HVAC Formulae

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HVAC Formulae


QTotal=CFM x (hi‐hf) x 4.5 Btuh

QSensible=CFM x (ti‐tf) x 1.085 Btuh

QLatent=CFM x (Gri‐Grf) x 0.068 Btuh

Humidification = CFM x (Grf‐Gri) /1,555lbs /hr

CFM = l/s x 2.12

Air Pressure Drop (in.WG) = Pa/249


Q = USGPM x (ti‐tf) x 500 Btuh

Q = USGPM x (ti‐tf) x 450 Btuh (50% E.G.)

Q = USGPM x (ti‐tf) /24Tons

USGPM = l/s x 15.85

Water Pressure Drop (ft.wg) = kPa x 0.335

1.0 PSI = 2.31 wg

7,000 Grains = 1.0 lb

1|P a g e
The Affinity Laws (Fan/Pump Laws)

rpm2/ rpm 1 = flow 2/ flow 1

∆P2/ ∆P1= (Flow2 /Flow1)2

mhp2/ mhp1=(Flow2 /Flow1)3

Pump BHP = USGPM x Head (ft. wg)/ 3960 x Pump Efficiency

FanBHP=CFM x S.P. (inchesWG)/ 6356 x Static Efficiency

Air‐Conditioning Basics

1 Ton of refrigeration=12,000 Btu/h = 200Btu/min

1 Therm =100,000 Btuh =100 MBH

COP = 3.516/(kw/Ton)

EER =Tons x 12/(TotalkWinput)

Btuh = Watt x 3.412

HP = kW x 1.3405

1 Boiler HP = 33.48 MBH

1 USGallon = 8.33lbs


2|P a g e

1lb=7000 grains

1ft(head)=0.433 psi

1 sq ft EDR(equivalent direct radiation) = 240 Btu

1 boiler horse power = 33,479 Btu/h

No. of air changes(N) = 60 cfm/ft3

Chiller capacity (tons)= gpm (chilledwater) x ∆t x (water)/24


1 lb/h = 4.5 Q
1 ton = Q h/2670

For Water:
1 lb/h=500gpm
1 ton = (gpm)∆t/24

Pump HP = gpm x ft head x Sp Gravity

3960 x Efficiency

Small pumps 0.40–0.60 efficiency

Large pumps 0.70–0.85 efficiency

3|P a g e

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