Barret 2
Barret 2
Barret 2
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Recommended surveillance intervals after complete eradication of intestinal metaplasia (CE-
IM) after endoscopic eradication therapy (EET) are largely not evidence-based. Using recur-
rence rates in a multicenter international Barrett’s esophagus (BE) CE-IM cohort, we aimed to
generate optimal intervals for surveillance.
METHODS: Patients with dysplastic BE undergoing EET and achieving CE-IM from prospectively maintained
databases at 5 tertiary-care centers in the United States and the United Kingdom were included.
The cumulative incidence of recurrence was estimated, accounting for the unknown date of
actual recurrence that lies between the dates of current and previous endoscopy. This cumu-
lative incidence of recurrence subsequently was used to estimate the proportion of patients
with undetected recurrence for various surveillance intervals over 5 years. Intervals were
selected that minimized recurrences remaining undetected for more than 6 months. Actual
patterns of post–CE-IM follow-up evaluation are described.
RESULTS: A total of 498 patients (with baseline low-grade dysplasia, 115 patients; high-grade dysplasia
[HGD], 288 patients; and intramucosal adenocarcinoma [IMCa], 95 patients) were included. Any
recurrence occurred in 27.1% and dysplastic recurrence occurred in 8.4% over a median of 2.6
years of follow-up evaluation. For pre-ablation HGD/IMCa, intervals of 6, 12, 18, and 24 months,
and then annually, resulted in no patients with dysplastic recurrence undetected for more than
6 months, comparable with current guideline recommendations despite a 33% reduction in the
number of surveillance endoscopies. For pre-ablation low-grade dysplasia, intervals of 1, 2, and
4 years balanced endoscopic burden and undetected recurrence risk.
CONCLUSIONS: Lengthening post–CE-IM surveillance intervals would reduce the endoscopic burden after CE-IM
with comparable rates of recurrent HGD/IMCa. Future guidelines should consider reduced
surveillance frequency.
N 115 288 95
Age, y, median (IQR) 67 (62–72) 68 (61–74) 68 (62–74)
Male sex, n (%) 96 (83.5) 242 (84.0) 87 (91.6)
Length of BE, cm, median (IQR) 5 (3–7) 4 (2–6) 3 (1–6)
Follow-up period, mo, median (IQR) 29.2 (13.8–52.1) 23.7 (12.0–37.8) 21.9 (12.2–42.1)
Nondysplastic 18 56 19
LGD 0 15 3
HGD 0 8 2
Cancer 3 7 4
BE, Barrett’s esophagus; HGD, high-grade dysplasia; IMCa, intramucosal adenocarcinoma; IQR, interquartile range; LGD, low-grade dysplasia.
Recurrence Incidence and Histology shown in Figure 2 and Table 2; the cumulative incidence of
any recurrence was 10.8% (95% CI, 4.9%–16.3%) at 2
A summary of clinical outcomes is presented in years and 23.3% (95% CI, 12.6%–32.6%) at 5 years.
Figure 1. For the 383 patients with baseline HGD/IMCa, Table 2 further describes the incidence of recurrence
recurrence occurred in 114 (29.7%), of which 39 in relation to baseline pretreatment histology. In total, 14
(10.2%) were dysplastic (Table 1). Cumulative incidence patients developed EAC after successful endoscopic
estimates for all recurrences and dysplastic recurrences eradication, 10 of whom had either LGD or HGD before
after CE-IM are shown in Figure 2 and Table 2 for the ablation. Eight of 14 (57.1%) recurrent EACs were IMCa,
baseline HGD/IMCa subgroup. The cumulative incidence while the remaining 6 cases were more deeply invasive
of any recurrence was 25.3% (95% CI, 21.1%–30.2%) at and required either chemotherapy/radiation, surgery, or
2 years and 40.2% (9% CI, 32.9%–46.8%) at 5 years. The a combination thereof. A single patient died as a conse-
cumulative incidence of dysplastic recurrence (LGD or quence of recurrent EAC.
higher grade) was 8.9% (95% CI, 5.9%–11.8%) at 2
years and 16.4% (10.2%–22.2%) at 5 years.
In baseline LGD (N ¼ 115), recurrence occurred in 21 Intervals of Actual Follow-Up Evaluation
(18.3%) patients, of which 18 (15.7%) were nondysplastic
and only 3 (2.7%) were dysplastic (Table 1). In these pa- The specific dates of each surveillance endoscopy
tients, the cumulative incidences of any recurrence is were tabulated for all US patients and frequency data are
Table 2. Cumulative Incidence of Any Recurrence (95% CI) After CE-IM According to Baseline Histology
LGD 115 359.6 All 7.7 (2.7–12.4) 10.8 (4.9–16.3) 23.3 (12.6–32.6) 5.8
Dysplastic 0.9 (0.0–2.7) 0.9 (0.0–2.7) 3.1 (0.0–7.6) 0.8
EAC 0.9 (0.0–2.7) 0.9 (0.0–2.7) 3.1 (0.0–7.6) 0.8
HGD/IMCa 383 913.1 All 19.4 (15.5–23.2) 25.8 (21.1–30.2) 40.2 (32.9–46.8) 12.5
Dysplastic 7.2 (4.6–9.7) 8.9 (5.9–11.8) 16.4 (10.2–22.2) 4.3
EAC 4.2 (2.2–6.2) 4.9 (2.6–7.0) 9.5 (4.5–14.3) 1.2
CE-IM, complete eradication of intestinal metaplasia; EAC, esophageal adenocarcinoma; HGD, high-grade dysplasia; IMCa, intramucosal adenocarcinoma; LGD,
low-grade dysplasia.
after CE-IM13 used registry data to build models and term follow-up evaluation.14 These data provide
select the optimal surveillance paradigm. The in- compelling evidence for the re-examination of currently
vestigators constructed a model to yield a 0.1% per-visit recommended surveillance intervals.
rate of invasive EAC (approximate risk of serious Our study differs from the one by Cotton et al13 in
complication from a surveillance endoscopy), corre- several important ways. Our data were derived directly
sponding to a 2.9% neoplastic recurrence rate. The from patient medical records, allowing for granularity
optimal surveillance intervals for LGD was at 1 and with respect to confirmation of dates, histology, and
3 years after CE-IM, and for HGD/IMCa at 3, 6, and patient outcomes. Importantly, we used our recurrence
12 months, and annually thereafter. These intervals data to generate metrics for the duration of undetected
would reduce the number of surveillance endoscopies recurrence, rather than overall observed neoplastic
over 5 years by 38%, while still meeting the specified recurrence. This was done to provide a range of out-
neoplastic recurrence threshold. A Dutch study also comes across modeled surveillance paradigms and allow
retrospectively examined centralized data on BE sur- clinicians and guideline authors to weigh these factors in
veillance after EET and showed that frequent vs annual selecting the optimal surveillance timing. Although the
surveillance in the first year after CE-IM did not affect precise biology of recurrent BE after CE-IM is not known,
the outcome of dysplastic recurrence in short- or long- data drawn from surveillance of treatment-naïve
Figure 3. Actual follow-up intervals by visit after complete eradication of intestinal metaplasia (CE-IM). (A) Low-grade dysplasia
at baseline. (B) High-grade dysplasia/intramucosal adenocarcinoma at baseline. IQR, interquartile range.
December 2022 Optimized Surveillance Intervals After BE Ablation 2769
6 mo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 1, 3 y
Metric (ACG) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 3, 6 mo, 2, 4 y 1, 2, 4 y (Cotton)
LGD pre-ablation
Sessions over 5 years if no recurrence, 6 5 4 3 2
Patients who have any recurrence that is not 15.8 17.9 16.4 20.0 21.1
detected until >3 mo, %
Patients who have any recurrence that is not 7.7 12.4 14.2 16.0 18.6
detected until >6 mo, %
HGD/IMCa pre-ablation
Sessions patient will have >2 years if no recurrence, n 6 5 4 4 3
Patients who have any recurrence that is not 3.5 7.2 8.8 14.2 15.8
detected until >3 mo, %
Patients who have any recurrence that is not 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 3.9
detected until >6 mo, %
Patients who have dysplastic recurrence that is not 0.9 2.5 2.9 4.7 5.1
detected until >3 mo, %
Patients who have dysplastic recurrence that is not 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.1
detected until >6 mo, %
Patients who have cancer recurrence that is not 0.3 1.0 1.1 1.6 1.7
detected until >3 mo, %
Patients who have cancer recurrence that is not 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4
detected until >6 mo, %
ACG, American College of Gastroenterology; HGD, high-grade dysplasia; IMCa, intramucosal adenocarcinoma; LGD, low-grade dysplasia.
dysplastic BE can provide some insight. The risk of EAC counseling on surveillance intervals, it is evident that
has been estimated at 6% to 7% annually in HGD and at recommendations are not strictly followed by patients.
0.5% to 1% in LGD.15,16 What degree of time, then, can Potential reasons for this include patient factors (eg,
pass safely before detection of recurrent BE or dysplasia? socioeconomic barriers, personal events, and so forth)
In a study of 79 patients with HGD undergoing intensive and system factors (eg, scheduling delays, lack of
surveillance (every 3 months for 1 year, decreased only if centralized BE patient tracking, and so forth).
HGD regressed) for a mean of 7.3 years, no single patient Indeed, this large real-world cohort with less frequent
died from complications of esophageal cancer.17 Endo- surveillance than currently recommended clearly shows
scopic therapy for HGD or IMCa also typically is con- the implications of this approach. Of 498 patients, only
ducted at 3-month intervals. It therefore may be 6 patients (1.2%) developed invasive EAC requiring
reasonable to presume that a dysplastic recurrence left surgery and/or chemoradiation. Furthermore, only 1 of
undetected for 3 months would be unlikely to result in these patients (0.2% of total patients) died from com-
advanced or metastatic EAC. plications of metastatic EAC and another died from un-
Another important difference is the use of a definition known causes. Thus, despite HGD/IMCa patients having
of CE-IM as 2 consecutive endoscopic sessions. Sampling more than 60% fewer than recommended endoscopies in
error is critical to avoiding misclassification bias when the first 2 years after CE-IM and LGD patients having
assigning definitions of eradication and recurrence. 28% fewer endoscopies than recommended in 5 years
Recent studies of recurrence after CE-IM have conducted after CE-IM, the clinical outcomes were acceptable
subset analyses modifying this definition from a single to overall. The EAC incidence in this study was 1.2 per 100
2 endoscopic sessions and shown no substantial change person-years for pre-ablation HGD/EAC and 0.8 for pre-
in their findings.7,8 However, the number of patients in ablation LGD. This is higher than the incidence rates of
each of these studies was relatively modest when 0.6 and 0.51, respectively, seen in patients enrolled in the
compared with the Cotton et al13 modeling study and AIM Dysplasia randomized trial6 and likely is attribut-
this effect may have had a greater impact on the early able to lower adherence to follow-up recommendations
recurrence estimates. A meta-analysis of 1973 patients outside of a trial protocol.
showed that recurrence was higher in the first year for The selection of a best surveillance paradigm thus is
CE-IM defined as a single endoscopy, suggesting this inherently complex and multidimensional. Is there a
impacts timing of detection more than recurrence rate tolerable level of invasive EAC during surveillance? It is
itself.18 clear from this study and others referenced that invasive
Importantly, this study also examined the actual EAC can occur even in a relatively stringent surveillance
follow-up intervals of patients with dysplastic BE or program. Our data provide an opportunity to weigh the
IMCa after successful CE-IM. Despite extensive duration of undetected recurrence against the number of
2770 Kahn et al Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 20, No. 12
endoscopic sessions in a real-world scenario balancing a baseline histology and involve patients in the complex
33% to 48% reduction in endoscopic evaluations against decision making that governs their resources and risk.
reasonable outcomes.
We acknowledge certain limitations. By virtue of the
Supplementary Methods
retrospective design, treatment protocols could have
varied between endoscopists. However, given the
expertise of treating endoscopists in BE EET, this is un- Note: To access the supplementary material accom-
likely. Furthermore, the observed recurrence incidence panying this article, visit the online version of Clinical
was comparable with those reported in large randomized Gastroenterology and Hepatology at,
trials.19,20 The study was performed in expert centers in and at
2 countries, which may limit global generalizability to
other populations. The modeling analysis requires the References
assumption that rate of dysplastic recurrence was inde- 1. Shaheen NJ, Falk GW, Iyer PG, et al. ACG clinical guideline:
pendent of prior nondysplastic recurrence. A recent diagnosis and management of Barrett’s esophagus. Am J
study supported this notion because dysplastic recur- Gastroenterol 2016;111:30–50; quiz 51.
rence incidence was not significantly different between 2. Standards of Practice Committee, Wani S, Qumseya B, et al.
those who did or did not develop GEJ nondysplastic Endoscopic eradication therapy for patients with Barrett’s
esophagus-associated dysplasia and intramucosal cancer.
recurrence.21 Nevertheless, it is conceivable that the
Gastrointest Endosc 2018;87:907–931 e9.
relationship between nondysplastic and subsequent
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dysplastic recurrence could impact these estimates. We
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acknowledge that the clinical significance of nondys- of Barrett’s oesophagus. Gut 2014;63:7–42.
plastic recurrence after CE-IM is a matter of some con- 4. American Gastroenterological Association, Spechler SJ,
troversy. However, we deliberately included Sharma P, et al. American Gastroenterological Association
nondysplastic recurrence as an outcome in this analysis medical position statement on the management of Barrett’s
for several reasons. Our pre-ablation concept of carci- esophagus. Gastroenterology 2011;140:1084–1091.
nogenesis assumes that all dysplastic recurrences arise 5. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Qumseya B, Sultan S,
from nondysplastic ones and we endoscopically treat all et al. ASGE guideline on screening and surveillance of Barrett’s
recurrences. Therefore, the precise natural history of esophagus. Gastrointest Endosc 2019;90:335–359 e2.
untreated NDBE after CE-IM is not known and progres- 6. Shaheen NJ, Overholt BF, Sampliner RE, et al. Durability of
sion rates in treatment-naïve NDBE do not provide a radiofrequency ablation in Barrett’s esophagus with dysplasia.
valid comparison. An analysis that removes nondys- Gastroenterology 2011;141:460–468.
plastic recurrences and creates estimates solely on the 7. Cotton CC, Wolf WA, Overholt BF, et al. Late recurrence of
basis of dysplastic recurrence incidence would not be a Barrett’s esophagus after complete eradication of intestinal
metaplasia is rare: final report from ablation in intestinal meta-
valid statistical model for the outcome of interest.
plasia containing dysplasia trial. Gastroenterology 2017;
Follow-up data were based on return to the treating fa-
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cility. Patients could have undergone unreported sur-
8. Wani S, Han S, Kushnir V, et al. Recurrence is rare following
veillance at other facilities, although clinical complete eradication of intestinal metaplasia in patients with
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sion the number of recurrences in this group, was rela- 9. Sami SS, Ravindran A, Kahn A, et al. Timeline and location of
tively small and therefore limited predictive estimates recurrence following successful ablation in Barrett’s oesoph-
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In conclusion, in this study of dysplastic BE patients 68:1379–1385.
achieving CE-IM we used recurrence data to model par- 10. Krishnamoorthi R, Singh S, Ragunathan K, et al. Risk of recur-
adigms for more efficient endoscopic surveillance. rence of Barrett’s esophagus after successful endoscopic
Despite suboptimal adherence to recommended surveil- therapy. Gastrointest Endosc 2016;83:1090–1106 e3.
lance timing, patient outcomes generally were good. 11. Fujii-Lau LL, Cinnor B, Shaheen N, et al. Recurrence of intestinal
Furthermore, we suggest strategies that substantially metaplasia and early neoplasia after endoscopic eradication
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analysis. Endosc Int Open 2017;5:E430–E449.
increase in the proportion of patients with undetected
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recurrence at more than 6 months, in line with a recent
recurrence of Barrett’s esophagus after radiofrequency ablation.
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These data are another important step forward in 13. Cotton CC, Haidry R, Thrift AP, et al. Development of evidence-
crafting evidence-based guidelines for post–CE-IM sur- based surveillance intervals after radiofrequency ablation of
veillance, they provide additional metrics to assess Barrett’s esophagus. Gastroenterology 2018;155:316–326.e6.
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December 2022 Optimized Surveillance Intervals After BE Ablation 2771
Supplementary Methods occurred, all of which were given equal weight). We then
estimated the cumulative incidence of recurrence using
the Kaplan–Meier method using this modified data set,
Statistical Analysis accounting for the correlation between the N instances for
each patient, and assuming right censoring. This is
All statistical analyses were performed separately perhaps more simply illustrated with an example. Take a
according to baseline histology (LGD or HGD/IMCa) and patient with no recurrence detected on the previous EGD
were conducted using R version 4.0.3 (Boston, MA). To that was 100 days after CE-IM, and recurrence detected on
estimate the cumulative incidences of the separate out- the current EGD that occurred 50 days after the previous
comes of any recurrence (both baseline LGD and HGD/ EGD (ie, 150 days after CE-IM). This patient would be
IMCa groups), dysplastic recurrence (baseline HGD/IMCa included in the modified data set in 50 different instances
patients only), and cancer recurrence (baseline HGD/ (150 minus 100), with each of these instances given a
IMCa patients only) for 5 years after CE-IM, we first weight equal to 1/50 ¼ 0.02. These 50 different instances
estimated the crude cumulative incidences using the then would be assigned 50 different time to recurrence
Kaplan–Meier method, in which censoring occurred on values – 101, 102, 103, .., 149, and 150.
the date of the last EGD for patients without recurrence, The cumulative incidences of dysplastic recurrence
and recurrence was considered to occur on the date of and cancer recurrence were estimated in the same way
the EGD at which it was detected. These cumulative in baseline HGD/IMCa patients; censoring occurred at
incidence estimates are crude because the true date of either the date of the last EGD (for patients without any
recurrence was most likely not on the exact date of the recurrence), the date of nondysplastic recurrence in
current EGD, but instead at some unknown time point analysis of the dysplastic recurrence outcome, or the
between the date of the EGD at which recurrence was date of noncancer recurrence in analysis of the cancer
detected and the day after the date of the previous EGD recurrence outcome. This censoring scheme was used
(at which no recurrence was detected). Therefore, the because recurrences, even nondysplastic recurrences,
resulting cumulative crude incidence estimates were generally were treated and therefore any postrecurrence
biased too low. EGD was not reflective of the initial EET therapy. In
We used the following strategy to address this issue. addition, failure to censor nondysplastic recurrences at
When considering the any recurrence outcome, for pa- the time of nondysplastic recurrence in analysis of the
tients who developed recurrence, these patients were dysplastic recurrence outcome would result in cumula-
each included in N different instances in a modified data tive incidence estimates that were biased too low
set, where N is equal to the difference in days between because risk of subsequent recurrence would be lowered
the date of the EGD at which recurrence was detected by the secondary treatment. As such, analyses of
and the date of the previous EGD (at which no recur- dysplastic recurrence and cancer recurrence made the
rence was detected); each of these N instances was given assumptions that the risk of dysplastic recurrence was
a weight equal to 1 divided by N in the analysis. For each independent of nondysplastic recurrence, and that the
of these N instances, times to recurrence after CE-IM risk of cancer recurrence was independent of noncancer
were assigned as values that were distributed uni- recurrence.
formly across the range of the dates from the day after The timing of all individual surveillance EGDs was
the previous EGD to the EGD at which recurrence was collected for US patients. The distributions of the times
detected, thereby directly accounting for the unknown between follow-up visits were summarized in histo-
true date of recurrence (by allowing for a date of grams to examine how they compared with recom-
recurrence to occur on each possible date it could have mended surveillance guidelines over the first 2 years.
December 2022 Optimized Surveillance Intervals After BE Ablation 2771.e2
Supplementary Figure 3. Graphic illustration of the calculation of the proportion of patients for whom there would be a wait of
more than 3 months between the date of recurrence and the data from the esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) at which the
recurrence was detected, using an example of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) surveillance scheme (6 mo,
and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y) in baseline low-grade dysplasia (LGD) patients. The solid blue line represents the cumulative incidence of
any recurrence after complete eradication of intestinal metaplasia in baseline LGD patients. The proportion of interest was
calculated by subtracting cumulative incidences from 3 months and 0 months (ie, Diff 1), from 9 months and 6 months (ie, Diff
2), from 1.75 years and 1 year (ie, Diff 3), from 2.75 years and 2 years (ie, Diff 4), from 3.75 years and 3 years (ie, Diff 5), and from
4.75 years and 4 years (ie, Diff 6). The sum of the 6 Diff values then was calculated and was the proportion of patients for whom
there would be a wait of more than 3 months between the date of recurrence and the data of EGD at which the recurrence was
detected for the ACG surveillance scheme in baseline LGD patients.