SG 248186
SG 248186
SG 248186
Jon Tate
Kameswara Bhaskarabhatla
Bruno Garcia Galle
Paulo Neto
International Technical Support Organization
May 2014
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page vii.
This edition applies to IBM Network Advisor V12 and FOS V7.2, and the IBM b-type Gen 5 16 Gbps switches
and directors that are available at the time of writing.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Contents v
6.5.5 Using EX_Ports and VEX_Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
6.5.6 Advanced FCIP configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
6.5.7 FCIP design preferred practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
6.5.8 FCIP Trunking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
6.5.9 Virtual Fabrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
6.5.10 Ethernet Interface Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
6.5.11 Workloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
6.5.12 Intel -based virtualization storage access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
6.6 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
6.6.1 Zone Management: Dynamic Fabric Provisioning (DFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
6.6.2 Zone management: Duplicate WWNs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
6.6.3 Role-Based Access Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
6.6.4 Default accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
6.6.5 Access control lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
6.6.6 Policy Database Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
6.6.7 In-flight encryption and compression: b-type (16 Gbps) platforms only . . . . . . . 236
6.6.8 In-flight encryption and compression guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
6.7 Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
6.7.1 Fabric Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
6.7.2 Frame Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
6.7.3 Bottleneck Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
6.7.4 Credit loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
6.7.5 RAS log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
6.7.6 Audit log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
6.7.7 SAN Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
6.7.8 Design guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
6.7.9 Monitoring and notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
6.8 Scalability, supportability, and performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
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IBM® System Storage® Gen 5 fabric backbones are among the industry's most powerful
Fibre Channel switching infrastructure offerings. They provide reliable, scalable, and
high-performance foundations for mission-critical storage. These fabric backbones also
deliver enterprise connectivity options to add support for IBM FICON® connectivity, offering a
high-performing and reliable FICON infrastructure with fast and scalable IBM System z®
Designed to increase business agility while providing nonstop access to information and
reducing infrastructure and administrative costs, Gen 5 Fibre Channel fabric backbones
deliver a new level of scalability and advanced capabilities to this robust, reliable, and
high-performance technology.
Although every network type has unique management requirements, most organizations face
similar challenges managing their network environments. These challenges can include
minimizing network downtime, reducing operational expenses, managing application service
level agreements (SLAs), and providing robust security. Until now, no single tool could
address these needs across different network types.
To address this issue, the IBM Network Advisor management tool provides comprehensive
management for data, storage, and converged networks. This single application can deliver
end-to-end visibility and insight across different network types by integrating with Fabric
Vision technology; it supports Fibre Channel SANs, including Gen 5 Fibre Channel platforms,
IBM FICON, and IBM b-type SAN FCoE networks. In addition, this tool supports
comprehensive lifecycle management capabilities across different networks through a simple,
seamless user experience.
This IBM Redbooks® publication introduces the concepts, architecture, and basic
implementation of Gen 5 and IBM Network Advisor. It is aimed at system administrators, and
pre- and post-sales support staff.
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center.
Special thanks to the Brocade Communications Systems staff in San Jose, California for their
unparalleled support of this residency in terms of equipment and support in many areas:
Steven Tong, Silviano Gaona, Brian Steffler, Marcus Thordal, Brian Larsen, Jim Baldyga
Brocade Communications Systems
Find out more about the residency program, browse the residency index, and apply online at:
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Preface xi
xii IBM b-type Gen 5 16 Gbps Switches and Network Advisor
The Condor3 application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), enables support for native
10 Gbps Fibre Channel, in-flight encryption, and compression, ClearLink diagnostic
technology (supported only on the 16 Gbps ports) increases buffers and Forward Error
Correction (FEC). This new Gen 5 family allows a simple server deployment with dynamic
fabric provisioning, which enables organizations to eliminate fabric reconfiguration when
adding or replacing servers through the virtualization of the host worldwide names (WWNs).
In the upcoming FOS V7.2, the Fabric Vision Technology will be enhanced with the new
following capabilities:
Brocade Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS): This is a policy-based
monitoring tool that simplifies fabric-wide threshold configuration and monitoring. By
using pre-built rule/policy-based templates, applying thresholds and alerts to ports is
a simple two-step process. Organizations can configure the entire fabric (or multiple
fabrics) at one time by using common rules and policies, or customize policies for
specific ports, all through a single dialog. The integrated dashboard displays an
overall switch health report, along with details about out-of-policy conditions, to help
administrators pinpoint potential issues.
Brocade Flow Vision: This is a comprehensive tool that enables administrators to
identify, monitor, and analyze specific application data flows to maximize
performance, avoid congestion, and optimize resources. Flow Vision includes the
following features:
– Flow Performance Monitoring application: This is part of the new Flow Vision tool
suite allowing for nondisruptive monitoring of performance conditions and
metrics on any data flow in the fabric without the need for expensive third-party
tools. It allows users to monitor all flows from a specific host to multiple
targets/LUNs or from multiple hosts to a specific target/LUN, monitor all flows
across a specific ISL, or perform LUN-level monitoring of specific frame types to
identify resource contention or congestion that is impacting application
– Flow Generator application: This application pre-tests and validates flows within
a switch or across an entire SAN fabric, including verification of routes and
integrity of optics, cables, ports, intra-switch links, and ISLs at full-line rate and
with full FOS features enabled, without requiring any 16 Gbps hosts, targets, or
external traffic generators.
– Flow Mirroring application: This application selects flows to be mirrored and sent
to the local embedded port for further analysis.
Note: MAPS and Flow Vision features are supported only on FOS devices running
FOS V7.2.0 or later.
1.1.6 Management
The b-type Gen 5 Fibre Channel directors and switches can be managed in several ways:
IBM Network Advisor is a software management platform that unifies network
management for SAN and converged networks. It provides users with a consistent user
interface, proactive performance analysis, and troubleshooting capabilities across Fibre
Channel (FC) and b-type FCoE installations.
Web Tools is a built-in web-based application that provides administration and
management functions on a per switch basis.
A command-line interface (CLI) enables an administrator to monitor and manage
individual switches, ports, and entire fabrics from a standard workstation. It accessed
through Telnet, SSH, or serial console.
SMI Agent enables integration with SMI-compliant Storage Resource Management (SRM)
solutions, such as IBM Tivoli® Storage Productivity Center. The SMI Agent is embedded
in the IBM Network Advisor.
Note: Data Center Fabric Manager (DCFM) is not qualified with and does not support the
management of switches operating with FOS V7.0 and later firmware versions. You must
first upgrade DCFM to Network Advisor V12.0 if you are planning to upgrade devices to
FOS V7.1.0 or later.
Because the IBM Network Advisor is the preferred tool to manage the b-type Gen 5 fabrics,
Chapter 3, “IBM Network Advisor” on page 65 provides detailed information bout how to
install and configure IBM Network Advisor.
1.1.7 Monitoring
There are several monitor tools and notification methods that allow you to monitor your entire
b-type Gen 5 fabric and even integrate with external applications.
Health monitors
Fabric Watch and MAPS are monitors that allow you to enable each switch to constantly
monitor its SAN fabric for potential faults and automatically alerts you to problems long before
they become costly failures. MAPS is available only in FOS V7.2.0 or later.
Performance monitors
Advanced Performance Monitoring and Flow Vision are performance monitors that integrate
with IBM network Advisor. Flow Vision is available only in FOS V7.2.0 or later.
Notification methods
There are several alert mechanisms that can be used, such as email messages, SNMP traps,
and log entries. Fabric Watch allows you to configure multiple email recipients.
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notification method is an efficient way to
avoid having to log in to each switch individually, which you must do for error log notifications.
The RASLog (switch event log) can be forward to a central station. IBM Network Advisor can
be configured as a syslog recipient for the SAN devices.
It includes an intuitive interface, and provides an in-depth view of performance measures and
historical data. It receives SNMP traps, syslog event messages, and customizable event
alerts, and contains the Advanced Call Home feature that enables you to automatically collect
diagnostic information and send notifications to IBM Support for faster fault diagnosis and
For more information about installing and configure IBM Network Advisor, see Chapter 3,
“IBM Network Advisor” on page 65.
Figure 1-1 shows the IBM System Networking SAN24B-5 fabric switch.
Platform features
Here are some of the features of the SAN24B-5:
Up to 24 auto-sensing ports of high-performance 16-Gbps technology in a single domain.
Ports on Demand scaling (12 - 24 ports).
2, 4, 8, and 16 Gbps auto-sensing Fibre Channel switch and router ports.
– 2, 4, and 8 Gbps performance is enabled by 8 Gbps SFP+ transceivers.
– 4, 8, and 16 Gbps performance is enabled by 16 Gbps SFP+ transceivers.
Universal ports self-configure as E, F, or M ports. EX_Ports can be activated on a per-port
basis with the optional Integrated Routing license. The D-port function is also available for
diagnostic tests.
Airflow is set for port side exhaust.
Inter-Switch Link (ISL) Trunking, which allows up to eight ports (at 2, 4, 8, or 16 Gbps
speeds) between a pair of switches to combine to form a single, logical ISL with a speed of
up to 128 Gbps (256 Gbps full duplex) for optimal bandwidth usage and load balancing.
The base model permits one eight-port trunk plus one four-port trunk.
Dynamic Path Selection (DPS), which optimizes fabric-wide performance and load
balancing by automatically routing data to the most efficient available path in the fabric.
Brocade-branded SFP+ optical transceivers that support any combination of Short
Wavelength (SWL), Long Wavelength (LWL), and Extended Long Wavelength (ELWL)
optical media among the switch ports
Extended distance support enables native Fibre Channel extension up to 7,500 km at
2 Gbps.
Support for unicast traffic type.
FOS, which delivers distributed intelligence throughout the network and enables a wide
range of added value applications, including Brocade Advanced Web Tools, Brocade
Enhanced Group Management, and Brocade Zoning.
Support for Access Gateway configuration where server ports connected to the fabric core
are virtualized.
Hardware zoning is accomplished at the port level of the switch and by worldwide name
(WWN). Hardware zoning permits or denies delivery of frames to any destination port
Extensive diagnostic and system-monitoring capabilities for enhanced high reliability,
availability, and serviceability (RAS).
The Brocade EZSwitchSetup wizard makes SAN configuration a three-step point-and-click
Real-time power monitoring enables users to monitor real-time power usage of the fabric
at a switch level.
Figure 1-2 shows the IBM System Networking SAN48B-5 fabric switch.
The SAN48B-5 requires FOS V7.0 or later. The Advanced Web Tools, Advanced Zoning,
Enhanced Group Management, Fabric Watch, Full Fabric, and Virtual Fabrics features are
included in the base FOS and do not require an additional license. Additional features such as
twelve-port Activation, FICON with CUP Activation, Adaptive Networking, Advanced
Performance Monitoring, Extended Fabrics, Integrated Routing, ISL Trunking, Server
Application Optimization (SAO), and Integrated 10 Gbps Fibre Channel Activation are
available as optional licenses. The Enterprise Advanced Bundle includes one license for each
of the Extended Fabric, Advanced Performance Monitoring, Trunking Activation, Adaptive
Networking, and SAO functions. IBM Network Advisor V11.1 (or later) is the base
management software for the SAN48B-5.
Platform features
Here are some of the features of the SAN48B-5:
Up to 48 auto-sensing ports of high-performance 16 Gbps technology in a single domain.
Ports on Demand scaling (24 - 36 or 48 ports).
2, 4, 8, and 16 Gbps auto-sensing Fibre Channel switch and router ports.
– 2, 4, and 8 Gbps performance is enabled by 8 Gbps SFP+ transceivers.
– 4, 8, and 16 Gbps performance is enabled by 16 Gbps SFP+ transceivers.
10 Gbps manual set capability on FC ports (requires the optional 10 Gigabit FCIP/Fibre
Channel license).
10 Gbps performance is enabled by 10 Gbps SFP+ transceivers.
Ports can be configured for 10 Gbps for metro connectivity (on the first eight ports only).
Universal ports self-configure as E, F, M, or D ports. EX_Ports can be activated on a per
port basis with the optional Integrated Routing license.
The Brocade Diagnostic Port (D-Port) feature provides physical media diagnostic,
troubleshooting, and verification services.
In-flight data compression and encryption on up to two ports provides efficient link usage
and security.
Options for port side exhaust (default) or nonport side exhaust airflow for cooling.
Figure 1-3 on page 11 shows the IBM System Networking SAN96B-5 fabric switch.
The SAN968B-5 requires FOS V7.1 or later. The Advanced Web Tools, Advanced Zoning,
Virtual Fabrics, Full Fabric, Adaptive Networking, Server Application Optimization, and
Enhanced Group Management features are included in the base FOS and do not require an
additional license. Additional features such as 24-port Activation, Advanced Performance
Monitor, Fabric Watch, Extended Fabrics, Integrated Routing, Trunking Activation, Integrated
10 Gbps Fibre Channel Activation are available as optional licenses. The optional Enterprise
Advanced Bundle includes one license for each of the Fabric Watch, Extended Fabric,
Advanced Performance Monitor, and Trunking Activation features. IBM Network Advisor
V12.0 (or later) is the base management software for the SAN96B-5.
Platform features
Here are some of the SAN96B-5 features:
Up to 96 auto-sensing ports of high-performance 16 Gbps technology in a single domain.
Ports on Demand scaling (48 - 72 or 96 ports).
Port licensing through DPOD
2, 4, 8, and 16 Gbps auto-sensing Fibre Channel switch and router ports.
– 2, 4, and 8 Gbps performance is enabled by 8 Gbps SFP+ transceivers.
– 4, 8, and 16 Gbps performance is enabled by 16 Gbps SFP+ transceivers.
10 Gbps manual set capability on FC ports (requires the optional 10 Gigabit FCIP/Fibre
Channel license) on the first eight ports only.
– Ports can be configured for 10 Gbps for metro connectivity.
– 10 Gbps performance is enabled by 10 Gbps Fibre Channel SFP+ transceivers.
FC ports self-configure as E_ports and F_ports. EX_ports can be activated on a per-port
basis with the optional Integrated Routing license.
Mirror ports (M_ports) and diagnostic ports (D_ports) must be manually configured.
The Brocade Diagnostic Port (D_port) feature provides physical media diagnostic,
troubleshooting, and verification services.
In-flight data compression and encryption on up to 16 ports (up to 8 ports at 16 Gbps)
provides efficient link usage and security.
Options for port side exhaust (default) or non-port side exhaust airflow for cooling.
Virtual Fabric (VF) supports to improve isolation between different VFs.
A Fibre Channel Routing (FCR) service, available with the optional Integrated Routing
license, provides improved scalability and fault isolation.
The SAN384B-2 and SAN768B-2 backbones require FOS V7.1 or later to take advantage of
the advanced functions that are delivered through the Fabric Vision technology. The Web
Tools, Zoning, Full Fabric, Virtual Fabrics, and Enhanced Group Management (EGM) features
are part of the base FOS and do not require an additional license. The Enterprise Advanced
Bundle offers a convenient set of optional features that are bundled into one orderable feature
number. It includes one license for each of the following features: Fabric Watch, Extended
Fabric, Advanced Performance Monitor, and Trunking Activation.
For more information, see the product specifications at the following website:
Platform features
Here are some of the features of the SAN384B-2 and SAN768B-2 backbones:
Support for 2, 4, 8, and 16 Gbps auto-sensing Fibre Channel ports. The trunking
technology groups up to eight ports to create high performance 128-Gbps ISL trunks
between switches.
Supports 10 Gbps FC-type SFPs in 16 Gbps port blades only and also supports 10 GbE
SFPs in the FX8-24 application blade. The two types of SFPs are not interchangeable.
For more information about the b-type Gen 5 products, see Chapter 2, “Product hardware and
features” on page 17.
This chapter provides a high-level guideline about the most commonly encountered SAN
A topology is described in terms of how the switches are interconnected, such as ring,
core-edge, and edge-core-edge or fully meshed.
Figure 2-1 Four scenarios of tiered network topologies (hops shown in heavier, orange connections)
Scenario A has localized traffic, which can have small performance advantages but does
not provide ease of scalability or manageability.
Scenario B, also known as edge-core, separates the storage and servers, thus providing
ease of management and moderate scalability.
Scenario C, also known as edge-core-edge, has both storage and servers on edge
switches, which provide ease of management and is much more scalable.
Scenario D is a full-mesh topology, and server to storage is no more than one hop.
Designing with UltraScale ICLs is an efficient way to save front-end ports, and users can
easily build a large (for example, 1536-port or larger) fabric with minimal SAN design
The disadvantage to this design is that the storage and core connections are in contention for
Note: Adding an IBM SAN director as the SAN core can reduce the expansion contention.
Because servers and storage are on different switches, this design enables independent
scaling of compute and storage resources, ease of management, and optimal performance,
with traffic traversing only two hops from the edge through the core to the other edge. In
addition, it provides an easy path for expansion because ports and switches can readily be
added to the appropriate tier as needed.
Note: Hop count is not a concern if the total switching latency is less than the disk I/O
timeout value.
This section cover the new Gen 5 Fibre Channel technology and its features, and the Gen 5
Note: MAPS and Flow Vision are available only with FOS V7.2 or later.
The background that ensures the advanced diagnostic tests for 16G SFP+ and 16G links is a
new diagnostic port type that is known as D_Port. D_Port is used to diagnose optics and
cables and it is configured by the user to run diagnostic tests.
D_Port mode allows you to convert a Fibre Channel port into a diagnostic port for testing link
traffic, electrical loopbacks, and optical loopbacks between a pair of switches, a pair of access
gateways, and a switch. Support is also provided for running D_Port tests between a host bus
adapter (HBA) and a switch. The test results that are reported can be useful in diagnosing
various port and link problems.
Understanding D_Port
D_Port does not carry any user traffic and is designed to run only specific diagnostic tests for
identifying link-level faults or failures. Basically, to start a port in D_Port mode, you must
configure both ends of the link between a pair of switches (or switches configured as Access
Gateways), and you must disable the existing port before you can configure it as a D_Port.
After the ports are configured as D_Ports, the following basic test suite is run in the following
order, depending on the SFPs that are installed:
1. Electrical loopback (with 16G SFP+ only)
2. Optical loopback (with 16G SFP+ only)
3. Link traffic (with 10G SFPs and 16G SFPs+)
4. Link latency and distance measurement (with 10G SFPs and 16G SFPs+)
Note: Electrical and optical loopback tests are not supported for ICLs.
The Latency Bottleneck Detection feature enables you to do the following tasks:
Prevent degradation of throughput in the fabric.
The bottleneck detection feature alerts you to the existence and locations of devices that
are causing latency. If you receive alerts for one or more F_Ports, use the CLI to check
whether these F_Ports have a history of bottlenecks.
Reduce the time that it takes to troubleshoot network problems.
If you notice one or more applications that are slowing down, you can determine whether
any latency devices are attached to the fabric and where. You can use the CLI to display a
history of bottleneck conditions on a port. If the CLI shows above-threshold bottleneck
severity, you can narrow the problem down to device latency rather than problems in the
A latency bottleneck is a port where the offered load exceeds the rate at which the other end
of the link can continuously accept traffic, but does not exceed the physical capacity of the
link. This condition can be caused by a device that is attached to the fabric that is slow to
process received frames and send back credit returns. A latency bottleneck because of such
a device can spread through the fabric and can slow down unrelated flows that share links
with the slow flow.
A congestion bottleneck is a port that is unable to transmit frames at the offered rate because
the offered rate is greater than the physical data rate of the line. For example, this condition
can be caused by trying to transfer data at 8 Gbps over a 4 Gbps ISL.
You can set alert thresholds for the severity and duration of the bottleneck. If a bottleneck is
reported, you can then investigate and optimize the resource allocation for the fabric. Using
the zone setup and Top Talkers, you can also determine which flows are destined to any
affected F_Ports.
For more information about how bottlenecks are configured and displayed, see the Fabric OS
Administrator’s Guide, which you can find at the following website:
Here are the limitations of this feature:
FEC is configurable only on Gen 5 16 Gbps-capable switches.
FEC is supported only on 1860 and 1867 Brocade Fabric Adapter ports operating in HBA
mode that is connected to 16 Gbps Gen 5 switches running FOS V7.1 and later.
Buffer credit loss detection and recovery is part of the Gen 5 Fibre Channel diagnostic and
error recovery technologies that help you avoid a “stuck” link condition or an extended lack of
buffer credits for an extended time period, resulting in loss of communication across the link.
The IBM b-type Gen 5 16 Gbps Fibre Channel network implements a multiplexed ISL
architecture called Virtual Channels (VCs), which enables efficient usage of E_Port to E_Port
ISL links.
Virtual Channels create multiple logical data paths across a single physical link or connection.
They are allocated their own network resources, such as queues and buffer-to-buffer credits.
Virtual Channels are divided into three priority groups. P1 is the highest priority, which is used
for Class F, F_RJT, and ACK traffic. P2 is the next highest priority, which is used for data
frames. The data Virtual Channels can be further prioritized to provide higher levels of Quality
of Service (QoS). P3 is the lowest priority and is used for broadcast and multicast traffic.
QoS is a licensed traffic shaping feature that is available in FOS. QoS allows the prioritization
of data traffic based on the SID and DID of each frame.
Through the usage of QoS zones, traffic can be divided into three priorities: high, medium,
and low, as shown in Figure 2-4. The seven data Virtual Channels, VC8 through VC14, are
used to multiplex data frames based on QoS zones when congestion occurs.
When a switch automatically detects and recovers buffer credit loss at the VC level, it
provides protection against performance degradation and enhances application availability.
With a customizable dashboard, it is possible to define what is critical and what to monitor.
For more information, see 3.4, “New features of IBM Network Advisor V12.0.3” on page 116.
MAPS tracks various SAN fabric metrics and events. Monitoring fabric-wide events, ports,
and environmental parameters enables early fault detection and isolation and performance
MAPS provides a set of predefined monitoring policies that allow you to immediately use
MAPS on activation.
In addition, MAPS provides customizable monitoring thresholds. These thresholds allow you
to configure specific groups of ports or other elements so that they share a common threshold
value. You can configure MAPS to provide notifications before problems arise, for example,
when network traffic through a port is approaching the bandwidth limit. MAPS lets you define
how often to check each switch and fabric measure and specify notification thresholds.
Whenever fabric measures exceed these thresholds, MAPS automatically provides
notification using several methods, including email messages, SNMP traps, and log entries.
The MAPS dashboard provides you with the ability to view quickly what is happening on the
switch, and helps administrators dig deeper to see details about exactly what is happening on
the switch (for example, the kinds of errors and the error count).
MAPS provides a seamless migration of all customized Fabric Watch thresholds, thus
allowing you to take advantage of the advanced capabilities of MAPS. MAPS provides
additional advanced monitoring, such as monitoring for the same error counters across
different periods, or having more than two thresholds for any error counters. MAPS also
provides support for you to monitor the statistics that are provided by the Flow Monitor feature
of Flow Vision.
Note: Usage of Flow Vision features requires Fabric Vision license or both Fabric Watch
and APM licenses.
Table 3-1 lists the Gen 4 and Gen 5 SAN switches and directors model number with speed
and port capabilities, the current supported version of FOS, and the type of Application
Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC).
At the time of writing, there are five IBM b-type Gen 5 16 Gbps switches in the portfolio:
IBM System Networking SAN24B-5 (2498-F24, 2498-X24, and 2498-24G)
IBM System Networking SAN48B-5 (2498-F48)
IBM System Networking SAN96B-5 (2498-F96 / 2498-N96)
IBM System Networking Fabric backbones:
– IBM System Networking SAN384B-2 Backbone (2499-416)
– IBM System Networking SAN768B-2 Backbone (2499-816)
Note: The Gen 4 products are described in Implementing an IBM b-type SAN with 8 Gbps
Directors and Switches, SG24-6116.
The SAN24B-5 is a 24-port entry level enterprise switch that combines flexibility, simplicity,
and 16 Gbps Fibre Channel technology.
The SAN24B-5 requires FOS V7.0.1 or later. The Advanced Web Tools, Advanced Zoning,
Full Fabric, and Enhanced Group Management features are part of the base FOS and do not
require an additional license. Additional features such as Adaptive Networking, Advanced
Performance Monitor, Fabric Watch, Inter-Switch Link (ISL) Trunking, Extended Fabrics,
Server Application Optimization, and 12-port Activation are available as optional licenses.
Furthermore, an Enterprise Package is available as a bundle that includes one license for
each of the optional licenses, except for the Extended Fabrics one.
For more information, see the IBM System Storage SAN24B-5 topic that is found at the
following website:
Hardware layout
The port side of the SAN24B-5 includes the system status LED, the console port, the
Ethernet port and accompanying LEDs, the USB port, and the Fibre Channel ports and
corresponding port status LEDs.
Figure 2-7 shows the non-port side of the SAN24B-5, which contains the power supply
(including the AC power receptacle and AC power switch) and fan assemblies. The base
model configuration with a single assembly is shown.
The SAN48B-5 requires FOS V7.0 or later. The Advanced Web Tools, Advanced Zoning,
Enhanced Group Management, Fabric Watch, Full Fabric, Virtual Fabrics features are
embedded in the base FOS and do not require an additional license. Additional features, such
as twelve-port Activation, FICON with CUP Activation, Adaptive Networking, Advanced
Performance Monitoring, Extended Fabrics, Integrated Routing, ISL Trunking, Server
Application Optimization (SAO), and Integrated 10 Gbps Fibre Channel Activation, are
available as optional licenses. The Enterprise Advanced Bundle includes one license for each
of the Extended Fabric, Advanced Performance Monitoring, Trunking Activation, Adaptive
Networking, and SAO functions.
Only the first eight ports can be used as Metro Mirror.
3 Trunking is a licensable feature.
For more information, see the IBM System Storage SAN48B-5 topic that is found at the
following website:
Hardware layout
The port side of the SAN48B-5 includes the system status LED, the console port, the
Ethernet port and LEDs, the USB port, and the Fibre Channel ports and corresponding port
status LEDs.
The SAN48B-5 non-port side contains the power supplies, on/off switches, and the power
plug receptacle. Figure 2-10 on page 33 shows the SAN48B-5 non-port side.
SAN968B-5 requires FOS V7.1 or later. The Advanced Web Tools, Advanced Zoning, Virtual
Fabrics, Full Fabric, Adaptive Networking, Server Application Optimization, and Enhanced
Group Management features are embedded in the base FOS and do not require an additional
license. Additional features, such as 24-port Activation, Advanced Performance Monitor,
Fabric Watch, Extended Fabrics, Integrated Routing, Trunking Activation, and Integrated 10
Gbps Fibre Channel Activation, are available as optional licenses. The optional Enterprise
Advanced Bundle includes one license for each of the Fabric Watch, Extended Fabric,
Advanced Performance Monitor, and Trunking Activation features.
IBM Network Advisor V12.0 (or later) is the base management software for the SAN96B-5.
Note: The only difference between the two models is airflow options. 2498-F96 is the
“regular” version with non-port to port side airflow; 2498-N96 is port to non-port side airflow
Hardware layout
The port side of the SAN96B-5 includes the system status LED, the console port, the
Ethernet port and accompanying LEDs, the USB port, and the Fibre Channel ports and
corresponding port status LEDs.
The SAN96B5 non-port side contains the power supplies (including the AC power receptacle)
and fans.
For the latest information about SAN384B-2 and SAN768B-2, go to the following website:
The SAN768B-2 is a 12-slot chassis consisting of 8-port blades, two control processor (CP8)
blades, and two core (CR8) blades, as shown in Figure 2-16 on page 39.
The SAN384B-2 is an 8-slot chassis consisting of 4-port blades, two control processor (CP8)
blades, and two core (CR8) blades, as shown in Figure 2-17.
The Gen 5 and Gen 4 directors have different blade compatibility, as described 2.4.5, “IBM
Fabric backbone blades” on page 40.
The CR16-8 has four Condor3 ASICs. The CR16-4 has two Condor3 ASICs. Each ASIC has
dual connections to each ASIC group on each line card.
Oversubscription occurs only when the first 32 ports are fully used (16 Gbps) with no local
UltraScale ICLs are based on optical Quad Small Form Factor Pluggable (QSFP). Each
QSFP port combines four 16 Gbps links, providing up to 64 Gbps of throughput within a single
QSFP-based UltraScale ICL connections are on the core routing blades instead of consuming traditional ports on
the port blades.
Note: The ICL copper-based licensing that is present on the Gen 4 platforms is different
from the Gen 5, and the following information does not apply to the Gen 4 fabric backbone
SAN768B-2 has 32 ICL ports available (with both ICL PoD licenses installed), which supports
ICL connectivity to up to eight other chassis and at least 256 Gbps of bandwidth to each
connected SAN768B-2.
SAN384B-2 has 16 ICL ports available, which supports up to four chassis and at least 128
Gbps of bandwidth to each connected SAN384B-2.
With 32 ICL ports available on the SAN768B-2 (with both ICL PoD licenses installed) and 16
ICL ports on SAN384B-2, these configurations support ICL connectivity to up to eight other
chassis and at least 256 Gbps of bandwidth to each connected SAN768B-2.
A maximum of 16 UltraScale ICL connections or ICL trunk groups between any pair of IBM
System Storage fabric backbone chassis is supported, unless they are deployed using Virtual
Fabrics, where a maximum of 16 ICL connections or trunks can be assigned to a single
Logical Switch. This limitation is because of the maximum supported number of connections
for Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF) routing. Effectively, this means that there should never
be more than 16 ICL connections or trunks between a pair of SAN768B-2 chassis, unless
Virtual Fabrics is enabled, and the ICLs are assigned to two or more Logical Switches. The
exception to this situation is if eight port trunks are created between a pair of SAN768B-2
chassis. Details about this configuration are described in “Ultrascale ICL trunking and trunk
Note: QSFP-based UltraScale ICLs and traditional ISLs are not concurrently supported
between a single pair of IBM System Storage fabric backbone chassis. All inter-chassis
connectivity between any pair of IBM System Storage fabric backbone chassis must be
done by using either ISLs or UltraScale ICLs.
Each optical ICL port has four independent 16-Gbps links, each of which terminates on one of
four ASICs on each SAN768B-2 core blade, or two ASICs on each SAN384B-2 core blade.
Trunk groups can be formed by using any of the ports that comprise contiguous groups of
eight links on each ASIC.
Because there are four separate links for each QSFP-based UltraScale ICL connection, each
of these ICL port groups can create up to four trunks, with up to eight links in each trunk. A
trunk can never be formed by links within the same QSFP ICL port because each of the four
links within the ICL port terminates on a different ASIC for the SAN768B-2 core blade, or on
either different ASICs or different trunk groups within the same ASIC for the SAN384b-2 core
blade. Thus, each of the four links from an individual ICL is always part of independent trunk
2.5.1 Zoning
Zoning is a fabric-based service that enables you to partition your storage area network
(SAN) into logical groups of devices that can access each other.
For example, you can partition your SAN into two zones, winzone and unixzone, so that your
Windows servers and storage do not interact with your UNIX servers and storage. You can
use zones to logically consolidate equipment for efficiency or to facilitate time-sensitive
functions. For example, you can create a temporary zone to back up nonmember devices.
A device in a zone can communicate only with other devices that are connected to the fabric
within the same zone. A device not included in the zone is not available to members of that
zone. When zoning is enabled, devices that are not included in any zone configuration are
inaccessible to all other devices in the fabric. For more information about this topic, see
Introduction to Storage Area Networks and System Networking, SG24-5470.
The first example in Figure 2-37 (on the left) shows a fabric without trunking. When the trunk
is not enabled, there is no traffic optimization, so a link can become congested even when
there is bandwidth available on other ISL links.
When the trunking feature is activated, all physical ISLs became a single logical ISL, so the
performance is optimized by balancing the traffic across all physical links automatically.
Trunking is frame-based instead of exchange-based. Because a frame is much smaller than
an exchange, this means that frame-based trunks are more granular and better balanced
than exchange-based trunks and provide maximum usage of links.
Note: The ISL Trunking license is required for any type of trunking, and must be installed
on each switch that participates in trunking.
Figure 2-38 on page 59 shows the port group for the SAN96B-5.
Ports in a port group are usually contiguous, but they might not be. For information about
which ports can be used in the same port group for trunking, see the appropriate Hardware
Reference Manual for your switch.
Trunks operate best when the cable length of each trunked link is roughly equal to the length
of the others in the trunk. For optimal performance, no more than 30-meters difference is
recommended. Trunks are compatible with both Short-Wavelength (SWL) and
Long-Wavelength (LWL) fiber-optic cables and transceivers.
Trunking is performed according to the Quality of Service (QoS) configuration on the ports.
That is, in a trunk group, if there are some ports with QoS enabled and some with QoS
disabled, they form two different trunks: one with QoS enabled and the other with QoS
DPS is where exchanges or communication between end devices in a fabric are assigned to
egress ports in ratios that are proportional to the potential bandwidth of the ISL or trunk
group. When there are multiple paths to a destination, the input traffic is distributed across the
different paths in proportion to the bandwidth that is available on each of the paths. This
improves usage of the available paths, thus reducing possible congestion on the paths. Every
time there is a change in the network (which changes the available paths), the input traffic can
be redistributed across the available paths. This is an easy and nondisruptive process when
the exchange-based routing policy is engaged.
DPS augments ISL Trunking to provide more effective load balancing. With DPS, traffic loads
are distributed at the exchange level across independent ISLs or trunks, and in-order delivery
is ensured within the exchange. The combination of trunking and DPS provides immediate
benefits to network performance, even in the absence of 16 Gbps devices, and DPS in
particular can provide performance advantages when connecting to lower-speed 4 Gbps
switches. As a result, this combination of technologies provides the greatest design flexibility
and the highest degree of load balancing.
Figure 2-39 shows DPS balancing data flow between different ISL trunk paths.
The purpose of encryption is to provide security for frames while they are in flight between
two switches. The purpose of compression is for better bandwidth usage on the ISLs,
especially over long distance. An average compression ratio of 2:1 is provided. Frames are
never left in an encrypted or compressed state when delivered to an end device. Both ends of
the ISL must terminate in 16G-capable FC ports.
For more information, see the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide, which you can find at the
following website:
2.5.6 NPIV
N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) enables a single Fibre Channel protocol port to appear as
multiple, distinct ports, providing separate port identification within the fabric for each
operating system image behind the port (as though each operating system image had its own
unique physical port). NPIV assigns a different virtual port ID to each Fibre Channel protocol
device. NPIV enables you to allocate virtual addresses without affecting your existing
hardware implementation. The virtual port has the same properties as an N_Port, and can
register with all services of the fabric.
Each NPIV device has a unique device PID, Port WWN, and Node WWN, and behaves the
same as all other physical devices in the fabric. Multiple virtual devices that are emulated by
NPIV appear no different from regular devices that are connected to a non-NPIV port.
The same zoning rules apply to NPIV devices as non-NPIV devices. Zones can be defined by
domain, port notation, by WWN zoning, or both. However, to perform zoning to the granularity
of the virtual N_Port IDs, you must use WWN-based zoning.
For more information, see the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide, which you can find at the
following website:
Server deployment typically requires that multiple administrative teams (for example, server
and storage teams) coordinate with each other to perform configuration tasks, such as zone
creation in the fabric and LUN mapping and masking on the storage device. These tasks must
be complete before the server is deployed. Before you can configure WWN zones and LUN
masks, you must discover the physical port worldwide name (PWWN) of the server. This
means that administrative teams cannot start their configuration tasks until the physical
server arrives (and its physical PWWN is known). Because the configuration tasks are
sequential and interdependent across various administrative teams, it might take several days
before the server is deployed in an FC SAN.
DFP simplifies and accelerates new server deployment and improves operational efficiency
by using a fabric-assigned PWWN (FA-PWWN). An FA-PWWN is a “virtual” port WWN that
can be used instead of the physical PWWN to create zoning and LUN mapping and masking.
When the server is later attached to the SAN, the FA-PWWN is then assigned to the server.
Note: For the server to use the FA-PWWN feature, it must be using a Brocade HBA or
adapter. For more information, see the release notes for the HBA or adapter versions
that support this feature.
For more information, see the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide, which you can find at the
following website:
The management applications’ main window contains a dashboard for health and event
management, a performance dashboard for performance metrics, and a SAN management
console to manage SAN devices in the environment.
The following firmware platforms are supported by IBM Network Advisor V12.0.x:
Fabric OS (FOS) V5.0 or later in a pure FOS fabric.
Fabric OS (FOS) V6.0 or later in a mixed fabric.
For more information about the hardware and software that is supported for IBM Network
Advisor V12.0.x, go to the following website:
There are three different types of IBM Network Advisors; the one your use depends on your
SAN network size.
Small (managing up to 2000 ports or 1-20 domains)
Medium (managing up to 5000 ports or 21-60 domains)
Large (managing up to 9000 ports or 61-120 domains)
Table 3-1 summarizes the required operating systems (OS) for servers and the packages that
are supported by each OS version for IBM Network Advisor.
Linux Red Hat Enterprise 6.1 Advanced Platform (x86 32-bit) N/A
SUSE Enterprise Server 11 (x86 32-bit)
Oracle Enterprise 6.1 (x86 32-bit)
Table 3-2 summarizes the client operating system requirements for IBM Network Advisor.
Table 3-3 summarizes the minimum host requirements for running IBM Network Advisor on
Windows and Linux.
Server plus one Intel Core2 duo Intel Core2 duo Intel Core2 duo Intel Dual CPU Intel Dual CPU
local client 2 GHz or 2 GHz or 2 GHz or Core2 duo Core2 duo
equivalent equivalent equivalent 2.4 GHz or 2.4 GHz or
equivalent equivalent
Remote client N/A Intel Core2 duo Intel Core2 duo Intel Core2 duo Intel Core2 duo
only 2 GHz or 2 GHz or 2 GHz or 2 GHz or
equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent
Table 3-4 summarizes the minimum memory requirements for IBM Network Advisor.
Paging file size Minimum paging Maximum paging Minimum paging Maximum paging
file size file size file size file size
2 GB 2 GB 6 GB 1 GB 4 GB
3 GB 3 GB 9 GB 1 GB 4 GB
4 GB 4 GB 12 GB 1 GB 4 GB
Table 3-6 summarizes the minimum required disk space for IBM Network Advisor on
Windows and Linux systems. Add an additional 40 GB of disk space for the default temporary
Note: If you enable supportsave to run periodically or configure the IBM Network Advisor
as the upload failure data capture location for monitored switches, then additional disk
space is required. Each switch supportsave file is approximately 5 MB and each upload
failure data capture file is approximately 500 KB. To determine the disk space
requirements, multiply the frequency of scheduled supportsave commands by 5 MB and
the expected upload failure data capture files by 500 KB before the planned periodic purge
Supported Fabric OS
Version 5.0.x, Version 5.1.x, Version 5.2.x, and Version 5.3.x
Version 6.0.x, Version 6.1.x, Version 6.2.x, Version 6.3.x, and Version v6.4.x
Version 7.0.x and Version 7.1.x
Enter your user ID and password. If you do not have a MyBrocade account, you can create
one at the website.
Note: On a Linux system, If you double-click the install.bin file, select RUN.
Do not select RUN in Terminal.
2. Figure 3-1 shows the Introduction window for the installation. Click Next to proceed or
Cancel to exit the upgrade.
If the local host is not mapped to the loopback address, an error message displays, so you
must map the loopback address to the local host. To learn how to configure the loopback
address, see “Mapping a loopback address to the local host” on page 71.
Figure 3-8 Copy Data and Settings from previous releases window
Note: Obtain and store the license in a known secure location before proceeding with
the upgrade.
There are two options: Licensed version and 75 days trial. Select IBM Network Advisor -
Licensed version and click Next.
This window shows the options of Built-in FTP/SCP/SFTP server and External
FTP/SCP/SFTP server. The server where IBM Network Advisor is installed also behaves
as an FTP server, so it is a preferred practice to choose the Built-in FTP/SCP/SFTP
option. If you choose External FTP/SCP/SFTP, ensure that the server where the IBM
Network Advisor is installed is also configured as an FTP server because if you do not do
so, the Firmware repository feature will not be available.
Select the Built-in FTP/SCP/SFTP option and click Next.
You are presented with two options: Default password and New password. If you know the
new password, select that option and provide the password. If you are not sure about the
new password, select the Default password option and proceed. You can change the
Database password later by using the Server Management Console. Click Next.
Select the Enable SSL check box and enter 5989 as the port number (the default is 5988).
Click Next.
Ensure that the Service window (under Administrative Tools) is closed. If the Services
window is open, IBM Network Advisor might fail to start.
Select Finish.
Select Yes.
3.2.2 Upgrading to IBM Network Advisor V12.0.x from an existing IBM Network
Advisor installation
This section describes upgrading an existing IBM Network Advisor installation to Version
12.0.x. For the upgrade path reference, see 3.1.5, “Recommended upgrade path and
supported Fabric OS” on page 69. During the upgrade process, the old version is uninstalled
and the new version with an upgraded database is installed.
Before you proceed with the upgrade, back up your configuration. To back up your
configuration, go to installation location and copy the IBM Network Advisor 12.0.x folder.
This section describes upgrading to IBM Network Advisor V12.0.x on both Windows and
UNIX platforms:
On Windows system, you must be an administrator with read and write privileges.
On UNIX systems, you must be the root user.
Note: On a Linux system, if you double-click the install.bin file, select RUN.
Do not select RUN in Terminal.
2. The Introduction window opens, as shown in Figure 3-1 on page 73. Click Next to proceed
or Cancel to exit the upgrade.
3. A window with the license agreement opens. Accept the license agreement to proceed to
the next step. A window opens and prompts you for the installation folder location, As
shown in Figure 3-2 on page 74. Select the default location, as it is the current IBM
Network Advisor installed folder location. If you want to choose a different location, do so
now. Click Next.
4. The Pre-Installation Summary window opens, as shown in Figure 3-3 on page 75. Select
Install to proceed with the installation.
5. After the installation completes, the Installation Complete window opens, as shown in
Figure 3-5 on page 77. Select the Launch IBM Network Advisor Configuration check
box and click Done to start the configuration.
6. The Welcome window opens and describes the migrate data and settings, choosing the
installation type, license, FTP server, ports, server IP SMI agent, and network size, as
shown in Figure 3-7 on page 79. Click Next.
7. The Copy Data and Settings from previous releases window opens and prompts you for a
copy of the data and settings from your previous installation, as shown in Figure 3-22 on
page 95. You must provide the folder location where the previous version was installed. It
is not possible to migrate the data from a previous version after the installation.
Click Next.
11.The Installation Type window opens and prompts you to choose an installation type and
license, as shown in Figure 3-10 on page 82. By default, the installer takes the license
from the previous version and prompts you to confirm this choice. Click Next.
12.The FTP / SCP / SFTP Server window opens and prompts you to configure the FTP
server, as shown in Figure 3-12 on page 84. Select the Built-in FTP/SCP/SFTP option
and then select the Built-in FTP Server check box to proceed with the configuration. By
default, the server where IBM Network Advisor is installed works as an FTP server. Click
13.The Server IP Configuration window opens and prompts you to enter the server IP
configuration details, as shown in Figure 3-14 on page 86. Enter the details and click
14.The Server Configuration window opens and prompts you to provide the port numbers, as
shown in Figure 3-15 on page 87 and. During the upgrade, the installer automatically uses
the previous port numbers if they are different from the default values. Click Next.
15.The SMI Agent Configuration window opens and prompts you to configure the SMI Agent,
as shown in Figure 3-16 on page 88. Select the Enable SSL check box and enter 5989 as
the port number (the default is 5988). Click Next.
16.The SAN Network Size window opens and prompts you to configure the SAN network, as
shown in Figure 3-17 on page 89. Select the network size and click Next.
For more information about user management, see the following website:
Creating users
By default, the “Administrator” account is created when you are installing or upgrading IBM
Network Advisor. The first time you log in, use the default administrator credentials
administrator (for the user ID) and password (for the password). For security reasons,
change the administrator default password. To create a user, click Server Users.
In the Users tab, you can see three main panes: Users, Roles that is assigned to the user,
and Area of Responsibilities (AoR). In the Users pane, you can see all the users. When you
select a user, you can see their roles and responsibilities in the Roles and AoR panes.
While you create users, you can define roles for the SAN administrators by using the Roles
tab. You can assign both roles and AoR. Select the roles that you want to assign from the
Available Roles / AOR pane and click the right arrow to move them to Selected Roles / AOR
pane, and then click OK. For information about modifying the user, see “Modifying user
accounts” on page 105.
For more information about how to configure an LDAP server, see the following website:
The seed switch must be running a supported FOS and must be HTTP reachable.
Sometimes, the seed switch is auto-selected, such as when a fabric segments or when two
fabrics merge. Other times, you are prompted (when an event is triggered) to change the
seed switch, such as in the following cases:
If during a fabric discovery the management application detects that the seed switch is not
running a supported version, you are prompted to change the seed switch.
When one or more switches join the fabric or if the switch firmware is changed on any of
the switches in the fabric, the management application checks to make sure that the seed
switch is still running a supported version. If it is not, then you are prompted to either
upgrade the firmware on the seed switch or to change the seed switch to a switch running
supported firmware.
If a fabric of switches running only FOS V5.X or later is created because of segmentation, the
management application continues to monitor that fabric, but if any switch with a later FOS
version joins the fabric, an event is triggered and informs you that the seed switch is not
running the latest firmware and you should change to a seed switch that is running the
highest level of firmware.
Note: If a seed switch is segmented or merged, historical data, such as the offline zone
database, profile, reports, and Firmware Download profile, can be lost. Segmentation of a
seed switch does not result in formation of a new fabric. If a merge occurs, the historical
data is lost only from the second fabric.
You can change the seed switch if the following conditions are met:
The new seed switch is HTTP-reachable from the management application.
The new seed switch is a primary FCS.
The new seed switch is running the latest FOS version in the fabric.
This operation preserves historical and configuration data, such as performance monitoring
and user-customized data for the selected fabric.
Note: If the seed switch firmware is downgraded from FOS V5.2.X to an earlier version,
then all RBAC-related data is discarded from the management application.
If during the seed switch change the fabric is deleted but the rediscovery operation fails (for
example, if the new seed switch becomes unreachable using HTTP), then you must
rediscover the fabric again. If you rediscover the fabric by using a switch that was present in
the fabric before the change seed switch operation was performed, then all of the historical
and configuration data is restored to the rediscovered fabric. If you rediscover the fabric by
using a switch that was added to the fabric after the fabric was deleted, then the historical and
configuration data is lost.
If multiple users try to change the seed switch of the same fabric simultaneously, only the first
change seed switch request is run; subsequent requests that are initiated before the first
request completes fail.
When the seed switch cannot be reached for three consecutive fabric refresh cycles, the
management application looks for another valid seed switch in the fabric, verifies that it can
be reached, and has valid credentials. If the seed switch meets this criteria, the management
application automatically fails over to the recommended seed switch.
It is possible that auto-failover might occur to a seed switch that is not running the latest
firmware version. In this instance, any function that has a direct dependency on the firmware
version of the seed switch is affected and restricted by the failover seed switch capabilities.
For more information about FCS, see the “Configuring Security policies” section in the
Brocade Administrative Guide, found at the following website:
While discovering and adding new fabrics, the management application checks to confirm
that the seed switch is running a supported FOS version in the fabric; if it is not, the
management application prompts you to select a new seed switch.
For a FOS fabric, the seed switch must be the primary FCS. If you use a non-primary FCS to
discover the fabric, the management application displays an error and does not allow the
discovery to proceed. If the management application has already discovered the fabric, but
then you create the FCS policy and the seed switch is not a primary FCS, an event is
generated during the next poll.
The management application cannot discover a fabric that is in the process of actively
configuring to form a fabric. Wait until the fabric is formed and stable, then reattempt the fabric
After fabric discovery successfully completes, all clients are updated to display the newly
discovered fabric. During fabric discovery, you can define an IPV4 or IPV6 address; however,
the management application uses the preferred IP format to connect to the devices.
Setting the time on the fabric sets the time on the primary FCS switch, which then distributes
the changes to other switches.
When the FCS policy is defined, running configdownload is allowed only from the primary
FCS switch, but the management application does not check at the time of download that the
switch is the primary FCS switch.
Only one copy of the application should be used to monitor and manage the same devices
in a subnet.
2. After you provide the required information, click OK to discover and add the fabric.
A backbone chassis cannot be used as seed switch to discover and manage edge
fabrics. You must discover a seed switch from each edge fabric to discover and
manage the edge fabric.
The backbone chassis can discover and manage only the backbone fabric.
Professional and Professional Plus editions cannot manage the backbone chassis.
Professional edition can discover only one fabric
Professional PLUS can discover up to 2,560 ports.
3. To configure the SNMP setting, set the SNMP Configuration to Manual and click the
SNMP tab, as shown in Figure 3-37 on page 113.
Figure 3-38 shows the SNMP configuration window where you can configure SNMP V1 or
The management application allows you to create and assign properties to a storage device
during the mapping process by using the Storage Port Mapping dialog box. After a storage
device has multiple ports that are assigned to it, you cannot change the device type.
Note: When you open the Storage Port Mapping dialog box, discovery is automatically
turned off. When you close the Storage Port Mapping dialog box, discovery automatically
The management application allows you to change the device type of a discovered device.
Isolated storage ports are represented as storage devices. By using the Storage Port
Mapping dialog box, you can change the device type to an HBA, JBOD, and so on. However,
after a device is identified as a type of storage with ports assigned, you can no longer change
its type.
To create a storage array, select a storage port icon in the topology view and then click
Discover Storage Port Mapping.
Click New Storage and provide a name, and then select the WWNN of a storage device that
you want to add and click the left arrow. Click OK to complete the process, as shown in
Figure 3-41.
Dashboards update every 10 minutes regardless of the currently selected tab (SAN or
dashboard) or the SAN size.
You can change the default size of the status widgets and performance monitors by placing
the cursor on the divider until a double arrow displays. Click and drag the adjoining driver to
resize the window.
Figure 3-42 shows the default Performance Dashboard. There are two ways to access it:
Click Dashboard Performance Dashboard.
Click Monitor Performance Dashboard.
Note: Frame Viewer is supported only on FOS devices running Version 7.1.0 or later.
To use the Frame Viewer, s elect the FOS device running Version 7.1.0 or later and click
Monitor Discarded Frames. The Discarded Frames dialog box that opens has two
Select Only Supported Products with Dropped Frames in the log.
The bottom table displays FOS devices running Version 7.1.0 or later that support Frame
Viewer and have dropped frames.
Select All Supported Products to view all devices.
The bottom table displays all FOS devices running Version 7.1.0. or later that support
Frame Viewer.
Before you can decommission or commission an F-Port, you must register the CIMOM
servers within the fabric that is affected by the action.
The dashboards update regardless of the currently selected tab (SAN or dashboard) or the
SAN size. However, data might become momentarily out of sync between the dashboards
and other areas of the applications. For example, if you remove a product from the network
while another user navigates from the dashboard to a more detailed view of the product, the
product may not appear in the detail view.
1. Menu bar: Lists commands that you can perform on the dashboard. The dashboard also
provides a menu to reset the dashboard back to the defaults. You can reset the dashboard
back to the default settings by right-clicking and selecting Reset to Default.
2. Toolbar: Provides buttons that enable quick access to dialog boxes and functions.
3. Dashboard tab: Provides a high-level overview of the network that is managed by the
management application server.
4. SAN: Displays the master log, Minimap, Connectivity map (topology), and product list.
5. Widgets: Displays the operational status, inventory status, event summary, and overall
network or fabric status, and performance monitors.
6. Master log: Displays all events that have occurred on the management application.
7. Status bar: Displays the connection, port, product, fabric, special event, Call Home, and
backup status, and server and user data.
These pre-configured performance monitors can be turned off, hidden, and edited; however,
you cannot delete the pre-configured monitors. You can also create performance monitors on
the Performance Dashboard.
7. Select options from the Products or Ports, Measure, Duration, and Options panes
according to your requirement. After you select your options, name the monitor and press
General functions
The management application also provides the following general functions, which are
applicable to all widgets and monitors:
Performance Persistence: Any customization that you make to the Dashboard tab or
Performance Dashboard tab persists in that dashboard. For example, if you customize
both dashboards to display the event widget and set the range to This Hour in the
dashboard tab and set it to Last 30 days in the performance dashboard, then these
preferences persist when you log off and log back in again.
Severity: Most widgets display a severity icon (the worst severity is shown) next to the
widget title. The SAN status and SAN and Host inventory widgets also indicate the number
of products with that severity. The event widget displays a severity icon with the highest
severity event color. The status widget does not display the severity icon.
Title bar buttons: Status widgets have the following three (left to right) title bar buttons:
expand/collapse, maximize/minimize, and close. Performance monitor widgets are
editable and have the following four (left to right) title bar buttons: edit, expand/collapse,
maximize/minimize, and close.
Resizing: All widgets can be resized by dragging their “grab bars”. Use the vertical grab
bars between widget column to adjust the width of widgets in the adjacent column. Use
the horizontal grabs to adjust the height of adjacent widget rows.
Zoom in/Zoom out: Only widgets with a bar graph enable you to zoom in or zoom out using
your mouse. To zoom in, click the upper left of the widget area on which you want to zoom
in, drag the mouse to the lower right, and release the mouse button. To zoom out, click the
lower right widget area on which you want to zoom out, drag the mouse to the upper left,
and release the mouse button.
Tooltips: Only widgets with pie chart or bar graph display tooltips when you pause on a
section or bar.
– For the pie chart widgets, the tooltip displays the name of the category, number of
items in the category, and the percentage.
Dashboard widgets
The dashboard can be part of main application (Dashboard tab) or a separate dashboard
window. The management application provides the following preconfigured status widgets:
1. Bottlenecked ports: Table view of the bottlenecked ports and the number of violations for
each bottlenecked port in the SAN
2. Events: Bar chart view of events grouped by severity and range
3. Host adapter inventory: Stacked bar chart view of host adapters grouped by selected
4. SAN Inventory: Stacked bar chart view of FC devices grouped by operational status and
selected category
5. SAN Status: Pie chart view of FC devices categorized by operational status
6. Status: List view of various status attributes
7. VM Alarms: Table view of alarms received from vCenter products
As shown in Figure 3-51 on page 126 select the Enable Scheduled backup check box and
schedule the frequency. You can choose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, but Daily is
recommended. Choose the time window to schedule the backup, and also choose the period
of days you want to keep the configuration backup.
The Purge Backup can be 7 - 90 days; the default is 30 Days. You can choose all fabrics in
the network by selecting the Backup all fabrics check box, or by selecting some of the
switches in the network. You should collect a backup of all the fabrics in the environment.
If you are installing IBM Network Advisor for the first time in your environment, click
Monitor Event Notification Call Home, as shown in Figure 3-52 on page 127, where
you see that Call Home is enabled for different call home centers.
Clear the Enabled check boxes for the EMC, HP LAN, NetApp email, and Oracle email
servers to disable or to hide them. When you clear one of these check boxes, a message is
displayed: “Call Home center will be disabled. Do you want to continue?” Select Yes to
continue or No to cancel.
Note: Call Home is supported on Windows systems for all modem and email Call Home
centers and is supported on UNIX for the email Call Home centers.
Call Home allows you to automate tasks that occur when the Call Home event trigger is fired.
When a Call Home trigger event occurs, the management application generates the following
1. Sends an email alert to a specified recipient or dials in to a support center.
2. Triggers the supportsave command on the switch (if the supportsave command is enabled
on the switch) before sending an alert. The supportsave location is included in the alert.
3. Adds an entry to the master log file and screen display.
4. Generates an HTML report for email-based Call Home centers.
System requirements
Call Home requires the following hardware equipment:
Any Windows server with an internal or external modem connection
An analog phone line
Select Edit Centers from the Call Home window to configure the Call Home centers. After
you select Edit Centers a window opens, as shown in Figure 3-53. Select Call Home Center
from the drop-down list and provide the required information, such as Primary Connection,
Backup Connection, and Phone Number. Click OK.
IT organizations with large, complex, or highly virtualized data center environments often
require advanced tools to help them more effectively monitor and manage their storage
infrastructure. Developed specifically with these IT organizations in mind, Fabric Vision
technology also includes several breakthrough diagnostic, monitoring, and management
capabilities that dramatically simplify day-to-day SAN administration and provide
unprecedented visibility across the storage network.
The advanced technologies and capabilities that are described in this section are available
with the optional Fabric Vision technology license.
ClearLink Diagnostics allows users to automate a battery of tests to measure and validate
latency and distance across the switch links, and verify the integrity of the fiber and 16 Gbps
transceivers in the fabric, either before deployment or when there are suspected physical
layer issues. With ClearLink Diagnostics, only the ports that are attached to the link being
tested need to go offline, leaving the rest of the ports to operate online.
Network Advisor works with Bottleneck Detection to automatically monitor and detect network
congestion and latency in the fabric, providing visualization of bottlenecks in a connectivity
map and product tree. Network Advisor also can show exactly which devices and hosts are
impacted by a bottlenecked port.
Flow Mirror: Can non-disruptively create copies of specific application and data flows or
frame types that can be captured for deeper analysis. Flow Mirror is used for in-depth
analysis of flows of interest or specific frame types, such as analysis of SCSI Reservation
frames, ABTS frames, or flows going to a bottlenecked device.
Figure 3-57 shows the Ingress traffic of F-Port mirroring to the switch processor.
Figure 3-58 shows the Egress traffic of F-Port mirroring to the switch processor.
Figure 3-59 shows the Flow Generator deployment between one simulated host and one
simulated target. During this process, you can observe that both RX and TX counters
increment (simulated traffic).
Figure 3-59 Flow Generator Deployment between one simulated host and target
Figure 3-60 shows the flow that is mirrored at both Ingress (source F-Port) and at Egress
(target F-Port).
Figure 3-60 Flow Mirror bidirectional at Host port and Target port
To support performance analysis and capacity planning activities, administrators can use the
real-time and historical end-to-end performance data that is collected through IBM Network
Advisor. They can quickly identify the most demanding traffic flows in the fabric, get a current
snapshot of Top Talkers, or trend Top Talkers over time. Administrators can view end-to-end
performance and Top Talker information directly in IBM Network Advisor or export it to other
applications for reporting, such as Microsoft Excel and Crystal Reports.
IBM Network Advisor can enable MAPS on multiple chassis at once. You do not need to
manually convert the Fabric Watch policies either. After you click OK, a window opens and
displays the following
“MAPS will be enabled on the selected chassis. This operation cannot be reversed. Do you
want to continue?”.
Select Yes to continue. After you complete the operation, as shown in Figure 3-62, you can
observe the messages about the conversion of Fabric Watch thresholds to MAPS.
After enabling all policies, as shown Figure 3-65 on page 139, all policies are enabled, as
indicated by a green mark against the policy.
As shown in Figure 3-66, you can create policies for Port, Switch, Fabric, Field Replacement
Unit (FRU), Security, Resource, FCIP, and Traffic/Flows.
You can add, reset, or delete an existing flow from the Flow menu. Also, you can look for
MAPS violations.
Select the Persist over switch reboots option according to your requirement. While defining
the rule, you can choose and provide either port address or device WWN. After you provide
the required details, click OK to continue.
After the SAN switch is physically installed and powered on, some initial configuration
parameters must be set. All of the b-type switches require the same initial setup. The
fundamental steps have not changed from the earlier switch models.
Parameter Value
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
For more information about passwords, see the Brocade Fabric OS Administrator’s
Guide, found at
Configuring IP addresses
The SAN768B-2 requires three IP addresses, which are configured by running the ipAddrSet
command. IP addresses are required for both CP blades (CP0 and CP1) and for the chassis
management IP (shown as SWITCH under the ipAddrShow command) in the SAN768B-2.
Note: Here are the default IP addresses and host names for the SAN768B-2: / CP0 (the CP blade in slot 6 at the time of configuration) / CP1 (the CP blade in slot 7 at the time of configuration)
After you are logged in to the active CP using the Serial cable (as described in “Establishing a
serial connection to the SAN768B-2” on page 144), complete the following steps:
1. Set up the Chassis IP address by running the following command:
swDir:admin> ipAddrSet -chassis
Enter the information at the prompts. Specify the -chassis IP address.
2. Set up the CP0 IP address by running the ipaddrset -cp 0 command:
swDir:admin> ipAddrSet -cp 0
Enter the information at the prompts.
3. Set up the CP1 IP address by running the ipaddrset -cp 1 command:
swDir:admin> ipAddrSet -cp 1
Enter the information at the prompts.
Note: The addresses - are reserved and used internally by the
SAN768B-2. External IPs must not use these addresses.
After you use a serial connection to configure the IP addresses for the SAN768B-2, you can
connect the active CP blade to the local area network (LAN) and complete the configuration
using either a serial session, Telnet, SSH, or a management application such as Web Tools or
IBM Network Advisor.
After you have set up the SAN switch in a rack and powered on the switch, it is time to apply
the basic configuration. You can use the EZSwitchSetup (described in 4.1.3, “EZSwitchSetup
initial configuration” on page 152) to complete the basic configuration. If you do not want to
use EZSwitchSetup, continue with the instructions in this section.
The SAN switch boot process requires several minutes to boot and complete the POST. After
the POST is complete, verify that the power and status LEDs on the SAN switches (port side)
are green.
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Time zones
You can set the time zone for the switch by name. You can select continent, country, or time
zone region names.
If the time zone is not set with the named options, the switch retains the offset time zone
settings. This is a number of hours that are offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If you
have set the time zone with a name, you can revert to the offset format if you choose.
You can set the time zone for a switch by running tsTimeZone. The tsTimeZone command
allows you to perform the following tasks:
Display all of the time zones that are supported in the firmware.
Set the time zone based on a country and city combination or based on a time zone ID,
such as PST.
For more information about the tsTimeZone command, see the Fabric OS Command
Reference, found at
When a new switch enters the fabric, the time server daemon of the principal or primary
switch sends out the addresses of all existing clock servers and the time to the new switch. If
a switch with FOS V5.3.0 or later enters the fabric, it can store the list of all the clock server
addresses; switches running FOS versions earlier than Version 5.3.0 ignore the new list
parameter in the payload and updates only the active server address.
If the active NTP server configured is IPv6, then distributing the IP address in the fabric is not
possible to switches with versions earlier than FOS V5.3.0 because IPv6 is supported only for
FOS V5.3.0 and later. The default value LOCL is distributed to switches earlier than
FOS V5.3.0.
The tsClockServer command accepts multiple server addresses in IPv4, IPv6, or DNS name
formats. When multiple NTP server addresses are passed, tsClockServer sets the first
obtainable address as the active NTP server. The rest is stored as backup servers that can
take over if the active NTP server fails. The principal or primary switch synchronizes its time
with the NTP server every 64 seconds.
Use one of the two following procedures to set the time zone. The first procedure requires you
to select the actual time zone and the second requires you to select the country location of
the switch.
The following example shows how to set up more than one NTP server using a DNS name:
switch:admin> tsclockserver ";;"
Updating Clock Server configuration...done.
Updated with the NTP servers
Note: Changes to the clock server value on the principal or primary FCS switch are
propagated to all switches in the fabric.
The following section covers only the EZSwitchSetup Switch Configuration wizard. All
instructions are based on Version 7.2.0 of EZSwitchSetup.
Before you begin, confirm that your switch model is compatible with the EZSwitchSetup
version. Version 7.2.0 is compatible with the following Gen 4 and Gen 5 switch models:
Before you begin, you must obtain an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address
for the switch. Then, complete the following steps:
1. Install the EZSwitchSetup wizard, which is on the EZSwitchSetup installation CD. Insert
the EZSwitchSetup CD into the CD-ROM drive of your setup computer.
– On Windows: The installer automatically starts in about a minute.
– On Linux: Navigate to the following path on the CD-ROM:
2. Install EZSwitchSetup by following the directions that display. The installation takes a few
minutes after you click OK.
Connecting cables
To connect the switch cables, complete the following steps:
1. Choose the method to connect to your LAN.
You can use a serial connection or an Ethernet connection to your LAN to set the IP
address for the switch. The Ethernet connection is more convenient and preferred. Use
the serial connection if it is not possible or not convenient to connect the host on the same
subnet as the switch.
2. Click Next.
3. Connect the power cord to the switch and plug it in to a power source. The switch power
and status LEDs display amber and then change to green, which usually takes from one to
three minutes.
4. Connect an Ethernet cable from the switch to the LAN you want to use for your
management connection through an Ethernet hub or switch. If you chose to use your
Ethernet connection for setup in step 1 on page 154, this is the connection that you use. If
you chose the serial cable connection in step 1 on page 154, you should still connect the
Ethernet cable so the Ethernet connection is available when you start the EZSwitchSetup
Switch Manager.
5. If you are using a serial connection for setup, connect your setup computer to the serial
port on the switch by using the serial cable that shipped with the switch. If you cannot find
the serial cable that came with the switch, you must find one that has the appropriate
connectors. Do not use a null-modem cable. Here are the serial connection settings:
– Bits per second: 9600
– Tidbits: 8
– Parity: None
– Stop bits: 1
– Flow control: None
6. Click Next.
If you are using an Ethernet LAN connection, the Discover Switch window opens, as shown in
Figure 4-4.
Note: Starting at step 5, the steps are the same for both serial and Ethernet
5. If you are setting up the switch for the first time, the addresses that are shown are not
valid. If you click Next with these addresses in place, EZSwitchSetup returns an error
To set up IPv4 addresses, edit the address information in the Set Switch IP address
window to create static addresses that are appropriate for your LAN connection.
Confirming IP addresses
The Confirm IP address window (Figure 4-7) opens after you assign IP addresses using
either a serial connection or an Ethernet connection.
3. Click Continue.
Note: You can use Typical Zoning for dual-capable devices (devices that are configured
to function both as initiators and targets), but in Typical Zoning mode, these devices are
recognized as targets by EZSwitchSetup and are rejected if attached to a host port.
Typical Zoning is the default and the procedure that is used here assumes that you select
Typical Zoning. When you select Typical Zoning, the EZSwitchSetup switch configuration
wizard automatically configures the zones for you and shows you how to connect the devices
to the switch.
Specifying devices
In the Specify Devices window, complete the following steps.
1. Enter the number of HBA connections that you want to attach to the switch. Ensure to
include existing HBA connections and any additional HBA connections you plan to make
in the current setup session. You can change this setting later if you want to add or remove
HBA connections.
2. Enter the number of storage connections you want to attach to the switch. Ensure to
include existing storage connections and any additional storage connections you plan to
make in the current setup session. You can change this setting later if you want to add or
remove storage connections.
EZSwitchSetup uses these values to verify that all your current and planned devices are
correctly connected for the zoning scheme that will be created. Typical Zoning ensures
that every connected host device can communicate with every connected storage device.
3. Click Next. The Configure Ports and Connect Devices window opens
The Next button for this window is not enabled until all non-matching or missing connection
issues (indicated by solid red and dotted blue lines) are resolved.
If you change your mind about the number of devices you want to connect, you can click
Previous and adjust the values you have selected in the device type lists in the Specify
Devices window (Figure 4-12 on page 164). You must always select at least as many devices
of each type as are connected, and you must also connect as many devices of each type that
you selected. On the Configure Ports and Connect Devices window, you can also pre-reserve
some additional currently unoccupied ports for future HBA or storage connections. These
additional reservations are also reflected in the zoning scheme, and are shown in the Devices
view window in the EZSwitchSetup Switch Manager application to remind you where these
additional devices can be connected. The default reservation type is HBA.
Figure 4-13 shows the Configure Ports and Connect Devices window.
After you click Next in the Configuring Ports and Connect Device window, the configuration
summary window opens, as shown in Figure 4-14.
Click Finish to close the summary window and finish the switch configuration.
The principles and technology that are described in this section are also described in greater
depth in Implementing the IBM SAN Volume Controller and FlashSystem 820, SG24-8172.
Note: IBM has a rich portfolio of flash-based systems and products. However, for the
purposes of this book, we use the term IBM FlashSystem storage systems to refer to the
external flash-based systems with Fibre Channel host connectivity only.
IBM FlashSystem storage systems deliver high performance, efficiency, and reliability to
various storage environments, helping address performance issues with the most important
applications and infrastructure. These storage systems can either complement or replace
traditional hard disk drive arrays for many business-critical applications that require high
performance or low latency. Such applications include online transaction processing (OLTP),
business intelligence (BI), online analytical processing (OLAP), virtual desktop infrastructures
(VDIs), high-performance computing (HPC), and content delivery solutions (such as cloud
storage and video-on-demand).
Known existing flash-based technologies, such as PCIe flash cards, serial-attached SCSI
(SAS), or Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) solid-state drives (SSDs), are
traditionally inside individual servers. Such drives are limited in that they deliver additional
performance capability only to the dedicated applications running on the server, and are
typically limited in capacity. Hybrid shared storage systems, using both flash and spinning
disk technology at the same time, offer the potential to improve performance for a wide range
of tasks. However, in products of this type, the internal resources of the system (that is, bus,
PCI adapters, and so on) are shared between SSD drives and spinning disks, limiting the
performance that can be achieved by using flash technology.
As shared data storage devices that are designed around flash technology, IBM FlashSystem
storage systems deliver performance beyond that of most traditional arrays, even those that
incorporate SSDs or other flash technology. IBM FlashSystem storage systems can also be
used as the top tier of storage, alongside traditional arrays in tiered storage architectures,
such as IBM SAN Volume Controller or IBM Storwize® V7000 storage virtualization platforms
using the IBM Easy Tier® function. Additionally, IBM FlashSystem storage systems have
sophisticated reliability features, such as Variable Stripe Redundant Array of Independent
Disks (RAID), which are typically not present on locally attached flash devices.
The IBM FlashSystem portfolio includes shared flash storage systems, SSD devices that are
provided in disk storage systems, and server-based flash devices.
For more information, see the IBM FlashSystem home page that is found at the following
At the time of writing, there are two families of the IBM FlashSystem:
IBM FlashSystem 710 and IBM FlashSystem 810
IBM FlashSystem 720 and IBM FlashSystem 820
For more information about the specifications and features of the IBM FlashSystem 710 and
IBM FlashSystem 810 storage systems, go to the following website:
IBM FlashSystem 720 and IBM FlashSystem 820 products also incorporate advanced
reliability technology, including 2D Flash RAID and Variable Stripe RAID self-healing data
Four 8 Gbps FC or 40 Gbps QDR InfiniBand interface ports
Up to 10 TB of usable RAID 5 protected SLC flash storage capacity (12.4 TB usable RAID
0, with 16.5 TB raw capacity), or 20 TB of usable RAID 5 protected eMLC flash (24.7 TB
usable RAID 0, 33.0 TB raw capacity) storage
Dual power supplies with batteries to shut down safely in power loss events
For more information about the specifications and features of the IBM FlashSystem 720 and
IBM FlashSystem 820 storage systems, go to the following website:
Initial IP address configuration is explained in greater detail in Implementing the IBM SAN
Volume Controller and FlashSystem 820, SG24-8172.
2. Enter the login and password, and click OK to log in. For IBM FlashSystem storage
systems, the default login is admin and the default password is password. Upon
successful authentication, the main GUI window opens, as shown in Figure 5-2. Change
and record the default password.
Note the system tree navigation element in the left pane. The system tree consists of a
root node (a labeled icon) that represents the storage system, and a nested series of
nodes that represent components in the system and system management functions. You
can click a node to see details and options that are related to the node.
2. Click Create to continue with creating the volume. As shown in Figure 5-4, a window
opens. Read the overview, and click Next to continue.
3. As shown in Figure 5-5 on page 173, provide all the required details and click Next.
Ensure that you select both Report Uncorrected media errors to the SCSI host and
Enable ACA support. For more information about the options, go to the following website:
4. Click Next to continue with the creation of the volume. As shown in Figure 5-6, a
confirmation window opens. Select the Confirm above configuration changes check
box and click Finish to complete the creation of the LUN.
Select the volume that was created to provide the access through the Fibre Channel ports
of the IBM FlashSystem and click Access. The Overview window opens, as shown in
Figure 5-8. Click Next to change the access policy for the new volume.
7. After you select the ports to provide the access to the new volumes, as shown in
Figure 5-10, click Next to continue with the access.
Figure 5-10 Selecting the ports to provide the access to the volumes
After you click Finish, as shown in Figure 5-12, the selected Logical Unit has the new Host
Access Policies.
To expand the existing volume, add the additional amount of space to the existing quantity
and select Next.
3. After you select the controller port, click Next to continue. Confirmation is required to
continue with the addition or removal of access ports, as shown in Figure 5-17 on
page 181. After you provide the password, click Finish to complete the task.
5.2.5 Port masking and SAN zoning between IBM SAN Volume Controller and
IBM FlashSystem
As described in 5.2.4, “Modifying access to the existing volumes” on page 179, after you
create the volumes, map them to IBM FlashSystem Fibre Channel ports to provide access,
which is known as port masking.
After the port masking is complete so that you can present IBM FlashSystem to IBM SAN
Volume Controller, zoning should be established at the fabric level. To create the zoning
between IBM SAN Volume Controller and IBM FlashSystem, run the zonecreate command or
use the GUI, and use the WWPN of the IBM SAN Volume Controller and the WWPN of IBM
Example 5-1 shows the method of creating the zone by running the zonecreate command.
Use the IBM SAN Volume Controller and IBM FlashSystem WWPNs while creating the zone.
You may define aliases for IBM FlashSystem WWPNs and IBM SAN Volume Controller
WWPNs to use while creating zones instead of using WWPNs. After you create the zone, add
the zone to the existing fabric configuration, save the configuration, and enable the fabric
For Fabric-Odd
cfgadd "ITSO_Fabric_Odd","SVC_Flash_Fabric_Odd"
cfgenable "ITSO_Fabric_Odd"
As shown in Figure 5-18, create the zone between the IBM SAN Volume Controller and IBM
FlashSystem by following preferred practices.
Example 5-2 describes the zoning information from our test environment (shown in
Figure 5-18 on page 182) for both fabrics.
In Figure 5-18 on page 182, you can see two fabrics, “Fabric-Even” and “Fabric-Odd”.
Fabric-Even contains one IBM System Networking SAN 768B-2 director class switch and one
IBM System Networking SAN 96B-5 switch. Fabric-Odd contains one SAN 768B-2 director
class switch and one SAN 96B-5. Both fabrics are designed for a “Core-Edge” topology,
where IBM FlashSystem and IBM SAN Volume Controller are connected into the SAN768B-2
director class switch and the hosts are connected into the SAN 96B-5 switch. In the current
environment, IBM FlashSystem even-numbered ports are connected into Fabric-Even and
the odd-numbered ports are connected into the Fabric-Odd.
As shown in Example 5-2, in our example environment, we create the zone between the even
ports of IBM FlashSystem and IBM SAN Volume Controller, and between the odd ports of
IBM FlashSystem and IBM SAN Volume Controller.
Example 5-3 lists the newly presented MDisks from IBM FlashSystem to IBM SAN Volume
After you present the new MDisks, create an MDisk group to add the MDisks. Example 5-4
describes the process of creating an MDisk group by using the newly presented MDisks.
Challenges arise not only with trying to research emerging data center cabling offerings to
determine what you need for today and for future growth, but also with evolving cabling
industry guidance, which sometimes lags in the race to deliver standards for deploying
technologies such as 16 Gbps data transmissions.
The next sections describe some of the cabling preferred practices and guidelines. Other
components, such as cooling, power, and space capacity that involves data center
manageability are not within the intended scope of this book.
Using a structured approach means establishing a Main Distribution Area (MDA), one or
several Horizontal Distribution Areas (HDAs), and two-post racks for better access and cable
management. The components that are selected for building the MDA and the HDA should be
of good quality and able to handle anticipated and future loads, as this area houses the bulk
of the cabling. Include horizontal and vertical cable managers in the layout. The MDA houses
the main cross-connects and the core networking equipment. The HDA houses the
cross-connects for distributing cables to the Equipment Distribution Areas (EDAs). Patch
cables are used to connect equipment, such as servers and storage, by using the patch
panels at their designated EDA.
Plan the layout of the equipment racks within the data center. Cables are distributed from the
HDA to the EDA by using horizontal cabling. Ensure that you address both current and future
port counts and applications needs.
Each scenario has its own challenges and customization requirements. It is important to read
the TIA-942 and the TIA/EIA-568 industry guidelines and to establish a structure for the
cabling. Each cabling component has an important role in the overall infrastructure, you must
carefully select and apply the correct structure.
Structuring the cabling has many benefits, and because manufacturers strive to conform to
standards, compatibility should not be a major issue. A structured infrastructure provides you
with some of the following benefits:
Simplifies cable identification and fault isolation.
Consistent current cabling shapes the foundation for future cabling.
Additions and modifications are easier to accommodate.
You can mix-and-match multivendor components (ensure that they comply with the same
Provides flexibility in connections.
As equipment prices continue to drop, vendors continue to build better options. The main
difference to consider currently is the cost of modular components versus the cost of labor for
a non-modular but structured offering. Although modular cabling saves you time and money
when you want to modify the infrastructure yourself, the trade-off is less flexibility and a
potential commitment to stay with the chosen vendor for continued compatibility.
Using fiber cable assemblies that have a single connector at one end of the cable and
multiple duplex breakout cables at the other end is an alternative to alleviate cable
management. Multifiber Push-On (MPO) cable assemblies can achieve these goals. The idea
is to pre-connect the high-density and high-port- count Lucent Connector (LC) equipment with
an LC-MPO fan-out cable (shown in Figure 6-1) to dedicated MPO modules within a
dedicated patch panel. After the panel is fully cabled, this patch panel functions as though it
were “remote” ports for the equipment. These dedicated patch panels ideally should be above
the equipment whose cabling they handle for easier access to overhead cabling. Using this
strategy drastically reduces equipment cabling clutter and improves cable management.
Figure 6-1 An LC-MPO fan-out cable consolidates six duplex LC ports into one MPO connection
Yellow Single Mode Fiber LAN/SAN device to device over long distance
In addition to cable colors, you can expand the color scheme by using different 1-inch color
bands at each end of the cable, different color sleeves, and different color ports on the patch
You can exclude Building and Room if there is only one instance of this entity in your
After the naming scheme is approved, you can start labeling the components. Create a
reference document that becomes part of the training for new data center administrators.
Colored jacks or bezels in the patch panel allow easy identification of the ports and the
applications they are intended for. Patch panels also come in modular styles, for example, for
an MPO structured system. The trade-off for the higher cost of materials is that some of this
cost is recovered from faster installation and lower labor costs.
Evaluate the cost of materials and labor for terminating connections into patch panels. These
cables will most likely end up under raised floors, or over the ceiling, or in overhead cable
pathways out of view and touch from users.
Choose these cable managers carefully so that the cable bend radius is accommodated.
Make sure that certain parts of the horizontal cable manager are not obstructing equipment in
the racks, and that those individual cables are easy to add and remove. Some cable
managers come with dust covers. For dynamic environments, however, dust covers can be an
obstacle when quick cable changes are required.
Allow for 50% growth of cables when planning the width (4-inch width for edge racks and
6-inch width for distribution racks are typical) and depth (6-inch depth is typical) of the vertical
cable manager. Additionally, use d-rings type cable managers to manage cables on the back
side of the racks in dynamic environments. For static environments, you can consider
installing another vertical cable manager behind the racks, which does not block access to
components in the space between the racks.
Figure 6-2 shows front and back view of a rack, which shows placements of common cabling
A good layout discourages cabling in between racks because of the lack of available data
ports or power supply ports. Allow more power outlets and network ports than you need,
which saves you money in the end as rack density increases, calling for more power and
network connectivity. Using correct length cables, route patch cables up or down through
horizontal patch panels, while avoiding overlapping other ports. Some cable slack might be
needed to enable easy removal of racked equipment.
After you are satisfied that the rack is populated and cabled efficiently, label, document, and
establish this rack as an internal standard for your data center. After you create the ideal
layout of a rack, you get an idea of cable density, power consumption, weight, and the heat
that is generated per rack for the entire data center. The actual figures vary from rack to rack,
but this ideal rack establishes baseline metrics.
Placement of horizontal cable managers is important. Use one horizontal cable manager to
route cables between two adjacent 1U switches that have a single row of ports. For switches
and equipment that have two rows of ports, route the cables from the top row of the
equipment to a horizontal cable manager placed above this equipment, and route the cables
from the bottom row of the equipment to a horizontal cable manager placed below the
Regular inspections of the cabling layout go a long way toward maintaining consistency. They
also help you identify problem areas for improvement and give you ideas for future
enhancements to accommodate newer devices.
6.1.17 Documentation
Perhaps the most critical task in cable management is to document the complete
infrastructure, which should include diagrams, cable types, patching information, and cable
The cabling contractor should provide this documentation, so ensure that you keep this
information easily accessible to data center staff. Assign updates to one or more staff
members and make sure that it is part of their job assignment to keep the documentation
up-to-date. Furthermore, create a training guide that documents guidelines for installing
cables, cable management components, and routing cables. Take digital photographs as
reference points to support your guiding principles.
Maintaining an approximate count on the installed cabling and port count usage gives you an
idea of what spares you need to have available. Paradoxically, managing spare cables has its
own challenges. How do you effectively store and easily identify recoiled cables, and keep a
count of the spares? Again, discipline is the key, with whatever guidelines you have in place.
During installation
During the installation of your cabling, follow these preferred practices:
Avoid over-bundling the cables or placing multiple bundles on top of each other, which can
degrade the performance of the cables underneath. Additionally, keep fiber and copper
runs separated because the weight of the copper cables can crush any fiber cables that
are placed underneath.
Avoid mounting cabling components in locations that block access to other equipment
inside and outside the racks.
Keep all cable runs under 90% of the maximum distance that is supported for each media
type as specified in the relevant standard. This extra headroom is for the additional patch
cables that are included in the end-to-end connection.
For backbone and horizontal runs, install additional cables as spares.
Cabling installations and components should be compliant with industry standards.
Do not stress the cable by doing any of the following actions:
– Applying additional twists
– Pulling or stretching beyond the cable’s specified pulling load rating
– Bending the cable beyond its specified bend radius, and not beyond 90º
– Creating tension in suspended runs
– Stapling or applying pressure with cable ties
Avoid routing cables through pipes and holes, which might limit additional future cable
Label cables with their destination at every termination point (this means labeling both
ends of the cable).
Test every cable as it is installed and terminated. It is difficult to identify problem cables
Place the main cabling distribution area nearer the center of the data center to limit cable
Dedicate outlets for terminating horizontal cables, that is, allocate a port in the patch panel
for each horizontal run.
Include sufficient vertical and horizontal managers in your design; future changes might
involve downtime as cables are removed during the changes.
Use angled patch panels within high-density areas, such as the cable distribution area.
Use straight patch panels at the distribution racks.
Use modular cabling systems to map ports from equipment with high-density port counts,
as described in 6.1.1, “Using a structured approach” on page 188.
6.1.20 Summary
Although cabling represents less than 10% of the overall data center network investment,
expect it to outlive most other network components and expect it to be the most difficult and
potentially costly component to replace. When you purchase the cabling infrastructure,
consider not only the initial implementation costs, but subsequent costs as well. Understand
the full lifecycle and study local industry trends to arrive at the correct decision for your
Choose the strongest foundation to support your present and future network technology
needs and comply with TIA/ISO cabling standards. The cabling itself calls for the correct
knowledge, the correct tools, patience, a structured approach, and most of all, discipline.
Without discipline, it is common to see complex cabling “masterpieces” quickly get out of
control, leading to chaos.
Because each environment is different, there is no single solution that meets all of your cable
management needs. Following the guidelines and preferred practices that are presented here
goes a long way to providing you with the information that is required for the successful
deployment of a cabling infrastructure in your data center.
6.2.1 Topologies
A typical SAN design has devices on the edge of the network, switches in the core of the
network, and the cabling that connects it all together. Topology is described in terms of how
the switches are interconnected, such as ring, core-edge, and edge-core-edge or fully
meshed. At this point, the focus is on switch topology with ISLs. The recommended SAN
topology to optimize performance, management, and scalability is a tiered, core-edge
topology (sometimes called core-edge or tiered core-edge). This approach provides good
performance without unnecessary interconnections. At a high level, the tiered topology has
many edge switches that are used for device connectivity, and fewer core switches that are
used for routing traffic between the edge switches.
An important aspect of SAN topology is the resiliency and redundancy of the fabric. The main
objective is to remove any single point of failure. Resiliency is the ability of the network to
continue to function or recover from a failure, and redundancy describes duplication of
components, even an entire fabric, to eliminate a single point of failure in the network.
Brocade fabrics have resiliency built into Brocade FOS, the software that runs on all Brocade
B-Series switches, which can quickly “repair” the network to overcome most failures. For
example, when a link between switches fails, Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF) quickly
recalculates all traffic flows. This assumes that there is a second route, which is when
redundancy in the fabric becomes important.
Preferred practices
Here some preferred practices for setting up SAN topologies:
Use two core switches instead of a single one in core-edge and edge-core-edge designs.
This configuration improves resilience in the fabric and avoids host failovers to alternative
fabrics in case a core platform ever fails. Experience has shown that host failover software
sometimes does not function as expected, causing outages for applications that were
expected to participate in a host failover to a second fabric.
Duplicate the Fibre Channel Router (FCR) backbone switches to protect against host
failover failures. Often, the costs that are associated with a failover failure exceed the cost
of the second FCR platform.
Provide as many different paths through the fabric as possible, especially for routed
fabrics, as these are prime points of congestion.
ISL Trunking reduces traffic congestion in storage networks. To balance the workload across
all of the ISLs in the trunk, each incoming frame is sent across the first available physical ISL
in the trunk. As a result, transient workload peaks are much less likely to impact the
performance of other parts of the SAN fabric and bandwidth is not wasted by inefficient traffic
routing. ISL Trunking can also help simplify fabric design, lower provisioning time, and limit
the need for additional ISLs or switches.
As a preferred practice, there should be a minimum of two trunks, with at least two ISLs per
trunk. DLS should be used to provide more effective load balancing, such as routing between
multiple trunk groups.
First, the second generation increased the supported ICL cable distance from 2 meters to
50 meters (or 100 meters with FOS V7.1, certain QSFPs, and OM4 fiber), providing greater
architectural design flexibility.
Second, the combination of four cables into a single QSFP provides incredible flexibility for
deploying various different topologies, including a massive 9-chassis full-mesh design with
only a single hop between any two points within the fabric.
In addition to these significant advances in ICL technology, the ICL capability still provides
dramatic reduction in the number of Inter-Switch Link (ISL) cables that are required, a four to
one reduction compared to traditional ISLs with the same amount of interconnect bandwidth.
Because the QSFP-based ICL connections are on the core routing blades instead of
consuming traditional ports on the port blades, up to 33% more FC ports are available for
server and storage connectivity.
ICL Ports on Demand are licensed in increments of 16 ICL ports. Connecting five or more
chassis through ICLs requires an Enterprise ICL license.
Note: Always refer to the b-type SAN Scalability Guidelines for FOS V7.x to check the
supported ICL topology scalability limits. For our example, we used the version found at the
following website:
Figure 6-3 shows a diagram of the minimum connectivity between a pair of SAN768B-2
chassis. (The physical location of ICL connections might be different from what is shown here,
but there should be at least two connections per core blade.)
Figure 6-3 Minimum connections that are needed between a pair of SAN768B-2 chassis
The dual connections on each core blade must be within the same ICL trunk boundary on the
core blades. ICL trunk boundaries are described in detail in “ICL trunking and trunk groups”
on page 200. If more than four ICL connections are required between a pair of SAN768B-2 /
SAN384B-2 chassis, additional ICL connections should be added in pairs (one on each core
ICL connection preferred practice: Each core blade in a chassis must be connected to
each of the two core blades in the destination chassis to achieve full redundancy. (For
redundancy, use at least one pair of links between two core blades.)
QSFP-based ICLs and traditional ISLs are not concurrently supported between a single pair
of SAN768B-2 / SAN384B-2 chassis. All inter-chassis connectivity between any pair of
SAN768B-2 / SAN384B-2 chassis must be done by using either ISLs or ICLs. The final layout
and design of ICL interconnectivity is determined by the customer’s unique requirements and
needs, which dictate the ideal number and placement of ICL connections between
SAN768B-2 / SAN384B-2 chassis.
Each QSFP-based ICL port has four independent 16 Gbps links, each of which terminates on
one of four ASICs on each SAN768B-2 core blade, or two ASICs on each SAN384B-2 core
blade. Trunk groups can be formed by using any of the ports that make up contiguous groups
of eight links on each ASIC.
Figure 6-4 on page 201 shows that each core blade has groups of eight ICL ports (indicated
by the blue box around the groups of ports) that connect to common ASICs in such a way that
their four links can participate in common trunk groups with links from the other ports in the
Each SAN384B-2 core blade has one group of eight ICL ports, and each SAN768B-2 core
blade has two groups of eight ICL ports.
Because there are four separate links for each QSFP-based ICL connection, each of these
ICL port groups can create up to four trunks, with up to eight links in each trunk.
A trunk can never be formed by links within the same QSFP ICL port because each of the four
links within the ICL port terminates on a different ASIC for the SAN768B-2 core blade, or on
either different ASICs or different trunk groups within the same ASIC for the SAN384B-2 core
blade. Thus, each of the four links from an individual ICL is always part of independent trunk
When connecting ICLs between a SAN768B-2 and a SAN384B-2, the maximum number of
links in a single trunk group is four because the different number of ASICs on each product’s
core blades, and the mapping of the ICL links to the ASIC trunk groups. To form trunks with
up to eight links, ICL ports must be deployed within the trunk group boundaries that are
shown in Figure 6-4, and they can be created only when deploying ICLs between a pair of
SAN768B-2 chassis or SAN384B-2 chassis. It is not possible to create trunks with more than
four links when connecting ICLs between a SAN768B-2 and SAN384B-2 chassis.
If you follow this preferred practice, trunks can be easily formed by using ICL ports, whether
you are connecting two SAN768B-2 chassis, two SAN384B-2 chassis, or a SAN768B-2 and a
Any time additional ICL connections are added to a chassis, they should be added in pairs by
including at least one additional ICL on each core blade. It is also a preferred practice that
trunks on a core blade are always composed of equal numbers of links, and that you deploy
connections in an identical fashion on both core blades within a chassis. As an example, if
you deploy two ICLs within the group of four ICL ports in trunk group A in Figure 6-5, you can
add a single additional ICL to trunk group A, or you can add a pair of ICLs to any of the other
trunk groups on the core blade. This ensures that no trunks are formed that have a different
total bandwidth from other trunks on the same blade. Deploying a single additional ICL to
trunk group B might result in four trunks with 32 Gbps of capacity (those created from the
ICLs in trunk group A) and four trunks with only 16 Gbps (those from the single ICL in group
The port mapping information that is shown in Figure 6-6 on page 203 and Figure 6-7 on
page 203 also indicates the recommended ICL trunk groups by showing ports in the same
recommended trunk group with the same color.
The colored groups of external ICL ports indicate those ports that belong to common
recommended trunk groups. For example, ports 0 - 3 (shown in blue in Figure 6-6) forms four
trunk groups, with one link being added to each trunk group from each of the four external ICL
ports. For the SAN768B-2, you can create up to 16 trunk groups on each of the two core
The first ICL POD license enables ICL ports 0 - 7. Adding a second ICL POD license enables
the remaining eight ICL ports, ports 8 - 15. This applies to ports on both core blades.
Note: To disable ICL port 0, you must run portdisable on all four “internal” ports that are
associated with that ICL port.
Figure 6-7 SAN384B-2 core blade - external ICL port numbering to “switchshow” (internal) port
A single ICL POD license enables all eight ICL ports on the SAN384B-2 core blades. This
applies to ports on both core blades.
Note: To disable ICL port 0, you must run portdisable on all four “internal” ports that are
associated with that ICL port.
The QSFP-based optical ICLs enable simpler, flatter, low-latency chassis topologies,
spanning up to a 100-meter distance with standard cables. These ICLs reduce inter-switch
cabling requirements and provide up to 33% more front-end ports for servers and storage,
providing more usable ports in a smaller footprint with no loss in connectivity.
Designing device connectivity depends a great deal on the expected data flow between
devices. For simplicity, communicating hosts and targets can be attached to the same switch,
as shown in Figure 6-8.
Figure 6-8 Hosts and targets are attached to the same switch to maximize locality of data flow
Figure 6-9 Hosts and targets are attached to different switches for ease of management and expansion
One common scheme for scaling a core-edge topology is dividing the edge switches in to a
storage tier and a host/initiator tier. This approach lends itself to ease of management and
expansion. In addition, host and storage devices generally have different performance
requirements, cost structures, and other factors that can be readily accommodated by placing
initiators and targets in different tiers.
The topology that is shown in Figure 6-10 provides a clearer distinction between the
functional tiers.
When connecting the target devices, it is important to choose the correct switch ports to get
the traffic balanced across the four Virtual Channels. The number of assigned buffer credits is
equal for each of the four VCs and a congested VC cannot borrow buffer credits from the
other VCs.
Using extended distance (LE) ISLs increase the number of available buffer credits in the link
and joins the four VCs in a large one. This might be one way to avoid congestion because of
unbalanced VC usage.
What is the optimum number of hosts that should connect per to a storage port? This seems
like a fairly simple question. However, after you consider clustered hosts, VMs, and the
number of Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) (storage) per server, the situation can quickly
become much more complex. Determining how many hosts to connect to a particular storage
port can be narrowed down to three considerations: port queue depth, I/O per second (IOPS),
and throughput. Of these three, throughput is the only network component. Thus, a simple
calculation is to add up the expected bandwidth usage for each host accessing the storage
port. The total should not exceed the supported bandwidth of the target port, as shown in
Figure 6-11.
Typical and safe oversubscription between the host and the edge is about 12:1. This is a good
starting point for many deployments, but might need to be tuned based on the requirements.
If you are in a highly virtualized environment with higher speeds and feeds, you might need to
go lower than 12:1.
Preferred practices for avoiding frame congestion (when the number of frames is the issue
rather than bandwidth usage) include:
Use more and smaller trunks.
Bandwidth through the core (path from source/host to destination/target) should exceed
storage requirements.
Host-to-core subscription ratios should be based on both the application needs and the
importance of the application.
Plan for peaks, not average usage.
For mission-critical applications, the ratio should exceed peak load enough such that path
failures do not adversely impact the application. Have enough extra bandwidth to avoid
congestion if a link fails.
Innovation and market trend also play an important role when you decide to choose FCoE for
new SANs.
For more information, see Storage and Network Convergence Using FCoE and iSCSI,
SG24-7986, found at:
In an environment with multivendor edge switches, the NPIV feature allows those switches to
be presented in a transparent mode to the fabric, which reduces interoperability issues.
Regarding security issues, BladeCenter switches belong to the chassis and can be accessed
through the management module. Sometimes, there is some confusion or conflict because
the servers and SAN are usually managed by different teams. Configuring the BladeCenter
switches in NPIV mode simplifies the topology and reduces the risk to the overall SAN fabric.
All the Fibre Channel services are available to them by proxy.
NPIV can also be used by a hypervisor allowing a physical HBA to register with a Fabric using
multiple (virtual) WWPNs. Each virtual WWPN can be assigned to a VM. These hypervisors
can also be connected to an Access Gateway.
There are two major types of congestion: traffic-based and frame-based. Traffic-based
congestion occurs when link throughput capacity is reached or exceeded and the link is no
longer able to pass more frames. Frame-based congestion occurs when a link has run out of
buffer credits and is waiting for buffers to free up to continue transmitting frames.
One side effect of frame congestion can be large buffer credit zero counts on ISLs and
F_Ports. This is not necessarily a concern, unless counts increase rapidly in a short period.
There is a new feature, Bottleneck Detection, to more accurately assess the impact of a lack
of buffer credits.
The sources and mitigation for traffic are known and are described at length in other parts of
this book. The remainder of this section focuses on the sources and mitigation of
frame-based congestion.
Other contributors to frame congestion include behaviors where short frames are generated
in large numbers:
Clustering software that verifies the integrity of attached storage
Clustering software that uses control techniques such as SCSI RESERVE/RELEASE to
serialize access to shared file systems
Host-based mirroring software that routinely sends SCSI control frames for mirror integrity
Virtualizing environments, both workload and storage, that use in-band Fibre Channel for
other control purposes
The default HT is calculated from the RA_TOV, ED_TOV, and maximum hop count values that
are configured on a switch. When you use the standard 10 seconds for RA_TOV, 2 seconds
for ED_TOV, and a maximum hop count of 7, a Hold Time value of 500 ms is calculated.
Extensive field experience has shown that when high latencies occur even on a single initiator
or device in a fabric that not only does the F-port that is attached to this device see Class 3
frame discards, but the resulting back pressure because of the lack of credit can build up in
the fabric and cause other flows that are not directly related to the high latency device to have
their frames discarded at ISLs.
Edge Hold Time can be used to reduce the likelihood of this back pressure into the fabric by
assigning a lower Hold Time value only for edge ports (initiators or devices). The lower EHT
value ensures that frames are dropped at the F-port where the credit is lacking before the
higher default Hold Time value that used at the ISLs expires, allowing these frames to begin
moving again. This action localizes the impact of a high latency F-Port to just the single edge
where the F-Port is and prevents the back pressure from spreading into the fabric and
impacting other unrelated flows.
Like Hold Time, Edge Hold Time is configured for the entire switch, and is not configurable on
individual ports or ASICs. Whether the EHT or HT values are used on a port depends on the
particular platform and ASIC and the type of port and also other ports that are on the same
ASIC. This behavior is described in further detail in the following sections.
This section describes the behavior on the different platforms.
For example, if one ASIC has five ports that are assigned to Logical Switch 1, which has four
F-Ports and one E-Port, and this same ASIC has five ports that are assigned to Logical
Switch 2, which has all E-Ports, the EHT value is programmed into all five ports in Logical
Switch 1 and also all five ports in Logical Switch 2. The programming of EHT is at the ASIC
level and is applied across Logical Switch boundaries.
When you use Virtual Fabrics, the EHT value that is configured into the Base Switch is the
value that is used for all Logical Switches.
Gen 5 platforms
All b-type Gen 5 platforms (16 Gb) can set the Hold Time value on a port-by-port basis for
ports that are on Gen 5 ASICs. All F-ports are programmed with the alternative Edge Hold
Time. All E-Ports are programmed with the default Hold Time value (500 ms). The same EHT
value set for the switch is programmed into all F-Ports on that switch. Different EHT values
cannot be programmed on an individual port basis.
If 8 Gb blades are installed into a Gen 5 platform (that is, an FC8-64 blade in an IBM
2499-816/2499-416 chassis), then the behavior of EHT on the 8 Gb blades is the same as the
description that is provided for 8 Gb platforms. The same EHT value is programmed in to all
ports on the ASIC.
If any single port on an ASIC is an F-Port, then the alternative EHT value is programmed in to
the ASIC, and all ports (E-Ports and F-Ports) use this one value.
If all ports on an ASIC are E-Ports, then the entire ASIC is programmed with the default Hold
Time value (500 ms).
When you deploy Virtual Fabrics with FOS Versions 7.0.0x, 7.0.1x, or 7.0.2x, the EHT value
that is configured into the Default Switch is the value that is used for all Logical Switches.
Starting with FOS V7.1.0, a unique EHT value can be independently configured for each
Logical Switch for Gen 5 Platforms. 8 Gb blades that are installed in a Gen 5 platform
continue to use the Default Logical Switch configured value for all ports on those blades
regardless of which Logical Switches those ports are assigned to.
When you run configure to set EHT, a suggested EHT value is provided. If you accept this
suggested setting by pressing Enter, then this suggested value becomes the new value for
EHT on the switch.
The suggested value is the value that was set during the previous time the configure
command was run, even if the user just pressed the Enter key when encountering this
configuration parameter. If the configure command has never been run before, and thus the
default value is what is set in the system, then the suggested value that is shown is what is
shown in Table 6-3.
The suggested value that is shown when you run the configure command might not be the
same as the default value that is running in the system. This is because the default EHT value
is set based on the FOS version that was installed at the factory, and the suggested EHT
value is based on the FOS version currently running in the system and whether the configure
command had ever been run in the past.
After it is set by the configure command, the EHT value is maintained across firmware
upgrades, power cycles, and HA failover operations. This is true for all versions of FOS. The
behavior of EHT evolved over several FOS releases. The three different behaviors are shown
in the three different examples that follow.
Recommended settings
Edge Hold Time does not need to be set on “core switches” that are composed of only ISLs
and therefore use only the standard Hold Time setting of 500 ms. Recommended values for
platforms containing initiators and targets are based on specific deployment strategies. Users
typically either separate initiators and targets on separate switches or mix initiators and
targets on the same switch.
A frame drop has more significance for a target than an initiator because many initiators
typically communicate with a single target port, whereas target ports typically communicate
with multiple initiators. Frame drops on target ports usually result in “SCSI Transport” error
messages being generated in server logs. Multiple frame drops from the same target port can
affect multiple servers in what appears to be a random fabric or storage problem. Because
the source of the error is not obvious, this can result in time that is wasted determining the
source of the problem. Extra care should be taken therefore when you apply EHT to switches
where targets are deployed.
The most common recommended value for EHT is 220 ms. The lowest EHT value of 80 ms
should be configured only on edge switches comprised entirely of initiators. This lowest value
is recommended for fabrics that are maintained and when a more aggressive monitoring and
protection strategy is being deployed.
Servers and storage devices should be connected to both networks by using some form of
Multi-Path I/O (MPIO) solution, such that data can flow across both networks seamlessly in
either an active/active or active/passive mode. MPIO ensures that if one path fails, an
alternative is readily available. Ideally, the networks would be identical, but at a minimum they
should be based on the same switch architecture. In some cases, these networks are in the
same location. However, to provide for disaster recovery (DR), two separate locations are
often used, either for each complete network or for sections of each network. Regardless of
the physical geography, there are two separate networks for complete redundancy.
In summary, recommendations for the SAN design are to ensure application availability, and
resiliency through the following means:
Redundancy that is built in to fabrics to avoid a single point of failure
Servers that are connected to storage through redundant fabrics
MPIO-based failover from server to storage
Redundant fabrics that are based on similar architectures
Separate storage and server tiers for independent expansion
At a minimum, core switches should be of equal or higher performance compared to the
Define the highest performance switch in the fabric to be the principal switch
Whatever method is used, it is important to be consistent across the fabric (for example, do
not place ISLs on lower port numbers in one chassis and stagger them in another chassis).
For more information about fabric resiliency preferred practices, see Fabric Resiliency Best
Practices, REDP-4722, found at: Availability
High availability can be built in to the fabric by eliminating single points of failure. This is
achieved by deploying hardware components in redundant pairs, and configuring redundant
paths. Redundant paths are routed through different switches to provide availability of
connection. If there is a path failure (for example, because of an HBA, port card, fiber-optic
cable, or storage adapter), software running on the host servers initiates failover to a
secondary path. If the path failover malfunctions, the application fails. Then, the only choice is
to repair the failed path, or replace the failed device. Both these actions potentially lead to
outages of other applications on multiple heterogeneous servers if the device affected is the
6.5 Distance
For a complete DR solution, SANs are typically connected over metro or long-distance
networks. In both cases, path latency is critical for mirroring and replication solutions. For
native Fibre Channel links, the amount of time that a frame spends on the cable between two
ports is negligible because that aspect of the connection speed is limited only by the speed of
light. The speed of light in optics amounts to approximately 5 microseconds per kilometer,
which is negligible compared to the typical disk latency of 5 - 10 milliseconds. The Brocade
Extended Fabrics feature enables full-bandwidth performance across distances spanning up
to hundreds of kilometers. It extends the distance ISLs can reach over an extended fiber by
providing enough buffer credits on each side of the link to compensate for latency that is
introduced by the extended distance.
On the IBM b-type 16 Gbps backbones platform, 4 K buffers are available per ASIC to drive
the 16 Gbps line rate to 500 KM at a 2 KB frame size. FOS V7.1 provides users with
additional control when they configure a port of an LD or LS link, which allows users to specify
the buffers that are required or the average frame size for a long-distance port. Using the
frame size option, the number of buffer credits that are required for a port is automatically
calculated. These options give users additional flexibility to optimize performance on
long-distance links.
In addition, FOS V7.1 provides users better insight into long-distance link traffic patterns by
displaying the average buffer usage and average frame size through the CLI. FOS V7.1 also
provides a new CLI portBufferCalc command that automatically calculates the number of
buffers that are required per port given the distance, speed, and frame size. The number of
buffers that is calculated by this command can be used when you configure the
portCfgLongDistance command. If no options are specified, then the current port’s
configuration is used to calculate the number of buffers that are required.
Note: The D_Port mode can also be used to measure the cable distance to a granularity of
5 meters between two 16 Gbps platforms; however, ports must be offline.
Any of the first eight 8 ports on the 16 Gbps port blade can be set to 10 Gbps FC for
connecting to a 10 Gbps line card D/CWDM without needing a specialty line card. If you
connect to DWDMs in a pass-through mode where the switch is providing all the buffering, a
16 Gbps line rate can be used for higher performance.
RDR is typically storage array to array communications. The local array at the production site
sends data to the other array at the backup site. This task can be done through native FC if
the backup site is within a practical distance and there is DWDM or dark fiber between the
sites. However, more commonly what is available is a cost-sensitive infrastructure for IP
connectivity and not native FC connectivity. The current technology for FCIP is high speed
and adds only a minute amount (about 35 µs) of propagation delay, which is appropriate for
asynchronous RDR and tape applications and synchronous RDR applications.
The preferred practice for the deployment of FCIP channel extenders in RDR applications is
to connect the FC F_Ports on the channel extender directly to the FC N_Ports on the array,
and not go through the production fabric at all. On most large-scale arrays, the FC port that is
assigned to RDR is dedicated to only RDR and no host traffic. Considering that the RDR port
on the array can communicate only RDR traffic, there is no need to run that port into the
production fabric. There are valid reasons to go through a production fabric, such as IBM SAN
Volume Controller, which has requirements for connectivity to the production fabric.
Figure 6-15 shows an example of how to incorporate the production fabrics into the FCIP
Even though the example shows an additional component (SAN06B-R) that fulfills the role of
an FCIP path, you can use the SAN768B-2 or SAN384B-2 with the 8 Gbps Extension Blade
(FC3890) to fulfill the same FCIP function.
Figure 6-16 Poor practice - two device solution that is connected to production fabrics
When you connect channel extenders to production fabrics, each production fabric should be
designed using preferred practice concepts in a traditional core-edge fashion, with the core
tier including either the connections to stand-alone channel extenders, such as the
SAN06B-R, or the FCIP-capable blades, such as the 8 Gbps Extension Blade (FC3890).
Each channel extender should be connected to a fabric by using at least two parallel FC ISLs,
as shown in Figure 6-15 on page 218
When you use a four device solution, it is inappropriate to make ISL cross-connections
between the two channel extenders within a data center site and both the “A” and “B” FC
fabrics. However, it is permissible to do so on the Ethernet/WAN side (see Figure 6-17).
FCR does not need to be used unless there is a production fabric that must be isolated from
WAN outages. When connecting to array ports directly for RDR, FCR provides no benefit.
Mainframe environments are precluded from using FCR, as it is not supported by FICON.
When a mainframe host writes to a volume on the direct access storage device (DASD), and
that DASD performs RDR to another DASD, then DASD to DASD traffic is not using FICON. It
is using an open systems RDR application such as IBM Metro Mirror or Global Mirror. These
open-system RDR applications can use FCR, even though the volumes they are replicating
are written by the FICON host.
There might be cases in which an EBE topology cannot be accommodated; alternatively, the
main production fabric can be isolated from aberrant WAN behavior while allowing the backup
site to remain exposed. This topology provides a greater degree of availability and less risk
compared to not using FCR at all. This topology uses VEX_Ports that connect to a remote
edge fabric. The important point is that the remote edge fabric continues to be connected to
the WAN, and the fabric services span the WAN all the way to the EX_Port demarcation point.
The fabric services spanning the WAN are subject to disruption and repeated reconvergence,
which can result in an outage within the remote edge fabric. This might not be of great
concern if the remote edge fabric is not being used for production (but merely for backup)
because such WAN fluctuations are not ongoing.
There are two topologies that you can build from remote edge fabrics. In the first, shown in
Figure 6-19, production devices are attached directly to the backbone. In the second, shown
in Figure 6-20, the backbone connects to a local edge fabric. In both cases, the other side is
connected to a remote edge fabric through a VEX_Port. Also, in both cases, the production
fabrics are isolated from the WAN. Between the two architectures, the second architecture
with the edge fabric is recommended for higher scalability. The scalability of connecting
devices directly to the backbone is relatively limited.
The Integrated Routing (IR) license, which enables FCR on IBM b-type switches and
directors, is needed only on the switches or directors that implement the “X” ports. Any
switches or directors that connect to “X” ports and have no “X” ports of their own do not need
the IR license. The IR license is not needed on the E_Port/VE_Port side to connect to the
EX_Port/VEX_Port side.
With the SAN06B-R/FC3890, it is always prudent to enable IPSec. All data leaving a data
center and going into an infrastructure that cannot guarantee no security (no service provider
can guarantee the security of your data) should be encrypted to prevent man-in-the-middle
attacks. The design goals of IPSec were to make it as practical to deploy as it is in WiFi.
Would your company operate WiFi with no encryption? No, of course not. IPSec operates at
line rate and is hardware-based. There are no additional licenses or costs to use IPSec on
IBM b-type switches. It adds an insignificant amount of latency at 5 µs. The setup is easy.
Configuration is easy by establishing a Pre-Shared Key (PSK) on both sides. IBM b-type
IPSec uses all the latest encryption technologies, such as AES 256, SHA-512 HMAC, IKEv2,
and Diffie-Hellman. The key is regenerated approximately every 2 GB of data that passes
across the link, and that process is not disruptive.
IBM makes no guarantees or promises as to the actual compression ratio your specific data
achieves. Many customers have achieved the typical values that are listed here.
Each circuit is configured with a floor and ceiling bandwidth (BW) value. The bandwidth for
the circuit is never less than the floor value and never more than the ceiling value. The
bandwidth that is available to the circuit can be automatically adjusted between the floor and
ceiling, based on conditions in the IP network. A congestion event causes the rate limit to
adjust down towards the floor. An absence of congestion events causes it to rise up to the
ceiling. ARL adjustments do not take place rapidly, which prevents massive congestion events
from occurring. If the bandwidth is somewhere in the middle, ARL makes periodic attempts to
adjust upward, but if it cannot because of a detected congestion event, it remains stable.
When more than one FCIP interface is feeding a WAN link, the two FCIP flows equalize and
use the total available bandwidth. If one of the interfaces or boxes goes offline, such as when
the interface is on a separate box, then ARL can readjust to use the bandwidth that is no
longer being used by the offline interface. This maintains good usage of the WAN bandwidth
during periods of maintenance and box or optics failures.
In a shared link situation, if you think of the bandwidth as separated into three areas, black
(0 x bps), gray (x y bps), and white (y maximum bps), ARL can help manage the
bandwidth usage. Black is the floor value for ARL. This is the amount of bandwidth that is
reserved exclusively for FCIP. White is the ceiling value, and it is reserved exclusively for other
shared traffic. Gray is the area in between, which FCIP may use if other shared traffic is not
using it. This other shared traffic can also be another FCIP application, such as tape. Black
would be the RDR traffic; white would be tape traffic, and they adaptively share the gray area.
There are many ways in which you can use ARL; these are just a few examples.
802.1P is data link-based (L2) QoS marking; therefore, the scope extends only from the
interface of one device to the interface of the directly attached device. Devices that enforce
802.1P provide QoS across that data link. 802.1P has a header that is in the 802.1Q VLAN
tagging header; therefore, VLAN tagging is required to get 802.1P QoS marking. Brocade
FOS refers to 802.1P as L2CoS. There are only eight values for 802.1P, that is, 0 - 7. Zero is
the lowest priority and the default. Seven is the highest priority.
The SAN06B-R/FC3890 supports three levels of priority (H/M/L). The default amount of BW
that the scheduler apportions during times of contention is 50/30/20%. QoS portioning of BW
occurs only during times of contention; otherwise, the BW is shared equally across all
priorities. It is possible to change the default portions to any values you want, if
High>Middle>Low and the aggregate of all the priorities equals 100%.
There are four TCP sessions per FCIP circuit: H, M, L, and F-Class. F-Class uses a strict
queuing, which means that if there is any F-Class traffic to send, it all gets sent first. There is
little F-Class traffic, and it does not interfere with data traffic. Each TCP session is
autonomous and does not rely on other TCP sessions or settings. Each TCP session can be
configured with its own DSCP, VLAN tagging, and 802.1P values. This permits that TCP
session (priority) to be treated independently in the IP network from site-to-site based on the
SLA for that QoS priority.
Brocade has QoS in Brocade FC/FICON fabrics and across FC ISLs through Virtual
Channels (VCs). There are different VCs for H/M/L/F-Class, each with its own set of
Buffer-to-Buffer Credits and flow control. There are five VCs for high levels, four VCs for
medium levels, and two VCs for low levels. Devices are assigned to QoS VCs by enabling
QoS on the fabric and then putting the letters QOSH_ or QOSL_ as a prefix to the zone
name. The default is QOSM_, so there is no need to explicitly designate medium zones. After
devices are assigned to these VCs, they use these VCs throughout the fabric. If data
ingresses to a SAN06B-R/FC3890 through an ISL on a particular VC, the data is
automatically assigned to the associated TCP sessions for that priority. Devices that are
directly connected to the SAN06B-R/FC3890 are also assigned to the associated TCP
session priority based on the zone name prefix.
DSCP and L2CoS are configured on a per-FCIP circuit basis. Do not alter the QoS markings
for F-Class traffic unless it is required to differentiate and expedite F-Class traffic across the
IP network between the sites. Failure of F-class traffic to arrive in a timely manner causes
instability in the FC fabric. This is less of an issue with directly connected separate RDR
networks. FCIP networks that must o be connected to the production FC fabrics can use FCR
(IR license) to protect the edge fabrics from instability.
A preferred practice is to always rate limit the FCIP traffic on the SAN06B-R or FC3890 blade
and never rate limit FCIP traffic in the IP network, which often leads to problems that are
difficult to troubleshoot. The rate limiting technology on the SAN06B-R/FC3890 is advanced,
accurate, and consistent, so there is no need to double rate limit. If a policy requires you to
double the rate limit, then the IP network should set its rate limiting above that of the
SAN06B-R/FC3890 with plenty of headroom.
To determine the amount of network bandwidth that is needed, gather a month’s worth of data
by using various tools that are host-, fabric-, and storage-based. It is important to understand
the host–to-disk traffic because that is the amount of traffic to be replicated, or mirrored, to the
remote disk.
If you are going to be doing synchronous RDR (RDR/S), then record peak values. If you are
going to be using asynchronous RDR (RDR/A), then record the average value over the hour.
RDR/S must have enough bandwidth to send the write I/O immediately; therefore, there must
be enough bandwidth to accommodate the entire demand, which is peak value. RDR/A
needs only enough bandwidth to accommodate the high average that is discovered over an
adequate recording period because RDR/A essentially performs traffic shaping, moving the
peaks into the troughs, which works out to the average. It cannot be the average over a long
period because those troughs might not occur soon enough to relieve the array of the peaks.
This causes excessive journaling of data, which is difficult to recover from.
Plot the values into a histogram. More than likely, you get a Gaussian curve (see Figure 6-23
on page 227). Most of the averages fall within the first standard deviation of the curve, which
is 68.2% of the obtained values. The second standard deviation includes 95.4% of the
obtained values, which are enough samples to determine the bandwidth you need. Outside of
this, the values are corner cases, which most likely can be accommodated by the FCIP
network because of their infrequency. Use a bandwidth utilization value that you are
comfortable with between and 2. You can plan for a certain amount of compression, such
as 2:1. However, a preferred practice is to use compression as a way to address future
bandwidth needs. It is probably best not to push the limit right at the start because then you
have nowhere to go in the near future.
You can take advantage of FCIP Trunking to implement redundant network routes from site to
site. But it is important to understand whether traffic can fail over to the alternative route
transparently or whether that impacts traffic flow.
For disk extension using emulation (FastWrite), a single tunnel between sites is
recommended. If multiple tunnels must be used, use Traffic Isolation (TI) zones or logical
switch configuration to ensure that the same exchange always traverses by the same tunnel
in both directions. Use multiple circuits instead of multiple tunnels for redundancy and failover
A single tunnel that is defined by a VE_Port or VEX_Port might have one or more circuits that
are associated with it. A circuit is an FCIP connection that is defined by a source and
destination IP address and other arguments that define its characteristics, such as
compression, IPSec, QoS, rate limit, and VLAN tag. All the circuits terminate at the single
VE/VEX_Port on each side; therefore, there are no multiple tunnels or ISLs, but only a single
tunnel load balanced across multiple circuits. The one ISL that an FCIP Trunk forms is from
VE_Port to VE_Port or VEX_Port to VE_Port.
The circuits can have different characteristics. They can have different RTTs and take
different paths and different service providers. They can have different bandwidths up to 4x.
This means that if one circuit is an OC-3, the most the other circuits can be is OC-12 because
the bandwidth delta is 4x.
Virtually all data centers have redundant IP core routers/switches. It is a preferred practice to
connect each SAN06B-R/FC3890 to each of the IP core routers/switches for redundancy and
resiliency purposes, as shown in Figure 6-24. Without FCIP Trunking, this design requires
two VE_Ports per SAN06B-R. There are at least two VE_Ports available in a SAN06B-R;
however, from a performance, resiliency, and redundancy point of view, this is not the best
solution. Instead, it is better to use a single VE_Port with FCIP Trunking. The VE_Port forms
an FCIP tunnel with the opposing VE_Port, and there are two member circuits. Any FCIP
tunnel with more than one circuit is called an FCIP Trunk. FCIP circuits are assigned to
Ethernet interfaces and, in this case, each circuit is assigned to its own dedicated Ethernet
interface. The Ethernet interfaces are then physically connected to an Ethernet switch/IP core
router. One of the Ethernet interfaces is connected to core A, and one is connected to core B.
Now there are two circuits that load balance across both data center cores. With FCIP
Trunking, if any of the following events occur the result is no loss of data:
The core routers fail or must go offline for maintenance.
There is a bad Ethernet SFP or optical cable.
There is a subsecond failover within the WAN network.
ARL is used to manage the bandwidth going into the cores based on the available WAN
bandwidth. There might be a single WAN connection or separate WAN connections between
the sites. ARL is used to manage the BW from the SAN06B-Rs to the WAN connection. This
example has a single WAN connection, although you can use more than one WAN
connection. ARL is configured such that the floor value is set to the WAN BW divided by the
number of interfaces feeding the WAN; in this case, it is four (two from each SAN06B-R). The
ceiling value is set to either the line rate of the GE interface or the available WAN BW. For
example, if the WAN is an OC-12 (622 Mbps), the ceiling ARL value is set to 622 Mbps. The
floor value is set to 155 Mbps. When all the interfaces are up and running, they run at
155 Mbps. In an extreme case in which three Ethernet interfaces are offline, the remaining
FCIP Ethernet interface runs at 622 Mbps, continuing to use all the WAN BW and keeping the
RDR application satisfied.
IBM b-type FCIP uses keepalives to determine circuit health. Keepalives are sent at the timer
value divided by 5. Each keepalive that arrives resets the count. If the counter reaches 5, the
circuit is deemed offline and goes down. Massive IP network congestion and dropped packets
can conceivably cause all five keepalives to be lost in transit, causing the circuit to go down.
You do not want the keepalive timer to be set too short because the TCP sessions across the
WAN can ride out short outages and recover quickly. If the timer is too short, this does not
happen before going down, although a longer keepalive interval takes longer to detect a bad
circuit. FCP circuits have different default keepalive timer settings when they are configured.
FCP has more flexibility, and the default is 10 seconds; nevertheless, the preferred practice is
to also set the keepalive timer to 1 second unless the IP network tends to have congestion
and deep buffers that inadvertently trigger FCIP circuit drops.
Virtual Fabrics are significant in mixed mainframe and open system environments. Mainframe
and open system environments are configured differently and only VFs can provide
autonomous LSs that accommodate the different configurations. Keep in mind that RDR
between storage arrays is open systems (IBM Metro/Global Mirror), even when the volume is
written by FICON from the mainframe.
Understand that using a VE_Port in a selected LS does not preclude that VE_Port from
sharing an Ethernet interface with other VE_Ports in other LSs. This is referred to as Ethernet
Interface Sharing.
Any one circuit cannot be shared across more than one Ethernet interface. An IP
address/ipif/circuit can belong only to one Ethernet interface. Thus, if more than one Ethernet
interface is wanted, you must use multiple circuits. If you attempt to configure the same IP
address on more than one ipif, an error occurs and the configuration is rejected.
It is possible to share an Ethernet interface with multiple circuits that belong to different VF
LSs. The Ethernet interface must be owned by the default switch (context 128). The ipif and
IP route (iproute) must also be configured within the default switch. The VE_Port is assigned
to the LS you want to extend with FCIP and is configured within that LS. The FCIP tunnel is
also configured within that LS by using the IP addresses of the ipif that are in the default
switch. This permits efficient usage of the 10 GbE interfaces.
Often, for purposes of redundancy and resiliency, an FCIP Trunk has circuits that extend out
of both of the 10 GbE interfaces. Each 10 GbE interface (XGE) has “native” VE_Ports from
one of the two groups (xge1:12-21 or xge0:22-31). If you want to extend a circuit from
VE_Port 12 through xge0, you must use a cross-port. A cross-port requires an ipif and iproute
that were configured and explicitly designated for cross-port use; otherwise, the circuit cannot
be configured for the non-native 10 GbE interface. By merely designating the ipif and iproutes
to be used with non-native XGE interfaces, you can configure this type of circuit.
Workload virtualization
There has been a huge growth in virtualized workloads in the past three years. Available on
IBM mainframes for decades, workload virtualization initially was popularized on Intel-based
platforms by VMware ESXi Host (now vSphere). Windows, UNIX, and Linux server
virtualization is now ubiquitous in enterprise infrastructures.
Most recently, organizations started adopting workload virtualization for desktops. This
technology is still in development but is evolving rapidly. (Desktop virtualization storage
access is not addressed in this book.)
Most VMs today tend to do little I/O (typically no more than a few MBps per VM through few
IOPS). This allows many VMs to be placed on a single hypervisor platform without regard to
the amount of I/O that they generate. Storage access is not a significant factor when
converting a physical server to a virtual one. More important factors are memory usage and
IP network usage.
6.6 Security
There are many components to SAN security in relation to SAN design, and the decision to
use these components depends on your installation requirements rather than network
functioning or performance. One clear exception is the zoning feature that is used to control
device communication. The proper use of zoning is key to fabric functioning, performance,
and stability, especially in larger networks. Other security-related features are largely
mechanisms for limiting access and preventing attacks on the network (and are mandated by
regulatory requirements), and they are not required for normal fabric operation.
Starting with FOS V7.0, here is how duplicate WWNs are handled:
Same switch: The choice of which device stays in the fabric is configurable (default is to
retain the existing device).
Local and remote switches: Remove both entries.
SCC policy
The SCC policy restricts the fabric elements (FC switches) that can join the fabric. Only
switches that are specified in the policy are allowed to join the fabric. All other switches fail
authentication if they attempt to connect to the fabric, resulting in the respective E_Ports
being segmented because of the security violation.
Use the SCC policy in environments where there is a need for strict control of fabric members.
Because the SCC policy can prevent switches from participating in a fabric, it is important to
regularly review and properly maintain the SCC ACL.
DCC policy
The DCC policy restricts the devices that can attach to a single FC port. The policy specifies
the FC port and one or more WWNs that are allowed to connect to the port. The DCC policy
set comprises all of the DCC policies that are defined for individual FC ports. (Not every FC
port must have a DCC policy, and only ports with a DCC policy in the active policy set enforce
access controls.) A port that is present in the active DCC policy set allows only WWNs in its
respective DCC policy to connect and join the fabric. All other devices fail authentication when
attempting to connect to the fabric, resulting in the respective F_Ports being disabled
because of the security violation.
Use the DCC policy in environments where there is a need for strict control of fabric
members. Because the DCC policy can prevent devices from participating in a fabric, it is
important to regularly review and properly maintain the DCC policy set.
FCS policy
Use the FCS policy to restrict the source of fabric-wide settings to one FC switch. The policy
contains the WWN of one or more switches, and the first WWN (that is online) in the list is the
primary FCS. If the FCS policy is active, then only the primary FCS is allowed to make or
propagate fabric-wide parameters. These parameters include zoning, security (ACL) policies
databases, and other settings.
Use the FCS policy in environments where there is a need for strict control of fabric settings.
As with other ACL policies, it is important to regularly review and properly maintain the FCS
The IP Filter policy should be used in environments where there is a need for strict control of
fabric access. As with other ACL policies, it is important to regularly review and properly
maintain the IP Filter policy.
As a preferred practice, non-secure IP protocols that are used for switch management such
as telnet and http should be blocked. SSH is enabled on the default IP Filter policy and SSL
should be configured to use https for web access.
Authentication protocols
FOS supports both Fibre Channel Authentication Protocols (FCAPs) and Diffie-Hellman
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocols (DH-CHAPs) on E_Ports and F_Ports.
Authentication protocols provide additional security during link initialization by ensuring that
only the wanted device/device type is connecting to a given port.
Together, the policy distribution and fabric-wide consistency settings provide a range of
control on the security policies from little or no control to strict control.
6.6.7 In-flight encryption and compression: b-type (16 Gbps) platforms only
IBM b-type Fibre Channel (16 Gbps) platforms support both in-flight compression and
encryption at a port level for both local and long-distance ISL links. In-flight data compression
is a useful tool for saving money when either bandwidth caps or bandwidth usage charges are
in place for transferring data between fabrics. Similarly, in-flight encryption enables a further
layer of security with no key management impact when transferring data between local and
long-distance data centers besides the initial setup.
6.7 Monitoring
Any mission-critical infrastructure must be properly monitored. Although there are many
features that are available in FOS to assist you with monitoring, protecting, and
troubleshooting fabrics, several recent enhancements were implemented that deal exclusively
with this area. An overview of the major components is provided in the following sections. A
complete guide to health monitoring is beyond the scope of this document. For more
information, see the Fabric OS Command Reference Guide, the Fabric OS Troubleshooting
Guide, and the appropriate SAN Health and Fabric Watch guides. You can find the the two
FOS publications at the following website:
Fabric Watch tracks various SAN fabric elements and events. Monitoring fabric-wide events,
ports, and environmental parameters enables early fault detection and isolation and
performance measurement. You can configure fabric elements and alert thresholds on an
individual port basis, and you can also easily integrate Fabric Watch with enterprise system
management solutions.
Fabric Watch provides customizable monitoring thresholds. You can configure Fabric Watch
to provide notification before problems arise, such as reporting when network traffic through a
port is approaching the bandwidth limit. This information enables you to perform pre-emptive
network maintenance, such as trunking or zoning, and avoid potential network failures.
Fabric Watch lets you define how often to measure each switch and fabric element and
specify notification thresholds. Whenever fabric elements exceed these thresholds, Fabric
Watch automatically provides notification using several methods, including email messages,
SNMP traps, and log entries.
Fabric Watch was upgraded starting in FOS V6.4, and it continues to be a major source of
early warning for fabric issues. Useful enhancements, such as port fencing to protect the
fabric against misbehaving devices, are added with each new release of FOS.
Fabric Watch already comes with default settings, but there are several reasons to customize
those settings:
Selecting one or more event settings
Selecting an appropriate message delivery method for critical and non-critical events
Selecting appropriate thresholds and alarm levels relevant to each class element adjusted
to a specific environment
Defining the appropriate Time Base event triggering based on the class element traits
Fabric Watch uses a hierarchical organization to track the network device information it
monitors. There is a class, area, and element that is associated with every monitored
behavior. Classes are the highest level in the system, subdivided into one or more areas.
Areas contain one or more elements. Fabric Watch groups all switch and fabric elements in to
the following classes:
Fabric (It is a preferred practice to leave the entire fabric class in its default state (no
Performance (It is a preferred practice to leave the entire Performance Monitor class in its
default state (no alerts.)
Security (There is no reason to alter the default settings).
SFP (It is a preferred practice to leave the default alarm configuration (errorlog).)
System resource
Switch policies
In some cases, classes are divided into subclasses. This additional level in the hierarchy
increases the flexibility of setting monitoring thresholds. You can use subclasses to add
additional event monitoring to fabric objects that meet the requirements of a subclass.
Port fencing
Port fencing allows a switch to monitor specific behaviors on the port and protect a switch by
fencing the port when specified thresholds are exceeded. It should be implemented only if the
SAN management or the monitoring team have the required time and resources to monitor
and quickly react to the port fencing events.
Table 6-4 presents the most important customized E_Port subclass area threshold settings
and the respective alert notification method.
Fabric Watch is an optional feature that provides monitoring of various switch elements. It
monitors ports based on the port type, for example, FOP_Port and E_Port subclasses,
without distinguishing between initiators and targets. Because monitoring thresholds and
wanted actions are different for initiators and targets, it is a preferred practice that these
devices be placed on different switches so that Fabric Watch settings can be applied
accordingly, especially when enabling port fencing. If a switch contains initiator and target
ports, the port fencing policy is applied in the same way for both targets and initiators, which is
not preferable.
For more information, see the Brocade Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guide, which you can
find at the following website:
You can use the Bottleneck Detection feature with other Adaptive Networking features to
optimize the performance of your fabric.
Parameter settings
Field experience shows that the original strategy of enabling Bottleneck Detection with
conservative values for latency thresholds almost always yields no results. There was a
concern that aggressive values would result in Bottleneck Detection alert storms, but this has
not been the case. Even the most aggressive values result in relatively few alerts being
generated. As a result, it is now a preferred practice that the most aggressive settings are
tried first and then backed off gradually if too many alerts are seen.
Table 6-6 shows the preferred parameter settings for Bottleneck Detection on FOS V.7.0.x.
-time 300 60 5
-qtime 300 60 1
-lsubsecsevthresh 75 50 1
For the settings for previous FOS levels, see the latest Brocade SAN Fabric Resiliency Best
Practices guide, which you can find at the following website:
A RAS log is available from each switch and director by running errdump, and RAS log
messages can be forwarded to a syslog server for centralized collection.
Information is collected on many different events that are associated with zoning, security,
trunking, FCIP, FICON, and others. Each release of the FOS provides more audit information.
If these design practices are followed when the network is deployed, then small incremental
changes should not adversely impact the availability and performance of the network.
However, if changes are ongoing and the fabric is not properly evaluated and updated, then
performance and availability can be jeopardized. Here are some key points to cover when
looking at the status of a production FC network:
Review redundancy and resiliency, taking into account at least the following items:
– Are there at least two physically independent paths between each source and
destination pair?
– Are there two redundant fabrics?
– Does each host connect to two different edge switches?
– Are edge switches connected to at least two different core switches?
– Are inter-switch connections composed of two trunks of at least two ISLs?
– Does each storage device connect to at least two different edge switches or separate
port blades?
– Are storage ports provisioned such that every host has at least two ports through which
it can access LUNs?
– Are redundant power supplies attached to different power sources?
– Are zoning and security policies configured to allow for patch/device failover?
Reviewing performance requirements:
– Host-to-storage port fan-in/out ratios.
– Oversubscription ratios:
• Host to ISL
• Edge switch to core switch
• Storage to ISL
– Size of trunks.
– Routing policy and currently assigned routes: Evaluate actual usage for potential
Watching for latencies:
– Poor storage performance.
– Overloaded hosts or applications.
– Distance issues, particularly changes in usage (such as adding mirroring or too much
– Deal with latencies immediately; they can have a profound impact on the fabric.
Supportability is a critical part of deploying a SAN. Follow the guidelines in this section to
ensure that the data that is needed to diagnose fabric behavior or problems is collected.
Although not all of these items are necessary, they are all pieces in the puzzle. You can never
know which piece is needed, so having all of the pieces available is best.
Configure Fabric Watch monitoring: Use Fabric Watch to implement proactive monitoring
of errors and warnings, such as CRC errors, loss of synchronization, and high-bandwidth
Configure syslog forwarding: By keeping historical log messages and having all switch
messages sent to one centralized syslog server, troubleshooting can be expedited and
simplified. Forwarding switch error messages to one centralized syslog server and
keeping historical log messages enables faster and more effective troubleshooting and
provides a simple monitoring function.
Back up switch configurations: Back up switch configurations on a regular basis so that
you can restore switch configuration in case a switch must be swapped out or provide
change monitoring functioning.
Enable audit function: To provide audit functioning for the SAN, track which administrator
made which changes, usage of multiple user accounts (or RADIUS), and configuration of
change tracking or audit functions (along with use of errorlog/syslog forwarding).
Configure multiple user accounts (LDAP/OpenLDAP or RADIUS): Make mandatory use of
personalized user accounts part of the IT/SAN security policy so that user actions can be
tracked. Also, restrict access by assigning specific user roles to individual users.
Establish a test bed: Set up a test bed to test new applications, firmware upgrades, driver
functions, and scripts to avoid missteps in a production environment. Validate functions
and stability with rigorous testing in a test environment before deploying into the
production environment.
Implement a serial console server: Implement serial remote access so that switches can
be managed even when there are network issues or problems during switch boot or
firmware upgrades.
Use aliases: Use “aliases,” which give switch ports and devices meaningful names. Using
aliases to give devices meaningful names can lead to faster troubleshooting.
Configure supportftp: Configure supportftp for automatic file transfers. The parameters
set by this command are used by supportSave and traceDump.
Configure a ntp server: To keep a consistent and accurate date and time on all the
switches, configure switches to use an external time server.
Disable a default zone: Set the default zoning mode to “No Access”.
Enabling insistent domain ID: It is a preferred practice to set the domain ID to be insistent
to make the domain ID insistent across reboots, power cycles, and failovers.
Persistent Disable unused ports: If possible, unused ports should be persistently disabled.
Disable E_Port capability for F_Ports: Ports that are connected to storage and host
devices should have their E_PORT functioning persistently disabled.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting
This chapter describes the steps that you can take to ascertain the health of the storage area
network (SAN) fabric and to troubleshoot problems. This chapter describes SAN Health, a
powerful tool that allows you to collect data and analyze this data for potential issues. This
chapter also describes the Advanced Performance Monitors, Diagnostic Features, gathering
port information, and system messages.
SAN Health gives you a powerful tool that helps you focus on optimizing your SAN rather than
manually tracking its components. In fact, a wide variety of useful features make it easier for
you to collect data, identify potential issues, and check your results over time.
To provide a comprehensive report about your SAN environment, SAN Health uses two main
Data capture application
Back-end report processing engine
After SAN Health finishes the capture of switch diagnostic data, the back-end reporting
process automatically generates a Visio topology diagram and a detailed snapshot report of
your SAN configuration. This summary report contains information about the entire SAN and
specific details about fabrics, switches, and individual ports. Other useful items in the report
include alerts, historical performance graphs, and preferred practices. SAN Health delivers
topology diagrams, comprehensive reports, detailed explanations, and more.
You receive a report generation notification email from the Brocade SAN Health Administrator
and the report is available for download at the MyBrocade portal. The report contains a
spreadsheet, a Visio file, and SHData files. This last file can be loaded by SAN Health
Professional to perform advanced analysis.
In addition to its standard data analysis and search capabilities, the SAN Health Professional
framework supports optional add-on modules.
To enable EE monitoring, you must configure an EE monitor on a port, specifying the SID-DID
pair (in hexadecimal). The monitor counts only those frames with matching SID and DID.
For example, the SID 0x118a0f denotes DD 0x11, AA 0x8a, and AL_PA 0x0f.
Identical EE monitors cannot be added to the same port. Two EE monitors are considered
identical if they have the same SID and DID values after applying the end-to-end mask.
An EE monitor and a port Top Talker monitor cannot coexist on the same port.
Coexistence of EE monitors and Top Talker monitors on ports belonging to the same ASIC is
not recommended because the statistics for the same flow going through ports on the same
ASIC might be inaccurate.
Adding EE monitors
To add EE monitors, using admin permissions, run the following command
perfaddeemonitor [slotnumber/]portnumber sourceID destID
EE monitoring looks at traffic on SID and DID pairs in any direction. That is, even if the SID is
for a remote device, the traffic is monitored in both directions (the Tx and Rx counters are
The E_Port monitors are configured similar to the F_Port monitors, but the ingress and egress
directions are reversed.
Deleting EE monitors
To delete EE monitors, using admin permissions, first run perfMonitorShow to list the valid EE
monitor numbers for a port. THen, run perfDelEEMonitor to delete a specific monitor.
If you do not specify which monitor number to delete, you are asked if you want to delete all
Note: The Advanced Performance Monitoring license is required to use the fmMonitor
command. The monitoring function also requires the Fabric Watch license. When you
configure actions and alerts through the fmMonitor command, Fabric Watch uses these
values and generates alerts that are based on the configuration. If you do not have a
Fabric Watch license, these values are ignored. For more information about using Fabric
Watch, see the Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guide.
The maximum number of frame monitors and offsets per port depends on the platform. For
more information, see the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide.
Virtual Fabrics considerations: Frame monitors are not supported on logical ISLs
(LISLs), but are supported on ISLs and extended ISLs (XISLs).
In addition to the standard frame types, you can create custom frame types to gather statistics
that fit your needs. To define a custom frame type, you must specify a series of offsets,
bitmasks, and values.
The Fabric OS Command Reference manual contains practical examples about how to create
frame monitors.
The set of ports to be removed from monitoring is automatically saved to the persistent
configuration unless you specify the -nosave option with the command.
To save the set of ports on which the frame type is monitored to the persistent configuration,
using admin permissions, run fmMonitor --save.
Note: Initial stabilization is the time that is taken by a flow to reach the maximum
bandwidth. This time varies depending on the number of flows in the fabric and other
factors. The incubation period can be up to 14 seconds in the backbones, and up to 82
seconds in the fixed-port switches.
Applications can use Top Talker monitors’ data to accomplish the following tasks:
Reroute the traffic through different ports that are less busy, so as not to overload a port.
Alert you to the top-talking flows on a port if the total traffic on the port exceeds the
acceptable bandwidth consumption.
You can use Top Talker monitors to identify the SID and DID pairs that consume the most
bandwidth and can then configure them with certain quality of service (QoS) attributes so
they get proper priority.
The Top Talker monitor is based on SID and DID pairs and not WWNs. After Top Talker
monitors are installed on a switch or port, they remain installed across power cycles.
You can install Top Talker monitors in either port mode or fabric mode, but not both. A fabric
mode Top Talker monitor and an EE monitor cannot be configured on the same fabric. You
must delete the EE monitor before you configure the fabric mode Top Talker monitor.
Adding Top Talker monitors on all switches in the fabric (fabric mode)
When fabric mode is enabled, you can no longer install Top Talker monitors on an F_Port
unless you disable fabric mode. To accomplish this task, complete the following steps:
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Remove any EE monitors in the fabric. Fabric mode Top Talker monitors and EE monitors
cannot both exist in the fabric.
Top Talker monitors are added to E_Ports in the fabric and fabric mode is enabled. Any Top
Talker monitors that were already installed on F_Ports are automatically uninstalled.
If EE monitors are present on the local switch, the command fails with the following message:
Cannot install Fabric Mode Top Talker because EE monitor is already present
If EE monitors are present on remote switches, the command succeeds; however, on the
remote switches, fabric mode fails and a raslog message is displayed on those switches.
If a new switch joins the fabric, you must run perfTTmon --add fabricmode on that switch. The
Top Talker monitor configuration information is not automatically propagated to the new
The output is sorted based on the data rate of each flow. If you do not specify the number of
flows to display, then the command displays the top eight flows or the total number of flows,
whichever is less.
Displaying the top talking flows for a given domain ID (fabric mode)
To display the top talking flows for a given domain ID (in fabric mode), using admin
permissions, run perfttmon --show dom domainid [n] [wwn | pid].
Fabric mode must be enabled for this option. The output is sorted based on the data rate of
each flow. If you do not specify the number of flows to display, then the command displays the
top eight flows or the total number of flows, whichever is less. The command can display a
maximum of 32 flows.
Diagnostic information
You can run supportShow on the switch to dump important diagnostic and status information
to the session screen, where you can review it or capture its data. If you are using a
Telnet/SSH client, you might have to set up the client to capture the data before opening the
session. Most information can be captured by running supportSave and downloading the
information by FTP off the switch, but when you are collecting information from specialized
commands such as supportShow, this information must be captured by using a Telnet/SSH
To save a set of files that customer support technicians can use to further diagnose the switch
condition, run supportSave. The command prompts for an FTP server, packages the following
files, and sends them to the specified server:
The output of the supportShow command
The contents of any trace dump files on the switch
System message (RAS) logs
Switch status
To display the overall status of the switch, including its power supplies, fans, and temperature,
run switchStatusShow. If the status of any one of these components is either marginal or
down, the overall status of the switch is also displayed as marginal or down. If all components
have a healthy status, the switch displays a healthy status.
To modify the rules that are used to classify the health of each component, run
switchStatusPolicySet. To view the rules, run switchStatusPolicyShow.
The portTest command verifies the functional operation of the switch by sending frames from
a port's transmitter, and looping the frames back through an external fiber cable into the same
port's receiver. The test checks all switch components from the main board to the media, to
the fiber cable, to the media of the devices and the switch, and back to the main board. This
command supports E_Ports, F_Ports (must support ELS Echo), Report, and N->N loopback
ports. In addition, on switches running FOS V6.4.0 and later, you can now use portTest on
port configurations that previously caused non- specific test results or were skipped by
Support is also provided for running D_Port tests between a host bus adapter (HBA) and a
switch. The test results that are reported can be useful in diagnosing various port and link
The D_Port does not carry any user traffic, and is designed to run only specific diagnostic
tests on it for identifying link-level faults or failures. Basically, to start a port in D_Port mode,
you must configure both ends of the link between a pair of switches (or switches that are
configured as Access Gateways), and you must disable the existing port before you can
configure it as a D_Port.
After the ports are configured as D_Ports, the following basic test suite is run in the following
order, depending on the SFPs that are installed:
1. Electrical loopback (with 16G SFP+ only)
2. Optical loopback (with 16G SFP+ only)
3. Link traffic (with 10G SFPs and 16G SFP+)
4. Link latency and distance measurement (with 10G SFPs and 16G SFP+)
Note: Electrical and optical loopback tests are not supported for ICLs.
Enabling D_Port
To configure a basic D_Port diagnostic session between two switches, complete the following
1. Disable Port 1 on Switch A by running portDisable [slot/]port:
switchA:admin> portdisable 1
2. Configure Port 1 on Switch A as a D_Port by running portCfgDport --enable
switchA:admin> portcfgdport --enable 1
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the corresponding port (in this example, Port 2) on Switch B:
switchB:admin> portdisable 2
switchB:admin> portcfgdport --enable 2
4. Enable Port 1 on Switch A by running portEnable [slot/]port:
switchA:admin> portenable 1
For more information about the portDportTest and portCfgDport commands, see the Fabric
OS Command Reference.
Disabling D_Port
To disable the D_Port diagnostic session that is described in “Enabling D_Port” on page 255,
complete the following steps:
1. Disable Port 1 on Switch A by running portDisable 1 [slot/]port:
switchA:admin> portdisable 1
2. Disable the D_Port on Port 1 on Switch A by running portCfgDport --disable 1:
switchA:admin> portcfgdport --disable 1
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for Port 2 on Switch B:
switchB:admin> portdisable 2
switchB:admin> portcfgdport --disable 2
4. Enable Port 1 on Switch A by running portEnable [slot/]port:
switchA:admin> portenable 1
5. Enable Port 2 on Switch B by running portEnable [slot/]port:
switchB:admin> portenable 2
To capture technical support and event information, complete the following steps.
1. Click Monitor Technical Support Product/Host SupportSave. The Technical
SupportSave dialog box opens.
2. Click the Schedule tab.
3. Select the Enable scheduled Technical Support Data check box.
4. Select how often you want the scheduled collection to occur from the Frequency list.
Table 7-1 provides a description of the error types that are displayed by the portErrShow
crc g_eof CRC errors that occur on frames with good end-of-frame
As a preferred practice, clear the error counters on a weekly basis to get a base line to
evaluate the current error counters.
switchstatusshow Run this command to display the overall status for a switch.
switchshow Run this command to display switch, blade, and port status
porterrshow Run this command to display an error summary for all ports.
sfpshow <slot>/<port> Run this command to display Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP)
transceiver information.
RASLog messages
RASLog messages report significant system events (failure, error, or critical conditions) or
information, and are also used to show the status of the high-level user-initiated actions.
RASLog messages are forwarded to the console, to the configured syslog servers, and to the
SNMP management station through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps
or informs.
The errDump command shows the error log without pagination, and the errShow command
shows the error log messages with pagination.
The system messages are documented in the Fabric OS Message Reference guide, which
helps you diagnose and fix problems. You can find this guide at the following website:
The messages are organized alphabetically by module name. A module is a subsystem in the
FOS. Each module generates a set of numbered messages. For each message, the guide
provides message text, probable cause, recommended action, and severity level. There may
be more than one cause and more than one recommended action for any given message, but
the guide describes the most probable cause and typical action that is recommended.
The publications that are listed in this section are considered suitable for a more detailed
discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.
IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks publications provide additional information about the topic in this
document. Some publications referenced in this list might be available in softcopy only.
IBM SAN and SVC Stretched Cluster and VMware Solution Implementation, SG24-8072
IBM SAN Volume Controller Stretched Cluster with PowerVM and PowerHA, SG24-8142
IBM SAN Volume Controller and IBM FlashSystem 820: Best Practices and Performance
Capabilities, REDP-5027
IBM Storwize V7000 and SANSlide Implementation, REDP-5023
IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Best Practices and Performance Guidelines,
Implementing the IBM SAN Volume Controller and FlashSystem 820, SG24-8172
Implementing the IBM Storwize V3700, SG24-8107
Implementing the IBM Storwize V5000, SG24-8162
Implementing the IBM Storwize V7000 Unified, SG24-8010
Implementing the IBM Storwize V7000 V6.3, SG24-7938
Implementing the IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller V6.3, SG24-7933
Introduction to Storage Area Networks and System Networking, SG24-5470
Real-time Compression in SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V7000, REDP-4859
You can search for, view, download, or order these documents and other Redbooks,
Redpapers, Web Docs, draft and additional materials, at the following website:
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troubleshooting tips IBM Redbooks are developed
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administrators, and pre- and post-sales support staff.