Proffessional Practice 3 Reviewer

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PROFFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3  Useful when services are difficult to determine

in advance
 Time based fees are typically used for
METHODS OF COMPENSATION  Services which are not well defined
 Pre-design services
Three Main Types  Partial services
 Additional services
 Percentage-based Fee
 Services as an expert witness
 Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
 Specialist expertise or professional
 Time Basis architectural consultancy services
Percentage-based Fee  Hourly rates for Architects will correspond to
the local market, experience and expertise, and
a) Percentage based on Project Construction Cost to other licensed professionals in the region
 Most common world-wide  Hourly rate can utilize fixed rates or fee
 Amount of percentage is related to the size and multiplier. Two types of multiplier.
type of the project  Direct Salary Expenses
 Professional Fee (PF) is determined by  Direct Personnel Expenses – most
multiplying the specified percentage to the common. Includes architect, consultant,
Project Construction Cost (PCC) technical staff, researchers and others in a
 Probable Project Construction Cost project per hour
(PPCC) – estimated  Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses
 Awarded Project Construction Cost  Applicable only to non-creative
(APCC) – bid work/technical services
 Final Project Construction Cost (FPCC) –  Multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 2.5
actual depending on the office setup, overhead
 Flexible an easy to apply. PF adjusts to the and experience of Architect and project
changes complexity.
 Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design  Formula
Services (DAEDS) – most common type of A = Architect’s rate/hour
contract. Structural, Pluming, Sanitary, C = Consultant’s rate/hour
Mechanical and Electrical systems T = technical staff, inspectors and
 Detailed Architectural Design Services other’s rate/hour
(DADS) – separate contract for architectural n = no. of hours
services. Excludes all engineering M = Multiplier (1.5-2.5)
 DADS constitute 60% of PF for DAEDS R = Reimbursement expenses
b) Unit Cost Method
 Based on cost per square meter of the project Direct Cost = An + Cn + Tn
 Computed cost per area may be derived from Fee = Direct Cost x M
historical data Total Cost of Service charged to
 Gross Floor Area (GFA) – contained within Client = Fee + R
the building a) Professional Fee Plus Expenses
 Formula  Frequently used where there is continuing
 GFA PF = Average PCC per sqm x relationship on a series of project
percentage x GFA b) Per Diem, Honorarium plus Reimbursable
 Non GFA PF = 50% of % x Non GFA Expenses
c) Value-based Pricing/Percentage of Gross Rentals  Client may request an Architect to do work
 Based on the outcome of revenue which will require his personal time
c) Salary cost times multiplier, plus direct cost or
Lump Sum or Fixed Fee reimbursable expenses
 Based on the total basic salaries (Direct Salary
 Used when the scope of services required can Expenses) of all Professional Consulting
be clearly and fully defined at the outset of the Architects (PCAs) and their staff multiplied by
project a factor from 3 as a multiplier plus
 Two methods reimbursable expenses to the PSA
 Appropriate percentage of the PPCC  Formula
 Direct development of fixed amount of  Fee = Salary Cost x Multiplier (factor
compensation from 3.0) + Reimbursable Expenses
Time basis  Best suited for projects which costs are
difficult to predetermine or if it is necessary to
 Charged on an agreed hourly (man-hours), undertake experimental/investigative work that
daily (per diem) or per month rate alter the scope of the project
 Cannot be used to compensate services that  Design-Build Services (SPP Doc. 207)
cannot be measured by the length of time spent  Architectural Design Competition (SPP Doc.
on his work 208)
 Another payment by this method is made up of  Professional Architectural Consulting Services
the reimbursable costs which are billed to the (SPP Doc. 209)
client with receipts and other documents
d) Per Diem or Hourly Basis
 Suited to engagements involving intermittent Pre-Design Services (SPP Doc. 201)
personal service. Additional expenses for a) Manner of Providing Services
travel subsistence and other out-of-pocket  Proposal for pre-design services
expenses shall be reimbursed by the client  Scope of Work – Consultation, Pre-
 Suited for consultation services, testimony in Feasibility Studies, Feasibility Studies,
court or other similar work Site Selection and Analysis, Site
 Most architects have standard published Utilization and Land-Use Studies,
schedules of hourly rate for technical and non- Architectural Research, Architectural
technical employees Programming, Space Planning, Space
 Sub-consultant and reimbursable direct Management Studies, Value Management,
expenses are usually billed at invoice cost plus Design Brief Preparation, and Promotional
an agreed service charge for handling Services
e) Retainer  Manner of Payment
 Used when the services of a PCA is expected  Owner’s Responsibilities
at intervals over a period of time  Other Conditions of Services
 Stipulated amount is paid at regular intervals.  Ways Architect can render services
All additional services are paid separately. In  Individual Architect must have special
addition to that. Client have to pay training and knowledge
reimbursable expenses  Architect’s Own Staff
 Common practice for clients who wish to be  By Association, Consultation or
assured of availability of services of an Networking
Architect or firm. b) Method of Compensation
 Used when services do not require full-time  Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense
basis  Professional Fee Plus Expenses
 Varies with the character and value of services  Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
and reputation of consultant  Per Diem, Honorarium Plus Reimbursable
f) Mixed Methods of Compensation Expenses
 It is advisable to use s combination of various  Mixed Methods of Compensation
methods of compensation c) Professional Fee
 Example: Pre-Design and Construction  Based on skill, experience and difficulty of
Services – Multiple of Direct Personnel services
Expense; Regular and Specialized Allied  Architect should request 5% acceptance fee
Design Service – Percentage of PCC based on the agreed PF upon sighing of the
 Clients shall make progress payment within 7
Regular Design Services (SPP Doc. 202)
Major Architectural Services
 Architect acts as the Owner’s/ Client's/
 Pre-Design Services (SPP Doc. 201) Proponent’s Adviser and/or Representative
 Regular Design Services (SPP Doc. 202)  Architectural plan and design of the building
 Specialized Architectural Services (SPP Doc. a) Scope of Services
203)  Project Definition Phase
 deals with specific expertise for further  Schematic Design Phase
enhancement of the architectural interior  Contract Document Phase
and exterior components of a project.  Bidding or Negotiation Phase
 Full-Time Supervision (SPP Doc. 204-A)  Construction Phase
 Necessary when a project becomes more b) Manner of providing Services
complex  DAEDS
 Construction Management (SPP Doc. 204-B)  DADS
 Post-Construction Services (SPP Doc. 205) c) Method of Compensation
 Comprehensive Architectural Services (SPP
Doc. 206)
Percentage (%) of Project Construction Cost Over 50M-100M 3M + 5%
(PCC) Over 100M-200M 5.5M + 4%
 Unit Cost Method based on Project Over 200M-500M 9.5M + 3%
Construction Cost Over 500M-1B 18.5M + 2%
 Professional Fee plus Expenses Over 1B 28.5M + 1%
 Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
 Per Diem. Honorarium Plus Reimbursable PCC RPF for DADS
Expenses ≤50 M 3.6%
 Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses Over 50M-100M 1.8M + 3%
 Mixed Methods of Compensation Over 100M-200M 3.3M + 2.4%
d) Recommended Professional Fee Over 200M-500M 5.7M + 1.8%
 Group 1 Over 500M-1B 11.1M + 1.2%
 Simplest utilization and character Over 1B 17.1M + 0.6%

 Group 3
 Exceptional Character and Complexity


≤50 M 5%
Over 50M-100M 2.5M + 4%
Over 100M-200M 4.5M + 3%
Over 200M-500M 7.5M + 2%
Over 500M-1B 13.5M + 1%
Over 1B 18.5M + 0.5%
≤50 M 7%
PCC RPF for DADS Over 50M-100M 3.5M + 6%
≤50 M 3% Over 100M-200M 6.5M + 5%
Over 50M-100M 1.5M + 2.4% Over 200M-500M 11.5M + 4%
Over 100M-200M 2.7M + 1.8% Over 500M-1B 23.5M + 3%
Over 200M-500M 4.5M + 1.2% Over 1B 38.5M + 2%
Over 500M-1B 8.1M + 0.6%
Over 1B 11.1M + 0.6%
≤50 M 4.2%
 Group 2 Over 50M-100M 2.1M + 3.6%
 Moderate complexity Over 100M-200M 3.9M + 3%
Over 200M-500M 6.9M + 2.4%
Over 500M-1B 14.1M + 1.8%
Over 1B 23.1M + 1.2%
 Group 4
 Residences, small apartment and

DAEDS 10% of PCC
DADS 6% of PCC

 Group 5
 Monumental buildings

DAEDS 12% of PCC
DADS 7.5% of PCC
≤50 M 6%
 Group 6  Payments shall be made on the different phases
 Plan/design are reused for repetitive of the work of the architect
construction  Signing of the Service Agreement
 5% of the agreed PF. PF is based on the
RPF Statement of Probable Project
1st Buillding 100% RPF fpr type of Construction Cost (SPPCC)
 Schematic Design Phase
2nd Buillding 50% RPF fpr type of
 Not more than 15 days after the
submission, payment of 15% of the PF
3rd Buillding 40% RPF fpr type of
building shall be made.
4th Buillding 30% RPF fpr type of  Design Development Phase
building  Not more than 15 days after the
submission, payment of 20% of the PF
shall be made
 Group 7  Contract Document Phase
 Housing project involving several  Not more than 15 days after the
residential units in a single site submission, payment of 50% of the PF
shall be made
No. of Units RPF
DAEDS DADS  Bidding or Negotiation Phase
1 unit 10% of PCC 6% of PCC  Within 15 days after the winning, payment
2-10 units 1-unit Fee + 50% 1-unit Fee + 30% of 90% of the PF shall be made
RPF each RPF each  Construction Phase
additional unit additional unit  5% for Architect’s Liability
11-30 units 10-unit Fee + 10-unit Fee +  5% for the Periodic Construction
40% RPF each 24% RPF each Supervision (PCS)
additional unit additional unit  Upon Completion of the work, the balance
31-50 units 30-unit Fee + 30-unit Fee + of the Architect shall be paid based on the
25% RPF each 50% RPF each Final Project Construction Cost (FPCC)
additional unit additional unit
51+ units 50-unit Fee + 50-unit Fee + 9% Signing of the Service Agreement 5% of PF
15% RPF each RPF each Schematic Design Phase 15% of PF
additional unit additional unit Design Development Phase 20% of PF
Contract Document Phase 50% of PF
Bidding or Negotiation Phase Must be at
 Group 8 90% of PF
 extensive detail such as designs for built- Construction Phase 10% of PF
in components or elements, built-in
equipment, special fittings, screens,
counters, architectural interiors (AI), and Specialized Architectural Services (SPP Doc. 203)
development planning and/or design
 deals with specific expertise for further
enhancement of the architectural interior and
 RPF = 15% of PCC exterior components of a project
 Group 9  make sure that both the building and its
 Alterations, renovations, rehabilitations, physical environment enhance the lives of
retrofit and expansion / additions to people by strictly adhering to national and
existing buildings belonging to Groups 1 international standards with regard to public
to 5 health, safety and welfare.
 150% of the RPF  Consulting Architect (CA)
 Group 10 a) Specialized Architectural Services
 The Architect is engaged to render opinion  Architectural Interior (AI) Services
or give advice, clarifications or  involves the detailed planning and design
explanation on technical matters of the indoor / enclosed areas of any
pertaining to architectural works. proposed building / structure
RPF ≥ P1,000.00
 Acoustic Design Services
 Services as an expert witness
 involves the detailed planning and design
RPF ≥ P5,000.00
to control sound transmission for
 The amount excludes reimbursable
compatibility with the architectural design
expenses. 60% of the amount shall be
charged when location is in excess of
 Architectural Lighting Layout and Design
 involves the detailed planning and design
e) Manner of Payment
of light transmission, timing and control
for compatibility with the architectural  recommends the systematic process of
design concept ensuring that a building/structure’s array
 Site Development Planning (SDP) Services of systems is planned, designed, installed
 the landscaping layout of small building and tested to perform according to the
projects could be done by the Architect as design intent and the building’s
part of the site development planning operational needs
(SDP) effort. However, if the project is  Building Environment Certification
large in scale, the Architect must hire  evaluate the environmental performance
other State-regulated professionals (RLPs) of a building and to encourage market
as qualified Specialist Consultants (SCs) migration towards sustainable design
 Site Physical Planning Services  Forensic Architecture
 Includes master development planning,  undertakes a scientific study on the built
subdivision planning and urban design environment’s well-being, which allows
 Framework (FRDPs) and Conceptual the Architect to focus on the ways in
master development plans (CMDPs) which the building/structure can best
 Preliminary up to Detailed Master maintain itself and prolong its life in a
Development Plan (PMDPs/DMDPs) cost-efficient manner, and finally provide
 Deed of restrictions (DoR), development recommendations to the Owner/ Client
standards and guidelines (DSG)  Building Appraisal
 Comprehensive Development Planning (CDP)  places value on the building/ structure
Services condition and defects, and on its repair
 based on the concept of expanded physical and maintenance, including the required
planning services to include other improvements
activities necessary for the proper  Structural Conceptualization
handling of the numerous components  conceives, chooses and develops the type,
considered in the formulation, disposition, arrangement and
implementation and realization of a proportioning of the structural elements of
Master Development Plan (MDP) an architectural work, giving due
 covers the range of all services from considerations to safety, cost-
primary data gathering through the effectiveness, functionality and aesthetics
formulation of the MDP and the parallel  Preliminary Services
preparation of the environmental impact  must have much more than the basic
assessment/ statement (EIA/S) knowledge of Site Analysis, Space
 heavy emphasis on the non-physical/ non- Planning and Management, Architectural
engineering components of the Programming, and the other services
development plan under SPP Document 201
 Historic and Heritage Conservation and  Contract Documentation and Review Services
Planning  must have much more than the basic
 provides research, assessment, recording, knowledge of Specification Writing,
management, interpretation and Estimation and Quantity Survey,
conservation of historical heritage. Architectural Production, Architectural
 Security Evaluation and Planning Software, Architectural Support Services
 arranges and formulates methods of rating and Contract Document Review
and ascertaining the value of structures or  Post Design Services
facilities which must be fully secured, kept  must have much more than the basic
safe, protected, assured, guaranteed and knowledge of Pre-Construction,
provided sufficient safeguards for the Construction, Post-Construction and the
conduct of any work or activity other services under SPP Documents 204,
 Building System Design 206 and 207
 engages in methods of producing building  Dispute Avoidance and Resolution
components in a highly engineered,  must have much more than the basic
efficient and cost-effective manner, knowledge of the various modes of
particularly for residential and commercial Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
applications prescribed under R.A. No. 9285, the ADR
 Facilities Maintenance Support Act of 2004 and its IRR
 provides the Owner/Client with means and  Architectural Research Methods
measures to ensure the proper function  must have much more than the basic
and maintenance of the building/structure knowledge of Research Methods,
and site after final inspection Philippine Architecture and its History,
 Building Testing and Commissioning Architectural Materials and Finishes,
Building Types and Standards,
Architectural Design Trends, Architectural  Retainer
Writing and Architectural Photography  Per Diem, Honorarium Plus Reimbursable
 Special Building/Facility Planning and Design Expenses
 much more than the basic knowledge of  Mixed Methods of Compensation
the Planning and Design Processes d) Recommended Professional Fee (RPF)
required for Housing Developments,  Architectural Interior (AI), Acoustic Design,
Recreational and Tourism Estates, Health Architectural Lighting Layout and Design and
Care and Hospitality Facilities, Site Development Planning (SDP)
Transportation and Telecommunications  RPF is 10-15% of CoW
Facilities, Production and Extractive  Manner of payment
Facilities, Utility-related Developments,
Secure Facilities, Business and Industrial Submission of Preliminary Design 30% of PF
Parks, Economic Zones and Community Submission of Final Design 50% of PF
Architecture and the like Completion of the project 50% of PF
 Building Components
 must have much more than the basic  Physical Planning for building sites
knowledge of Building Materials and  RPF is P50,000.00 per hectare for
Finishes, Construction Methodologies, the first 5 hectares
Building Envelopes including cladding
and roofing systems, Architectural AREA RPF AMNT
Fenestrations and Architectural Hardware, ≤ 5 hectares P5.00/sqm P250,000.00
Fixtures and Fittings (1ha:10,000sqm)
 Management of Architectural Devices Over 5-10 hectares P4.00/sqm P250,000.00 +
 must have much more than the basic P40,000.00/ha in
knowledge of the Types of Architectural excess of 5 ha
Office Operations, Architectural Office Over 10-50 hectares P3.00/sqm P450,000.00 +
Management, Accounting / Finance / P30,000.00/ha in
excess of 5 ha
Taxation / Audit, Labor Code,
Over 50 hectares P1.50/sqm P1,650,000.00 +
Architectural Marketing and Project
P15,000.00/ha in
Development, Proposals/ Negotiations/ excess of 5 ha
Contracts, Contract Administration, File Additional 20-30% of PF if lot is sloped etc.
Management and Limitations of Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO) and  Manner of Payment
Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)
Operations. Framework Development Plan 30% of RPF
b) Manner of Providing Services (FRDP)
Conceptual Master Development 30% of RPF
 Working in a dual capacity as Architect-of-
Plan (CMDP)
record (AoR) and as a CA for Specialized
Preliminary Master Development 20% of RPF
Architectural Services Plan (PMDP)
 Working as a CA for Specialized Architectural Detailed Master Development Plan 20% of RPF
Services (DMDP)
c) Methods of Compensation  Do not include engineering
 Percentage of Cost of Work (CoW) services and other allied services
 Unit Cost Method based on Cost of Work  Detailed design of the building
(CoW) and landscape elements are also
 CoW includes cost of all fixtures and not included
accessories for architectural interiors,  Other Specialized Architectural Services
acoustics, lighting works, site  All special services that are
development civil works and landscaping classified as additional or extra
works, excludes any Engineering and services shall be compensated
Specialist Consultant (SC) through man-months – 22 man-
 Fee for SC that owner hired shall be days x 8 man-hours x multiplier
directly paid by the Owner or Multiple od Direct Personnel
 Fee of Architect for coordination and Expense Method
relating works of SC to the design concept  Other applicable methods
will be 5% of the SC’s fee 1. Per diem plus
 Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense reimbursable expenses
 Compensation can also be computed 2. Retainer plus
through man-months reimbursable expenses
 Professional Fee plus Expenses
 Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
3. Rate cost times a  No legal responsibility but professional
multiplier plus responsibilities may be stipulated through
reimbursable expense Service Contract or Agreement
i) Qualifications
 B.S. Arch. Degree
Full-time Supervision Services (SPP Doc. 204-A)  Extensive experience and knowledgeable

 Architect-in-charge of construction (Aicc)

responsible and liable for the construction
Construction Management Services (SPP Doc. 204-B)
supervision of the project
 Manageable size – architect assisted by a  effective cost control and faster project
construction inspector, called Clerk-of-Works implementation consistent with high quality of
More complex projects – construction work
supervision group (CSG) do a full-time  Construction Manager (CM)
inspection  Member of the staff of the owner
a) Scope of Services  Independent individual
 Quality Control  Firm hired by the owner
 Evaluation of Construction Work  Architect can serve as the CM. He supervises
 Preparation of Daily Inspection Reports and assure proper monitoring of all
 Filling of Documents construction activities with regards to quality,
b) Manner of Providing Services workmanship and cost
 Working dual capacity as AoR and CA or a) Functions and Description of Tasks
CSG. As AoR, it is better to interpret drawings  Responsibilities of the CM include the
and assure conformity by the Contractor. function of CSG
Contractor will assign staff to do fulltime  Coordination and Supervision
supervision work  Cost and Time Control
 Working as CA or as CSG  Quality Control of Work
c) Method of Compensation  Keeping of Records
 Percentage of PCC  CM may hire CSG to be under his employ or
 Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense supervise CSG hired by Owner
 Professional Fee Plus Expenses b) Limitation of Authority
 Lump Sum or Fixed Fee  CM shall not involve himself with the work of
 Per Diem, Honorarium Plus Reimbursable the contractor
Expenses  CM shall not impose methods, systems or
 Mixed Methods of Compensation designs that will substantially affect the
d) Recommended Professional Fee construction schedule and impair the design
 RPF is 1% to 1.5% of PCC concept of the Architect
e) Manner of Payment c) Legal Responsibility
 The Architect may bill and be paid for the  CM is responsible to the owner on all aspects
progress payments during construction of construction work
proportional to the percentage of progress of  Programming
completion of the construction work. Should  Coordination
the work be not completed, the pro-rated RPF  Quality and cost
component shall be paid to the Architect by the  Time management
Client  CM assumes no liability in case equipment fail
f) Separate Consultant to function or if a portion of the building
 Fee for SC that owner hired shall be directly collapses
paid by the Owner d) Manner of Providing Services and Qualifications
 Fee of Architect for coordination and relating  CM may be an individual of firm
works of SC to the design concept will be 5%  Must be State regulated professional,
of the SC’s fee preferably an Architect, must be a RLA
g) Limitations and Authority and member of lntegrated and Accredited
 CSG shall not assume the responsibility of the Professional Organization of Architects
Contractor’s project superintended (IAPOA).
 Architects who are contractors or who
 CSG shall not make decisions on matters that
have been in charge of construction works
are the sole responsibility of the AoR
e) Methods of Compensation
h) Legal Responsibility
 CM shall be separately compensated
 Administrative matters – owner
 Percentage of PCC
 Technical matters – AoR
 Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense
 Professional Fee Plus Expenses
 Lump Sum or Fixed Fee maximize the lifespan of the building/s in
 Per Diem, Honorarium Plus Reimbursable order to produce the maximum economic
Expenses return
 Mixed Methods of Compensation a) Scope of Services
 Incentive type contracts to motivate CM to  Building and Facilities Administration
reduce acquisition and operating cost  Building Maintenance – architect shall see
 Award Fee Provisions – CM has the to it that the building/parts are all in good
opportunity to obtain an award fee if the condition; enforce rules for proper use of
cost related values meet or exceed the building; monitor security services;
specified target values monitor maintenance and upkeep services
 Price Adjustment Provisions – contract  Grounds and Landscaping Supervision –
price is adjusted upward/downward in architect shall supervise landscape
accordance with a prearranged formula contractors and gardeners; maintain
 Contract types for later stages of a project to orderly entrances, exits and parking areas;
encourage better construction management maintain streets
services. Used according to gross estimates  Building Equipment Maintenance –
and complexity of work architect shall assist proper 3rd parties in
 Firm Fixed Price – CM will be payed with seeing to it that all equipment is properly
fixed fee that is unaffected by other maintained and in good working condition
variations unless owner initiates an  Business and Development Management –
increase in scope architect shall innovate schemes to attain
 Fixed Price Incentives – CM will be payed maximum building occupancy; Bill the
with fixed fee that is adjusted according to tenants for rentals and utilities
the difference between final allowable cost  Post-Construction Evaluation
and target cost  Upon the request of the owner, architect
 Cost plus Incentive Fee (CPIF) or Cost shall evaluate the initial design program
plus Adjusted Fee (CPAF) - Cost vs. the actual use of the facility; evaluate
reimbursement type contracts with the initial design program vs. the actual
provisions for a fee that is adjusted by use of the facility; evaluate the initial
"sharing" formulas applied to the design program vs. the actual use of the
difference between the final allowable facility; study, research, and give solutions
costs and the target costs. to any discovered/ emerging/ evolving
 Cost Plus Fixed Fee – CM will be payed defects and failures
with fixed fee plus reimbursement of b) Manner of Providing Services
certain expenses  Working dual capacity as AoR and as
f) Recommended Professional Fee Consulting Architect
 RPF is 1.5-3% of PCC  Working as CA
g) Manner of Payment c) Method of Compensation
 The Architect may bill and be paid for the  Value-pricing or Percentage of gross rentals,
progress payments during construction maintenance and security fees
proportional to the percentage of progress of  Monthly salary/fee
completion of the construction work. Should  Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense
the work be not completed, the pro-rated RPF  Retainer plus Reimbursable Expenses
component shall be paid to the Architect by the  Professional Fee Plus Expenses
Client d) Recommended Professional Fee
h) Separate Consultant  RPF based on value-pricing is 4-6% of gross
 Fee for SC that owner hired shall be directly rental
paid by the Owner
 Fee of Architect for coordination and relating
works of SC to the design concept will be 5%
Comprehensive Architectural Services (SPP Doc. 206)
of the SC’s fee
 refers to the range of professional services that
covers Pre-design Services, Regular Design
Post-Construction Services (SPP Doc. 205) Services, Specialized Architectural Services,
Construction Services and Post-Construction
 Channels of communication are kept open Services
among most that are involved in the project to  Architect is the prime professional
provide access to information regarding the  Architect is not expected to perform all the
performance and upkeep of buildings services. Rather, he is to act as the agent of the
 Architect may be engaged as the Building Client
Administrator and/or Property Manager to
a) Scope of Comprehensive Architectural Services  Banker
(CAS)  Lawyers
 Pre-Design Services (SPP Document 201)  PM is responsible in hiring CM to be paid by
 Regular Design Services (SPP Document 202) either him or Owner on a salary basis or
 Specialized Architectural Services (SPP percentage basis of PCC. Full-Time
Document 203) Construction Supervisor will either be with
 Construction Services (SPP Document 204) staff or PM or hired by owner
 Post-Construction Services (SPP Document e) Method of Compensation
205)  Percentage of PCC
b) Project Management (PM)  Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense
 Architect may perform any or all of the  Professional Fee plus Expenses
services. However, when the Owner hires an  Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
Architect or a firm to coordinate the CAS, this f) Recommended Professional Fee
institutes Project Management.  RPF is 2-5% of PCC
 involves management activities over and above  If PM performs Regular Design Services, he is
the normal architectural and engineering compensated separately for the two services
(A&E) services carried out during the pre-
design, design and construction phase
 complements the functions of the Architects, Design Build Services (SPP Doc. 207)
Engineers and Contractors in meeting the
broad and complex requirements of projects  simplifies and expedites the process of project
c) The Project Manager (PM) delivery while providing creative cost-effective
 PM operates as a member of an Owner- solutions
Architect-Engineer-Contractor Team  Architect renders professional services in the
 Architect and SC will have prime implementation of his design. In Design-Build
responsibility for the plan/design of the Services, he assumes the professional
project responsibility and civil liability for both the
 Engineers will be responsible for their design and the construction of the project
respective engineering plans a) Scope of Design-Build Services
 Contractor shall be responsible for his  Design-Build Services by Administration
men and equipment and the delivery of the  includes the Architect’s Regular Design
project Services
 Owner makes decisions on the project and  Design-Build Services with Guaranteed
assures that funds are available to Maximum Project Construction Cost
complete the project  Same as the first method except for it
 PM’s primary responsibility is the exercise provides guaranteed mac PCC
of overall cost control  Upon completion, if there is savings from
 Scope of Services the estimated PCC, it is divided between
 Pre-Construction Phase – PM should Owner and Architect
conduct regular consultations with the  PCC is guaranteed by Architect not to
Owner and with the Architects and exceed 10% of estimated PCC. Architect
Engineers on all aspects of planning will be liable if PCC exceeds 10% but
for the project only up to his administration fee
 Construction Phase – if PM is also  Additional expenditures beyond
CM, he shall provide the services guaranteed max PCC due to legitimate
detailed under SPP Documents 204-A change/variation orders (CVOs), extra
and/or 204-B work orders (EWOs), increase is price of
d) Manner of Providing Services materials or labor recognized by agency
 Architect enters a contract with owner, he like National Economic Development
assumes the role of PManager or Project Authority (NEDA), additional costs
Development Manager or overall coordinator should be borne by owner
 He may hire his staff or form a professional b) Manner of Providing Services
team that consists:  Architect may be involved in construction by
 Architects adopting an arrangement different from the
 Engineers general way of bidding out projects to
 Market Analyst constructors, or from the different modes of
 Accountants Design-Build Services (DBS)
 General Contractors  Architect is part of or a member of the
 Real Estate Consultants entity constructing his design. He works in
 Sociologist tandem with or has authorized an entity to
 Planners construct his design
 Architect is himself a State-licensed Professional Advisor and the Jury in the
contractor implementing his design administrative conduct of the ADC
 Architect must strictly adhere to the following:  Secretary/Receptionist
 Architect must retain his separate / distinct  Encoder/Researcher
professional identity, prerogatives and  Support Staff/OJTs
integrity as an Architect and is subject to b) Professional Advisor
the standards and tenets of the SPP (200 &  Architect nominated/appointed and paid by the
202) Owner and approved by the IAPOA National
 he must strictly adhere to the tenets of the Board of Directors (NBD) thru its ADC
Architects Credo with the pledge that he Committee to organize the ADC on behalf of
“shall disclose whenever required, any the Owner
business investment or venture that may  role is the supervision of the conduct of the
tend to create a conflict of interest, and ADC and the preparation of the Conditions
ensure that such conflict neither  assist the Jury and will be present during its
compromises the legitimate interest of the deliberations but he will have no vote
Client nor interfere with his duty to render  responsibilities will be limited to the
impartial judgment.” organization and the conduct of the
c) Method of Compensation competition.
 Percentage of PCC c) Technical Advisors
 Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense  Specialist personnel who may be consulted by
 Professional Fee plus Expenses the Jurors during the conduct of the ADC to
 Per Diem, Honorarium Plus Reimbursable permit them to obtain all necessary relevant
Expenses information
 Mixed Methods of Compensation d) Jury
 Built-in in the Guaranteed Maximum Cost  appointed by the Owner to assess the entries to
d) Recommended Professional Fee the competition. The members of the Jury are
 RPF for doing Design-Build Services by called Jurors.
administration is 7% of PCC, Regular Design  consists of a majority of registered and
Services is not included licensed architects assisted by a lay Juror to
 RPF for doing Design-Build Services on a represent and voice the intention of the Owner
Guaranteed Maximum Cost is 10% of PCC or  nominated by the Owner and approved by the
Built-in in the Guaranteed Maximum Cost, integrated and accredited professional
Regular Design Services is not included organization of architects (IAPOA)
e) Manner of Payment e) Competition/Budget Cost
 The Architect may bill and be paid for the  budget must be earmarked for the salary of the
progress payments during construction Secretariat throughout the duration of the
proportional to the percentage of progress of Competition, from the time it is launched and
completion of the construction work. Should up to the end of the Exhibition
the work be not completed, the pro-rated RPF  Salary can be on a monthly basis for the
component shall be paid to the Architect by the temporary staff and weekly allowance for
Client support staff like OJT
 Client directly pays all costs for labor and  budget can also be earmarked for office
materials overhead cost, including office rental,
 Owner/Client shall pay for the cost of all transportation, office supplies and meals
permits, licenses and other incidentals to the  The Professional Advisor shall be provided
work with an Honorarium per month during plus
 Salaries of persons appointed by Architect are expenses
paid by the Owner/ Client and not deductible  Technical Advisor shall also be provided with
from the Architect's Fee under the SPP an Honorarium as Consultation Fee
 Jurors shall also be provided with an
Honorarium to cover the period for the Judging
Architectural Design Competition (SPP Doc. 208) plus expenses
f) Prizes, Honoraria and Mentions
 states the principles upon which competitions  prizes awarded must be related to the size and
are based and by which Promoters/ Owners complexity of the project, the amount of work
should be guided in organizing ADCs. It has involved and the expense incurred by
been drawn up in the interest of both Project Competitors
Proponents/ Owners and Competitors  For Ideas Competition only, it may be the sole
a) Competition Secretariat remuneration received by the first (1st) prize
 body formed by the Owner and approved by winner
the Professional Advisor, to assist the
 Owner undertakes to accept the decisions of practice the State-regulated profession of
the Jury and to pay the prizes allotted within architecture in the Philippines; a registered
one (1) month of the official announcement of and/or licensed professional architect in
the ADC results his own country of origin
 Each participant in a limited ADC by  Only duly qualified Filipino professional
invitation shall receive an honorarium in consulting Architects (FPCAS) shall
addition to the prizes awarded. render architectural consulting services in
 In two (2)-stage competitions, a reasonable areas or fields of architectural
honorarium shall be paid to each of the specialization performed by members of
Competitors selected to take part in the second the Council of the Built and Natural
(2nd) stage. Environment (CBNE), except where no
 Conditions shall state the use to which the qualified FPCA is available
Owner will put the winning plan/design  For Government projects, the selection of
scheme/s PCAs shall be in accordance to RA No.
 the award of first prize to a plan/design places 9184
the Owner under an obligation to entrust the b) Methods of Compensation
Author of the plan/design with the commission  PCA may provide services directly or
for the Project indirectly to the Client in the manner
 If no contract has been made within 12 months prescribed, suggested or promulgated by the
of announcement of winner, owner does not Commission/Board through the IAPOA.
acquire the right to carry out the project  Compensation for PCA may be computed with
 In an Ideas Competition, if the Owner decides the following:
to make use of all or part of the winning  Per Diem or Hourly Basis
scheme, he should do so with the collaboration  Retainer
of the Author  Salary Cost times a multiplier, plus direct
cost or reimbursable expenses
 Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
 Percentage of total project cost
Professional Architectural Consulting Services (SPP
c) Recommended Professional Fee
Doc. 209)
 Fees for PACS depends on the type of services
a) Manner of Providing Services to be rendered and condition which they are to
 Professional Architectural Consulting Services be performed
(PACS) means the rendering by a professional  Fee for PACS that require one kind of
consulting architect (PCA) or by a consulting expertise shall be treated differently than those
firm of independent advice, extension of services that require more expertise
technical assistance and services, as well as  Compensation and allowances shall be
undertaking of activities, requiring appropriate comparable with foreign consulting service
knowledge, skills, training and experience, compensation standards
recognized competence, integrity, and/or  For the same scope of work, there shall be no
financial and logistical capability disparity in the compensation between FPCAs
 Filipino Professional Consulting Architect and their FC counterparts
(FPCA) must be a Philippine-RLA and  PCAs shall adhere to and be governed by the
must be a member in good standing of the relevant provisions pertaining to compensation
IAPOA. Must also be a RLA specializing as provided for under the Codes of Ethical
in any or several branch/es of the State- Conduct (CEC) and the other SPP
regulated profession of architecture. If the  All entities, whether in the Government,
FPCA signs and seals architectural private sector or CSOs and the international
documents, he become AoR for a project community shall respect and take cognizance
 Foreign Consultant (FC) or Foreign of said CEC and SPPs
Architect (FA) – satisfies the definition of
a Professional Consulting Architect
(PCA); has acquired a permit to work and/
or do business in the Philippines, has
acquired a temporary/special permit (TSP)
to engage in the practice of any branch of
architecture for any project on Philippine
soil; allowed by the Department of Labor
and Employment (DoLE), Bureau of
Immigration and Deportation (BID) and
other concerned regulatory agencies
and/or instrumentalities of government to

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