TCP Congetsion Control

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CSC 458/2209 – Computer Networking Systems

Lecture 8: TCP Congstion Control

Peter Marbach & Sajad Shirali-Shahreza
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
TCP Congestion Control
TCP implements host-based, feedback-based,
window-based congestion control.
TCP sources attempts to determine how much
capacity is available
TCP sends packets, then reacts to observable events

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Idea of TCP Congestion Control
Each source determines the available capacity
… so it knows how many packets to have in transit
Congestion window
Maximum # of unacknowledged bytes to have in transit
Flow control uses receiver window
MaxWindow = min{congestion window, receiver window}
Send at the rate of the slowest component: receiver or
Adapting the congestion window
Decrease upon losing a packet: backing off
Increase upon success: optimistically exploring

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease
How much to increase and decrease?
Increase linearly, decrease multiplicatively
A necessary condition for stability of TCP
Consequences of over-sized window are much worse
than having an under-sized window
 Over-sizedwindow: packets dropped and retransmitted
 Under-sized window: somewhat lower throughput

Multiplicative decrease
On loss of packet, divide congestion window in half
Additive increase
On success for last window of data, increase linearly

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Additive Increase




Actually, TCP uses bytes, not segments to count:

When ACK is received:
 MSS 
cwnd  MSS  
 cwnd 

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Leads to the TCP “Sawtooth”




CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Practical Details
Congestion window
Represented in bytes, not in packets (Why?)
Packets have MSS (Maximum Segment Size) bytes
Increasing the congestion window
Increase by MSS on success for last window of data
In practice, increase a fraction of MSS per received
# packets per window: CWND / MSS
 Increment per ACK: MSS * (MSS / CWND)

Decreasing the congestion window

Never drop congestion window below 1 MSS

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

TCP Sending Rate
What is the sending rate of TCP?
Acknowledgement for sent packet is received after
one RTT
Amount of data sent until ACK is received is the
current window size W
Therefore sending rate is R = W/RTT

Is the TCP sending rate saw tooth shaped as well?

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

TCP Sending Rate and Buffers

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Getting Started

Need to start with a small CWND to avoid overloading the network.


But, could take a long

time to get started! t

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

“Slow Start” Phase
Start with a small congestion window
Initially, CWND is 1 MSS
So, initial sending rate is MSS/RTT
That could be pretty wasteful
Might be much less than the actual bandwidth
Linear increase takes a long time to accelerate
Slow-start phase (really “fast start”)
Sender starts at a slow rate (hence the name)
… but increases the rate exponentially
… until the first loss event

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Slow Start in Action

Double CWND per round-trip time

Increase CWND by 1 for each ACK received

1 2 4 8



CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Slow Start and the TCP Sawtooth

Exponential “slow start” t

Why is it called slow-start? Because TCP originally had

no congestion control mechanism. The source would just
start by sending a whole window’s worth of data.
CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019
Two Kinds of Loss in TCP
Triple duplicate ACK
Packet n is lost, but packets n+1, n+2, etc. arrive
Receiver sends duplicate acknowledgments
… and the sender retransmits packet n quickly
Do a multiplicative decrease and keep going
Packet n is lost and detected via a timeout
E.g., because all packets in flight were lost
After the timeout, blasting away for the entire CWND
… would trigger a very large burst in traffic
So, better to start over with a low CWND

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Repeating Slow Start After Timeout


Slow start in operation until

it reaches half of previous

Slow-start restart: Go back to CWND of 1, but take advantage

of knowing the previous value of CWND.
CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019
Repeating Slow Start After Idle Period
Suppose a TCP connection goes idle for a while
E.g., Telnet session where you don’t type for an hour
Eventually, the network conditions change
Maybe many more flows are traversing the link
E.g., maybe everybody has come back from lunch!
Dangerous to start transmitting at the old rate
Previously-idle TCP sender might blast the network
… causing excessive congestion and packet loss
So, some TCP implementations repeat slow start
Slow-start restart after an idle period

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

Congestion is inevitable
Internet does not reserve resources in advance
TCP actively tries to push the envelope
Congestion can be handled
Additive increase, multiplicative decrease
Slow start, and slow-start restart
Active Queue Management can help
Random Early Detection (RED)
Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)

CSC 458/CSC 2209 – Computer Networks University of Toronto – Fall 2019

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