verb to
3. Analyse the examples about how the present can
its plural or singular form.
affect the future.
2. To check, read the part of the statement provided
4. Write the verbs in brackets into the correct
and students complete it as a group.
tenses. Students are going to read the sentences
and write them into the correct tense, choosing
between the future tense and the simple present
Answer Key tense (singular or plural).

1. becomes 2. don’t get 5. To check, read the statement provided and stu-
dents say the verb as a group.
3. mixes 4. don’t eat
5. eats – gets 6. don’t become
7. melts 8. don’t speak

Answer Key the next student then says “If I go to the park, I will
play football.”, and the third student could then say
1. give 2. eats “If I play football, I will get tired.” The idea is that as
many students participate as possible.
3. will telephone 4. reads
2. Pass the bag. Write different if clauses on sheets
5. washes 6. needs
of paper. Students pass the bag and take a sheet of
7. is 7. will not let paper. They have to say a full conditional sentence
using the if clause provided. Then they pass the bag
4. Write the verbs into the right tense so as to to another student who also has to take out anoth-
form the first conditional. Students are going to er sheet of paper and do the same. Some sample if
read the sentences and write them into the correct clauses are:
tense, choosing between the imperative, auxiliary
verbs, future tense and the simple present tense If I go to the beach, I…
(singular or plural) to form a conditional sentence.
If I go to the cinema, I…
5. To check, read the statement provided and stu-
If we study for the test, we…
dents as a group say the verb.
If we don’t study for the test, we…

3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them

Answer Key into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give
students an envelope to organise the sentences.
1. go – may not be
To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the
2. move – can have board. Some sample sentences are:

3. calls – will tell If I move to a new house, I will have my own bed-
4. don’t put on – may catch
If we go to the beach, I will bring some sandwiches.
5. doesn’t feel – must call
If I mix red and blue, I get purple.
6. go – can I come
If I study for the text, I will get a good grade.
7. wakes up – give
8. see – ask
Finish the lesson
9. must give – asks
1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle
10. want – can do
if possible (If not, they can do it from their seats).
6. Do the additional grammar exercise for Lesson 1
Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot
provided in the Teacher’s Book.
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” The student
who has the ball has to say a conditional sentence
using a clause you are going to provide. Then they
Games and Activities say, “Hot potato... stop!” When the student says
“Stop!”, the one with the ball has to say a statement
1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say one using the sentence the previous student used as a
if clause, for example “If I have time…” and the stu- main clause but using it as an if clause. Repeat the
dent completes the sentence. Then, they throw the game at least three times.
ball to another student. The student has to say an
if clause with the main clause of the previous stu- 2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from
dent and add a main clause, for example, if the first the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
student says, “If I have time, I will go to the park.”, Teacher’s Book).

1. Ask students about diseases, medicines and
instruments they know. If they use their mother
Vocabulary Enrichment and English in tongue, translate key words and get them to listen
Use and repeat.

Language Focus: Health and first aid. 2. Show the objects you have brought to class, for
example, tweezers, bandage, ointment, syringe.
Functions: Talking about health and medical Show them and say the name in English. Students
equipment. listen and repeat.
Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
3. Ask students to provide a list of symptoms and
diseases. Write them on the board and have stu-
dents listen and repeat.

Read the sentences and try to explain the mean-

ing of the words in bold.

1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 1.

Ask students to read the statements carefully. They
are going to infer the meaning of words according
to the context.

2. Discuss with students that there are many meth-

ods to learning new vocabulary. Using a dictionary
is one method, and inference is another. They are
going to practice inference.

3. Read the first statement. Use gestures if neces-

sary to dramatise the meaning of the word.

Warm-up and review 4. From the second word onwards, students are go-
ing to work in pairs to infer the meaning. Ask stu-
1. Revise the grammar structure from the previous dents to check the glossary in the Student’s Book to
class. Pass the ball to a student next to you (if you read the definition of each word.
can organise them into a circle then do so, if not,
pass the ball to a student in the first chair of a row). 5. Discuss with students as a group the meaning of
Start saying an if clause. The student has to say a each word in bold.
conditional sentence. The following student then
uses the sentence that the previous student added,
but they should use it as the if clause and add a Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1
main clause, and then pass the ball to the next stu-
dent. Students have to use the main clause of the 1. Students observe the pictures and label each of
previous student as the if clause and complete the them according to the words provided on top.
statement with a new clause.
2. To check, mime the noun or verb and students
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- say the word.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Introduce the words

Answer Key
tweezers – bandage – diarrhoea – cast Finish the lesson
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
syringe – ban-aid – scalpel – fever - oint- the words learned in Lesson 1 and 3. Students take
ment a sheet of paper and have to describe the word as
a riddle while the rest of the class guess. Then they
Classify the words from Exercise 2 into the right pass the bag to the next student and the process is
groups. repeated.
1. Students take the words used in the previous ex- 2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary
ercise and classify them according to the heading. Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook
Discuss the meaning of each heading. (see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book)
2. To check, draw the table on the board and volun-
teers complete the table.
Sound Focus: grapheme “y”
Answer Key
Tools: ambulance, tweezers, scalpels, ban-
dage Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.

Diseases: diarrhoea, fever

Medicine: plaster, syringe, ointment, cast

Games and Activities

1. Guessing game. Divide students into two

groups. Using the vocabulary already written on
the board, ask a volunteer to sit down on a chair
with their back against the board. One volunteer
from their group is going to mime the word you
point to. The student on the chair has 30 seconds
to guess, with just three chances. If they cannot, a
mark goes to the opposite group. Then a volunteer
from the other group sits down on the chair and
repeats the game with the other group. The team
with the most marks wins.

2. Toss the ball. Divide the class into two groups.

Toss the ball to a student. and say one of the words
from the lesson. The student who receives the
ball has to say a sentence using the word. If the Warm-up and review
sentence is incorrect, toss the ball to another stu- 1. Dictation. Students are going to take a sheet of
dent in the other group. Groups win marks when paper to write a dictation. You are going to read it
students say the word properly. At the end of the three times: the first time for them to listen; the
game, the group with the most marks wins. second time for them to write; and the third time
3. Pass the ball. Students pass the ball and say sen- for them to check. To revise, ask for volunteers to
tences describing one of the words studied during write their sentences on the board. A sample dicta-
the lesson. The rest of the class have to guess. tion can be:

The ambulance takes people to hospital. exercise into the right column and work in pairs to
discuss their answers.
When you have a small cut, you can use a plaster.
2. Ask for volunteers to write the words on the
The Doctor put a cast on my brother’s leg. board.
If he has got to the toilet many times, he is suffering 3. Students check, listen and repeat.
from diarrhoea.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in Answer Key
the Teacher’s Book).
It’s windy and cloudy. My granny
is looking at the fluffy clouds in
Introduce the sounds
the sky. She can also see a tiny
1. Draw a chart on the board. Write as a heading for
one column the word “Sky”. Students listen and re- bird flying around her. She hopes
peat, emphasising the vowel sound: “Sky, i, i, i.”
it won’t rain because she wants
2. Motivate students to say other words they think to keep her story book dry. She
they may have the same sounds, like “sly”, “type”.
doesn’t like it when it is messy.
3. For the second column write as a heading the
word “Pony.” Ask students to listen and repeat, em- y /i/ windy, cloudy, granny, fluffy, tiny, sto-
phasising the vowel sound: “Pony, y, y, y.” ry, messy.

4. Ask students to think about words with that y /I/ sky, flying, dry
sound, like “Toby”, “lobby”, “fifty.”
Look at the pictures and write 1 for a y sound, 2
5. Say some words and ask students to indicate for a long /i/ sound, 3 for a long /e/ sound un-
which column the sound belongs to. Some sample der each picture
words are:
1. Explain the three different sounds to distinguish
dry – my – sixty – Sally – by – yacht them from each other. Write on the board words
like “you, dry and Toby”. Assign a number to each
7. Discuss the answers with students. one (1, 2, 3). Students listen and repeat.

2. Ask students to silently read the words.

Listen, read and point. Circle the words that 3. Read the words aloud for them to listen.
have a “y”
4. Remind them of the three different sounds they
1. Read the instructions carefully. have to classify.
3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be 5. To check, read the words out and students as a
familiar with the content. They point to the text group determine whether the sound is 1, 2 or 3.
whilst listening. Play the CD again and this time
they have to circle the words that have the letter

Complete the table

1. Students classify the words from the previous

Answer Key 1. Chant. Students have to pick a word with any
of the sounds that has the grapheme “y”. Ask for a
Trophy: 3 Sixty: 3 volunteer. They have to say the word rhythmically,
using body movements or noise in a way that cre-
Yogurt: 1 Candy: 3 ates a constant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer
Type: 2 Python: 2 to do the same. Each time a student is included, the
previous ones have to keep saying their word and
Pony: 3 Fly: 2 rhythm quietly. In such a way, the new word is al-
ways louder than the murmur of the rest. When all
Honey: 3 Jelly: 3
students have their word, move your hands up to
Sky: 2 Yacht: 1 increase volume or down to lower it.

Games and Activities 2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
1. Categorising. Draw on the board a chart with Teacher’s Book).
three columns, with the following heading: 1 – y, 2
– I , 3 – e. Provide a list of words and have students
classify them. To check, ask for volunteers to write
them on the chart and then students listen and re- CLIL
peat after you. Some words can be: Language Focus: Health and First Aid.
My – jelly – young – Sally – sky – yesterday – by – try
– lorry – worry – yeast – youth – deny – Toby – rely –
York – silly – dry Functions: Reading comprehension about first aid.

2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
circle the word that does not belong to the group
because it does not have the same sound. To check,
students say as a group which word is the odd
one out. Then students listen and repeat after you.
Some suggested groups are:

sky – dry – worry – rely

muddy – young – yellow – you

lorry – worry – Toby – deny

3. Listen and circle. This exercise is similar to the

previous one, but instead of giving students the
words, write numbers 1 to 4 and students circle
the number that corresponds to the word that
does not belong to the group you are going to read.
Some suggested words are:

fly – dry – sky – jelly

Warm-up and review
my – say – silly – messy
1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class
youth – young – sky - yesterday that can be represented with the grapheme “y”.
Provide a list of words and students have to clas-
sify them into a chart. To check, ask for volunteers
Finish the lesson to complete the chart on the board. Some sample
words are:

sky – young – dry – worry – sorry – my – rely – mud- Answer Key
dy – young – yellow – try – Tony
1. Wound: a damaged area of the body,
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). 2. Medical supplies: various things used
for treating an injury or illness.
3. Infected: when bacteria gets into some-
Introduce the vocabulary of the reading thing and can cause illness.
1. Discuss with students if they have ever been to 4. CPR: short for “cardiopulmonary re-
a situation of emergency. Prompts: Have you ever suscitation”, the process of keeping some-
been to a dangerous situation were many people one’s breathing and heart going.
were hurt? What did you do? How did people react?
Have you ever seen that on TV, in a movie or on the 5. Essential: something that you need to
news? What do people do in emergency situations?
What can be done if a person is drowning on a 6. Jungle: an area of land with lots of trees
beach? What can be done if a person suffers from a and animals.
heart attack at a restaurant? What can be done if a
person falls from a tree and breaks a leg or an arm? Read the following passage and fill in the
blanks with the words in Exercise A
2. Write any word which is relevant to the reading.
1. Students silently read the text.
3. Students listen and repeat the words you have
written on the board. 2. Students complete the passage with the words
from the previous unit.

3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing

Match the words to their definitions and check word so students can complete them as a group.
your dictionary
Answer Key
1. Ask students to open their books to the CLIL les-
son. jungle medical supplies
2. Ask students to observe the words on the right CPR wound
and try to guess the meanings on the left.
infected essential
3. Students work in groups to revise their options.
4. Read the whole passage again. Clarify any addi-
4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It is tional words tht students may need. E.g.: beating,
important to guide them when using their dictio- perform, go off, wilderness, alone, dangerous, far
naries, for example, ask them to recite the alphabet. away.
Look for the word by searching through the alpha-
bet by letter. Ask them to read not only the mean- 5. Ask students some comprehension questions
ing, but also the use in speech. from the text. For example: What is the most im-
portant thing you must have for a camping? What
5. To check, read the word on the left and have stu- do you need if you hurt yourself? When can you use
dents complete it. CPR? Why is it important to know how to clean an
arm? What happens if a wound gets dirty?

Read again and answer the questions

1. Students read the questions carefully and find

the information in the text. 2. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and ask
them a question related to the reading, for example
2. To revise, students work in pairs and correct one “What does CPR mean?” or “What do you need if
another. you go on a camping trip and you have an acci-
3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they dent?” Students answer the question and bring the
may have. ball back to you. Repeat the process with another
4. To check, ask questions and or the volunteers
Finish the lesson

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and

Answer Key they have to say a sentence about the text. Then
1. The person must have a first aid kit and they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one
be prepared in many areas. who receives the ball says another sentence.

2. First aid is important because it can be 2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the
a matter of life or death. Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach-
er’s Book).
3. CPR can be used if someone stops
breathing or their heart stops beating. Writing
4. (Answers vary.) Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar re-
Choose the best answer
Functions: Organise ideas in a paragraph about
1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse health and first aid.
the three options provided.
Materials: beanball, board and markers.
2. Students read the questions and the options
they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the
meaning for the context.

3. To check, read the statement and students read

the options when you have finished.

4. Discuss with the students other situations in

which they can use both expressions.

Answer Key
1. b 2. a

Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write on different pieces of paper

different words from the lesson. Students take a
sheet of paper and say either a sentence using the
word or a sentence describing it. Then they pass
the bag to the next student. In case any student
has difficulties, help them to build up sentences, by Warm-up and review
asking questions or providing vocabulary. 1. Pass the bag. Write on pieces of paper different

words learned in Lesson 1, 3 and 5. In class, stu- 2. Discuss the options with the students as a group.
dents pass the bag, take a sheet of paper out and
explain or exemplify the word by using it in a sen-
tence. Then they pass the bag to next student. Using the information from Exercise 1 and 2,
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- write a paragraph about “Camping.” Remember
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in the following instructions when writing:
the Teacher’s Book). 1. Students read the instructions in the Note and

Introduction to writing 2. Explain to students that they are going to write

about camping.
1. Ask students about what to do in different situ-
ations. They are going to express their ideas using 3. They are going to write a topic sentence and a
the conditional, for example, “I will need a cast if I closing and using the three sentences that they
break my arm”. Write the example on the board if have written.
necessary. 4. Monitor groups and help them with any doubts.
2. Ask students about different tools doctors need 5. Ask students to start writing their first draft of
to cure or heal people. Write them on the board. the paragraph.
3. Motivate students to create their own sentences 6. Write on the board as many topic sentences as
using the tools and then add in the word because, possible and tell students they are going to pick
for example, “I need a cast because I broke my leg”. only one. If they have more ideas, include that topic
Motivate students to create their own. sentence:

Going camping has many advantages, but also there

Imagine you would go camping with friends. are many disadvantages.
Tick () things that you think are very import- Going to the jungle can be very harmful, so we need
ant to take into account many important aspects.
1. Students open their books to the Writing section. There are some basic tips we have to bear in mind
2. Read aloud the list of important things to bring when going camping.
to a camping trip. 7. Remind students to use linking words to connect
3. Ask students to individually tick those tools that ideas, as well as punctuation marks and capital
they consider important. Tell them to remember letters. Underline the transition words you used in
why they have chosen them. the paragraph written at the beginning of the class.

4. Students work in groups and discuss their op- 8. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-
tions, explaining why they have chosen each one. graphs. Monitor students’ progress.

5. Discus the answers with the group as a whole.

Games and Activities

Write three sentences about the things you 1. Puzzle. Write some words on sheets of paper.
would choose giving reasons The sentences should provide a description of
transport. They have to organise the sentences in
1. Students choose three verbs to express their a logical order. Then they transcribe the sentences
ideas about why to choose the tool and saying in and make a paragraph using connectors. To check,
which cases they can use the tool, using if. ask for volunteers to read them out loud. There can
be more than one set in the class, so each group

may have a different one. A sample set could be the
following; provide them with the first sentence and
they organise the rest.

There are many important tools and instruments

you must take with you when camping. Take a first
aid kit with you. It is very helpful in case of an emer-
gency. Bring a book about first aid treatment. You do
not know the kind of emergency you might have.

2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different

lessons on small sheets of paper, enough for every
student in class. Put the words in a bag. Students
pass the bag and have to build up a sentence with
a word taken from the bag. The student passes the
bag to next student who has to do the same.

Finish the lesson

1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student

with the ball has to say a sentence about what they Warm-up and review
have learned in the unit. 1. Pass the bag: Write different words from the
2. Congratulate students for their effort and en- previous unit, related to health, for example, ther-
courage them to continue working hard for next mometer, fever, stomachache, stethoscope, cast, and
level. so on. Each student takes a sheet of paper from the
bag and build up a sentence. Then they pass the
bag to the following student.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

Unit 2: Weather Conditions tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Words and Conversation

Introduce the conversation
Language Focus: Weather Conditions: describing
the weather and the seasons. 1. Go to a window or door and talk about the
Functions: Talking about the weather. weather, for example, “The day is sunny/rainy/
windy.” Add details to describe the weather, for ex-
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. ample, “The sun is shining. I like sunny days.”

2. Ask students what is their favourite type of

weather. Introduce words from the vocabulary unit
and get students to listen and repeat.

3. If you brought magazines or pictures, show them

a picture from the magazine and talk to them about
what weather it is.

4. Talk to students about weather in other coun-

tries, for example, talk about the seasons: snow,
summer, autumn, and so forth. Write any relevant

words on the board and have students listen and
Answer Key
5. Ask students to open their books on the Words
and Conversation section, in Unit 2. Students ob- 1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a)
serve the picture on the left, in the Listen, Point
and Repeat section. Listen and read

6. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat 1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation.
each word. 2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify
vocabulary. It is essential that students know the
meaning of each word and the sense of each sen-
Match the words with the definitions and check tence. Some
your dictionary.

1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use

the dictionary. First, revise the alphabet.

2. Ask students to say the alphabet as a group. If

they do not remember it, write it on the board and
have them repeat after you.

3. Ask students to look in the dictionary for the

meaning of the word forecast. Prompts: Which
letter do you have to look for first? What can you do
next? Do you have to read the all words in this letter
to find the word? What is next step?

4. Once students have found the word, discuss the

meaning of abbreviations that explain a parts of
the use in speech. If students have different edi-
tions, for the next word you can supervise their
dictionaries and help them to look for the words).
Highlight the importance of knowing the words,
definition and use in speech.

5. Ask students to choose which one of the four

definitions is the most appropriate for the word. words and expressions are: depends on, dangerous,
calmer, conditions, perfect size, I don’t mind, anyway,
6. Ask students to repeat the process with the sec- guess.
ond word, surfing. While they look for the word,
monitor and help students with their dictionaries. 3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-
sion questions. Prompts: Where will they go?
8. Once most of the students have found the word, What does the weather forecast say? What happens
discuss which letter is the one with the closest when the day is stormy? How was the weather the
meaning. previous week? What did they decide to do?
9. Repeat the process with the third word. 4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each
10. The last word is an idiom. Explain that idioms line after the CD (or after you).
are an important part of the speech in any culture 5. Divide the classroom into two parts, each one
and the meaning is not always literal. Provide ex- reads one role: Rachel or Dad. Then interchange
amples from students’ mother tongue with the ex- the roles.
pression “keep our fingers crossed.”

6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an- Answer Key
other group to do the same.
Read again and answer the questions
1. Students read the text again.
2. Students answer the comprehension questions.
Tell them they may go back to the text to look for stormy
the correct answer.
3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students sunny/warm
share their answers.
4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts.
Answer Key
Pair and group work
1. The weather was sunny and warm.
1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.
2. She likes surfing but she is worried be- They have to exchange information about the
cause she thinks she will not go surfing weather in the country.
the following weekend.
2. Add any additional vocabulary to improve the
3. Yes, they will probably go surfing. terms about the weather, such as humid, dry, pleas-
4. The perfect weather is sunny, warm, ant, sticky, uncomfortable.
and wind out. 3. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to
5. The weather forecast says it will be improve their vocabulary.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable word

Games and Activities
1. Students read the passage and complete it using
1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your
the new words from the lesson.
questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use
2. Students work first individually, and then they the seven questions from Discuss the following
share their answers with a classmate. with your partner(s). The student replies and
brings the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most
3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss- of the students participate. Check pronunciation
ing word. Students answer as a group. and fluency. Help them build up sentences. If there
is an important pronunciation problem, get the
whole class to listen and repeat.

2. Toss the ball 2. Ask a question to the student,

for example, “What can you do when the day is sun-
ny?” The expected answer is something like, “”We
can play football in the park.” Or “I can take my dog
for a walk.” Then they bring the ball back to you.
Toss the ball to another students.

3. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on a

sheet of paper. Divide the class into two. Give the Grammar
first student of each group the first sentence. They
have to read it, memorise it, and then go to the sec-
ond student in the row to secretly say the sentence, Grammar Focus: Future Tense
whispering in their ear. Once the student gets the
message, they then pass it on in the same way, until
the message reaches the last student. The last stu-
dent has to say the message. Have fun comparing Functions: To express ideas in the future.
the original message and the final one. Some sug- Materials: CD, a beanball, board, markers and
gested sentences are: magazines.
What is the weather forecast saying at the moment?

Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

I don’t mind if it’s raining.

4. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-

versation on a sheet of paper and put all of them in
an envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
copies for students to practice in pairs. You can
prepare different sets so there will be more than
one line for the class. In class, students work in
pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and students
have to organise the words to make a sentence.
Some of these sentences can be:

It was sunny and warm.

He says it all depends on the weather.

What does the weather forecast say today?

We’ll go surfing tomorrow.

Warm-up and review
5. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and
write a dialogue based on the structures on page 1. Organise the conversation. Students organise
10 and 11. Then they interchange dialogues with a conversation written at random and then practice
another group, check the dialogue and read the di- the role play. Present the conversation at random
alogue aloud in front of the class. on the board. First, they organise the conversation;
and then, students have to enact the dialogue in
front of the class with a partner. The conversation
Finish the lesson will be the following:

1. Pass the bag. Write different words from the A: Will we be able to go surfing tomorrow?
unit on sheets of paper and put them in a bag. In B: That depends on the weather.
class students take a piece of paper out and say a
sentence with the word. Then they pass the bag to A: What does the weather forecast say?
the following classmate.
B: The weather will be stormy.
2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation
section in their Workbook (see the Workbook sec- A: That means it will be dangerous. I hope it will be
tion in the Teacher’s Book). better.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in Motivate students to form their own future sen-
the Teacher’s Book). tences.

5. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read the

sentences carefully and write the verb in brackets
Introduce the grammar structure into the simple future tense. To check, discuss each
1. Underline the auxiliary ‘will’ on the sentences case of the simple future simple.
used in the warm-up activity.

2. Explain to students that these expressions are

Answer Key
actions in the future, using future simple for pre-
dictions, quick decisions, promises and after cer- 1. will have
tain expressions, like “hope.”
2. will be
3. Encourage students to build up their own sen-
tences. 3. will be

4. Go to the Grammar Reference section in the Stu- 4. will pass

dent’s Book for further information.
5. will help
6. won’t be
Practice the pattern 7. will win
1. Ask students to open their books to Lesson 2, 8. will help
Grammar section: Conditional Sentences Type 0 & 1.
Introducing the pattern
2. Circle the verbs in following sentences. Stu-
dents read the sentences carefully. They have to 1. Take sentences 2 and 6 from the first exercise of
look for the verbs. the Grammar section and write them on the board.

3. Ask students if the expressions refer to the pres- 2. Explain to student that “be going to” is used
ent or future. Explain that all these expressions are when the expression in the future is related to
related to the future: depending on the context the plans, intentions or predictions based on facts.
verb tense varies. Provide more examples and encourage students to
build up their own.
4. All of the above sentences talk about the fu-
ture. Which one expresses intention, arrange- 3. Go to the Grammar Reference section for further
ment, prediction and time table? Students read information.
the sentences and categorise them according to the
speaker’s intention. To check, name the category
and students as a group say the number of the sen- Practicing the pattern
1. Students open their books on the Grammar les-
Answer Key son.
a. Intention: 2, 6 2. Read through the Note. Clarify any additional
doubts and encourage students to create their own
b. Arrangement: 3, 8
c. Prediction: 1, 5
d. Timetable: 4, 7

4. Read through the Note and clarify any doubts.

3. Encourage students to provide more examples.

4. Check the Student’s Book Grammar Reference


Practicing the pattern

1. Students open their books on page 13.

2. Read through the note and answer any questions

that students have about the structure.

3. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read the

statements and correct the verbs in brackets to the
present continuous tense. To check, ask for volun-
teers to solve them on the board.

Answer Key
1. We are having a meeting in the cafeteria
3. Rewrite the sentences using “be going to”.
Students read the sentences and change the verb 2. Are you flying to Dubai next week?
tense with “be going to”. To check, ask for volun-
3. I am getting up very early tomorrow, at
teers to read aloud the answers.
five o’clock.
Answer Key I am going to go to a shopping mall at sev-
en tomorrow.
1. I am going to work in a bank when I
leave school. 5. I am playing football tomorrow after-
noon at two thirty.
2. In the new year, I am going to stop eat-
ing so much junk. 6. We are having a meeting at three
o’clock tomorrow.
3. He is not going to go to the party. He’s
got too much work. Introducing the pattern
4. I am not going to watch TV until my sci- 1. Write the following sentences on the board, The
ence project is finished. train departs in ten minutes and The match starts at
5. Are you going to play basketball after eight o’clock.
school? 2. Ask students what do both sentences have in
6. Will it rain? common.

Introducing the pattern 3. Explain that the present simple tense is used for
timetables in the future. Encourage students to add
1. Write on the board the sentences: I am meeting their own sentences.
my mother at the airport and I am playing football
tomorrow. 4. Go to the Grammar Reference in the Student’s
2. Explain that in these cases, the sentences express
the future because they are talking about an ar-
rangement. It means that the decision was already Practise the pattern

1. Students open their books on page 12. them on the board. Some sample sentences are:

2. Read through the text and clarify any additional The train departs to Madrid at seven p.m.
It will be a stormy day.
3. Encourage students to build up their own sen-
tences. I am going to work in a bank someday.

4. Write the verb in brackets in the correct She is meeting her mother at the airport.
form. Students read the sentences and change the
verbs into the present tense to express ideas in the
future. To check, read the first part of the state- Finish the lesson
ments and students as a group say the verb.
1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle
Answer Key if possible (if not, they can do it from their seats).
Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot
1. has potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” The student
who has the ball has to say a sentence using any of
2. arrives
the future tenses. . Then, they are the one who says
3. starts “Hot potato…”.

4. takes off 2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
5. finish Teacher’s Book).
5. Choose the correct answer. Students choose
the correct form of the verb to complete the sen-
tences. To check, read the statement and students Vocabulary Enrichment and English in
read the expression to complete the sentence ac- Use
cording to what they have written as a group.
Language Focus: The Weather
1. c 2. b 3. c
Functions: Talking about the weather.
4. b 5. b 6. a
7. b Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.

Games and Activities

1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say one

phrase, for example “visit my uncle”, and the stu-
dent has to say a sentence in the future using either
of the four tenses for the future. Then they bring
the ball back to you and you say another phrase for
the student to build up a sentence in any of the fu-
ture tense expressions.

2. Pass the bag. Write different verbs on sheets

of paper and put them in a bag. A student takes a
sheet of verb and use the verb in a sentence for the
future. Then they pass the bag.

3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them

up into individual words. Put them in envelopes.
In class, give students an envelope to organise the
sentences. To check, ask for volunteers to write

Warm-up and review Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1

1. Revise the grammar structure from the previous 1. Students observe the pictures and label each of
class. Pass the ball to a student next to you (if you them according to the words provided on top.
can organise them into a circle then do so, if not,
it should be to one of the first rows). Start saying 2. To check, mime the noun or verb and students
a sentence in the future tense. Then say another say the word.
word and pass the ball. The following student has
to build up a sentence using the information you Answer Key
have provided. Then they say another word and the rainbow foggy snowman
next student has to say a sentence using that word.
drizzling pouring chilly
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in Classify the words from Exercise 2 into the right
the Teacher’s Book). groups

1. Students match the word to its meaning.

Introduce the words 2. To check, read the meaning and students say the
1. Ask students about weather conditions. Ask
them which words they know which relate to Answer Key
weather transitions. For example, chilly, tornado,
thunder, and so on. Thunder: the loud noise in the sky that
you hear during a storm.
2. Write these words on the board and students
listen and repeat. Hurricane: a storm with very strong
Storm: very bad weather with a lot of rain
Read the sentences and try to explain the mean- and strong winds.
ing of the words in bold
Tornado: a very strong wind that blows in
1. Students open their books to Lesson 3, Unit 2. a circle.
Ask students to read the statements carefully. They
Drought: a long period during which there
are going to infer the meaning of words according
is no rain and people do not have enough
to the context.
2. Discuss with students that there are many meth- Blizzard: a storm with strong winds and
ods to learning new vocabulary. Using a dictionary snow.
is one method, and inference is another. They are
going to practice inference. Climate: the weather conditions of a par-
ticular area.
3. Read the first statement. Use gestures if neces-
sary to dramatise the meaning of each word. Flood: when a large amount of water that
covers an area that is usually dry.
4. From the second word onwards, students are go-
ing to work in pairs to infer the meaning. Ask stu- Games and Activities
dents to check the glossary in the Student’s Book to
read the definition of each word. 1. Guessing game. Divide students into two
groups. Using the vocabulary already written on
5. Discuss with students the meaning of each bold the board and add additional vocabulary from the
word as a group. unit. Ask a volunteer to sit down on a chair with
their back against the board. One volunteer from
their group is going to give the definition of the

word you are going to point to. They have three op-
portunities to guess, if not , a mark goes to the op-
posite group. The team with the most marks wins.

2. Toss the ball. Divide the class into two groups.

Toss the ball to a student. and say one of the words
from the lesson. The student who receives the ball
has to say a sentence using the word or the con-
cept. If the sentence is incorrect, toss the ball to
another student in the other group. Groups win
marks when students say the word properly. At the
end of the game, the group with the most marks

3. Pass the ball. Students pass the ball and say sen-
tences to describe one of the words studied during
the lesson. The rest of the class have to guess.

Warm-up and review

Finish the lesson
1. Dictation. Students are going to take a sheet of
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper paper to write a dictation. You are going to read it
the words learned in Lesson 1 and 3. Students take three times: the first time for them to listen; the
out a sheet of paper and have to describe the word second time for them to write; and the third time
as a riddle and the rest of the class have to guess. for them to check. To revise, ask for volunteers to
Then they pass the bag and repeat the process. write their sentences on the board. A sample dicta-
tion can be:
2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary
Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook When it is snowing, some children make a snowman
(see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book) when they play.

You can see the rainbow in the sky when the sun
shines through rain.
When it is drizzling, light rain is falling.
Sound Focus: grapheme “s” at the end of words:
/s/, /z/ and /ɪz/. A tornado is a very strong wind that blows in a cir-

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Introduce the sounds

1. Draw a chart on the board. Write as a heading for

one column the word “Talks”. Students listen and
repeat, emphasising the consonant sound “s” at the

2. Motivate students to say other words they think

may have the same sounds: tips, looks, puts.

3. For the second column, write as a heading the Answer Key
word “Trees.” Ask students to listen and repeat,
emphasising the consonant sound at the end /z/, In our garden, there are plants, flowers
“trees, /z/, /z/, /z/”. Contrast it with the previous and trees. The trees have many leaves and
sound and provide other examples, like “boys”, there are birds in them. Look at the boys.
“boards”, “rains”. Emphasise the importance of the They are wearing caps and playing
sound before the “s” to pick the appropriate sound
with balls. The girls are wearing hats and
(voiceless /s/ and voiceless /z/)
playing with kites and balloons.
4. Write “Watches” as a heading for the third col- /s/ plants, caps, hats
umn. Students listen and repeat, emphasising the
consonant sound “s” /ɪz/at the end, “watches, /ɪz/, /z/ trees, flowers, leaves, birds, boys, balls,
/ɪz/, /ɪz/. girls, balloons

5. Emphasise that this pronunciation occurs when /ɪz/

words end in ch, sh, ss, x or end in sounds like judg-
es. Ask students to provide examples, like “kisses”, Listen and write the suitable sound (s, z, or iz)
“fishes”, “axes” and “peaches” under each word.

6. Draw a chart on the board and write some words 1. Students have to listen and choose the suitable
so students have to categorise them according to end to each word.
the verb ending. Some words might be: 2. Read each word at least three times: the first
girls – wars – catches – let’s – wakes – caps – combs time to listen, the second time to answer, and the
–prays – lends – borrows – crosses - doubts – cough third time to check.
– costs – dreams – steaks - 3. To check, volunteers write the words in the right
7. Discuss the answers with students. column on the chart that you have been using from
the beginning of the class.

4. Students listen and repeat all words after you.

Listen, read and point. Circle the letter “s” at the Point to some students to read their words to check
end of the words individual pronunciation.

1. Read the instructions carefully.

3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be Answer Key

familiar with the content. They point to the text
while listening. Play the CD again and this time cows (s) horses (iz) lambs (s)
they have to circle the words having letter “s”.
bags (s) cages (iz) badges (s)
knives (s) forks (s) watches (s)
Complete the table
glasses (s) cups (s) hens (s)
1. Students classify the words from the previous
girls (s) gloves (s) fifes (s)
exercise in the right column and work in pairs to
discuss their answers. plates (s)
2. Ask for volunteers to write the words on the
board in the table you did when introducing the
sound. Games and Activities

3. Students check, listen and repeat. 1. Pass the bag. Write different words on pieces of
paper and put them in a bag. Students take a word

from the bag and read it with the correct pronunci-

2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to

circle the word that does not belong to the group
because it does not have the same sound. To check,
students as a group say which word is the odd
one out. Then students listen and repeat after you.
Some suggested groups are:

let’s – caps – roses – locks

watches – fishes – kisses – leaves

combs – cops – learns – pencils

Finish the lesson

1. Chant. Students have to pick a word with any of Warm-up and review
the sounds that have the grapheme “s”. Ask for a
volunteer. They have to say the word rhythmically, 1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class
using body movements or noise in a way that cre- that can be represented with the grapheme “s”.
ates a constant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer Provide a list of words and students have to clas-
to do the same. Each time a student is included, the sify them into a chart. To check, ask for volunteers
previous ones have to keep the word and rhythm to complete the chart on the board. Some sample
quietly. In such a way, the new word always sounds words are:
louder than the murmur of the rest. When all stu-
dents have their word, move your hands up to in- skies – rides – like – watches – washes – presses –
crease volume or down to lower it. spends – bets – rests – rulers

2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
Teacher’s Book). the Teacher’s Book).

Introduce the vocabulary of the reading
Language Focus: The Seasons
1. Discuss with students about weather in their
country and abroad. Prompts: Do you have seasons
Functions: Reading comprehension about seasons in your country? What seasons do you have? Do you
in the world. know about seasons in other countries? What sea-
sons do you know? What are they like? What can you
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. do in each different season?

2. Write some key words on the board, especially

those related to the reading.

3. Students listen and repeat the words you wrote

on the board.

Match the words to their definitions and check

your dictionary Answer Key
1. Ask students to open their books to the CLIL les- reliable book
suddenly mild
2. Ask students to observe the words on the right
and try to guess the meaning on the left. unpredictable break through

3. Students work in groups to revise their options. 4. Read the whole passage again. Clarify any addi-
tional words that students may need. E.g.: likely,
4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It is never, certain, ground.
important to guide them in using the dictionary, for
example, ask them to recite the alphabet. Look for 5. Ask students some comprehension questions in
the word by searching through the alphabet by let- the text. For example: What is the weather like on a
ters. Ask them to revise not only the meaning, but summer holiday in Spain? What is the weather like
also the part relating to use in speech. on a winter holiday in Canada? What is the weather
like in England? Give examples as to why people in
5. To check, read the word on the left and students England may not know how the weather will be?
have to complete it. Why is Spring beautiful? What is special about Au-

Answer Key
Read again and answer the questions
1. Mild: cool weather; cold but not harsh.
1. Students read the questions carefully and local-
2. Reliable: able to be trusted/depended ise the information on the text.
2. To revise, students work in pairs and have to cor-
3. Unpredictable: difficult to know what
rect one another.
will happen.
3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they
4. Suddenly: quickly and unexpectedly.
may have.
5. Book: to arrange for a specific time in
the future. 4. To check, ask for the questions and volunteers
6. Break through: to force through some-
thing that is holding you back.
Answer Key

Read the following passage and fill in the 1. The weather in England is unpredict-
blanks with the words in Exercise A able.

1. Students read the silently the text. 2. Winter in Canada is cold and there is
lots of snow.
2. Students complete the passage with the words
from the previous unit. 3. People in England take their umbrellas
because they never know when it might
3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing suddenly start to rain.
word so that students can complete it as a group.
4. Spring is beautiful because the flowers
start to break through the ground.

Choose the best answer

1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse

the three options provided. health and first aid.

2. Students read the questions and the options Materials: beanball, board and markers.
they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the
meaning for the context.

3. To check, read the statements and students read

the options when you finish.

4. Discuss with the students other situations in

which they can use both expressions.

Answer Key
1. a 2. b

Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper

different words from the lesson. Students take a
sheet of paper and say a sentence either using the
word or to describe it. Then they pass the bag to
the next student. In case any student has difficul-
ties, help them build up sentences by asking ques- Warm-up and review
tions or providing vocabulary.
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
2. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and ask different words learned in Lesson 1, 3 and 5. In
them a question related to the reading, for example class, students pass the bag, take out a sheet of pa-
“Tell me a sentence about Spring/Summer/weath- per and explain or exemplify the word using it in a
er in England/weather in your country.” Students sentence. Then they pass the bag to next student.
answer the question and bring the ball back to you.
Repeat the process with another student. 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).
Finish the lesson

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and Introduction to writing
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then
they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one 1. Discuss with students what the weather is like
who receives the ball says another sentence. in their countries. Write the words on the board. If
they use their mother tongue, translate the word
2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the immediately. Students listen and repeat each word
Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach- at least once.
er’s Book).
2. Ask students what is their favourite season/
weather in their country and what they like to do
in such situations. Write some key words on the
Writing board that may be useful for them to write the
Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar re- paragraph in the class.
Functions: Organise ideas into a paragraph about

Imagine a foreign friend asked you to write the year”, “We have ____ seasons in my country.”
about the weather in your country. Tick () the
words you would use to describe the weather in 4. Ask students to write one sentence describing a
your country all year-round, as well as the ac- season and a second one about what to do on that
tivities people do. season. Then, what happens when it comes to the
next season and what to do during that season. The
1. Students open their books to the Writing section. sentence should be about what they like to do the
2. Read aloud the list of characteristics of weather
conditions. 5. Ask them to use transitions between sentences;
read the note about transitions.
3. Ask students to individually tick those that de-
scribe the weather in their country all year-round. 6. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in
the Track your progress note.
4. Students work in groups and discuss their op-
tions, explaining why they have chosen each one. 7 . Monitor the groups and help them with any
5. Discus the answers with the group as a whole.
8. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-
graphs. Monitor students’ progress.
Write three sentences that best describe the
weather in your country
Games and Activities
1. Students are going to write three sentences. In
the first sentence, they have to describe the weath- 1. Puzzle. Write some words on sheets of paper.
er (if they have marked seasons), or the main two The sentences should provide a description about
seasons (if the difference is lighter), or the only the weather or season. They have to organise the
season (if there are no changes throughout the sentences in a logical order. Then they transcribe
year). the sentences and make a paragraph using con-
nectors. To check, ask for volunteers to read aloud.
2. In the second sentence, they describe the activi- There can be more than one set so that each group
ties people do in each season. may have a different one. A sample set is noted be-
3. In the third sentence, they say their favourite ac- low. Provide them the first sentence and organise
tivities. the rest.

4. Discuss with students their answers. Summer is my favourite season. The weather is hot
and the sun is bright. People usually go to the beach
and prepare barbecues. My favourite activity is to
swim in the river near my house.
Using the ideas from Exercise 1 and 2, write a
paragraph about “Weather in my country.” Try 2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different les-
to use the below strategies: sons on small sheets of paper, enough for every stu-
dent in the class. Put the words in a bag. Students
1. Students read the note to understand the steps pass the bag and they have to build up a sentence
to follow. with a word taken from the bag. The student pass-
es the bag to next student who has to do the same.
2. Discuss with students that the paragraph has to
be based on the weather and the three questions
they wrote at the beginning.
Finish the lesson
3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can
provide more examples, like “The weather in my 1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student that
country does not change much during the year”, receives the ball has to say a sentence about what
“The weather in my country changes throughout they have learned in the unit.

2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en- 1. Ask students what their favourite food is. Discuss
courage them to continue working hard for the how to make it.
next level.
2. Ask what can people usually do in the kitchen.
Unit 3: In the Kitchen Discuss the verbs they may use and translate them
where necessary. Write the words on the board and
ask students to listen and repeat.

3. Write some words related to the unit on the

Words and Conversation
board. Assign each word to a line or group and
Language Focus: Food make a competition to see which group can find
their word the fastest. Discuss the meaning of
Functions: Talking about cooking. all the words with students. Then, they listen
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. and repeat after you. Some suggested words are
zest, grate, mix, oven, chop, drizzle, vital, measure,
squeeze, among others.

4. Ask students to open their books on the Words

and Conversation section in Unit 3. Students ob-
serve the picture in the Listen, Point and Repeat

5. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat

each word.

Match the words with the definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use

the dictionary. First, revise the alphabet.

2. Ask students to say the alphabet as a group. If

they do not remember, write it on the board and
have them repeat after you.
Warm-up and review 3. Ask students to look in the dictionary for the
meaning of the word ingredients. Prompts: Which
1. Pass the bag: Write different words from the
letter do you have to look for first? What can you do
previous unit that are related to the weather, for
next? Do you have to read the all words for this letter
example, sunny, stormy, foggy, pouring, rainy, and
to find the word? What is next step?
so on. Each student takes a sheet of paper from the
bag and describes the weather or builds up a sen- 4. Once students have found the word, discuss
tence using that word. The rest of their classmates what the meaning of the abbreviations that explain
have to guess, but they have only three chances. the part of speech. If students have different edi-
Then they pass the bag to the following student. tions, for the next word you can supervise their
dictionaries and help them to look for the word.
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
Highlight the importance of knowing the words,
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
definition and use in speech.
the Teacher’s Book).
5. Ask students to choose which one of the four
definitions is the most appropriate for the word.
Introduce the conversation
6. Ask students to repeat the process with the sec-

ond word: vital. While they look for the word, mon-
itor and help students with their dictionaries.
4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each
7. Once most of the students have found the word, line after the CD (or after you).
discuss which letter is the one with the closest
meaning. 5. Divide the classroom into two groups, each one
reads one role: Grandma or Tommy. Then inter-
8. Repeat the process with the rest of the words. change the roles.

6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an-

other group to do the same.
Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a)
Read again and answer the questions
Listen and read
1. Students read the text again.
1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation.
2. Students answer the comprehension questions.
2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify Tell them they may go back to the text to look for
vocabulary. It is essential that students know the the correct answer.
meaning of each word and the sense of each sen-
tences. Some words and expressions are: drizzle 3. Organise the classroom into pairs so that stu-
cake, famous, it sounds like, missing, ready to go, so dents can share their answers.
far, creamy .
4. Monitor groups and clarify doubts.
3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-
sion questions. Prompts: Where are they? What
are they doing? What ingredients do they need? Answer Key
What is the vital ingredient? What do they do with
the lemons? What do they do after they measure ev- 1. He wanted to learn how to make a lem-
erything? How long does the cake stay in the oven? on drizzle cake.
2. Yes, she did.
3. He ran next door.
4. (answers vary) Measure the ingredi-
ents, grate 3 lemons, squeeze all the juice
in a bowl, mix the ingredients, add the
lemon juice and zest, put it in oven for 20
5. (answers vary) Yes, it is easy to make
cake / No, it isn’t easy to make cake.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable word

1. Students read the passage and complete it using

the new words from the lesson.

2. Students work first individually, and then with a

classmate to share their answers.

3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss-

ing word. Students answer as a group.

example, “What do you like to do in the kitchen?”
The expected answer is something like, “I like cook-
Answer Key ing.” or “I like helping out.” Then they toss the ball
to another student and either ask the same ques-
teach tion or a new one.
drizzle cake
3. Guessing game. Write verbs related to activities
ingredients in the kitchen on the board, such as mix, grate, add,
chop, pop in. Convey gestures and meanings for
vital each word. Divide the classroom into two groups.
Place a seat in front of the class with the back
against the board so that the one who is going to
measure be seated cannot see the board. A volunteer from
the opposite group is going to make gestures using
grate the verb you are going to point to. The student on
the seat has to say a sentence, using the word. They
have three chances. If they cannot guess, neither
squeeze group gets a point. Then another student from the
opposite group sits on the chair and takes a turn.
put The group with the most points wins.
mix 4. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on a
pop sheet of paper. Divide the class into two. Give the
first student from each group the first sentence.
delicious They have to read it, memorise it, and then go to
the second student in the row to secretly say the
Pair and group work sentence, whispering in their ear. Once the student
gets the message, they then pass it on the same
1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.
way, until the message reaches the last student.
They have to exchange information about cooking.
The last student has to say the message. Have fun
2. Add any additional vocabulary to improve the comparing the original message and the final one.
terms about cooking, such as including ingredients Some suggested sentences are:
or actions students may need, for example, boil, col-
We are missing one vital ingredient.
ander, pan, slice, and so on.
You grate the zest of three lemons.
3. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to
improve their vocabulary. Mix the ingredients together until the mixture is

Add the lemon juice and zest.

Games and Activities
5. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-
1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your
versation on a sheet of paper and put all of them
questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use
into an envelope, with the words split up. Make
the seven questions in Discuss the following with
enough copies for students to practice in pairs. You
your partner(s). The student replies and brings
can prepare different sets so there will be more
the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most of the
than one line for the class. In class, students work
students participate. Check pronunciation and flu-
in pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and stu-
ency. Help them to build up sentences. If there is an
dents have to organise the words to make a sen-
important pronunciation problem, get the whole
tence. Some of these sentences can be:
class to listen and repeat.
He run next door to look for lemons.
2. Toss the ball 2. Ask a question to a student, for

What have you done so far?

You pop the mixture in the oven.

It’s delicious but easy to make.

6. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and

write a dialogue based on the structures on page
18 and 19. Then they interchange dialogues with
another group, check the dialogue, and read the
dialogue aloud in front of the class.

Finish the lesson

1. Pass the bag. Write different words from the

unit on sheet of papers and put them in a bag. In
class, students take a piece of paper out of the bag
and say a sentence using the word or explain the
meaning of the word. Then they pass the bag to the Warm-up and review
next classmate.
1. Organise the conversation. Students organise
2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation a conversation written at random and then practice
section in their Workbook (see the Workbook sec- the role play. Present the conversation at random
tion in the Teacher’s Book). on the board. First, they organise the conversation,
and then students have to enact the dialogue in
front of the class with a partner. The conversation
will be the following:
A: Can you teach me how to make a cake?

B: Sure, it is very easy.

Grammar Focus: Future Tense
A: What ingredients do I need?

B: You need eggs, flour, butter, lemons and sugar.

Functions: To express ideas in the future.
A: What is the first step?
Materials: CD, a beanball, board, markers and
magazines. B: Measure all the ingredients and then mix them up.

A: What comes next?

B: Pop the mixture in the oven for 20 minutes.

A: It is delicious but easy.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Introduce the grammar structure

1. Write on the board the sentences: I can’t stand

watching films and I decided to stay at home. Under- Answer Key
line the words stand watching and decided to stay.
1. to write 2. doing
2. Explain that when having two verbs together,
sometimes they need an infinitive and gerund. Ex- 3. making 4. to buy
plain that they have to learn some of them by heart. 5. to study 6. opening
7. swimming 8. to win
3. Give a list of verbs that go with the infinitive, for
example would like, need to, decide to, want to, can. 9. to go 10. to help
Encourage students to say their own sentences.
7. Find the mistakes and correct them. Students
4. Provide another list of verbs that need a gerund, read each statement and find the mistakes in the
for example: stand, like, enjoy. Ask students to build verbs, and then transcribe the correct sentence. To
up their own sentences. check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on
the board.
5. Go to the Grammar Reference section in the Stu-
dent’s Book for further information. Answer Key
1. He suggested to watch TV.
Practice the pattern 2. He promised to phone me after school.
1. Ask students to open their books on Lesson 2; 3. I can’t afford to have a new camera.
Grammar section: Gerund and Infinitive.
4. She enjoys cooking.
2. Each of the following sentences have two
verbs. Circle the first and underline the second. 5. They finished reading the news.
Then, fill in the table below. Students read the 6. Would you mind moving your car?
sentences carefully. They have to look for the verbs:
circle the first, underline the second. 7. He arranged to have a party?

3. Students classify the verbs in the sentences as 8. Avoid coming late.

to whether the verb is followed by a gerund or an
infinitive. 9. I practice speaking English with my
4. To check, draw the chart on the board and ask
for volunteers to complete it.

Answer Key
Followed by –ing stand, finish, enjoy
Followed by to + infinitive would like, de-
cide, want to, offer.
5. Read through the note and answer any addition-
al questions students may have. Encourage stu-
dents to build up new sentences.

6. Underline the correct verb form. Students

read the sentences and complete them with one of
the options provided. To check, read the statement
and students complete as a group.

9. Read through the note about verbs that can ad-
mit both verbs; the infinitive and gerund. Ask stu-
dents to create their own answer.

10. Write the ing form of the underlined verbs

if possible. Students rewrite the sentences if verbs
accept both options: the infinitive and gerund. To
check, discuss each sentence individually.

Answer Key
1. He began talking.
2. They continue watching TV.
3. Do you hate working on Saturdays?
4. I like swimming.
5. She loves painting.
6. Pat prefers walking home.
7. They start talking aloud.

8. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read Games and Activities

the statements and rewrite them, using the correct 1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say one
form of the verb: either the gerund or infinitive. verb, for example “like”, and student has to say a
To check, read the statement right before the verb sentence with another verb using “like”. Then they
and students complete the statement. Write on the bring the ball back to you and you say another verb
board if necessary. for another student

2. Pass the bag. Write different verbs on sheets of

paper and put them in a bag. There must be two
Answer Key
verbs: one of the verb studied in the lesson (for
1. Jack is learning to speak Italian. example, like, love, hate, start) and another to act
as the second verb in the sentence. A student takes
2. She promised to help us. out a sheet and builds up a sentence using the
verbs provided. Then they pass the bag to the next
3. He denied taking my mobile phone.
4. Andrew kept talking for long.
3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them
5. I enjoy reading novels. into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give
students an envelope to organise the sentences.
6. She deserves to win the competition. They have to write down the sentences and modify
the verbs in brackets. To check, ask for volunteers
7. She seems to be ill.
to write them on the board. Some sample sentenc-
8. I can’t afford to buy such an expensive es are:
We are planning to go the Egypt next month.
9. Would you like to come sailing with us?
Ana enjoys playing card with her friends.
10. He suggested going to the park.
Lyn hopes to finish her project tonight.
11. He refused to answer my questions.

Bret dislikes talking on the phone in the theatre. of the verb studied in the lesson (for example, like,
love, hate, start) and another to act as the second
verb in the sentence. A student takes a sheet of
Finish the lesson paper out and builds up a sentence using the verbs
provided. Then they pass the bag to the next stu-
1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle dent.
if possible (if not, they can do it from their seats).
Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” The student tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
who has the ball has to say a sentence using any of the Teacher’s Book).
the verbs learned in class. Then they are the one
who says “Hot potato…”.
Introduce the words
2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the 1. Ask students what kind of utensils they know
Teacher’s Book). from the kitchen. Bring some toys or real objects
into class to make the learning process more signif-
icant. Show one of the objects, for example, a peel-
er, and ask students to listen and repeat the word.
Vocabulary Enrichment and English in Write the name on the board. Ask students to mime
Use how to use the utensil.
Language Focus: Kitchen utensils 2. Repeat the process with the second object. Be-
Functions: Talking about kitchen utensils. fore introducing the next one, review the first and
second. Do the same each time you introduce a
Materials: CD, a beanball, board, markers and real new word.
objects used in the kitchen (they can be real or
Read the sentences and try to explain the mean-
ing of the words in bold

1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 3.

Ask students to read the statements carefully. They
are going to infer the meaning of words according
to the context.

2. Discuss with students that there are many meth-

ods to learning new vocabulary. Using a dictionary
is one method, and inference is another. They are
going to practice inference.

3. Read the first statement. Use gestures if neces-

sary to dramatise the meaning of the word.

4. From the second word onwards, students are go-

ing to work in pairs to infer the meaning. Ask stu-
dents to check the glossary in the Student’s Book to
Warm-up and review read the definition of each word.

1. Revise the grammar structure from the previous 5. Discuss with students the meaning of each word
class. Write different verbs on a sheet of paper and in bold as a group.
put them into a bag. There must be two verbs: one

Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1 tences describing one of the words studied during
the lesson. The rest of the class have to guess what
1. Students observe the pictures and label each of it is.
them according to the words provided on top.

2. To check, mime the noun or verb and students

say the word. Finish the lesson

Answer Key 1. Pass the bag. Write on different pieces of paper

the words learned in Lesson 1 and 3. Students take
ladle –cleavers –kettle –fork –grater –pan a sheet of paper and have to describe the word as
a riddle while the rest of the class tries to guess.
spoon – blender – knife – peeler – whisk
Then they pass the bag to the next student and they
Choose the correct verb: two are correct in each repeat the process.
2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary
1. Students read the statements and the options. Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook
Only one option is incorrect. Students write in the (see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book)
space the letter that corresponds to the correct

2. To check, read the statement and students as a Phonics

group say the letters and words. Sound Focus: Consonant clusters at the beginning
of words starting with s.
Answer Key
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
1. boiling – pouring
2. mince – blend
3. mash – stir

Games and Activities

1. Guessing game. Divide students into two

groups. Use the vocabulary already written on the
board and add the words from the unit. Ask a vol-
unteer to sit down on a chair with its back against
the board. One volunteer from the other group is
going to mime how to use the utensil. They have
three opportunities to guess. If they do not , a mark
goes to the opposite group. The team with the most
marks wins.

2. Toss the ball. Divide the class into two groups.

Toss the ball to a student and say one of the words
from the lesson. The student who receives the ball
has to say a sentence using the word or the con-
cept, and mime how to use it. If the sentence is
incorrect, toss the ball to the other group, and an-
other student takes a turn. Groups win marks when
students say the word properly. At the end of the
game, the group with the most marks wins.

3. Pass the ball. Students pass the ball and say sen-

1. Students write down the words that were circled
in the first exercise.
Warm-up and review
2. Students listen and repeat after you.
1. Dictation. Students are going to take a sheet of
paper to write a dictation. You are going to read
three times: the first time for them to listen; the
second time for them to write; and the third time Answer Key
for them to check. To revise, ask for volunteers to
write the sentences on the board. A sample dicta- The slim boy is having lunch. He has a
tion can be: spoon in his hand. He is eating spinach,
snacks and spicy spaghetti. He is smil-
I put the kettle on to make some tea. ing because it seems that the food smells
I use a peeler to remove the skin of potatoes.
You need a whisk to mix eggs or cream.
You need a grater to put cheese on the pizza.
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in snacks
the Teacher’s Book).
Introduce the sounds
1. Write the word scan and spider on the board and
underline sc and sp on each word.

2. Explain that they have to be careful and pro- Look at each picture below. Listen and write a
nounce both sounds when pronouncing words that word from the box that names each picture
start with two consonant sounds. 1. Students have to carefully read the words given
3. Ask students to provide more examples of two and then label the pictures.
consonant sounds at the beginning of words start- 2. To check, point to the first picture and students
ing with “s” say the name.

3. Students listen and repeat.

Listen and point, then circle any words that
have two initial consonants at the beginning
Answer Key
1. Read the instructions carefully.
spider – snowman – skirt – scanner
3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be
familiar with the content. They point to the text spaceship – sneeze – stamp – star
while listening. Play the CD again and this time
they have to circle the words that have consonant scooter – sweet – sleep – sponge
clusters starting with “s”.
Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write different words on pieces of

Write and say the words you circled from Exer- paper and put them in a bag. Students take a word
cise 1 from the bag and read it with the correct pronunci-

2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to
circle the word that does not belong to the group
because it does not have the same sound(s) at the
beginning of words. To check, students say which
word is the odd one out as a group. Then students
listen and repeat after you. Some suggested groups

spade – spear – spoon – scan

scold – stay – school – scope

student – spike – stand – stay

Finish the lesson

1. Chant. Students have to pick a word with any

of the sounds that start with a consonant cluster
starting with “s”. Ask for a volunteer. They have to Warm-up and review
say the word rhythmically, using body movements
or noise in a way that creates a constant rhythm. 1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class,
Ask for another volunteer to do the same. Each represented by consonant clusters starting with “s”
time a student is included, the previous ones have Provide a fragment and students have to circle the
to keep their word and rhythm going but quietly. In words with the sound and then listen and repeat. A
such a way that the new word always sounds loud- sample fragment can be:
er than the murmur of the rest. When all students
My friend Spencer went on his scooter to school. He
have added their word, move your hands up to in-
had some sweets in his backpack. He stood up at the
crease volume or down to lower it.
corner to wait for Stephanie, his best friend.
2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
Teacher’s Book).
the Teacher’s Book).
Language Focus: Recipe Introduce the vocabulary of the reading

1. Discuss with students their favourite foods.

Functions: Reading comprehension about a recipe. Write the name of some dishes on the board and
ask students to vote for their favourite.
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
2. Discuss with students how to prepare the dish
most voted for. Write on the board any necessary
words related to utensils, ingredients or verbs that
students need to know to discuss the recipe.

3. Students listen and repeat the new words.

Match the words to their definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Ask students to open their books on the CLIL les- Answer Key
2. Ask students to observe the words on the right
and try to guess the meaning on the left. nutritious

3. Students work in groups to revise their options. saucepan

4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It is stock

important to guide them when using their dictio-
hand blender
naries, for example, ask them to recite the alphabet.
Look for the word by searching through the alpha- hearty
bet by letter. Ask them to read not only the mean-
ing, but also the use in speech. 4. Read the whole passage again. Clarify any ad-
ditional words that students may need. E.g.: skill,
5. To check, read the word on the left and students root, chunks, heat up, soften, chunky, crusty bread.
have to complete it.
5. Ask students some comprehension questions
in the text. For example: What kind of soup is this
recipe? What type of vegetables are best for the
Answer Key soup? What do you have do before chopping the
1. Stock: flavoursome liquid used as the vegetables? Where do you prepare the soup? How
base for soups and sauces. much water do you need for this soup? How long do
you have to cook the soup for? How do you serve the
2. Nutritious: healthy and full of goodness. food?

3. Saucepan: a deep pan for cooking on

the hob.
Read again and answer the questions
4. Recipe: a guide for making a meal.
1. Students read the questions carefully and find
5. Hand blender: and electric kitchen the information in the text.
device that you use to make foods into a
smooth texture. 2. To revise, students work in pairs and correct one
6. Hearty: wholesome and filing.
3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they
Read the following passage and fill in the may have.
blanks with the words from Exercise A
4. To check, ask for the questions and have volun-
1. Students silently read the text. teers respond.
2. Students complete the passage with the words in
the previous unit.
Answer Key
3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing
words so students can complete them as a group. 1. The recipe is for a Winter Vegetable
2. The vegetables are chopped up.
3. Chop the vegetables into small chunks.
4. Carrots, turnips, potatoes, garlic, onion,
oil and crusty bread.

Choose the best answer 2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the
Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach-
1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse er’s Book).
the three options provided.
2. Students read the questions and the options
they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar re-
meaning for the context. view.
3. To check, read the statement and students read Functions: Organise ideas in a paragraph about a
the option when you finish. favourite recipe.
Materials: beanball, board and markers.

Answer Key
1. a 2. b

Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper

different words from the lesson. Students take a
sheet of paper and say a sentence using the word
or describing it. Then they pass the bag to the next
student. In case any student has difficulties, help
them to build up sentences by asking questions or
providing vocabulary.

2. Puzzle. Split a recipe into different parts and

write them on different sheets of paper. Put them
in an envelope. There could be different recipes
per group. Students organise the recipe and read it
out loud to share it with their classmates. Sample

A Pancake Warm-up and review

Mix a cup of flour, two tablespoon of sugar and half 1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of pa-
a cup of milk. per different words learned in Lesson 1, 3 and 5.
In class, students pass the bag, take out a sheet of
Stir a quarter of the mixture in a hot pan with a bit paper and explain or exemplify the word using it
of oil. in a sentence. Then they pass the bag to the next
Toss the pancake.
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
Serve it with jelly or honey. tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Finish the lesson

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and Introduction to writing
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then 1. Discuss with students which recipe of the ones
they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one discussed in class they have liked the most. Refresh
who receives the ball says another sentence. their memories of the vocabulary used. Stimulate
students to use the name of utensils they need to

prepare that recipe, and also verbs and ingredients 4. Read and check the editing, proofreading and
involved in the process. track your progress notes.

2. Write some of the sentences on the board. Ex- 5. Read the note about transitions and ask them to
plain to students that to make this isolated sen- use transitions between sentences.
tence become a paragraph, they have to add a topic
sentence and transition signals. 6. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in
the Track your progress note.
3. Choose with students a topic sentence for the
paragraph, according to the recipe selected by the 7 . Monitor groups and help them with any doubts.
class. 8. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-
4. Add transition signals between sentences, es- graphs.
pecially those related to procedure: first, second,
then, after that, later, as soon as, finally.
Games and Activities
5. Read the paragraph with students.
1. Puzzle. Write a recipe and get students to orga-
nise the recipe. Then ask students to write a para-
For a school project, your teacher asked you to graph about the recipe.
write a simple recipe. Tick () the words you 2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different
will use in your description. lessons on small sheets of paper, enough for every
1. Students open their books to the Writing section. student in class. Put the words in a bag. Students
pass the bag and have to build up a sentence with a
2. Read aloud the list of instruments suggested in word taken from the bag. The student then passes
the lesson. the bag to next student who has to do the same.

3. Ask students to individually tick the words that 3. Pass the bag 2. Write different verbs on a sheet
they will use in their composition. of paper and put them in a bag. There must be two
verbs: one verb which was studied in the lesson
4. Students work in groups and discuss the ingre- (for example, like, love, hate, start) and another
dients, the tools and instructions (especially the second verb to use in the sentence. Students take
order of verbs) they are going to use in their para- out a sheet of paper and build up a sentence using
graphs. the verbs provided.
5. Discuss the answers with the group as a whole.

Finish the lesson

Using the information from Exercise 1 and 2, 1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student
write a paragraph about “My Favourite Recipe.” with the ball has to say a sentence about what they
Always remember to do or learn the following: have learned in the unit.
1. Students read the note to understand the steps 2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en-
to follow. courage them to continue working hard for next
2. Discuss with students that the paragraph has to level.
be based on the recipe they have chosen and the
words they used in Exercise 2.

3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can Unit 4: Hobbies and Handicrafts
provide more examples, like “It is easy to prepare a
…”, “My grandmother taught me how to make a…”,
“If you want to make a…, just follow these steps.”

Words and Conversation 3. If you have the possibility of bringing some tools
(real or toys), such as a saw, hammer, a piece of
Language Focus: Hobbies and handicrafts wood or a screwdriver, the experience would be
Functions: Talking about hobbies and handicraft. more significant. Students listen and repeat each
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
4. Ask students to mime how to use each one.

5. Ask students to open their books on the Words

and Conversation section, in Unit 6. Students ob-
serve the pictures in the Listen, Point and Repeat

6. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat

each word.

Match the words with the definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use

the dictionary. Do all the steps to review the previ-
ous units.

2. Ask students to look in the dictionary for the

meaning of the word carving. Prompts: Which let-
ter do you have to look for first? What can you do
Warm-up and review next? Do you have to read all the words in this letter
to find the word? What is the next step?
1. Pass the bag: Write different words from the
previous unit related to cooking, for example: mix, 3. Once students have found the word, discuss
stir, pop into, kettle, peeler, whisk, knife and so on. what is the meaning of the abbreviations that ex-
Each student takes a sheet of paper from the bag plain the use in speech. If students have different
and mimes the verb or how to use the utensil. The editions, for the next word you can supervise their
rest of their classmates have to guess what it is, but dictionaries and help them to look for the words.
they have only three chances. Then they pass the Highlight the importance of knowing the words,
bag to the next student. their definition and use in speech. Also discuss the
different meanings each word may have and which
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- one is the most appropriate according to the unit.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). 4. Ask students to choose which one of the four
definitions is the most appropriate for the word.

5. Ask students to repeat the process with the sec-

Introduce the conversation ond word, carvings. While they look for the word,
monitor and help students with their dictionaries.
1. Ask students what they do in their spare time.
Write on the board some of their ideas and they 6. Once most of the students have found the word,
listen and repeat. discuss which letter is the one with the closest
2. Also discuss what people do as part of that hob-
by, for example, if it is scrapbook, they have to cut 7. Repeat the process with the rest of the words.
out pictures, stick, colour, and so forth. Also write
down the tools they may need.

Answer Key Read again and answer the questions

1. () 2. () 3. () 4. () 1. Students read the text again.

Listen and read 2. Students answer the comprehension questions.

Tell them they may go back to the text to look for
1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation. the correct answer.

2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify 3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students
vocabulary. It is essential that students know the can share their answers.
meaning of each word and the sense of each sen-
tences. Some words and expressions are: wood- 4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts.
work, talent, I know so .

3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-

sion questions. Prompts: What did the boy show Answer Key
his grandad? What is his grandad’s favourite bird? 1. He wanted to show a carving he had
What does his grandad do, too? Where did the boy done.
want to go? Why?
2. He said James had a great talent.
3. He got the carving skill from his gran-
4. He would like to go to his granddad’s
5. (Answers vary) His grandad can show
him how to carve better.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable word

1. Students read the passage and complete it using

the new words from the lesson.

2. Students work first individually, and then they

share their answers with a classmate.

3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss-

ing words. Students answer as a group.

4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each

line after the CD (or after you).

5. Divide the classroom into two groups, each one

reads one role: Grandad or James. Then inter-
change roles.

6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an-

other group to do the same.

Answer Key have three chances to guess. If they cannot guess,
no groups get a point. Then, another student from
show the opposite group sits on the chair and takes a
turn. The group with the most marks wins.
3. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on a
sheet of paper. Divide the class into two. Give the
owl first student of each group the first sentence. They
have to read it, memorise it, and then go to the sec-
talent ond student in the row to secretly say the sentence,
whispering in their ear. Once the student gets the
message, they then pass it on the same way, until
workshop the message reaches the last student. The last stu-
dent has to say the message. Have fun comparing
Pair and group work the original message and the final one. Some sug-
gested sentences are:
1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.
They have to exchange information about hobbies What tools or equipment do you use to do your hob-
and handicrafts. by?
2. Add any additional vocabulary to improve the This is a wood carving of your favourite bird.
terms about hobbies, such as origami, painting,
reading, sandpaper, nail, and any other hobby or You’ve inherited the skill from me.
tools students may need.
How often do you do your hobby?
3. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to
4. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-
improve their vocabulary.
versation on a sheet of paper and put all of them in
an envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
copies for students to practice in pairs. You can
Games and Activities prepare different sets so there will be more than
one line in the class. In class, students work in
1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and students
questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use have to organise the words to make a sentence.
the seven questions in Discuss the following with Some of these sentences can be:
your partner(s). The student replies and brings
the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most of the Do you have a hobby?
students participate. Check pronunciation and flu-
ency. Help them build up sentences. If there is an Yes, I like Origami.
important pronunciation problem, get the whole
What tools or equipment do you use to do your hob-
class to listen and repeat.
2. Guessing game. Write verbs and tools discussed
I need lots of paper.
during the class (including those that you added
from the different activities). Convey a gesture to How often do you do your hobby?
mime the action described in the verbs, hobbies or
tools. Divide the classroom into two. Place a seat in At least three times a week.
front of the class with the back against the board,
Is there anyone in your family or friend who has the
so the student who is going to be seated cannot see
same hobby?
the board with the word on it. A volunteer from the
opposite group is going to make gestures using the Yes, my best friend and my sister Nancy.
verb you are going to point to. The student in the
seat has to say a sentence, using the word. They 5. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and
write a dialogue based on the structures on page

26 and 27. Then they interchange dialogues with Warm-up and review
another group, check the dialogue, and read the
dialogue aloud in front of the class. 1. Complete the conversation. Students complete
a conversation written on the board and then prac-
tice the role play. Present the conversation on the
board. First, they read and write the possible an-
Finish the lesson swers to the dialogue. Then students have to enact
1. Pass the bag. Write different words from the the dialogue in front of the class with a partner. The
unit on sheets of paper and put them in a bag. In conversation can be the following:
class, students take out a piece of paper and say a A: Do you have a hobby?
sentence including the word or explain the mean-
ing of the word. Then, they pass the bag to the next B: ___________________________________________
A: What tools or equipment do you use to do your
2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation hobby?
section in their Workbook (see the Workbook sec-
tion in the Teacher’s Book). B: ___________________________________________

A: How often do you do your hobby?

B: ___________________________________________
A: Is there anyone in your family or fired who has the
same hobby?
Grammar Focus: Present Perfect

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

Functions: To express ideas that have a connection tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
with the past. the Teacher’s Book).

Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers. Introduce the grammar structure

1. Write on the board the sentences: I have been

in Morocco three times this year and I have just ar-
rived. Underline the words have been and have just

2. Explain that this tense is called the present per-

fect and is used to talk about an action in the past
that you have just finished or has not finished yet.

3. Explain how the verb is formed, with the appro-

priate form of verb to be and the past participle.
Tell students that some past participles they have
to learn by heart, but most of them are regular

4. Motivate students to provide other examples, for

example, “I have lost my keys.” or “I have cooked

5. Explain to students that to make a question they

have to interchange the position of the subject and al questions that students may have. Encourage
the appropriate form of verb “have”. Remind stu- students to build up new sentences.
dents that for the third person singular they have
to use “has”. 2. Make the positive present perfect. Students
read the words provided and write complete state-
6. Write the questions with the sentences on the ments in the present perfect following the model.
board, using arrows to illustrate how the subject To check, ask for volunteers to write the sentences
and the auxiliary verb interchange places. on the board.

7. To form the negative, explain that they have to

use have+not or has+not, and their contractions
haven’t and hasn’t. Write the negative statements,
for example “I haven’t studied for the text.” or “She
hasn’t found the keys.”

8. Go to the Grammar Reference section in the Stu-

dent’s Book for further information.

Practice the pattern

1. Ask students to open their books at Lesson 2;

Grammar section: Present Perfect.

1. Circle the verbs in the following sentences

and then fill in the table below. Students read
the sentences carefully. They have to look for the
verbs. Then, they have to complete the chart with
the past participle of each verb.

3. To check, draw the chart on the board and ask

for volunteers to complete it.
Answer Key
Answer Key
2. We have read that book.
3. I have lost my keys.
4. He has drunk too much coffee
5. They have missed the train.
6. We have eaten too much chocolate.
7. Lucy has cooked breakfast.
8. You have found your wallet.
3. Read the circumstances and write the appro-
priate sentence in the present perfect, using
had one of the following verbs. Students read the
words and sentences and determine which verb
worked is most appropriate for each sentence. Then they
complete each one. To check, read the part of the
4. Read through the note and answer any addition- sentence provided and students complete by say-

ing their answers as a group. dents complete the statement. Write them on the
board if necessary.
Answer Key
1. He has lost his key.
Answer key
2. She has broken her leg.
1. Have you been to Mexico?
3. Dan has grown her beard.
2. I have seen that movie six times.
4. The letter has arrived.
3. They have had three tests.
5. The temperature has fallen.
6. Read through the note and discuss any doubts 4. My car has broken down three times
about how to build up the negative statement and this week.
questions. Ask students to provide more examples.
10. Read through the note about key words from
4. Make the negative present perfect. Students the present perfect. Stimulate students to provide
follow the example and write sentences in the pres- new examples with their own ideas, using the key
ent perfect using the words provided in brackets. words.
To check, ask for volunteers to write their answers
on the board. 7. Complete with a suitable signal word. Stu-
dents complete the statement using one of the key
Answer Key words studied. To check, read the part of the sen-
tence provided and students complete the idea as a
2. He hasn’t met my brother. group.
3. I haven’t left her phone in a taxi. Answer Key
4. She hasn’t lost her tickets. 1. just 2. for
5. Penny hasn’t make dinner.
8. Choose the best answer. Students read the
6. They haven’t arrived yet. statement. They then have three options from
which to choose the most appropriate one to com-
7. Toby hasn’t done his homework. plete the idea. To check, read the statement and
students complete the missing part as a group.
8. I have not read that book.
Write them on the board if necessary.
5. Make the questions. Students write questions
using present perfect following the example. To Answer Key
check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on 1. have visited 2. come
the board.
Games and Activities
Answer Key
1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say one
2. Has he met your family yet? verb, for example “eat”, and the student has to say
a sentence using the present perfect and the verb
3. Have you gone to Australia?
provided. Then they bring the ball back to you and
4. Has she missed the bus? you say another verb for another student.

2. Pass the bag. Write different verbs on different

6. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read sheets of paper and put them in a bag. A student
the statements and rewrite them, using the correct takes a piece of paper out and builds up a sentence
form of the verb in the present perfect. To check, using the verbs provided. Then, they pass the ball n
read the statement right before the verb and stu- to the next student.

3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them
into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give
students an envelope to organise the sentences.
They have to write down the sentences and modify
the verbs in brackets. To check, ask for volunteers
to write them on the board. Some sample sentenc-
es are:

We have brought our umbrellas

Britany has not arrived yet.

I have made a terrible mistake.

We have been friend for years.

Finish the lesson

1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle

if possible (if not, they can do it from their seats).
Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot Warm-up and review
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” The student
who has the ball has to say a sentence using the 1. Revise the grammar structure from the previous
present perfect. Then they are the one who says class. Write different verbs on a sheet of paper and
“Hot potato…”. put them in a bag. A student takes out a sheet and
builds up a sentence using the verb provided in the
2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from present perfect tense. Then they pass the bag to
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the the next classmate who has to do the same.
Teacher’s Book).
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).
Vocabulary Enrichment and English in
Language Focus: Tools for hobbies and handicraft. Introduce the words

Functions: Talking about tools and who uses them. 1. Ask students what kind of tools they know are
used for handicraft. Bring some toys or real ob-
Materials: CD, a beanball, board, markers and real jects into class to make the learning process more
objects used for handicraft or tools (they can be significant. Show one of the objects, for example, a
real or toys).
hammer, and ask students to listen and repeat the
word. Write the name on the board. Ask students to
mime how to use the tool.

2. Repeat the process with the second object. Be-

fore introducing the next one, review the first and
second. Do the same each time you introduce a
new word.

3. Take the objects at random and students say

their names, first as a group, and then ask for vol-

4. Discuss with students the types of people who Answer Key
may use these tools, for example, “A carpenter uses
the sandpaper.” (answers vary)
nail – carpenter

Listen, point and repeat drill – carpenter

1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 4. trowel – builder

Ask students to listen carefully and repeat.
wrench – mechanic
2. Write the name of the tools on the board. Place
chisel – carpenter
a seat in front of the class, against the wall. Di-
vide the classroom into two. One volunteer for a sandpaper – carpenter
group sits down. While a member from their group
mimes how to use the tool. The student on the seat nail – blacksmith
has to guess the name of the tool. They have three screw – carpenter
chances to guess. If they guess, they earn a mark
for their group. The group with the most marks file – shoemaker
axe – lumberjack
pliers – mechanic, electrician
Practice with a partner and complete the table
tape measure – carpenter, builder
1. Students work in groups. They have to write an
example of a person who can use the tool. There brush – painter
could be more than one possible answer. comb – hairdresser
2. Students use the dictionary to look for the job or hair dryer – hairdresser
hobby that needs the tool.
razor - hairdresser
3. Students work in pairs and discuss their an-
swers. Then discuss the answers as a group. Have Games and Activities
students say full sentences, for example, “Nails are
1. Toss the ball. Divide the class into two groups.
often used by a carpenter”.
Toss the ball to a student and say one of the tools
learned in the lesson. The student who receives
the ball has to say a sentence using the tool and the
person who uses the tool, for example, “The trowel
is often used by a builder.” Then they toss the ball
to a classmate and say another tool.

2. Pass the ball. Students pass the ball and mime

how to use a tool. The rest of the class have three
chances to guess what tool it is.

Finish the lesson.

1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper

the words learned in Lesson 1 and 3. Students take
a sheet of paper and have to describe the word as a
riddle and the rest of the class have to guess what

it is. Then they pass the bag to the next student and The builder uses the trowel.
the process is repeated.
A mechanic needs a wrench and pliers.
2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary
Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
(see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book) tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Phonics Introduce the sounds

Sound Focus: consonant cluster with r blend.
1. Write the word brush and tree on the board, and
underline br and tr on each word.

Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. 2. Explain that they have to be careful and pro-
nounce both sounds when pronouncing words that
start with two consonant sounds. Explain that they
are going to study the r blend (another consonant
plus r).

3. Ask students to provide more examples of two

consonant sounds at the beginning with r blend,
for example, three, pray, crane, and so on.

Listen and point. Then circle any words that

have two initial consonants at the beginning.

1. Read the instructions carefully.

3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be

familiar with the content. They point to the text
while listening. Play the CD again and this time
they have to circle the words that have consonant
clusters with a r blend.

Warm-up and review

Write and say the words you circled from Exer-
1. Gossip. Divide the classroom into two or three cise 1
groups. Prepare a group of sentences on different
sheets of paper. Show the first student in each row 1. Students write down the words that were circled
one of the sentences. They have to repeat the sen- in the first exercise.
tence to the following classmates’ ear. Then this 2. Students listen and repeat after you.
student does the same and all of them repeat the
process until the message reaches the last student.
The last student of each group writes the sentence
on the board, and then the original one is revealed
and compared to the one students understood.
Some sample sentences are:

A tape measure is used by the carpenter.

Answer Key 3. Students listen and repeat.

My grandfather is having his breakfast in his

garden where there are trees and green grass ev-
erywhere. On his table, there is some bread, some Answer Key
fresh fruit, and a glass of water from the fridge on
1. tree – brush – shrimp – three
a brown tray to drink. There are three frogs and
some grasshoppers on the ground. There is also a 2. drum – present – crab – fridge
black crow in one of the trees.
3. tractor – bread – crane – dress
Games and Activities
1. Pass the bag. Write different words on pieces of
trees paper and put them in a bag. Students take a word
green from the bag and read it with the appropriate pro-
2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to
bread circle the word that does not belong to the group
because it does not have the same sound(s) at the
beginning of words. To check, students say which
fruit word is the odd one out as a group. Then students
listen and repeat after you. Some suggested groups
from are:
fridge tree – three – crest – rest
brown cream – plane – broom – drum
tray trick – try – tree – teen
three Finish the lesson
frogs 1. Chant. Students have to pick a word with any
grasshoppers of the sounds that starts with a consonant cluster
formed by a consonant plus r. Ask for a volunteer.
ground They have to say the word rhythmically, using body
movements or noise in a way that creates a con-
crow stant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer to do the
trees same. Each time a student is included, the previous
ones have to keep their word and rhythm going
Look at each picture, listen and write the miss- quietly. In such a way, that the new word always
ing r blend (another consonant plus r) under sounds louder than the murmur of the rest. When
each one. all students have their word, move your hands up
to increase volume or down to lower it.
1. Students have to observe the illustration and
part of the word provided and complete with the 2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from
initial sound with r in the middle. the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
Teacher’s Book).
2. To check, point to the first picture and have stu-
dents say the name. CLIL

Language Focus: Recipe 3. Write their ideas on the board and get them to
listen and repeat any vocabulary.

Functions: Reading comprehension about a recipe.

Match the words to their definitions and check
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
your dictionary

1. Ask students to open their books on the CLIL les-


2. Ask students to observe the words on the right

and try to guess the meaning on the left.

3. Students work in groups to revise their options.

4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It is

important to guide them when using their dictio-
naries, for example, ask them to recite the alphabet.
Look for the word by searching through the alpha-
bet by letters. Ask them to read not only the mean-
ing, but also the use in speech.

5. To check, read the word on the left and students

have to complete it.

Warm-up and review

Answer Key
1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class,
represented by consonant clusters formed by a 1. Model: a 3D representation of some-
consonant plus r. Provide a fragment and students thing.
have to circle the words with the sound and then
2. Inspiration: getting ideas for something.
listen and repeat. A sample fragment can be:
3. Poem: a piece of writing with lots of im-
Three friends from Brazil served a plate of bread
agery and sometimes rhyming.
and cream under a pear tree. Brigitte and Priscila
were wearing a blue pair of trousers, and Drew had 4. Creativity: the use of original ideas to
a green short. create something.
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- 5. Combines: mix / put together.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). 6. Cardboard: thick, hard paper that is
used for making boxes.

Read the following passage and fill in the

Introduce the vocabulary of the reading blanks with the words in Exercise A

1. Discuss with students about their hobbies. Tell 1. Students silently read the text.
students that you would like to take painting class-
es and ask them what kind of material you would 2. Students complete the passage with the words
need in a class like this. from the previous unit.

2. Tell them to imagine they are in a writing group 3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing
and ask them what kind of activities they would do. words so students can complete it as a group.

Answer Key Answer Key
combines 1. The teacher.
poem 2. The Arts and Crafts club is for develop-
ing skills in painting, modelling and writ-
model ing.
cardboard 3. They can get inspiration and think
about fun things: a radio they have lis-
tened to; a film they have seen recently; or
creativity a game they have played.

4. Read the whole passage again. Clarify any addi- 4. The most important thing for any proj-
tional words that students may need. E.g.: through- ect is to let their imagination run free.
out, improve, recently, run free.
Choose the best answer
5. Ask students some comprehension questions
1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse
while reading the text. For example: What kind of
the three options provided.
course are they doing? What are they going to use
in the new project? What have they learned? What 2. Students read the questions and the options
is the name of the project? What can they do? Why they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the
does the instruction say, “The sky is the limit”? meaning for the context.

3. To check, read the statement and students read

the option when you finish.
Read again and answer the questions

1. Students read the questions carefully and find

the information in the text. Answer Key
2. To revise, students work in pairs and correct one 1. c 2. b
Games and Activities
3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they
may have. 1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
different words from the lesson. Students take a
4. To check, ask for the questions and volunteers sheet of paper and say a sentence using the word
respond. or describing it. Then they pass the bag to the next
student. In case any student has difficulties, help
them to build up sentences by asking questions or
providing vocabulary.

2. Puzzle. Write a sentence and divide it into

words. Put them in an envelope. Students have to
put the words together and organise the sentence.
There may be more than one set. Ask for volun-
teers to write their sentences on the board. Some
suggested sentences are:

A poem has lots of imagery and rhyme.

The sky is the limit.

Use all of your creativity on this project.

Think about fun things you have done recently. the Teacher’s Book).

Finish the lesson Introduction to writing

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and 1. Discuss with students the importance of tools
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then for some jobs, like a blacksmith, mechanic, lumber-
they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one jack, electrician, architect, and so on. Discuss each
who receives the ball says another sentence. job separately so students can provide examples of
each and the tools they need.
2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the
Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach- 2. Ask students the importance of certain tools for
er’s Book). a job, for example, “Is it possible for a mechanic to
not have a wrench?” or “Why is a wrench important
Writing for a mechanic”, “How the mechanic work would be
if he does not have a wrench?”
Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar re-
view. 3. Write some of the sentences on the board. Then
Functions: Organise ideas in a paragraph about a use another tool for the same profession, for exam-
using the appropriate tools. ple, a screwdriver or pliers.

Materials: beanball, board and markers. 4. Choose with students a topic sentence for the
paragraph, according to the job you are discussing,
for example, “A mechanic needs a wrench, a screw-
driver and pliers.”

5. Add transition signals between sentences, espe-

cially those related to importance and casual rela-

6. Read the paragraph with the students.

Imagine you were asked to use some of the fol-

lowing tools to help you with your work. Tick
() the tools you would choose.

1. Students open their books to the Writing section.

2. Read aloud the list of tools suggested in the les-


3. Ask students to individually tick, those that they

will use in their composition, thinking about a spe-
Warm-up and review cific job, either a carpenter, a blacksmith, a lumber-
jack, or any other they would like.
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
different words learned in Lesson 1, 3 and 5. In 4. Students work in groups and discuss their choic-
class, students pass the bag, take out a sheet of pa- es.
per and explain or exemplify the word using it in a
sentence. Then they pass the bag to next student. 5. Discus the answers with the group as a whole.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in

If you had the tools you chose from Exercise 1, 2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different les-
what would you do with them? Try to fill in the sons on small pieces of paper, enough for every stu-
table with your ideas. dent in class. Put the words in a bag. Students pass
the bag and they have to build up a sentence with
1. Students fill in the chart writing about the tools a word taken from the bag. The student passes the
they have chosen: what they can do with them and bag to next student who has to do the same.
where they can use them.
3. Pass the bag 2. Write different verbs on a sheet
2. Discuss with students their answers and provide of paper and put them in a bag. Students must say
feedback if necessary to improve their ideas. a sentence using the present perfect tense with the
verb provided.

Write a paragraph about the importance of

tools using the information from Exercise 1 and Finish the lesson
2. Remember the following instructions when
writing 1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student
with the ball has to say a sentence about what they
1. Students read the note to understand the steps have learned in the unit.
to follow.
2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en-
2. Discuss with students that the paragraph has courage them to continue working hard for next
to be based on the job they have chosen, the tools, level.
what to do with them and where to use them.

3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can

provide more examples, like “It is important for a…
to have tools like …, …., and ….”, or “A good … needs
Unit 5: Inside the Airplane
some tools to do his work.”

4. Read and check the editing, proofreading and

Words and Conversation
track your progress notes.
Language Focus: Travel by plane
5. Ask them to use transitions between sentences
and read the note about transitions. Functions: Talking about travelling by plane, now
and before.
6. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in
the Track your progress note. Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.

7. Monitor groups and help them with any doubts.

8. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-


Games and Activities

1. Puzzle. Write some sentences on a sheet of pa-

per and split them up into words. Bring enough
sets for at least half of the class, so that students
work in pairs. In class, students organise the words
to make sentences. Provide different sentences so
that different groups may have different words.
To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the

tools (real or toys), such as a saw, a hammer, a
piece of wood or a screwdriver, the experience
would be more significant. Students listen and re-
peat each word.

5. Ask students to open their books on the Words

and Conversation section, in Unit 5. Students ob-
serve the picture on the left, from the Listen, Point
and Repeat section.

6. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat

each word.

Match the words with the definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use

the dictionary. However, they may not need as
Warm-up and review much help as they did in previous units. Monitor
1. Pass the bag: Write different words from the students and provide individual help if required.
previous unit related to handicraft and hobbies, for 2. Students have to look up all the words by them-
example, saw, drill, hammer, wrench, comb and so selves (or in pairs, depending on the nature of your
on. Each student takes a sheet of paper from the group).
bag and mimes how to use each tool. The rest of
their classmates have to guess, but they have only 3. Once they have finished, discuss the answers. If
three chances. Then they pass the bag to the fol- there is any point of disagreement, have students
lowing student. to check in the dictionary.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- 4. Remind students that a dictionary provides more
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in than one meaning, so they have to look for the most
the Teacher’s Book). appropriate one according to the theme they are
studying and the definitions provided in the exer-
Introduce the conversation

1. Ask students if they have ever travelled by plane.

Answer Key
Tell students to describe how the plane is inside.
If nobody has travelled by plane, ask them to de- 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a)
scribe the planes they have seen in movies.
Listen and read
2. Write on the board any relevant words that stu-
dents need for the unit to improve their vocabulary. 1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation.
Students listen and repeat each word at least three
times. 2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify
vocabulary. It is essential that students know the
3. Ask students to imagine they are in an airplane. meaning of each word and the sense of each sen-
Prompts: What is the first thing they would do? tence. Some words and expressions are: over 20
How do they have to behave? Who works on a plane? years ago, in what way, fancy, back in those days.
What does each person do?
3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-
4. If you have the possibility of bringing in some sion questions. Prompts: Who are they? What are

they talking about? What did a plane not have 20 Answer Key
years ago? Did they have safety demonstrations? Did
they have air hosts and hostesses? How were they? 1. No, she hasn’t been in a plane before.

4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each 2. They did not have fancy screens in the
line after the CD (or after you). back of the seats, nor blankets or a lot of
safety features and safety demonstrations.
5. Divide the classroom into two parts, each one
reads one role: Sarah or Mum. Then interchange 3. She travelled 20 years ago.
4. No, there weren’t air hosts.
6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an- 5. She thinks they were glamorous.
other group to do the same.
Fill in the blanks with the suitable word

1. Students read the passage and complete it using

the new words from the lesson.

2. Students work first individually and then they

share their answers with a classmate.

3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss-

ing word. Students answer as a group.

Answer Key
fancy screens
Read again and answer the questions
1. Students read the text again.
2. Students answer the comprehension questions.
Tell them they may go back to the text to look for masks
the correct answer. jackets
3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students demonstrations
share their answers.
Pair and group work
4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts.
1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.
They have to interchange information about flying.

2. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to

improve their vocabulary. They were pretty much all female hostesses.

3. Monitor groups and supply any additional words 4. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-
they may need. versation on a sheet of paper and put all of them in
an envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
copies for students to practice in pairs. You can
Games and Activities prepare different sets so there will be more than
one line for the class. In class, students work in
1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and students
questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use have to organise the words to make a sentence.
the seven questions from Discuss the following Some of these sentences can be:
with your partner(s). The student replies and
brings the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most Can you describe the inside of a plane?
of the students participate. Check pronunciation What do you like about travelling by plane?
and fluency. Help them build up sentences. If there
is an important pronunciation problem, get the There are lots of safety features now.
whole class to listen and repeat.
We always have safety demonstrations on a plane.
2. Guessing game. Write the vocabulary they have
learned in class on the board (including those that 5. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and
you added from the different activities). Revise the write a dialogue based on the structures on page
description of each word. Divide the classroom into 33 and 34. Then they interchange dialogues with
two groups. Place a seat in front of the class with another group, check the dialogue and read the di-
the back against the board, so the one who is going alogue aloud in front of the class.
to be seated cannot see the word on the board. A
volunteer from their group is going to say the defi-
nition of the word that you are going to point to. Finish the lesson
They can use gestures if they need to. The student
on the seat has to say the word. They have three 1. Pass the bag. Write different words from the
chances. If they cannot guess, neither group gets unit on sheet of papers and put them in a bag.
a point. Then, another student from the opposite In class, students take a piece of paper and say a
group sits on the chair. The group with the most sentence with the word or explain the meaning of
marks wins. the word. Then they pass the bag to the following
3. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on a
sheet of paper. Divide the class into two. Give the 2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation
first student of each group the first sentence. They section of their Workbook (see the Workbook sec-
have to read it, memorise it, and then go to the sec- tion in the Teacher’s Book).
ond student in the row to secretly say the sentence,
whispering in their ear. Once the student gets the
message, they then pass it on in the same way, until Grammar
the message reaches the last student. The last stu-
dent has to say the message. Have fun comparing
the original message and the final one. Some sug-
gested sentences are: Grammar Focus: Past continuous tense.

We didn’t have these fancy screens in the back of our

seats. Functions: To express ongoing actions in the past.
We didn’t have cosy blankets to wrap up in.

We probably had seat belts and oxygen masks. Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.

TV. Underline the words was watching.

2. Explain that this tense is called the past continu-

ous and is used to talk about an action at a specific
point in the past which was in the middle.

3. Draw an arrow as a time line and write different

hours, for example, 10 a.m., 12 a.m., 4 p.m. Explain
that this is what happened yesterday. Under each
hour, write a different verb to describe the activity,
for example “study maths at school”, “have lunch”
and “do my homework”. Build up a sentence say-
ing, for example, “Yesterday, at 10 a.m. I was study-
ing math at school.” Write it down and do the same
with the rest.

4. Ask students “What were you doing at 10 a.m.

yesterday?” Students answer. Write the question on
the board. Explain that to ask a question, they have
to interchange the subject with the past tense form
Warm-up and review
of the verb to be (was/were).
1. Complete the conversation. Students complete
5. Ask students a yes/no question, for example
a conversation written on the board and then prac-
“Were you swimming yesterday at 5 p.m.?” Write
tice the role play. Present the conversation on the
the question on the board. Explain that to form a
board. First, they read and write the possible an-
negative answer, they have to use was+not (wasn’t)
swers to the dialogue. Then, students have to enact
and were + not (weren’t)
the dialogue in front of the class with a partner. The
conversation could be the following: 6. Go to the Grammar Reference section in the Stu-
dent’s Book for further information.
A: Have you ever been in a plane before? When?

B: ___________________________________________
Practice the pattern
A: What do you like about travelling by plane?
1. Ask students to open their books to Lesson 2,
B: ___________________________________________
Grammar section: Past continuous.
A: How do air hosts or hostesses behave?
2. Circle the verbs in the following sentences
B: ___________________________________________ and then fill in the table below. Students read
the sentences carefully. They have to look for the
A: Would you like to be a staff member on a plane? verbs and circle them.
3. Read through the note and answer any addition-
B: ___________________________________________ al questions students may have. Encourage stu-
dents to build up new sentences.
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in 4. Look at the table and practice with a partner.
the Teacher’s Book). Then, write sentences using the clues given.
Students observe the schedule provided and com-
plete the sentences using the actions in the past
Introduce the grammar structure continuous. To check, ask for volunteers to write
them on the board.
1. Write on the board the sentences: I was watching

Answer Key tions and negative sentences using the past con-
tinuous tense and following the example. To check,
1. At 7.10 a.m., I was having a shower. ask volunteers to write their answers on the board.
2. At 7.20 a.m., he was having breakfast. Answer Key
3. At 8.05 a.m., she was getting dressed. 1. You weren’t studying at five o’clock.
4. At 8.15 a.m., you were driving to work. Were you studying at five o’clock?
5. At 11.00 a.m., we were working. 2. Toby wasn’t reading at six o’clock.
6. At 12.30 pm., they were eating lunch. Was Toby reading at six o’clock?
(subjects vary) 3. They weren’t working at seven o’clock.
7. At 6.45 pm., I was cooking dinner. Were they working at seven o’clock?
8. At 7.05 pm., I was washing the dishes. 4. Rose weren’t eating at three o’clock.
9. At 9.00 pm., I was watching television. Were Rose eating at three o’clock?
10. At 1.00 pm., I was sleeping. 5. We weren’t playing tennis at nine
5. Read through the note about positive, negative
or interrogative sentences in the past continuous Were we playing tennis at nine o’clock?
tense. Answer any additional questions they may
have. Encourage students to build up their own 6. We weren’t watching TV at eight
sentences. o’clock.

6. Write questions and negative sentences. Were we watching TV at eight?

7. He weren’t using the internet at three
Was he using the internet at three o’clock?
8. You weren’t talking on the phone at six
Were you talking on the phone at six
7. Read through the note and discuss any doubts
about how to use the past continuous tense and
key words that are necessary to determine the use
of the past continuous tense.

8. Correct the verbs in brackets. Students write

the verbs in the past continuous tense. To check,
read the part of the sentence provided and stu-
dents complete as a group.

Students use the words provided to write ques-

Answer Key say another verb for another student.

1. were you doing 2. Pass the bag. Write different verbs on a sheet
of paper and put them in a bag. A student takes
2. was watching a sheet and builds up a sentence using the verbs
provided and then passes the ball. Highlight the
3. weren’t sleeping
importance of using key words, such as at, when,
4. was working while, as, just as, during.

5. was studying 3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them

into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give
6. were you thinking students an envelope to organise the sentences.
They have to write down the sentences and modify
7. was she doing
the verbs in brackets. To check, ask for volunteers
8. was drinking to write them on the board. Some sample sentenc-
es are:
9. wasn’t having
We were cooking chicken when my father arrived.
10. were they working
When I was doing my homework, my mother arrived.
9. Make the questions. Students write questions
using the present tense following the example. To I was playing football in the park at five o’clock.
check, ask for volunteers to write their answers on
the board. Finish the lesson

1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle

Answer Key if possible (if not, they can do it from their seats).
2. Has he met your family yet? Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” The student
3. Have you gone to Australia? who has the ball has to say a sentence using the
past continuous. Then they are the one who says
4. Has she missed the bus? “Hot potato…”.

2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from

9. Choose the correct answer. Students read the the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
statements and choose the appropriate verb tense Teacher’s Book).
to complete the sentences. To check, read aloud the
part of the statement and students say the option Vocabulary Enrichment and English in
as a group. Use the board in case you need to clari- Use
fy points.
Language Focus: Travel by plane.
Functions: Talking about what is needed to travel
Answer Key by plane.

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers,

6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (b)

Games and Activities

1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say one

verb, for example “eat”, and the student has to say a
sentence using the past continuous of the verb pro-
vided. Then they bring the ball back to you and you

in previous classes). Write all the words on the
board. Sometimes they are going to use their native
language, so translate them and get students to lis-
ten and repeat the words.

3. Encourage students to describe each word using

the vocabulary they have. Supply any additional
words required.

Read the sentences and try to explain the mean-

ing of the words in bold

1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 5.

Ask students to carefully read each sentence and
infer the meaning from the context.

2. Ask students to use the dictionary only if neces-


3. Ask students to work in pairs. Monitor groups

Warm-up and review and answer any questions that students may have.

1. Revise the grammar structure from the previous

class. Write different sentences on the board with a
verb in brackets. Students have to write the verb in Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1
the appropriate verb tense: either the past tense or 1. Students observe the picture and write the name
past continuous tense. To check, ask for volunteers of each object using the words in previous exercise.
to write the answer on the board. Some sentences
can be: 2. To check, point to the picture and students say
what it is.
I (take) was taking a shower when the phone rang.

When my mother (arrive) arrived , I was finishing

my homework. Answer Key
I (travel) travelled last year. headset – oxygen mask – passport – cock-
pit – luggage
Tina (eat) was eating at 7 p.m.
land – take off – boarding pass – overhead
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
lockers – life jacket
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). Games and Activities

1. Toss the ball. Divide the class into two groups.

Toss the ball to a student and say one of the words
Introduce the words
in the lesson. The student who receives the ball has
1. Ask students what kind words they think are to say a sentence using the word or a definition.
necessary when they are at the airport to take a Then they toss the ball to a classmate and say an-
plane. Some of these words are passport, boarding other word.
pass, take off, oxygen masks, life jackets.
2. Pass the ball. Students pass the ball and say the
2. Describe what they need and have them say the definition of one of the words studied during the
words (some of these words they have learned lesson. The rest of the class have three chances to

guess. Then they pass the ball to the next student. Warm-up and review

3. Guessing game. Write the words studied in 1. Gossip. Divide the classroom into two or three
class highlighted in red. Place a seat in front of the groups. Prepare a group of sentences on different
class, against the wall. Divide the classroom into sheets of paper. Show the first student of each row
two groups. One volunteer from a group sits down. one of the sentences. Then they have to repeat the
While a member from their group says the defini- sentence in the next classmates’ ear. Then this stu-
tion of the word you are going to point to, the stu- dent does the same and all of them repeat until the
dent on the seat has three chances to guess. If they message reaches the last student. The last student
do, a mark goes to their group. If the student does of each group writes on the board the sentence,
not guess, then no mark goes to any group. then reveals the original one, and compares it to
the one students understood. Some sample sen-
tences are:
Finish the lesson You must show your boarding pass to get on a plane.
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper A life jackets helps you to float if you fall into water.
the words learned in Lesson 1 and 3. Students take
a sheet of paper and have to describe the word as a Put the oxygen masks over your nose and mouth if
riddle and the rest of the class have to guess what you need oxygen.
it is. Then they pass the bag and the process is re-
peated. The pilot is in the cockpit.

2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary I use a headset to listen to music.
Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
(see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book) tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Introduce the sounds
Sound Focus: consonant clusters with l blend.
1. Write the words clap and black on the board,
and underline cl and bl on each word.
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
2. Explain that they have to be careful and pro-
nounce both sounds when pronouncing words that
start with two consonant sounds. Explain that they
are going to study the l blend (another consonant
plus l).

3. Ask students to provide more examples of two

consonant sounds at the beginning with l blend, for
example, clock, blanket, flower, glass, and so on.

Listen and point. Then circle any word that has

two initial consonants at the beginning

1. Read the instructions carefully.

3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be

familiar with the content. They point to the text
while listening. Play the CD again and this time

they have to circle the words that have consonant Answer Key
clusters with l blend.
1. glue – clap – flag – clothes
2. gloves – plate – clock – plane
Write and say the words you circle from Exer-
cise 1 3. slide – glasses – blanket – flower

1. Students write down the words circled from the Games and Activities
first exercise.
1. Pass the bag. Write different words on pieces
2. Students listen and repeat after you. of paper and put them in a bag. Students take a
word from the bag and read it with the appropriate
pronunciation. The rest of the class listens and re-
Answer Key
2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to
The alarm clock didn’t go off. The boy is circle the word that does not belong to the group
still in bed under the blanket. Now, it is because it does not have the same sounds at the
late. He has to do lots of things in a flash. beginning of the word(s). To check, students as a
His flip-flops are on the floor, but the bath-
group say which word is the odd one out. Then stu-
room is occupied. His clothes are in the
dents listen and repeat after you. Some suggested
wardrobe, but it is closed. He needs to fly
groups are:
to school before they salute the flag.
clock clap – lap – class – clam

blanket black – blast – lack – blank

flash gloves – glasses – glamorous – lamb

flip-flops flat – flesh – film – floor

floor palm – plate – please - plot

closed Finish the lesson

fly 1. Chant. Students have to pick a word with any

of the sounds that start with a consonant cluster
flag formed by a consonant plus r. Ask for a volunteer.
They have to say the word rhythmically, using body
Look at each picture, listen and write the miss-
movements or noise in a way that creates a con-
ing l blend (another consonant plus l) under
stant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer to do the
each one
same. Each time a student is included, the previous
1. Students have to observe the illustration and ones have to keep their word and rhythm going
part of the word provided and complete with the quietly. In such a way, the new word always sounds
initial sound with l blend. louder than the murmur of the rest. When all stu-
dents have added their word, move your hands up
2. To check, point to the first picture and students to increase volume or down to lower it.
say the name.
2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from
3. Students listen and repeat. the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
Teacher’s Book).

CLIL problems while landing? What could you do? What
would the crew do? What instructions are useful in
Language Focus: Flight experiences that moment?

2. Write some of the students’ ideas on the board.

Functions: Reading comprehension about a trip by Ask students to listen and repeat.
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. Match the words to their definitions and check
your dictionary

1. Ask students to open their books on the CLIL les-


2. Ask students to observe the words on the right

and try to guess the meaning on the left.

3. Students work in pairs to revise their options.

4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It

is important to observe if they know now how to
use the dictionary properly. Provide any additional
instructions, either to each group or the class as a

5. To check, read the word on the left and students

have to complete it.

Warm-up and review

Answer Key
1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class,
represented by consonant clusters formed by a 1. Tannoy: a loudspeaker system to talk to
consonant plus l. Provide a fragment and students everyone through.
have to circle the words with the sound and then
they have to listen and repeat. A sample fragment 2. Stewardesses: female flight attendant
can be: (who works on a plane).
3. Announcement: a formal public state-
Claire has classes this afternoon. She will not go
because she has to take the plane to another place.
Her family planned this flight a long time ago. She is 4. Brace: to prepare for something un-
wearing a flowery dress with black dots. pleasant (in a plane, it can mean getting
into a certain position to prepare for im-
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- pact).
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). 5. Panic: fear and anxiety.
6. Anxious: very worried about some-
Introduce the vocabulary of the reading
Read the following passage and fill in the
1. Discuss with students their experiences of trav- blanks with the words in Exercise A
elling by plane. Ask them what they would do if
the plane was about to have an accident. Prompt: 1. Students silently read the text.
What would you do if the plane was to suddenly have

2. Students complete the passage with the words Answer Key
from the previous unit.
1. The announcement said that everyone
3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing had to return to their seats.
words so that students can complete them as a
group. 2. One of the engines exploded.

Answer Key 3. The writer didn’t know what was hap-

4. The plane landed on water.
Choose the best answer
1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse
anxious the three options provided.
tannoy 2. Students read the questions and the options
they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the
brace meaning for the context.
4. Read the whole passage again. Clarify any addi- 3. To check, read the statement and students read
tional words that students may need. E.g.: to strap the option when you finish.
in, to wobble, side to side, praying, to manage.

5. Ask students some comprehension questions

while reading the text. For example: What was the Answer Key
boy doing? Was he afraid? What did the steward-
esses look like? What did they feel when it seemed 1. c 2. b
that everything was all right? What did people do?
Where did the pilot land? Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper

different words from the lesson. Students take a
Read again and answer the questions sheet of paper and say a sentence using the word
or describing it. Then they pass the bag. In case
1. Students read the questions carefully and find any student has difficulties, help them to build up
the information in the text. sentences by asking questions or providing vocab-
2. To revise, students work in pairs and have to cor- ulary.
rect one another. 2. Puzzle. Write a sentence and divide it into
3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they words. Put them in an envelope. Students have to
may have. put the words together and organise the sentence.
There may be more than one set. Ask for volun-
4. To check, ask for the questions and volunteers teers to write their sentences on the board. Some
respond. suggested sentences are:

I heard the seatbelt sign come on.

I was washing my hands slowly.

My mother helped to strap me in.

The plane immediately began to wobble.

3. Chronological order. Students read a group of

events based on a list. They have to write in the
brackets the order in which the incidents happened
in the story. This is an example of the events, in
chronological order, but you have to alter the order
for the exercise.

( ) I heard the seatbelt sigh come on.

( ) The plane crew made an announcement.

( ) My mother helped to strap me in.

( ) There was an explosion.

( ) The second announcement told them to brace for


( ) They land on some water nearby.

Finish the lesson

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and Warm-up and review
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then
they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one 1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of pa-
who receives the ball says another sentence. per different words learned in Lesson 1, 3 and 5.
In class, students pass the bag, take out a sheet of
2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the paper and explain or exemplify the word using it in
Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach- a sentence. They cannot say the word. The rest of
er’s Book). the class have to guess what the word is. Then they
pass the bag to the next student.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

Writing tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).
Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar re-
Functions: Write a paragraph about a travel expe- Introduction to writing
rience, either real or imaginary.
1. Discuss with students their different ideas about
Materials: beanball, board and markers. travel experiences. They can be real or imaginary,
such as taken from the news or from a movie. The
travel could be by car, plane, bus, boat, train or any
other means of transportation they would like.

2. Provide any additional words that students may

need to express their ideas.

3. Write some of the ideas on the board and ask

students to vote for one idea to develop further.

4. Ask the route of the trip and who shares the

experience (sister, parents, classmates, friend, rela-
tive, and other passengers).

5. Once the idea is chosen, ask students to start 1. Students read the note to understand the steps to
describing the experience. Supply any additional follow to write a recount. Highlight the importance
words to help express ideas. When a new word is of narrating in the first person, past tense and fol-
introduced, ask students to listen and repeat it at lowing chronological order.
least three time.
2. Discuss with students that the paragraph has to
6. Write some of the sentences on the board. Try to be based on the travel they have chosen (real or
ensure that the sentences are written in chronolog- imaginary), and they are going to use all the notes
ical order. they made from the previous exercises.

7. Add transition signals between sentences, espe- 3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can
cially those related to importance and casual rela- provide more examples, like “I had a terrible expe-
tionships. rience the first time I travelled by plane.”, “My last
school trip was one of the most rewarding expe-
8. Read the paragraph aloud with the students. riences I have had.”, and “The last travel I took by
train was awful.”

Imagine you were asked to write about one of 4. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in
your travel experiences. Tick () the words you the Track your progress note.
may use 5 . Monitor and help them with any doubts.
1. Students open their books to the Writing section. 6. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-
2. Read aloud the list of words suggested in the les- graphs.

3. Ask students to individually tick those that they Games and Activities
will use in their composition, thinking about a spe-
cific experience. They can use any of the options 1. Puzzle. Write some sentences on a sheet of pa-
discussed at the beginning of the class (except the per and split them up into words. Bring enough
one developed for the sample paragraph at the be- sets for at least half of the class, so students can
ginning of the lesson), or they can use another one. work in pairs. In class, students organise the words
to make sentences. Provide different sentences so
4. Students work in groups and discuss their choic- groups may have different words. To check, ask for
es. volunteers to write them on the board.
5. Discus the answers with the class as a group. 2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different
lessons on small sheets of paper, enough for ev-
ery student in the class. Put the words in a bag.
To talk about your travel experience, fill in the Students then pass the bag and have to build up a
table below as an example. sentence with a word taken out from the bag. Then,
the student passes the bag to the next student who
1. Students fill in the chart writing about the trip has to do the same.
they did (or imagined). This material is going to be
used in their composition. 3. Pass the bag 2. Write different verbs on sheets
of paper and put them in a bag. Students must say a
2. Monitor students’ answers individually, answer sentence using the past continuous and the appro-
any questions they may have and provide any priate key word.
words that they need.

Finish the lesson

Using the information from Exercise 1 and 2,
write a paragraph about “A travel experience.” 1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student

with the ball has to say a sentence about what they word without saying it. The rest of their classmates
have learned in the unit. have to guess, and they have only three chances.
Then they pass the bag to the following student.
2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en-
courage them to continue working hard for next 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
level. tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Unit 6: Crime and Emergency Introduce the conversation

1. Ask students if they have ever seen a crime, like a

robbery or someone break into a house.
Words and Conversation
Language Focus: Crime and emergency 2. Add on the board words related to students’ ex-
periences and the vocabulary for the lesson.

3. Students listen and repeat each word at least

Functions: Reporting a crime to the three times.
Emergency Services. 4. Ask students to imagine they are witnesses to a
robbery, but the thief has not seen you. Prompts:
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. There is a robber breaking into your neighbour’s
house. What is the first thing you have to do? What
do you do next? Who will come to your house? Com-
plement vocabulary with new words. Motivate stu-
dents to express their ideas using the new words.

5. Ask students to open their books at the Words

and Conversation section, in Unit 6. Students ob-
serve the picture on the left, in the Listen, Point
and Repeat section.

6. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat

each word.

Match the words with the definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use

the dictionary. However, they may not need as
much help as they did in previous units. Monitor
students and provide individual help if required.

2. Students have to look by themselves for all the

words (or in pairs, depending on the nature of your
Warm-up and review
1. Pass the bag: Write different words from the
3. Once they have finished, discuss the answers. If
previous unit that are related to travelling by plane,
there is any point of disagreement, have students
for example: seat, screen. Passport, seat belt, pas-
look in the dictionary to clarify.
senger, boarding pass, ticket. Each student takes a
sheet of paper and provides a description of the 4. Remind students that a dictionary provides more

than one meaning, so they have to look for the most
appropriate one according to the theme they are
studying and the definitions provided in the exer-

Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a)

Listen and read

1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation.

2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify

any vocabulary. It is essential that students know
the meaning of each word and the sense of each
sentence. Some words and expressions are: across,
right now, stay inside, within.

3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-

sion questions. Prompts: Who are they? Where are
they? What did they see? What did they do? What
did the emergency operator say? What did they tell Read again and answer the questions
the children to do? How far away is the police offi-
cer? 1. Students read the text again.

4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each 2. Students answer the comprehension questions.
line after the CD (or after you). Tell them they may go back to the text to look for
the correct answer.
5. Divide the classroom into two parts, each one
reads one role: Joe or Ben the Emergency Operator. 3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students
Then interchange roles. can share their answers.

6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an- 4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts.
other group to do the same.

Answer Key
1.They want to report that someone was
breaking in to the house across the street.
2. They lived at 13 Scafield Drive, Boston.
3. They told him to stay inside the house
with the doors locked.
4. The police will be there in five minutes.
5. He broke into the house through the

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word

1. Students read the passage and complete it using

the new words from the lesson. two groups. Place a seat in front of the class with
the back against the board, so the one who is going
2. Students work first individually, and then they to be seated cannot see the word on the board. A
share their answers with a classmate. volunteer from their group is going to say the defi-
3. To check, read the passage and stop on the miss- nition of the word you are going to point to. They
ing word. Students answer as a group. can use gestures if they need it. The student on the
seat has to say the word. They have three chances.
If they cannot guess, neither group gets a point.
Then another student from the opposite group sits
Answer Key on the chair and takes a turn. The group with the
most marks wins.
3. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on
window a sheet of paper. Divide the class into two groups.
emergency Give the first student of each group the first sen-
tence. They have to read it, memorise it, and then
address go to the second student in the row to secretly say
the sentence, whispering in their ear. Once the stu-
stay dent gets the message, they then pass it on in the
locked same way, until the message reaches the last stu-
dent. The last student has to say the message. Have
police agents fun comparing the original message and the final
one. Some suggested sentences are:
Someone is breaking in to the house.
Pair and group work
The robber went in through the window.
1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.
They have to exchange information about crimes. Stay inside the house with the doors locked.
2. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to Police officers should be here within five minutes.
improve their vocabulary.
4. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-
3. Monitor groups and supply any additional words versation on a sheet of paper and put all of them in
they may need. an envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
copies for students to practice in pairs. You can
prepare different sets so there will be more than
Games and Activities one line for the class. In class, students work in
pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and students
1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your have to organise the words to make a sentence.
questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use Some of these sentences can be:
the seven questions in Discuss the following with
your partner(s). The student replies and brings The thief got into the house through the window.
the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most of the
The police will be in the area in five minutes.
students participate. Check pronunciation and flu-
ency. Help them build up sentences. If there is an People should stay inside the house.
important pronunciation problem, get the whole
class to listen and repeat. I called the emergency operator.

2. Guessing game. Write the vocabulary they have 5. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and
learned in class on the board (including those that write a dialogue based on the structures on page
you added from the different activities). Revise the 41 and 42. Then they exchange dialogues with an-
description of each word. Divide the classroom into other group, check the dialogue and read the dia-

logue aloud in front of the class. a conversation written on the board and then prac-
tice the role play. Present the conversation on the
board. First, they read and write the possible an-
Finish the lesson swers to the dialogue. Then students have to enact
the dialogue in front of the class with a partner. The
1. Pass the bag. Write different words from the conversation can be the following:
unit on different pieces of paper and put them in a
bag. In class, students take a piece paper and say a A: Someone is breaking into the house across the
sentence with the word or explain the meaning of street. What should we do?
the word. Then they pass the bag to the next class- B: ___________________________________________
A: Hello?
2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation
section in their Workbook (see the Workbook sec- C: Emergency services. How can I help you?
tion in the Teacher’s Book).
A: ___________________________________________

C: Ok. Tell me your address.

Grammar A: ___________________________________________

C: And what is your name?

Grammar Focus: Present perfect vs. past simple
A: ___________________________________________

C: Stay inside the house. Some police officers will be

Functions: To express actions in the past and ac- there within five minutes.
tions from the present that have a connection to
the past. 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).
Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.

Introduce the grammar structure

1. Write on the board the following sentences: I

went to Brazil last month and I have been to Brazil
three times this year. 2. Explain the difference in
meaning between both sentences: the first one the
action was in the past, while the other one means
that the period of time, this year, is not finished yet,
so they travel three times this year and they have
the possibility to travel again this year.

3. Motivate students to build up their own sentenc-

es contrasting how to use each verb tense.

6. Go to the Grammar Reference section in the Stu-

dent’s Book for further information.

Warm-up and review

Practice the pattern
1. Complete the conversation. Students complete
1. Ask students to open their books on Lesson 2;

Grammar section: Present perfect Vs Past simple. statements into the negative. To check, ask for vol-
unteers to write the answers on the board.
2. Write PS if the underlined tense is the past
simple, or PP if it is the present perfect. Stu- Answer Key
dents read the sentences carefully. They have to
look for the verbs and classify the verb tenses. 1. Tony didn’t play football yesterday.

Answer key 2. They haven’t cleaned the car.

1. PT 2. PP 3. PP 4. PP 3. Last year we didn’t go to Italy.

5. PT 6. PP 7. PP 8. PT 4. Penny and Rose haven’t just read the

3. Read through the Note and answer any addition-
5. I didn’t meet my friend two days ago.
al questions that students may have. Encourage
students to build up new sentences.

4. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read

the statement and according to the context they
have to determine which verb tense is the most ap-
propriate. To check, read the part of the statement
before the verb and students complete as a group,
or ask for volunteers to read aloud.

Answer Key
1. have missed
2. missed
3. went
4. has gone
5. finished
6. have finished
7. saw 6. We haven’t visited many countries be-
8. have seen fore.

9. has lived 7. She didn’t buy a new car in 2011.

10. lived 8. I haven’t already done my homework.

11. have drunk 9. Didn’t you win the game of chess?

12. drank 10. The girls haven’t already eaten their

5. Read through the Note about the negative state-
ments with the present perfect and past tense. 7. Underline the correct answer. Students read
Review the structure. Emphasise the necessary the statement and analyse the context. Then they
changes in the verb in the past tense to use the underline the correct word. To check, there are two
auxiliary ‘did’. Answer any additional questions options: read the statement and students say the
students may have. correct word as a group or ask for volunteers at
random. If there are any doubts, discuss them with
6. Change into negative. Students change the students to determine the appropriate verb tense.

Answer Key Answer Key
1. haven’t eaten 1. hasn’t called
2. arrived 2. bought
3. have worked 3. hasn’t returned
4. didn’t talk to me 4. has… known
5. has been 5. have… heard
6. have you travelled 6. lived

8. Find the error in each of the sentences and 7. bought

then rewrite it correctly. Students read each
8. have always wanted
sentence provided. All of them have a mistake.
Students have to look for the mistake bearing in Games and Activities
mind the context and rewrite the sentence. They
can work in pairs to reinforce cooperative learning. 1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say one
To correct, ask for volunteers to write them on the verb, for example “eat”, and the student has to say
board. a sentence using the past simple tense and then
another with the present perfect tense. Then they
Answer Key bring the ball back to you and you say another verb
for another student to do the same.
1. Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
2. Pass the bag. Write different verbs on different
2. Mr James has already left the office.
sheets of paper and put them in a bag. A student
3. She moved to another city last year. takes out a sheet of paper and builds up a sentence
using the verbs provided and then passes the ball.
4. We haven’t been abroad for a year.
3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them
5. They haven’t sent out the invitations yet up into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give
/ They have already sent out the invita- students an envelope to organise the sentences.
tions. They have to write down the sentences and modify
6. The lesson started ten minutes ago. the verbs in brackets. To check, ask for volunteers
to write them on the board. Some sample sentenc-
7. Penny hasn’t seen Rose since she left es are:
We have moved to another city last year.
8. Has she just left?
9. Complete the sentences with the correct form They have lived in different cities all his life.
of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or I haven’t seen my friend since we finished school.
the Present Perfect tense. Students read the sen-
tences and write the verb in the appropriate verb Finish the lesson
tense. They can check the answers in pairs. To cor-
rect, read the part of the statement provided and 1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle
students read as a group, or ask for volunteers to if possible (if not, they can do it from their seats).
read the answers. Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” The student
who has the ball has to say a sentence using the
present perfect or past tense. Then they are the one
who says, “Hot potato…”.

2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from tions and Answer Key see the Workbook section in
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the the Teacher’s Book).
Teacher’s Book).

Introduce the words

Vocabulary Enrichment and English in 1. Ask students to say the crimes they know. Focus
Use on what people do, for example: vandal, burglar,
Language Focus: Crime mugger, gang.

Functions: Talking about different types of crimes. 2. Write the words on the board and get students
to listen and repeat.
Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
3. Ask students to describe each crime in their own

Read the sentences and try to explain the mean-

ing of the words in bold

1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 6.

Ask students to read carefully each sentence and
infer the meaning from the context.

2. Ask students to use the dictionary only if neces-


3. Ask students to work in pairs. Monitor groups

and answer any questions that students may have.

4. Discuss with students the words as a group.

Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1

Warm-up and review 1. Students observe the picture and write the name
of each object using the words in the previous exer-
1. Revise the grammar structure from the previous cise.
class. Write different sentences on the board with a
2. To check, point to the picture and have students
verb in brackets. Students have to write the verb in
say what it is.
the appropriate verb tense: past tense or past con-
tinuous tense. To check, ask for volunteers to write
the answer on the board. Some sentences could be:
Answer Key
I (take) have taken an English course since January.
held up – gang – kidnapped – burglar –
She (take) took an English course last year.
We (visit) have visited the Art Museum three times hijacked – robbery – vandal – escape – ar-
this year. rest
They (visit) visited the Art Museum last month.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- Classify words from Exercise 2 Students have to

classify the vocabulary from the lesson into three Sound Focus: Consonant clusters with r blend.
groups: people, verbs and crimes. To check, draw
a chart on the board and volunteers complete the
chart. Correct their answers where needed. Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
Answer Key
People: vandals, gang, muggers, burglar
Verbs: arrest, escape, hijack, kidnap
Crimes: robbery

Games and Activities

1. Toss the ball. Divide the class into two groups.

Toss the ball to a student and say one of the words
in the lesson. The student who receives the ball has
to say a sentence using the word or a definition.
Then they toss the ball to a classmate and say an-
other word.

2. Pass the ball. Students pass the ball and say the
definition of one of the words studied during the
lesson. The rest of the class have three chances to
guess. Then they pass the ball to the next student.

3. Guessing game. Write the words highlighted

in red studied in class. Place a seat in front of the Warm-up and review
class, against the wall. Divide the classroom into
1. Gossip. Divide the classroom into two or three
two groups. One volunteer for a group sits down,
groups. Prepare a group of sentences on different
while a member from their group says the defini-
sheets of paper. Show the first student in each row
tion of the word you are going to point to. The stu-
one of the sentences. Then they have to repeat the
dent on the seat has three chances to guess. If they
sentence to the next classmate in the row, whisper-
do guess, a mark goes to their group. If the student
ing in their ear. Then, this student does the same,
does not guess, there is no mark for either group.
and the next and so forth, until the message reach-
es the last student. The last student of each group
writes on the board the sentence and then reveals
Finish the lesson the original one to compare it to the one students
understood. Some sample sentences are:
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
the words learned in Lessons 1 and 3. Students The police arrested the person who stole my car.
take a sheet of paper and have to describe the word
as a riddle and the rest of the class have to guess. There was a bank robbery in our area.
Then they pass the bag and the process is repeated.
Two armed men held up a shop in our street.
2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary
Some men kidnapped a child in my neighbourhood.
Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook
(see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book). 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Introduce the sounds consonant sounds at the beginning of word.

1. Write the words street and squirrel on the board, 2. To check, point to the first picture and students
and underline str and squ on each word. say the name.

2. Explain that they have to be careful and pro- 3. Students listen and repeat.
nounce the three sounds when pronouncing words
that start with three consonant sounds.

3. Ask students to provide more examples, such as, Answer Key

screw, street, strain, splash, squirrel and so on.
1. squirrel – string – street - screw
2. splash – squeeze – strain – squash
Listen and point. Then circle any word that has
3. straw – squid – sprint – straw
three consonant sounds at the beginning of
word. Games and Activities
1. Read the instructions carefully. 1. Pass the bag. Write different words on pieces
of paper and put them in a bag. Students take a
3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be
word from the bag and read it with the appropriate
familiar with the content. They point to the text
pronunciation. The rest of the class listens and re-
while listening. Play the CD again, and this time
they have to circle the words that have two conso-
nants with a r blend. 2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to
circle the word that does not belong to the group
because it does not have the same sound(s) at
Write and say the words you circled from Exer- the beginning of the word. To check, students as a
cise 1 group say which word is the odd one out. Then stu-
dents listen and repeat after you. Some suggested
1. Students write down the words circled from the groups are:
first exercise.
street – straw – stripes – star
2. Students listen and repeat after you.
squirrel – street – squib – square

splash – splint – splendid – plane

Answer Key
The boy was on a boat in the stream. He
saw some strange fish and squid in the Finish the lesson
water. He stretched his hands to catch the
1. Chant. Students have to pick a word with any of
fish, but he fell off and made the water
the sounds that start with three consonant sounds
splash. He didn’t know how to swim but
at the beginning of a word. Ask for a volunteer.
found a straw to cling to. He screamed for
help; a man heard him and strode with a They have to say the word rhythmically, using body
long leather strap to throw to him. movements or noise in a way that creates a con-
stant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer to do the
same. Each time a student is included, the previous
ones have to keep their word and rhythm going
Look at each picture, listen and write the three quietly. In such a way, the new word always sounds
missing sounds under each one louder than the murmur of the rest. When all stu-
dents have added their word, move your hands up
1. Students have to observe the illustration and
to increase volume or down to lower it.
part of the word provided and complete with three

2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from Introduce the vocabulary of the reading
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
Teacher’s Book). 1. Discuss with students their experiences of crime,
either what they have seen or heard about. Focus
CLIL this time on police strategies. Prompt: What did
the police do to catch the criminal? How can a police
Language Focus: Crime and police investigation. agent set a tramp to burglars and other criminals?

2. Write on the board students’ words and ideas.

Functions: Reading comprehension about investi- Each time you introduce a word get students to lis-
gating a crime. ten and repeat.

Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.

Match the words to their definitions and check
your dictionary.

1. Ask students to open their books to the CLIL les-


2. Ask students to observe the words on the right

and try to guess the meaning on the left.

3. Students work in pairs to revise their options.

4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It is

important to observe if they know now how to use
the dictionary properly. Provide any additional in-
structions, either to individual groups or the class
as a whole.

5. To check, read the word on the left and students

have to complete it.

Warm-up and review Answer Key

1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class, 1. Informant: someone who gives informa-
represented by consonant clusters formed by a tion.
consonant plus r. Provide a fragment and students
have to circle the words with the sound and then 2. Stake out: to sit and watch somewhere
listen and repeat. They can practice it as a tongue to wait for something to happen.
twister. An example can be:
3. Undercover: pretending to be someone
A Stranger was in the street walking straight. He else to get close to people and events tak-
was strong and he stroke a piece of cloth with stripes ing place.
and stings. He stretched his body and went stressful- 4. Detect: to find out about
ly back to his street.
5. Surveillance: close observation (watch-
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- ing and searching) of something.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). 6. Tactics: carefully planned strategies.

Read the following passage and fill in the

blanks with the words in Exercise A

1. Students silently read the text. Answer Key
2. Students complete the passage with the words 1. To talk about crime.
from the previous exercise.
2. They take information from informants
3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing and undercover police agents.
word(s) so students can complete it as a group.
3. They had the jewellery store under sur-
Answer Key veillance.

stake out 4. They never thought the police would

arrive that early.
Choose the best answer
1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse
undercover the three options provided.
surveillance 2. Students read the questions and the options
detect they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the
meaning for the context.
4. Read the whole passage again. Clarify any addi-
tional words that students may need. E.g.: prevent 3. To check, read the statement and students read
crime, network, involved. the option when you finish.

5. Ask students some comprehension questions

while reading the text. For example: Who visited the
Answer Key
school? What did they talk about? What tactics are
mentioned in the story? How did they prevent a jew- 1. b 2. c
ellery project?
Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper,

Read again and answer the questions different words from the lesson. Students take a
sheet of paper and say a sentence using the word
1. Students read the questions carefully and find
or describing it. Then they pass the bag. In case
the information in the text.
any student has difficulties, help them to build up
2. To revise, students work in pairs they have to sentences by asking questions or providing vocab-
correct one another. ulary.

3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they 2. Puzzle. Write a sentence and divide it into
may have. words. Put them in an envelope. Students have to
put the words together and organise the sentence.
4. To check, ask the questions and volunteers re- There may be more than one set. Ask for volun-
spond. teers to write their sentences on the board. Some
suggested sentences are:

They gave us a talked about preventing crimes.

They have a network of informant.

The police arrested the thieves.

3. Chronological order. Students read a group of

events based on a list. They have to write in the

brackets the order in which the incidents happened Warm-up and review
in the story. This is an example of the events, in
chronological order, but you have to alter the order 1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
for the exercise. the different words learned in Lesson 1, 3 and 5. In
class, students pass the bag, take a sheet of paper
( ) Two police officer came to the school. and explain or exemplify the word using it in a sen-
tence. They do not say the word as the rest of the
( ) They talk about police tactics. class have to guess the word. Then they pass the
( ) The police have many informants. bag to the next student.

( ) They heard that a robbery of a jewellery. 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
( ) When the thieves broke in, the police arrested the Teacher’s Book).

Introduction to writing
Finish the lesson
1. Discuss with students different news stories
1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and related to crime they have listened to in the news.
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then Write a chart on the board to pick one of them, for
they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one example, shoplifting, burglar, vandal, kidnapping,
who receives the ball says another sentence. and so on. If possible, choose one that has occurred
recently and was on the news.
2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the
Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach- 2. Demonstrate how to make a spider map. Write
er’s Book). the most voted event in the middle, and write the
different aspects around, like the scheme on page
Writing 49.
Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar re- 3. Write the information students provide in each
view. box.
Functions: Write a paragraph about a crime. 4. Ask students to imagine they are going to de-
scribe what happened using the pronoun “I” as if
Materials: beanball, board and markers.
they were in the place.

5. It is important that evets should be in chrono-

logical order and ask them to choose between the
present and past.

6. Start writing the paragraph following the outline.

Remind students to use connectors and transition
signals, such as: after, first, then and, but, in addi-
tion, also, and so on.

7. Reread the paragraph. And ask students if they

would like to add anything else. Remember that the
final sentence can be a reflection or how the narra-
tor feels.

Imagine you were asked to write about a crime

you saw, watched on a film or read about in a

book. Tick () the words you may use 6. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-
1. Students open their books to the Writing section.

2. Read aloud the list of words suggested in the les-

son. Games and Activities

3. Ask students to individually tick those that they 1. Puzzle. Write some sentences on a sheet of pa-
will use in their composition, thinking about a spe- per and split them up into words. Bring enough
cific experience. They can use any of the options sets for at least half of the class, so students can
discussed at the beginning of the class (except the work in pairs. In class, students organise the words
one developed for the sample paragraph at the be- to make sentences. Provide different sentences so
ginning of the lesson) or they can use another one. that groups may have different words. To check,
ask for volunteers to write them on the board.
4. Students work in groups and discuss their choic-
es. 2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different
lessons on small sheets of paper, enough for every
5. Discuss the answers with the class as a group. student in class. Put the words in a bag. Students
pass the bag and they have to build up a sentence
with a word taken from the bag. The student pass-
For your writing, fill in the following diagram es the bag to next student who has to do the same.

1. Students fill in the diagram like it was done at 3. Pass the bag 2. Write different verbs on sheets
the beginning of the class. Ask students to use the of paper and put them in a bag. Students must say a
words they ticked at the beginning of the class. sentence using the simple past or present perfect.

2. Monitor students’ answers individually, answer

any questions they may have, and provide any
words that they need. Finish the lesson

1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student

with the ball has to say a sentence about what they
Using the information from Exercise 1 and 2, have learned in the unit.
write a paragraph about “A Travel Experience.”
2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en-
1. Students read the note to understand the steps courage them to continue working hard for next
to follow to write the recount of a crime. Highlight level.
the importance of narrating in the first person, past
tense (or present, depending on their choice) and
following chronological order.
Unit 7: Describing Characters
2. Discuss each step presented in the note and ask
students to revise them while writing their compo-
and Behaviours

3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can

Words and Conversation
provide more examples, like “I saw a terrible bank
robbery last week” or “I was having a very nice day Language Focus: Description of physical appear-
in the park, when suddenly a man tried to kidnap ance and personality of a person.
my friend.”

4. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in

the Track your progress note. Functions: Describing people, physical appearance
and personality.
5 . Monitor and help them with any doubts.

Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. the person, not just their physical appearance.

4. Ask students to open their books on the Words

and Conversation section, in Unit 7. Students ob-
serve the pictures from the Listen, Point and Re-
peat section.

5. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat

each word.

Match the words with the definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use

the dictionary. However, they may not need as
much help as they did in previous units. Monitor
students and provide individual help if required.

2. Students have to look by themselves for all the

words (or in pairs, depending on the nature of your
Warm-up and review group).

1. Pass the bag: Write on the board different 3. Once they have finished, discuss the answers. If
words from the previous unit, related to crime and there is any point of disagreement, have students
justice, for example, police officer, burglar, thief, sur- refer to their dictionaries again.
veillance, informant, and so on. Each student takes 4. Remind students that a dictionary provides more
a sheet of paper and provides the definition of the than one meaning, so they have to look for the most
word without saying it. The rest of their classmates appropriate one according to the theme they are
have to guess, but they have only three chances. studying and the definitions provided in the exer-
Then they pass the bag to the following student. cise.
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c)
Introduce the conversation Listen and read
1. Organise students in a circle (if possible; if not, 1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation.
they can do the activity from their seats). They are
going to pass the ball and describe a classmate 2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify
when it is their turn. They do not say the name vocabulary. It is essential that students know the
of the person; the rest of their classmates have to meaning of each word and the sense of each sen-
guess. The students have three chances to guess. tence. Some words and expressions are: mean, fly,
If they do not, the student reveals their name and evil, cupboard.
passes the ball.
3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-
2. Provide new words to improve descriptions. sion questions. Prompts: Who are they? What
Write these words on the board and get students to are they talking about? How is Polly’s brother? And
listen and repeat. Cara’s? How is Paul? In your opinion, who is the
worst? Which type of brother would you prefer to
3. Also ask students to describe the personality of

have? Why? Answer Key
4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each 1. He is always picking on other children
line after the CD (or after you). younger than him, including his sister and
little brother.
5. Divide the classroom into two groups, each one
reads one role: either Polly or Cara. Then inter- 2. Cara thinks that he would defend Polly
change roles. from anyone else at school.
6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an- 3. She says he is soppy.
other group to do the same.
4. He let Cara have the first choice of pud-

Read again and answer the questions 5. They think he is evil.

1. Students read the text again. Fill in the blanks with the suitable word

1. Students read the passage and complete it using

the new words from the lesson.

2. Students work first individually, and then they

share their answers with a classmate.

3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss-

ing word. Students answer as a group.

Answer Key
picking up

2. Students answer the comprehension questions. lock

Tell them they may go back to the text to look for cupboard
the correct answer.
3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students
share their answers. tell

4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts. creeps

Pair and group work

1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.

They have to exchange information about their

2. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to

improve their vocabulary. 4. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-
versation on a sheet of paper and put all of them in
3. Monitor groups and supply any additional words an envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
they may need. copies for students to practice in pairs. You can
prepare different sets so is more than one line
for the class. In class, students work in pairs. Give
Games and Activities them one of the envelopes and students have to or-
ganise the words to make a sentence. Some of these
1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your sentences can be:
questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use
the seven questions on Discuss the following What are the good quality of your personality?
with your partner(s). The student replies and
brings the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most What are the bad qualities of your best friend?
students participate. Check pronunciation and flu- He is always picking on me.
ency. Help them build up sentences. If there is an
important pronunciation problem, get the whole He would never hurt a fly.
class to listen and repeat.
5. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and
2. Guessing game. Write the vocabulary they have write a dialogue based on the structures on page
learned in class on the board (including those that 50 and 51. Then they exchange dialogues with an-
you added from the different activities). Write them other group, check the dialogue, and read the dia-
on the board. Revise the description of each word. logue aloud in front of the class.
Divide the classroom into two groups. Place a seat
in front of the class with the back against the word
on the bpard, so the one who is going to be seated Finish the lesson
cannot see it. A volunteer from their group is going
to say the definition of the word you are going to 1. Pass the bag. Write different names of students
point to. They can use gestures if they need to. The on sheets of papers and put them in a bag. In class,
student on the seat has to say the word. They have students take a piece of paper out and describe
three chances. If they cannot guess, neither group their classmate without saying who it is. The rest
gets a point. Then, another student from the oppo- of the class guesses. Then they pass the bag to the
site group sits on the chair and takes a turn. The following classmate.
group with the most marks wins.
2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation
3. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on a section of their Workbook (see the Workbook sec-
sheet of paper. Divide the class into two. Give the tion in the Teacher’s Book).
first student of each group the first sentence. They
have to read it, memorise it, and then go to the sec-
ond student in the row to secretly say the sentence,
whispering in their ear. Once the student gets the Grammar
message, then they pass it on the same way, until
the message reaches the last student. The last stu-
dent has to say the message. Have fun comparing Grammar Focus: Relative Clauses
the original message and the final one. Some sug-
gested sentences are: Functions: To join sentences using relative pro-
My brother is such a soppy kid.

I don’t have bully friends.

Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
He is not even scared when teachers tell him off.

He really gives me the creeps.

4. Write the last set for now: It is in September. In
September I will travel to Brazil. Ask students what
they have in common. Ask students what they
think the possible pronoun is and then write the
statement, It is in September when I will travel to

5. Write on the board the pronouns that, who,

which, where, when and whose and discuss the use
of each.

6. Go to the Grammar Reference section in the Stu-

dent’s Book for further information.

Practice the pattern

1. Ask students to open their books on Lesson 2;

Grammar section: Relative Clauses.
Warm-up and review
2. Circle the linking words in the following
1. Describe the personage. Write on different sentences. Students read the sentences carefully.
sheets of paper the name of famous artists, singers, They have to look for the linking words in each one.
or athletes. In class, students are going to take a Discuss the answers as a group. Discuss each case
sheet of paper and describe the person to the rest. to determine what each one is referring to.
Their classmates have three opportunities to guess.
If they do not, students have to reveal who they are Answer Key
describing. Then the student passes the ball.
1. who 2. that 3. Which
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in 4. that 5. where 6. When
the Teacher’s Book).
7. whose

3. Read through the Note and answer any addition-

Introduce the grammar structure al questions that students may have. Encourage
students to build up new sentences.
1. Write on the board the following sentences: Dave
is a boy. Dave always lets his sister have first choice 4. Complete with a suitable relative pronoun.
of puddings. Dave is the boy who always lets his sis- Students read the statement and according to the
ter have first choice of puddings. Write the first two context they have to determine which pronoun
sentences one after the other, and the third one on is the appropriate to complete each sentence. To
another line. Underline who. check, read the part of the statement before the
pronoun and have students complete as a group, or
2. Explain that one way of joining sentences with ask for volunteers to read aloud. Take some of the
the same noun or pronoun. In this case, both sen- sentences to exemplify on the board.
tences are talking about Dave and he is a person.
That means that they have to use who.

3. Write on the board another set of sentences, for

example, This is a house. I live in this house. Ask stu-
dents what word both sentences have in common
(house). Write the sentence This is the house where
I live.

Answer Key Answer Key
1. whose 1. I have a cat which has a long tail.
2. who 2. The police found the person that
robbed the bank.
3. which
3. I read the interesting story that you told
4. who me about.
5. that/which 4. I called the seller who sent me all that I
6. whose
5. He went to Paris where he spent his
7. who
8. whose
6. He read the book that he bought last
9. which/that week.

10. where 7. I go to a language school where I learn

11. when
8. Tony is a player who scored three goals.
12. which /that
9. I watched a march that was very inter-
5. Join each two sentences using the relative esting.
pronouns in brackets. Students join the two
sentences using the relative pronoun provide. To 10. He has a friend whose father is a doc-
check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on tor.
the board. 11. I will wait for December when winter
12. That’s the man who lives in our street.

6. Choose the correct answer. Students read the

sentences and the options provided and choose the
appropriate one according to the context. To check,
read the first part of the statement and students
complete it as a group. Write on the board any ad-
ditional observations required to clarify meaning.

Answer Key
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. a
6. c 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. c

7. Join each two sentences with all the possible

relative pronouns. Students read the two state-
ments provided and join them using a relative
pronoun. There is more than one possible answer.
They have to write all they can find. To check, ask
for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key We moved to another city last year.

1. This is the boy who/that had an acci- People who lived in this house moved to China.
This is the boy whose dog is missing.
2. Yesterday, I saw a car which/that was
The place where I live is safe.
3. Mandy is a girl who/that I met on Fri- I ate all the cake you gave me.
4. I haven’t seen Frank whose father is a Finish the lesson
famous doctor. 1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle
5. This is the mouse whose house is on if possible (If not, they can do it from their seats).
fire. Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” The student
6. This is the school where I used to study. who has the ball has to say a sentence using a rela-
tive pronoun. Then they are the one who says, “Hot
7. This test is for students whose native
language is not English.
2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from
8. Look at the houses which/that are
drinking in the river. the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
Teacher’s Book).
9. We will meet next week when we will
play a football match.
Vocabulary Enrichment and English in
10. I ate all the cake which/that you gave Use
Language Focus: Feelings
Games and Activities
Functions: Talking about feelings and their oppo-
1. Pass the ball. Students pass the ball and add sites.
a piece of information using one of the relative
Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
pronouns making a kind of endless sentence. For
example, “This is the house that Peter built” (pass
the ball) “who was my friend” (pass the ball) “when
I lived here” (pass the ball) “who has three dogs”
(pass the ball) “which bit my sister.” The idea is to
add information using one of the relative pronouns.

2. Pass the bag. Write different pairs of sentences

and put them in the bag. Students take out a sheet
of paper and build up a sentence using the ade-
quate relative pronoun, and then they pass the bag
to the next student.

3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them

up into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give
students an envelope to organise the sentences.
They have to write down the sentences and modify
the verbs in brackets. To check, ask for volunteers
to write them on the board. Some sample sentenc-
es are:

Warm-up and review 5. Use facial expressions and body language to ex-
press the different feelings.
1. Revise the grammar structure from the previ-
ous class. Write different sentences on the board
in pairs so students have to join them using the
appropriate relative pronoun. To check, ask for Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1
volunteers to write the answer on the board. Some 1. Students observe the picture and write the name
sentences can be: of each object using the words from the previous
Elena is the girl. She was born in Libya. exercise.

Harry has a dog. The dog bit my sister. 2. To check, point to the picture and students say
what it is.
My grandmother lives in a house. The house is blue
and green.

I visited Paris. I spent three weeks in Paris. Answer Key

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- cheerful – depressed – mean/brave – ex-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in hausted – relaxed – friendly
the Teacher’s Book).
3. Complete the table from Exercise 1 Students
have to classify the vocabulary from the lesson into
two groups, the word and its opposite. Students
Introduce the words may use their dictionary to improve their vocabu-
lary. To check, draw a chart on the board and vol-
1. Discuss with students about they how they feel
unteers complete the chart.
in that moment. If they introduce a new word in
their native language, translate it.
Answer Key
Ask students to say crimes they know. Focus on exhausted relaxed
what people do, for example, vandal, burglar, mug-
ger, gang. depressed cheerful
2. Write the words on the board and get students frightened brave
to listen and repeat.
sociable shy
3. Ask students to describe in their own words
each crime. friendly mean
generous selfish

Read the sentences and try to explain the mean- Games and Activities
ing of the words in bold 1. Toss the ball. Divide the class into two groups.
1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 7. Toss the ball to a student and say one of the words
Ask students to carefully read each sentence and in the lesson. The student who receives the ball has
infer the meaning from the context. to say a sentence using the word or a definition.
Then they toss the ball to a classmate and say an-
2. Ask students to use the dictionary only if neces- other word.
2. Pass the ball. Students pass the ball and say the
3. Ask students to work in pairs. Monitor groups definition of one of the words studied during the
and answer any questions that students may have. lesson. The rest of the class have three chances to
guess. Then they pass the ball to next student.
4. Discuss with students the words as a group.
3. Pass the ball 2. Students are going to pass the

ball and use facial expressions and body language
related to a word. The rest of the class has three
chances to guess.

4. Guessing game. Write the words highlighted

in red studied in class. Place a seat in front of the
class, against the wall. Divide the classroom into
two groups. One volunteer from each group sits
down. A member from their group uses body lan-
guage and facial expressions to express a feeling
studied in class (you are going to point to the word
you have already written on the board). The stu-
dent on the seat has three chances to guess. If they
guess correctly, a mark goes to their group. If the
student does not guess, there is no mark for any

Finish the lesson

1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper

the words learned in Lesson 1 and 3. Students take Warm-up and review
a sheet of paper and have to describe the word as a
riddle and the rest of the class have to guess. Then 1. Gossip. Divide the classroom into two or three
they pass the bag and the process is repeated. groups. Prepare a group of sentences on different
sheets of paper. Show the first student in each row
2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary one of the sentences. Then they have to repeat the
Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook sentence in the next classmates’ ear. Then, this stu-
(see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book.) dent does the same and all of them repeat until the
message reaches the last student. The last student
of each group writes on the board the sentence and
then reveals the original one, comparing it to the
Phonics one that students understood. Some sample sen-
Sound Focus: consonant clusters at the end of a tences are:
Don’t be frightened of the dog.

All people like my brother because he is friendly.

Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
He seemed cheerful after doing well in his exams.

My sister was mean to me.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Introduce the sounds

1. Write the words mask, found and fast on the

board, and underline sk, nd and st on each word.

2. Explain the importance of carefully pronouncing

the word endings as the meaning of a word can be

changed. Exemplify with mask, mass, mark . mast, Answer Key
mat, ma. All words have the same initial sound, but
the ending affects the meaning. 1. pump – tent – tank – sand

3. Ask students to provide more examples with 2. gift – sink – pond – drink
words with two consonants at the end, like likes,
3. lamp – plant – spacecraft – jump
best, nest priced, lamp, and so on.
Games and Activities

Listen and point, then circle any word that has 1. Pass the bag. Write different words on pieces
three consonant sounds at the beginning of the of paper and put them in a bag. Students take a
word word from the bag and read it with the appropriate
pronunciation. The rest of the class listens and re-
1. Read the instructions carefully. peats.

3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be 2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to
familiar with the content. They point to the text circle the word that does not belong to the group
while listening. Play the CD again and this time because it does not have the same sounds at the
they have to circle the words having two conso- end of each word. To check, students as a group
nants at the end of the word. say which word is the odd one out. Then students
listen and repeat after you. Some suggested groups
Write and say the words you circled from Exer- lamp – stamp – ramp – lad
cise 1
milk – seat – build – sealed
1. Students write down the words they circled in
the first exercise. enough – gift – craft – left

2. Students listen and repeat after you.

Finish the lesson

Answer Key 1. Chant. Students have to pick a word which ends

with two consonant sounds (or three). Ask for a
There are some plants and grass growing volunteer. They have to say the word rhythmically,
in the ground where the band built their using body movements or noise in a way that cre-
tent. Near the tent, they painted a tank ates a constant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer
and put it in sand. They brought lamps to do the same. Each time a student is included, the
and pumps with them. previous ones have to keep the word and rhythm
going quietly. In such a way, the new word always
Look at each picture below. Listen and write sounds louder than the murmur of the rest. When
the missing ending two-consonant blend under all students have added their word, move your
each one hands up to increase volume or down to lower it.

1. Students have to observe the illustration and la- 2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from
bel the pictures. the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
Teacher’s Book).
2. To check, point to the first picture and have stu-
dents say the name.

3. Students listen and repeat. CLIL

Language Focus: Description of physical appear-

ance and personality. tive and the negative aspects.

2. Write on the board any additional words that

students may need to express their ideas. Write
Functions: Reading comprehension about describ- the new words on the board and students listen
ing people’s physical appearance and personality.
and repeat. Also motivate students by introducing
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. words from the reading, for example, identical,
twins, siblings, inherited.

Match the words to their definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Ask students to open their books on the CLIL les-


2. Ask students to observe the words on the right

and try to guess the meaning on the left.

3. Students work in pairs to revise their options.

4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It is

important to observe if they know now how to use
the dictionary properly. Provide any additional in-
structions, either to individual groups or pairs, or
the class as a whole.

5. To check, read the word on the left and students

Warm-up and review have to complete it.

1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class,

represented by consonant clusters at the end of
words. Provide a fragment and students have to Answer Key
circle the words with the sound, and then they
1. Pranks: practical jokes.
have to listen and repeat. They can practice it as a
tongue twister. An example could be: 2. Identical: look exactly the same.
Mark is my best friend. He is a good student and 3. Sibling: brothers and sisters.
kind. He collects stamps and coins. He has a big col-
lection. His parents also collect paintings and carv- 4. Studios: spend a lot of time studying.
ings. 5. Inherited: to be born with qualities of
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- your parents/grandparents etc.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in 6. Cheeky: not very polite.
the Teacher’s Book).
Read the following passage and fill in the
blanks with the words in Exercise A.
Introduce the vocabulary of the reading 1. Students silently read the text.
1. Discuss with students about their family or the 2. Students complete the passage with the words in
place where they live. Ask them to describe their the previous exercise.
favourite brother, relative or friend, and what
makes them special. Ask to think about the posi- 3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing

word so that students can complete it as a group. the three options provided.

Answer Key 2. Students read the questions and the options

they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the
siblings meaning for the context.
inherited 3. To check, read the statement and students read
the option when you finish.
identical Answer Key

studious 1. a 2. a

4. Read the whole passage again. Clarify any addi- Games and Activities
tional words that students may need. E.g.: naughty,
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
pulling, grin, tell them apart.
different words from the lesson. Students take a
5. Ask students some comprehension questions sheet of paper and say a sentence using the word
while reading the text. For example: How many peo- or describing it. Then they pass the bag. In case
ple are there in the family? What have all of them any student has difficulties, help them build up
inherited from their father? Where is he from? How sentences, by asking questions or providing vocab-
is the eldest brother? How are his sisters? How many ulary.
rooms do they have in the house?
2. Puzzle. Write a sentence and divide it into
words. Put them in an envelope. Students have to
put the words together and organise the sentence.
Read again and answer the questions There may be more than a set. Ask for volunteers
to write their sentences on the board. Some sug-
1. Students read the questions carefully and find
gested sentences are:
the information in the text.
We inherited my dad’s read hair.
2. To revise, students work in pairs and correct one
another. My older brother is always getting into trouble.
3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they My sister spends a lot of time with her nose in books.
may have.
The house where we live has three bedrooms.
4. To check, ask for the questions and volunteers
Finish the lesson

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and

Answer Key
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then
1. Five children and parents. they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one
who receives the ball says another sentence.
2. Their red hair.
2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the
3. Yes, they are happy. Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach-
4. With his little sister. er’s Book).

Choose the best answer Writing

1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar review.

Functions: Write a paragraph describing a person. admirable and the characteristics of the person.
Materials: beanball, board and markers. 5. Demonstrate how to do a mind map (or spider
map). Write the most voted for person in the mid-
dle, and write their different aspects around, like
the scheme on page 57.

6. Write the information students provide in each


7. Ask students to imagine they are going to de-

scribe that person. They can use “I” to explain why
they admire that person.

8. Start writing the paragraph following the outline.

Remind students to use connectors and transition
signals, such as: first, second, another, for example,
also, in addition, besides and so on.

7. Reread the paragraph and ask students if they

would like to add anything else.

You are asked to write the behaviour of some

people you know. Tick () the words you may
Warm-up and review use
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper 1. Students open their books to the Writing section.
different words learned in Lesson 1, 3 and 5. In
class, students pass the bag, take out a sheet of pa- 2. Read aloud the list of words suggested in the les-
per and explain or exemplify the word using it in a son.
sentence. They do not say the word, but the rest of
3. Ask students to individually tick those that they
the class have to guess what the word is. Then they
will use in their composition, thinking about a spe-
pass the bag to the next student.
cific person. They can use any of the options dis-
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- cussed at the beginning of the class (except the one
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in developed for the sample paragraph at the begin-
the Teacher’s Book). ning of the lesson), or they can use another one.

4. Students work in groups and discuss their choic-

Introduction to writing
5. Discus the answers with the class as a group.
1. Discuss with students about people they admire:
they could be an artist, a relative, a scientist, a his-
torical character, writer, or any other person that
Choose a person you admire and fill in the dia-
the students have in mind.
gram below to write about this person in Exer-
2. Discuss why they admire that person. cise 3

3. Write on the board the name of the most popular 1. Students fill in the diagram as it was done at
ones and ask students to vote for the one they pre- the beginning of the class. Ask students to use the
fer most. words they ticked on Exercise 1.

4. Discuss with students what makes that person 2. Monitor students’ answers individually, answer

any questions they may have and provide any vided using the appropriate relative pronoun. Then
words they need. they pass the bag on.

Write a paragraph about “The person I admire Finish the lesson

most”. You may use the information from Exer-
cise 1 and 2 1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student
with the ball has to say a sentence about what they
1. Students read the note to understand the steps have learned in the unit.
to follow to write the description of a person.
Highlight the importance of using adjectives and 2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en-
describing the physical appearance and personality courage them to continue working hard for next
of a person. level.

2. Discuss each step presented in the note and ask Unit 8: Types of Animals
students to revise them while writing their compo-

3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can Words and Conversation
provide more examples, like “--- is the person I ad-
mire the most” or “I admire --- for three reasons: Language Focus: Description of different types of
----, --- and …” animals.

4. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in

the Track your progress note. Functions: Describing features of animals.
5 . Monitor and help them with any doubts. Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
6. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-

Games and Activities

1. Puzzle. Write some sentences on a sheet of pa-

per and split them into words. Bring enough sets
for at least half of the class, so students will work in
pairs. In class, students organise the words to make
sentences. Provide different sentences so groups
may have different words. To check, ask for volun-
teers to write them on the board.

2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different

lessons on small sheets of paper; enough for every
student in class. Put the words in a bag. Students
pass the bag and they have to build up a sentence
with a word taken from the bag. Then the student
passes the bag to the next student who has to do
the same. Warm-up and review

3. Pass the bag 2. Write two sentences on different 1. Pass the ball: The student with the ball has to
sheets of paper and put them in in a bag. Students describe a classmate or a famous person, describ-
must say a sentence joining the two sentences pro- ing their physical appearance and personality. The

rest of students has to guess, but the whole group cise.
has only three opportunities. If they do not guess,
the student reveals the identity and passes the ball.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- Answer Key

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c)

Listen and read

Introduce the conversation 1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation.

1. Organise students in a circle (if possible, if not, 2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify
they can do the activity from their seats). They are vocabulary. It is essential that students know the
going to pass the ball and describe an animal they meaning of each word and the sense of each sen-
like or their pet. Write any words that students tence. Some words and expressions are: underwa-
may need while playing the game, for example, ter, oxygen, covered.
feathers, scales, fin, eggs, fish, bird, mammal, reptile, 3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-
and so on. sion questions. Prompts: Who are they? What
2. Write on the board any words that you need kind of animal is a dolphin? How do you know?
during the game which are related to the lesson. What are the features of a fish? And birds? What
does a flying fish really do?
3. Students listen and repeat the words.
4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each
4. Ask students to open their books on the Words line after the CD (or after you).
and Conversation section, in Unit 8. Students ob-
serve the pictures in the Listen, Point and Repeat 5. Divide the classroom into two parts, each one
section. reads one role: either Polly or Cara. Then inter-
change the roles.
5. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat
each word. 6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an-
other group to do the same.

Match the words with the definitions and check

your dictionary Read again and answer the questions

1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use 1. Students read the text again.
the dictionary. However, they may not need as 2. Students answer the comprehension questions.
much help as they did on previous units. Monitor Tell them they may go back to the text to look for
students and provide individual help if required. the correct answer.
2. Students have to look by themselves for all the 3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students
words (or in pairs, depending on the nature of your share their answers.
4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts.
3. Once they have finished, discuss the answers. If
there is any point of disagreement, have students
look refer to their dictionaries again.

4. Remind students that a dictionary provides more

than one meaning, so they have to look for the most
appropriate one according to the theme they are
studying and the definitions provided in the exer-

Answer Key
Answer Key
Pair and group work
1. A dolphin is a mammal.
2. Because they cannot breathe underwa- 1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.
ter and they give birth to live young. They have to exchange information about types of
3. Mammals cannot breathe underwater
as fish do. Mammals give birth to live 2. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to
young while fish lay eggs. improve their vocabulary.

4. Hens are birds. 3. Monitor groups and supply any additional words
they may need.
5. They do not fly, they jump long distanc-
es out of the water.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable word Games and Activities

1. Students read the passage and complete it using 1. Complete the chart. Draw a chart on the board
the new words from the lesson. with three columns with the following headings:
mammal, fish and bird. Write the name of different
2. Students work first individually, and then they animals, such as dog, ducks, dolphins, hen, whale,
share their answers with a classmate. tuna, dolphin, goat, cat, and so on. Students have to
organise the animals in the correct column in pairs.
3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss-
To check, ask for volunteers to complete the chart
ing words. Students answer as a group.
on the board.

2. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your

questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use
the six questions from Discuss the following with
your partner(s). The student replies and passes
the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most stu-
dents participate. Check pronunciation and fluency.

Help them build up sentences. If there is an import- Fish can breathe underwater.
ant pronunciation problem, get the whole class to
listen and repeat. Which class of animals do you like the most?

3. Guessing game. Write the names of different 6. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and
animals on the board, for example, hen, dolphin, write a dialogue based on the structures on page
fish, dog, cat. Revise the description of each word. 58 and 59. Then they exchange dialogues with an-
Divide the classroom into two groups. Place a seat other group, check the dialogue, and read the dia-
in front of the class with the back against the word, logue aloud in front of the class.
so the one who is going to be seated cannot see
the board. A volunteer from their group is going
to describe the animal (using features like, it is/ Finish the lesson
isn’t a mammal/fish/bird). They can use gestures
if they need to. The student on the seat has to say 1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and say
the word. They have three chances to guess. If they the name of an animal. The student has to say if it
cannot, neither group receives a point. Then, an- is a bird, a mammal or a fish and say one reason
other student from the opposite group sits on the why, for example, “The eagle is a bird because it can
chair and takes a turn. The group with the most fly.” Then they toss the ball back to you.
marks wins.
2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation
4. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on section in their Workbook (see the Workbook sec-
sheets of paper. Divide the class into two groups. tion in the Teacher’s Book).
Give the first student of each group the first sen-
tence. They have to read it, memorise it, and then
go to the second student in the row to secretly say Grammar
the sentence, whispering in their ear. Once the
student gets the message, they then pass it on the
same way, until the message reaches the last stu-
dent. The last student has to say the message. Have Grammar Focus: Singular and plural nouns.
fun comparing the original message and the final Functions: To form and express ideas using singu-
one. Some suggested sentences are: lar and plural nouns.
Dolphins can’t breathe underwater.

Mammals give birth to live young. Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
Birds lay eggs and have feathers.

A flying fish does not fly but jumps.

5. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-

versation on sheets of paper and put all of them in
an envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
copies for students to practice in pairs. You can
prepare different sets so there will be more than
one line for the class. In class, students work in
pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and students
have to organise the words to make a sentence.
Some of these sentences can be:

A dolphin lives in the ocean.

Dolphins are not fish but mammals.

Warm-up and review 7. Say that some nouns have the same form in
plural and singular. Write on the board sheep, fish,
1. Pass the bag. Write on different pieces of paper aircraft.
the name of different animals. In class, students
are going to take a sheet of paper and classify the 8. Go to the Grammar Reference section in the Stu-
animal written on the sheet of paper, mentioning at dent’s Book for further information.
least two characteristics. Then the student passes
the ball to the next student.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- Practice the pattern

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in 1. Ask students to open their books on Lesson 2;
the Teacher’s Book). Grammar section: Singular and Plural Nouns.

2. Write S for singular and P for plural next to

Introduce the grammar structure the following words. Students read the words
carefully. They have to determine whether the
1. Write on the board the following words: cat, pot, words are singular or plural.
hat, desk, chair and table. Write the words in a col-
umn, one below the other. Answer Key

2. Explain that these are singular nouns, referring 1. S 2. S 3. S 4. S 5. P

to only one object. Add “-s” to each one and say
6. S 7. S 8. S 9. P 10. P
that this is the plural form when talking about
more than one object. 3. Read through the Note and answer any addition-
al questions students may have. Encourage stu-
3. Write on the board the following words: watch,
dents to build up new examples in each case.
glass, brush and tomato. Write the words in a col-
umn, one below the other, next to the previous 4. Complete the following table. Students read
words (you are building up a chart). the words and write their plural form, bearing in
mind the rules in the note. To check, ask for volun-
4. Explain these are singular nouns, referring to
teers to write the plural forms on the board.
only one object, but they need to add “-es” to form
the plural. Underline the ending sound of each and
Answer Key
add –es to form the plural.
kite boys
5. Write on the board the following words: man,
child, goose, mouse and feet. Write the words in a taxi classes
column, one below the other, next to the previous
words. Explain that these singular nouns have ir- brushes replies
regular plural forms. Write next to the words their
days boxes
plural form: men, children, geese, mice and feet.
Before writing them, encourage students to say the planes ostriches
plural form that they know.
5. Join each two sentences using the relative
6. Write on the board the following words: baby pronouns in brackets. Students join the two
lady, fly, and. Write the words in a column, one be- sentences using the relative pronoun provide. To
low the other, next to the previous words. Explain check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on
that these singular nouns have a particular plural the board.
formation because they end in consonant+vowel.
Write next to the words their plural form, by drop- 6. Choose the correct word. Students read the
ping “y” and substituting by “-ies”. Highlight that statements and choose the correct word, singular
in cases such as day or play, they just add “-s” be- or plural, according to the context. To check, read
cause the word ends in a vowel+y. the section

Answer Key
1. people 2. women
3. children 4. feet
5. sheep 6. teeth
7. pupils 8. fish
9. men 10. wives

9. Read through the Note about collective nouns.

Highlight that they can have a singular or plural
form of the verb according to the sentence.

10. Complete each of the following sentences

with the suitable collective noun in the correct
form. Students read the sentences and decide the
appropriate collective noun provided in the Note
section. To check, read aloud the part of the sen-
tence provided and students say the answers as a
group. Write on the board any words which could
provided and students complete the sentence as a
be confusing.
Answer Key
1. crew 2. gang
Answer Key
3. crowd 4. bunch
1. chair 2. books
5. ranges 6. pair
3. brothers 4. bikes
7. flock 8. schools
5. car 6. pencils
9. army 10. herd
7. laptop 8. windows
9. books 10. mat Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write different words on sheets

of paper and put them in the bag. Students take a
7. Read through the Note and clarify any additional
sheet of paper and build up the plural form of the
doubts about irregular plurals. Remind students
word given, and then they make a sentence.
that they have to learn them by heart.
2. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and say a
8. Rewrite the following sentences using the
collective noun. Students have to say a phrase using
correct forms. Students read the statement and
that noun and then toss the ball back to you. For
rewrite the sentences using the plural form in the
example: “A pack” - “A pack of cards.”
brackets. To check, discuss the plural forms as a
group and write the answers on the board. 3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them
into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give
students an envelope and ask them to organise the
sentences. They have to write down the sentences
and modify the verbs in brackets. To check, ask for
volunteers to write them on the board. Some sam-
ple sentences are:

There are some men walking in the street. Warm-up and review

I bought two bunches of flowers for my sister’s wed- 1. Revise the grammar structure from the previous
ding. class. Write different words on sheets of paper,
using nouns which have different types of plural
The fish I bought are in the fridge. forms. Students pass the bag and say the plural
There are three windows in the living room. form of the word and then pass the on to the next

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

Finish the lesson tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).
1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle
if possible (If not, they can do it from their seats).
Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” Before saying Introduce the words
“Hot potato…” say a word. When you say “Stop!”, 1. Discuss parts of the human body.
the student who has the ball has to say a sentence
using the word you gave in its plural form. 2. Ask students which parts that animals have, that
humans do not have.
2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the 3. If students say a word in their mother tongue,
Teacher’s Book). translate it into English and ask students to listen
and repeat.
Vocabulary Enrichment and English in Use 4. Draw different animals on the board, and point
to those differences, such as wings, tails, trunks,
Language Focus: Parts of animals. horns, and so on.
Functions: Discussing vocabulary about parts of
5. Students listen and repeat the parts of the ani-
an animal.
Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers,
6. Point to the parts at random to check if students
have learned them.

Read the sentences and try to explain the mean-

ing of the words in bold

1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 8.

Ask students to carefully read each sentence and
infer the meaning from the context.

2. Ask students to use the dictionary only if neces-


3. Ask students to work in pairs. Monitor groups

and answer any questions that students may have.

4. Discuss with students the words as a group.

5. Use facial expressions and body language to ex-

press the different feelings.

Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1 2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary
Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook
1. Students observe the picture and write the name (see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book)
of each object using the words from the previous
exercise. Phonics
2. To check, point to the picture and have students Sound Focus: consonant clusters at the beginning
say what it is. or end of a word.

Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.

Answer Key
fin wing hoofs claws mane
web whiskers tusks paws gills
horns reptiles trunk beak tail

Games and Activities

1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and say

an animal. The student has to provide a detailed
description of the animal using the vocabulary
from Lesson 1 and 3. Then they toss the ball back
to you. Repeat the steps with another student.

2. Pass the ball. Students are going to describe an

animal without saying the name. The rest of the
class have three opportunities to guess. If not, they
must reveal the name of the animal and pass the
ball to the next student.

3. Guessing game. Write the name of different

animals on the board. Ask students to listen and Warm-up and review
repeat each one. Place a seat in front of the class,
against the wall. Divide the classroom into two 1. Dictation. Dictate some sentences from the
groups. One volunteer from a group sits down. A previous lesson. Read the words three times: the
member from their group describes the animal you first time for students to listen; the second time for
are going to point to. They may use body language students to write; and the third time for students to
and facial expressions to complement the descrip- check. To check the answers, ask for volunteers to
tion. The student on the chair has three opportuni- write them on the board. Some sample sentences
ties to guess. If they do not, no marks go to either are:
group. When a student guesses, their group re-
ceives a mark. At the end, the group with the most Most animals and birds have tails.
marks wins.
The elephant has a long trunk which it uses as a

Finish the lesson. 1. Pass the bag. Write on dif- Some animals use horns on their heads to defend
ferent sheets of paper the words learned in Lesson themselves against attacks.
1 and 3. Students take a sheet of paper and have
Both horses and lions have long hair on their necks
to describe the word as a riddle and the rest of the
called manes.
class have to guess. Then they pass the bag and the
process is repeated. 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in 1. Students have to observe the illustration and la-
the Teacher’s Book). bel the pictures.

2. To check, point to the first picture and have stu-

dents say the name.
Introduce the sounds
3. Students listen and repeat.
1. Revise the pronunciation of some consonant
clusters studied in previous lessons.

2. Write a list of words on the board and get stu- Answer Key
dents to listen and repeat after you. Some words
can be: grass, desk, tent, brought, student, mask, 1. mask – bald – gold – dentist
found and fast.
2. fist – belt – guilt – tusk
3. Point to students individually to check pronunci-
3. hand – child – build – nest
Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write different words on pieces of

Listen and point, and then circle any word that
paper and put them in a bag. Students take a word
have two or three final consonants
from the bag and read it with the appropriate pro-
1. Read the instructions carefully. nunciation. The rest of the class listen and repeat.

2. Students listen to the CD the first time to be 2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to
familiar with the content. They point to the text circle the word that does not belong to the group
while listening. Play the CD again and this time because it does not have the same sounds at the
they have to circle the words that have two conso- end of words. To check, students as a group say
nants at the end of the word. which word is the odd one out. Then students lis-
ten and repeat after you. Some suggested groups
Write and say the words you circle from Exer- street – fist – least – feast
cise 1
bald – bold – cold – comb
1. Students write down the words they circled in
the first exercise. mask – tusk – belt – desk

2. Students listen and repeat after you.

Finish the lesson

Answer Key 1. Chant. Students have to pick a word which ends

with two consonant sounds. Ask for a volunteer.
His parents told him it was important to They have to say the word rhythmically, using body
be the best student and do all tasks. One movements or noise in a way that creates a con-
day, the boy wore a mask and quickly stant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer to do the
went in to clean his room. On his desk, he same. Each time a student is included, the previous
found a lamp, a husk and a stamp. On the ones have to keep their word and rhythm going
shelf, he found different objects. He at- quietly. In such a way, the new word always sounds
tempted to make the room the same as his louder than the murmur of the rest. When all stu-
mother last left it. dents have added their word, move your hands up
to increase volume or down to lower it.
Look at each picture below. Listen and write a
word from the box that names each picture 2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from

the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the 1. Discuss with students about visiting the zoo.
Teacher’s Book). Prompts: What animals can you see at the zoo?
What is their favourite animal? Why? Describe your
CLIL favourite animal.
Language Focus: Description of animals. 2. Review some terms studied in Lesson 2 for col-
lective nouns related to animals: a flock of birds,
a pack of wolves, a flock of sheep, an army of ants,
Functions: Reading comprehension about animals a herd of deer, a litter of puppies, a pride of lions.
through a visit to the zoo. Write the collective noun in a column and the an-
imals in another, at random, and students have to
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. match them. Ask for volunteers to trace the lines to
match the terms.

Match the words to their definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Ask students to open their books on the CLIL les-


2. Ask students to observe the words on the right

and try to guess the meaning on the left.

3. Students work in pairs to revise their options.

4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It is

important to observe if they know now how to use
the dictionary properly. Provide any additional in-
struction either to individual groups or the class as
a whole.

5. To check, read the word on the left and have stu-

Warm-up and review dents complete it.

1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class,

represented by consonant clusters at the end of
Answer Key
words. Provide a fragment and students have to
circle the words with the sound, and then they 1. Exotic: from another country.
have to listen and repeat. They can practice it as
a tongue twister, each time faster than before. An 2. Conservation: looking after animals and
example can be: Patrick plays tricks on Mark. Pat- their future.
rick likes to make pranks and jokes but he is a good
3. Common: regularly heard/used.
friend. Weeks ago, Patrick looked for books about
jokes, but he didn’t take any. 4. Cubs: babies of certain animals (lion,
foxes, bears, etc,)
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in 5. Aquarium: where water animals are
the Teacher’s Book). kept.
6. Adorable: very cute and appealing.

Introduce the vocabulary of the reading Read the following passage and fill in the

blanks with the words in Exercise A Answer Key
1. Students silently read the text. 1. They learned about different types of
2. Students complete the passage with the words
from the previous exercise. 2. A group of deer is called herd.
3. Students share their answers in pairs. 3. Yes, they enjoyed the trip.
4. To check, read the text and pause on the missing 4. They went to the aquarium.
words so students can complete them as a group.
Choose the best answer
Answer Key
1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse
conservation the three options provided.

common 2. Students read the questions and the options

they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the
cubs meaning for the context.
adorable 3. To check, read the statement and students read
aquarium the option when you finish.


5. Ask students some comprehension questions Answer Key

while reading the text. For example: Where is the
narrator? Who is with him? What are the names of 1. b 2. b
cubs of lions? What did the narrator have at the end Games and Activities
of the day? Which name did he pick for a cub? Where
did the narrator go after the zoo? 1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
different words from the lesson. Students take a
5. Draw a box on the board with two columns. In sheet of paper and say a sentence using the word
one of them write: heard, charm, cackle, parliament, or describing it. Then they pass the bag. In case
bloat and litter; and in the other horses, zebras, any student has difficulties, help them build up
elephants, deer, hummingbirds, hyenas, owls, hip- sentences by asking questions or providing vocab-
pos and cubs . Ask students to match the collective ulary.
noun with the animal.
2. Puzzle. Write a sentence and divide it into
words. Put them in an envelope. Students have to
Read again and answer the questions put the words together and organise the sentence.
There may be more than one set. Ask for volun-
1. Students read the questions carefully and find teers to write their sentences on the board. Some
the information in the text. suggested sentences are:

2. To revise, students work in pairs and correct one We went for a school trip to the zoo.
We were all ears.
3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they
may have. We learnt what different groups of animals are
4. To check, ask for the questions and volunteers
respond. An exotic animal is from another country.

Finish the lesson

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and Introduction to writing
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then
they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one 1. Discuss with students about their favourite ani-
who receives the ball says another sentence. mal. Write some names on the board and ask stu-
dents to vote for their favourite, for example, you
2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the may say, “Raise your hands if you prefer cats.” And
Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach- count the votes. Remind them not to vote twice.
er’s Book).
2. Demonstrate how to do a mind map (or a spi-
Writing der map). Write the most voted for animal in the
middle, and write the different aspects around the
Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar review. word, like the scheme on page 65.
Functions: Write a paragraph describing a person. 3. Write the information students provide in each
Materials: beanball, board and markers. box to complete the information.

4. Ask students to imagine they are going to de-

scribe that animal in a composition.

5. Start writing the paragraph following the outline.

Remind students to use connectors and transition
signals, such as, first, second, another, for example,
also, in addition, besides and so on.

6. As they are describing, they have to use adjec-

tives to improve their description.

7. Reread the paragraph and ask students if they

would like to add anything else.

You are asked to write the types of animals you

know for a school project. Tick () the words
you may use

1. Students open their books to the Writing section.

Warm-up and review 2. Read aloud the list of words suggested in the les-
1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say
a collective noun and the student has to use the 3. Ask students to individually tick those that they
word with the corresponding animal, for example will use in their composition, thinking about a spe-
“herd” and student should say “a herd of deer.” cific animal. They can use any of the options dis-
Then they toss the ball back to you. Toss the ball to cussed at the beginning of the class (except the one
another student, you can use the name of the ani- developed for the sample paragraph at the begin-
mal instead, and the student completes it with the ning of the lesson), or they can use another one.
collective noun, for example “ant”, and the student 4. Students work in groups and discuss their choic-
replies: “an army of ants.” es.
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- 5. Discus the answers with the class as a group.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Choose an animal to write about and fill in the pass the bag and they have to build up a sentence
diagram below to organise your ideas with a word taken from the bag. Then the student
passes the bag to the next student who has to do
1. Students fill in the diagram like it was done at the same.
the beginning of the class. Ask students to use the
words they ticked in Exercise 1. 3. Pass the bag 2. Write different words in their
singular form. Students have to take a sheet, read
2. Monitor students’ answers individually, answer the word and say its plural form. Then they pass
any questions they may have and provide any the bag.
words that they need.

Finish the lesson

Using the information from Exercise 1 and 2,
write a paragraph about “An Animal I Know” 1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student
with the ball has to say a sentence about what they
1. Students read the note to understand the steps have learned in the unit.
to follow to write the description of an animal.
Highlight the importance of using adjectives and 2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en-
describing the animal. Remind them to include in- courage them to continue working hard for next
formation on the spider map. level.

2. Discuss each step presented in the Note and ask

students to revise them while writing their compo-
Unit 9: Family and Stages of Life

3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can

Words and Conversation
provide more examples, like “There is an animal I
like to read about: it is the ---“ “The--- is a fascinat- Language Focus: Stages of life
ing /exotic /adorable animal” but encourage them
to write their own.

4. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in Functions: Talking about what people do in differ-
Track your progress note. ent moments in life.

5 . Monitor and help them with any doubts. Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.

6. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-


Games and Activities

1. Puzzle. Write some sentences on sheets of paper

and split them into words. Bring enough sets for at
least half of the class, so students can work in pairs.
In class, students organise the words to make sen-
tences. Provide different sentences so that groups
can have different words. To check, ask for volun-
teers to write them on the board.

2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different

lessons on small sheets of paper, enough for every
student in class. Put the words in a bag. Students

Warm-up and review there is any point of disagreement, have students
refer to their dictionaries again.
1. Pass the ball: The student with the ball has to
describe an animal, using at least three sentences. 4. Remind students that a dictionary provides more
The rest of the class has three opportunities to than one meaning, so they have to look for the most
guess. If the group cannot, the student reveals the appropriate one according to the theme they are
animal and then passes the ball. Repeat the process studying and the definitions provided in the exer-
with another student. cise.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-

tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (c)

Introduce the conversation Listen and read

Important note: this unit is about family. Be sen- 1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation.
sitive with students’ reality and offer alternatives
such as people you consider your family or best 2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify
friends. vocabulary. It is essential that students understand
the meaning of each word and the sense of each
1. Discuss with students the different ages of peo- sentence. Some words and expressions are: miss,
ple they know, especially relatives. bigger, sounds good.

2. Write on the board some of these words. Stu- 3. Go through the reading to also ask comprehen-
dents may use their mother tongue, so be ready to sion questions. Prompts: Who are they? How does
translate the most relevant words related to the Fred’s mum feel? Why? Is Fred sad? What is the
lesson, such as adult, teen, pensioner, toddler, child. positive side of the fact that Fred’s brother is mov-
ing? What does the phrase “you don’t appreciate the
3. Students listen and repeat the words you have freedom of being kids” mean? What freedom do you
written on the board. have?
4. Ask students to open their books on the Words 4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each
and Conversation section, in Unit 9. Students ob- line after the CD (or after you).
serve the pictures in the Listen, Point and Repeat
section. 5. Divide the classroom into two parts, each one
reads one role: either Fred or Tom. Then inter-
5. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat change roles.
each word.
6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an-
other group to do the same.
Match the words with the definitions and check
your dictionary
Read again and answer the questions
1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use
the dictionary. However, they may not need as 1. Students read the text again.
much help as they did in previous units. Monitor
students and provide individual help if required. 2. Students answer the comprehension questions.
Tell them they may go back to the text to look for
2. Students have to look by themselves for all the the correct answer.
words (or in pairs, depending on the nature of your
group). 3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students
share their answers.
3. Once they have finished, discuss the answers. If

4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts. Answer Key
appreciate freedom

Pair and group work

1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.

They have to exchange information about their

2. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to

improve their vocabulary.
Answer Key
3. Monitor groups and supply any additional words
1. Because he is going to University. they may need.
2. Fred’s mother is upset.
3. He is a bit happy because he will have a
Games and Activities
bigger room.
1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your
4. Yes, he does.
questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use
5. Kids have more freedom. the six questions from the Discuss the following
with your partner(s). The student replies and
Fill in the blanks with the suitable word brings the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most
of the students participate. Check pronunciation
1. Students read the passage and complete it using
and fluency. Help them build up sentences. If there
the new words from the lesson.
is an important pronunciation problem, get the
2. Students work first individually, and then they whole class to listen and repeat.
share their answers with a classmate.
2. Guessing game. Write the name of different
3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss- stages on the board and the keywords from the
ing word. Students answer as a group. lesson, for example, toddler, adult, young, child, old,
footy, freedom, appreciate, pensioner, upset, happy.
Revise the description of each word. Divide the
classroom into two groups. Place a seat in front
of the class with the back against the word on the
board, so the one who is going to be seated cannot
see the board. A volunteer from their group is go-
ing to describe the word you are going to point to.

They can use gestures if they need to. The student Finish the lesson
on the seat has to say the word. They have three
chances to guess. If they cannot, neither group gets 1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and ask
a point. Then, another student from the opposite a question from the Pair and Group Work. The stu-
group sits on the chair and takes a turn. The group dent has to answer and toss the ball back to you.
with the most marks wins. Then toss the ball to another classmate.

3. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on 2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation
a sheet of paper. Divide the class into two groups. section on their Workbook (see the Workbook sec-
Give the first student from each group the first sen- tion in the Teacher’s Book).
tence. They have to read it, memorise it, and then
go to the second student in the row to secretly say
the sentence, whispering in their ear. Once the stu- Grammar
dent gets the message, they then pass it on in the
same way, until the message reaches the last stu-
dent. The last student has to say the message. Have
fun comparing the original message and the final Grammar Focus: Comparatives and superlatives.
one. Some suggested sentences are: Functions: To use comparative and superlative ad-
jectives to talk about the characteristic of a person,
My brother is moving out this weekend.
object, animal or event.
My mum is really upset because my brother is the
first one to leave home.
Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
His room is bigger than my room.

What do people often do at the different stages of


4. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-

versation on a sheet of paper and put all of them in
an envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
copies for students to practice in pairs. You can
prepare different sets so there will be more than
one line for the class. In class, students work in
pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and students
have to organise the words to make a sentence.
Some of these sentences can be:

Has anyone of your family moved out?

We don’t appreciate the freedom of being kids.

We won’t be able to play when we are adults.

When my sister went to the University, we became Warm-up and review

1. Complete the conversation. Write on the
5. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and board an unfinished conversation. Students have to
write a dialogue based on the structures on page complete the dialogue with their own ideas. Then
66 and 67. Then they exchange dialogues with an- they present the dialogue in pairs. A sample dia-
other group, check the dialogue and read the dia- logue can be:
logue aloud in front of the class.
A: How big is your family?

B: ___________________________________ write them in the right column according to the
rules, for example, lazy, smart, long, clever, dark,
A: Has anyone in your family moved out? ripe, among others.
B: ___________________________________ 10. Some adjectives are too long, sothey are going
A: How often do you visit your relatives? to use more+adjective, like the following example
“Beth’s cat is more intelligent than Phil .” or “This
B: ___________________________________ dress is more expensive than the other.

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- 11. Explain to students that the superlative is used
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in to express the highest degree in a group.
the Teacher’s Book).
12. Use again the example of the tallest, but this
time explain that he the tallest in the whole class:
we are not comparing two or three people. We are
Introduce the grammar structure using a big group. Highlight the importance of us-
ing the article the.
1. Ask the tallest and the smallest students to come
in front of the class. Compare the two students’ 13. Complete the chart on the board in the column
height. Use sentences such as “A is taller than B.” or of the superlative.
“B is shorter than A.” Point to the students.
14. Explain that when using a longer adjective they
2. Write on the board the two sentences. Use ges- have to use the most or the least.
tures to demonstrate the differences in height be-
tween the two students. 15. Ask students to build up sentences using the
comparatives and superlatives.
3. Explain that using comparatives they can com-
pare two similar objects, people, animals or events. 16. Check the Grammar Reference in the Student’s
4. To form the comparative there are certain rules
to follow. Draw a chart on the board to write the
different rules to form comparatives in. Leave one
of the columns for superlatives. The headings of Practice the pattern
the columns are adjective, comparative and super- 1. Ask students to open their books on Lesson 2,
lative. Grammar section: Comparatives and Superlatives.
5. Explain the rule briefly, provide examples and 2. Circle adjectives in the following sentences
encourage students to provide theirs. For example, and complete the table below. Students read the
if the word ends in a consonant sound, add -er. Ex- sentences carefully and circle the adjectives. Then
amples: older, younger. they have to fill in the table with the adjectives in
6. Another rule: if the short adjective ends in –e, the sentences. Students work first individually and
just add r, for example later. then they work in pairs. To check, draw the table
and ask for volunteers to write the answers.
7. If the word ends in -y and has the combination of
a single vowel and consonant, change y by –ier, for
example, pretty – prettier. Ask students to provide

8. If the word ends in consonant+vowel+consonant,

double the last consonant and add er, for example:

big – bigger.

9. Write a list of adjectives and ask students to

swers on the board.

Answer Key
1. healthier
2. hotter
3. the heaviest.
4. bigger
5. more comfortable
6. untidier (explain students that the pre-
fix does not alter the characteristic of the
root of the word. The same occurs with
7. the longest
8. more difficult – interesting
Answer Key
9. hotter
Positive Comparative Superlative
10. the richest
fast faster the fastest
5. Write the sentences in the correct order. Stu-
old older the oldest dents read the words provided and organise them
happy happier the happiest following the structure subject+verb+object/com-
plement. To check, ask for volunteers to write the
cold colder the coldest sentences on the blackboard.
popular more popular the most Answer Key
1. Mary likes bigger clothes.
the most bor-
boring more boring ing 2. Tony is wearing an expensive coat.
the prettiest 3. Rose has got the shortest scarf.
pretty prettier the fastest 4. He is the tallest student.
fast faster 5. Mr. Jackson was the most popular

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form

3. Read through the Note and answer any addition-
of the adjectives in brackets. Students read the
al questions that students may have. Encourage
statements, analyse the context and decide the
students to build up new examples in each case.
appropriate form of the adjective, positive, com-
4. Correct the adjective in brackets. Students parative and superlative. To check, read the part of
read the statements and correct the adjective to the sentence provided and students complete the
a comparative or superlative depending on the sentence by saying the answer as a group.
context. To check, students discuss their answers
in pairs. Then, ask for volunteers to write their an-

Answer Key “It is too hot. I cannot eat it” or “I am too tired.”

1. highest 4. Contrast with the word enough, which is as much

as is wanted; no more, no less. “The homework is
2. bigger long enough for today.” is different from “We have
too much homework for today.”
3. most beautiful
5. Illustrate how to use these adverbs followed by
4. more modern
the infinitive, the structure too+ adjective+base
6. prettier form of the verb, and adjective+enough+to+base
form of the verb. Illustrate with examples and write
7. more difficult them on the board, for example “The exam was too
easy to get a low grade.”, or “I have enough money to
8. largest.
buy a new car.”, and “This umbrella is big enough to
7. Read through the Note to see some irregular
protect both of us.”
forms of comparative and superlatives. Exemplify
with sentences. For example, “I am a good student. 6. Ask students to provide their own examples.
I am better than Miguel. I am the best in class.”
Answer any questions that students may have and 7. Read through the Note and answer any addition-
encourage them to provide their own examples. al questions that students may have.

8. Complete the sentences with a superlative

like the example. Students carefully read each
Practice the pattern
sentence and complete the sentence using the ad-
jective in the first part of the sentence and makes 1. Students open their books on page 69.
the comparative or superlative. To check, read the
statement and students complete as a group. 2. Choose the correct word(s) in brackets. Stu-
dents underline the correct word to complete each
Answer Key statement. To check, read the part provided and
students answer as a group.
1. the happiest
2. the best Answer Key

3. the worst 1. too 2. enough

4. the coldest 3. enough 4. enough

5. the best 3. Complete with “too” or “enough” Students read

the sentences and complete each one using too or
6. the most boring enough. Students work in pairs to share their an-
swers. To check, read the statement and students
7. the biggest complete as a group, or ask for volunteers to read
8. the tallest the statement.

9. the prettiest Answer Key

Introduce the pattern 1. enough 2. too

1. Ask students to close their books. 3. too 4. enough

2. Explain that there are short words that can mod- 4. Rewrite the following sentences using the
ify an adjective expressing degree: too and enough. word(s) in brackets. Students rewrite the sen-
tences using the word in brackets. To check ask for
3. Use too when there is more than wanted, with volunteers to write the answers on the board.
negative meaning. Illustrate with sample sentences

Answer Key 1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle
if possible (If not, they can do it from their seats).
1. Allan is too young to drive the car. Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” Before saying
2. It is too cold to swim. “Hot potato…” say a word. When you say “Stop!”,
3. The weather is warm enough to play the student who has the ball has to say a sentence
golf. using the word and using the comparative or su-
perlative. Then they are the next one to say “Hot
4. It is too dark to see anything. potato…”
Games and Activities
2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from
1. Pass the bag. Write different adjectives on the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
sheets of paper and put them in the bag. Students Teacher’s Book).
take a sheet of paper and build up a sentence us-
ing the comparative and superlative. For example: Vocabulary Enrichment and English in
pretty – She is the prettiest girl at school; Sandra is Use
prettier than Fany.
Language Focus: Family and marital status
2. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and say
an adjective. Students have to say a sentence using Functions: Using vocabulary related to family and
marital status.
the comparative and superlative of the adjective.
Then they toss the ball back to you. Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers,
3. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them
up into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give
students an envelope and ask them to organise the
sentences. To check, ask for volunteers to write
them on the board. Some sample sentences are:

The school is too far to get there on foot.

The market is near enough to go there on foot.

He is the most intelligent boy I know.

She is the most popular teacher at school.

4. Error Analysis. Write a list of sentences with

one mistake in each one. Students have to read the
sentences and determine the mistake. Then they
rewrite the sentence. To check, ask for volunteers
to write the correct answer on the board.

Some sample sentences might be:

He is the gooder film I have ever seen.

Warm-up and review
She is tall too to sit down at the front of the class.
1. Revise the grammar structure of the previous
It is the sunniest day of the year. class. Write different words on different sheets of
My dog is the bigger on the block. paper, adjectives, long and short. Students pass the
bag, take out a piece of paper and say a sentence
using either comparative or superlative of the ad-
jective. Then they pass the bag to the next student.
Finish the lesson

2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- 1. Students observe the picture and write the name
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in of each object using the words from the previous
the Teacher’s Book). exercise.

2. To check, point to the picture and have students

say what it is.
Introduce the words

1. Discuss relationships between relatives. Ask

students if they have ever gone to a wedding. Write Answer Key
the word wedding on the board, explain the mean-
ing and ask students to listen and repeat the word single – bridegroom – bride – wedding -
at least three times. twins

2. Ask students the name of people in a wedding, widower – nephew – orphan – niece –
such as the bride and bridegroom. Ask students widow
that when they get married, what is the term used
Complete the following sentences
to refer to the relationship between this couple
(husband and wife)? Students listen and repeat the 1. Students read the statements and write the miss-
words. Revise the previous ones. ing word according to the definition. They have to
use the words learned in the lesson. To check, read
3. Ask students the name of the person when their
the statement and students answer as a group.
other half dies (widow and widower). Remember
to write all these nouns on the board and students
Answer Key
listen and repeat.
1. husband 2. wife
4. Review family relationships, like aunt, uncle,
niece, nephew, among others. 3. single 4. orphan
5. Remember to convey the meaning of each word Games and Activities
so students understand the definition and the word
as well. 1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and say
one of the words in the lesson. The student has to
6. Point to the words at random to check if students provide a definition or an example, and then toss
have learnt them. the ball back to you. Toss the ball to another stu-
dent and repeat the steps.

2. Pass the ball. Students are going to define one of

Read the sentences and try to explain the mean- the words in class and the rest of their classmates
ing of the words in bold have to guess what it is. Their classmates have
1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 9. three opportunities to guess. If they do not, the stu-
Ask students to carefully read each sentence and dent says the word and passes the ball.
infer the meaning from the context. 3. Guessing game. Write the name of different
2. Ask students to use the dictionary only if neces- words studied in class on the board. Ask students
sary. to listen and repeat each one. Place a seat in front
of the class, against the wall. Divide the classroom
3. Ask students to work in pairs. Monitor groups into two groups. One volunteer from a group sits
and answer any questions that students may have. down. A member from his group defines the word
and gives an example and the student on the seat
4. Discuss the words with students as a group. has three opportunities to guess. If they do not,
there is no mark for either group. When a student
guesses, their group gets a mark. At the end, the
Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1 group with the most marks wins.

I have brothers of the same age, but they are not
identical twins.
Finish the lesson
Young people who have lost their parents are or-
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper phans.
the words learned in Lesson 1 and 3. Students take
a sheet of paper and have to define the word while I went to a wedding last week.
the rest of the class try to guess what it is. Then
they pass the bag and the process is repeated. 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary the Teacher’s Book).
Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook
(see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book)
Introduce the sounds
Sound Focus: hard c and soft c. 1. Write on the board different words that have c
in any position, for example, car, cat, receive, pace,
comb, cry, and so on.

Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. 2. Draw a chart on the board with two columns,
and the headings must be hard c and soft c.

3. Write as example the word car in the column for

hard c and race for soft c. Ask students to listen and
repeat the words, and then concentrate on both
sounds /k/ and /s/.

4. Ask students to classify the rest of the words.

Students listen and repeat each word.

5. Write words that combine these sounds, for ex-

ample, circus and cycle and get students listen and

6. Point to students individually to check pronunci-


Listen and point, and then circle any word hav-

ing the letter “c”

1. Read the instructions carefully.

Warm-up and review
3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be
1. Dictation. Dictate some sentences from the familiar with the content. They point to the text
previous lesson. Read the words three times: the while listening. Play the CD again and this time
first time for students to listen, the second time for they have to circle the words that have “c” in any
students to write, and the third time for students to position.
check. To check the answers, ask for volunteers to
write them on the board. Some sample sentences
are: Write and say the words you circled from Exer-
cise 1
A person whose wife has died is a widower.

1. Students write down the words they circled in case – cause – can – celsius
the first exercise.
rice – case – place – race
2. Students listen and repeat after you.
comb – colour – casual – pencil

Answer Key
Finish the lesson
My cousin came second in the cycling race.
1. Chant. Students have to pick a word which has
It was also his birthday. His captain came
either a hard c or soft c. Ask for a volunteer. They
with the cup. On the birthday cake there
were some candles. At the party, there was have to say the word rhythmically, using body
a clown from the circus. He sang, danced, movements or noise in a way that creates a con-
and made people happy. stant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer to do the
same. Each time a student is included, the previous
Hard c: cousin, came, second, cycling, ones have to keep their word and rhythm going
captain, came, cup, cycling, cake, candles, quietly. In such a way, the new word always sounds
clown, circus louder than the murmur of the rest. When all stu-
dents have included their word, move your hands
Soft c: cycling, race, circus, danced.
up to increase volume or down to lower it.
Look at each picture, name it and choose the
2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from
correct sound of c
the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
1. Students have to observe the illustration and Teacher’s Book).
read the word.

2. Students check the pronunciation of the c for

each word; either hard or soft. CLIL

3. To check, read the word and discuss with stu- Language Focus: Talking about the family
dents the answer.

3. Students listen and repeat. Functions: Reading about relatives.

Answer Key Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.

juice (soft) – cry (hard) – cage (hard) pen-

cil (soft) – popcorn (hard) – rice (soft) –
secretary (hard) – director (hard)

Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write different words on pieces of

paper and put them in a bag. Students take a word
from the bag and read it with the appropriate pro-
nunciation. The rest of the class listen and repeat.

2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to

circle the word that does not belong to the group
because it does not have the same sounds at the
end of words. To check, students as a group say
which word is the odd one out. Then students lis-
ten and repeat after you. Some suggested groups

and repeat them, at least three times each.

3. Add new words from the reading and discuss

their meanings. Some of these words students are
likely to be familiar with, like actor, famous, report-
ing and unwell. Include the words foreign and jour-

4. Teach students the words one at a time. Intro-

duce the word, explain the meaning and have stu-
dents listen and repeat.

5. Introduce the second word with the same pro-


6. Review the previous word before adding the next


7. Repeat the process until all words have been in-


Warm-up and review

Match the words to their definitions and check
1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class: your dictionary
soft and hard c. Provide a list of words students
have to classify in a chart with two columns, hard 1. Ask students to open their books on the CLIL les-
c and soft c. Students work in pairs. To check, ask son.
for volunteers to complete the chart on the board.
Then, students listen and repeat. Some suggested 2. Ask students to observe the words on the right
words are: and try to guess the meaning on the left.

Hard c: comb, came, cost, column, climb, cry, be- 3. Students work in pairs to revise their options.
cause, decoration. 4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It
Soft c: science, place, decision, cell, cylinder, face, is important to observe if they know now how to
pencil. use the dictionary properly. Provide any additional
instructions either to individual groups or pairs, or
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc- the class as a whole.
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book). 5. To check, read the word on the left and students
have to complete it.

Introduce the vocabulary of the reading

1. Discuss with students about families, both big

and small. Prompts: How big is your family? How
many cousins do you have? Can you describe your
aunts/ uncles/ grandparents/ cousins/ brothers/
sisters? What similarities and differences are be-
tween them? What do they do?

2. Write on the board any new terms for relatives

or descriptions students may need. Students listen

Answer Key 2. To revise, students work in pairs and correct one
1. Actor: someone who acts in perfor-
mances. 3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they
may have.
2. Foreign: from another country.
4. To check, ask for the questions and volunteers
3. Journalist: someone who works for the respond.
news and reports on things.
4. Famous: well known by the public.
Answer Key
5. Reporting: giving a spoken or written
account of something. 1. The writer has eight uncles and aunties.
6. Unwell: feeling ill. 2. Auntie Sally is the nicest of them all.
Read the following passage and fill in the 3. Uncle Danny is the funniest.
blanks with the words in Exercise A
4. He does like Uncle James’ films because
1. Students silently read the text. they are boring.
2. Students complete the passage with the words Choose the best answer
from the previous exercise.
1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse
3. Students share their answers in pairs. the three options provided
3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing 2. Students read the questions and the options
word so students can complete it as a group. they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the
meaning for the context.
Answer Key
3. To check, read the statement and students read
journalist the option when you finish.
Answer Key
1. c 2. a
Games and Activities
1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper
4. Ask students some comprehension questions different words from the lesson. Students take a
while reading the text. For example: How many sheet of paper and say a sentence using the word
siblings do each parent have? Why is Auntie Sally so or describing it. Then they pass the bag to the next
nice? Why is Auntie Kate smarter than anyone else? student. In case any student has difficulties, help
What does Uncle Danny do? What does Uncle James them build up sentences by asking questions or
do? How are the presents? Uncle James get? providing vocabulary.

2. Puzzle. Write a sentence and divide it into

words. Put them in an envelope. Students have to
Read again and answer the questions put the words together and organise the sentence.
There may be more than one set. Ask for volun-
1. Students read the questions carefully and find
teers to write their sentences on the board. Some
the information in the text.
suggested sentences are:

My uncle is an actor who works in foreign films. word from the unit and students have to say a sen-
tence using a comparative or superlative adjective.
My aunt is a journalist who reports on things. Then they toss the ball back to you. Repeat the pro-
I have lots of aunties and uncles and cousins. cess with another student.

He gets us more expensive presents every year. 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).

Finish the lesson

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and Introduction to writing
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then
they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one 1. Show some pictures taken from magazines about
who receives the ball says another sentence. people.

2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the 2. Ask students to imagine what each person does
Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach- and if that person can be their relative, what they
er’s Book). would be. Write some sentences under each pic-
ture, specifying the familiar relationship (sister,
aunt, uncle, mother, father), job, and two important
features about them (for example, if they travel, if
Writing they are boring, if they are funny, generous, and so
on). Also, discuss their marital status and age.
Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar review.
3. Write a topic sentence, bearing in mind the char-
Functions: Write a paragraph describing the fam- acteristics of the relatives on the board. For exam-
ily. ple, “My family is very funny.” Or “I love to spend
Materials: beanball, board and markers. special dates with my unique family.”

4. Start writing sentences about each relative ac-

cording to the information.

5. Use transition signals, especially when you start

to talk about another relative.

6. Let students introduce their ideas.

7. Read and discuss the final composition.

Fill in the table below with information about

your family

1. Students complete the table with information

about their family or people that they live with. Ask
students to write about just some of them, not all
of them.

Using the information from Exercise 1 and 2,

Warm-up and review
write a paragraph describing your family
1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say a
1. Students are asked to write a paragraph about

their families.

2. Discuss each step presented in the Note and ask Words and Conversation
students to revise them while writing their compo-
sition. Language Focus: Sports

3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can

provide more examples, such as “My family is the
Functions: Talking about sports.
best I can ever have.”, or “I love my family because
we are very original.”, or “My family is not very big, Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
but all members are very special”, but encourage
them to write their own.

4. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in

the Track your progress note.

5 . Monitor and help them with any doubts.

6. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-


Games and Activities

1. Puzzle. Write some sentences on a sheet of pa-

per and split them into words. Bring enough sets
for at least half of the class, so that students can
work in pairs. In class, students organise the words
to make sentences. Provide different sentences so
groups may have different words. To check, ask for
volunteers to write them on the board. Warm-up and review
2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different les- 1. Pass the ball: The student with the ball de-
sons on pieces of paper, enough for every student scribes a member of their family or a friend. They
in the class. Put the words in a bag. Students pass have to say at least three sentences: Are they a rela-
the bag and they have to build up a sentence with tive? Marital status? Personality?
a word taken from the bag. The student passes the
bag to next student who has to do the same. 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).
Finish the lesson

1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student Introduce the conversation
with the ball has to say a sentence about what they
have learned in the unit. 1. Discuss with students their preferences in rela-
tion to sports. Prompts: Do you practice any sport?
2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en- How long have you practiced that sport? How often
courage them to continue working hard for the do you train? What sport do you like to watch? Why?
next level.
2. Write on the board any words that students
need, especially sports. If they use their mother
tongue, translate immediately.
Unit 10: Sports and Games
3. Students listen and repeat the words at least in? What sport does Sian practice? Is he still practic-
three times. ing tennis? Does Sian want to play? Does Andy want
to play? Why not?
4. Ask students to open their books on the Words
and Conversation section, in Unit 10. Students ob- 4. Play the CD and students listen and repeat each
serve the pictures in the Listen, Point and Repeat line after the CD (or after you).
5. Divide the classroom into two groups, each one
5. Play the CD and students listen, point and repeat reads one role: either Fred or Tom. Then inter-
each word. change roles.

6. Two volunteers read the dialogue aloud. Ask an-

other group to do the same.
Match the words with the definitions and check
your dictionary

1. Keep reinforcing the strategy about how to use Read again and answer the questions
the dictionary. However, they may not need as
much help as they did in previous units. Monitor 1. Students read the text again.
students and provide individual help if required. 2. Students answer the comprehension questions.
2. Students have to look by themselves for all the Tell them they may go back to the text to look for
words (or in pairs, depending on the nature of your the correct answer.
group). 3. Organise the classroom into pairs so students
3. Once they have finished, discuss the answers. If share their answers.
there is any point of disagreement, have students 4. Monitor groups and clarify any doubts.
refer to their dictionaries again.

4. Remind students that a dictionary provides more

than one meaning, so they have to look for the most Answer Key
appropriate one according to the theme they are
studying and the definitions provided in the exer- 1. Because she has got to go running.
2. Because she is training for the athletic

Answer Key 3. Sian used to play tennis.

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 4. Andy is running the 100 metres and do-
ing the long jump.
Listen and read
5. Because she does not have time for
1. Play the CD to go through all the conversation. games during sports season.

2. Then read each line of the dialogue and clarify

vocabulary. It is essential that students understand
the meaning of each word and the sense of each
sentence. Some words and expressions are: yep,
anymore, sometimes, often, for a while, little sis.

3. Go through the reading also to ask comprehen-

sion questions. Prompts: Who are they? What is
Andy doing every night? What for? Did Sian know he
was training? What disciplines is Andy participating

Pair and group work

1. Students discuss these questions as a dialogue.

They have to exchange information about their

2. Encourage students to use their dictionaries to

improve their vocabulary.

3. Monitor groups and supply any additional words

that they may need.

Games and Activities

1. Toss the ball. Students have to answer your

questions based on the dialogue. In particular, use
the seven questions from Discuss the following
with your partner(s). The student replies and
brings the ball back to you. Try to ensure that most
of the students participate. Check pronunciation
and fluency. Help them build up sentences. If there
is an important pronunciation problem, get the
Fill in the blanks with the suitable word whole class to listen and repeat.

1. Students read the passage and complete it using 2. Guessing game. Write the names of different
the new words from the lesson. sports, for example, tennis, football basketball bad-
minton, handball, golf, boxing, riding, swimming,
2. Students work first individually, and then they and so on. Encourage students to help you write
share their answers with a classmate. the list of sports. Ask students to listen, mime and
repeat. Divide the classroom into two groups. Place
3. To check, read the passage and stop at the miss-
a seat in front of the class with its back against the
ing words. Students answer as a group.
word, so the one who is going to be seated can-
not see the board. A volunteer from their group is
going to mime the sport you are going to point to.
Answer Key The student on the seat has to say the word. They
have three chances to guess. If they cannot, neither
cards group gets a point. Then another student from the
opposite group sits on the chair. The group with
the most marks wins.
3. Gossip. Write sentences from the dialogue on
competition a sheet of paper. Divide the class into two groups.
Give the first student of each group the first sen-
long jump tence. They have to read it, memorise it, and then
tennis go to the second student in the row to secretly say
the sentence, whispering in their ear. Once the stu-
get dent gets the message, they then pass it on in the
same way until the message reaches the last stu-
training dent. The last student has to say the message. Have
season fun comparing the original message and the final
one. Some suggested sentences are:

I am training for the athletic competition next
Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
You always used to love playing tennis.

I won’t have time to play any games with you.

No time for games during sports season.

4. Sentence puzzle. Write some lines of the con-

versation on a sheet of paper and put them in an
envelope, with the words split up. Make enough
copies for students to practice in pairs. You can
prepare different sets so there will be more than
one line for the class. In class, students work in
pairs. Give them one of the envelopes and students
have to organise the words to make a sentence.
Some of these sentences can be:

I didn’t realise you were competing.

We could go out training together.

I am doing the long jump. Warm-up and review

You have always been so good at sport. 1. Complete the conversation. Write on the
board an unfinished conversation. Students have to
5. Write a dialogue. Students work in pairs and complete the dialogue with their own ideas. Then
write a dialogue based on the structures on page they present the dialogue in pairs. A sample dia-
74 and 75. Then they interchange dialogues with logue can be:
another group, check the dialogue and read the di-
alogue aloud in front of the class. A: What do you do in your free time?

B: ___________________________________

Finish the lesson A: What sports do you like?

1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and ask B: ___________________________________
a question from the Pair and Group Work. The stu- A: Do you practice any sport?
dent has to answer and toss the ball back to you.
Then toss the ball to another classmate. B: ___________________________________

2. Explain and assign the Word and Conversation A: How can an athlete keep being good at their
section in their Workbook (see the Workbook sec- sport?
tion in the Teacher’s Book).
B: ___________________________________
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).
Grammar Focus: Indefinite Pronouns. Adjective
word order.
Functions: To refer to people or things without Introduce the grammar structure
saying exactly who or what. To describe people,
animals, objects or events using adjective order. 1. Write on the board sentences like: I don’t have

anything to tell you; Someone is knocking at the have to fill in the table, the first column, with the
door; The book has to be somewhere. indefinite pronoun. They have to transcribe all of
them and determine which type of sentence they
2. Underline the words anything, someone and are and appear on the list. To check, draw the chart
somewhere. Ask students what these words may on the board and ask for volunteers to complete it.
mean and what they are referring to.
Answer Key
3. Discuss the use of ‘any’ or ‘some’ to refer to non-
specific person, object, event, time or animal.
Indefinite Affirmative Negative
4. Highlight that -body is used only for people, for
example, somebody, anybody, nobody and every-
body. anything 

5. Write on the board the following sentences to someone 

illustrate how to use each one: anyone  
Somebody knocks at the door. anywhere 
Is anybody there? everything 
There isn’t anybody there. nothing  
There is nobody there. everywhere 
Everybody is there. somewhere
6. Highlight the use of any- in questions and nega- nowhere
tive answers with not, while nobody is used in neg-
ative answers without not. 3. Read through the Note and answer any addition-
al questions that students may have.
7. Contrast the meaning of somebody (a reduced
portion of a group) and everybody (the whole 4. Encourage students to build up their own sen-
group). tences.
8. Explain that –one can be used also for people,
while –thing is for things in general.

8. Ask students to build up sentences using some-

body, nobody, anybody and everybody.

9. Check the Grammar Reference in the Student’s


Practice the pattern

1. Ask students to open their books on Lesson 2,

Grammar section: Indefinite Pronouns.

2. Circle the words that have ‘some’, ‘any’ and

‘every’. Then, complete and tick the correct
choice in the table. Students read the sentences
carefully and circle the words that have some, any
and every at the beginning of the word. Then they

5. Choose the correct answer. Students read

the statements and choose the correct option to size, general description, age, shape, colour, origin,
complete the statements. Then they share their material and purpose.
answers in pairs. To check, read the statement and
students answer as a group. 4. Students classify the adjectives you wrote at ran-
dom into the right column.
Answer Key
5. Motivate students to add more adjectives in the
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a chart.

6. b 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. c 6. Explain to students that when they need more

than one adjective to describe a noun, they have to
6. Correct the underlined mistakes in the fol- follow this order. Exemplify this using the words
lowing sentences. Students read the statements you have in the chart.
carefully, analyse the context and decide what is
the most appropriate word to express the idea 7. Students think about other objects and use the
properly. Then students work in pairs to share adjective order as a guide.
their answers. Finally, ask for volunteers to write
8. Check the Grammar Reference section in the Stu-
their answers on the board.
dent’s Book.
Answer Key
1. I heard everything that he said. Practice the pattern
2. Somebody was silently reading when 1. Students open their books on page 77.
the phone rang.
2. Read through the Note and clarify any additional
3. With mobiles, you can phone people
doubts. Encourage students to build up their own
4. I have left my shirt somewhere.
2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful
5. I want to know something about Ann. sentences. Students read the scrambled sentenc-
I’m going to marry her. es and organise them, paying special attention to
the adjective order. Then students discuss their
6. After the robbery, everything in the answers in pairs. Ask for volunteers to write their
house was upside down. answers on the board.
7. Nowhere is better than home.
8. Don’t worry about meals tomorrow. Ev-
erything is arranged.

Introduce the grammar structure

1. Ask students to describe a desk, a pencil or any

object in the classroom. Write the adjectives used
on the board.

2. Motivate students to add more information

about each object, for example, quantity, opinion,
size, age, shape, colour, origin or material. Write
words on the board.

3. Explain to students that adjectives can be

grouped in different categories. Write on the board,
in one single line, as a chart, the words opinion,

Answer Key Some sample sentences might be:

1. We live in a nice big house. That is a German old piano. (old German)

2. She is sitting in a lovely comfortable She brought me anything from her trip to India.
armchair. (something)

3. Yesterday, I watched a horrible Ameri- I don’t have nothing to say. (I don’t have anything to
can film. say/I have nothing to say)

4. It is a long hot day. My aunt has an antique, brown wooden cupboard.

5. Alice keeps a large black dog.

6. Jason is a nice intelligent man. Finish the lesson
7. He’s wearing a grey woollen pullover. 1. Hot Potato. Organise the classroom into a circle
if possible (If not, they can do it from their seats).
8. She is carrying a small brown paper Students have to pass the ball while you say, “Hot
potato, hot potato, hot potato, stop!” The student
9. He drives a huge, black German car. with the ball has to say a sentence using the struc-
ture studied in class. Then they are the next one to
10. I have a big, square metal box. say, “Hot potato…”
11. My friend is a tall, handsome young 2. Explain and assign the section for Grammar from
man. the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the
Teacher’s Book).
12. Morris is a polite, tall, fat old man.

Games and Activities Vocabulary Enrichment and English in

1. Pass the bag. Write different adjectives on dif-
ferent sheets of paper and put them in the bag. Stu- Language Focus: Places to practice sports.
dents take a sheet of paper and build up a sentence Functions: Using vocabulary related to places to
using the adjectives written down in the correct practise different sports.
order. Then they pass the bag.

2. Puzzles. Write some statements and split them

up into words. Put them in envelopes. In class, give Materials: CD, a beanball, board and markers.
students an envelope to organise the sentences.
To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the
board. Some sample sentences are:

She bought a new, white cotton shirt.

My mother has an old, flowery, silk dress.

Tina has got a big, black leather suitcase.

There are four brown, soft socks.

3. Error Analysis. Write a list of sentences with

one mistake in each one. Students have to read the
sentences and determine the mistake. Then they
rewrite the sentence. To check, ask for volunteers
to write the correct answer on the board.

Read the sentences and try to explain the mean-
ing of the words in bold

1. Students open their books on Lesson 3, Unit 10.

Ask students to carefully read each sentence and
infer the meaning from the context.

2. Ask students to use the dictionary only if neces-


3. Ask students to work in pairs. Monitor groups

and answer any questions that students may have.

4. Discuss with students the words as a group.

Label the pictures with words from Exercise 1

1. Students observe the picture and write the name

of each object using the words from the previous

Warm-up and review 2. To check, point to the picture and students say
what it is.
1. Revise the grammar structure of the previous
class. Write two or three adjectives on sheets of
paper and put them in a bag. Students pass the bag,
take out a piece of paper and say a sentence using Answer Key
the appropriate adjective order. Then they pass the track – pool – field – stadium – gym
bag to the next student.
ring – court – course - pitch – rink
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in Complete the following table
the Teacher’s Book).
1. Students have two headings, Sport place and
Sport done. They have to write the name of the
place in one column and the corresponding sport
Introduce the words in the other. Then students share their answers in
pairs. To check, draw the table on the board and
1. Brainstorm different sports that students know.
ask for volunteers to complete it.
Ask students where do they practice (or people in
general) these sports.

2. Encourage students to say the places they know,

no matter if they are in their mother tongue (you
can give them the word or ask them to look for the
word in a dictionary). Some words could be court,
track, gym, pool.

3. Get students to listen and repeat any new words.

4. Point to the words at random to check if students

have learned them.

Answer Key the rest of the class have to guess. Then they pass
the bag to the next student and the process is re-
1. Field –baseball peated.
2. Stadium – football, baseball, athetism 2. Explain and assign the section for Vocabulary
Enrichment and English in Use from the Workbook
3. Court – tennis, basketball, volleyball
(see the Workbook section in the Teacher’s Book).
4. Track – cyclists, cars, runners
5. Gym – gymnastics, weight lift
6. pool – swimming, diving, waterpolo
Sound Focus: hard g and soft g.
7. Rink – skate, hockey
8. Pitch – football, cricket, hockey
Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers.
9. Course - golf
10. Ring - boxing

Games and Activities

1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student and say

a sport. The student has to say the place where the
sport is practiced. They then toss the ball back to
you. Toss the ball to another student and repeat the

2. Pass the ball. Students are going to define one of

the words in class and the rest of their classmates
have to guess. Their classmates have three oppor-
tunities to guess. If they do not guess correctly, the
student says the word and passes the ball.

3. Guessing game. Write the name of different

words studied in class on the board. Ask students
to listen and repeat each one. Place a seat in front
of the class, against the wall. Divide the classroom
into two groups. One volunteer from a group sits
down. A member from their group defines the
word, for example, they say the place where the
Warm-up and review
sport is practiced. The student on the seat has
three opportunities to guess. If they do not, no 1. Dictation. Dictate some sentences from the
mark goes to either group. When a student guesses, previous lesson. Read the words three times: the
their group gets a mark. At the end, the group with first time for students to listen; the second time for
the most marks wins. students to write; and the third time for students to
check. To check the answers, ask for volunteers to
write them on the board. Some sample sentences
Finish the lesson are:

1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper We are going to the stadium to watch the football
the words learned in Lesson 1 and 3. Students take mach.
a sheet of paper and have to define the word and
I like to go to the tennis court to practice with my


I went to the track to train for my next competition. Answer Key

My father plays golf on the course of the club. The girls are at the zoo. They look at the
giraffe in its cage. The guard helps them
2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
give grass to it. They can also see the tiger,
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in gorilla and alligator.
the Teacher’s Book).
Hard g: girl,guard, gives, grass, gorilla, alli-
Introduce the sounds Soft g: giraffe, cage,
1. Write on the board different words that have g in Look at each picture, name it and choose the
any position, for example, goat, gum, grocery, gin- correct sound of g
ger, giraffe, and so on.
1. Students have to observe the illustration and
2. Invite students to remember words with these read the words.
sounds and write them on the board.
2. Students check the pronunciation of the c on
3. Draw a chart on the board with two columns, each word, either hard or soft.
and the headings must be hard g and soft g.
3. To check, read the word and discuss with stu-
3. Write as example the word goat in the column dents the answers.
for hard g and ginger for soft g. Ask students to lis-
ten and repeat the words, and then concentrate on 3. Students listen and repeat.
both sounds /g/ and /ʤ/.
Answer Key
4. Ask students to classify the rest of the words.
Students listen and repeat each word. goat (hard) – wig(hard) – cage (soft) –
cabbage (hard)
5. Point to students individually to check pronunci-
ation. giraffe (soft) – wagon (hard) – triangle
(hard) – giant (soft)

Games and Activities

Listen and point. Then circle any word having
the letter “g” 1. Pass the bag. Write different words on different
pieces of paper and put them in a bag. Students
1. Read the instructions carefully. take a word from the bag and read it with the ap-
propriate pronunciation. The rest of the class lis-
3. Students listen to the CD the first time to be tens and repeats.
familiar with the content. They point to the text
while listening. Play the CD again and this time 2. Circle the odd one out. Students are going to
they have to circle the words having g in any posi- circle the word that does not belong to the group
tion. because it does not have the same sound at the end
of the word(s). To check, students say as a group
which word is the odd one out. Then students lis-
Write and say the words you circled from Exer- ten and repeat after you. Some suggested groups
cise 1 are:

1. Students write down the words they circled in guard – garden – grace – giraffe
the first exercise. wagon – ginger – large – judge
2. Students listen and repeat after you.

gym – girl – ghost – guest Warm-up and review

1. Revise the sounds studied in the previous class:

soft and hard g. Provide a list of words that stu-
Finish the lesson dents have to classify in a chart of two columns,
1. Chant. Students have to pick a word which has hard c and soft c. Students work in pairs. To check,
either a hard g or soft g. Ask for a volunteer. They ask for volunteers to complete the chart on the
have to say the word rhythmically, using body board. Then, students listen and repeat. Some sug-
movements or noise in a way that creates a con- gested words are:
stant rhythm. Ask for another volunteer to do the Hard g: gift, glorious, gossip, goal, grace, gum, .
same. Each time a student is included, the previous
ones have to keep their word and rhythm going Soft g: village, judge, giraffe, gills.
quietly. In such a way, the new word always sounds
louder than the murmur of the rest. When all stu- 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
dents have added their word, move your hands up tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
to increase volume or down to lower it. the Teacher’s Book).

2. Explain and assign the section for Phonics from

the Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Introduce the vocabulary of the reading
Teacher’s Book).

1. Brainstorm different sports they practice daily,

CLIL but not necessarily as a discipline. Ask them where
they play and how they manage to create their own
Language Focus: Practicing sport in local areas.
home court, for example, a garden, a park, inside
the house, and so on.

Functions: Reading about practicing sports in the 2. Students listen and repeat any new words intro-
neighbourhood. duced.

Materials: CD, beanball, board and markers. 3.

1. Discuss with students about families, both big

and small. Prompts: How big is your family? How
many cousins do you have? Can you describe your
aunts/ uncles/ grandparents/ cousins/ brothers/
sisters? What similarities and differences are there
between them? What do they do?

2. Write on the board any new terms for relatives

or descriptions that students may need. Students
listen and repeat them, at least three times each.

3. Repeat the process until all words have been in-


Match the words to their definitions and check

your dictionary

1. Ask students to open their books on the CLIL les- Answer Key
2. Ask students to observe the words on the right
and try to guess the meaning on the left. vandalised

3. Students work in pairs to revise their options. pitch

4. Students revise the words in the dictionary. It football

is important to observe if they know now how to
use the dictionary properly. Provide any additional
instructions either to individual groups or pairs, or goalposts
the class as a whole.
4. Ask students some comprehension questions
5. To check, read the word on the left and students while reading the text. For example: What sports
have to complete it. facilities does the village have? What happened in
the tennis court? How is the football pitch? What did
the narrator do? What did his father buy him? What
do they do if the pitch is already been used? Who has
Answer Key
a homemade basketball court?
1. Boots: special trainers worn to play
2. Competitive: wanting very much to win Read again and answer the questions
or be more successful than other people. 1. Students read the questions carefully and find
3. Vandalised: intentional destroy or dam- the information in the text.
age something.
2. To revise, students work in pairs and correct one
4. Pitch: the place where you play football another.
(normally on grass).
3. Monitor groups and answer any questions they
5.Village: a community where people live may have.
(much smaller than a town out in the
country side). 4. To check, ask for the questions and have volun-
teers respond.
6. Goalpost: the markers for a goal area.

Read the following passage and fill in the

blanks with the words in Exercise A Answer Key

1. Students silently read the text. 1. Yes, it has a travel court.

2. Students complete the passage with the words in 2. They play football in a football pitch.
the previous exercise.
3. Because the football stops them from
3. Students share their answers in pairs. having nowhere to go and nothing to do.

3. To check, read the text and pause on the missing 4. They find a big, empty space some-
words so students can complete them as a whole. where else.

Choose the best answer

1. Ask students to read the statement and analyse

the three options provided.

2. Students read the questions and the options

they have. Then they answer. They have to infer the Language Focus: Vocabulary and grammar re-
meaning for the context. view.

3. To check, read the statement and students read Functions: Write a paragraph describing the fam-
the option when you finish. ily.
Materials: beanball, board and markers.

Answer Key
1. c 2. c

Games and Activities

1. Pass the bag. Write on different sheets of paper

different words from the lesson. Students take a
sheet of paper and say a sentence using the word
or describing it. Then they pass the bag. In case
any students have difficulties, help them build up
sentences by asking questions or providing vocab-

2. Puzzle. Write a sentence and divide it into

words. Put them in an envelope. Students have to
put the words together and organise the sentence.
There may be more than a set. Ask for volunteers
to write their sentences on the board. Some sug-
gested sentences are:

The village has a tennis court and a football pitch. Warm-up and review

I scored my first ever hat trick. 1. Toss the ball. Toss the ball to a student. Say a
pair of adjectives and students have to organise
My father bought me a super cool new red football them and say a sentence with correct adjective or-
shoes. der. Then they toss the ball back to you. Repeat the
process with another student.
Football stops us from having nowhere to go and
nothing to do. 2. Revise the Workbook assignment (for Instruc-
tions and Answer Key, see the Workbook section in
the Teacher’s Book).
Finish the lesson

1. Toss the ball. Toss the beanball to a student and

Introduction to writing
they have to say a sentence about the text. Then
they toss the beanball to a classmate and the one 1. Show some pictures taken from magazines about
who receives the ball says another sentence. sporting events, for example, the Olympic Games,
the Winter Games, the World Cup, and so on.
2. Explain and assign the section for CLIL from the
Workbook (see the Workbook section in the Teach- 2. Ask students if they have ever seen/gone to this
er’s Book). type of event.

3. Motivate students to think about what aspects

are important to bear in mind when organising a
Writing sporting event. Write students’ ideas on the board.

These aspects should include type of sport(s) par- 4. Ask students to follow the steps mentioned in
ticipants (age, category, number of participants), the Track your progress note.
prizes (type of prices, money, book, cup, a scholar-
ship), location (stadium, a club, at a gym, at school) 5 . Monitor and help them with any doubts.
and other preparations (promotion, registration 6. To check, ask for volunteers to read their para-
fee, if it includes a T-shirt, water supply, sponsors). graphs.
Add any other aspects that students consider.

Games and Activities

You are asked to describe a sporting event in
your school, city or country. Tick the words that 1. Puzzle. Write some sentences on a sheet of pa-
you may use. per and split them up into words. Bring enough
sets for at least half of the class, so students can
1. Students work in pairs. Ask students to choose work in pairs. In class, students organise the words
the words they may use in a composition about a to make sentences. Provide different sentences so
sporting event. that groups may have different words. To check,
2. Students choose the type of event they are going ask for volunteers to write them on the board.
to write about. It can be real or imaginary. 2. Pass the bag. Write words from the different les-
sons on different pieces of paper, enough for every
student in class. Put the words in a bag. Students
Fill in the table below with information about a pass the bag and they have to build up a sentence
sporting event with a word taken out from the bag. The student
passes the bag to next student who has to do the
1. Students complete the diagram table with infor- same.
mation about the event they are going to describe.
Ask them to use the information discussed at the
beginning of the class and complement this with
their ideas. Finish the lesson

2.. Monitor and facilitate any words, expressions or 1. Pass the ball. Pass the ball and each student
ideas to complement students’ ideas. with the ball has to say a sentence about what they
have learned in the unit.

2. Congratulate students for their efforts and en-

Using the information from Exercise 1 and 2, courage them to continue working hard for next
write a paragraph about “A sporting event” level.

1. Students are asked to write a paragraph about

the sporting event they have been discussing and
outlining during class. They can discuss in pairs to
complement details, but each student should write
Workbook Instructions and
their own paragraph. Answer Key
2. Discuss each step presented in the Note and ask Unit 1
students to revise them while writing their compo-

3. Suggest some topic sentences, but students can Words in Conversation

provide more examples, like “--- is an important
event in the community/town/city/country”, or 1. Match the word to the definition. Students read
“The most important games I have participate are the column on the left and look for the appropriate
---”, but encourage them to write their own. definition on the right. Then, they write the num-

ber of the matching word in the right column. To Is anyone else in your family feeling ill at the mo-
check, read the word on the left column and stu- ment?
dents as a group read the corresponding answer on
the right. I don’t think so.

Answer Key

(1) Thermometer: an instrument to measure body 3. Complete the conversation with your ideas.
temperature. Students read the questions and they answer ac-
cording to their personal experience. To check, ask
(2) Stethoscope: an instrument used to listen to students at random to see their answers.
internal noises, such as a heartbeat.
Answer key
(3) Pill: a small coated tablet of medicine.
(Answers vary)
(4) Tablet: a medicine to help you feel better.

(5) X-ray: a picture of bones inside your body.

(6) Patient: a person who feels sick and goes to the
doctor. 1. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read the
statements and write the verbs in the appropriate
(7) Appointment: a time you have arranged to meet form, in either the present or future tense depend-
someone. ing on conditional type 1 or 0. To check, read the
statement and students answer as a group. Write
(8) Symptoms: a physical feeling or problem that the words on the board if necessary.
shows that you have a particular illness.
Answer Key
(9) Clammy: unpleasantly wet and sticky.
(10) Right as rain: to feel healthy and well again.

2. Organise the conversation. Students read the
conversation carefully and write the numbers from boils
1 to 8 according to the order. To check, read the
first one and ask students to say the second as a freezes
group. Then read the second and students read the is
third, and so on.
Answer key
How are you today?
eat – get
I’m not feeling very well, actually.
am – drink
How long have you been feeling unwell? / What are
your symptoms?

It started yesterday. / I feel all hot and clammy. 2. Join the sentences using the words in brack-
ets. Students read the two statements provided
What are your symptoms? / How long have you and have to rewrite the statement using one of the
been feeling unwell? connectors provided, by also making the pertinent
I feel all hot and clammy. / It started yesterday transformations. To check, ask for volunteers to
write the answers on the board.

Answer Key necessary.

Answer Key

Mary doesn’t go to class if she is sick. go – do

The bell rings when you press the button. don’t study

I go to the dentist when I get a toothache. mix – get

The car starts if you turn the key. get – touch

She always answers the phone if she is in the office. dies – is

The asteroid burns when it reaches the atmo- will go – has

will wash – go
Maria always does the dishes when she finishes
eating. press – starts

I drink water if I get thirsty. dies – keeps

The flowers die if you don’t water them. need – will tell

3. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. 5. Correct the mistakes in the sentences and then
Use Conditional Type 1. Students read the state- rewrite the correct sentence. Students read the
ments and write the verbs in the appropriate form. sentences and find the mistake. Then they rewrite
To check, read the statement and students answer the sentence correctly. To check, ask for volunteers
as a group. Write the words on the board if neces- to write the correct statement on the board.
sary. Answer Key
Answer Key If the weather is fine next week, we will go to the
will visit beach.

will pass If she drinks a lot of coffee, she feels nervous.

won’t play If you are a careless driver, you will have an acci-
dent someday.
will bring
When you press the green button, you listen to mu-
I will go – give sic.

has – will help You will get wet if you don’t wear a coat.

will prepare – have

will fix - have 6. Complete these sentences with your own ideas.
Students read the part of the sentence provided,
and add information bearing in mind the appropri-
4. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. ate logic complement for the conditional sentence.
Use Conditional Type 1 or 0. Students read the To check, ask for volunteers to read aloud. Use the
statements and write the verbs in the appropriate board to clarify any doubt.
form. To check, read the statement and students Answer Key
answer as a group. Write the words on the board if

(Answers vary) 2. 2. Organise these words in the right column.
Students read the list of words and write the word
Vocabulary Extension and English Usage according to the pronunciation of the grapheme.
1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the To check, draw the chart on the board and ask
vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the students to complete it. Then students listen and
crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each repeat each word.
box. To check, read the hint and students say the
answer as a group. Write on the board any words
that have caused problems. long /i/ long /e/
Answer Key My Tiny
Sky Thirty
Try Tony

3. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided

with a list of words and they have to circle the only
word in each line that does not have the same pro-
nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students
which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
2. Choose two words and write two sentences. dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
Students choose two words from the crossword the rest of the lines.
puzzle and write two sentences. To check, ask for
volunteers to read aloud. Use the board to clarify Answer Key
Answer Key sky – laying(X) – lying – flying

(Answers vary) fly – sky – by – gym (X)

Tony(X) – rely – my - try

Phonics Messy – body – tummy – fly (X)

1. 1. Circle the words that have a ‘y’. Students

read the passage and according to the work done CLIL
in class, they circle the words with the sound. To
check, read the text first and ask which words in 1. Underline the two meanings of each word.
the first line have a y grapheme. Then repeat the Each item on the exercise has three options: two of
process with the rest. Students listen and repeat them are correct because they are meanings of the
each word. word provided. Students have to underline the cor-
rect meaning. To check, ask for volunteers to read
Answer Key their answers.
My aunt Lilly is thirty. She goes to the gym every Answer Key
sunny or rainy day. Today there are a lot of fluffy
clouds in the sky. I think she is not going back b–c
home dry.


a–b 2. Join the sentences using the words in brack-

ets. Students read the two statements provided
a–c and have to rewrite the statement using one of the
b–c connectors provided, by also making the pertinent
transformations. To check, ask for volunteers to
a–b write the answers on the board.

Answer Key

2. Complete the following sentences with the When babies are hungry, they cry.
words in the box. Students read the words in the
box. Then they read the passage. They have to If you freeze water, it becomes ice.
complete the passage with the words provided. To Those children are not healthy because they don’t
check, read the passage and stop at the word so eat well.
students can complete it.
He eats too many sweets, so he is fat.
Answer Key

If you’re going to go camping in the jungle, you

must take a first aid kit with you. For example, if Unit 2
you hurt yourself, make sure you’ve got some basic
medical supplies.

It is also handy to know how to clean a wound. Words in Conversation

Also, if someone stops breathing you must perform
a CPR to keep them alive. To sum up, you will have 1. Complete the following sentences with the
lots of fun on your camping trip if you are careful words in the box. Students read the words in the
and remember your first aid. box. Then they read the passage. They have to
complete the passage with the words provided. To
check, read the passage and stop at the word so
Writing students can complete it.

1. Observe punctuation marks in the following Answer Key

sentences. Students read the sentences and ob- weather forecast – rainy
serve the punctuation marks. Discuss this activity
when assigning the homework. Analyse each case windy
of punctuation marks. At home, students write the
punctuation marks in the sentences provided. To freezing
check, write the sentences on the board and ask for
surfing – keep our fingers crossed - sunny
volunteers to punctuate it.

Answer Key
2. Match the question to the answer. Students
Babies are hungry when they cry.
read the column of questions on the left and look
If you breeze water, it becomes ice. for the appropriate answer in the column on the
right. They have to write the number of the ques-
Those children are not healthy because they don’t tion in the brackets of the corresponding answer.
eat well. To check, read the questions in the left column and
students as a group read the corresponding answer
He eats too many sweets, so he is fat. on the right.

Answer Key be going to. To check, read the statement until the
blank, and then students answer as a group. Clarify
Do you think we’ll be able to go surfing tomorrow? any doubts on the board.
That depends on the weather. Answer Key

will rain
What’s the weather forecast saying at the moment? will help
Well, for now, it looks like it could be a bit too am going to see.
won’t need – will have

are going to build

It was perfect surfing conditions last weekend,
wasn’t it? will go

Sure, it was! is going to buy

What do people wear in winter? 2. Complete the conversation with one of the
verbs in the box. Use will or be going to. This is a
Warm clothes, such as a thick coat, boots, gloves, a grammar cloze exercise. Students read the words
hat and earmuffs. in the box, then they read the statements and fill in
the blanks with the appropriate tense of the verbs
in the box. To check, read the words provided and
Do people have special food or drinks in summer? students answer as a whole. Use the board if neces-
Yes, especially fruit and lots of water because the
weather is hot. Answer Key

am going to visit

3. Choose the appropriate word to complete the will have

sentence. Students have three options to complete
the statement. Students have to read the sentence will go
and choose the appropriate word to fill each blank. will surf
To check, read the passage, except the blanks, and
students as a group say the correct answers. are going to see

Answer Key am going to stay

A bit is going to give

stormy will see


3. Choose the correct answer. Students read the

sentences and choose the appropriate word in
Grammar brackets from the two provided. To check, read the
1. Fill in the blanks with will or be going to with statement until the blank, and then let students
the verb in brackets. Students write the verb pro- complete with their answers.
vided in the appropriate future tense with will or Answer Key

will move

Are you going to 6. Write four sentences about what you do today.
Use be going to, the present simple, the present
will have continuous and will. Students write four sentenc-
will have es using each one of the four forms of future tense.
To check, ask for volunteers to read the statements.
isn’t going to If necessary, use the board and markers and write
the answers on the board.
won’t rain
(Answers vary)

4. Read the information in the box and correct

the verb using the present continuous or present Vocabulary Extension and English Usage
simple. Students read the information in the box
and complete the information using the appro- 1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the
priate verb tense using the words in brackets. To vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the
check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each
the board. box. To check, read the hint and students say the
answer as a group. Write on the board any words
Answer Key that have problems.

does Tony arrive – arrives - am visiting Answer Key

Are you coming – go

does your flight leave – leaves

is Mary staying – comes

am flying

am eating – go

5. Make a sentence using will, the present contin-

uous, or the present simple. Use the information
to write the sentence. Students read the situation
stated and express the same idea using the words
in brackets. Provide an example with the first ex-
ercise. To check, ask for volunteers to write the an-
swers on the board.

Possible answers: Phonics

Brazil will win the football match. 1. Observe the words that have a s sound at the
end of the word. Circle these with /s/, underline
I have Maths at 10:00am. /is/ and cross out the words with /z/. Students
My mother is going to see the doctor tomorrow. read the passage and classify the words to the right
of the text according to the final pronunciation of
We will live on planet Mars in the near future. s: /s/, /is/and /z/. To check, draw a box for the
words and as a heading write each final pronunci-
Mr Smith’s flight leaves at 11:00am. ation. Ask for volunteers to write the words. Then

the whole class listens and repeats.

Answer Key CLIL

Sara goes(X) to the beach on Sundays(X). She 1. Underline the meaning of each word. Each
drives(X) to the coast. Her family has(X) many question has three possible answers, but only one
(boats), and she always(X) brings(X) beverages, is correct. Students read the word and look for its
(apples), oranges and bananas(X) with her. meaning among the options. To check, read the
statement and students say the answer as a group.

Answer Key
2. Organise these words in the right column.
Students read the list of words and write the word a
according to the pronunciation of the grapheme.
To check, draw the chart on the board and ask stu- b
dents to complete it. Then students listen to and b
repeat each word.

/s/ sound /z/ /iz/
sound sound b
cats monkeys watches b
dogs plays washes
lamps roads sandwich-
2. Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the
cups box. Students read the words in the box. Then they
houses read the passage and complete the passage with
lamps the words provided. To check, read the passage and
buses stop on the words so that students can complete
Answer Key
3. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided
with a list of words and they have to circle the only season
word in each line that does not have the same pro-
nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students unpredictable
which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with book
the rest of the lines. reliable
Answer Key suddenly
matches - watches - fishes – rests(X) mild
flies – has – cops (X) – leaves

rats – caps – combs (X) - takes Writing

marches (X) - boys - toys – plays 1. The word and connects two or more parts
balls - likes (X) – tries – flies which have to be the same grammatical form.
Observe the following sentences. Students read
washes – leaves (X) – trashes – catches the sentences and observe the use of and. Discuss
this activity when assigning the homework. Anal-

yse each case using and. At home, students join bowl
the sentences using and to connect the underlined
words. In class, ask for volunteers to write them on mix
the board. fry
Answer Key toss
We are going to Venice and Rome. serve
He plays the piano and the guitar.

Last night I stayed at home and read a book. 3. Complete the conversation with your ideas.
She is sweet, friendly and sociable. Students read the questions and they answer ac-
cording to their personal experience. To check, ask
She likes apples, oranges and plums. students at random to see their answers.

Answer Key

Unit 3 (Answers vary)

Words in Conversation
1. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read the
1. Select the meaning of the word. Each question statements and write the verbs in the appropriate
has three possible answers, but only one is correct. form. To check, read the statement and students
Students read the word and look for its meaning answer as a group. Write the words on the board if
among the options. To check, read the statement necessary.
and students say the answer as a group.
Answer Key
Answer Key
to go
to buy
to go

2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
Students read the words in the box. Then they read fishing
the passage. They have to complete the passage
with the words provided. To check, read the pas- looking
sage and stop in the word so students complete it. to go
Answer Key

take 2. Underline the correct word. Some exercises

put may have both answers. Students read the state-
ments and choose one of the two options: the infin-

itive or gerund. In some cases, both are possible. To helping
check, read the statement and students as a group
say the corresponding verb to fill in the blank. In
some cases, both are correct. 4. Find the mistake and rewrite the sentence.
Answer Key Students read the sentences and find the mistake.
Then they rewrite the sentence correctly. To check,
playing ask for volunteers to write the correct statement
on the board.
to work – working
Answer Key
to travel
to take
to go- going
to study
to study-studying
to help
to work – working
to clean

5. Build up sentences using the words in brack-
to solve ets. Complete with your own ideas. Students read
to do – doing the words provided and they build up sentences
using these words. To check, ask for volunteers to
having read aloud and write some of them on the board.

joining Answer Key

(answers vary)

3. Choose a verb from the box to complete the …like walk/walking…

sentences. This is a grammar cloze exercise. Stu-
dents read the words in the box, and then they …enjoy practicing…
read the statements. They fill in the blanks with the …stand working…
appropriate tense of the verbs in the box. To check,
read the words provided and students answer as a … seem to be…
group. Use the board if necessary.
… plan to go…
Answer Key
… finish eating …

Vocabulary Extension and English Usage
to visit
1. Match the word to the sentence. Students read
playing the column on the left and look for the appropriate
definition on the right and write the number of the
answering matching word in the right column. To check, read
to travel the word in the left column and students read the
corresponding answer on the right as a group.

Answer Key pot

Ladle: a long-handled spoon used to serve soup. kettle

Grater: a metal utensil with small sharp holes used

to grate food.
Cleaver: a heavy broad-blade knife.
1. Circle the words having s+consonant sound at
Blender: an electric appliance used for mixing and the beginning of words. Students read the passage
grinding food. and according to the work done in class, they circle
the words with the sound s+consonant. To check,
Whisk: a utensil to mix. A utensil for beating food read the text first and ask which words in the first
by hand. line have the sound. Then repeat the process with
Peeler: a utensil for removing the sking from fruit the rest. Students listen and repeat the words after
and vegetables. you.

Answer Key

2. Choose the two correct answers. Students read Sara slept until 9:00am. Today it is a special day.
the sentence and choose two out of the three op- It’s her birthday. A student from Spain is coming to
tions. To check, read the statement in class and stu- visit her. He is going to stay for few weeks.
dents say the answers together.

Answer Key 2. Write the words in the right column. Students

boiling – pouring read the words in the box and organise them ac-
cording to the heading of each column. To check,
chop – cut draw the chart on the board and ask for volunteers
to write the words. Then students listen and re-
put cheese on the pizza – add lemon zest to a cake. peat.
frying potatoes – making sunny side-up eggs Answer Key
making juice – making gravy st: stand – strange – student
eggs – cream sp: spoon – special – Spain

sn: snow – sneeze – snob

3. Complete the sentences. Students read the sw: swim – sweet – Swiss
statements and fill in the blanks with the correct
words. To check, read the first part of each state- sc: scope – scalp – scare
ment and students answer as a group.
sl: sleep – slow – slim
Answer Key

3. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided
ladle with a list of words and they have to circle the only
word in each line that does not have the same pro-
peeler nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students
which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
knife – fork the rest of the lines.

Answer Key 1. Organise the recipe into the correct order.
Students read the sentences provided and write
spin spam spoon square (X) number 1 to 10 to organise the recipe. To check,
sneeze snap small(X) snake read number 1 and ask for a volunteer to read the
following step, then another one, and so forth.
special(X) stomach stand stomp
It is easy to make bread pudding cake.
swim swan sweep scar(X)
Tear the bread and put it into the blender.
student (X) scan scold scalp
Add two eggs, half a litre of milk, and a cup of sugar.
small smell sneeze(X) smelt
Blend the ingredients until the mixture is smooth.

Pour the mixture into a square cake tin.

Bake it for an hour.
1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the
vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the Cut the cake into pieces.
crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each Serve it warm.
box. To check, read the hint and students say the
answer as a group. Write on the board any words
that have problems.
2. When giving a recipe or describing a process,
Answer Key you have to use linking words, such as: first,
second, third, then, after that, next. When intro-
ducing the last idea of the process, you may use
‘finally’. Students transcribe the sentences from
the previous exercise and use connectors to make a
paragraph. To check, ask for volunteers to write the
sentences on the board.

Answer Key

(Answers vary depending on the choice of connec-


It is easy to make bread pudding cake. First,

tear the bread and put it into the blender. Second,
add two eggs, half a litre of milk, and a cup of sugar.
Third, blend the ingredients until the mixture is
smooth. Then, pour the mixture in a square cake
2. Write two sentences with two words from the tin. Next, bake it for an hour. After that, cut the cake
crossword puzzle. Students choose two words into pieces. Finally, serve it warm and enjoy it.
from the crossword puzzle and write two sentenc-
es. To check, ask for volunteers to read their sen-
tences. Use the board if necessary.
Unit 4
Answer Key

(Answers vary)
Words in Conversation

Writing 1. Choose the two options that explain the mean-

ing of the word. Each word in the exercise has

three options to choose the meaning from; two of has worked
them are correct. Students have to underline the
correct meanings. To check, ask for volunteers to have played
read their answers. has cooked
Answer Key has ironed
b–c has fixed
a–c have taken
b–c has bought
a–b have plan

a–c 3. Write the question and the negative answer.

b-c Students are provided with an affirmative state-
ment. They have to write the question and the neg-
a–b ative answer. To check, ask for volunteers to write
them on the board.
Answer Key
1. Choose the correct verb form the box. Write
it in the present perfect. Students read the state- Has your little brother broken the toy?
ments and complete them with one of the verbs in
the box in the appropriate verb tense according to No, my little brother hasn’t broken the toy.
the context. They have to use the present perfect. Have you gone to Paris twice?
To check, read the first part of the statement and
students say the answer as a group. No, I haven’t gone to Paris twice.
Answer Key Have you heard about her problems?
has washed No, I haven’t heard about her problems.
has disappear Has your grandmother cooked your favourite dish?
have you gone No, she hasn’t cooked my favourite dish.
has promise Have you dreamed about that trip?
have visited No, I haven’t dreamed about that trip.
have made Have you waited for Mary?
have eaten No, I haven’t waited for Mary.

2. Write the verb in brackets into the present 4. Write the affirmative sentence, the question,
perfect. Students read the statements and write and the negative sentences with the words in
the verbs in the present perfect. To check, read the brackets. Students read the words and write an
statement and students answer as a group. Write affirmative sentence, a negative and a question. To
the words on the board if necessary. check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on
the board.
Answer Key

Answer Key since – since - for

I have read the book.

Have you read the book? 6. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.
Some words are repeated. Students are going to
I haven’t read the book. complete the passage using the words in the box.
First, they have to read the words provided. Then,
they read the passage. Finally, students complete
She has written a letter. the paragraph using the words provided. To check,
read the text and stop at the blanks. The class pro-
Has she written a letter? vides the answers as a group. Use the board and
markers if necessary.
No, she hasn’t written a letter.
Answer Key

just – already – since – yet – never – since - for

My father has worked this week.

Has your father worked this week?

Vocabulary Extension and English Usage
He hasn’t work this week.
1. Choose the meaning of each word. Students are
asked to choose the correct answer out of three
I have lost my keys. options. To check, read the statement and ask stu-
dents as a group to provide the correct answer. Use
Have you lost your keys? the board and markers if necessary.
I haven’t lost my keys. Answer Key

She has found her purse. c
Has she found her purse? a
She hasn’t found her purse. b

They have gone to Italy. c
Have you gone to Italy? a
I haven’t gone to Italy.

2. Complete the sentences with the words in the

box. Students have to complete the statements
5. Fill in the blanks using since or for. Students
using the three verbs provided. They can use each
read the passage and complete it using either since
word more than once. To check, read the statement
or for. To check, read the passage and stop at the
and students say the missing word. Write them on
blanks so that the students can read the answer as
the board if necessary.
a group.
Answer Key
Answer Key
screwdriver – nail
for – since – for – since

rill 1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the
vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the
sandpaper crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each
tape measure box. To check, read the hint and students say the
answer as a group. Write on the board any words
comb – hairdryer that have problems.

Answer Key


1. Circle the words that have a consonant+r (r

blend) sound at the beginning. Students read the
passage and according to the work done in class,
they circle the words with the sound. To check,
read the text first and ask which words in the first
line have the sound. Then repeat the process with
the rest.

Answer Key

Trisha’s train is green and grey. It is made of bronze

and it belonged to her grandfather, Gregory. The
train trackss have traffic lights and trees. She plays
with her friend Fran.
2. There are two sentences for each word, but
only one is correct. Tick (√) the correct one and
2. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided cross out (X) the incorrect. Students read each
with a list of words and they have to circle the only statement and tick the correct one or cross out the
word in each line that does not have the same pro- incorrect one. To check, ask for volunteers to read
nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students the statements and students as a group decide if it
which word does not have the sound. Then stu- is correct or incorrect.
dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
the rest of the lines. Answer key

Answer Key We wrote a poem about our favourite food. (√)

drum dragon drill grill (X) We poem about our favourite food. (X)

crazy (X)drop crop crew She is a creativity girl. (X)

fly (X) fry frog friend She works with great creativity. (√)

prey pray press port (X) I make a poster with a cardboard. (√)

try train tap (X) treason I use a cardboard to screw a nail (X)

brain rain (X) breeze bronze He creates a model with the computer. (√)

grey grass grew crew Model is a computing program. (X)

I inspiration my picture. (X)

CLIL My family is my inspiration. (√)

They are a combine of many colours. (X)

They combine many colours. (√) Seat belt: a strap to hold a person to prevent injury.

Seat: a piece of furniture in a plane.

Writing Pilot: a person who flies an aircraft.

1. Observe the following sentences. Pay attention Blanket: a large piece of fabric to keep people
to the linking words and punctuation marks for warm.
the words. Discuss with students the punctuation
marks and linking words, for example “for in- Air hostess: a woman that looks after passengers in
stance” and “for example”. At home, students have an aircraft.
to write an example of each sentence. In class, ask Safety feature: feature that insures the user.
for volunteers to read their sentences.
Safety demonstration: explanation regarding safety
Answer Key features before departing on an aircraft.
(Answers vary)

3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.

Students read the passage carefully and then write
Unit 5 words from the lesson to complete the ideas.

Answer Key

Words in Conversation screens

1. Underline a word similar to the underlined blanket

word(d). Students read each sentence and choose
the synonym for the word provided. To check, read cosy
the statement and students respond as a group. wrap up
Answer Key Stewardesses
b glamorous

c Grammar
a 1. Look at the table and write sentences using
b the past continuous. Students read the timetable
and write sentences according to the timetable.
To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the
2. Match the word to the sentence. Students read
the column on the left and look for the appropri- Answer Key
ate definition on the right. Then, they write the
number of the matching word in the right column. I was having a shower and brushing my teeth at
To check, read the word in the left column and stu- 7:00 a.m.
dents as a group read the corresponding answer on I was having breakfast at 7:15 a.m.
the right.
I was getting dressed at 7:45 a.m.
Answer Key
I was walking to school at 8:00 a.m.
Screen: a surface where pictures are shown.

I was studying at school at 8:30 a.m. 3. Students read the statements and write the
verbs in the appropriate form. To check, read the
I was taking the bus back home at 12:30 p.m. statement and students answer as a group. Write
I was having lunch at 1:00 p.m. the words on the board if necessary.

I was doing the dishes at 1:30p.m. Answer Key

were you doing/call

2. Write a sentence, a question, and a negative was working

sentence using the words in brackets. Students I slept/was doing
read the words and write an affirmative sentence,
a negative and a question. To check, ask for volun- went
teers to write the answers on the board.
weren’t watching
Answer Key
was walking/saw
She was working at 10 o’clock.
arrive/was eating
Was she working at 10 o’clock?
were playing
She wasn’t working at 10 o’clock.

He was playing football at 5 o’clock.

4. Underline the correct word. Students are given
Was he playing football at 5 o’clock? two options to complete the statement, past simple
and past continuous. To check, ask for volunteers
He wasn’t playing football at 5 o’clock. to read it alloud.

Answer Key
I was drinking tea at 4 o’clock. wasn’t eating
Was I drinking tea at 4 o’clock / Were you drinking was doing
tea at 4 o’clock?
didn’t visit
I wasn’t drinking tea at 4 o’clock.
were buying

was taking
They were travelling to Delhi at 11 o’clock.
was reading
Were they travelling to Delhi at 11 o’clock?
was doing
They weren’t travelling to Delhi at 11 o’clock.
didn’t drive

We were visiting our grandparents at 5 o’clock.
were singing
Were we visiting our grandparents at 5 o’clock.

We weren’t visiting our grandparents at 5 o’clock.

5. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the
box. Write them in the appropriate verb tense.
This is a grammar cloze exercise. Students read the

words in the box, then they read the statements Headset
and fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense
of the verbs in the box. To check, read the words Passport
provided and students answer as a group. Use the
board if necessary.
Answer Key
1. Circle the words that have a consonant+l
Last night, I was eating dinner when someone sound at the beginning. Students read the passage
knocked at the door. It was late. A dog was howling and according to the work done in class, they circle
and a bat was flying when I decided to open the the words with the sound. To check, read the text
door. I walked silently. I looked through the win- first and ask which words on the first line has the
dow, then I saw her face. It was my aunt! sound. Then repeat the process with the rest.
Vocabulary Extension and English Usage Answer Key
1. Underline the two correct options. Each item in I have a plan to clean my bedroom. I will pick up
the exercise has three options, two of them are cor- the blouse from the bed, the blanket from the floor
rect because they are meanings of the word provid- and my flip-flops under the bed and put them in
ed. Students have to underline the correct meaning. the closet. I will close the closet. Then I will sweep
To check, ask for volunteers to read their answers. the floor and vacuum the carpet. It’s very pleasant
Answer Key to have a clean place to sleep.


b–c 2. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided

with a list of words and they have to circle the only
a–c word in each line that does not have the same pro-
nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students
a–b which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
b–c dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
the rest of the lines.
Answer Key
club clan close cause (X)

blessing blouse bicycle(X) blend

2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the pas-
sage. Students are given a list of words and they double (X) trouble problem blessing
have to read them and then read the passage. Stu- truffle (X) floss flexible flannel
dents complete the paragraph. To check, ask for
volunteers to read aloud. flower (X) glove Glenn glamour

Answer Key pleasant please pleasure double(X)

Baggage plan plane plus simple (X)

Life jacket sill (X) sleep slow slender

Oxygen masks

Pilot CLIL

Cockpit 1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the

vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the to before or after. To check, ask for volunteers to
crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each write their answers on the board.
box. To check, read the hint and students say the
answer as a group. Write on the board any words Answer Key
that have problems. (possible answers)
Answer Key

Before he goes to school, he has breakfast.

After he has breakfast, he goes to school.

He goes to school after he has breakfast.

We drive to the beach before we arrive.

Before we arrive to the beach, we drive.

After we drive, we arrive to the beach.

We arrive to the beach after we drive

My mother cooked lunch before we ate lunch.

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word Before we ate lunch, my mother cooked.
from the crossword puzzle. Students complete
the statements using some of the words from the After my mother cooked, we ate lunch.
crossword puzzle. To check read the sentence until
We ate lunch after my mother cooked.
you get to the blanks, and then students complete
them as a group. Use the board in case they need
I boil eggs before I peel them.
Answer Key
Before I peel the eggs, I boil them
I peel the eggs after I boil them.
After I boil eggs, I peel them.


Unit 6
Words in Conversation

Writing 1. Underline the appropriate word. Students have

three options to complete the statement. Students
1. Observe the use of after and before. Discuss have to read the sentence and choose the appropri-
with students how to use before and after. At home, ate word for each blank. To check, read the passage,
students do the exercise by changing the connector except the blanks, and students say the correct an-

swer as a group. emergency services

Answer Key

Police officer Grammar

Break into 1. Write the question and the negative sentence.

Students are provided with an affirmative state-
Shop lifter ment. They have to write the question and the neg-
Accident ative answer. To check, ask for volunteers to write
them on the board.
Answer Key

Has your(my) father worked for the company for

2. Match the word to the sentence. Students read seven years?
the column on the left and look for the appropri-
ate definition on the right. Then, they write the Your father has worked for the company for seven
number of the matching word in the right column. years.
To check, read the word in the left column and stu-
dents as a group read the corresponding answer on
the right. Have they gone to Singapore twice this year?

Answer Key They haven’t gone to Singapore twice this year.

Pick pocket: a person who steals thing from peo-

ple’s pockets.
Have we (you) bought a new car?
Steal: to take something without permission.
We haven’t bought a new car.
Locked: closed.

Emergency services: the organisations that deal

with accidents and urgent problems. Has the class started an hour ago?

Address: a specific place where someone lives. The class hasn’t started an hour ago.

Neighbour: someone who lives next door, or very

close to you. Have you (I) seen Mary three times this week?

I haven’t seen Mary three time this week.

3. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.
Students read the passage and fill in the blank us-
ing one of the words learned in the lesson. To check Has your father fixed the car three times?
read the passage and stop at the blanks; students
as a group have to say the missing word. Use the My father hasn’t fixed his car three times.
board if necessary.

Answer Key
2. Underline the correct verb. Students read the
shoplifting sentences and choose the appropriate word in
brackets. To check, read the statement provided
stealing and let students complete it as a group.
policeman Answer Key

lost waited

has cooked bought

called have played

have travelled moved

have been haven’t eaten

woke met

went woke

has won

5. Correct the sentences. Rewrite them. Each sen-

tence has a mistake. Students have to look for the
3. Correct the verb in brackets. Use the past sim- mistake and rewrite the sentence. To check, ask for
ple or present perfect. Students read the state- volunteers to write them on the board.
ments and write the verbs in the appropriate form.
To check, read the statement and students answer Answer Key
as a group. Write the verbs on the board if neces-
sary. The children were in the park yesterday.

Answer Key I arrived late to school today.

studied Toby has flown on a plane many times this year.

haven’t done My father likes his work. He has been in the compa-
ny for seven years.
have lived
We have lived here for five years, but we are going
have never been to move next year.


have sung 6. Write a sentence using the word in brackets.

Students build up a sentence in the verb tenses
lived studied using the words in brackets. To check, ask
haven’t seen for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb in Mary has lived in Spain for seven years.
the box and write it in the correct tense. For this I moved to Morocco last year.
grammar cloze exercise, students read the words
in the box, and then they read the statements. They We played football last Saturday.
fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense of the
verbs in the box. To check, read the words provided We have visited Paris three times this year.
and students answer as a group. Use the board if
Vocabulary Extension and English Usage
Answer Key
1. Choose the correct meaning of a word. Stu-
haven’t finished dents are asked to choose the meaning of a word

out of three options. To check, read the statement trying to strangle a woman so he could rob her
and ask students as a group to provide the correct purse. Jen had a bat and struck the man with it. The
answer. Use the board and markers if necessary. burglar escaped, but she saved the woman.

Answer Key

b 2. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided

with a list of words and they have to circle the only
b word in each line that does not have the same pro-
c nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students
which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
a dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
the rest of the lines.
Answer Key
strange – strand – stretch – strass (X)
splash – splendid –slender (X) – split

splatter (X) – spring – spray – sprout

2. Write the missing word using the words in the
box. This is a grammar cloze exercise. Students string – strawberry – street – ashtray (X)
read the words in the box, and then the sentences.
They have to fill in the blanks with the appropriate scream – Scrooge – screw – crew
word from the box. To check, read the sentences stream – streak – street – strange (X)
and students answer as a whole. Use the board if
necessary. stripe – screw (X) – straw – string

Answer Key

robbery CLIL

escape 1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the

vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the
burglars crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each
gang box. To check, read the hint and students say the
answer as a group. Write on the board any words
that have problems.

Phonics Answer Key

1. Circle the words that have a s+consonant+con-

sonant sound at the beginning of the word. Stu-
dents read the passage and according to the lesson
in class, they circle the words with the consonant
cluster s+consonant+consonant. To check, read the
text first and ask which words on the first line have
the sound. Then repeat the process with the rest.

Answer Key

Strange things happen to Jen. It was a splendid

evening and she was eating strawberries when she
heard somebody screaming. She saw a strong man

ask students as a group to provide the correct an-
swer. Use the board and markers if necessary.

Answer Key





2. Write two sentences using two words from a–b

the crossword puzzle. Students choose two words
from the crossword puzzle and write two sentenc-
es. To check, ask for volunteers to read their sen-
tences aloud.
2. Choose the appropriate word from the sen-
Answer Key tence to complete the story. Students read the
words in the box. Then they read the passage. They
(answers vary)
have to complete the passage with the words pro-
Writing vided. To check, read the passage and stop at the
words so students can complete them.
1. A mind map is a useful tool to communicate
ideas. Discuss with students how to write a mind Answer Key
map or a spider map. Introduce how the topic
about pets is organised in the sample mind map.
Then read the paragraph aloud. Ask students to bully
observe connectors and how the ideas were put
together in a paragraph. At home, students have to mean
write their own paragraph about a pet, following
the mind map provided as a sample. To check, ask defend
for volunteers to read their paragraph aloud. Check soppy
students’ compositions.
Answer Key

(Answers vary)

1. Underline the correct word. Students read the

Unit 7 sentences and choose the appropriate word from
the three options provided. To check, read the
statement and stop at the blanks. Let students com-
plete them as a group.
Words in Conversation
Answer Key
1. Choose the meaning of the underlined word.
Two options are correct. Multiple choice. Stu- whose
dents are asked to choose the correct answer out
of three, but there are two correct meanings for the that
underlined word. To check, read the statement and

who He is the thief who took your purse.

which I know the teacher whose shirt is blue.

who He lives in a neighborhood where everyone knows

each other.
That’s the taxi driver whose car is green.
That’s the school where I am studying English.

4. Correct the sentences. Each of the sentences
when have a mistake. Students must read them carefully
and rewrite the sentence without the mistake. To
check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on
2. Fill in the blank with all the relative pronouns the board.
possible. Students write in the box all the possible
relative pronouns to complete each statement. To Answer Key
check, read until the blanks and ask for volunteers William Shakespeare is a writer whose books are
to complete it. famous.
Answer Key She lives in a city which is overcrowded.
who/that That’s the dog which (that) ate a rabbit.
whose They are the students who (that) failed the exam
which/that yesterday.

where We were reading a book when (where) the dog


5. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
which/that Students read the clause provided and complete
the sentences using a relative pronoun. To check,
ask for volunteers to read their answers aloud.
3. Join the two sentences using the words in Answer Key
brackets. Students read the two statements pro-
vided and have to rewrite the statement using the (Answers vary)
pronoun provided, by also making the pertinent
transformations. To check, ask for volunteers to
write the answers on the board. 6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative
Answer Key pronoun. Students read the passage and complete
it by using a relative pronoun. To check, read the
Mary has a dog which has long sharp teeth. passage and stop at the blanks. Students provide
the answer as group.
The phone rang when he was out.
Answer Key
She gave me three green bottles that are on the ta-
ble. which/that

whose generous

who/that kind


when Phonics

1. Circle the words that have consonant+conso-

nant sound at the end. Students read the passage
Vocabulary Extension and English Usage and according to the lesson in class, they circle the
1. Underline the correct word to complete the words with the consonant cluster consonant+con-
sentence. Students have three options to choose sonant at the end. To check, read the text first and
which word is the appropriate one to complete the ask which words on the first line have the sound.
statement. To check, read until the blanks and have Then repeat the process with the rest.
students say the word as a group. Answer Key
Answer Key The dentist went to a loft in East Denmark. It’s a
exhausted beautiful structure built one hundred years ago.
It was a factory in the past, but now is a beautiful
depressed structure.


sociable 2. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided

with a list of words and they have to circle the only
generous word in each line that does not have the same pro-
nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students
which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
mean dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
the rest of the lines.
Answer Key
cast blast past pass (X)
pest West East South (X)
least (X)left loft lift

mast last past post (X)

2. Substitute the underlined word by its opposite.
Students have to change the underlined words in gold bald (X) bold cold
each sentence and substitute with a synonym. To
dusk past (X) mask task
check, ask for volunteers to write the answer on
the board.

Answer Key CLIL

relaxed 1. Complete the crossword puzzle. According to
the vertical and horizontal hints, students com-
plete the crossword puzzle, writing only one letter
cheerful in each box. To check, read the hint and students
say the answer as a group. Write on the board any

words that have problems. I admire my sister as long as she studies very hard
to get good grades.
Answer Key
We went to Istanbul because my aunt lives there
and she is sick.

They are going to the beach since today is a beauti-

ful summer day.

2. Complete the following sentences with your

own ideas. Students have the clause and they have
to complete the statement with a logical clause. To
check, ask students to read aloud their answers.
Some volunteers can write them on the board.

Answer Key

(answers vary)

2. Write the missing word. Use the words in the

box. Students read the words in the box. Then Unit 8
they read the passage. They have to complete the
passage with the words provided. To check, read
the passage and stop at the words so students can
complete them. Words in Conversation

Answer Key 1. Underline the two meaning of the word. Each

item in the exercise has three options: two of them
twins are correct because they are meanings of the word
noses on books provided. Students have to underline the correct
meaning. To check, ask for volunteers to read their
siblings answers.

freckles Answer Key

inherited a–b

pranks b–c


Writing a–c

1. The following linking words are useful to give a–b

reasons. Discuss with students the connectors
provided, their meaning and how to use them. At a–c
home, students join the two sentences provided a–c
using the word in brackets. To check, ask for volun-
teers to write the statements on the board.

Answer Key 2. Write the missing word. Students read the

words in the box. Then they read the passage. They
He went to his work by foot as his car is broken. have to complete the passage with the words pro-

vided. To check, read the passage and stop in the problem
word so students complete it.
Answer Key

give birth
3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate plural
birds form. Students read the dialogue and complete it
by writing the plural form of the words. To check,
lay read the statements and pause at the blank so that
feathers students can say the answer as a group. Write them
on the board if necessary.

Answer key
1. Put each word in the right column and write
their plural form. Students read the words and onions
group them according to the plural form. Then they tomatoes
transcribe the word in the appropriate column. To
check, draw the chart on the board and ask for vol- potatoes
unteers to complete it
Answer Key
-s -es irregular No change
cats Buses women fish
4. Rewrite the following sentences using the cor-
cups classes mice deer rect form. Students read the statement and write
pupils watches men sheep the word in brackets in the correct form, either plu-
ral or singular. To check, ask for volunteers to write
teach- dishes goose aircraft them on the board.
boxes children Answer Key
tomatoes knives women – children
2. Choose the correct word to complete the sen- fish
tence. Students read the sentences and choose the
appropriate word in brackets. To check, read the mice
statement provided and let students complete it as
chicken – geese – hens – sheep – deer
a group.
Answer Key
twins – babies


buses – students 2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word

from the box. Students read the words in the box,
and then the sentences. They have to fill in the
5. Complete the sentences using the word in blanks with the appropriate word from the box. To
brackets and a collective word from the box. check, read the sentences and students answer as a
Some words can be used more than once. Stu- group. Use the board if necessary.
dents read the words in the box and then the sen- Answer Key
tences provided. They have to fill in the blanks us-
ing the word in the brackets with the appropriate beaks
collective noun in the box. To check, students read
their answers as a group. Write them on the board wings
if necessary. claws
Answer Key webs
an army of ants fins
flock of sheep – herd of deer – team of horses tails
litter of puppies gills
school of fish

crowd of people Phonics

1. Circle the words that have two or more conso-

Vocabulary Extension and English Usage nant sounds at the end. Students read the passage
and according to the lesson in class, they circle the
1. Underline the meaning of the underlined words with a consonant cluster. To check, read the
word according to the sentence. Students are text first and ask which words in the first line have
asked to choose the correct answer out of three the sound. Then repeat the process with the rest.
different meanings. Only one is correct. To check,
read the statement and ask students as a group to Answer Key
provide the correct answer. Write on the board if I like this rock band. It has a very strange name:
necessary. the Sas Tank. Their music has caught the attention
Answer Key of lads and old people. I will go to their concert on
August the third. See you around.

2. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided
c with a list of words and they have to circle the only
word in each line that does not have the same pro-
b nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students
a which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
c the rest of the lines.

a Answer Key

c Sand - land - band - lad(X)

wolf(X) – plump – lamp – ramp School

brought – caught – doubt(X) – thought Herd

bent – debt (X) – tent – lent Charm

gift – left – right(X) - theft Cackle

growing – going – drawing – boom(X) Bloat


CLIL Litter

1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the

vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the
crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each Writing
box. To check, read the hint and students say the 1. Observe the punctuation marks and usage
answer as a group. Write on the board any words of the following linking words. Discuss the sen-
that have problems. tences and explanation provided about the usage
Answer Key of linking words and punctuation marks. At home,
students choose the appropriate word to complete
the sentences in the exercise. To check, read the
statement and pause at the blanks so students can
say the missing word as a group.

Answer Key






Unit 9

2. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. Stu- Words in Conversation
dents read the words in the box. Then they read the
1. Choose the meaning of the word. Two answers
passage. They have to complete the passage with
are correct. Each item in the exercise has three
the words provided. To check, read the passage and
options, two of them are correct because they are
stop in the word so students complete it.
meanings of the word provided. Students have to
Answer Key underline the correct meaning. To check, ask for
volunteers to read their answers.
Answer Key

b–c bad worse the worst
a–c expensive more expen- The most
sive expensive
a–b old older the oldest
a–b healthy healthier the health-
a–c interest- more inter- the most
ing esting interesting
long longer the longest
good better the best
2. Complete the following sentences. Students little less than the least
read the passage and write the missing word from large larger the largest
the vocabulary learned in the lesson. To check, read
the passage and stop at the blanks. Students say 2. Correct the mistake and rewrite the sentence.
the word together as a group. Each of the sentences provided has a mistake. Stu-
dents find the mistake and rewrite the sentences.
Answer Key To check, ask for volunteers to write the sentences
on the board.
Answer Key
What’s the highest mountain in your country?
move out
Toby is a better student than Sarah.
Toby is the tallest in the class.
She is the richest woman in England.
Mr. Smith is more popular than Mr. Parker.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form
1. Complete the chart below. Students read the of the adjective in brackets: positive, compara-
chart and complete the missing adjectives. To tive or superlative. Students read each sentence
check, draw the chart on the board and ask for vol- and write the correct form of each adjective pro-
unteers to write and transcribe the missing adjec- vided. To check, ask for volunteers to write the an-
tives. swers on the board.
Answer Key Answer Key

more interesting
Positive Comparative Superlative the most valuable
pretty prettier the prettiest
the prettiest
narrow hotter the hottest
simple simpler simplest the best
intelligent more intelli- the most the fastest
gent intelligent
big bigger the biggest easier

the worst 4. Complete with too or enough. Students read the
statements and according to the context they have
earlier to determine which word is the appropriate one:
the most successful too or enough. To check, read until the blanks and
students as a group say the missing word.
Answer Key

4. Write three sentences using positive, compar-
ative and superlative adjectives. Students use the enough
words in brackets to build up sentences using the too
three types of adjectives in different sentences. To
check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on too
the board.
Answer Key
My car is expensive.
My car is more expensive than your car.
My car is the most expensive on the market.

Toby is a good student.

Toby is better student than Sarah.

5. Complete the sentences using the adjectives
Toby is the best student in class. in the box. Students read the adjectives in the box.
Then they read the sentences. They have to write
the adjective in the appropriate form (positive,
My house is small. comparative and superlative) according to the con-
text. To check, read until the blanks and students
My house is smaller than your house. complete the sentence as a group. Use the board if
My house is the smallest in the neighbourhood.
Answer Key

My brother’s bedroom is clean.
My brother’s bedroom is cleaner than yours.
My brother’s bedroom is the cleanest at home.

the most popular

Today is a hot day.
Today is hotter than yesterday.
the longest
Today is the hottest day of the month.

Vocabulary Extension and English Usage

1. Choose the meaning of the underlined word. cess with the rest.
Students are asked to choose the correct meaning
of an underlined word, out of three options. To Answer Key
check, read the statement and ask students as a Last week we went camping. We stayed in a cabin
group to provide the correct answer. Use board and near a lake. We (celebrated) my sister’s birthday.
markers if necessary. My mother cooked a (delicious) cake and we have
Answer Key candies, popcorn and cokes. We went fishing on
canoe. My father gave her a modern calculator and
my mother gave her a camera. She took pictures
everywhere. At night, we ate (rice) and a cucumber
c salad, a (special) (recipe) from my grandmother.

b 2. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided

a with a list of words and they have to circle the only
word in each line that does not have the same pro-
b nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students
which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
a dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
the rest of the lines.
Answer Key
cast – cost – cause – Celsius(X)

comb(X) – cylinder – city – circle

2. Write the missing word. According to the words
studied in class and the lesson, students complete cent – caught(X) – cell – celery
the passage. To check, read the passage and stop
in the blank. Students say the missing word as a calf – cage – California – cyclops (X)
cyclone – cymbals – cylinder – cell
Answer Key
cake – calculator – calendar – comb (X)
can – Canada – candle – crane (X)

3. Write the words in the right column. Then
widower read. Students read the words in the box and then
classify them according to the pronunciation of the
orphan grapheme c. To check, draw the chart on the board
and ask for volunteers to complete it. Then, stu-
dents listen and repeat.
Answer Key
1. Circle the words that have a soft c and under-
line the words with a hard c. Students read the Hard c Soft c
passage and circle the words with a soft c and un-
derline the words with a hard c in any position. To
check, read the text first and ask which words in
the first line have the sound. Then repeat the pro-

Colloquial Ceasar
Combination City Writing

Curiosity Circle 1. The following linking words are very useful

to draw a conclusion. Discuss the example pro-
Cab Cell vided and focus on the linking words to introduce
a conclusion. Highlight the importance that every
Comb Cent
conclusion in a paragraph should have one of these
Crowd Celebrity words.

CLIL 2. The concluding sentence in a paragraph has

to summarise the paragraph. At home, students
1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the read the paragraph and determine the appropriate
vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the conclusion. To check, students say correct option
crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each as a group.
box. To check, read the hint and students say the
answer as a group. Write on the board any words b
that have problems.
Answer Key

Unit 10

Words in Conversation

1. Circle the sentences that properly use the un-

derlined word in each group. Students read the
three sentences provided and choose the two cor-
rect words in each group. To check, ask for volun-
teers to read aloud the correct sentences.

Answer Key
2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.
Students complete the passage using the words a–b
in the crossword puzzle. To check, read aloud and a–c
stop at the blanks. Students say the missing word
as a group. Use the board if necessary. a–b
Answer Key a–c
famous b–c
actress a–c
journalist b–c
reporting a–b

foreign 2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.

Students complete the passage by filling in the

blanks with a word from the lesson. To check, read complete the expression. To check, read aloud and
aloud and stop at the blanks. Students say the miss- stop at the blanks. Students complete the sentences
ing word as a group. Use the board if necessary. as a group.

Answer Key Answer Key

playing b

training a–c

athletic a

long b

gets back a–b


Grammar a–b

1. Fill in the blanks with the words below. You a

may use the words more than once. Students
complete the passage using the words provided in a–c
the box. Some of these words can be used more
than once. To check, ask for volunteers to read the
sentence. Use the board if necessary. 3. Write five sentences using the information in
the box and combine it with your own ideas. Stu-
Answer Key dents use some of the words provided and write
someone five sentences using them. To check, ask for vol-
unteers to write their sentences on the board and
anything discuss the adjective order.

everywhere Answer Key

something (answers vary)

nothing four dirty blue cotton dress

anyone my exotic young Siberian dog

Someone his expensive antique round blue Persian rug

anything their small new compact silver phone


anything 4. Organise the following sentences. Students

organise the scrambled sentences. The first word
anyone is capitalised. To check, ask for volunteers to write
everything the answers on the board.

Answer Key

2. Underline the correct word. Some of them have He is a tall young boy.
more than one possible answer. Students read the I have a useless old umbrella.
statements and choose the appropriate word(s) to

She has a beautiful red silk dress. aloud and stop at the blanks. Students say the miss-
ing word as a group. Use the board if necessary.
My father has an old green German car.
Answer Key
She has big round blue eyes.
He has a small intelligent old dog.
stadium – field
They have four strange white chicken in the gar-
den. track

They spent their money on that expensive wooden gym


5. Rewrite the sentences adding adjectives to the

underlined words. Students write the same sen- Phonics
tence, but enriching the underlined word with ad- 1. Circle the words that have a hard g and under-
jectives, following the correct order. To check, ask line the words that have a soft g. Students read
for volunteers to read their answers. the passage and circle the words with a hard g and
Answer Key underline the words with a soft g in any position.
To check, read the text first and ask which words in
(Answers vary) the first line have the sound. Then repeat the pro-
cess with the rest.

Answer Key
Vocabulary Extension and English Usage
(Gabriel) and Gina went to the beach in the (gulf).
1. Underline the meaning of each word. Students They brought their (guitar) and they met a (girl)
are asked to choose the correct answer out of three there. Her name is Giselle. She has a big T-shirt
options. To check, read the statement and ask stu- with a (gorilla) on it. They played (games) and eat
dents as a group to provide the correct answer. Use (grapes).
the board and markers if necessary.

Answer Key
2. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided
b with a list of words and they have to circle the only
a word in each line that does not have the same pro-
nunciation. To check, read aloud and ask students
c which word does not have the sound. Then stu-
dents listen and repeat after you. Do the same with
c the rest of the lines.
a Answer Key
a giraffe - Gina – gibbon(X) – gingerbread
b giant(X) – game – garbage – gazelle
a gift – gills – girl – giraffe (X)

guitar (X) – Geology – Geography – gem

2. Fill in the blanks. Students complete the pas- gorilla – gulf – guinea pig – giant (X)
sage using the words on the lesson. To check, read

goose – Geology – guest – gull

3. Write the words in the right column. Then

read. Students read the words in the box and then
classify them according to the pronunciation of the
grapheme g. To check, draw the chart on the board
and ask for volunteers to complete it. Then, stu-
dents listen and repeat.

Answer Key

Hard g Soft g
gift giant
guest Geology
gorilla cage
goat judge 2. Complete the following sentences. Students
triangle giraffe complete the passage using the words in the cross-
word puzzle. To check, read aloud and stop at the
gulf cabbage blanks. Students say the missing words as a group.
Use the board if necessary.
Answer Key
1. Fill in the crossword puzzle. According to the
vertical and horizontal hints, students complete the field
crossword puzzle, writing only one letter in each
box. To check, read the hint and students say the goalposts
answer as a group. Write on the board any words pitch
that have problems.

Answer Key

1. Organise the sentences. Students read the

sentences and organise them in the appropriate
number writing in the brackets the numbers 1 to
6. To check, read the first one and ask students as
a group what comes next. Read the second and ask
again until all of them have their number.

Answer Key

My Auntie Kate is my favourite aunt.

She is an actress who has travel to many places.

When she travels, she brings us presents from dif-

ferent countries.

She brought me a Matryoshka doll once.

This is not a doll: is a set of many dolls placed one

inside the other.

I love my Mtryoshka doll, but I love my Auntie Katie

above all.

2. Rewrite the sentences in a paragraph. Write

the appropriate linking words in each sentence.
Students rewrite the sentences in the form of a
paragraph, using the adequate linking word.

Answer Key

(answer vary)

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Underline the correct verb in brackets.

1. If you mix black and grey, you (get – will get) grey.

2. I (go – will go) to your party if I have time.

3. If they (watch – will watch) until late, they will arrive late tomorrow.

4. If we (listen – will listen) carefully to the instructions, we will do it right.

5. My sister (doesn’t – won’t) attend to the meeting if Sarah goes.

6. If you follow the treatment, you (get – will get) well.

7. I (don’t – won’t) go to the park if it rains.

8. My sister will travel to Tokyo when she (finishes – will finish) the project.

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly.

1. Carl fixes his car if it will be broken.


2. I will travel to Morocco if I will have money.


3. If she will be hungry, she will eat her dinner.


4. If you mix red and yellow you will get orange.


5. Water freezes when it will be under zero degrees.


Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the appropriate verb tense.


find tell get

wash have visit
keep wake bring

1. When I go to bed early, I _________________ up before six o’clock.

2. If I _________________ cold, I cannot go to school.

3. If it is raining, I _________________ my umbrella.

4. I _________________ the keys if I left them at home.

5. I _________________ the dishes if I finish eating before you.

6. If you _________________ time, you will join us at the restaurant.

7. When a person dies, their nails _________________ growing.

8. If the weather is fine next week, they _________________ their cousin May.

9. If I see Joanna, I _________________ her the bad news.

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Underline the correct option.

1. I _______________ English class next Tuesday.

(a) have (b) will have (c) am going to have (d) am having

2. Sheila _______________ Mandarin next vacation.

(a) studies (b) will study (c) is going to study (d) is studying

3. I _______________ you with the dishes tonight.

(a) help (b) will help (c) am going to help (d) am helping

4. My mother _______________ the dentist next Friday.

(a) sees (b) will see (c) is going to see (d) is seeing

5. My parent’s flight _______________ at five o’clock.

(a) departs (b) will depart (c) is going to depart (d) is departing

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence.

1. Carl fixes his car this weekend.


2. I am traveling to Morocco if I save money for the tickets.


3. The train to Paris is going to arrive at four o’clock.


4. Patrick and Mark will meet me at six o’clock this afternoon.


5. There are dark clouds. It will rain.


Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the appropriate verb tense.

start open watch

visit eat study
play take come

1. The bell is ringing. I _________________ the door.

2. We _________________ lunch together next weekend.

3. My cousin’s flight _________________ off at six.

4. I (no) _________________ that TV show again. It is boring.

5. I hope Tina _________________ to my party.

6. We _________________ you next Saturday.

7. My favourite show _________________ at six o’clock.

8. Lisa _________________ chemistry with Sarah and me tonight.

9. I _________________ football this afternoon.

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form.

1. Sarah promises (come) _______________________ back soon.

2. Mary hopes (get) _______________________ good marks.

3. Lisa avoids (talk) _______________________ about the problem.

4. The burglar denies (be) _______________________ there the night of the robbery.

5. My brother refuses (join) _______________________ the army.

6. I finish (eat) _______________________ my lunch.

7. Would you mind (be) _______________________ quiet until the play ends?

8. He keeps (play) _______________________ football despite his age.

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence.

1. Gloria decided going to the beach with her friends.


2. My parents agreed let me go to the club alone.


3. Sarah enjoys to play the guitar and the piano.


4. Wilson practices to play chess because he is going to a championship


5. Dennis arranges sleeping earlier today.


Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the appropriate form, gerund
or infinitive.

go climb visit
visit wait help
seeing enjoy pay

1. Annie refuses _________________ me with the chores.

2. They pretend _________________ the museum this afternoon.

3. They can afford _________________ all her expenses in Paris.

4. She dislikes _________________ horror films.

5. She imagines _________________ the Everest within a year.

6. They seemed _________________ the tennis march.

7. Martha plans _________________ to Barcelona this year

8. I mind _________________ for hours at the bus station

9. My mother arranges _________________ the doctor soon.

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Write the question and the negative sentence.

1. She has lived in London since she was eight.



2. We have read the novel three times.



3. I have worked hard this month.



4. My mother has lost her car keys.



5. My father has travel to Europe three times.



Part 2. Complete with the suitable signal word.

1. I have _______________ finished my homework

2. She hasn’t visited her grandmother _______________.

3. Have you _______________ travelled by train?

4. I have been at home _______________ four o’clock.

5. We have worked on the project _______________ three days.

Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the present perfect.

find tell get

wash have visit
arrive wake bring

1. I _________________ a very bad day.

2. Sally (no) _________________ her purse yet.

3. Our teacher _________________ us the news.

4. I _________________ a new car.

5. Henry has already _________________ the dishes.

6. I (no) _________________ an umbrella and it is raining.

7. I _________________ up late every day this week.

8. They (just) _________________ on time.

9. Ed and Martin _________________ Mary at the hospital.

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Write the question and the negative sentence.

1. She was working in the office at five o’clock.



2. We were reading a book.



3. I was looking for her.



4. My mother was having dinner with my dad at nine o’clock.



5. Jane and Gabriel were studying maths.



Part 2. Write the verb in brackets in the past continuous tense.

1. She (take) __________________ a shower when the phone rang.

2. Brenda (study) __________________ while her brother was playing the guitar.

3. Fred and Marty (play) __________________ until late last night.

4. When I heard the bad news, I (jog) __________________ in the park.

5. I (listen) __________________ to Martha’s speech at four o’clock.

6. We (finish) __________________ the project when the alarm sounded.

Part 3. Choose the correct answer.

1. My father arrived when I ______ my homework.

(a) did (b) was doing

2. We ______ our mom while she was cooking lunch.

(a) helped (b) were helping

3. I ______ a new smartphone yesterday.

(a) bought (c) was buying

4. You ______ football as your mother was reading a book.

(a) played (b) were playing

5. While he ______ the dishes, his mom was clearing the table.

(a) washed (b) was washing

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Underline the correct verb in brackets.

1. My parents arrived when my sister and I ______.

(a) slept (b) were sleeping

2. Teddy ______ the car yesterday.

(a) fixed (b) was fixing

3. I ______ a new car yet.

(a) didn’t buy (b) haven´t bought

4. You ______ to Chicago twice this year.

(a) were (b) have been

5. Peter and Mark ______ to Scotland last year.

(a) went (b) have gone

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence.

1. Last night I have called Mary.


2. I didn’t finished the homework yet.


3. They travelled to Morocco three times this year.


4. I have met him two years ago.


5. I didn’t see her for three months.


Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the appropriate verb tense,
present perfect or past tense.

arrive start live

be play see
finish eat drink

1. (you) _________________ your project yet?

2. I _________________ in London since 2001.

3. He (no) _________________ tennis when he was a child.

4. I _________________ a delicious pizza yesterday.

5. My sister _________________ three cups of black coffee today.

6. We _________________ late to Lisa’s party last Saturday.

7. I _________________ the accident. It was very impressive.

8. The lesson _________________ five minutes ago.

9. I (never)_________________ to London before.

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Underline the correct relative pronoun.

1. Victor Hugo is the writer _____________ book you are reading.

(a) who (b) which (c) whose

2. Sarah bought a new dress _____________ is old fashioned.

(a) when (b) which (c) whose

3. He is the guitarist _____________ is considered one of the best of the world.

(a) who (b) that (c) whose

4. September is the month _____________ I celebrate my birthday.

(a) which (b) when (c) whose

5. That is the house _____________ I was born.

(a) which (b)when (c) where

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence.

1. It was midnight where I heard a strange sound.


2. The student who parents came this morning is a bully.


3. London is the city what I like to live in.


4. That is the dog who I love the most. It is my best friend.


5. She is the actress which has won three Oscars.


Part 3. Complete the sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun.

1. I saw a boy _________________ sister was your best friend.

2. I went to Singapore _________________ I visited some parks.

3. July is the month _________________ I take my summer vacation.

4. That is the dog _________________ bit Tina.

5. At seven is the time _________________ my father arrives

6. That is the house _________________ Annie lives.

7. Tina is the girl _________________ sits next to me in class.

8. George is the boy _________________ parents are famous artists.

9. This is the ring _________________ my grandmother gave me.

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Write the plural form of the following words.

Singular Plural
a girl two …
a tomato three …
a knife four …
a sheep five …
a class four …
a tooth three …
a fox two …
a man six …

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence.

1. My sister took three driving lesson.


2. She has two comb and three brushs.


3. If you go to the supermarket buy two apple, three potato and a melon.


4. She cut the apple into two halfes .


5. Old McDonald has a cow, two pigs and five sheeps.


Part 3. Match the collective noun with the appropriate noun and write a sentence.

1. a flock ( ) thieves
2. a bunch ( ) puppies
3. a gang ( ) players
4. a team ( ) birds
5. a litter ( ) shoes
6. a pair ( ) flowers

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets: the positive, comparative or superlative.

1. My book is (old) ________________ than yours.

2. “Les Misérables” is one of the (long) ________________ novels in the world.

3. Gina is (pretty) ________________ than Priscilla.

4. My watch is (new) ________________ . It is a Christmas gift from my Uncle Charles.

5. This is (fast) ________________ car in the world.

6. I think English is (easy) ________________ than Arabic.

7. That’s (bad) ________________ moment in my life.

8. Tracy brought (good) ________________ news than I expected.

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence.

1. He is the fatter boy in class.


2. Mary is more smart than Peter.


3. My car is the faster than yours.


4. The watch is very expensiver.


5. The whale is the most heavy animal in the world.


Part 3. Complete the sentences using too or enough.

1. This coffee is _________________ hot to drink.

2. This coffee is hot _________________ to drink.

3. There aren’t _________________ hospitals in town.

4. I have _________________ information to write the report.

5. This book is _________________ complicated to read.

6. This umbrella is _________________ expensive to me. I cannot afford it.

7. Peter isn’t old _________________ to drive.

8. My grandfather is _________________ old to drive.

9. This ladder is _________________ short to reach the roof.

Grammar worksheet


Part 1. Underline the correct verb in brackets.

1. _____________ phoned by I do not know who

(a) Someone (b) Anyone (c) Anybody (d) Anything

2. I looked for my keys. They weren’t _____________ in my car.

(a) nowhere (b) anywhere (c) somewhere (d) everywhere

3. I looked for my keys _____________

(a) nowhere (b) anywhere (c) somewhere (d) everywhere

4. I have _____________ important to tell you

(a) nothing (b) anything (c) anybody (d) somebody

5. _____________ went to Sheila’s party. All my classmates were there

(a) Anybody (b) Nobody (c) Somebody (d) Everybody

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence.

1. I haven’t seen nobody in the parking lot.


2. My car is everywhere.


3. Do you have nothing?


4. How do you feel today? Do you feel something unusual?


5. I haven’t done nothing to solve the problem


Part 3. Organise the words to make a sentence.

1. My – antique – grandfather – me – watch – gave – big – his – golden


2. Sarah – bag – bought – brown – a – leather


3. aunt – an – inherited – French – His – Wilma – chair – expensive


4. cotton – Betty – a – red – has – shirt – new


5. I – her – coffee – hot – love – delicious


6. car – My – old – sports – father – bought – an – red


Worksheet Instructions and Answer Key


Part 1. Underline the correct verb in brackets. Students have two options to choose the correct word
from to complete the statement. They underline the correct one. To check, read the statement and students
read the word that corresponds with their answer.

Answer Key

1. get

2. will go

3. watch

4. listen

5. won’t

6. will get

7. won’t

8. finishes

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence. Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the
mistake. To check, ask for volunteers to write it on the board.

Answer Key

1. Carl fixes his car if it is broken.

2. I will travel to Morocco if I have money.

3. If she is hungry, she will eat her dinner.

4. If you mix red and yellow you get orange.

5. Water freezes when it is below zero degrees.

Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the appropriate verb
tense. Students read the words in the box. Then they read the passage. They have to complete it with the

appropriate form of one of the verbs in brackets. To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. wake

2. get

3. will take

4. will find

5. will wash

6. have

7. keep

8. will visit

9. will tell


Part 1. Underline the correct option. Students have four options to choose the correct word from to
complete the statement. They underline the correct one. To check, read the statement and students read
the word that corresponds with their answer.

Answer Key

1. (a)

2. (c)

3. (b)

4. (d)

5. (a)

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence.

Students read the statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sen-
tence without the mistake. To check, ask for volunteers to write it on the board.

Answer Key

1. Carl is going to fix his car this weekend.

2. I am going to travel to Morocco if I save money for the tickets.

3. The train to Paris arrives at four o’clock.

4. Patrick and Mark are meeting me at six o’clock this afternoon.

5. There are dark clouds. It is going to rain.

Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the appropriate verb
tense. Students read the words in the box. Then they read the passage. They have to complete it with the
appropriate form of one of the verbs in the brackets. To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the

Answer Key

1. open

2. are eating

3. takes

4. won’t watch

5. will come

6. visiting

7. starts

8. are studying

9. I am going to play


Part 1. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. Students carefully read the statement and accord-
ing to the main verb, they choose either the infinitive or gerund. To check, read the statement and students
complete the sentences with their option.

Answer Key

1. to come

1. to get

3. talking

4. being

5. to join

6. eating

7. mind being

8. playing)

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence. Students read
the statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the

mistake. To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. Gloria decided to go to the beach with her friends.

2. My parents agreed to let me go to the club alone.

3. Sarah enjoys playing the guitar and the piano

4. Wilson practices playing chess because he is going to a championship

5. Dennis arranges to sleep earlier today.

Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the appropriate form: the
gerund or infinitive. Students read the words in the box. Then they read the passage. They have to com-
plete it with the appropriate form of the verb in the box. To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the

Answer Key

1. to help

2. to visit

3. paying

4. seeing

5. climbing

6. to go/to see

7. to go/to see

8. waiting

9. visiting


Part 1. Write the question and the negative sentence. Students are provided with an affirmative state-
ment. They have to write the question and the negative answer. To check, ask for volunteers to write
them on the board.

Answer Key

1. She hasn’t lived in London since she was eight.

Has she lived in London since she was eight?

2. We haven’t read the novel three times.

Have we read the novel three times?

3. I haven’t worked hard this month.

Have I/you worked hard this month?

4. My mother hasn’t lost her car keys.

Has my/your mother lost her car keys?

5. My father hasn’t travel to Europe three times.

Has my/your father travel to Europe three times?

Part 2. Complete with the suitable signal word. Students read the statements and fill in the blanks with a
signal word (yet, just, already, since, for). To check, read the statement and stop at the blanks. Students say
the correct answer as a group.

Answer Key

1. already

2. yet

3. already

4. since

5. for

Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the present perfect. Stu-
dents read the verbs in the box and then the statements. They have to fill in the blanks with a verb from
the box in the present perfect tense. To check, read the statement and stop at the blanks. Students say
their answer as a group. Use the board if necessary.

Answer Key

1. have had

2. hasn’t found

3. has told

4. have got

5. has washed

6. haven’t brought

7. have woke

8. have arrived

9. have visited


Part 1. Write the question and the negative sentence. Students are provided with an affirmative state-
ment. They have to write the question and the negative answer. To check, ask for volunteers to write
them on the board.

Answer Key

1. She wasn’t working in the office at five o’clock.

Was she working in the office at five o’clock?

2. We weren’t reading a book.

Were we/you reading a book?

3. I wasn’t looking for her.

Was I/you looking for her?

4. My mother wasn’t having dinner with my dad at nine o’clock.

Was my/your mother having dinner with my/your dad at nine o’clock?

5. Jane and Gabriel weren’t studying maths.

Were Jane and Gabriel studying maths?

Part 2. Write the verb in brackets in past continuous. Students read the statements and write the verb in
brackets in past continuous. To check, ask for volunteers to write the answers on the board.

Answer Key

1. was taking

2. was studying

3. were playing

4. was jogging

5. was listening

6. were finishing

Part 3. Choose the correct answer. Students have two options to choose the correct word from to com-
plete the statement. They underline the correct one. To check, read the statement and students read the
word that corresponds to their answer.

Answer Key

1. (b) was doing

2. (b) were helping

3. (a) bought

4. (b) were playing

5. (a) was washing


Part 1. Underline the correct verb in brackets. Students have two options to choose the correct word to
complete the statement. They underline the correct one. To check, read the statement and students read
the word that corresponds to their answer.

Answer Key

1. (b) were sleeping

2. (a) fixed

3. (b) haven’t bought

4. (b) have been

5. (a) went

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence. Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the
mistake. To check, ask for volunteers to write it on the board.

Answer Key

1. Last night I called Mary.

2. I haven’t finished the homework yet.

3. They have travelled to Morocco three times this year.

4. I met him two years ago.

5. I haven’t seen her for three months.

Part 3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Write the verb in the appropriate verb
tense: the present perfect or past tense. Students read the words in the box. Then they read the sen-
tences. They have to complete with the appropriate form of one of the verbs in the brackets. To check, ask
for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. Have you finished

2. have lived

3. didn’t play

4. ate

5. has drank

6. arrived

7. saw

8. started

9. have never been


Part 1. Underline the correct relative pronoun. Students have three options to choose the correct pro-
noun from to complete the statement. They underline the correct one. To check, read the statement and
students read the word that corresponds to their answer.

Answer Key

1. (a) who

2. (b) which

3. (a) who

4. (b) when

5. (c) where

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence. Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the
mistake. To check, ask for volunteers to write it on the board.

Answer Key

1. It was midnight when I heard a strange sound.

2. The student whose parents came this morning is a bully.

3. London is the city that I would like to live in.

4. That is the dog that I love the most. It is my best friend.

5. She is the actress who has won three Oscars.

Part 3. Complete the sentences using the appropriate relative pronoun. Students read each statement
and fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative pronouns. To check, read the sentence and stop at the
blanks. Students have to read the missing words as a group. Use the board if necessary.

Answer Key

1. whose

2. where

3. when

4. which/that

5. when

6. where

7. who

8. whose

9. which/that


Part 1. Write the plural form of the following words. Students complete the table by writing the plural
form of each word. To check, draw the chart and ask for volunteers to complete it.

Answer Key

a girl – two girls

a tomato – three tomatoes

a knife – four knives

a sheep – five sheep

a class – four classes

a tooth – three teeth

a fox – two foxes

a man – six men

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence. Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the
mistake. To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. My sister took three driving lessons.

2. She has two combs and three brushes.

3. If you go to the supermarket, buy two apples, three potatoes and a melon.

4. She cut the apple into two halves.

5. Old McDonald has a cow, two pigs and five sheep.

Part 3. Match the collective noun with the appropriate noun and write a sentence. Students read the
words in the column on the left and the column on the right. They write the number of the corresponding
word in the brackets. Then they write a sentence for each collective noun and noun.

Answer Key

(answers vary)

A flock of birds

A bunch of flowers

A gang of thieves

A team of players

A litter of puppies

A pair of shoes


Part 1. Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets: the positive, comparative or superlative.
Students read the statement and write the correct form of the adjective in the space provided. To check,
read aloud and stop at the blanks. Students read the answers a group. Use the board and markers if nec-

Answer Key

1. older

2. longest

3. prettier

4. new

5. the fastest

6. easier

7. the worst

8. better

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence. Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the
mistake. To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. He is the fattest boy in the class.

2. Mary is smarter than Peter.

3. My car is faster than yours.

4. The watch is very expensive.

5. The whale is the heaviest animal in the world.

Part 3. Complete the sentences using either too or enough. Students read the statements and complete
them with too or enough, according to the context. To check, read aloud and stop at the blanks. Students
say the missing word as a group. Use the board if necessary.

Answer Key

1. too

2. enough

3. enough

4. enough

5. too

6. too

7. enough

8. too

9. too


Part 1. Underline the correct verb in brackets. Students have four options to choose the correct word to
complete the statement. They underline the correct one. To check, read the statement and students read
the word that corresponds to their answer.

Answer Key

1. (a)Someone

2. (b)anywhere

3. (d) everywhere

4. (a) nothing

5. (d) Everybody

Part 2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the correct sentence. Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the
mistake. To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. I haven’t seen anybody in the parking lot.

2. My car is nowhere.

3. Do you have anything?

4. How do you feel today? Do you feel anything unusual?

5. I haven’t done anything to solve the problem/I have done nothing to solve the problem.

Part 3. Organise the words to make a sentence. Students organise the scrambled words to build up sen-
tences. To check, ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. My grandfather gave me his big, antique golden watch.

2. Sarah bought a brown leather bag.

3. His aunt Wilma inherited an expensive French chair.

4. Betty has a new red cotton shirt.

5. I love her delicious hot coffee.

6. My father bought an old red sports car.


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You feel very sick and decide to go to the doctor (4


Doctor: How are you feel today?

You: _________________________________________
Doctor: What are your symptoms?
You: _________________________________________
Doctor: How long have you been feeling unwell?
You: _________________________________________
Doctor: Is anyone else in your family feeling ill at the moment?
You: _________________________________________

2. Write the verb in brackets in the correct tense. (5 marks)

1. If you heat ice, it (melt) ___________________.

2. If Annie is late again, her boss (fire) ___________________ her.
3. If you don’t hurry, you(miss) ___________________ the train.
4. Oil (float) ___________________ if you pour it on water.
5. If Mark (wash) ___________________ the car, my dad will give him $5.

3. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences. (5 marks)
1. Iron will get red when it gets very hot.
2. If we will get home late, my dad will be angry.
3. If I will have time, I will call you.
4. You will get purple if you mix red and blue.
5. If you won’t put on your coat, you may catch a cold.


4. Circle the odd one out in each line. (2 marks)

1. my granny windy belly
2. dry stay try fry
3. sixty pony fly jelly
4. honey sky type dry

5. Complete the conditional sentence with your own ideas. (4 marks)

1. If I have time ____________________________________________________________________

2. Sarah will go to London if ______________________________________________________
3. If it rains, I _______________________________________________________________________
4. You will miss the bus ___________________________________________________________

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box. (5 marks)

wound ambulance tweezers infection cast

My brother Tom had a car accident. The ____________________ took him to the hospital. When he ar-
rived there, the doctor had to use ____________________ for picking up very small pieces of glass from
his body. Then he put a ____________________ on my brother’s broken leg. The ____________________ was
not serious, but the doctor cleaned the area to avoid an ____________________.
7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks):
- Important medical supplies for camping.
- A day you went to a hospital.


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking about a camping trip and weather con-
ditions (4 marks).

Alfred: Do you think we’ll be able to go camping tomorrow?

You: _________________________________________
Alfred: What is the weather forecast saying at the moment?
You: _________________________________________
Alfred: I hope it is just like last trip we did.
You: _________________________________________
Alfred: What are the perfect camping conditions for you?
You: _________________________________________

2. Underline the correct verb to complete the sentence. (5 marks)

1. I __________________ Susy at the airport tomorrow

(a)meet (b) will meet (c) am meeting (d) am going to meet
2. The train __________________ in an hour.
(a)departs (b) will depart (c) is departing (d) is going to depart
3. I __________________ you with the science project.
(a) help (b) will help (c) am helping (d) am going to help

4. They __________________ a maths course this summer.
(a) study (b)will study (c) are studying (d)are going to study
5. I hope he __________________ with us.
(a)comes (b) will come (c) is coming (d) is going to come

3. Write a sentence in the future tense with the words provided. You can use the simple future,
present tense, present continuous or be going to. (5 marks)
1. (I/dine/mum/Saturday evening) ___________________________________________________________
2. (I/have/English class/next Tuesday at eight o’clock)
3. (people/live in Mars/next century)
4. (I/stay at home/next weekend)
5. (plane/take off/ at eleven o’clock)

4. Circle the odd one out in each line. (2 marks)

1. kites blights nights causes

2. watches
plays tries learns
3. boxes roaches kisses balls
4. tips ribs maps seats

5. Write the verb in brackets in the correct verb tense. (4 marks)

1. In the future, people (have) __________________ to work.

2. I (pick) __________________ up my father at the airport this evening.
3. We (watch) __________________ a film this weekend.

4. The match (start) __________________ at three o’clock.

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box. (5 marks)

rainbow pouring unpredictable foggy suddenly

It was a sunny day in the morning, but __________________, it started to rain heavily. It was
__________________. Besides, it was so __________________ that I could not see the car in front of me.
Sometimes the weather is __________________. However, at the end of the day, I could see the
7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks):
- The weather in your country.
- Your favourite season.


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to your grandma about baking a cake (4

Grandma: Do you want to make a cake?
You: _________________________________________
Grandma: What do you think we need for a cake?
You: _________________________________________
Grandma: Very good. We also need lemons. What do you do with the lemons?
You: _________________________________________
Grandma: Excellent. The mixture is ready. What do we do now?
You: _________________________________________

2. Underline the correct verb to complete the sentence. (5 marks)

1. Sheila decided __________________ medicine.

(a)to study (b) studying
2. I want __________________ a new smartphone.
(a)to buy (b) buying
3. She avoids __________________ in crowded places.
(a) to be (b) being
4. They suggested __________________ the day with their friend.
(a) to spend (b)spending
5. I hope __________________ good marks in the English examination.
(a)to get (b) getting

3. Correct the mistake in the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences. (5 marks)

1. They finish to read the long novel.
2. Sarah arranged visiting her uncle next week.
3. My boss offered paying better salaries.

4. He kept to work at the same bank.
5. Would you mind to come with us?
4. Circle the odd one out in each line. (2 marks)

1. spike soup spam spend

2. style stand stuck sock
3. slide slim sledge stand
4. spot stem spout spell

5. Write the verb in brackets in either the gerund or infinitive. (4 marks)

1. She enjoys (cook) __________________ Thai food.

2. Phil intends (play) __________________ a football match next Friday.
3. Avoid (come) __________________ late.
4. I agreed (meet) __________________ at the restaurant.

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks)

peeler pan knife grater whisk

Preparing a Spanish omelette is easy. Mix eggs with a __________________. Remove the skin of the
potatoes with a __________________ and chop it with a __________________. Fried the potatoes in a
__________________ and mix them with the eggs. Then cook the mixture in a pan. When the omelette
is ready, put cheese on top with a __________________.

7. Write a paragraph about your favourite recipe (5 marks).



Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to a friend about your hobbies (4

Patrick: What is your hobby?

You: _________________________________________
Patrick: Do you need any tool or equipment?
You: _________________________________________
Patrick: How often do you do your hobby?
You: _________________________________________
Patrick: Is there anyone in your family who has the same hobby?
You: _________________________________________

2. Write the question and the negative statement or the following sentences. (5 marks)

1. I have gone to the theatre.


2. Elsa has read a long book.
3. Martha and Peter have finished the lesson
4. My mum has lost her wallet.
5. Tommy has worked for a bank for years.

3. Write the present perfect of the verb in brackets (5 marks).

1. She (put) __________________________ the book on the table.
2. They (go) __________________________ to the beach three times this month.
3. We (listen) __________________________ to the radio for hours.
4. Marcia (write) __________________________ a report about the Congo river.
5. Lucy (cook) __________________________ a special meal.
4. Circle the odd one on each line. (2 marks)

1. group gas grey green

2. brass gross bronze breeze
3. shrimp tree trace trick
4. fridge frost frame far

5. Complete with a suitable signal word (4 marks).

1. I have _______________ seen her before. This is the first time I see that girl.
2. We have _______________________ cleaned the house
3. She has lived there _______________________ six months.
4. Have you _______________________ talked to him before?
5. She has lived there _______________________ she was a little kid.
6. I have _______________________ done my homework.
7. He hasn’t eaten his meal _______________________.
8. We have talked to them about the problem ______________________ three weeks.

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks).

Sand paper carpentry screw drill nail

I like __________________ . I inherited this ability from my grandfather. I share his work-
shop and I have learned how to use some tools. For example, __________________is necessary to
open holes in the wood faster. Then I introduce a __________________ inside the hole and I use a
__________________ to put different parts together. To make the wood look nicer, it is important to
use __________________ to polish the wood.

7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks):

Importance of tools.
My hobby.


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to your grandmother about travelling
before and now (4 marks).

Grandma: I remember the first time I travelled by plane.

You: _________________________________________
Grandma: The plane is different now. We did not have screen to watch movies on
You: _________________________________________?
Grandma: No, we didn’t have it.
You: _________________________________________?
Grandma: Yes, we have air hosts and hostesses.
You: _________________________________________

2. Write the question and the negative statement of the following sentences. (5 marks)
1. I was reading a book at three o’clock.
2. Karen was waiting for the bus at the station.
3. Louis and Bark were cleaning their house yesterday morning.
4. My father was watching a movie.

5. We were working on the project.

3. Write the past continuous of the verb in brackets (5 marks)

1. She (put) __________________________ the book on the table.
2. They (go) __________________________ to the beach three times this month.
3. We (listen) __________________________ to the radio for hours.
4. Marcia (write) __________________________ a report about the Congo river.
5. Lucy (cook) __________________________ a special meal.
4. Circle the odd one on each line. (2 marks)

1. clap
club glue close
2. glass glow glue blue
3. flight clock fly fleet
4. silk slide slope slim

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (4 marks).

1. We _________________ television at six o’clock yesterday.

(a) watched (b) were watching
2. She _________________ her homework when her father arrived.
(a) did (b) was doing
3. Gillian _________________ to London last year.
(a) travelled (b) was travelling
4. While my mom _________________ I studied English
(a) slept (b) was sleeping


6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks).

overhead locker headset boarding pass passport takes off

When I am going to travel by plane I need a __________________ to enter to another country. I

also need a __________________ to get on a plane. I usually have suitcase with me inside the plane. I
store it in the __________________ above my seat. I sit down on my seat and fasten my seatbelt when
the plane __________________. On the plane, they give us a __________________ to listen to media.

7. Write a paragraph about a travel experience (by air, land or sea) (5 marks):

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to a friend about a crime you have seen
(4 marks).

Albert: Have you ever seen a crime or accident?

You: _________________________________________

Albert: Where was it?
You: _________________________________________
Albert: What did you do?
You: _________________________________________
Albert: How did people help in the incident?
You: _________________________________________

2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Then rewrite them. (5 marks)
1. Sally already gone to her job.
2. Have you gone to Linda’s party last year?
3. They moved three times this year.
4. We didn’t received the invitations, yet.
5. The chemistry class has started two hours ago.

3. Write the past simple or present perfect of the verb in brackets (5 marks)
1. She (meet) __________________________ him last year.
2. We (no, seen) __________________________ her since 2016.
3. They (buy) __________________________ a new dress last month.
4. I (no, eat) __________________________ breakfast yet. I am very hungry.
5. When I was a child, I (live) __________________________ in Tokyo.

4. Circle the odd one out in each line. (2 marks)

1. street store strange roll

2. spray squirrel scramble scratch
3. freeze fresh friend grease
4. special screw scroll scream

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (4 marks).

1. We _________________ in Texas for three months.

(a) lived (b) have lived
2. She _________________ a new dress last month.
(a)bought (b) has bought
3. Emily _________________ piano when she was young.
(a) studied (b) has studied
4. They _________________ the report yet.
(a) didn’t finish (b) haven’t finished

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks).

informants surveillance tactics prevent undercover

The police have many __________________________ to know what happened in the neighborhood
and __________________________ crimes. They have a network of __________________________ who are in-
volved with criminal activities. They also have __________________________ police officers and internet
__________________________ to know what happened on the street.

7. Write a paragraph about a crime you have seen in real life, movie or have read about (5



Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to your friend about a bully classmate
(4 marks).

Albert: Have you seen what Alfred did yesterday?

You: Yes, he _________________________________________
Albert: Why did he do that?
You: __________________________________________________
Albert: I don’t like him.
You: __________________________________________________
Albert: What does he do when teachers tell him off?
You: __________________________________________________

2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Then rewrite them. (5 marks)
1. I know the boy what lost the key.
2. Do you like the car whose Peter bought?
3. September is the month where the school year starts.

4. We didn’t receive the invitations what Sarah sent
5. Chemistry is the class where I like the most.

3. Write the appropriate relative pronoun (5 marks)

1. Sally is the girl __________________________ parents worked in Sri Lanka.
2. We have seen the boy __________________________ lived in Russia.
3. They have bought a book __________________________ is a bestseller.
4. That is the house __________________________ I grew up.
5. November is the month __________________________ I was born.

4. Circle the odd one out in each line. (2 marks)

1. glad bold bald mold

2. mask cask rest task
3. dentist mask wrist nest
4. skate desk mask tusk

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (4 marks).

1. That is the teacher _________________ told Phil off.

(a)who (b)whose (c) where (d) which
2. This is the girl _________________ book you are reading.
(a)who (b)whose (c) where (d) which
3. That is the pen _________________ my parents gave me.
(a)who (b)whose (c) where (d) which
4. This is the mall _________________ I bought my computer.

(a)who (b)whose (c) where (d) which

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks)

selfish cheerful brave generous sociable

Tina is very __________________________ because she likes being with people. She is my best
friend. She is always volunteering and she is very __________________________, always helping the poor.
She is not __________________________. I think she is very __________________________ because she is not
afraid of dangerous situations when she is volunteering. I really admire her. She is always smiling
and seems __________________________

7. Write a paragraph describing a person you love or admire (5 marks).

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to your teacher about animals (4

Albert: What is your favourite animal?

You: _________________________________________________
Albert: Is that a bird or a mammal?
You: __________________________________________________
Albert: What is the difference between a mammal and a bird?
You: __________________________________________________
Albert: Do mammals have feathers?
You: __________________________________________________

2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Then rewrite them. (5 marks)
1. My aunt has many pets. She has two dog, four cats and three fish.
2. If you go to the supermarket, by four potatos and five apples.
3. Those womans have their childrens playing in the sandbox.
4. He lost two tooth in the accident.
5. We have to look for a cat because there are many mouses at home.

3. Write the plural form of the following nouns. (5 marks)

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Kite Brush
Goose Day
Leaf Ostrich
Man Sheep
Foot Aircraft

4. Circle the odd one out in each line. (2 marks)

1. tent pit built dreamt
2. lamps pumps gulps tanks
3. plump lamp storm jump
4. plant plan rent tent

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (4 marks).

1. We were having a picnic when ______________ of ants attacked us.

(a) a clock (b) an army (c) a litter (d) a pride
2. I bought a _________________ of flowers for my mum.
(a)bunch (b) forest (c) pack (d) hive
3. A _________________ of spectators sang the song with the singer.
(a)gang (b) crowd (c) team (d) herd
4. Lisa has a _________________ of puppies at home.
(a)pack (b) flock (c) herd (d) litter

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks).

lay fins wings tails gills

Fish have __________________________ to help them move in the water. They also have
__________________________ as birds. Fish breathe in water using __________________________. Fish
__________________________ eggs, just as birds, but they do not have __________________________.

7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks)

Describe your pet.
Describe your favourite animal.



Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Answer these questions about yourself (4 marks).

1. Do you have a big family?
2. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
3. Has anyone of your family moved out?
4. Would you like to move out when you become older?

2. Circle the appropriate adjective to complete the statement (5 marks).

1. This is _________________ car in the market.
(a) fast (b) faster than (c) the fastest
2. She is an _________________ girl.
(a) intelligent (b) more intelligent then (c) the most intelligent
3. The road to the beach is _________________ the road to the countryside.
(a)narrow (b) narrower than (c) the narrowest

4. This book is _________________ the other one.
(a)expensive (b) less expensive than (c) the least expensive
5. That is _________________ box I received on my birthday.
(a)big (b) bigger than (c) the biggest

3. Write the adjective in brackets in the correct form (5 marks).

1. Lyn is the (pretty) _________________ girl at the club.
2. The problem is (simple) _________________ than expected.
3. This tie is (cheap) _________________ than the blue one.
4. That is the (complicated) _________________ problem.
5. Lisa is (tall) _________________ than Betty.

4. Circle the words that have a hard c and underline the words that have a soft c(2 marks)

cause cease silence cry

class juice cross pencil
rice corn comb cereal
captain scissors cost care
5. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets as in the example. (4 marks).

Allan is very young. He can’t drive (too)

Allan is too young to drive.

1. The day is hot. We can’t go out (too).
2. Billy is strong. Billy can move the chest of drawers (enough).
3. The bag is expensive. I can’t buy it (too).

4. The ladder is long. We can reach the last branch of the tree (enough).

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks).

uncle wedding bride bridegroom widower

Last week I went to a __________________________. My cousin was the _________________ and the
_________________ was Gina, my best friend. My _________________ was very happy. He has been very
sad since his wife died. When he became a _________________ he was depressed for long time, but
now he feels better.

7. Write a paragraph about a member of your family that you admire the most. (5 marks)

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: _________________ Date: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ /30 marks


1. Answer these questions about yourself (4 marks).

1. What do you do in your free time?


2. What sports do you like?
3. Would you like to take part in competitions?
4. How can an athlete keep being good at sport?

2. Circle the appropriate indefinite pronoun to complete the sentence (5 marks).

1. I don’t eat _________________ .
(a) anything (b) something (c) nothing (d) everything
2. I bought _________________ I needed from the market.
(a) anything (b) something (c) nothing (d) everything 3. I
looked _________________ for my keys.
(a)anywhere (b) somewhere (c) nowhere (d) everywhere
4. I have _________________ to tell you.
(a) anything (b) something (c) nothing (d) everything 5.
_________________ went to the party. The house was alone.
(a) Anybody (b) Somebody (c) Nobody (d) Everybody

3. Correct the underlined mistakes in the following sentences (5 marks)

1. I didn’t talk to nobody about the problem.
2. Do you have everything to tell me?
3. I don’t have somebody to talk about it.
4. Something is knocking at the door. I think it is Victor.
5. No one didn’t do the homework. The teacher was angry.


4. Circle the words that have a hard g and underline the words that have a soft g (2 marks).

goat gas goal ginger

Gina ground Egypt legible
gossip game gum magic
rigid giraffe
alligator guard

5. Organise the words to make a sentence (4 marks).

1. My – is – woman – aunt – lovely – a – old

2. bought – Priscilla – dress – a – silk - long
3. faithful – black – dog – That – a – old – is
4. This – antique – expensive – book – is - an

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks).

pool course court tracks pitch

Near home there is a park with lots of sports facilities. It has a tennis __________________________.
There is also __________________________ for cyclist and a big swimming __________________________. A
__________________________ for football is also there too and a __________________________ for golf will
open soon.

7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics. (5 marks)

A sporting event.

My favourite sport.

Unit Test Instructions and Answer Key


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You feel very sick and decided to go to the doctor (4 marks).
Students complete the dialogue with their own ideas using a logical sequence in the conversation.

Answer key

(answers vary)

2. Write the verb in brackets in the correct tense (5 marks). Students read the statements and write the
verbs in the appropriate form.

Answer Key

1. melts

2. will fire

3. will miss

4. floats

5. washes

3. Correct the mistake in the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences (5 marks). Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the

Answer Key

1. Irons turn red when they get very hot.

2. If we get home late, my dad will be angry.

3. If have time, I will call you.

4. You get purple if you mix red and blue.

5. If you don’t put on your coat, you may catch a cold.

4. Circle the odd one out in each line (2 marks). Students are provided with a list of words and they have
to circle the only word in each line that does not have the same pronunciation.

Answer Key

1. my(X) – granny – windy – belly

2. dry – stay(X) – try – fry

3. sixty – pony – fly(X) - jelly

4. honey(X) – sky – type – dry

5. Complete the conditional sentence with your own ideas (4 marks). Students complete the sentences
using their own vocabulary and ideas.

Answer Key

(Answers vary)

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key






7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks). Students choose one of the two top-
ics to write a composition about following the strategies applied in class.


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking about a camping trip and weather con-
ditions (4 marks). Students complete the dialogue with their own ideas using a logical sequence on the

Answer Key

(Answers vary)

2. Underline the correct verb to complete the sentence. (5 marks) Students read the statement careful-
ly. Then they have to choose one of the options provided that completes the statement properly.

Answer key

1. (c) am meeting

2. (a)

3. (b) will help

4. (d)are going to study

5. (b) will come

3. Write a sentence in the future tense with the words provided. You can use the simple future, pres-
ent tense, present continuous or be going to. (5 marks) Students use the words provided to build up
sentences using any of the future tenses.

Answer Key

1. I am dining with mum next/on Saturday evening.

2. I have English class next Tuesday at eight o’clock.

3. People will live in Mars next century.

4. I am going to stay at home next weekend.

5. The plane take off at eleven o’clock

4. Circle the odd one out in each line. (2 marks) Students are provided with a list of words and they have
to circle the only word in each line that does not have the same pronunciation.

Answer Key

1. kites – brights – nights – causes(X)

2. watches(X) – plays – tries – learns

3. boxes – roaches – kisses – balls(X)

4. tips – ribs (X) – maps – seats

5. Write the verb in brackets in the correct verb tense (4 marks). Students read the statements and
write the verbs in the appropriate form.

Answer Key

1. will have

2. am picking

3. are going to watch

4. starts

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks using the words in the box.

Answer Key






7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks). Students choose one of the two top-
ics to write a composition about following the strategies applied in class.

Answer Key

(answer varies)


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to your grandma about baking a cake (4
marks). Students complete the dialogue with their own ideas using a logical sequence for the conversa-

Answer Key

(answers vary)

2. Underline the correct verb to complete the sentence. (5 marks) Students read the statement careful-
ly. Then they have to choose one of the options provided that completes the statement properly.

Answer Key

1. (a)to study

2. (a)to buy

3. (b) being

4. (b)spending

5. (a)to get

3. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences (5 marks). Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the

Answer Key

1. They finished reading the long novel.

2. Sarah arranged to visit her uncle next.

3. My boss offered to pay better salaries.

4. He kept working at the same bank.

5. Would you mind coming with us?

4. Circle the odd one out in each line (2 marks). Students are provided with a list of words and they have
to circle the only word in each line that does not have the same pronunciation.

Answer Key

1. spike – soup(X) – spam – spend

2. style – stand – stuck – sock

3. slide – slim – sledge – stand

4. spot – stem – spout – spell

5. Write the verb in brackets in either the gerund or the infinitive (4 marks). Students correct the verb
in brackets using the gerund or infinitive, depending on the main verb.

1. cooking

2. to play

3. coming

4. to meet

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key






7. Write a paragraph about your favourite recipe (5 marks). Students choose one of the two topics to
write a composition following the strategies applied in class.

Answer Key

(Answer varies)


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to a friend about your hobbies (4 marks).
Students complete the dialogue with their own ideas using a logical sequence in the conversation.

Answer Key

(answers vary)

2. Write the question and the negative statement or the following sentences (5 marks). Students are
provided with an affirmative statement. They have to write the question and the negative answer. To
check, ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. I haven’t gone to the theatre.

Have you gone to the theatre?

2. Elsa hasn’t read a long book.

Has Elsa read a long book?

3. Martha and Peter haven’t finished the lesson.

Have Martha and Peter finished the lesson?

4. My mum hasn’t lost her wallet.

Has my mom lost her wallet?

5. Tommy hasn’t worked for a bank for years.

Has Tommy worked for a bank for years?

3. Write the present perfect of the verb in brackets (5 marks). Students write the verb provided in
brackets into the present perfect.

1. has put

2. have gone

3. have listened

4. has written

5. has cooked

4. Circle the odd one out. Students are provided with a list of words and they have to circle the only word
in each line that does not have the same pronunciation.

Answer Key

1. group - gas(X) – grey – green

2. brass - gross(X) – bronze – breeze

3. shrimp(X) – tree - trace - trick

4. fridge – frost – frame - far(X)

5. Complete with a suitable signal word (4 marks). Students read the statements and complete them
with the appropriate signal word.

1. never

2. just/already

3. for

4. ever

5. since

6. already/just

7. yet

8. for

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks) Students read the words in the box. Then
they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key





sand paper

7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks). Students choose one of the two top-
ics to write a composition about following the strategies applied in class.

Answer Key

(Answer varies)


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to your grandmother about travelling be-
fore and now (4 marks). Students complete the dialogue with their own ideas using a logical sequence in
the conversation.

Answer Key

(answers vary)

2. Write the question and the negative statement of the following sentences (5 marks). Students are
provided with an affirmative statement. They have to write the question and the negative answer. To
check, ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

1. I wasn’t reading a book at three o’clock.

Were you/Was I reading a book at three o’ clock?

2. Karen wasn’t waiting for the bus at the station.

Was Karen waiting for the bus at the station?

3. Louis and Bark weren’t cleaning their house yesterday morning.

Were Louis and Bark cleaning their house yesterday morning?

4. My father wasn’t watching a movie.

Was my father watching a movie?

5. We weren’t working on the project.

Were we/you working on the project?

3. Write the past continuous of the verb in brackets (5 marks). Students read the statement and write
the verb in brackets in the past continuous.

1. was putting

2. were going

3. were listening

4. was writing

5. was cooking

4. Circle the odd one on each line (2 marks). Students are provided with a list of words and they have to
circle the only word in each line that does not have the same pronunciation.

Answer Key

1. clap – club – glue (X) – close

2. glass – glow – glue – blue (X)

3. flight – clock (X) – fly – fleet

4. silk(X) – slide – slope – slim

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (4 marks). Students read the statements carefully.
Then they have to choose one of the options provided to complete the statement properly.

Answer Key

1. (b) were watching

2. (b) was doing

3. (a) travelled

4. (b) was sleeping

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key


boarding pass

overhead locker

takes off


7. Write a paragraph about a travel experience (by air, land or sea) (5 marks). Students write a com-
position following the strategies applied in class.

Answer Key

(Answer varies)


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to a friend about a crime you have seen (4
marks). Students complete the dialogue with their own ideas using a logical sequence in the conversa-

Answer Key

(answers vary)

2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Then rewrite them (5 marks). Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the

Answer Key

1. Sally has already gone to her job.

2. Did you go to Linda’s party last year?

3. They have moved three times this year.

4. We haven’t received the invitations, yet.

5. The chemistry class started two hours ago.

3. Write the past simple or present perfect of the verb in brackets (5 marks). Students read the state-
ments carefully and write either the present perfect or simple past according to the context.

Answer Key

1. met

2. haven’t, seen

3. bought

4. haven’t, eat

5. lived

4. Circle the odd one out in each line (2 marks). Students are provided with a list of words and they have
to circle the only word in each line that does not have the same pronunciation.

Answer Key

1. street – store – strange – roll (X)

2. spray – squirrel (X) – scramble – scratch

3. freeze – fresh – friend – grease (X)

4. special(X) – screw – scroll – scream

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (4 marks). Students read the statement carefully.
Then they have to choose one of the options provided that complete the statement properly.

Answer Key

1. (a) lived

2. (a) bought

3. (a) studied

4. (b) have finished

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key






7. Write a paragraph about a crime you have seen in real life, movie or have read about (5 marks).
Students write a composition following the strategies applied in class.

Answer Key

(Answer varies)


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to your friend about a bully classmate (4

marks). Students complete the dialogue with their own ideas using a logical sequence in the conversa-

Answer Key

(answers vary)

2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Then rewrite them. (5 marks) Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the

Answer Key

1. I know the boy who lost the key.

2. Do you like the car which/that Peter bought?

3. September is the month when the school year starts.

4. We didn’t receive the invitations that Sarah sent.

5. Chemistry is the class that I like the most.

3. Write the appropriate relative pronoun (5 marks). Students read the statements carefully and fill in
the blank with the appropriate relative pronoun.

1. whose

2. who

3. which/that

4. where

5. when

4. Circle the odd one out in each line (2 marks). Students are provided with a list of words and they have
to circle the only word in each line that does not have the same pronunciation.

Answer Key

1. glad (X) – bold – bald – mold

2. mask – cask – rest (X) – task

3. dentist – mask (X) – wrist – nest

4. skate (X) – desk – mask – tusk

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (4 marks). Students read the statement carefully.
Then they have to choose one of the options provided that complete the statement properly.

Answer Key

1. (a)who

2. (b)whose

3. (d) which

4. (c) where

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key






7. Write a paragraph describing a person you love or admire (5 marks). Students choose one of the
two topics to write a composition following the strategies applied in class.

Answer Key

(Answer varies)


1. Complete the dialogue with your ideas. You are talking to your teacher about animals (4 marks).
Students complete the dialogue with their own ideas using a logical sequence in the conversation.

Answer Key

(answers vary)

2. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Then rewrite them (5 marks). Students read the
statements provided and find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the

Answer Key

1. My aunt has many pets. She has two dogs, four cats and three fish.

2. If you go to the supermarket, buy four potatoes and five apples.

3. Those women have their children playing in the sandbox.

4. He lost two teeth in the accident.

5. We have to look for a cat because there are many mice at home.

3. Write the plural form of the following nouns (5 marks). Students write the plural form of the adjec-

kite - kites

goose – geese

leaf – leaves

man – men

foot – feet

brush – brushes

day – days

ostrich – ostriches

sheep – sheep

aircraft – aircraft

4. Circle the odd one out in each line (2 marks). Students are provided with a list of words and they have
to circle the only word in each line that does not have the same pronunciation.

Answer Key

1. tent – pit (X) – built – dreamt

2. lamps – pumps – gulps – tanks

3. plump – lamp – storm (X) – jump

4. plant – plan – rent – tent

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (4 marks). Students read the statement carefully.
Then they have to choose one of the options provided that completes the statement properly.

Answer Key

1. (b) an army

2. (a)bunch

3. (b) crowd

4. (d) litter


6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key






7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks). Students write a composition follow-
ing the strategies applied in class.

Answer Key

(Answers vary)


1. Answer these questions about yourself (4 marks). Students read the questions and answer with ei-
ther their personal experience or imaginary experience.

Answer Key

(Answers vary)

2. Circle the appropriate adjective to complete the statement (5 marks). Students read the statement
carefully. Then they have to choose one of the options provided that completes the statement properly.

Answer Key

1. (c) the fastest

2. (a) intelligent

3. (b) narrower than

4. (b) less expensive than

5. (c) the biggest

3. Write the adjective in brackets in the correct form (5 marks). Students read the statements and de-
cide whether the adjective is positive, comparative or superlative.

Answer Key

1. prettiest

2. simpler

3. cheaper

4. most/least complicated

5. taller

4. Circle the words that have a hard c and underline the words that have a soft c (2 marks). Students
read the words provided and circle the words with a hard c, like cat, and underline the soft c, like Caesar.

Answer key

(cause) – cease – silence – (cry)

(class) - juice - (cross) - pencil

rice – (corn) – (comb) - cereal

(captain) – scissors – (cost) – (care)

5. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets as in the example. (4 marks). Students
are going to rewrite the sentences using the connector providing but without changing the meaning, as in
the example provided.

Answer Key

1. The day is too hot to go out.

2. Billy is strong enough to move the chest of drawers.

3. The bag is too expensive to buy it.

4. The ladder is long enough to reach the last branch of the tree.

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage. They have to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key






7. Write a paragraph about a member of your family that you admire the most. (5 marks) Students
write a composition following the strategies applied in class.

Answer Key

(Answer varies)


1. Answer these questions about yourself (4 marks). Students read the questions and answer with ei-
ther their personal experience or imaginary experience.

Answer Key

(Answers vary)

2. Circle the appropriate indefinite pronoun to complete the sentence (5 marks). Students read the
statements carefully. Then they have to choose one of the options provided that completes the statement

Answer Key

1. (a) anything

2. (d) everything

3. (d) everywhere

4. (b) something/(c) nothing

5. (c) Nobody

3. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences (5 marks). Students read the statements provided and
find the mistake in each sentence. Then they rewrite the sentence without the mistake.

Answer Key

1. I didn’t talk to anybody about the problem /I talk to nobody about the problem.

2. Do you have anything to tell me?

3. I don’t have anybody to talk to about it.

4. Somebody/Someone is knocking at the door. I think it is Victor.

5. No one did the homework. The teacher was angry.

4. Circle the words that have a hard g and underline the words that have a soft g (2 marks). Students
read the words carefully and circle the words with a soft g, as in gym, and underline the words with a soft

g, as in goat.

Answer Key

goat – gas – goal – (ginger)

(Gina) – ground – (Egypt) – (legible)

Gossip – game – gum – (magic)

(rigid) – (giraffe) – alligator - guard

5. Organise the word to make a sentence. (4 marks). Students observe the scrambled words and organ-
ise them into a sentence.

Answer Key

1. My aunt is a lovely old woman.

2. Priscilla bought a long silk dress.

3. That is a faithful black old dog.

4. This is and expensive antique book.

6. Complete the passage using the words in the box (5 marks). Students read the words in the box.
Then they read the passage and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Answer Key






7. Write a paragraph about one of the following topics (5 marks). Students are provided with an af-
firmative statement. They have to write the question and the negative answer. To check, ask for volun-
teers to write them on the board.

Answer Key

(Answers vary)

Grammar Reference

Unit 1
A conditional sentence is a sentence with two clauses: the main clause and an ‘if’ clause. Whilst
there are several types, we will only focus on two.

Zero Conditional
The zero conditional is used to talk about something that is always true. Scientific facts are often en-
veloped in the zero conditional. Both the below sentences in the zero conditional are in the present

Oil floats if you pour it on water.

If water is at 100 degrees, it evaporates.

Carefully observe the punctuation marks. The zero conditional uses if or when and must be followed
by the simple present or the imperative.

If you freeze water, it becomes a solid.

If you want to come, call me before 5:00pm.

When you mix red and blue, you get purple.

It is important to remember that this condition only applies to things which are always true.

Conditional Type 1
We use the first conditional to talk about something which will probably happen in the future. Type 1
refers to the future. An action in the future will only happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time
and we think it is likely to happen.

The structure is:

If + Present Simple, will/can/may + inf.

For example:

If she is ready, she will be waiting for us.

If I have time tomorrow, I will phone you.

We often use such sentences to give warning. In Type 1 conditional sentences, you can also use
modals in the main clause instead of the future tense to express the degree of certainty, permission,
or a recommendation about the outcome.

If you drop that glass, it may break.

I can finish that letter if I have time.

Unit 2
Future Tense
There are several ways in English that you can talk about the future. Here are the most important

Auxiliary verb ‘will’

The auxiliary verb will has three possible uses:

1. Making predictions or simple statements of fact about the future.

The sun will rise at 6.30am tomorrow.

She will be 15 next week.

2. Associating ‘want’ to something.

I hope you will be on time next time.

3. Offers and promises.

I will call you later.

We use will after “hope/ expect / think / I’m sure”.

I hope you will come to my party.

I think he will help us.

To ask a question with will, just move the auxiliary before the subject:

He will help you.

Will he help you?

For negative answers use will not or won’t.

I won’t/will not go to Mexico.

For short responses, it is used as below:

Yes, I will.

No, I won’t.

Be going to
We use (be) going to:

1. To talk about plans and intentions:

I’m going to walk to school today.

They are going to study French in the summer.

2. When we can see that something is likely to happen:

Look at those black clouds. I think it’s going to rain.

To form questions with be going to, interchange position between the subject and verb to be:

She is going to work at the bank.

Is she going to work at the bank?

For negative answers use isn’t/is not, aren’t/are not or am not.

She isn’t going to visit them.

The aren’t/are not going to Sri Lanka.

I’m not going to solve the problem.

For short answers use:

Yes, she is.

Yes, they are.

Yes, I am.

No, he isn’t/is not

No, they aren’t/are not.

No, I am not.

Present Continuous
The present continuous tense is used when talking about arrangements. (An arrangement is a plan
for the future that you have already thought about and discussed with someone else.)

I’m meeting my mother at the airport tomorrow.

To form questions in present continuous, interchange position between the subject and verb to be:

She is seeing the dentist next Friday.

Is she seeing the dentist next Friday?

For negative answers use isn’t/is not, aren’t/are not or am not.

She isn’t meeting them.

The aren’t/are not coming next Wednesday.

I’m not talking to the doctor this week.

For short answers use:

Yes, she is.

Yes, they are.

Yes, I am.

No, he isn’t/is not

No, they aren’t/are not.

No, I am not.

Present simple
The present simple tense is usually used to refer to future events that are scheduled (and outside of
our control).

Hurry up! The train departs in 10 minutes.

School finishes in June.

Use do or does to make questions (does is for third person singular):

Do you study English?

Does she speak French?

Where do you study?

What does he do for a living?

To express negative statements, add not. Use do not (don’t) and does not (doesn’t):

I don’t work at a bank. (I do not work at a bank.)

He doesn’t like milk. (He does not like milk.)

Unit 3
Gerund and Infinitive

The gerund is a noun formed by adding an ing to the end of the verb. We can use it as subject or ob-

Baking bread is not difficult.

My hobby is baking desserts.

There are certain rules for forming gerunds with the verbs and their –ing form.

Case Example
Most verbs: add -ing Listening

Verbs ending in an e: Live – living

Delete e and add –ing Write – writing

Verbs ending in Plan – planning
consonant + vowel +
consonant: double the Swim – swim-
final consonant and ming
add –ing
But to not double the Know – knowing
consonant in verbs
ending in w, x or y Enjoy – enjoying

Mix - mixing

Gerund can be used in the following cases:

1. Gerunds can be the subject of a sentence:

Racing cars is his hobby.

2. Gerunds can be an object of a verb:

My hobby is racing cars.

3. Gerunds can be the object after a preposition:

I will call you before leaving.

4. Gerunds are used after the following verbs: avoid, deny, dislike, enjoy, practise, imagine, finish,
keep, go, mind and come:

They avoid talking about the project.

I don’t mind helping you.


An infinitive is a verb form with to, and the base form of the verb:

I want to go to the movies.

I would like to buy a car.

There are some verbs that go with the infinitive, such as afford, decide, deserve, want, hope, learn,
mean, offer, promise, pretend, refuse, agree, seem, plan and arrange:

He agrees to play a match with me.

She hopes to get the full mark.

Note. Some verbs are followed by “to + inf.” or an “ing” form with no difference in meaning: continue,
start, begin, intend, hate, like and love. For example:

I intend to play a match next Friday.

= I intend on playing a match next Friday.

She continued studying her lessons till midnight.

= She continued to study her lessons till midnight.

Unit 4
Present perfect
We form present perfect using the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb
(see verb list):

We have worked at the bank since 2014.

She has been to Chicago twice this year.

We use the present perfect for:

1. Actions which were started in the past and still continue in the present:

They have lived in China all their lives.

2. Experiences:

This has been the best day of my life.

3. Actions which have recently finished, and their results are visible in the present:

I have finished breakfast

4. Actions which happened at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned be-
cause it is not important:

I have lost my keys.

5. Repeated actions in the past that continue in the present:

I have played the piano since I was 5 years old.

Questions and Negatives

To write the question, move the verb have before the subject:

Have you ever been to Chicago?

Has he studied English for years?

Where have you been?

For short answers, use the verb have:

Yes, I have

Yes, he has

For negative answers, use verb have and not, or the contractions haven’t or hasn’t:

No, I have not

No I haven’t

No, he has not

No he hasn’t

Time expressions
Here are some words or expressions that are used with the present perfect:

Already – normally in positive sentences.

Yet – normally in questions or negative sentences.

Ever- normally in both positive and negative sentences.

Never – negative meaning.

For – over a period of time.

Since – from a starting point in the past.

Recently – normally in positive sentences.

So far – normally in positive statements.

For example:

I have just finished my homework.

He has never travelled by plane.

We have been friends since High School.

Unit 5
Past Continuous
The past continuous is formed from the past tense of be (was and were) with the -ing form of the

He was working at the office.

They were playing football in the park.

We use the past continuous:

1. To talk about something that continued before and after another action:

The children were doing their homework when I got home.

As (while) I was watching television, the telephone rang.

2. To show that something continued for some time and for something that was happening again and

I was reading a new story at 6 o’clock yesterday.

They were always quarrelling.

3. To express changes in the past:

The town was growing quickly.

My English was improving while I studied that course.

The baby was growing up so quickly.

The past continuous is also often used together with the past simple to express what was happening
when something important occurred:

I was watching TV when my father came back home.

The past continuous is normally used with words, such as: when, while, as, just as, during:

The light went out while/as she was reading a book.

To form questions, as in the present continuous, move the verb to the beginning of the sentence, be-
fore the subject.

Was she working until late when you arrived?

Were they reading the magazine at 5 o’clock yesterday?

What were they doing while I worked on the project?

Where were you studying?

Unit 6
Present perfect vs Past simple

We use the past simple for past events or actions which have no connection to the present.

We use the present perfect for actions which started in the past and are still happening now, or for
finished actions which have a connection to the present:

I have seen three movies this week – The present perfect is used when the time period has
not finished. (This week has not finished yet.)

I saw three movies last week. – The simple past is used when the time period has already fin-
ished. (Last week has finished.)

We use not after have/has when we change the present perfect into a negative:

I have not seen my aunt for two weeks.

She has not watched TV since September.

We use did not followed by the infinitive when we change the past simple into negative:

I did not study my lessons yesterday.

Unit 7
Relative Clauses
A relative pronoun is one which is used to refer to nouns mentioned previously, whether they are peo-
ple, places, things, animals or ideas. Relative pronouns can be used to join two sentences together.
The relative pronoun we use depends on what we are referring to and the type of relative clause. The
relative pronouns are:


We use who for people:

She is the girl who is new at school.

Nell, the girl who is wearing the black shirt, is my best friend.


We use that especially for things, but in informal speaking that can be used instead of who:

This tree is the one that he planted

She is the girl that is new at school. (informal)


We use which for things which are the only one(s).

This tree is the one which he planted.

The dog which has the bone is mine.


Use whose instead of possessive adjectives his, her, my, their, our, your, its:

That is the writer whose books are famous.

Tracy, whose mother has a bookstore, has the best grades at school.


Use where to refer to places:

This is where I live.

London, the city where I spent my childhood, is a very polluted place.


Use when to refer to time:

January is when we start classes.

Is there a time when we can talk?


Use why when talking about reasons:

That is why he is a good student.

His behaviour is the reason why I don’t like to be near him.

Unit 8

Singular and plural nouns
Most singular nouns can be made plural by simply adding “s” to the singular form:

year – years

disease – diseases

These are the general rules for plural form:

Noun Rule Example

Most nouns -s Pencil – pencils

Book - books
Words end- -es inch - inches
ing in ch, x,
ss, o, zz fox – foxes

Words end- Change f wolf – wolves
ing in f to ves
life - lives
Words end- Change Baby – babies
ing in conso- y to ies
nant + y (but toy – toys)

Some words have irregular plurals and change the complete form, such as:

child – children

man – men

woman – women

mouse – mice

goose – geese

tooth – teeth

foot – feet

Other nouns do not change, such as:

fish – fish

deer – deer

series – series

species – species

Collective nouns is the name we give to a group of nouns to refer to them as one entity and they
take either a singular or a plural verb, for example: family, team, group, audience, class, government,
and crew.

My family is big.

My family are on holiday.

Some are more commonly used, such as collective nouns for humans, animals and objects.

1. Common Collective Nouns Used for Things:

An army of ants

A flock of birds

A flock of sheep

A herd of deer

A hive of bees

A litter of puppies

A pack of wolves

A school of fish

A team of horses

A pride of lions

2. Common Collective Nouns Used for Things:

A bunch of flowers

A fleet of ships

A forest of trees

A galaxy of stars

A pack of cards

A pair of shoes

A range of mountains

3. Common Collective Nouns Used for People:

A class of students

An army of soldiers

A crew of sailors

A team of players

A crowd of people/spectators

A gang of thieves

Unit 9
Comparatives and Superlatives
There are three forms of adjective comparison:

1. Positive: describes one noun. For example: The tall boy.

2. Comparative: compares two nouns. For example: He is older than me.

3. Superlative: compares a noun with more than two. For example: He is the fastest in class.


Use comparatives to describe people and objects. Comparatives establish a comparison between two
people or things, or two different stages of the same people or thing.

We bought a bigger house.

Tod is taller than Carl.

She is getting older.

There are certain rules for comparisons:

1. Add er to monosyllabic adjectives followed by than:

My ruler is longer than yours.

2. Add more/less before adjectives of two syllables or more, and than after them:

Our car is more expensive than theirs.

Their car is less expensive than ours.


The superlative is used to express the highest degree in a group.

1. Add -est to monosyllabic adjectives and the before them.

Penny has the longest hair in class.

2. Add the most/least before adjectives of two syllables or more:

Their car is the most expensive one in our area, while ours is the least expensive one.

3. Comparatives and superlatives can be expressed using “as ……. as” in the negative and affirmative:

Sarah is not as beautiful as Carmen.

(= Carmen is more beautiful than Sarah.)

No boy is as intelligent as Toby in our class.

(= Toby is the most intelligent boy in our class.).

Short adjectives rules

Particle Case Example

Add –er Adjectives Older
or –est ending in
consonants The fastest

Add –r Adjectives Later

or –st ending in –e
The ripest
Add Adjectives Dirtier
–ier or ending in y,
–iest and substi- The driest
tute final y.
Double Adjectives Big
conso- ending in
nant consonant Bigger
vowel conso- Sad
The saddest

There are some irregular adjectives that suffer more changes.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
good better The best
well better The best
bad worse The worst
far Farther/ The farthest

further The furthest

Old (peo- elder Eldest
ple in a
little less The least
much more The most

Too – Enough
Too and enough indicate degree. They are used with adjectives. Enough comes after adjectives and
before nouns, and too comes before adjectives..

Too means more than what is needed.

Enough means sufficient.

He isn’t old enough to watch this programme.

I have not got enough money to buy a mobile phone.

It’s too hot to wear that coat.

Unit 10
Indefinite Pronouns
Use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things you do not know exactly. The indefinite pronouns
end in –thing (to refer to objects), –body or –one (to refer to people):

Everybody likes your cookies.

I finished everything I had to do.

No one heard her cries.

The indefinite pronouns are:

anybody anyone anything

somebody someone something
everybody everyone everything
nobody no one nothng

We use a singular verb after an indefinite pronoun:

Everybody loves Sally.

Everything was ready for the party.

When we refer back to an indefinite pronoun we normally use a plural pronoun:

Everybody enjoyed the match. They stood up and clapped.

Adjective word order

When there is more than one adjective before a noun, we often add in a comma (,) after each one,
except the last one:

She has a new, brown, silk dress

Adjectives must follow a certain order (*) :

(1) size, (2) general description, (3) age, (4) shape, (5) colour, (6) origin, (7) material, and (8) pur-

He carries two small, black, plastic bags.

He wears an old, white, cotton shirt.


determiner/ opinion/ size age shape colour origin material noun

that beautiful big old green car
four new red wool dress
my exotic long Indian cotton skirt

He has got that beautiful, big, old green car.

She bought four, new, red wool dress.

My exotic, long, Indian cotton skirt was expensive.



1. Complete the conversation between the doctor and his patient. Students read the statements and
complete them with their own ideas. To check, read a role a volunteer reads what he wrote.

Answer key

(Answers vary)

2. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read the statements and write the verbs in the appropriate
form. To check, read the statement and students answer as a group. Write the words on the board if nec-

Answer key

will go

will come


don’t eat

will get


will practise


3. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. Use conditional type 0 and type 1. Students read the
statements and write the verbs in the appropriate form. To check, read the statement and students an-
swer as a group. Write the words on the board if necessary.

Answer key

will go – do

don’t study – will get

mix – get

gets – touches

don’t fly – cut

will go – has

wash – finish

4. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Students read the statements and complete them with
one of the verbs in the box in the appropriate verb tense according to the context. To check, read the first

part of the statement and students as a group say their answer.

Answer key

(answers vary)

5. Fill in the blanks with will or be going to with the verb in brackets. Students read the statements
and write the verbs in the appropriate form. To check, read the statement and students answer as a
group. Write the words on the board if necessary.

Answer key

is going to rain

will help

am going to travel

will have

won’t need – will have

am going to visit

6. Choose the correct answer. Students read the sentences and choose the appropriate word in brackets.
To check, read the statement provided and let students complete with their answers.

Answer key

Are you going to travel

will be


aren’t going to have




7. Make sentences using will, present continuous or present simple. Use the information to write the
sentence. Students are provided with a situation and they have to write a expression in the future using
the correct tense (simple future, present continuous or present simple. To check, ask for volunteers to
write their answers on the board.

Answer key

(answers vary)

8. Organise these words in the right column according to the pronunciation. Students categorise the
sounds according to the heading on each table. To check, sraw the table on the board and ask for volun-
teers to complete it.

Answer key


i/: fry, why. by. deny , dry

Short /i/: suddenly, boy, stay, key, toy

9. Observe the words having s sound at the end of the words. Circle those with /s/, underline /is/
and cross out the words with /z/. Students read the words carefully and circle, underline or cross out
according to the sound and the instructions provided. To check, read the words aloud and get students
classifying the type of sound.

Answer key

(puts) - (looks) - buzzes - (cops)

(rests) - swims - matches - describes

Watches -fishes - listens - (let’s)

rounds - flies - has - leaves

(rats) - (caps) - comes - (takes)

10. Rewrite the following sentences using periods, commas and question marks. Students add the
missing punctuation marks on each sentence. To check, discuss as a group and ask for a volunteer on the
board to write down the answer.

Answer key

If I am better, I will go to school tomorrow.

I will finish this homework when my mother arrives

When you mix red and white, you get pink.

If you pour oil on water, it floats.

The oil floats when you pour it in water.

11. Join the following sentences using the word in brackets. Students read the sentence carefully and
rewrite the sentences using the connector provided and making the necessary transformation. To check,
volunteers go to the board and write their answers.

Answer key

We are going to study English and math.

I study hard when I have a test.

A fish dies if it is taken out of water.

I arrived late because I overslept.

I ate a litre of ice cream so I have a stomach ache.

UNIT 3-4

1. Complete the conversation between Ted and his mom. Students read the statements and complete
them with their own ideas. To check, read a role a volunteer reads what he wrote.

Answer key

(Answers vary)

2. Correct the verb in brackets using gerund or infinitive. Students read the statements and write the
verbs in the appropriate form. To check, read the statement and students answer as a group. Write the
words on the board if necessary.

Answer key

to talk

to visit

to raise

to listen



to eat

to go


3. Underline the correct answer. Some exercises may have boh answers. Students read the sentences
and choose the appropriate word in brackets. To check, read the statement provided and let students
complete with their answers.

Answer key


visiting/to visit

to be

going/to go


4. Building up sentences using the words in parentheses. Complete with your own ideas. Students
read the words provided and write an answer about it. To check, as for volunteers to write their answers.

Answer key

(answers vary)

5. Write the verb in parentheses into present perfect. Students fill in the blanks using present perfect.
To check, read the statement provided and students say the missing word.

Answer key

have gone

have played

has baked

has cleaned

has lost

have taken

has bought

have seen

6. Write the affirmative sentence, the question and the negative sentence with words in brackets, us-
ing present perfect. Any additional information if needed. Students read carefully the words provided
and write a statement, a negative and a question mark. To check, students read aloud and some of them
write their sentences on the board.

Answer key

They have gone to Paris

Have they gone to Paris

They haven’t gone to Paris

He has studied for the examination

Has he studied for the examination?

He hasn’t studied for the examination.

My father has worked this weekend.

Has your father worked this weekend?

My father hasn’t worked this weekend

I have seen her since our childhood.

Have you seen her since our childhood?

I haven’t seen her since our childhood.

We have finished the painting

Have we finished the painting?

We haven’t finished the painting.

7. Circle the odd one out. Students read the words provided and circle the one which does not belong to
the group. To check, read the statement once and students identify the odd one out.

Answer key

space – special - (star) - spouse

snail - (step) – sneeze - snake

(splash) – stomach – stood - stand

sweet – sweep - (stop) - Swiss

spin – sport – spam - (splash)

small – smell - (sneeze) - smelt

8. Read and practise the following pairs. Students read carefully these sentences and repeat after you.

9. Write a recipe using these connectors. When giving a recipe or describing a process, you have to
use linking words as: first, second, third, then, after that, next. When introducing the last idea of the
process, you may use finally. Students write an instructional recipe, following the guidelines provided.
To check, correct students’ paragraph individually

Answer key

(answers vary)

UNIT 5 – 6

1. Complete the conversation between Tim and John. Students read the statements and complete them
with their own ideas. To check, read a role a volunteer reads what he wrote.

Answer key

(Answers vary)

6. Write a sentence, a question, and the negative sentence using words in brackets. Use past contin-
uous. Students read carefully the words provided and write a statement, a negative and a question mark.
To check, students read aloud and some of them write their sentences on the board.

Answer key

She was studying at 4 o’clock.

Was she studying at 4 o’clock?

She wasn’t studying at 4 o’clock.

They were playing tennis at 5 o’clock.

Were they playing tennis at 5 o’clock?

They weren’t playing tennis at 5 o’clock.

She was cooking dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday.

Was she cooking dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday?

She wasn’t cooking dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday.

They were cleaning the house Saturday morning.

Were they cleaning the house Saturday morning?

They weren’t cleaning the house Saturday morning.

3. Correct the verb in brackets. Students read the statements and write the verbs in the appropriate
form. To check, read the statement and students answer as a group. Write the words on the board if nec-

Answer key

did you do – arrived


was studying – was doing


were watching

was walking – hit

was clearing the table – was doing

4. Underline the correct answer. Students read the sentences and choose the appropriate word in brack-
ets. To check, read the statement provided and let students complete with their answers.

Answer key

wasn’t cooking

was doing

did’t go

were eating

was taking

were playing

5. Write the negative sentence and the interrogative. Students read carefully the words provided and
write a negative statement and a question mark. To check, students read aloud and some of them write
their sentences on the board.

Answer key

My mother hasn’t gone to the market twice a week.

Has your mother gone to the market twice a week?

We haven’t practiced taekwondo since primary school.

Have we practiced taekwondo since primary school?

He hasn’t bought a new car

Has he bought a new car?

The class hasn’t started an hour ago.

Has the class started an hour ago?

You haven’t finished your homework on time.

Have you finished your homework on time?

6. Correct the verb in brackets. Use Past Simple or the Present Perfect. . Students read the statements
and write the verbs in the appropriate form. To check, read the statement and students answer as a
group. Write the words on the board if necessary.

Answer key


hasn’t done

have slept

have never been

has baked

7. Circle the odd one out. Students read the four words provided and circle the one that does not belong
to the group. To check, read each line at least twice and discuss with students their ansers.

Answer key

claim – clap - clean -(corpse)

blend – bless - (boast)- blink

double – trouble - problem - (blessing)

fly - (rifle)- floral - flannel

(gamma) - glossary glimpse - glamour

8. Read and practise the following pairs. Students read carefully these sentences and repeat after you.

9. Change the linking words and join the sentences, using before and after. Write two sentences. Stu-
dents rewrite the sentences using the connector provided. The new sentence should express the same
meaning as the couple of sounds provided. To check, ask for volunteers.

Answer key

We study math before we go to school

We go to school after we study math

My father took his umbrella before we went out

We went out after my father took his umbrella

Mix the flour, mild and sugar before stir the ingredients.

Stir the ingredients after mix the flour, milk and sugar.

UNIT 7 – 8

1. Complete the conversation between John and the teacher. Students read the statements and com-
plete them with their own ideas. To check, read a role a volunteer reads what he wrote.

Answer key

(Answers vary)

2. Underline the correct answer. Students read the sentences and choose the appropriate word in brack-
ets. To check, read the statement provided and let students complete with their answers.

Answer key







3. Change the linking words and join the sentences, using before and after. Write two sentences.
Students rewrite the sentences using the connector provided. The new sentence should express the same
meaning as the couple of sounds provided. To check, ask for volunteers.

Answer key

Mary was watching a movie when her father arrived.

Peter has a new car which he bought last week.

I ate the salad that was on the fridge.

We miss Jennifer, who moved to New Zealand.

I know the old man whose trousers are black.

4. Write plural of the verb on the left in the right column. The first one is done for you. Students read
the adjectives provided and complete the chart.

goose – geese (irregular)

student – students (-s)

sheep – sheep (no change)

knife – knives (irregular)

potato – potatoes (-es)

watch – watches (-es)

fish – fish (no change)

baby – babies (-es)

box – boxes (-es)

5. Rewrite the following sentences using plural form with the words in brackets. Students read the
statement rewrite them using the plural form of the nouns. To correct, ask for volunteers.

Answer key

Dolphins are not fish.

I have many pets, three mice, two cats and five geese

My family has a farm with chicken, hen, sheep and deer.

There are three foxes playing in the cage.

6. Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentence. Underline the correct answer. Students
read the sentences and choose the appropriate word in brackets. To check, read the statement provided
and let students complete with their answers.

Answer key

an my

a school

a flock

a bunch

a gang

7. Circle the odd one out. Students read the four words provided and circle the one that does not belong
to the group. To check, read each line at least twice and discuss with students their answers.

Answer key

Working – flying - darling (Merlin)

Bought - (thumb) - brought caught

Sand - (mad) - brand - land

Lamb - (track) – lamp - ramp

Doubt – debt - (nest) - misdoubt

Sink - (clean) - link - blink

9. Join the two sentences using the words in parentheses. Students rewrite the sentences using the
connector provided. The new sentence should express the same meaning as the couple of sounds provid-
ed. To check, ask for volunteers.

Answer key

He leaves his home early as he has an appointment with the dentist.

I finish my homework as long as I want to play football with my friends.

I have to visit my uncle because I haven’t seen him since last month.

The dog’s master left him alone so the dog is barking too loud.

10. Choose the adequate linking word to the following sentences. Students read the sentences and
choose the appropriate word in brackets. To check, read the statement provided and let students com-
plete with their answers.

Answer key





UNIT 9 – 10

1. Complete the conversation between John and the teacher. Students read the statements and com-
plete them with their own ideas. To check, read a role a volunteer reads what he wrote.

Answer key

(Answers vary)

2. Complete the chart below. Students complete the chart and write the comparative and superlative. To
check there are two possible option: draw the chart on the box and ask for volunteers or doing orally.

Answer key

faster – the fastest

smaller – the smallest

sillier – the silliest

more frustrating – the most frustrating

better – the best

lesser – the least

bigger – the biggest

more intelligent – the most intelligent

happier – the happiest

worse – the worst

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective in brackets: positive, comparative or
superlative. Students write the appropriate form of the adjective. To check there are two options: write
the chart on the board and some volunteers complete it; or do it orally as a whole group.

Answer key

the smartest

the most expensive

the most valuable

the worst





4. Complete with too or enough. Students read the statements carefully and complete each one using too
or enough. To check, read the first part of the statements and students say the answers as a group.

Answer key








5. Underline the correct answer. Students read the sentences and choose the appropriate word in brack-
ets. To check, read the statement provided and let students complete with their answers.

Answer key








6. Organise the following sentences. Students organise the scramble words and build up a sentence. To
check ask for volunteers to write them on the board.

Answer key

She is a smart, slim, blond girl.

I have a compact, old, blue car.

She is wearing a tight, red, cotton dress.

He did his interesting, long homework.

I live in a interesting, small antique town.

7. Circle the odd one out. Students read the four words provided and circle the one that does not belong
to the group. To check, read each line at least twice and discuss with students their answers.

Answer key

goat - galloon - (ginger) - gazelle

(guardian) –gesture – Geneva - giraffe

giant - (girl) - geologist gem

(cage) – gibbon – gorilla - golf

guard - gift - gorilla - (gingerbread)

page - rage - judge - (logo)

game – grass - (general) - gum

guilt - (geology) - guitar - gulf

8. Write the words in the right column. Then read. Students categorise the words according to the
sound, hard c and soft c. To correct, draw a chart on the board and volunteers complete it. Students then
listen and repeat after you.

Answer key

Hard c: combination, colour, cost, colonel, circus

Soft c: circus, rice, cease, Caesar

Write a short paragraph describing one of your classmates. Students read pick a classmate and .9
.write a descriptive paragraph about him/her. To check, read each composition individually


Accident – an event that happens by chance (Unit 6).

Actor – someone who acts in performances (Unit 9).

Adorable – very cute and appealing (Unit 8).

Adult – a fully grown person or animal (Unit 9).

Air hostess - a woman who works inside a plane to look after the passengers (Unit 5).

Aisle – the long empty space that passengers walk down on a plane (Unit 5).

Ambulance – a vehicle that takes people to hospital when they are sick or hurt (Unit 1).

Announcement – a formal public statement (Unit 5).

Anxious – very worried about something (Unit 5).

Appointment – a time you have arranged to meet someone (Unit 1).

Appreciate – to know how well someone or something is (Unit 9).

Aquarium – where water animals are kept (Unit 8).

Argue – to speak angrily to someone, telling that person that you disagree with him (Unit 9).

Arrest – to take someone into custody for committing a crime (Unit 6).

Athletic – strong, healthy, and good at sports (Unit 10).

Axe – a tool used for chopping wood (Unit 4).

Baggage – personal belongings in a suitcase when travelling (Unit 5).

Bandage - you can use it to wrap around the part of your body that is hurt (Unit 1).

Beak – the horny projecting jaw of birds (Unit 8).

Bit (a) – a small amount (Unit 2).

Blanket – a warm bed covering (Unit 5).

Blizzard – a storm with strong wind and snow (Unit 2).

Boarding pass – a pass for boarding a plane (Unit 5).

Book – to arrange to have at a particular time in the future (Unit 1).

Boots – the special trainers worn to play football (Unit 10).

Brace – to prepare for something unpleasant (in a plane, it can mean getting into a certain position to
prepare for impact (Unit 5).

Brave – person who faces danger (Unit 7).

Break into – to force your way into a place (Unit 6).

Break through – to force something that is holding you back (Unit 1).

Breath – inhalation and exhalation of air (Unit 8).

Bride – a woman on the wedding day (Unit 9).

Bridegroom – a man on his wedding day (Unit 9).

Brush – an instrument used for cleaning (Unit 4).

Bully – someone who hurts or frightens someone who is smaller or less (Unit 7).

Burglar – a person who enters into a building illegally to commit a crime (Unit 6).

Captain – the person who is in charge of the plane (Unit 5).

Cardboard – think, hard paper that is used for making boxes (Unit 4).

Carving – the action of cutting a hard material to produce a design or a piece of art (Unit 4).

Carvings – an object cut from a hard material (Unit 4).

Cast - the doctor puts it when there is a broken leg (Unit 1).

Cheeky – impudent, irreverent (Unit 7).

Cheerful – evidently happy (Unit 7).

Chilly – feeling cold (Unit 2).

Chisel – a metal tool with a sharpening end used for carving (Unit 4).

Chop – cut into pieces (Unit 3).

Clammy – unpleasantly wet and sticky (Unit 1).

Claws – curved horny nails of animals (Unit 8).

Climate – the weather conditions of an area (Unit 2).

Cockpit - a compartment for the pilot and the crew in an aircraft (Unit 5).

Comb – a device used for arranging the hair (Unit 4).

Combines – mix/put together (Unit 4).

Common – regularly heard/used (Unit 8).

Compete – to take part in a race or competition.

Competition – an organized event in which people try to win a prize by being the best, fastest, etc.
(Unit 10).

Competitive – wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people (Unit 10).

Conservation – looking after animals and their future.

Cosy – comfortable and warm (Unit 5).

CPR – short for “cardio pulmonary resuscitation”, the process of keeping someone’s breathing and
heart going (Unit 1).

Creativity – the use of original ideas to create something (Unit 4).

Court – an area with lines painted on the ground for tennis, basketball and volleyball.

Cubs – babies of certain animals (lion, foxes, bears, etc.) (Unit 8).

Defend – to resist an attack (Unit 7).

Delicious – smells or tastes extremely good (Unit 3).

Demonstration - explanation (Unit 5).

Depressed – a state of general unhappiness (Unit 7).

Diarrhoea - when you suffer from it, you go to the toilet many times (Unit 1).

Distance – the amount of space between two places (Unit 8).

Drill - a tool with a rotating cutting tip for making holes. (Unit 4).

Drizzling - When light rain is falling (Unit 2).

Drizzle cake – a cake covered with a thin stream of a liquid ingredient (Unit 3).

Drought – a long period when there is no rain and people do not have enough water.

Emergency services – the organization that deal with accidents and urgent problems (Unit 6).

Escape – get free (Unit 6).

Essential – something that you need to have (Unit 1).

Exhausted - tired (Unit 7).

Exotic – from another country (Unit 7).

Famous – well known by the public (Unit 9).

Feathers – structures that cover the body of a bird (Unit 8).

Fever – high body temperature (Unit 1).

Fields – a large area of ground covered with grass were sports are played (Unit 10).

File – a folder to hold papers to find them easily (Unit 4).

Fin – external cover of aquatic animals, especially fish (Unit 8).

Flood – a large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry.

Fly – an insect (Unit 7).

Foggy - When vapour like cloud is close to the ground. (Unit 2).

Footy – Australian football (Unit 9).

Fork – an instrument to pitching and taking up food (Unit 3).

Foreign – from another country (Unit 9).

Freedom – to be able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to (Unit 9).

Freezing – it is so cold that water becomes ice (Unit 2).

Friendly – kind, not hostile (Unit 7).

Frightened – being afraid (Unit 7).

Gang – a group of criminals (Unit 6).

Gate – the place where passengers go to wait to board a plane (Unit 5).

Generous – a person who shows kindness towards others (Unit 7).

Get back into – to start doing or talking about something again (Unit 10).

Gills – the respiratory organs of fish (Unit 8).

Give birth to – produce a baby or young animal from mother’s body (Unit 8).

Gives me the creeps – to cause someone to have uncomfortable feelings of nervousness or fear (Unit

Glamorous – attractive in an exciting and special way (Unit 5).

Goalposts – the markers for a goal area (Unit 10).

Grate – reducing food with a grater (Unit 3).

Grater - a kitchen device with a surface covered with sharping edges used for grating cheese and
other foods (Unit 3).

Gym – a large room with machine which you can use to do exercises (Unit 10).

Hair dryer – an electronic device to dry a person’s hair (Unit 4).

Hand blender – an electric kitchen device that you use to make foods into a smooth texture (Unit 2).

Hammer - a tool with a heavy metal head for jobs such as driving in nails (Unit 4).

Headset – headphones (Unit 5).

Hold up - strong (Unit 6).

Hen – a female farm bird (Unit 8).

Hearty – wholesome and filling (Unit 2).

Hijacked - illegally seize a means of transportation in transit and force it to go to a different destination
(Unit 6).

Hoof – a horny part at the end of the foot of an animal, like horses and donkeys (Unit 8).

Horn – a hard, permanent, pointed outgrowth, often found in pairs on the heads of certain animals, like
cattle and goats (Unit 8).

Hurricane – a storm with very strong winds (Unit 2).


identical – alike (Unit 7).

infected – when bacteria gets into something and can cause illness (Unit 1).

informant – someone who gives information (Unit 6).

ingredient – one of the different components that food is made from (Unit 3).

inherited – to be born with qualities of your parents, grandparents, etc. (Units 4-6).

inspiration – getting ideas for something (Unit 4).

Journalist – someone who works for the news and reports on things (Unit 9).

Jungle – an area of land with lots of trees and animals (Unit 1).

keep our fingers crossed – (Idiom) (Unit 2).

kettle – a kitchen utensil used to make tea (Unit 3).

kidnapped – taken away illegally and by force (Unit 6).

knife – an instrument with a blade used for cutting (Unit 3).

Ladle - a deep-bowled, long-handled spoon used for serving liquids, like soup (Unit 3).

Land – the part of the Earth that is not covered by water / come down from the air (Unit 5).

Lay eggs – to produce eggs (Unit 8).

Life jacket – inflatable jacket to keep a person on the surface of water (Unit 5).

Lighting - a brilliant electric spark in the atmosphere during a storm (Unit 2).

Locked – closed (Unit 6).

Long jump – an athletic competition where a person jumps as far as he/she can (Unit 10).

Mammal – any animal of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body (Unit 8).

Mare – female of a horse (Unit 8).

Marathon – a long distance running competition (Unit 10).

Mean – bad, cruel (Unit 7).

Medical supplies – various things used for treating an injury or illness (Unit 1).

Mild – less cold than expected (Unit 1)

Mix – to combine or blend (Unit 3).

Model – a 3D representation of something (Unit 4).

Move out – to stop living in a particular home (Unit 9).

Mugger – a person who attacks and robs another (Unit 6).

Nail – a slim pointed piece of metal which is hammered to another material (Unit 4).

Nephew – a son of a brother or sister (Unit 9).

Niece – a daughter of a brother or sister (Unit 9).

Nutritious – healthy and full of goodness (Unit 2).

Ocean - sea (Unit 8).

Oh my gosh! – used to express surprise or strength of feeling.

Ointment - If you have a painful skin, you can use it to relieve it. (Unit 1).

Orphan – a person without parents (Unit 9).

Oven – an enclosed compartment for cooking (Unit 3).

Overhead lockers – cupboards above the seats in a plane (Unit 5).

Owl – a nocturnal bird of prey (Unit 4).

Oxygen masks – masks that supply oxygen (Unit 5).

Panic – fear and anxiety (Unit 5).

Patient - A person who feels sick and goes to the doctor. (Unit 1).

Passport – an official document that identifies a person (Unit 5).

Paw – feet of an animal like a cat, a dog or a bear (Unit 8).

Peeler – a kitchen utensil used to remove the skin of vegetable and fruit, like potatoes (Unit 3).

Pensioner – a person who is retired and receives a payment (Unit 9).

Pick on – so criticize, punish, or be unkind to the same person often and unfairly (Unit 7).

Pickpocket – a person who steals from other people’s pocket (Unit 6).

Pill - a medicine to feel better (Unit 1).

Pilot – a person who flies a plane (Unit 5).

Pitch – the place where you play football (normally grass) (Unit 10).

Plaster - when you have a small cut, you can use it to stick to the skin to cover it (Unit 1).

Playing cards – a set of cardboard pieces with printed images to play (Unit 10).

Pliers - pincers with serrated surfaces used for gripping small objects (Unit 4).

Poem – a piece of writing with lots of imagery and sometimes rhyming (Unit 4).

Police officer – policeman or policewoman (Unit 6).

Pool – a place where you can swim (Unit 10).

Pop in – to go into (Unit 3).

Pouring – preparing and serving (Unit 2).

Pranks – practical jokes (Unit 7).

Pudding – a sweet dessert made of flour (Unit 7).

Rainbow – an arch of colours form in the sky through light refraction (Unit 2).

Race - competition (Unit 10).

Rainy – a period of rainfall (Unit 2).

Razor – an instrument with sharp blade used, for example, to shave (Unit 4).

Recipe – a guide for making a meal (Unit 2).

Refreshments – drinks and snacks (Unit 5).

Relaxed – having no tension (Unit 7).

Reliable – able to be trusted/ depended on (Unit 1)

Reporting – given a spoken or written account of something (Unit 9).

Reptile – a vertebrae animal with dry scaly skin, like snakes, alligator, lizards and tortoise (Unit 8).

Right as rain – (Idiom) to feel healthy or well again (Unit 1).

Ring – a special area where boxing is done (Unit 10).

Rink – an area of ground used for playing games like football, cricket or hockey (Unit 10).

Running – the movements of a runner (Unit 10).

Runway – the strip of land that a plane takes off and lands on (Unit 5).

Saw – a tool for cutting wood (Unit 4).

Sandpaper – a paper with abrasive material to smooth the surface or polish (Unit 4).

Saucepan – a deep pan for cooking on the hob (Unit 2).

Scalpel – an instrument for cutting though skin and flesh (Unit 1).

Scared - frightened (Unit 7).

Screen – a flat panel of an electronic device, like the television (Unit 4).

Screw – a short sharp-pointed object that it is introduced into another surface by rotating (Unit 4).

Screwdriver – a tool whose end fits on the head of the screw to rotate it (Unit 4).

Seat – a thing made for sitting (Unit 4).

Seat belt – a strap or belt to secure people to prevent injuries (Unit 4).

Selfish – lacking of consideration to others (Unit 7).

Shoplifter – a person who steals from a shop (Unit 6).

Shy – a reserved person (Unit 7).

Siblings – brothers and sisters (Unit 7).

Single – not married / alone (Unit 9).

Snowman – a model of a person made of snow (Unit 2).

Sociable – friendly, talkative (Unit 7).

Soppy – showing or feelings too much of emotions such as love rather than being practical (Unit 7).

Spoon - an instrument with a small oval end, used to eat with it (Unit 3).

Stadium – Place were football matches are held (Unit 10).

Stake out – to sit and watch somewhere to wait for something to happen (Unit 6).

Statue – a carver or cast piece of art, usually large in size (Unit 4).

Steal – to take something from someone without permission (Unit 6).

Stethoscope - an instrument to use internal noises, such as heartbeat (Unit 1).

Stewardesses – female flight attendants (who work on a plane) (Unit 5).

Stock – flavoursome liquid used as the base for soups and sauces (Unit 2).

Storm – very bad weather with a lot of rain and strong wind (Unit 2).

Strong – having the power to move heavy objects / someone who resists pressure (Unit 7).

Studious – spend a lot of time studying (Unit 7).

Suddenly - quickly and unexpectedly (Unit 1)

Sunny – with sunlight (Unit 2).

Surface – the outer, or top part, or layer of something (Unit 8).

Surfing – riding on a wave in the sea using a special board (Unit 2).

Surveillance – close observation (Watching and searching) of something (Unit 6).

Symptoms – a physical feeling or problem that shows that you have a particular illness (Unit 1).

Syringe - It is used to push liquid or take liquid out of someone’s body (Unit 1).

Tablet - a small coated tablet of medicine. (Unit 1).

Tactics – carefully planned strategies (Unit 6).

Takes off - (Unit 5).

Tail – a prolonged and flexible extension of some animals (Unit 8).

Tannoy - a loudspeaker system to talk to everyone through (Unit 5).

Teen – short form for the word teenager, a person between 13 and 19 years old (Unit 9).

Tell of – to speak angrily to someone (Unit 7).

Tape measure – a flexible tape of metal, with intervals on it, to measure objects (Unit 4).

Temperature – a measure of warmth or coldness (Unit 1).

Thermometer - an instrument to measure the body temperature. (Unit 1).

Thief – a person who steals someone else’s property (Unit 6).

Thunder – the loud noise in the sky that you hear during a storm (Unit 2).

Toddler – a very young child who is learning to walk (Unit 9).

Tornado – a very strong winds that blows in a circle (Unit 2).

Training – teaching a particular skill (Unit 10).

Trowel - a small tool with a flat blade to apply and spread mortar or plaster. (Unit 4).

Track – a piece of ground which cyclists, cars or runners race around (Unit 10).

Trunk – an elephant’s nose (Unit 8).

Tusk – a long sharp tooth (Unit 8).

Tweezers – small instrument to pick up small things (Unit 1).

Undercover – pretending to be someone else to get close to people and events taking place.

Unpredictable –difficult to know what will happen (Unit 1).

Unwell – feeling ill (Unit 9).

Upset – sad, depressed (Unit 9).

Vandals - (Unit 6).

Vandalised – intentionally destroy or damage something (Unit 10).

Village – a community where people live (much smaller than a town, out in the countryside (Unit 10).

Vital – necessary (Unit 3).

Weather forecast – a description of what the weather will be like (Unit 2).

Web – a membrane that connect the toes of certain birds, like ducks and swans (Unit 8).

Wedding – a marriage ceremony (Unit 9).

Whisk – to move suddenly (Unit 3).

Whiskers – long projecting hairs growing from the face of some mammals (Unit 8).

Widow – a woman whose husband has died (Unit 9).

Windy – a period of time with strong winds (Unit 2).

Wings – pair of appendages that allows some animals to fly, especially birds (Unit 8).

Wood – hard material made of the trunk or branches of trees (Unit 4).

Workshop – a room or building where things are repaired or made, with special tools (Unit 4).

Wound – a damaged area of the body, such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh (Unit 2).

Wrap up – comfortable and warm (Unit 5).

Wrench - tool used for holding and turning bolts, pipes, etc. (Unit 4).

X-ray - A picture of what happens inside your body (Unit 1).

Zest – the outer skin of a lemon or orange used to add flavour to food (Unit 3).


Verb Past tense Past Participle

be was/were been
break broke broken
buy bought bought
come came come
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ae eaten
fall fell fallen
feel felt felt
find found found
forget forgot forgotten
get got got/gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
have had had
hold held held
know knew known
keep kept kept
know knew known
learn learned/learnt learn/learnt
leave left left
let let let
lose lost lost
make made made
meet met met

put put put
read read read
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
send sent sent
sit sat sat
spend spent spent
take took taken
tell told told
think thought thought
win won won
write wrote written


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