SG 248950
SG 248950
SG 248950
Ewerson Palacio
Bill White
Octavian Lascu
IBM Redbooks
April 2023
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page vii.
This edition applies to IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02, and IBM z16 AGZ.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x
Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.1 IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ upgrade paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2 Frame and cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3 CPC drawers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3.1 Dual-chip modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.3.2 Processor unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.3.3 Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3.4 Hardware system area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.4 I/O system structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Contents v
vi IBM z16 Technical Introduction
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AIX® IBM Telum™ Resource Link®
CICS® IBM Z® WebSphere®
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DS8000® IBM z16™ z/OS®
FICON® Language Environment® z/VM®
GDPS® Parallel Sysplex® z/VSE®
Guardium® Passport Advantage® z15®
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This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces the latest member of the IBM Z® family, IBM
z16™, which is built with the IBM Telum™ processor and available in three different
configuration options:
IBM z16 A01
IBM z16 A02
The IBM Z platform is recognized for its security, resiliency, performance, and scale. It is relied
on for mission-critical workloads and as an essential element of hybrid cloud infrastructures.
IBM z16 adds capabilities and value with innovative technologies that are needed to
accelerate the digital transformation journey.
This book explains how IBM z16 innovations and traditional IBM Z strengths satisfy the
growing demand for cloud, analytics, and a more flexible infrastructure. With IBM z16 as the
base, applications can run in a trusted, reliable, and secure environment that improves
operations and lessens business risk.
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working for
IBM Redbooks, Poughkeepsie Center.
Octavian Lascu is an IBM Redbooks Project Leader and a Senior IT Consultant for
IBM Romania with over 25 years of experience. He specializes in designing, implementing,
and supporting complex IT infrastructure environments (systems, storage, and networking),
including high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) solutions and high-performance
computing deployments. He has developed materials for and taught over 50 workshops for
technical audiences around the world. He is the author of several IBM publications.
Ewerson Palacio is an IBM Redbooks Project Leader. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Math
and Computer Science. Ewerson worked for IBM Brazil for over 40 years and retired in 2017
as an IBM Distinguished Engineer. Ewerson co-authored many IBM Z Redbooks publications,
and created and presented ITSO seminars around the globe.
Bill White is an IBM Redbooks Project Leader and Senior IT Infrastructure Specialist at
IBM Poughkeepsie, New York.
Brent Boisvert, John Campbell, Jeffrey Chang, Anne Dames, Richard Gagnon, Les Geer III,
Ronald Geiger, Darelle Gent, Kyle Giesen, Michael Goetzner, Robert Haimowitz,
Gerald Hosch, David Hutton, Seth Lederer, Cedric Lichtenau, Ed Linde II, Walter Niklaus,
Thomas Pohl, Yamil Rivera, Lisa Schloemer, Christine Smith, Kenneth Stine, David Surman,
John Torok, Marna Walle, Kathy Walsh, Tina Wile
Makus Ertl, Jannie Houlbjerg, Hervey Kamga, Gerard Laumay, Slav Martinksi, Kazuhiro
Nakajima, Martijn Raave, Paul Schouten, Anna Shugol, Andre Spahni, John Troy, Roman
Vogt, Bo Xu
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Open industry standard tools and agile DevOps methodologies are key to any successful
digital transformation strategy and to accelerate modernization. An integrated platform that
supports cloud-native development and infrastructure automation is essential.
To move the business forward while continuing to maintain the necessary levels of resiliency,
compliance, and sustainability, a secure infrastructure with more flexibility and agility is
needed. The latest member of the IBM Z family, IBM z16, can help with these new demands.
In this chapter, you learn about IBM z16 capabilities and the business value that it can
The IBM Z platform is recognized for its security, resiliency, performance, and scalability. It is
relied on for mission-critical workloads and as an essential element of hybrid cloud
infrastructures. The IBM z16 adds more capabilities and value with innovative technologies
that are needed to accelerate the digital transformation journey.
The IBM z16 is the first IBM Z platform that is built with the IBM Telum processor.1 It is
designed to help businesses achieve the following goals:
Create value in every interaction and optimize decision making with the on-chip
Accelerator for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Accelerator for AI can deliver the speed and
scale that is required to infuse AI inferencing into workloads with no impact on service
Act now to protect today's data against current and future threats with quantum-safe
protection through quantum-safe cryptography APIs and crypto-discovery tools.
Enhance resiliency with flexible capacity to dynamically shift system resources across
locations to proactively avoid disruptions.
Modernize and integrate applications and data in a hybrid cloud environment with
consistent and flexible deployment options to innovate with speed and agility.
Reduce costs and keep up with changing regulations through a solution that helps simplify
and streamline compliance tasks.
1 IBM Telum Processor: the next-gen microprocessor for IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE
With the opportunity that is created by quantum computing comes the threat to today’s public
key cryptography. Businesses should start now to prepare for the time when a quantum
computer can break today’s cryptography. In fact, today’s data is at risk for future exposure
through “harvest now, decrypt later” attacks.
With the new Crypto Express8S (CEX8C), IBM z16 helps deliver quantum-safe APIs that
position businesses to begin the usage of quantum-safe cryptography along with classical
cryptography as they begin modernizing applications and building applications.
Discovering where and what kind of cryptography is being used is a key first step along the
journey to quantum safety. IBM z16 provides instrumentation that can be used to track
cryptographic instruction execution in the CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions (CPACF).
Additionally, IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence (ADDI) was enhanced with
new crypto discovery capabilities.
IBM z16 provides the foundation for application modernization and hybrid cloud velocity by
delivering a leading hybrid cloud infrastructure to support the optimization of mission-critical
applications and data.
IBM z16 and the accompanying IBM Z and cloud software, which are developed to support a
cloud-native experience, deliver a broad set of open and industry-standard tools, including an
agile DevOps methodology to accelerate modernization. These capabilities deliver speed to
market and agility for development and operational teams as IBM z16 integrates as a critical
component of hybrid cloud.
2 For more information, see Keeping Up With Security and Compliance on IBM Z, SG24-8540.
IBM z16 is the latest in a long line of machines that are designed for system and data center
energy efficiency with differentiated architectural advantages, including on-chip compression,
and encryption that is designed to sustain 90% utilization along with new embedded on-chip
AI acceleration to seamlessly integrate real-time AI insights into business-critical
IBM z16 builds on a more than 24-year history of improving the system performance per watt,
which is a key metric for improving the data center carbon footprint. Beginning with the first
CMOS mainframe processor and continuing through IBM z16, the IBM Z platform has a
27-year history of improved mainframe system capacity per watt. The largest IBM z16, which
uses an intelligent power distribution unit (PDU), improves maximum system capacity per
kilowatt by approximately 18% compared to the largest z15, and an approximately 54%
increase versus the largest IBM z14®.
Within each single CPC drawer, IBM z16 provides 25% greater capacity than z15 for standard
models and 40% greater capacity on the max configuration model, enabling efficient scaling
of partitions.
A typical IBM z14 bulk power assembly (BPA) system upgraded to a similarly configured
IBM z16 PDU system reduces system power consumption and provides other significant data
center advantages: 31% less weight, 50% or more reduction in floor space, and direct
participation in the modern data center.
IBM z16 prioritizes how IBM contributes to the circular economy. For example, the IBM z16
publication Product Carbon Footpring shows the attributes of the product lifecycle that have
the biggest impact on energy usage. IBM z16 continues the long history of focusing on the
product lifecycle, from the improved energy efficiency and enhancement of manufacturing
and material sourcing, to the improved packaging strategies for shipment and material
recycling at product end-of-life.
Product Carbon Footprint reports that using the Product Attributes to Impact Algorithm (PAIA)
help businesses understand the lifecycle carbon sustainability of the hardware within their
data centers. IBM z16 provides telemetry information that is useful for the integration into
modern data center infrastructure management (DCIM) systems through a set of secure,
REST-based web service APIs.
With the Web Service API metrics groups, IBM z16 can report key environmental and power
consumption data, including ambient temperature and humidity, heat load, exhaust
temperature, system power consumption, and power on each power cord phase.
For more information about the HMC monitors dashboard, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical
Guide, SG24-8951.
Additionally, the zhmcclient package, which is available on GitHub, is a client library that is
written in pure Python that interacts with the Web Services API of the HMC. The goal of this
package is to make the HMC Web Services API consumable for Python programmers. In
addition to these tools, IBM has a sophisticated Power, Weight, and Airflow calculator, which
you can find at IBM Resource Link®.3
The feature names are based on the maximum number of characterizable PUs.
Figure 1-1 shows the available IBM z16 configuration options (one to four 19-inch frames for
IBM z16 A01, one 19-inch frame for IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, and mountable
components for a client-designated 19-inch rack with IBM z16 AGZ).
Table 1-1 Technical highlights of IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02, and IBM z16 AGZ
Capability IBM z16 A01 IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
Dual-chip modules (DCMs)b that use the 5.2 GHz. 4.6 GHz.
IBM Telum processor to help improve the
execution of processor-intensive workloads.
Memory per system, which ensures high Up to 40 TB of addressable real Up to 16 TB of addressable real
availability (HA) in the memory subsystem by memory per system.c memory per system.d
using proven redundant array of independent
memory (RAIM) technology.
A large fixed hardware system area (HSA) that 256 GB. 160 GB.
is managed separately from ordered memory.
Processor cache structure improvements and First-level cache (L1): First-level cache (L1):
larger cache sizes to help with more 128 KB. 128 KB.
demanding production workloads. The result Second-level cache (L2): Second-level cache (L2):
is 1.5x cache capacity per core compared to 32 MB. 32 MB.
z15, at reduced average access latency, Third-level cache (L3): Third-level cache (L3):
through a flatter system topology and overall 256 MB. 256 MB.
improved system performance and scalability. Fourth-level cache (L4): Fourth-level cache (L4):
2048 MB. 1024 MB (Max5 & Max16).
2048 MB (Max32 & Max68).
The channel subsystem (CSS) is built for I/O Six LCSSs. Three LCSSs.
resilience. The number of logical channel 85 LPARs. 40 LPARs.
subsystems (LCSSs), subchannel sets, and Four subchannel sets. Three subchanel sets.
I/O devices are consistent with its predecessor 64,000 I/O devices per 64,000 I/O devices per
platform, as is the number of LPARs. subchannel set. subchannel set.
Proven technology (sixth-generation high frequency and fourth-generation out-of-order design) with a single-instruction,
multiple-data (SIMD) processor that increases parallelism to accelerate analytics processing. In addition, simultaneous
multithreading (SMT) increases processing efficiency and throughput and raises the number of instructions in flight.
Special coprocessors and new hardware instructions for accelerating selected workloads.
IBM Virtual Flash Memory (VFM) can be used to handle paging workload spikes and improve availability.
The IBM Z Sort accelerator helps reduce CPU costs, speed up the sorting process, and improve database functions.
Improved cryptographic functions and performance, which is achieved by having one dedicated cryptographic
coprocessor per PU.
Enhanced ICA SR coupling link protocol provides up to 10% improvement for read and lock requests, and up to 25%
for write requests and duplexed write requests compared to CF service times on z15 servers.
Improved CF processor scalability for CF images. The relative scaling of a CF image beyond a 9-way is improved,
meaning that the effective capacity of IBM z16 CF images continues to increase all the way up to the max of
16 processors in a CF image.
Improved data compression operations are achieved by having one dedicated compression coprocessor per PU, and
new hardware instructions.
For more information about the IBM z16 configuration options, see Chapter 2, “IBM z16 A01
hardware overview” on page 17 and Chapter 3, “IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware
overview” on page 33.
FICON Express
FICON Express features follow the established Fibre Channel (FC) standards to support data
storage and access requirements, along with the latest FC technology in storage and access
zHyperLink Express
zHyperLink was created to provide fast access to data through low-latency connections
between the IBM Z platform and storage.
With the zHyperLink Express1.1 feature, you can make synchronous requests for data that is
in the storage cache of the IBM DS8000®. This process is done by directly connecting the
zHyperLink Express1.1 port in IBM z16 to an I/O bay port of the IBM DS8000. This
short-distance (up to 150 m (492 feet)), direct connection is designed for low-latency
read/write, such as with IBM Db2® for z/OS synchronous I/O reads and log writes.
Working with the FICON SAN Infrastructure, zHyperLink can improve application response
time, which reduces I/O-sensitive workload response time by half without requiring application
4 z/VSE 6.2 will not support the IBM z16 A02 (machine type 3932).
For more information about the supported FICON Express and zHyperLink Express features,
see 4.2, “Storage connectivity” on page 51.
HiperSockets is an integrated function of the IBM Z platform that supplies attachments to up
to 32 high-speed virtual LANs, with minimal system and network impact.
HiperSockets is a function of the Licensed Internal Code (LIC). It provides LAN connectivity
across multiple system images on the same IBM Z platform by performing
memory-to-memory data transfers in a secure way.
The HiperSockets function eliminates the usage of I/O subsystem operations. It also
eliminates the requirement to traverse an external network connection to communicate
between LPARs in the same IBM Z platform. In this way, HiperSockets can help with server
consolidation by connecting virtual servers and simplifying the enterprise network.
The OSA-Express features provide local area network (LAN) connectivity and comply with
IEEE standards. In addition, OSA-Express features assume several functions of the TCP/IP
stack that normally are performed by the PU, which provides performance benefits by
offloading processing from the operating system.
OSA-Express7S 1.2 features continue to support copper and fiber optic (single-mode and
multimode) environments.
RoCE Express
The RoCE Express3 features can provide local area network (LAN) connectivity for Linux on
IBM Z and comply with IEEE standards. In addition, RoCE Express features assume several
functions of the TCP/IP stack that normally are performed by the PU, which provides
performance benefits by offloading processing from the operating system.
The 25 GbE and 10 GbE RoCE Express3 features6 use Remote Direct Memory Access
(RDMA) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) to provide fast memory-to-memory
communications between two IBM Z servers.
These features help reduce consumption of CPU resources for applications that use the
TCP/IP stack (such as IBM WebSphere®, which accesses an IBM Db2 database). These
The performance results can vary depending on the workload. For zHyperLink planning, use the zBNA tool, found
6 RoCE Express features can be used as general-purpose IP interfaces with Linux on IBM Z.
With SMC-R, you can transfer huge amounts of data quickly and at low latency. SMC-R is
transparent to the application and requires no code changes, which enables rapid time to
SMC-D requires no extra physical resources (such as RoCE Express features, PCIe
bandwidth, ports, I/O slots, network resources, or Ethernet switches). Instead, SMC-D uses
LPAR-to-LPAR communication through HiperSockets or an OSA-Express feature for
establishing the initial connection.
z/OS and Linux on IBM Z support SMC-R and SMC-D. Now, data can be shared through
memory-to-memory transfer between z/OS and Linux on IBM Z.
For more information about the available network connectivity features, see 4.3, “Network
connectivity” on page 53.
1.2.3 Cryptography
IBM z16 provides two main cryptographic functions: CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions
(CPACF), and Crypto-Express8S.
CPACF is a high-performance, low-latency coprocessor that performs symmetric key
encryption operations and calculates message digests (hashes) in hardware. The following
algorithms are supported:
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES)
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)-1
CPACF supports Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) clear key, improving the performance of
Elliptic Curve algorithms. The following algorithms are supported:
EdDSA (Ed448 and Ed25519)
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) (P-256, P-384, and P-521)
Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) (P-256, P-384, P521, X25519, and X448)
Support for protected key signature creation
The tamper-sensing and tamper-responding Crypto-Express8S features provide acceleration
for high-performance cryptographic operations and support up to 85 domains with
It also supports specialized high-level cryptographic APIs and functions, including those
functions that are required with quantum-safe cryptography and in the banking industry.
Crypto-Express8S features are designed to meet the Federal Information Processing
Standards (FIPS) 140-2 Level 4 and Payment Card Industry PTS HSM (PCI-HSM) security
requirements for hardware security modules (HSMs).
For more information about cryptographic features and functions, see 4.6, “Cryptographic
features” on page 59 and 5.7, “Quantum-safe technology” on page 97.
Coupling connectivity on IBM z16 uses Coupling Express2 Long Reach (CE2 LR) and ICA
SR features. The ICA SR feature supports distances up to 150 meters (492 feet); the CE2 LR
feature supports unrepeated distances of up to 10 km (6.21 miles) between IBM Z servers.7
For more information about coupling and clustering features, see 4.4, “Clustering
connectivity” on page 56.
IBM z16 delivers a range of features and functions so that PUs can concentrate on
computational tasks while distinct, specialized features take care of the rest. For more
information about these features and other IBM z16 features, see Chapter 5, “IBM z16
system design strengths” on page 65.
The IBM Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z options are designed to deliver unmatched simplicity
and predictability of hardware capacity and software pricing, even in the constantly evolving
era of hybrid cloud.
IBM Z servers help to make embracing hybrid cloud easier with Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z.
The pricing option delivers simplicity, flexibility, and predictability of pricing across the stack,
even with constantly increasing unpredictability in business demand.
The distance between systems can be increased to 100 km by using dense wavelength-division multiplexing
In its maximum configuration, IBM z16 A01 Max200 can deliver up to 17%8 more capacity
than IBM z15 T01 Max190. An IBM z16 A01 1-way server has approximately 11% more
capacity than a IBM z15 T01 1-way server.
Within each single drawer, IBM z16 A01 provides 25% greater capacity than IBM z15 T01 for
standard models and 40% greater capacity on the max config model, enabling efficient
scaling of partitions. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ provide around 13%9 capacity growth
over IBM z15 T02 on the max config model, and around 29% greater than IBM z14 ZR1.
For more information, see 5.3, “Capacity and performance” on page 78.
The RAS design objective is to manage change by learning from previous product releases
and investing in new RAS functions to eliminate or minimize all sources of outages.
SRB with the optional System Recovery Boost Upgrade (temporary capacity upgrade) is a
function to accelerate operating system and services start and shutdown times. IBM z16 also
provides boosted processor capacity and parallelism for specific events, such as middleware
starts and restarts, SVC dump processing, and HyperSwap configuration load and reload to
minimize the impact on running workloads.
For more information about RAS, see 5.4, “Reliability, availability, and serviceability” on
page 86.
IBM supports 21st Century Software VSEn V6.3 on IBM z16. For more information, see this
web page.
IBM plans to support the following Linux on IBM Z distributions11 on IBM z16:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
Red Hat RHEL 8.4 and Red Hat RHEL 7.9
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
The support statements for IBM z16 also cover the KVM hypervisor on distribution levels that
have KVM support.
For more information about the IBM z16 software support, see Chapter 6, “Operating system
support” on page 99.
With IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and IBM Enterprise PL/I for z/OS, decades of IBM
experience in application development can be used to integrate COBOL and PL/I with web
services, XML, and Java. Such interoperability makes it possible to capitalize on IT
investments while smoothly incorporating new, web-based applications into the infrastructure.
z/OS, XL C/C++, and XL C/C++ for Linux on IBM Z help with creating and maintaining critical
business applications that are written in C or C++ to maximize application performance and
improve developer productivity. These compilers transform C or C++ source code into
executable code that fully uses the z/Architecture. This transformation is possible because of
hardware-tailored optimizations, built-in functions, performance-tuned libraries, and language
constructs that simplify system programming and boost application runtime performance.
Compilers, such as COBOL, PL/I, and z/OS XL C/C++, are inherently optimized on IBM z16
because they use floating point registers rather than memory or fast mathematical
computations. The usage of compilers that leverage hardware enhancements is key to
improving application performance, reducing CPU usage, and lowering operating costs.
For more information, see 6.1.2, “Application development and languages” on page 101 and
6.1.3, “Supported IBM compilers” on page 103.
z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
11 All require extra service. For more information, see 6.2.6, “Linux on IBM Z” on page 108.
The number of characterizable PUs, SAPs, and spare PUs for the various features is listed in
Table 2-1. For more information about PU characterization types, see “PU characterization”
on page 25.
Max39 1 0667 0 - 39 5 2
Max82 2 0668 0 - 82 10 2
IBM z16 A01 ensures continuity and upgrades from IBM z15 T01and IBM z14 M0x. The
supported upgrade paths are shown in Figure 2-1.
Note: No field upgrade is available to a Max 168 or a Max 200; these two features are
factory-shipped only.
With IBM z16 A01, concurrent upgrades are available for central processors (CPs), Integrated
Facilities for Linux (IFLs), Integrated Coupling Facilities (ICFs), IBM Z Integrated Information
Processors (zIIPs), and SAPs. However, concurrent PU upgrades require that more PUs are
physically installed, but not activated previously.
In the rare event of a PU failure, one of the spare PUs is immediately and transparently
activated and assigned the characteristics of the failing PU. Two spare PUs are always
available on an IBM z16 A01.
IBM z16 A01 offers 317 capacity levels. In all, 200 capacity levels are based on the number of
physically used CPs, plus up to 117 subcapacity models for the first 39 CPs.
The IBM z16 A01 configuration options as compared to previous IBM Z servers are listed in
Table 2-2.
Table 2-2 IBM z16 A01 configuration options compared to IBM z15 T01 and IBM z14 M0x configurations
System Number of Number of CPC Number of I/O I/O and power Power Cooling
frames drawers drawers connections optionsa options
IBM z16 1-4 1-4 0 - 12b Rear only PDU or Radiator (air)
A01 BPA only
IBM z15 1-4 1-5 0 - 12c Rear only PDU or Radiator (air)
T01 BPA or
unit (WCU)
IBM z14 2 1-4 0-5 Front and rear BPA Radiator (air)
M0x or WCU
a. The power distribution unit (PDU) option supports the air-cooling (radiator) option. The Bulk Power Assembly
(BPA) option supports both air-cooling and water-cooling options.
b. Maximum of 12 if ordered with a PDU or maximum of 10 if ordered with a BPA.
c. Maximum of 12 if ordered with a PDU or maximum of 11 if ordered with a BPA.
In addition, IBM z16 A01 supports top-exit options for the fiber-optic and copper cables that
are used for I/O and power. These options give you more flexibility in planning where the
system is installed, eliminate the need for cables to be run under a raised floor, and increase
air flow over the system.
IBM z16 A01 supports installation on raised floor and non-raised floor environments.
Figure 2-2 shows the front view of a fully configured IBM z16 A01 with radiator cooling, four
CPC drawers, and 12 PCIe+ I/O drawers.
SEs (2)
39 Z A B C
36 I/O 9
34 I/O 4 I/O 12
28 I/O 8
27 I/O 11
22 CPC 2
I/O 7 I/O 10 I/O 15
17 CPC 1
13 I/O 6
12 CPC 0 CPC 3 I/O 14
I/O 5 I/O 13
3 Radiator Radiator
Figure 2-2 Front view of a fully configured IBM z16 A01 with radiator cooling
40 SEs (2)
36 Elements
33 I/O 12 I/O 9
31 I/O 4
I/O 11 I/O 8
I/O 15 I/O 10 I/O 7
12 I/O 14 CPC 3 CPC 0 I/O 6
4 I/O 13 I/O 5
3 Radiator Radiator
The IBM configurator that is used during the order process calculates the number of frames
that is required and placement of CPC and PCIe+ I/O drawers.
Factors that determine the number of frames for an IBM z16 A01 configuration include the
following features:
Number of CPC drawers
Plan-ahead features for more CPC drawers
Number of I/O features (determines the number of PCIe+ I/O drawers)
PDU or BPA power
The CPC drawer communication topology is shown in Figure 2-4 on page 23. All CPC
drawers are interconnected with high-speed communications links (A-Bus) through the PU
chips. Symmetric multiprocessor (SMP-9) cables are used to interconnect all the CPC
drawers. The X-Bus provides connectivity between DCMs on the drawer, while the M-Bus
connects the two PU chips on each DCM.
The design that is used to connect the PU and storage control allows the system to be
operated and controlled by the IBM Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM) facility
as a memory-coherent SMP system.
Each PU core contains a 256 MB shared-victim virtual L3 cache. The shared-victim virtual
L3 cache is a logical construction that comprises all eight semi-private L2s (8 x 32 MB =
256 MB) belonging to the other cores.
Each CPC drawer contains a 2 GB shared-victim virtual L4, consisting of the “remote”
virtual L3 caches of the DCMs in the CPC drawer.
PU sparing
Hardware fault detection is embedded throughout the system design and combined with
comprehensive instruction-level retry and dynamic PU sparing. This function provides the
reliability and availability that is required for true IBM Z integrity.
On-chip functions
Consider the following points:
IBM Integrated Accelerator for zEnterprise® Data Compression replaces the
IBM zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC) Express PCIe feature that was on previous
IBM Z servers.
The sort accelerator uses the sort instruction (SORTL) instruction to be used by DFSORT and
the IBM Db2 Utilities for z/OS Suite to help reduce CPU usage and improve elapsed time
for sort workloads.
Integrated Accelerator for Artificial Intelligence Unit (AIU) is implemented on each PU chip
and shared among all cores. It provides a matrix array for multiplication and convolution
alongside the specialty engines for complex functions.
The AIU provides a Neural Network Processing Assist (NNPA) instruction, which operates
directly on Tensor data in user space.
Software support
The IBM z16 A01 PUs provide full compatibility with software for z/Architecture, and extend
the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) to enable enhanced functions and performance. New
with IBM z16 A01 are instructions for the AIU.
PU characterization
PUs are ordered in single increments. The internal system functions are based on the
configuration that is ordered. They characterize each PU into one of various types during
system initialization, which is often called a power-on reset (POR) operation.
Characterizing PUs dynamically without a POR is possible by using a process that is called
Dynamic Processor Unit Reassignment. A PU that is not characterized cannot be used. Each
PU can be designated with one of the following characterizations:
CP: These standard processors are used for general workloads.
IFL: Designates processors to be used specifically for running the Linux application
Unassigned Integrated Facilities for Linux (UIFL): Allows you to directly purchase an IFL
feature that is marked as being deactivated upon installation, which avoids software
charges until the IFL is brought online for use.
zIIP: An “Off Load Processor” that is used under z/OS for designated types of workloads.
For a list of zIIP use candidates, see “Logical processors” on page 73. zIIP also is used for
the IBM System Recovery Boost (SRB) feature. For more information, see the System
Recovery Boost topic under 5.4, “Reliability, availability, and serviceability” on page 86.
Unassigned zIIP: A processor that is purchased for future use as a zIIP. It is offline and
cannot be used until an upgrade for the zIIP is installed. It does not affect software
licenses or maintenance charges.
Integrated Coupling Facility (ICF): Designates processors to be used specifically for
At least one CP must be purchased before zIIPs can be purchased. The maximum of zIIPs is
one less than the allowed maximum PU configuration. For example, IBM z16 A01 Max200
can have up to 199 zIIPs. These rules are also valid for unassigned zIIPs and unassigned
Converting a PU from one type to any other type is possible by using the Dynamic Processor
Unit Reassignment process. These conversions occur concurrently with the system
Note: The addition of ICFs, IFLs, zIIPs, and SAPs does not change the system capacity
setting or its millions of service units (MSU) rating.
2.3.3 Memory
The maximum physical memory size is directly related to the number of CPC drawers in the
system. An IBM Z server includes more installed memory than was ordered because part of
the installed memory is used to implement the redundant array of independent memory
(RAIM) design. With IBM z16 A01, up to 10 TB of memory per CPC drawer can be ordered,
and up to 40 TB for a four-CPC drawer system.
The minimum and maximum memory sizes for each IBM z16 A01 feature are listed in
Table 2-3.
The HSA on IBM z16 A01 has a fixed amount of memory (256 GB) that is managed
separately from available memory. However, the maximum amount of orderable memory can
vary from the theoretical number because of dependencies on the memory granularity. On
IBM z16 A01, the granularity for memory is in 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, and 2048 GB
When an LPAR is activated, PR/SM attempts to allocate PUs and the memory of an LPAR in
a single CPC drawer. However, if this allocation is not possible, PR/SM uses memory
resources in any CPC drawer. For example, if the allocated PUs span more than one CPC
drawer, PR/SM attempts to allocate memory across that same set of CPC drawers (even if all
required memory is available in only one of those CPC drawers).
No matter which CPC drawer the memory is installed in, an LPAR can access that memory
after it is allocated. IBM z16 A01 is an SMP system because the PUs can access all of the
available memory.
For model upgrades that involve the addition of a CPC drawer, the minimum usable memory
increment (512 GB) is added to the system. During an upgrade, adding a CPC drawer and
physical memory in the new drawer are concurrent operations.
The RAIM design is fully integrated in IBM z16 A01 and enhanced to include one Memory
Controller Unit (MCU) per processor chip, with eight memory channels and one DIMM per
channel. The MCU enables memory to be implemented as RAIM. This technology has
significant reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) capabilities in the area of error
correction. Bit, lane, DRAM, DIMM, socket, and complete memory channel failures (including
many types of multiple failures) can be detected and corrected.
For more information about memory design and configuration options, see IBM z16 (3931)
Technical Guide, SG24-8951.
The fixed size 256 GB HSA of IBM z16 A01 is large enough to accommodate any LPAR
definitions or changes, which eliminate most outage situations and the need for extensive
A fixed, large HSA allows the dynamic I/O capability of IBM z16 A01 to be enabled by default.
It also enables the dynamic addition and removal of the following features:
An LPAR to a new or existing CSS
CSSs (up to six can be defined)
Subchannel sets (up to four can be defined)
Devices, up to the maximum number permitted, in each subchannel set
Logical processors by type
Cryptographic adapters
Ordering of I/O features: Ordering I/O feature types determines the suitable number of
PCIe+ I/O drawers.
Figure 2-6 on page 29 shows a high-level view of the I/O system structure for IBM z16 A01.
The IBM z16 A01 CPC drawer has 12 fanouts (numbered LG01 - LG12). The fanouts that are
installed in these positions can be one of the following types:
Dual-port PCIe+ fanouts for PCIe+ I/O drawer connectivity
ICA SR fanouts for coupling
Filler plates to assist with airflow cooling
For coupling link connectivity (IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol (STP)
configuration), IBM z16 A01 supports the following link types:
ICA SR 1.1 and ICA SR (installed in a CPC drawer)
Coupling Express2 Long Reach (CE LR) (installed in a PCIe+ I/O drawer)
The PCIe+ I/O drawer (see Figure 2-8), is a 19-inch single side drawer that is 8U high. I/O
features are installed horizontally, with cooling air flow from front to rear. The drawer contains
16 adapter slots and 2 slots for PCIe switch cards.
BMC x2
The two I/O domains per drawer each contain up to eight I/O features that support the
following types:
FICON Express32S, FICON Express16SA, or FICON Express16S+
OSA-Express7S 1.2, OSA-Express7S, or OSA-Express6S
Crypto-Express8S, Crypto-Express7S, or Crypto-Express6S
RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) Express3, RoCE Express2.1, or RoCE Express2
For more information about the I/O features that are available with IBM z16 A01, see
Chapter 4, “Supported features and functions” on page 49.
BPA support removala: Based on the direction of the market, IBM z16 A01 is the last
IBM Z platform to support BPA. Plan to migrate from BPA to PDU.
a. Statements by IBM regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or
withdrawal without notice at the sole discretion of IBM. Information regarding potential
future products is intended to outline general product direction and should not be relied on
in making a purchasing decision.
The IBM z16 A01 operates with one or two sets of redundant power supplies. Each set
has its own individual power cords or pair of power cords, depending on the number of
Bulk Power Regulator (BPR) pairs that are installed. Power cords attach to a three-phase,
50/60 Hz, 200 - 480 V AC power source. The loss of one power supply per set has no
effect on system operation.
The optional Balanced Power Plan Ahead feature is available for future growth, which also
assures adequate and balanced power for all possible configurations. With this feature,
downtime for upgrading a system is eliminated because the initial installation includes the
maximum power requirements in terms of BPRs and power cords.
DCMs are always cooled with an internal water loop. The liquid in the internal water system is
cooled by using an internal radiator. The radiator, PCIe+ I/O drawers, power enclosures, and
CPC drawers are cooled by chilled air with blowers.
Specific power requirements depend on the number of frames, CPC drawers, and type of I/O
features that are installed, and the power option (PDU or BPA).
For more information about the maximum power consumption tables for the various
configurations and environments, see IBM 3931 Installation Manual for Physical Planning,
For more information about the power and weight estimation tool, see IBM Resource Link.
This chapter expands on the key hardware elements of IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ that
were introduced in 1.2, “IBM z16 technical overview” on page 7.
The number of characterizable PUs, SAPs, and spare PUs for the various features are listed
in Table 3-1. For more information about PU characterization types, see “PU characterization”
on page 41.
Table 3-1 IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ processor unit configurations
Feature Number of Feature Characterizable Central Standard Spares
name CPC Code processor units processors SAPs
drawers / (CPs)
IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ ensure continuity and upgradeability from IBM z15 T02 and
IBM z14 ZR1. The supported upgrade paths are shown in Figure 3-1 on page 35.
1 The rack-mount configuration options are under a combined AGZ warranty umbrella.
Figure 3-1 IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ upgrade paths
With IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, concurrent upgrades are available for central
processors (CPs), Integrated Facilities for Linux (IFLs), Integrated Coupling Facilities (ICFs),
IBM Z Integrated Information Processors (zIIPs), and SAPs. However, concurrent PU
upgrades require that more PUs are physically installed, but not activated previously.
In the rare event of a PU failure, one of the spare PUs is immediately and transparently
activated and assigned the characteristics of the failing PU. Two spare PUs always are
available on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ offer 156 subcapacity levels, A01 - Z06, which use 1 - 6
available CPs with features Max16, Max32, and Max68. For a Max5 feature, the subcapacity
models range from A01 to Z05 (5 CPs maximum).
Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview 35
3.2 Frame and cabling
IBM z16 A02 is delivered in a 19-inch frame with industry-standardized power and hardware.
It is a single frame (rack) system that takes up two standard 24-inch floor tiles of space, which
aligns with modern data center layouts. IBM z16 AGZ is delivered as a bundle that is installed
in a client-supplied EIA standard 19-inch rack with PDUs. Both systems share features and
The IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ configuration options, as compared to previous
IBM Z servers, are listed in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ configuration options compared to IBM z15 and IBM z14
System Number Number of Number I/O and Power Power cord
of CPC of I/O power optionsa options
frames drawers drawers connections
The number of Peripheral Component Interconnect Express+ (PCIe+) I/O drawers can vary
based on the number of I/O features and number of CPC drawers that are installed. For IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ PDUs, a maximum configuration of up to three PCIe+ I/O drawers
can be installed. PCIe+ I/O drawers can be added concurrently.
In addition, IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ support top-exit options for the fiber optic and
copper cables that are used for I/O and power. These options give you more flexibility in
planning where the system is installed, eliminate the need for cables to be run under a raised
floor, and increase air flow over the system.
IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ support installation on raised floor and non-raised floor.
Figure 3-2 on page 37 shows a fully configured IBM z16 A02 with two CPC Drawers and
three PCIe+ I/O drawers.
Figure 3-3 shows an IBM z16 AGZ with one CPC drawer and one PCIe+ I/O drawer.
Figure 3-3 IBM z16 AGZ with one CPC drawer and one PCIe+ I/O drawer
Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview 37
The IBM configurator that is used during the order process calculates the placement of CPC
and PCIe+ I/O drawers. Factors that determine the configuration of IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16
AGZ include the following examples:
Feature: Max5, Max16, Max32, or Max68
Plan-ahead features for the second CPC drawer (for single CPC drawer systems)
Number of I/O features (Determines the number of PCIe+ I/O drawers.)
Single- or three-phase power
The CPC drawer communication topology is shown in Figure 3-4 on page 39. CPC drawers
are interconnected with high-speed communications links (A-Bus) through the PU chips.
Symmetric multiprocessor (SMP-9) cables are used to interconnect the CPC drawers. The
X-Bus provides connectivity between DCMs within the drawer, and the M-Bus connects the
two PU chips on each DCM.
CP-0 CP-6 D1
CP-1 CP-7 D1
CP-4 CP-5
Figure 3-4 IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ CPC with two drawers communication topology2
The design that is used to connect the PU and storage control allows the system to be
operated and controlled by the IBM Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM) facility
as a memory-coherent SMP system.
IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ Max68 is configured with two CPC drawers and four DCMs per drawer. Max5 and
Max16 are configured with one CPC drawer with two DCMs per drawer. Max32 is configured with one CPC drawer
with four DCMs.
Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview 39
Processor cache structure
The on-chip cache for the PU (core) features the following design:
Each PU core has an L1 cache (private) that is divided into a 128 KB cache for
instructions and a 128 KB cache for data.
Each PU core has a semi-private L2 cache, which is implemented as 32 MB, near the
Note: L1 and L2 are physical cache and are implemented in dense SRAM.
Each PU core contains a 256 MB shared-victim virtual L3 cache. The shared-victim virtual
L3 cache is a logical construction that comprises all eight semi-private L2s (8 x 32 MB =
256 MB) belonging to the other cores.
The IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ Max32 and Max68 CPC drawers contain four DCMs
and a maximum of 2 GB shared-victim virtual L4, consisting of the “remote” virtual L3
caches of the DCMs in the CPC drawer. Max5 and Max16 contain two DCMs per CPC
drawer and a maximum of 1 GB shared-victim virtual L4.
The IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ cache structure is shown Figure 3-5.3
Figure 3-5 IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ cache structure
3 Figure 3-5 represents an IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ Max68 with two drawers and four DCMs per CPC drawer.
On-chip functions
Consider the following points:
IBM Integrated Accelerator for zEnterprise Data Compression replaces the
IBM zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC) Express PCIe feature that was on previous
IBM Z servers.
The sort accelerator uses the sort instruction (SORTL) instruction to be used by DFSORT and
the IBM Db2 Utilities for z/OS Suite to help reduce CPU usage and improve elapsed time
for sort workloads.
Integrated Accelerator for Artificial Intelligence Unit (AIU) is implemented on each PU chip
and shared among all cores. It provides a matrix array for multiplication and convolution
alongside the specialty engines for complex functions.
The AIU provides a Neural Network Processing Assist (NNPA) instruction, which operates
directly on Tensor data in user space.
Software support
The IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ PUs provides full compatibility with software for
z/Architecture, and extend the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) to enhance functions and
performance. New with IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ are instructions for AIU.
PU characterization
PUs are ordered in single increments. The internal system functions are based on the
configuration that is ordered. They characterize each PU into one of various types during
system initialization, which is often called a power-on reset (POR) operation.
Characterizing PUs dynamically without a POR is possible by using a process that is called
Dynamic Processor Unit Reassignment. A PU that is not characterized cannot be used. Each
PU can be designated with one of the following characterizations:
CP: These standard processors are used for general workloads.
IFL: Designates processors to be used specifically for running the Linux application
Unassigned IFL (UIFL): Allows you to directly purchase an IFL feature that is marked as
being deactivated upon installation, which avoids software charges until the IFL is brought
online for use.
zIIP: An “Off Load Processor” for workloads that are restricted to Db2 type applications.
Also used for the IBM System Recovery Boost (SRB) feature. For more information, see
5.4, “Reliability, availability, and serviceability” on page 86.
Unassigned zIIP: A processor that is purchased for future use as a zIIP. It is offline and
cannot be used until an upgrade for the zIIP is installed. It does not affect software
licenses or maintenance charges.
Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview 41
Integrated Coupling Facility (ICF): Designates processors to be used specifically for
SAP: Designates processors to be used specifically for assisting I/O operations.
IFP: Used for infrastructure management. It is predefined and standard with the platform.
At least one CP must be purchased before zIIPs can be purchased. The maximum number of
zIIPs will be one less than the allowed maximum PU configuration. For example, an IBM z16
A02 or IBM z16 AGZ Max68 can have up to 67 zIIPS. These rules also are valid for
unassigned zIIPs and unassigned IFLs.
Converting a PU from one type to any other type is possible by using the Dynamic Processor
Unit Reassignment process. These conversions occur concurrently with the system
Note: The addition of ICFs, IFLs, zIIPs, and SAPs does not change the system capacity
setting or its millions of service units (MSU) rating.
3.3.3 Memory
Maximum physical memory size is directly related to the number of CPC drawers in the
system. An IBM Z server includes more installed memory than was ordered because part of
the installed memory is used to implement the redundant array of independent memory
(RAIM) design. With IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, up to 8 TB of memory per CPC drawer
can be ordered and up to 16 TB for a two-CPC drawer system.
The minimum and maximum memory sizes for each IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ feature
are listed in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3 IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ memory per feature
Feature name CPC drawers Memory
The HSA on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ has a fixed amount of memory (160 GB) that is
managed separately from available memory. However, the maximum amount of orderable
memory can vary from the theoretical number because of dependencies on the memory
granularity. On IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, the granularity for memory is in 64, 128, 256,
and 512 GB increments.
When an LPAR is activated, PR/SM attempts to allocate PUs and the memory of the LPAR in
a single CPC drawer. However, if this allocation is not possible, PR/SM uses memory
resources in any CPC drawer.4 For example, if the allocated PUs span to the additional CPC
drawer, PR/SM attempts to allocate memory across that same set of CPC drawers (even if all
required memory is available in a single CPC drawer).
No matter which CPC drawer the memory is installed in, an LPAR can access it after it is
allocated. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ are SMP systems because the PUs have access to
all the available memory.
For upgrades that involve the addition of a CPC drawer, the minimum usable memory
increment (256 GB) is added to the system. During an upgrade, adding a second CPC drawer
and physical memory in the new drawer are concurrent operations.
The RAIM design is fully integrated in IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ and enhanced to
include one Memory Controller Unit (MCU) per processor chip, with eight memory channels
and one DIMM per channel. The MCU enables memory to be implemented as RAIM. This
technology has significant reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) capabilities in the
area of error detection and correction. Bit, lane, DRAM, DIMM, socket, and complete memory
channel failures (including many types of multiple failures) can be detected and corrected.
In IBM z16 A02 or IBM z16 AGZ, the memory resources can be allocated in the second CPC drawer, if it is
Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview 43
3.3.4 Hardware system area
The HSA is a fixed-size, reserved area of memory that is separate from the
customer-purchased memory. The HSA is used for several internal functions, but the bulk of it
is used by channel subsystem (CSS) functions.
The fixed size 160 GB HSA of IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ is large enough to
accommodate any LPAR definitions or changes, which eliminates most outage situations and
the need for extensive planning.
A fixed, large HSA allows the dynamic I/O capability of IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ to be
enabled by default. It also enables the dynamic addition and removal of the following features:
LPAR to new or existing CSS
CSS (up to three can be defined)
Subchannel set (up to three can be defined)
Devices, up to the maximum number permitted, in each subchannel set
Logical processors by type
Cryptographic adapters
Ordering of I/O features: The number and type of features determine the number of I/O
drawers that are needed.
Figure 3-6 on page 45 shows a high-level view of the I/O system structure for IBM z16 A02
and IBM z16 AGZ.
The IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ Max5 and Max16 CPC drawers have six fanouts, and the
Max32 and Max68 have 12 fanouts per CPC drawer. Fanout locations are numbered LG01 -
LG12 and can be one of the following types:
Dual-port PCIe+ fanouts for PCIe+ I/O drawer connectivity
ICA SR fanouts for coupling
Filler plates to help with airflow cooling
For coupling link connectivity (IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol (STP)
configuration), IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ support the following link types:
ICA SR1.1 and ICA SR (installed in a CPC drawer)
Coupling Express2 Long Reach (CE LR) (installed in a PCIe+ I/O drawer)
Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview 45
For systems with two CPC drawers, the locations of the PCIe+ fanouts are configured and
plugged across all drawers for maximum availability. This configuration helps ensure that
alternative paths maintain access to critical I/O devices, such as storage and networks (see
Figure 3-7).
The PCIe+ I/O drawer (see Figure 3-8) is a 19-inch single side drawer that is 8U high. I/O
features are installed horizontally, with cooling air flow from front to rear. The drawer contains
16 adapter slots and 2 slots for PCIe switch cards.
BMC x2
The two I/O domains per drawer each contain up to eight I/O features that support the
following types:
FICON Express32S or FICON Express16S+
OSA-Express7S 1.2, OSA-Express7S, or OSA-Express6S
Crypto-Express8S, Crypto-Express7S, or Crypto-Express6S
RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) Express3, RoCE Express2.1, or RoCE Express2
zHyperLink Express 1.1 and zHyperLink Express
Coupling Express2 LR
IBM z16 A02 operates with two or four sets of redundant PDUs. Each set has its own
individual power cords or pair of power cords, depending on the configuration. Power cords
attach to a three-phase, 50/60 Hz, 200 - 480 V AC power source or to a single-phase 50/60
Hz, 200 - 240 V AC power source. The loss of only one power supply per set has no effect on
system operation.
Specific power requirements depend on the number of CPC drawers, and the number and
type of I/O features that are installed.
Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview 47
For more information about the maximum power consumption tables for the various
configurations and environments, see 3932 Single Frame Installation Manual for Physical
Planning (Models A02/LA2), GC28-7040-00 and IBM z16 and LinuxONE Rockhopper 4 Rack
Mount Bundle Installation Manual for Physical Planning (IMPP), GC28-7035-00.
For more information about the power and weight estimation tool, see IBM Resource Link.
Naming: Throughout this chapter, we describe features and functions that are offered with
IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02, and IBM z16 AGZ. The features and functions that are
available across all three configurations are identified with “IBM z16”. Where features and
functions differ with a given configuration, they are explicitly identified with either
IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02, or IBM z16 AGZ.
For more information about the key capabilities and enhancements, see IBM z16 (3931)
Technical Guide, SG24-8951. For more information about the I/O features and functions, see
IBM Z Connectivity Handbook, SG24-5444.
Detailed specifications for these features are provided in the subsequent sections.
The following features that were supported on earlier IBM Z platforms are not orderable and
cannot be carried forward to IBM z16:
FICON Express16S
FICON Express8S
10 GbE RoCE Express
Crypto Express5S
IBM zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC)
Coupling Express LR
1 The CEX8C is available with one or two HSMs. The HSM is the IBM 4770 Peripheral Component Interconnect
Express Cryptographic Coprocessor (PCIeCC).
The Crypto Express7S comes with one (1-port) or two (2-port) HSMs. The HSM is the IBM 4769 PCIe
Cryptographic Coprocessor (PCIeCC).
For more information about FICON Express32S performance, see IBM z16 FICON
Express32S Performance.
zHyperLink Express1.1 0451 8 GB OM3 and OM4 See Table 4-2. New build and carry
FICON Express32S SX 0462 8, 16, or 32 Gb OM2, OM3, and See Table 4-2. New build
FICON Express16SA SXb 0437 8 or 16 Gb OM2, OM3, and See Table 4-3. Carry forward
FICON Express16S+ SX 0428 4, 8, or 16 Gb OM2, OM3, and See Table 4-3. Carry forward
a. At 32 Gbps, the distance to the first direct-connected device (other FICON adapter, SAN switch, storage device,
WDM module, and so on) is limited to 5 km (3.1 miles).
b. Not supported on IBM z16 AGZ.
Table 4-2 Unrepeated distances for multimode fiber optic cable types for zHyperlink Express
Cable typea (modal bandwidth) 8 GBps
A 24-fiber cable with MTP connectors is required for the ports of the zHyperLink Express
feature. Internally, a single cable contains 12 fibers for transmit and 12 fibers for receive.
Note: FICON connectivity to each storage system is required. The FICON connection is
used for zHyperLink initialization, I/O requests that are not eligible for zHyperLink
communications, and as an alternative path if zHyperLink requests fail. For example,
storage cache misses or busy storage device conditions can cause requests to fail.
The FICON Express features are commonly used by IBM z/OS, IBM z/VM (and guest
systems), Linux on IBM Z, IBM z/VSE3, 21st Century Software VSEn V6.3, and IBM z/TPF.
The maximum unrepeated distances for different multimode fiber optic cable types when used
with FICON SX (shortwave) features running at different bit rates are listed in Table 4-3.
Table 4-3 Unrepeated distances for multimode fiber optic cable types for FICON Express
Cable type 2 Gbps 4 Gbps 8 Gbps 16 Gbps 32 Gbps
(modal bandwidth)
OM3 500 meters 380 meters 150 meters 100 meters 70 meters
(50 µm at 2000 MHz·km)
1640 feet 1247 feet 492 feet 328 feet 229 feet
OM4 N/A 400 meters 190 meters 125 meters 100 meters
(50 µm at 4700 MHz·km)
N/A 1312 feet 623 feet 410 feet 328 feet
3 z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Based tightly on the Fibre Channel–Security Protocol-2 (FC-SP-2) standard, which provides
various means of authentication and essentially maps IKEv2 constructs for security
association management and derivation of encryption keys to Fibre Channel Extended Link
Services, the IBM Fibre Channel Endpoint Security implementation uses the IBM solution for
key server infrastructure in the storage system (for data at-rest encryption).
IBM Security® Guardium® Key Lifecycle Manager provides shared secret key generation in a
master-subordinate relationship between an FC initiator (the IBM Z platform) and the storage
target. The solution implements authentication and key management called IBM Secure Key
Exchange (SKE).
Data that is in-flight (to or from IBM Z servers and IBM Storage) is encrypted when it leaves
either endpoint (source) and then decrypted at the destination. Encryption and decryption are
done at the FC adapter level.
In endpoint security-related operations, the operating system that runs on the IBM Z platform
is not involved. Tools are provided at the operating system level for displaying information
about encryption status.
IBM Fibre Channel Endpoint Security is an orderable feature for IBM z16 (Feature Code
1146) and requires Central Processor Assist for Cryptographic Functions (CPACF)
enablement (Feature Code 3863), specific storage (DS8900), and FICON Express32S
For more information and implementation details, see the IBM Fibre Channel Endpoint
Security for IBM z15 and LinuxONE III Announcement Letter.
The HiperSockets internal networks can support the following transport modes:
4 FICON Express16SA Feature Codes 0436 and 0437 are not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Traffic can be Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) or Version 6 (IPv6) or non-IP traffic.
HiperSockets devices are independent of protocol and Layer 3. Each HiperSockets device
has its own Layer 2 Media Access Control (MAC) address. This address is designed to allow
the use of applications that depend on the existence of Layer 2 addresses, such as Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers and firewalls.
Layer 2 support can help facilitate server consolidation. Complexity can be reduced; network
configuration is simplified and intuitive; and LAN administrators can configure and maintain
the IBM Z environment the same way as they do for a non IBM Z environment. HiperSockets
Layer 2 support is provided by Linux on IBM Z, and by z/VM for guest use.
SMC is available in z/OS V2R4 (with program temporary fixes (PTFs)) and z/OS V2R5. The
initial version of SMC was limited to TCP/IP connections over the same Layer 2 network;
therefore, it was not routable across multiple IP subnets.
SMC Version 2 (SMCv2) supports SMC over multiple IP subnets for SMC-D and SMC-R and
is referred to as SMC-Dv2 and SMC-Rv2. SMCv2 requires updates to the underlying network
technology. SMC-Dv2 requires ISMv2, and SMC-Rv2 requires RoCEv2.
The SMCv2 protocol is compatible with earlier versions and allows SMCv2 hosts to continue
to communicate with SMCv1 hosts.
SMC-R provides application-transparent use of the RoCE Express features that can reduce
the network impact and latency of data transfers, which effectively offers the benefits of
optimized network performance across processors.
The Internal Shared Memory (ISM) virtual Peripheral Component Express (PCI) function
uses the capabilities of SMC-D. ISM is a virtual PCI network adapter that enables direct
access to shared virtual memory, which provides a highly optimized network interconnect for
IBM Z intra-system communications. Up to 32 channels for SMC-D traffic can be defined in an
IBM z16 server, and each channel can be virtualized to a maximum of 255 Function IDs.5 No
other hardware is required for SMC-D.
The 10 GbE RoCE features and the ISM adapters are identified by a hexadecimal Function Identifier (FID) with a
range of 00 - FF.
These features are installed in the PCIe+ I/O drawer and use an SR optical transceiver.
Point-to-point connections and switched connections with an Ethernet switch are supported.
Ethernet switches must include enablement of the Pause frame as defined by the IEEE
802.3x standard.
Depending on the RoCE Express feature type, a maximum of 8 or 16 RoCE Express features
can be installed in IBM z16 in any combination.
Note: The 10 GbE and 25 GbE RoCE Express3 LR are new with IBM z16. Previous RoCE
generations supported SR connectivity only.
The 25 GbE RoCE Express must not be mixed with any type of 10 GbE RoCE Express in
the same SMC-R link group. The 10 GbE RoCE Express adapters can be mixed in any
combination in the same SMC-R link group.
What makes a group of such z/OS images into a sysplex is the inter-communication. This
inter-communication is handled through coupling links. Coupling links enable all the z/OS to
CF communication, CF-to-CF traffic, or Server Time Protocol (STP)6.
For more information about options, see Coupling Facility Configuration Options.
6 All external coupling links can be used to carry STP timekeeping information.
Coupling Facility Control Code (CFCC) level 25 is available for IBM z16. Coupling link options
are listed in Table 4-5.
For more information about operating system-level coexistence, see the IBM Documentation.
4.4.1 Dynamic I/O configuration for stand-alone CFs, Linux on Z and z/TPF
Dynamic I/O configuration changes can be made to a stand-alone CF7, Linux on Z and z/TPF
CECs, without requiring a disruptive power on reset (POR).
This new support is applicable only when both, the driving CEC and the target CEC are z16
with the required firmware support, and when the driving system’s z/OS level is 2.3 or higher
with APAR OA655559 installed.
The firmware LPAR is defined in the range of IBM reserved LPARs and does not support any
attached I/O, that is, it does not take away any of your configurable resources.
STP is implemented in LIC as a system-wide facility of IBM z16 and other IBM Z servers. IBM
z16 is enabled for STP by installing the STP feature code. Extra configuration is required for
an IBM z16 to become a member of a CTN.
For high availability (HA) purposes, nondisruptive capability was implemented in IBM z16
firmware that allows two CTNs to be merged into one, or to split one CTN into two,
STP supports a multi-site timing network of up to 100 km (62 miles) over fiber optic cabling
without requiring an intermediate site. This protocol allows a Parallel Sysplex to span these
distances for a multi-site Parallel Sysplex.
Note: If an IBM z16 plays a CTN role (Primary Time Server (PTS), Backup Time Server
(BTS), or Arbiter), the other CTN roleplaying IBM Z server must include direct coupling
connectivity to IBM z16.
The ETS and PPS cables are connected to the Base Management Card (BMC) or Oscillator Card (OSC) adapters
and from the front of the CPC drawer.
NTP client support is available in the ETS or STP partition that is running on IBM z16. The
code interfaces with the NTP servers. This interaction allows an NTP server to become the
single-time source for IBM z16 and for other servers that have NTP clients. The NTP Ethernet
cable must plug directly into the Base Management Card (BMC) or Oscillator Card (OSC)
ports on the IBM z16 CPC drawer. Redundant cabling and ETS must be configured.
STP tracks the highly stable and accurate PPS signal from the external time server. PPS
maintains accuracy of 10 µs as measured at the PPS input of IBM z16.
A cable connection from the PPS port to the PPS output of an NTP server is required when
IBM z16 is configured for NTP with PPS as ETS for time synchronization.
PPS is optional for PTP, but might still be required for NTP to meet financial regulations.
For more information, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951 and IBM Z Server
Time Protocol Guide, SG24-8480.
In addition, cryptographic features and functions were added to protect IBM z16 from attacks,
including threats that might use quantum computers. The system includes quantum-safe
technology through the many firmware layers that are loaded during the boot process. Only
authentic, IBM approved firmware is accepted. This hardware-protected verification of the
firmware uses a dual-signature scheme, which is a combination of quantum-safe and
classical digital signatures. The protection is anchored in the IBM Z Root of Trust.12
For more information about the quantum-safe technologies that are used in IBM z16, see
Transitioning to Quantum-Safe Cryptography on IBM Z, SG24-8525.
The CPACF-protected key is a function that facilitates the continued privacy of cryptographic
key material while keeping the wanted high performance. CPACF ensures that key material is
not visible to applications or operating systems during encryption operations. A
CPACF-protected key provides substantial throughput improvements for large-volume data
encryption and low latency for encryption of small blocks of data.
With symmetric encryption, the same cryptographic key is used for encryption and decryption of the data (the
sender and receiver of the data use the same key).
11 With asymmetric encryption, the receiver’s public key is used for encryption and the receiver’s private key is used
for decryption.
Root of Trust is a source that can always be trusted within a cryptographic system.
13 FIPS 140-3 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules.
Attention: Many older cryptographic algorithms like DES or RSA, and hashing algorithms
such as SHA1 are considered weak algorithms and do not provide sufficient protection
against today’s cyberattacks.
This risk can be mitigated by switching to stronger algorithms, such as AES-256, SHA-256,
SHA-3, and CRYSTALS-Dilithium.
IBM provides several tools that can aid in the discovery process:
IBM z/OS Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF)
IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence (ADDI)
IBM Crypto Analytics Tool (CAT)
IBM z/OS Encryption Readiness Technology (zERT)
These tools can help you identify certificates, encryption protocols, algorithms, and key
lengths that are at risk in your IBM Z environment.
The CEX8C provides quantum-safe APIs that enable you to use quantum-safe cryptography
along with classical cryptography as existing applications are modernized and new
applications are built.
The CEX8C (2-port) feature (Feature Code 0908) includes two Peripheral Component
Interconnect Express Cryptographic Coprocessors (PCIeCCs), and the CEX8C (1-port)
feature (Feature Code 0909) includes one PCIeCC. For availability reasons, a minimum of
two features is required for the one-port feature. Up to 30 CEX8C (2-port) features are
supported on IBM z16 A01, and up to 20 (2-port) features are supported on IBM z16 A02 and
IBM z16 AGZ. The maximum number of the 1-port features is 16. The Crypto Express8S
feature occupies one I/O slot in a PCIe+ I/O drawer.
Each adapter can be configured as a Secure IBM Common Cryptographic Architecture (CCA)
coprocessor, a Secure IBM Enterprise PKCS #11 (EP11) coprocessor, or as an accelerator.
CEX8C provides domain support for up to 85 LPARs on IBM z16 A01 and
40 LPARs on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
14 z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
When the Crypto Express8S PCIe adapter is configured as a secure IBM CCA coprocessor, it
still provides accelerator functions. However, up to 3x better performance for those functions
can be achieved if the Crypto Express8S PCIe adapter is configured as an accelerator.
CCA enhancements include the ability to use triple-length (192-bit) Triple Data Encryption
Standard (TDES) keys for operations, such as data encryption, IBM PIN® processing, and
key wrapping to strengthen security. CCA also extended the support for the cryptographic
requirements of the German Banking Industry Committee, Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft, and
quantum-safe cryptography.
The CEX8S with CCA firmware added secure key support for quantum-safe cryptography
private keys for signature and key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) use cases. The CCA
interface adds support for CRYSTALS-Dilithium secure private keys of sizes (6,5) and (8,7) for
both round 2 and round 3 versions of CRYSTALS-Dilithium, usable for digital signature
generation and verification. The CCA interface also adds support for round2 of the
CRYSTALS Kyber 1024 parameter set, a KEM, which can be used to protect 32-byte values.
These pieces are also combined with Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) support to offer a
complete quantum-safe cryptography hybrid key exchange scheme, which is implemented
with secure CCA private keys for all involved private keys, which is helpful for scenarios where
data needs enhanced authentication against future quantum computing attacks on
conventional cryptography.
Several features that support the usage of the AES algorithm in banking applications also
were added to CCA. These features include the addition of AES-related key management
features and the AES ISO Format 4 (ISO-4) PIN blocks, as defined in the ISO 9564-1
standard. PIN block conversion is supported and used in AES PIN blocks in other CCA
callable services. IBM continues to add enhancements as AES finance industry standards
are released.
Crypto Express7S and Crypto Express6S provide domain support for up to 85 LPARs on
IBM z16 A01 and 40 LPARs on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Trusted Key Entry (TKE) feature: The TKE Workstation feature is required to support the
administration of the Crypto Express features when configured as an Enterprise
PKCS #11 coprocessor or managing the CCA mode PCI-HSM.
Changes were made to the TKE feature to use quantum-safe cryptography when
authenticating CEX8Cs, verifying replies from the CEX8S coprocessors, and protecting
key parts in flight for the Common Cryptographic Architecture (CCA). Finally, the
IBM Z pervasive encryption functions were updated to use quantum-safe mechanisms for
key management.
VFM helps to improve availability and handling of paging workload spikes. With this support,
z/OS is designed to help improve system availability and responsiveness by using VFM
across transitional workload events.
VFM can be used in CF images to provide extended capacity and availability for workloads
that use IBM MQ shared queues. Using VFM can help availability by reducing latency from
paging delays that can occur at the start of the workday or during other transitional periods. It
is designed to eliminate delays that can occur when diagnostic data is collected during
Therefore, VFM can help meet most demanding service-level agreements (SLAs) and
compete more effectively. VFM provides rapid time to value.
The minimum driver level for HMC and SE for IBM z16 is Driver 51. Driver 51 is equivalent to
Version 2.16.0.
Note: The HMC with Driver 51 or Version 2.16.0 can manage N-2 generations of
IBM Z servers (IBM z16, IBM z15, and IBM z14).
Note: The HMC code runs on the two integrated 1U rack-mounted servers on the top of
the IBM z16 A frame. Stand-alone that is outside the IBM z16 HMCs (tower or rack mount)
can no longer be ordered.
HMC features (Feature Code 0062, Feature Code 0063, Feature Code 0082, and
Feature Code 0083) can be carried forward from previous orders, and Driver 51 or
Version 2.16.0 can be installed to support IBM z16.
Also, Driver 51 or Version 2.16.0 can be installed on the two HMCs that are provided with the
HMA feature (Feature Code 0100) on IBM z15. The SEs and HMCs are closed systems;
therefore, no other applications can be installed on them.
With IBM z16 and HMA, the SE and HMC codes run virtualized on the integrated two SEs on
the two integrated 1U rack-mounted servers on the top of the IBM z16 A frame.15 One SE is
the Primary SE (active) and the other is the Alternative SE (backup).
The SEs are connected to Ethernet switches for network connectivity with IBM Z servers and
the HMCs. An HMC can communicate with one or more IBM Z servers.
When tasks are performed on the HMC, the commands are sent to one or more SEs, which
then issue commands to their respective CPCs.
The HMC Remote Support Facility (RSF) provides communication with the IBM Support
network for hardware problem reporting and service.
For IBM z16 AGZ, the two SEs are installed right above the last installed component (CPC drawer or I/O drawer),
in the client-supplied rack.
The IBM Z hardware, firmware, and operating systems always conform to the
IBM z/Architecture1 to ensure support of current and future workloads and services.
Whenever new capabilities are implemented, the z/Architecture is extended rather than
replaced. This practice helps sustain the compatibility, integrity, and longevity of the
IBM Z platform. Thus, investment protection for earlier versions of workloads and solutions is
The evolution of the IBM Z platform embodies a proven architecture that is open, secure,
resilient, and adaptable. From the microprocessor and memory design to the artificial
intelligence (AI), sort, and cryptography capabilities, and unparalleled I/O throughput and rich
virtualization, IBM z16 is built to respond with speed and versatility.
Naming: Throughout this chapter, we describe features and functions that are offered with
IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02, and IBM z16 AGZ. The features and functions that are
available across all three configurations are identified with “IBM z16”. Where features and
functions differ with a given configuration, they are explicitly identified with either
IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02, or IBM z16 AGZ.
This chapter introduces IBM z16 system design capabilities and enhancements.
IBM z/Architecture is the mainframe-computational architecture notation that defines its behavior. For more
information, see IBM z/Architecture Principles of Operation, SA22-7832.
A balanced system design also incorporates all the enhancements in software, hardware, and
firmware to accelerate specific type of operations, for example, sorting, inferencing,
compressing, and encrypting data.
IBM z16 provides high levels of performance, scalability, resiliency, flexibility, and security
when serving as a traditional IBM Z platform, a cloud platform, or both. IBM z16 can host
thousands of virtualized environments.
IBM z16 improved the instructions per cycle (IPC) and reduced the cycles per instruction
(CPI). IBM z16 has eight PUs per PU chip or 16 processors per DCM versus 12 per chip or
SCM on IBM z15.
The family of Capacity on Demand (CoD) offerings ensures a flexible addition of capacity
when it is most needed, for example, during peak workload periods, scheduled maintenance,
or in disaster recovery (DR) scenarios. For more information, see 5.3.2, “Capacity on
Demand offerings” on page 80.
PU is the generic term for the z/Architecture CPU. Each PU is a superscalar processor, which
can decode up to six complex instructions per clock cycle, running instructions out-of-order.
The PU uses a high-frequency, low-latency pipeline that provides robust performance across
a wide range of workloads.
Note: The IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ Max32 and Max68 CPC drawer contains
four DCMs and a maximum of 2 GB shared-victim virtual L4, consisting of the
“remote” virtual L3 caches of the DCMs in the CPC drawer. Max5 and Max16
contain 2 DCMs per CPC drawer and a maximum of 1 GB shared-victim virtual L4.
The integrated AI accelerator delivers more than 6 TFLOPs per chip and over 200 TFLOPs in
the 32-chip system. The AI accelerator is shared by all cores on the chip. The firmware,
running on the cores and accelerator, orchestrates and synchronizes the execution on the
Simultaneous multithreading
Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is built into IBM z16 Integrated Facilities for Linux (IFLs),
IBM Z integrated Information Processors (zIIPs), and System Assist Processors (SAPs). SMT
enables more than one thread to run simultaneously in the same core and share all its
resources. This function improves the usage of the cores and increases processing capacity.
When a program accesses a memory location that is not in the cache, it is called a cache
miss. Because the processor must wait for the data to be fetched before it can continue to run,
cache misses affect the performance and capacity of the core to run instructions. When using
SMT, when one thread in the core is waiting (such as for data to be fetched from the next
cache levels or from main memory), the second thread in the core can use the shared
resources rather than remain idle.
Single-instruction, multiple-data
IBM z16 includes a set of instructions that is called single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD)
that can improve the performance of complex mathematical models and analytics workloads.
This improvement is realized through vector processing and complex instructions that can
process a large volume of data by using a single instruction.
SIMD is designed for parallel computing and can accelerate code that contains integer, string,
character, and floating-point data types. This system enables better consolidation of analytics
workloads and business transactions on the IBM Z platform.
5.1.3 Memory
System memory is one of the core design components. Its continuous enhancements
contribute to the overall system performance improvements.
Maximum physical memory size is directly related to the number of central processor complex
(CPC) drawers in the system. An IBM Z server has more memory that is installed than was
ordered because a portion of the installed memory is used to implement the redundant array
of independent memory (RAIM) design (the technology that provides memory protection and
excludes memory faults). You are not charged for the extra amount of memory that is needed
for RAIM.
For example, with IBM z16 A01, you have up to 40 TB of memory for a four-CPC drawer
configuration (25% increase per drawer compared to IBM z15 T01). With IBM z16 A02 and
IBM z16 AGZ, up to 16 TB (8 TB x two CPC drawers) of configurable memory is available,
which is the same as IBM z15 T02.
The IBM z16 A01 Hardware System Area (HSA) is 256 GB (same as IBM z15 T01). The
IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ HSA is 160 GB. The HSA area is a fixed size and not
included in the memory that is ordered.
Each operating system can allocate the amount of main memory up to its supported limit. The
amount of incremental memory is 1 GB with IBM z16.
Flexible memory
Flexible memory2 provides the extra physical memory that is needed to support the following
scenario: You need activation base memory and HSA on an IBM z16 A01 that has multiple
CPC drawers and one CPC drawer that is out of service.
On IBM z16 A01, the extra resources that are required for flexible memory configurations are
provided when you configure memory features and memory entitlement. Flexible memory
ranges 512 GB - 30464 GB, depending on the feature ordered (Max82, Max125, Max168, or
2 Flexible memory features are not available on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
VFM can improve availability by reducing latency from paging delays that can occur during
peak workload periods. It also is designed to help eliminate delays that can occur when
diagnostic data is collected during failures.
VFM also can be used in Coupling Facility (CF) images to provide extended capacity and
availability for workloads that use IBM MQ Shared Queues structures.
5.2 Virtualization
Virtualization is a key strength of the IBM Z platform, which is embedded in the hardware,
firmware, and operating systems. All computing resources (such as CPU, memory, and I/O)
are virtualized. Each set of the resources can be used independently within separate
operating environments (known as guest systems).
The IBM Z platform is designed to concurrently run multiple virtual guest systems and provide
each system with the required dynamic sharing of the resources with minimal costs and
performance impact.
LPAR technology was introduced more than four decades ago on the IBM Z platform to
support virtualization and provide the highest level of isolation between guest systems.
z/VM and KVM interconnect with PR/SM and use its functions.
Multiple hypervisors can coexist and run simultaneously on the IBM Z platform so that you
can create and build multiple virtualized guest systems that are running various open-source
applications on the IBM Z platform with high levels of performance and integrated security.
PR/SM manages and partitions all the computing resources (CPU, memory, and I/O) among
the various systems that run on the IBM Z platform. PR/SM provides each system with a
required share of these resources and dynamically adjusts the share depending on the
workload priority. PR/SM is integrated into the platform and runs transparently to the
operating systems and applications.
Each operating system runs in its own LPAR that is managed by PR/SM, which enables a
high degree of virtualization.
The goal of PR/SM is to allocate and assign (and reassign) resources to an LPAR so that a
workload can achieve its best performance and throughput. Depending on the type of the
workload, each LPAR can be defined as z/VM, Linux on IBM Z, z/OS, z/TPF, z/VSE3 or 21st
Century Software VSEn V6.3, and runs one of these operating systems.
Initially, you might allocate a set of resources (CPU, memory, and I/O) and their quantity to the
LPAR. Then, PR/SM might dynamically adjust the amount of the resources, according to the
defined set of priorities. As a result, the most critical and important workload can complete
within a required timeline.
PR/SM evolved over the decades on the IBM Z platform. It is a proven, secure, and
fundamental IBM Z technology. Every generation of the IBM Z platform brings PR/SM
improvements that are aimed to demonstrate even better system performance. With IBM z16,
PR/SM is extended to support new features, such as LPAR support of
IBM System Recovery Boost (SRB).
For more information about SRB features, see “SRB” on page 86.
3 z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Configuration note: IBM z16 can be configured in DPM mode or in PR/SM mode. It
cannot be configured in both modes concurrently. DPM supports Linux on IBM Z, z/VM
(only with Linux on IBM Z guests), and KVM. PR/SM mode supports a mixture of z/VM,
KVM, 21st Century Software VSEn V6.3, z/OS, Linux on IBM Z, z/TPF, and z/VSEa.
a. z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
With its intuitive user interface, DPM also exposes its capabilities through Web Services APIs,
which enable the integration of the system into cloud-like management infrastructures.
DPM on IBM z16 enables the use of Shared Memory Communications (SMC)-D V2, which
provides a high-performance and low-latency interconnect between the workloads that are
running in LPARs within the platform.
z/VM is a native IBM Z operating system that provides virtualization services. It is a software
hypervisor (type 2).
z/VM is a powerful hypervisor, and historically is the first virtual machine (VM). z/VM runs in
an LPAR and manages the system hardware resources (CPU, memory, and I/O) among its
guest systems efficiently.
z/VM supports z/OS, Linux on IBM Z, z/TPF, 21st Century Software VSEn V6.3, and z/VSE5
as its guest systems. It can also enable nested virtualization and host z/VM as a guest
z/VM can emulate and virtualize different hardware devices, such as virtual tape, and provide
it to the operating systems that run under its management. z/VM is tightly coupled with
PR/SM and uses its functions for the most optimized workload deployment.
z/VM is a proven, enterprise-grade hypervisor that can scale out horizontally and vertically.
IBM z16 A01 supports up to 85 z/VM LPARs, while IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ support
up to 40 z/VM LPARs. Each z/VM LPAR can run thousands of guest systems.
KVM hypervisor
The KVM hypervisor is available in recent Linux on IBM Z distributions. It is a type 2
hypervisor that provides simple, cost-effective platform virtualization for Linux workloads that
are running on the IBM Z platform. It enables you to share real CPUs (called IFLs), memory,
and I/O resources through PR/SM.
KVM can coexist with other operating systems (Linux on IBM Z, z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE6, 21st
Century Software VSEn V6.3, and z/TPF) that are running in different LPARs on the IBM Z
The KVM hypervisor support information is provided by the Linux distribution partners. For
more information, see the documentation for your distribution.
For more information about the use of KVM with IBM Z, see Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z
Volume 5: KVM, SG24-8463.
Workload separation is one of the most important parameters. PR/SM in IBM z16 is designed
to meet the highest level of Common Criteria (EAL5+), similar to previous IBM Z platforms.
This level of isolation ensures the integrity and security of the workloads and excludes the
contamination of the running applications by other programs.
Logical processors
All physical PUs are virtualized as logical processors on the IBM Z platform and can be
characterized as the following types:
Central processors (CPs) are standard processors that support all operating systems and
user workloads.
A zIIP is used under z/OS for designated workloads. These workloads include, but are not
limited to, the following examples:
– IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX)
– IBM Java virtual machine (JVM)
– Various XML System Services
– IPsec offload
z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
6 z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
The characterized PUs are aimed to streamline the specific workload. All engines
architecturally and physically are the same.
In addition, the following pre-characterized processors are part of the base system
configuration and always are present:
SAPs that run I/O operations
Integrated Firmware Processors (IFPs) for native PCIe features and other firmware
PR/SM accepts requests for work by dispatching logical processors on physical processors.
Physical processors can be shared across LPARs or dedicated to an LPAR. The logical
processors that are assigned to an LPAR must be either all shared or all dedicated.
PR/SM ensures that the processor state is correctly saved and restored (including all
registers) when you switch a physical processor from one logical processor to another one.
Data isolation, integrity, and coherence inside the system are always strictly enforced.
Logical processors can be dynamically added to and removed from LPARs. Operating system
support is required to use this capability. z/OS, z/VM, 21st Century Software VSEn V6.3, and
z/VSE7 each can dynamically define and change the number and type of reserved PUs in an
LPAR profile. No planning is required.
The newly assigned logical processors are immediately available to the operating systems
and for z/VM to its guest images. Linux on IBM Z provides the Standby CPU activation and
deactivation functions.
To ensure security and data integrity, memory cannot be concurrently shared by active
LPARs. Strict LPAR isolation is maintained to avoid any workload contamination.
An LPAR can be defined with an initial and reserved amount of memory. At activation time,
the initial amount is made available to the partition, and the reserved amount can be added
later partially or totally. Those two memory zones do not have to be contiguous in real
memory, but the addressing area (for initial and reserved memory) is presented as
contiguous to the operating system that runs in the LPAR.
z/VM can acquire memory nondisruptively and quickly make it available to guests. z/VM
virtualizes this support to its guests, which also can increase their memory nondisruptively.
Releasing memory is still a disruptive operation.
7 z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
The z/Architecture features a robust virtual storage architecture that allows LPAR-by-LPAR
definition of an unlimited number of address spaces and the simultaneous use by each
program of up to 1023 of those address spaces. Each address space can be up to 16 EB
(1 exabyte = 260 bytes). Thus, the architecture has no real limits. Practical limits are
determined by the available hardware resources, including disk storage for paging.
Isolation of the address spaces is strictly enforced by the Dynamic Address conversion
hardware mechanism. A program’s right to read/write in each page frame is validated by
comparing the page key with the key of the program that is requesting access.
Definition and management of the address spaces is under operating system control. Three
addressing modes (24-bit, 31-bit, and 64-bit) are simultaneously supported, which provides
compatibility with earlier versions and investment protection.
IBM z16 supports 4 KB, 1 MB, and 2 GB pages, and an extension to the z/Architecture that is
called Enhanced Dynamic Address Translation-2 (EDAT-2).
Operating systems can enable sharing of address spaces, or parts of them, across multiple
processes. For example, under z/VM, a single copy of the read-only part of a kernel can be
shared by all VMs that use that operating system. Known as discontiguous shared segment
(DCSS), this shared memory use for many VMs can result in significant savings of real
memory and improvements in performance.
I/O virtualization
IBM z16 A01 supports six channel subsystems (CSSs), and IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
support three CSSs. Each CSS can have up to 256 channels. In addition to the dedicated use
of channels and I/O devices by an LPAR, the z/Architecture also enables sharing of the I/O
devices that are accessed through these channels by several active LPARs. This function is
known as Multiple Image Facility (MIF). The shared channels can belong to different CSSs,
in which case they are known as spanned channels.
Data streams for the sharing LPARs are carried on the same physical path with total isolation
and integrity. For each active LPAR that includes the channel configured online, PR/SM
establishes one logical channel path. For availability reasons, multiple logical channel paths
must be available for critical devices (for example, disks that contain vital data sets).
When more isolation is required, you can use configuration rules to restrict the access of each
LPAR to specific channel paths and specific I/O devices on those channel paths.
Many installations use the parallel access volume (PAV) function, which enables access to a
device through several addresses (normally one base address and an average of three
aliases). This feature increases the throughput of the device by using more device addresses.
HyperPAV takes the technology a step further by allowing the I/O Supervisor (IOS) in z/OS
(and the equivalent function in the Control Program of z/VM) to create PAV structures
dynamically. The structures are created depending on the current I/O demand in the system,
which lowers the need for manually tuning the system for PAV use.
SuperPAV can provide relief for systems that experience high I/O queue time (IOSQ) during
periods of peak I/O load. When few aliases are defined in an LSS, aliases might not be
available during a heavy I/O period. z/OS checks peer LSS alias pools to borrow an alias to
start I/O requests. Previously, these I/O requests were left queued when aliases are not
In large installations, the total number of device addresses can be high. Therefore, the
concept of subchannel sets is part of the z/Architecture.
Subchannel sets
With IBM z16 A01, up to four subchannel sets of approximately 64,000 device addresses are
available. The base addresses8 are defined to set 0 (IBM reserves 256 subchannels on set
0), and the aliases addresses are defined to set 1, set 2, and set 3.
With IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, up to three subchannel sets of approximately 64,000
device addresses are available. The base addresses are defined to set 0 (IBM reserves 256
subchannels on set 0) and the aliases addresses are defined to set 1 and set 2.
Subchannel sets are used by the Metro Mirror (also referred to as synchronous Peer-to-Peer
Remote Copy (PPRC)) function by having the Metro Mirror primary devices that are defined in
subchannel set 0. Secondary devices can be defined in subchannel sets 1, 2, and 3, which
provide more connectivity through subchannel set 0.
To reduce the complexity of managing large I/O configurations further, the IBM Z platform
introduced extended address volumes (EAVs). EAVs provide large disk volumes. In addition
to z/OS, z/VM and Linux on IBM Z support EAVs.
By extending the disk volume size, potentially fewer volumes are required to hold the same
amount of data, which simplifies systems and data management. EAV is supported by the
IBM Storage DS8000 series.
The dynamic I/O configuration function is supported by z/OS and z/VM. This function
provides the capability of concurrently changing the active I/O configuration. Changes can be
made to channel paths, control units, and devices. A fixed HSA area in IBM z16 greatly eases
the planning requirements and enhances the flexibility and availability of these
Only a z/OS base device must be in subchannel set 0. Linux on IBM Z supports base devices in the other
subchannels sets.
Cloud elasticity requirements are covered by IBM z16 granularity offerings, including capacity
levels, Tailor Fit Pricing (for unpredictable, high spiking, and business-critical workloads), and
Capacity on Demand (CoD). These characteristics and other technical leadership
characteristics make the IBM Z platform the gold standard for the industry.
In addition, managing a cloud environment requires tools that can leverage a pool of
virtualized compute, storage, and network resources and present them to the consumer as a
service in a secure way.
With Red Hat, the hybrid cloud capabilities on the IBM Z platform are extended. Support for
running Red Hat OpenShift and IBM zCX Foundation for Red Hat OpenShift on Linux on IBM
Z provides expansive cloud capabilities, including open containers, tools, and access to an
extensive open community.
The new cloud-native capabilities are delivered as pre-integrated solutions that are called
IBM Cloud Paks. This IBM certified and containerized software provides a common operating
model and a common set of services.
For more information about hybrid cloud capabilities, see Hybrid cloud with IBM Z.
Note: Capacity and performance ratios are based on measurements and projections by
using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. Actual throughput can vary
depending on several factors, such as the job stream, I/O and storage configurations, and
workload type.
These processors deliver the scalability and granularity to meet the needs of medium-sized
enterprises while also satisfying the requirements of large enterprises that have large-scale,
mission-critical transaction and data processing requirements.
A capacity level is a setting of each CP9 to a subcapacity of the full CP capacity. The clock
frequency of those processors remains unchanged. The capacity adjustment is achieved by
using other means.
9 The CP is the standard processor for use with any supported operating system. It is required to run z/OS.
If more than 39 CPs are configured to the system, all must be full capacity because all CPs
must be at the same capacity level. Granular capacity adds 117 subcapacity settings to the
200 capacity settings that are available with full capacity CPs (CP7). The 317 distinct capacity
settings in the system provide for a range of 1:758 in processing power.10
A processor always is set at full capacity when it is characterized as anything other than a CP,
such as a zIIP, an IFL, or an ICF. Correspondingly, a separate pricing model exists for
non-CPs regarding purchase and maintenance prices and various offerings for software
On IBM z16 A01, the following CP subcapacity levels are a fraction of full capacity:
Model 7xx = 100% (2253 PCI)
Model 6xx = 66% (1496 PCI)
Model 5xx = 41% (937 PCI)
Model 4xx = 12% (280 PCI)
For administrative purposes, systems that have only ICFs or IFLs are now given a capacity
setting of 400. For either of these systems, having up to 200 ICFs or IFLs (which always run
at full capacity) is possible.
To help size an IBM Z server to fit your requirements, IBM provides a no-cost tool that reflects
the latest IBM Large Systems Performance Reference (LSPR) measurements, and it is called
the IBM Z Processor Capacity Reference (zPCR). You can download the tool from Getting
Started with zPCR.
For more information about LSPR measurements, see LSPR for IBM Z.
As in IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ PUs always are set to full capacity when
the PUs are characterized as anything other than a CP, such as a zIIP, an IFL, or an ICF.
Figure 5-2 on page 80 shows details about IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ Capacity Levels
A01 - Z06.
This value is calculated by dividing the highest capacity (200-way full speed) of 212,222 Peripheral Component
Express (PCI) by the lowest subcapacity of 280 PCI (212,222 ÷ 280 = 758).
IBM z16 can perform concurrent upgrades, which provide an increase of processor capacity
with no platform outage. In most cases, with operating system support, a concurrent upgrade
also can be nondisruptive to the operating system. It is important to consider that these
upgrades are based on the enablement of resources that are physically present in IBM z16.
Capacity upgrades cover permanent and temporary changes to the installed capacity. The
changes can be done by using the Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU) facility without requiring
the involvement of IBM service personnel. Such upgrades are started through the web by
using IBM Resource Link.
Using the CIU facility requires a special contract between the customer and IBM. This
contract specifies the terms and conditions for online CoD buying of upgrades, and other
types of CoD upgrades are accepted. For more information, see IBM Resource Link.11
For more information about the CoD offerings, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide,
Permanent upgrades
Permanent upgrades of processors (CPs, IFLs, ICFs, zIIPs, and SAPs) and memory, or
changes to a platform’s Model-Capacity Identifier (up to the limits of the installed processor
capacity on an existing IBM z16), can be performed by customers through the IBM Online
Permanent Upgrade offering by using the CIU facility.
When you use the On/Off CoD function, you can concurrently add processors (CPs, IFLs,
ICFs, zIIPs, and SAPs), increase the CP capacity level, or both.
Prepaid On/Off CoD tokens: New prepaid On/Off CoD tokens do not carry forward to
future systems.
CBU features are optional and require unused capacity to be available on CPC drawers of the
backup system as unused PUs to increase the CP capacity level on a subcapacity system, or
both. A CBU contract must be in place before the Licensed Internal Code Configuration
Control (LICCC) code that enables this capability can be loaded on the system.
An initial CBU record provides for one test for each CBU year (each up to 10 days) and one
disaster activation (up to 90 days). The record can be configured to be valid for up to 5 years.
You also can order more tests for a CBU record in quantities of five tests up to a maximum
of 15.
Suitable use of the CBU capability does not incur any other software charges from IBM.
Flexible Capacity works with other temporary record types, for example, On/Off CoD and
Tailor Fit Pricing for Hardware.
With Flexible Capacity, capacity can be transferred remotely without requiring onsite
personnel (IBM or customer) after the initial set-up. Flexible Capacity provides the following
Flexible duration of capacity transfer (up to 1 year)
Fully automated by using solutions such as IBM GDPS®
Simplify compliance and improve confidence DR scenarios, including test
No need for CBU records by using this solution
For more information about IBM Z Flexible Capacity for Cyber Resiliency, see IBM Z Flexible
Capacity for Cyber Resiliency, REDP-5702.
The CPE feature is optional and requires unused capacity to be available on CPC drawers of
the backup system as unused PUs to increase the CP capacity level on a subcapacity
system, or both. A CPE contract must be in place before the LICCC that enables this
capability can be loaded on the system.
Note: SRB functions are embedded in the IBM z16 firmware. These functions can be used
without ordering extra zIIP capacity (Feature Code 6802 and Feature Code 9930). For
more information about more SRB options, see System Recovery Boost under 5.4,
“Reliability, availability, and serviceability” on page 86.
You can temporarily increase the number of physical zIIPs to use for SRB. This feature is the
new System Recovery Boost Upgrade record that you can activate from the HMC/SE
Perform Model Conversion menu, or by using automation that calls the hardware
API services.
Activation of these processors uses unused processing cores in IBM z16 to provide more zIIP
processing capacity that accelerates execution of their workload (general-purpose workload
and workload that is zIIP-eligible). After the boost temporary capacity record is activated for
use during maintenance (for example, a planned maintenance window or for a planned
site-switch activity), up to 20 other zIIP engines can become available for up to 6 hours for use
on IBM z16. This extra zIIP capacity is shared across images in accordance with PR/SM
management controls, which makes more zIIP capacity available to individual system images.
Images that want to use this extra zIIP capacity predefine reserved logical zIIP capacity in
their PR/SM image profiles. Therefore, the operating system can bring those extra logical zIIP
processors (with physical backing from the added physical zIIPs that were activated) online
for use during the boost period. This configuration provides the image with increased zIIP
capacity and parallelism to accelerate the workload.
For more information about the CoD offerings, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide,
SG24-8951 and IBM z16 (3932) Technical Guide, SC24-8952.
IBM continues to measure the performance of the systems by using various workloads, and
publishes the results in the Large Systems Performance Reference (LSPR) report.
IBM also provides a list of millions of service units (MSU) ratings for reference.Capacity
performance is closely associated with how a workload uses and interacts with a specific
processor hardware design. Workload capacity performance is sensitive to the following
major factors:
Instruction path length
Instruction complexity
Memory hierarchy
The CPU Measurement Facility (CPUMF) data offers insight into the interaction of workload
with the hardware design. CPUMF data helps LSPR to adjust workload capacity curves that
are based on the underlying hardware sensitivities, in particular the processor access to
caches and memory. The workload category is determined by the Level 1 Misses per 100
instructions (L1MP) and the relative nest intensity (RNI).
These categories are based on the RNI, which is influenced by many variables, such as
application type, I/O rate, application mix, CPU usage, data reference patterns, LPAR
configuration, and the software configuration that is running. CPU MF data can be collected
by z/OS SMF record type 113 or z/VM Monitor.
In addition to low, average, and high categories, the latest zPCR provides the low-average
and average-high mixed categories, which allow better granularity for workload
The LSPR tables continue to rate all z/Architecture processors that are running in LPAR mode
and 64-bit mode. The single-number values are based on a combination of the default mixed
workload ratios, typical multi-LPAR configurations, and expected early-program migration
scenarios. In addition to z/OS workloads that are used to set the single-number values, the
LSPR tables contain information that pertains to Linux on IBM Z and z/VM environments.
The LSPR contains the internal throughput rate ratios (ITRRs) for IBM z16 and the previous
generations of processors. The report is based on measurements and projections by using
standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput that any user
might experience varies depending on several factors, such as the amount of
multiprogramming in the job stream, the I/O configuration, and the workload that is
Experience demonstrates that IBM Z servers can run at up to 100% usage levels sustained.
However, most users prefer to leave some white space and run at 90% or slightly under. For
any capacity comparison, the use of “one number” (such as the MIPS or MSU metrics) is not
a valid method. Therefore, use zPCR and involve IBM Support when you are planning for
For more information about IBM z16 performance, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide,
Processors within the IBM z16 CPC drawer structure have different distance-to-memory
attributes. CPC drawers are fully interconnected to minimize the distance. Other
non-negligible effects result from data latency when grouping and dispatching work on a set
of available logical processors. To minimize latency, the system attempts to dispatch and later
redispatch work to a group of physical CPUs that share cache levels.
PR/SM manages the usage of physical processors by LPARs by dispatching the logical
processors on the physical processors. However, PR/SM is not aware of which workloads are
This disconnect is solved by enhancements that enable PR/SM and WLM to work closely
together. They can cooperate to create an affinity between task and physical processor rather
than between LPAR and physical processor, which is known as HiperDispatch.
HiperDispatch combines two functional enhancements: in the z/OS dispatcher and in PR/SM.
This function is intended to improve computing efficiency in the hardware, z/OS, and z/VM.
In general, the PR/SM dispatcher assigns work to the minimum number of logical processors
that are needed for the priority (weight) of the LPAR. On IBM z16, PR/SM attempts to group
the logical processors into the same logical cluster or in the neighboring logical cluster in the
same CPC drawer and, if possible, in the same chip. This configuration results in reduction of
multi-processor effects, maximizing the usage of shared cache, and lowering the interference
across multiple partitions.
The z/OS dispatcher is enhanced to operate with multiple dispatching queues, and tasks are
distributed among these queues. Specific z/OS tasks can be dispatched to a small subset of
logical processors. PR/SM ties these logical processors to the same physical processors,
which improve the hardware cache reuse and locality of reference characteristics, such as
reducing the rate of cross communication.
To use the correct logical processors, the z/OS dispatcher obtains the necessary information
from PR/SM through interfaces that are implemented on IBM z16. The entire IBM z16 stack
(hardware, firmware, and software) tightly collaborates to obtain the full potential of the
hardware. z/VM HiperDispatch provides support similar to the one in z/OS. It is possible to
dynamically turn on and off HiperDispatch without requiring an initial program load (IPL).
IBM z16 includes several HiperDispatch algorithm enhancements, including the following
Improved memory affinity
Improved LPAR placement based on IBM z15 experience
Usage of a new chip configuration
Note: HiperDispatch is required if SMT is enabled. All IBM Z LSPR measurements are
provided for z/OS environments with HiperDispatch on. A best practice is to turn on
HiperDispatch for production workloads.
The IBM Z family presents numerous enhancements in RAS. Focus was given to reducing the
planning requirements while continuing to reduce planned, scheduled, and unscheduled
outages. One of the contributors to scheduled outages are Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
driver updates that are performed to support new features and functions. Firmware updates
can be performed by IBM remotely through Remote Code Load upgrades. Enhanced Driver
Maintenance (EDM) can help reduce the necessity and eventual duration of a scheduled
When suitably configured, IBM z16 can concurrently activate a new LIC Driver level.
Concurrent activation of the select new LIC Driver level is supported at released
synchronization points. However, a concurrent update or upgrade might not be possible for
specific LIC updates.
IBM z16 builds on the RAS characteristics of the IBM Z family, with the following RAS
SRB is delivered with IBM z16 for maximize service availability by using tailored
short-duration boosts to mitigate the impact of these recovery processes:
– The z/OS SAN Volume Controller (SVC) dump boost boosts the system on which the
SVC dump is taken to reduce the system impact and expedite diagnostic capture. It is
possible to enable, disable, or set thresholds for this option.
– Middleware restart, or recycle boost, boosts the system on which a middleware
instance is being restarted to expedite resource recovery processing, release retained
locks, and so on. This boost applies to planned restarts or restarts after failure,
automated, or ARM-driven restarts. SRB does not boost any system address spaces
by default and must be configured by the WLM policy specification.
– The HyperSwap configuration load boost boosts the system in which the HyperSwap
configuration and policy information are being loaded or reloaded. This boost applies to
Copy Services Manager (CSM) and GDPS. HyperSwap Configuration Load boost is
enabled by default. No thresholds or criteria are applied to the boost request based on
the size or number of devices that is present in the HyperSwap configuration.
Through SRB, IBM z16 continues to offer more CP capacity during particular system
recovery operations to accelerate system (operating system and services) start when the
system is started or shut down. SRB is operating system-dependent. No other hardware,
software, or maintenance charges are required during the boost period for the base
functions of SRB.
SRB can be used during LPAR IPL or LPAR shutdown to make the running operating
system and services available in a shorter period.
12 IBM HyperSwap is a high availability (HA) feature that provides dual-site, active-active access to a volume.
HyperSwap functions are available on systems that can support more than one I/O group.
z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
14 SRB does not require GDPS V4.2. GDPS V4.2 provides extra enhancements that are considered part of SRB.
IBM z16 implements a new RAIM16 design that provides a method to increase memory
availability where a fully redundant memory system can identify and correct memory errors
without stopping. The implementation is similar to the RAID concept that has been used in
storage systems for several years. For more information about RAS features, see IBM z16
(3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951.
IBM z16 A01 can be configured with of a maximum of four CPC drawers that are designed as
a field-replaceable unit (FRU). IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ can be configured with a
maximum of two CPC drawers. Connections among the CPC drawers are established by
using SMP cables. Each CPC drawer consists of four PU DCMs (two DCMs on IBM z16 A02
and IBM z16 AGZ Max5 and Max16) and up to 48 DIMMs (protected by RAIM). In addition to
the DCMs and memory, CPC drawers host the oscillators and connectors for I/O and the
Server Time Protocol (STP) interface.
IBM z16 inherits I/O infrastructure reliability improvements from IBM z15, including Forward
Error Correction (FEC) technology that enables better recovery of FICON channels. FICON
Express32S features continue to provide a new standard for transmitting data over 32 Gbps
links by using 256b/257b encoding.
The IBM z16 A01 configuration includes an improved front-to-rear radiator-cooling system.
The radiator pumps, blowers, controls, and sensors are N+1 redundant. In normal operation,
one active pump supports the system. A second pump is turned on and the original pump is
turned off periodically, which improves the reliability of the pumps. The replacement of pumps
or blowers is concurrent with no effect on performance. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ are
air-cooled machines, so they do not use the radiator pumps.
IBM z16 continues to support concurrent addition of resources, such as processors or I/O
cards, to an LPAR to achieve better serviceability. If another SAP is required on an IBM z16
server (for example, as a result of a DR situation), the SAPs can be concurrently added to the
CPC configuration.
Adding a fourth drawer to the IBM z16 configuration is not supported in the field (manufacturing only).
Meaney, P.J., et al. “IBM zEnterprise redundant array of independent memory subsystem,” IBM Journal of
Research and Development, vol.56, no.1.2, pp.4:1.4:11, Jan.-Feb. 2012, doi: 10.1147/JRD.2011.2177106.
IBM z16 supports adding Crypto-Express features to an LPAR dynamically by changing the
cryptographic information in the image profiles. Users also can dynamically delete or move
Crypto-Express features. This enhancement is supported by z/OS, z/VM, and Linux on
5.4.1 RAS capability for the Support Element and Hardware Management
The Hardware Management Appliance (HMA) has two redundant, physical 1U rack-mounted
servers with increased capacity that run virtual instances of the HMC and the Support
Element (SE) on each physical device; therefore, the HMC and SE virtual instances also are
The two 1U trusted servers are inside the IBM z16 A-frame18: one always host the primary
SE, and the other host the alternative SE. The primary SE is the active SE. The alternative
acts as the backup, and SE information is mirrored once per day. The HMC’s virtual instances
have peer relationships that enable data replication to be set up.
The HMC’s virtual instances can be accessed locally by using the physical KMM display by
the service personnel or through a remote web browser. When access to the HMC is granted,
the SE virtual instance can be accessed through “Single Object Operations”.
Note: Because the SE is running as a guest under the HMC, any HMC Console Restart
(restart) is disruptive to the SE running on that HMC.
The HMA’s servers offer RAS improvements, such as ECC memory, redundant physical
networks for networking requirements, redundant power modules, N+1 redundant power
supplies, and better thermal characteristics.
The optional HMA (Feature Code 0129) feature provides HMC functions by using the same
physical two 1U servers that run the SE code. The HMA feature provides two HMCs.
z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
For IBM z16 AGZ, the two SEs are installed right above the last installed component (CPC drawer or I/O drawer)
in the client-supplied rack.
For more information about deploying system-managed CF structure duplexing, see the
technical paper System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing. The paper is available by clicking
Learn more at the Parallel Sysplex website.
Normally, two or more z/OS images are clustered to create a Parallel Sysplex. Multiple
clusters can span several IBM Z servers, although a specific image (LPAR) can belong to only
one Parallel Sysplex.
A z/OS Parallel Sysplex implements shared-all access to data. This configuration is facilitated
by IBM Z I/O virtualization capabilities, such as MIF. MIF allows several LPARs to share I/O
paths in a secure way, which maximizes usage and greatly simplifies the configuration and
20 The two enhancements that are listed were initially implemented on IBM z15.
STP over coupling links provides time synchronization to all systems in the sysplex.
For more information about coupling link options, see 4.4, “Clustering connectivity” on
page 56.
The corporate security consists of many levels, with the strategies and policies for all
components of the infrastructure: applications, databases, network, storage, and others. The
traditional approach lays in defining the data perimeters and applying encryption selectively
only to those perimeters. Because the data is almost never static in the system as it flows
between various systems and applications, this selective approach has a significant
disadvantage: After the data leaves the defined perimeter, it becomes exposed.
The selective paradigm presumes complex management of the overall infrastructure, where
the failure to protect one of the components might lead to the security breach and
compromise of the whole landscape.
Pervasive encryption provides 360 degrees of data encryption for data at-rest (stored in
persistent storage) and data in-flight (transactions). This approach reduces the risks of a
security breach and financial losses that are associated with it and adheres to standards and
Pervasive encryption uses hardware cryptography acceleration in IBM z16, which is proven to
be more effective, performant, and stable compared to software encryption.
Pervasive encryption is enabled by using tight integration between IBM Z hardware and
software, and includes the following features:
Integrated cryptographic hardware:
– CPACF is a coprocessor on every PU that accelerates symmetric encryption
– Crypto-Express features are hardware security modules (HSMs)21 with the following
• Complies with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 Level 4
(achieving the highest level of compliance within this standard).
• Accelerates various cryptographic algorithms (digital signature sign and verification
and many others).
• Acting as tamper-proof storage for private keys and other highly sensitive
– The CPACF and Crypto-Express usage is implemented on the hardware level, and
supported natively by all IBM Z operating systems, which provides the highest
encryption performance.
Data set and file (also known as volume) encryption: Linux on IBM Z volumes and z/OS
data sets are protected by using policy-controlled encryption, without any need to change
or modify the applications.
Network encryption: Network data traffic is protected by using standards-based encryption
from endpoint to endpoint.
Storage encryption: Encrypting the storage subsystem disks and its file systems.
CF encryption: This encryption secures the Parallel Sysplex infrastructure, including the
CF links and data that stored in the CF, by using policy-based encryption.
Secure Execution for Linux on IBM Z is a capability that helps protect against cyberthreats
in multitenanted cloud environments. It ensures that users and system administrators
cannot access sensitive data in Linux based virtual environments.
Secure Execution for Linux protects the confidentiality and integrity of data at enterprise
scale. To achieve this goal, it isolates data at the VM level, and ensures that only the
people within the organization who have a “need to know” are allowed to access the data
in the clear.
Secure Boot is an enhancement that secures the booting process of an open source
operating system, such as Linux on IBM Z. With the increased number of public open
source repository attacks, the extra step of verifying that the operating system kernel
version was introduced.
An HSM is a hardware computing device that safeguards and manages digital keys for strong authentication and
accelerated crypto-operations and algorithms.
When a z/OS 2.5 server is built and digitally signed as part of the client’s secure build
process, the target system can undergo IPL by using List-Directed IPL (LD-IPL) with digital
signature validation in either Enforce or Audit mode, or undergo IPL without digital signature
validation by using channel command word IPL (CCW-IPL).
In Enforce mode, an IPL stops if there are validation failures for any of the load modules
that are protected by Validated Boot or if the necessary configuration requirements are
not met.
in Audit mode, the IPL continues, but audit records are produced to describe the problems
that are encountered.
Using Validated Boot for z/OS is entirely optional and bimodal. A z/OS server can continue to
be built without supporting or being signed for use with Validated Boot, and a z/OS server that
has been built and signed for use with Validated Boot can undergo IPL either with or without
IBM Fibre Channel Endpoint Security is designed to provide a means to help ensure the
integrity and confidentiality of all data that flows on FC links between trusted entities within
and across data centers. The trusted entities are IBM z16 and the IBM Storage subsystem
(select IBM DS8000 storage systems). No application or middleware changes are required.
Fibre Channel Endpoint Security supports all data in-flight from any operating system.
IBM Z Feature Code 1146, Endpoint Security Enablement, along with CPACF enablement
(Feature Code 3863) and FICON Express32S (Feature Code 0461 and Feature Code 0462)
and FICON Express16SA (Feature Code 0436 or Feature Code 0437, carry forward only)
turn on the Fibre Channel Endpoint Security panels on the HMC so setup can be done.
IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager acts as a trusted authority for key generation
operations and as an authentication server. It provides shared secret key generation in a
Before establishing the connection, each link must be authenticated, and if successful, then it
becomes a trusted connection. A policy sets the rules, for example, enforcing trusted
connections only. If the link goes down, the authentication process starts again. The secure
connection can be enabled automatically if both the IBM Z and IBM Storage endpoints are
Data in-flight (from and to IBM Z and IBM Storage servers) is encrypted when it leaves either
endpoint (source), and then it is decrypted at the destination. Encryption and decryption are
done at the FC adapter level. The operating system that is running on the host (IBM Z server)
is not involved in Fibre Channel Endpoint Security related operations. Tools are provided at
the operating system level for displaying information about the encryption status.
A Secure Service Container is an integrated IBM ZIBM Z appliance and hosts the most
sensitive workloads and applications. It acts as a highly protected and secured digital vault
that enforces security by encrypting the entire stack. The application that is running inside the
Secure Service Container is isolated and protected from outsider and insider threats.
Secure Service Containers combine hardware, software, and middleware, and it is unique to
the IBM Z platform. Although it is called a container, it should not be confused with purely
open-source containers (such as Docker).
A Secure Service Container is a powerful IBM technology for providing an extra protection of
security for the most sensitive workloads.
IBM Hyper Protect Crypto-Services offerings use the Secure Service Container technology
as a core layer to provide hyper-protected services in IBM Cloud and on-premises. For more
information, see IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Crypto Services.
For more information about IBM Secure Service Container offerings, see IBM Hyper Protect
Virtual Servers.
Quantum technology can be used for incredible good, but in the hands of an adversary, it has
the potential to weaken or break core cryptographic primitives that were used to secure
systems and communications. This potential leaves the foundation for digital security at risk.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) started a process to solicit,
evaluate, and standardize quantum-safe public-key cryptographic algorithms to address
these issues. Quantum-safe cryptography aims to provide protection against attacks that can
be started by quantum computers.
IBM z16 uses quantum-safe technologies to help protect your business-critical infrastructure
and data from potential attacks.
IBM z16 Secure Boot technology protects system firmware integrity by using quantum-safe
and classical digital signatures to perform a hardware-protected verification of the Initial
Machine Load (IML) firmware components. This protection is anchored in a hardware-based
root of trust to help ensure that the system starts safely and securely by keeping unauthorized
firmware (or malware) from taking over the system during startup.
Naming: Throughout this chapter, we describe features and functions that are offered with
IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02, and IBM z16 AGZ. The features and functions that are
available across all three configurations are identified with “IBM z16”. Where features and
functions differ with a given configuration, they are explicitly identified with either
IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02, or IBM z16 AGZ.
Support and usage of hardware functions depend on the operating system version and
release. The information in this chapter is subject to change. Therefore, for the most current
information, see Preventive Service Planning (PSP) bucket for 3931DEVICE (IBM z16 A01)
and Preventive Service Planning (PSP) bucket for 3932DEVICE (IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16
AGZ) at Preventive Service Planning buckets for mainframe operating environments.
Note: Operating system levels that are no longer in service are not covered in this
Note: Program temporary fixes (PTFs) and PSP buckets: The usage of several features
depends on a particular operating system. In all cases, PTFs might be necessary for the
operating system level that is indicated. Review the IBM Z hardware Fix Categories
(FIXCAT) before the operating system is installed. PTFs for z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE acan
be ordered electronically from IBM Shopz.
For more information about obtaining access to download the z/TPF and z/TPFDF APAR
packages, contact [email protected].
For Linux on IBM Z distributions and the KVM hypervisor, see the distributor’s support
Fix packs for IBM software products that are running on Linux on IBM Z can be
downloaded from IBM Fix Central.
a. z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
1 z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
In addition to the traditional COBOL, PL/I, Fortran, and assembly languages, the
IBM Z platform supports C, C++, Java (including Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, and batch
environments), Go, Swift, Python, JavaScript, and Node.js.
The IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) feature enables you to run Docker containers
natively under z/OS. This feature requires z/OS V2.R4 or later and IBM z14 (or later). For
more information, see the z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) web page.
Organizations are embarking on their journey with digital transformation and entering the API
economy. Therefore, it is essential to connect business-critical applications that run on the
IBM Z platform with mobile and cloud applications to better engage with customers. A key
step in this evolution is to understand which assets exist in the enterprise.
The IBM DevOps offerings, such as IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS and
IBM Rational® Team Concert®, can be coupled with IBM Application Discovery and Delivery
Intelligence (ADDI) to enable developers to understand the applications, gain cognitive
insights into the process, and “evolve” those valuable older assets at speed with reduced risk
to the enterprise.
Modern development practices are supported by IBM Rational Team Concert and
open-source-based Git Version Control Tools for IBM z/OS (ported by Rocket Software),
which are modern source code managers that run on and support z/OS.
For more information about software for the IBM Z platform, see the Products catalog web
Note: The usage of the most recent versions of the compilers is important. The compilers
use the latest technologies on the IBM Z platform and the performance benefits that are
introduced. Examples of benefits include new cache structures, new machine instructions,
and instruction execution enhancements.
IBM z16 inherits the features and functions from its predecessor, IBM z15, such as on-chip
compression and sort, and single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) architectural notation,
which provides efficient vector processing.
Java applications benefit from Guarded Storage Facility (GSF), which enables pause-less
garbage collection.
Operating systems that run on IBM z16 can use IBM System Recovery Boost (SRB) to
accelerate recovery after an outage.
The following security functions were introduced to complement the IBM Z security stack:
Secure Execution: Provides better isolation and security for second-level guest systems
that are running under the KVM hypervisor for IBM Z servers.
Secure Boot: A feature for verifying an open-source operating systems’ kernel to ensure
that it comes from the trusted provider.
Quantum-safe cryptography algorithms (Kyber and Dilithium 8.7).
For more information about IBM z16 and its features, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide,
For more information about all of the I/O features, see IBM Z Connectivity Handbook,
6.2.1 z/OS
z/OS is a core IBM Z operating system that supports IBM z16. IBM z16 capabilities differ
depending on the z/OS release.
The z/OS release cycle was extended with IBM Software Support Services to provide the
ability for customers to purchase extended defect support service for previous versions of the
operating system.
The minimum required version of z/OS to run on IBM z16 is V2R2 with PTFs (IBM Extended
Software Support Services offering must be purchased). There is support on z/OS for these
z/OS V2R3 + PTFs
z/OS V2R2 supports toleration only and does not support new functions.
Before the IBM z16 migration process is started, see the IBM z16 workflows that are provided
with each release of z/OS. This information is available in the z/OS IBM z16 Upgrade
Workflow for z/OSMF, which is provided with APAR OA62703 on V2R2 and higher. The
z/OSMF workflow contains only the z/OS steps for upgrading to IBM z16 and installs into the
/usr/lpp/bcp/upgrade directory.
z/OSMF is recommended because it offers interactive assistance and runs associated health
z/OS zCX enablement on IBM z16 is provided by IBM Container Hosting Foundation for z/OS
(5655-HZ1). On IBM z14 and IBM z15, this enablement is provided by the hardware Feature
Code 0104. Feature Code 0104 is not available on IBM z16.
For more information about z/OS downloads, see this z/OS Downloads web page.
6.2.2 z/VM
IBM z16 support is provided with PTFs for z/VM 7.1 and 7.2, and it is included in the
z/VM 7.3 base.
Compatibility support enables guest use for several new facilities, including the following
Embedded Artificial Intelligence Acceleration
Designed to reduce the overall time that is required to run CPU operations for neural
networking processing functions, and help support real-time applications, such as
fraud detection.
Compliance-ready CPACF Counters support
Means for guests to track crypto compliance and instruction use.
z/VM logical partitions (LPARs): IBM z16 central processors (CPs) and the Integrated
Facilities for Linux (IFLs) feature increased capacity over the capacity of their
predecessors. Therefore, as a best practice, review and adjust the capacity of z/VM
LPARs and of any guests in terms of the number of IFLs and CPs (real or virtual) to
achieve the capacity that you require.
For more information about PTF availability, see the z/VM Continuous Delivery News web
For more information about for IBM z16 migration, see the hardware PSP buckets for
3931DEVICE, and 3931DEVICE z/VM subset or 3932DEVICE, and the 3932DEVICE z/VM
subset for IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
For more information about all IBM z16 features and functions that are supported by the z/VM
releases, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951.
6.2.3 z/VSE3
IBM z16 support is provided by z/VSE3 V6R2. Consider the following points:
z/VSE runs in z/Architecture mode only.
z/VSE V6.2 supports High-Performance FICON for IBM Z (zHPF) and SIMD.
SRB (subcapacity CP speed boost only) (IBM z16 A01 only).
For more information about all IBM z16 features and functions that are supported by the
z/VSE3 releases, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951.
3 z/VSE is not supported n IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
IBM supports 21st Century Software VSEn V6.3 on IBM z16. For more information, see this
web page.
6.2.5 z/TPF
IBM z16 support is provided by z/TPF V1R1 with PTFs.
For more information about all IBM z16 features and functions that are supported by the
z/TPF, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 with service
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 with service
(not as a Secure Execution KVM host)
Red Hat Enterprise Server RHEL 7.9 with service (not as a KVM host)
For more information about all IBM z16 features and functions that are supported by the Linux
on IBM Z distributions, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951.
Subcapacity pricing terms for z/VM and select z/VM based programs
Subcapacity pricing is available to clients running on the z/VM 7 platform. Software pricing at
less than full machine capacity can provide more flexibility and improved cost of computing as
a client manages the volatility and growth of new workloads.
For more information about subcapacity pricing terms for z/VM and z/VM based programs,
see Sub-capacity pricing terms for z/VM and select z/VM based programs help improve
flexibility and price and performance.
For more information about software licensing options that are available for IBM z16, see IBM
z16 (3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951.
z/VSE is not supported on the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z Hardware Consumption Solution also is available for IBM z16. For more information,
6 z/VSE is not supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
ISBN 0738461083
Printed in U.S.A.