Pi Is 0016508522011921
Pi Is 0016508522011921
Pi Is 0016508522011921
According to consensus statements, endoscopic remission or patient data. For histopathologic scoring in UC, the Robarts
healing during WLE were defined as follows5,23: In UC, endo- histopathology index (RHI)32 and the Nancy histological index
scopic remission was defined as a Mayo Endoscopy Score (MES) (NHI)33 were used as validated histology scores. Histologic
of 1 and endoscopic healing was defined as an MES of 0. In CD, disease remission was defined as an RHI of 3 without lamina
endoscopic remission was assessed along 2 parameters: (1) propria or epithelial neutrophils or an NHI of 1.
absence/resolution of erosions and ulcerations, as a consensual In the absence of a validated score for grading of histologic
definition of endoscopic remission by the IO-IBD5,23 and (2) the inflammation in patients with CD, we used a modified Riley
simplified endoscopic index of severity (SES-CD) with an SES-CD (mRiley) score, as previously described.34 Apart from including
of <3 for definition of endoscopic remission.24,25 the 6 histologic features for UC (acute inflammatory cell infil-
Mesalamine derivates NOTE. Continuous data are presented as n (%) and cate-
Mesalazine 12 (14.8) 5 (5) gorical data as mean ± standard deviation or mean (range).
Sulfasalazine 2 (2) a
MAOs: disease flare; necessity for initiation or escalation of
Corticosteroids systemic steroids, immunosuppressants, small molecules, or
Budesonide 1 (1) biological therapy.
Budesonide (with colonic 2 (2.5)
Prednisolone 4 (4.9) 3 (3)
Prednisolone dose, mg 10 ± 4 5 ± 4.3
poor bowel preparation (n ¼ 18), concomitant b-blocker
Immunomodulator therapy (n ¼ 7), unwillingness to participate in the study
6-Mercaptopurin 1 (1.2) 1 (1) (n ¼ 6), or a planned change in pharmacotherapy (n ¼ 5).
Azathioprine 4 (4.9) 8 (8) Therefore, 181 patients with IBD (CD, n ¼ 100; UC, n ¼ 81)
Biological therapy were finally eligible and included in the study. A flowchart
Anti-tumor necrosis factor 28 (34.6) 43 (43) of the included patients according to the Standards for
Vedolizumab 11 (13.6) 5 (5)
Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies guidelines35 is
Tofacitinib 3 (3.7) 0 (0)
Ustekinumab 2 (2.5) 17 (17) presented in Supplementary Figure 1.
Combination therapy 8 (9.9) 5 (5) The study included patients with clinical remission, as
No medication 6 (7.4) 10 (10) determined by established clinical activity scores (CDAI
Laboratory parameters
<150 or partial MCS <2 with no individual subscore
Leukocyte count, 109/L 7.9 ± 3.2 8 ± 2.8 >1).5,21,22 Most patients were treated with biological ther-
Hematocrit, % 41.5 ± 4.1 42.3 ± 3.8 apies, and only few patients had mesalamine therapy or low
doses of corticosteroids (Table 1).
Endoscopic and
histopathologic data
1 43 (53.1) Clinical Characteristics and Rates of Endoscopic
>1 38 (46.9) and Histologic Remission and Barrier Healing in
Barrier function Patients With Ulcerative Colitis
The 81 patients with UC had nonmissing, valid infor-
Barrier healing present 21 (25.9) 27 (27)
Ileum mation regarding the occurrence of MAOs during follow-up.
Data on endoscopic remission and healing and histologic
remission were available for all patients. In 1 patient with
February 2023 Intestinal Barrier Healing Predicts IBD Outcome 245
UC, electronic backup of CLE images failed; hence, no data definition of endoscopic healing was applied, considering
on barrier function in the colon were available for this pa- only patients with an MES of 0, 17 patients with UC
tient. Clinical, endoscopic, and histologic characteristics of exhibited mucosal healing. Of these 17 patients with
the patient cohort with UC are summarized in Table 1. mucosal healing on WLE, 6 experienced MAOs during the
As presented in Table 1, from the 81 patients with UC, course of follow-up, thereby the rate of MAOs in patients
43 (53.1%) had endoscopic remission on WLE at study in- with MES of 0 was 35.3% (Supplementary Table 4). Corre-
clusion. Histologic healing, as defined by RHI and NHI, was spondingly, the probability of remaining without an MAO
present in 54.3% and 51.9%, respectively, during endo- during follow-up was significantly higher in patients with
scopic evaluation. As assessed by the RHI, 36 patients UC with endoscopic healing compared with those with an
Figure 1. Time-to-event analysis for the occurrence of major adverse outcomes in patients with UC with endoscopic remis-
sion, endoscopic healing, and histologic remission. (A) Patients with UC with endoscopic remission (MES of 1) had a
significantly higher probability of remaining free of MAOs compared with patients with endoscopically active disease. (B) In
patients with UC with endoscopic healing (MES of 0), the probability of remaining without MAOs during follow-up was
significantly higher compared with those with a MES of >0. (C) Patients with UC with histologic remission, defined by an RHI of
3, had a significantly higher likelihood of remaining without MAOs during follow-up compared with patients with histologically
active disease according to the RHI. (D) In patients with UC histologic remission, as determined by an NHI of 1, the
probability of remaining without a MAO during follow up was significantly higher compared with those with an NHI of >1. The
shaded areas indicate the 95% confidence interval. (C and D: hematoxylin and eosin staining, original magnification 20.)
February 2023 Intestinal Barrier Healing Predicts IBD Outcome 247
endoscopic, and histologic characteristics of the patient those with ileal or colonic barrier dysfunction
cohort with CD are summarized in Table 1. (Supplementary Figure 2). Furthermore, apart from a
As presented in Table 1, from 100 included patients with decreased serum expression of zonulin in patients with CD
CD, 66 (66%) had endoscopic remission on WLE, as defined by with endoscopic remission, serum albumin and CRP levels
the absence of erosions or ulcerations, or both, at study inclu- were not significantly different between CD with endoscopic
sion. When the SES-CD with an SES-CD of <3 was used for the or histologic remission compared with those without,
definition of endoscopic remission,24,25 50 patients (50%) with respectively (Supplementary Figure 3B).
CD exhibited endoscopic remission during baseline endoscopy.
Histologic remission, as defined by a mRiley score as
previously reported,34 was present in 58 patients (58%) Follow-up and Occurrence of Major Clinical
with CD during the endoscopic evaluation. The combination Events in Patients With Crohn’s Disease
of endoscopic and histologic healing was observed in 49 Mean follow-up in patients with CD was 35 months. No
patients with CD. In contrast, an intact barrier on endomi- MAOs occurred in 37 patients during the follow up, whereas
croscopy without fluorescein leakage was observed in only MAOS were noted in the remaining 63 patients with a mean
25 of 100 patients (25%) with CD in the terminal ileum and lag of 6 months (standard deviation, 6.9 months; range, 1–
in 27 patients (27%) in the colon during the baseline 38 months) as follows: MAO I in 12, MAO II in 4, MAO III in
evaluation with WLE and CLE. Clinical, endoscopic, and 12, and MAO IV in 35.
histologic characteristics of patients with CD with ileal Rates of the occurrence of MAO in patients with endo-
barrier healing compared with those without barrier healing scopic and histologic remission and in patients with barrier
are summarized in Supplementary Table 6. Supplementary healing are summarized in Supplementary Table 8. Of the 66
Table 7 summarizes characteristics of those patients with patients with endoscopic remission at study inclusion,
CD with combined ileal barrier healing and endoscopic and defined by the absence of erosions or ulcerations, 37
histologic remission compared with those without. experienced MAOs; hence the rate of MAOs in patients with
Moreover, we determined CRP, albumin, and zonulin CD in endoscopic remission was 56.9%. When the SES-CD
levels in patients with CD and noted that their serum levels was used to define endoscopic remission, 25 of 50 pa-
did not significantly differ between patients with intact ileal tients with an SES-CD of <3 experienced MAO; therefore,
and colonic barrier on endomicroscopy compared with the MAO rate for SES-CD was 50% (Supplementary Table 8).
248 Rath et al Gastroenterology Vol. 164, No. 2
Figure 3. Time-to-event analysis for the occurrence of MAOs in patients with CD with endoscopic remission and histologic
remission. (A) Patients with endoscopic remission, as defined by the absence of erosions and/or ulcerations, had a signifi-
cantly higher probability of remaining free of MAOs compared with those patients with endoscopically active disease. (B) In
patients with CD with endoscopic remission, as defined by an SES-CD of <3, the probability of remaining without MAOs
during follow-up was significantly higher compared with those with an SES of 3. (C) Patients with CD with histologic
remission, defined by an mRiley score of 4, had a significantly higher likelihood of remaining without MAOs during follow-up
compared with patients with histologically active disease. The shaded areas indicate the 95% confidence interval. (C: he-
matoxylin and eosin staining, original magnification 20.)
February 2023 Intestinal Barrier Healing Predicts IBD Outcome 249
Time-to-event analysis using Kaplan-Meier estimates probabilities for remaining without MAOs during follow-up,
showed that the probability of remaining free of MAOs we sought to directly compare the diagnostic performances
during follow-up was significantly higher in patients with of endoscopic healing, histologic healing, and barrier healing
CD with endoscopic remission compared with patients with for the prediction of the further course of disease.
endoscopically active disease (P ¼ .0084) (Figure 3A), with In UC, endoscopic remission, as defined by an MES of 1,
slight superiority of assessing endoscopic remission with had an overall accuracy of 70.4% for predicting an MAO-free
the SES-CD (P ¼ .0049) (Figure 3B) compared with the course of disease, with positive and negative predictive
definition based on absence of erosions or ulcerations. Of values of 51.2% and 92.1%, respectively (Table 2). When a
the 58 patients with CD with histologic remission, as defined more stringent definition of mucosal healing was applied,
Figure 4. Time-to-event analysis for the occurrence of MAOs in patients with CD with barrier healing. (A) Patients with CD with
an intact colonic barrier had a significantly higher probability of remaining without MAOs during follow-up compared with
patients with barrier dysfunction in the colon. (B) In patients with CD with barrier healing in the terminal ileum, the probability of
remaining without MAOs during follow-up was significantly higher compared with those with a barrier defect in the terminal
ileum, as defined by the semiquantitative Watson grading.18,19 The shaded areas indicate the 95% confidence interval.
MAOs during the course of follow-up. As such, barrier symptoms, finding that impaired barrier function, as eval-
healing in the terminal ileum exhibited an overall accuracy uated by CLE, was significantly correlated with severity of
of 88.7% for predicting MAOs in patients with CD, with diarrhea in UC and CD.17 From these observations, the au-
positive and negative predictive values of 100% and 84.7%, thors speculated that resolution of mucosal permeability
respectively (Table 2). In the colon, barrier healing had an beyond mucosal healing might improve outcomes of pa-
accuracy of 72.7%, with positive and negative predictive tients with IBD.17
values of 70.4% and 73.6%, respectively. Diagnostic per- Based on this evidence, we hypothesized that barrier
formances for endoscopic healing, histologic healing, and healing, as assessed by dynamic monitoring of the intestinal
barrier healing for predicting MAO-free course of disease in barrier with CLE, might serve as an accurate parameter that
CD patients are summarized in Table 2. can predict long-term disease behavior in patients with IBD.
For this purpose, we conducted a large prospective study in
which patients with IBD in clinical remission were included
Discussion with subsequent close-meshed and multiannual follow-up,
Impaired barrier function and increased intestinal during which major clinical events were recorded. This
permeability are increasingly recognized as pivotal patho- study used established clinical scores, such as CDAI and
genic factors in IBD.36 Consistent with impaired barrier MCS, rather than biochemical markers or therapeutic regi-
function in patients with IBD, evidence from basic science mens to define clinical remission.5,22 Patients had normal or
studies has revealed impairments in tight junction function only slightly elevated CRP levels, with absent or subclinical,
and epithelial resistance in UC and CD patients,37–39 and mild systemic inflammation.
importantly, alterations in barrier function were found To gain broad insights into the diagnostic and predictive
evenly distributed and independent of focal lesions, such as capabilities of barrier assessment in these patients, we
erosions or ulcerations, in patients with CD.39 Recent comparatively assessed barrier healing against other estab-
studies also have successfully implemented CLE for dynamic lished or emerging treatment end points such as endoscopic
structural and functional assessment of the intestinal bar- and histologic healing. Our data clearly show that barrier
rier in vivo in patients with UC and in those with CD18,19 and healing, especially when present in the terminal ileum, is a
further substantiated the observation that impaired barrier prognostic parameter that by far outcompetes endoscopic and
function is indicative of relapsing disease behavior. Just histologic remission, or their combination, in forecasting the
recently, a prospective study in patients with IBD with occurrence of major clinical events in both UC and CD patients.
endoscopic mucosal healing was able to associate increased In UC, endoscopic remission is a key therapeutic goal
intestinal permeability with persistence of clinical that, as corroborated by several studies in the field including
February 2023 Intestinal Barrier Healing Predicts IBD Outcome 251
Table 2.Diagnostic Performances of Endoscopic Remission, Histologic Remission, and Barrier Healing for Predicting Major
Adverse Outcomes in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease Patients
Ulcerative colitis
Endoscopic remission (MES <1) 70.4 (59.2–80) 88 (68.8–97.5) 62.5 (48.6–75.1) 51.2 (42 -60.2) 92.1 (79.8–97.2)
Endoscopic healing (MES ¼ 0) 75.3 (64.5–84.2) 44 (24.4–65.1) 89.3 (78.1–96) 64.7 (43.3–81.5) 78.1 (71.4–83.7)
RHI remissiona 66.7 (55.3–76.8) 84 (63.9–95.5) 58.9 (45–71.9) 47.7 (39–56.6) 89.2 (76.6–95.4)
CI, confidence interval; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Histologic remission according to the RHI.
Histologic remission according to the NHI.
Endoscopic remission was defined as absence of erosions and ulcerations.
SES-CD <3 ¼ endoscopic remission.
Histologic remission was defined according to a mRiley score.
meta-analysis, is associated with favorable disease behavior patients from 15 studies, a meta-analysis by Park et al14
such as long-term corticosteroid-free clinical remission and quantified a risk reduction for clinical relapse in patients
colectomy-free survival.2,40 However, although an MES of with histologic remission of 52%, with superiority of his-
1 is generally accepted to indicate endoscopic remission, tologic remission over clinical and endoscopic remission in
decisive differences exist between patients with an MES of predicting clinical outcomes. Similarly, a recent meta-
0 and 1, as most recently evidenced in a meta-analysis of 17 analysis of 10 studies with patients with endoscopic heal-
studies including 2608 patients with UC in clinical remis- ing showed that patients with UC who achieved histologic
sion, which showed that patients with an MES of 0 had a remission had a 63% lower risk of clinical relapse
52% lower risk of clinical relapse compared with patients compared with patients with persistent histologic
with an MES of 1.15 To reflect these differences, we chose to activity.15
analyze both endoscopic remission (MES of 1) as well as In our study, histopathologic scoring was performed
endoscopic healing (MES of 0) for the prediction of long- using the RHI and the NHI, 2 of the most commonly used
term disease outcome in our study. As shown in time-to- scores, both of which are also validated. As shown in our
event analysis, endoscopic remission and endoscopic heal- study and consistent with data in the literature, histologic
ing were both associated with a significantly more favorable remission, as quantified by RHI and NHI, was associated
course of disease over a mean follow-up period of 25 with significantly lower risk of remaining with major clinical
months. As expected, patients with endoscopic healing were events in our cohort with UC compared with those patients
less likely to experience major clinical events compared who had histologically active disease. Our analysis on the
with patients with endoscopic remission, as shown in the diagnostic performances for predicting disease outcome
Kaplan-Meier analysis. showed both scores were comparably accurate in fore-
A similar result was obtained in CD. Assessing endo- casting the further course of disease. Furthermore, time-to-
scopic remission along an IO-IBD consensus definition that event analysis showed that the combination of endoscopic
is based on the absence or resolution of erosions and ul- remission and histologic remission, as assessed by the RHI,
cerations5,23 and the SES-CD, we found a significantly more increased the predictive values compared with histology or
favorable course of disease over a mean follow-up period of endoscopy alone, although this increase was only incre-
35 months in patients with endoscopic remission, with su- mental in our cohort.
periority of the SES-CD over the IO-IBD definition. Together, We did not find any differences in predicting the long-
these data are consistent with various studies, including term disease outcome between patients with CD with and
meta-analyses, showing that endoscopic remission or without histologic remission. Certainly, assessing histologic
mucosal healing is associated with long-term clinical remission is more complex in CD than in UC for several
remission and reduced need for surgical intervention in reasons. Firstly, no scoring system for assessing histologic
active CD.1,40,41 disease activity in CD has been validated to date.
Histologic remission represents an emerging end point Secondly, due to the discontinuous character of the
in IBD, particularly in UC. Analyzing data from >1500 disease with frequently patchy and focal distribution of
252 Rath et al Gastroenterology Vol. 164, No. 2
inflammatory lesions, CD is heterogenous, thereby The molecular reasons for these differences between
rendering CD more prone to sampling artifacts compared ileal and colonic disease are currently unclear but might be
with UC. To circumvent these challenges at least partly, we related to the local micromilieu. For instance, there are
took an approach where we obtained biopsy specimens not striking differences in the composition of the mucus layer
only from the site of CLE imaging, but also, if present, from between the ileum and the colon. The small intestine is
those parts of the ileum or colon exhibiting the most severe covered by a single, removable mucus layer that is pene-
inflammation on WLE. Clearly, in case histopathologic trable, with protection provided by antibacterial mediators,
scoring was different between biopsy samples from a single whereas there is a double mucus layer in the colon, in which
patient, the highest score was used for further analysis. To the inner layer is impenetrable to bacteria.46 Furthermore,
address the lack of a validated scoring system for CD, we ileum and colon are characterized by a distinct T-cell profile
made use of a comprehensive score with 6 histologic fea- and cytokine signature, with a predominant T helper 1 cells
tures previously described by Riley et al42 in combination profile in the colon and a mixed T helper 1 cell/17 cell
with typical histologic findings observed in CD (ie, profile in the ileum of patients with CD.47,48 Clearly, further
lymphocyte aggregates, granulomas, and eosinophils), so studies are needed to specifically investigate the molecular
that a score with 9 features was used, as previously re- mechanisms that drive barrier integrity in the ileum and
ported.34 However, in light of the lack of differences in long- colon and their implications in determining the further
term outcome between patients with CD with and without course of disease.
histologic remission, as observed in our study, and also the Nevertheless, the high positive and negative predictive
relatively weak differences between patients with and values for barrier healing in the ileum in both diseases
without endoscopic remission, these results indicate that might directly translate into clinical decision making. In this
additional parameters are needed in CD for more accurate context, high positive prediction might help in risk-
forecasting of future disease behavior. stratifying those patients in whom a complicated disease
Barrier healing on functional CLE imaging was superior behavior will occur with high probability, whereas, based on
in its ability to predict the further course of disease in both the high negative prediction, assessment of barrier healing
UC and CD, as shown by comparative analyses of the diag- in the ileum at the same time might allow the identification
nostic performances of the various parameters assessed in of patients in which the occurrence of major clinical event is
this study. Especially in the terminal ileum, barrier healing unlikely to occur. With this, we postulate that functional
had a considerably improved diagnostic performance assessment of the integrity of the intestinal barrier with CLE
compared with endoscopic and histologic remission: overall is a powerful parameter that when used in addition to
accuracy in UC and CD exceeded or closely reached the 90% established or emerging parameters, such as endoscopic and
threshold. Of note, barrier healing in the terminal ileum in histologic remission, may significantly extend the predict-
CD further exhibited a perfect specificity and a perfect ability of future disease behavior.
positive predictive value (both 100%). However, it has to be Consistent with results from our study, previous clinical
kept in mind that 83% of patients with CD included in this studies observed an increased intestinal permeability as
study had ileal involvement. assessed by CLE imaging despite the lack of macroscopic
Against the background that data from clinical behavior, inflammation in patients with IBD.17–19,49 In this regard, it is
epidemiology, genetics, and the gut microbiota suggest that noteworthy that impaired barrier dysfunction has been
ileal and colonic CD should be regarded as at least 2 noted also in nonulcerated epithelia from patients with IBD
different subtypes of CD,43 further studies need to clarify with even distribution of barrier function alterations in
whether barrier function in the ileum can forecast disease patients with CD.39 Furthermore, noninflamed ileum from
behavior equally well in ileal and colonic CD. The higher patients with CD exhibits increased permeability to large
diagnostic accuracy of ileal barrier healing over colonic proteins,50 and even in histologically unaffected ileal tissue
barrier healing for forecasting the further course of disease from patients with CD, increased epithelial uptake of protein
in patients with CD is especially interesting against the antigens has been found to be mediated by tumor necrosis
background that the development of a penetrating disease factor.51
phenotype is significantly higher in patients with ileal dis- The identification of surrogate markers for intestinal
ease compared isolated colonic disease.44 Furthermore, the barrier healing on endomicroscopy requires further in-
cumulative probability of progression from Montreal clas- vestigations. Here, we observed no correlation between
sification phenotype B1 to B2 and B3 is substantially higher barrier healing and serum levels of albumin, CRP, and
in patients with ileal disease (68%) than in those with zonulin. These findings suggested that the presence of in-
colonic disease (23%).44 testinal barrier healing cannot be predicted by these protein
Isolated ileal involvement is also associated increased serum markers.
risk of developing an intestinal complication compared with Furthermore, the structural alterations of the intestinal
patients with CD with isolated colonic involvement.45 These barrier in patients with leakage and absent barrier healing
data clearly indicate that ileal CD is more prone to occur- need future analyses. Although the association between
rence of disease complications than isolated colonic CD, and impaired barrier function and IBD was noted >30 years
it is tempting to speculate that integrity of the ileal barrier ago,52–55 it is unclear to date whether the leakage mainly
could be important to prevent ileal disease-associated occurs through the tight junction, and if so, what tight
complications in CD. junction alterations are present in patients with barrier
February 2023 Intestinal Barrier Healing Predicts IBD Outcome 253
dysfunction. Most studies on the paracellular route of predictive capabilities of barrier function might well exceed
transport describe at least 2 populations of pores regulated established or emerging parameters such as endoscopic and
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ions and molecules irrespective of charge.56 At the molec- stratifying patients with IBD and predicting complicated
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