Hadith 1 To 6.

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What is a hadeeth?
A collection of sayings
or statements or
actions made by
someone. We will learn
the hadith of our
beloved prophet
Muhammad (SAW)
Hadeeth No 1 Intentions

‫َّل‬ ‫َل‬
: ‫ا َر ُس ول ال ِه صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ ‫َق‬
The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
‫َّي‬ ‫ِّن‬ ‫ُل‬ ‫َم‬ ‫ْع‬‫َأْل‬ ‫َم‬ ‫َّن‬
‫ِب ِت‬ ‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ِإ‬
Verily, Actions are judged according to
Hadeeth No 2 Deen

‫َّل‬ ‫َل‬
: ‫ا َر ُس ول ال ِه صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ ‫َق‬
The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
‫ُي‬ ‫ِّد‬
‫ِإَّن ال ي ْس ٌر‬
Verily, Religion is easy.
‫َع ْن ِبي ُهَر ْيَر َة ‪َ ،‬ع الَّن ِّي صلى الله عليه وسلم َق اَل‬ ‫َأ‬
‫ِن ِب‬
‫َق‬ ‫َف‬ ‫ُه‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َغ‬ ‫َّال‬ ‫ٌد‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َل‬
‫‏ "‏ ِإَّن الِّد يَن ُيْس ٌر‪َ ،‬و ْن ا ال يَن َح ِإ َب ‪َ ،‬س وا َو اِر وا‬
‫ُب‬ ‫ِّدُد‬ ‫ِّد‬ ‫َّد‬ ‫َش‬‫ُي‬
‫ْل‬ ‫ُّد‬ ‫َش‬ ‫ْد‬ ‫َغ‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫ُن‬ ‫َت‬ ‫ْب‬‫َأ‬
‫ِة‬ ‫َج‬ ‫ال‬ ‫َن‬ ‫ِم‬ ‫ٍء‬ ‫ْى‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ِة‬ ‫َح‬ ‫ْو‬ ‫َّر‬‫ال‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ِة‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ا‬‫ِب‬ ‫وا‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ِع‬ ‫ْس‬‫ا‬ ‫َو‬ ‫وا‪،‬‬ ‫ُر‬ ‫ِش‬ ‫َو‬
It is related from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
said: "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens
himself in his religion will not be able to continue in
that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be
near to perfection and receive the good tidings that
you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping
in the mornings, the afternoons, and during the last
hours of the nights." .
Hadeeth No 3 Mu'aasharah

‫َّل‬ ‫َل‬
: ‫ا َر ُس ول ال ِه صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ ‫َق‬
The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
‫َال‬ ‫اَلَّس الُم َق ْب َل الَك‬
Make salaam before speaking
Hadeeth No 4 Sidq

‫َّل‬ ‫َل‬
: ‫ا َر ُس ول ال ِه صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ ‫َق‬
The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
‫عَلْي ُك ْم بِالِّص ْد‬
Make the truth compulsory upon
‫َع ْن َع ْبِد الَّلِه ‪َ ،‬ق اَل َق اَل َر ُس وُل الَّلِه صلى الله عليه وسلم‏ "‏ َع َلْيُك ْم ِبالِّص ْد‬
‫َف ِإ َّن الِّص ْد َق َيْه ِد ي ِإَلى اْلِبِّر َو ِإَّن اْلِبَّر َيْه ِد ي ِإَلى اْلَج َّنِة َو َم ا َيَز اُل الَّر ُج ُل َيْص ُد ُق‬
‫َك‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫َّن‬
‫ا ِذ َب ِإ ا ِذ َب‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َك‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ْم‬ ‫ُك‬ ‫َّي‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ًق‬ ‫ِّد‬
‫ى َب ِع ال ِه ِص ي ا ِإ ا‬‫َّل‬ ‫َد‬ ‫ْن‬ ‫َت‬ ‫ْك‬ ‫ُي‬ ‫َّت‬ ‫َح‬ ‫َق‬ ‫َو َيَتَح َّر ى الِّص ْد‬
‫ِذ ُب‬ ‫ْك‬ ‫َي‬ ‫ُل‬ ‫ُج‬ ‫ُل‬ ‫َز‬‫َي‬ ‫َم‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫َل‬
‫َيْه ِد ي ِإ ى ا وِر َو ِإ ا وَر ِد ي ِإ ى ال اِر َو ا ا الَّر‬
‫ْه‬ ‫َي‬ ‫ُج‬‫ُف‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ُج‬‫ُف‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫َل‬
‫ًب‬ ‫َّذ‬ ‫َك‬ ‫َّل‬ ‫َد‬
‫َو َيَتَح َّر ى ا ِذ َب ى َب ِع ال ِه ا ا‏"‏‏‪.‬‏‬
‫ْن‬ ‫َت‬ ‫ْك‬‫ُي‬ ‫َّت‬ ‫َح‬ ‫َك‬ ‫ْل‬

Abdullah reported Allah's Messenger (SAW) as saying'
It is obligatory for you to tell the truth, for truth leads to virtue and
virtue leads to Paradise, and the man who continues to speak the
truth and endeavours to tell the truth is eventually recorded as
truthful with Allah, and beware of telling of a lie for telling of a lie
leads to obscenity and obscenity leads to Hell-Fire, and the
person who keeps telling lies and endeavours to tell a lie is
recorded as a liar with Allah.

Hadeeth No 5 Eating

‫َّل‬ ‫َل‬
: ‫ا َر ُس ول ال ِه صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ ‫َق‬
The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
‫ْل‬ ‫ُك‬
‫َس ِم الله َو ِبَيِم ْي ِنك‬
Say Bismillah before eating. And eat with
your right hand.
‫عن عمر بن أبى سلمة رضى الله عنهما قال‏‪:‬‬
‫‏ قال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم‏‪:‬‏‬
‫"‏سم الله وكل بيمينك‪ ،‬وكل مما يليك‏"‬
‫((متفق عليه))‬

'Umar bin Abu Salamah (May Allah be
pleased with him) reported:
said to me, "Mention ,)‫ (ﷺ‬Messenger of Allah
Allah's Name (i.e., say Bismillah before starting
eating), eat with your right hand, and eat from
what is near you.''

]Al-Bukhari and Muslim[

Hadeeth No 6 The sick
‫َّل‬ ‫َل‬
: ‫ا َر ُس ول ال ِه صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ ‫َق‬

The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:

‫ُع ْو ُد وا اْلَم ْي َض‬


Visit the sick.

‫وعن أبي موسي األشعري رضي الله عنه قال‏‪:‬‏‬
‫قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ‪،‬‬
‫“ عودوا المريض‪ ،‬وأطعموا الجائع‪ ،‬وفكوا العاني‏"‏‬
‫‏(‏(‏رواه البخاري‏)‏)‏‪.‬‏‬
Abu Musa (May Allah be pleased with him)

The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Visit the sick, feed

the hungry, and release of the captive.''


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