Formulas Well Surface 2015 PDF
Formulas Well Surface 2015 PDF
Formulas Well Surface 2015 PDF
Water Treatment Math Formulas for Surface and Well Exams
These formulas are intended to serve as a general resource and are not intended to be an all‐inclusive list.
Rectangle: A, ft2 = L * W
Circle: A, ft2 = 0.785 * D2
Rectangular Tank: V, ft3 = L * W * H
Circular Pipe or Tank: V, ft3 = 0.785 * D2 * H
Force, lbs = Area, Sq. Inches x PSI
DOSAGE (Pounds Formula)
Lbs = mg/L * MGD * 8.34
Mg/L = lbs
MGD * 8.34
AFI = Molecular Weight of Fluoride/Total Molecular Weight of Chemical * (100)
Feed Rate, lbs/day = (Dosage, mg/L)(Flow, MGD)(8.34, lbs/gal)
(Fluoride Solution, as a decimal)(Purity, as a decimal)
Feed Rate, gpd = Feed Rate, lbs/day
Chemical Solution, lbs/gal
Feed Dose, mg/L = Desired Dose, mg/L – Actual Concentration, mg/L
Mixture Strength, % = (Tank, gal)(Tank, %)+(Vendor, gal)(Vendor, %)
Tank, gal + Vendor, gal
For Saturator
Feed Rate, gpd = Capacity, gpd * dose, mg/L
18,000 mg/L
Filtration Rate (gpm/ft2) = flow, gpm
Surface Area ft2
Backwash Water, (gal) = (Backwash Flow, gpm)(Backwash Time, min)
Backwash Flow, (gpm) = (Filter Area sq. ft.)(Backwash Rate, gpm/sq ft.)
Backwash % = (Total Backwash, gal)(100%)
Totaled Filtered, gal
Rate of Rise, (ft/min) = Backwash Rate, gpm/ft2
7.48 gals/ft3
Revised 9/15
Water, whp = (Flow, gpm)(Total Water Head, ft)
Brake, bhp = (Flow, gpm)(Head, ft.)
(3,960)(Decimal Pump Efficiency)
Motor, mhp = (Flow, gpm)(Head, ft.)
(3,960)(Decimal Pump Efficiency)(Decimal Motor Efficiency)
Total Dynamic Head, ft = Static Head, ft. + Friction Loss, ft.
Cost = Motor, hp * .746 kW * Cost * Hrs. * Days
Well Disinfection
Chlorine Required/gallon =
(Casing Volume, gal)(Desired Dose, mg/L)
Chlorine Solution, mg/L
Dose (mg/L) = Demand (mg/L) + Residual (mg/L)
Chlorine Demand (mg/L) = Chlorine Dose (mg/L) – Chlorine Residual (mg/L)
Residual (mg/L) = Dosage (mg/L) – Demand (mg/L)
Chlorine lbs. =
(Hypochlorite, gal)(8.34 lbs/gal)(Hypochlorite, %)
Hypochlorite strength, % =
(Chlorine required, lbs/day)(100%)
(Hypochlorinator Flow, gal/day)(8.34 lbs/gal)
Water Added, gal to hypochlorite solution =
(Hypo, gal)(Hypo, %)‐(Hypo, gal)(Desired Hypo, %)
Desired Hypo, %
(Basin Vol, gal)(24 hr/day)(60 min/hr)
Flow, gal/day
Efficiency, % = (Mass In – Mass Out)(100%)
Mass In
Recovery, % = (Product Flow, MGD)(100%)
Feed Flow, MGD
Mineral Rejection, % = 1 ‐ Product TDS, mg/L (100%)
Feed TDS, mg/L
Revised 9/15
Grains/gallon = Total Hardness, mg/L
17.1 mg/L/Grain
Hardness, mg/L = (Hardness, grains/gal)(17.1 mg/L)
1 grain/gal
Exchange Capacity, grains = (Media Volume, ft3)(Removal Capacity, grains/ft3)
Water Treated, gal = Exchange Capacity, grains
Hardness Removed, grains/gal.
Bypass Water, gal = (Softener Capacity, gal)(Bypass Flow, gpd)
Softener Flow, gpd
Total Hardness, mg/L as CaCO3 =
Calcium Hardness, + Magnesium Hardness
(mg/L as CaCO3) (mg/L as CaCO3)
Polymer, lbs = (Polymer solution, gal)(8.34 lbs./gal)(Polymer, %)(Sp Gr)
Polymer, % = (Dry Polymer, lbs.)(100%)
(Dry Polymer, lbs + Water, lbs.)
Liquid Polymer, gals = (Polymer Solution, %)( Volume of Solution, gal)
(Liquid polymer, %)
Q = A * V V = Q / A A = Q / V
Temperature, oC = (oF ‐ 32 oF) / 1.8
Temperature, oF = (1.8 * oC) + 32 oF
Revised 9/15
1. 2.54 centimeters = 1 inch
2. 3.28 feet = 1 meter
3. 43,560 square feet = 1 acre
4. 640 acres = 1 square mile
5. 7.48 gallons = 1 cubic foot
6. 1.0 gallon of water = 8.34 lbs
7. 1.0 liter = 1,000 cubic centimeters
8. 1.0 liter = 1,000 milliliter (ml)
9. 1.0 gallon = 3.785 liters
10. 1.0 pound = 7,000 grains
11. 1.0 pound = 453.5 grams
12. 1.0 grain per gallon = 17.1 parts per million (p.p.m.)
13. 1.0 grain - 0.0648 grams
14. 1.0 p.p.m. = 8.34 lbs. per million gallons of water
15. 1.0 cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 pounds
16. 1.0 gram = 15.43 grains
17. 1.0 ounce = 28.35 grams
18. 1.0 ounce = 29.57 milliliter (ml)
19. 1.0 quart = 0.9464 liters
20. 1.0 foot of water = .433 psi
21. 1.0 psi = 2.31 feet of water
22. 1.0 inch of mercury = 1.13 feet of water
23. 1.0 Horsepower = 33,000 ft. lbs. per minutes
24. 1.0 Horsepower = 746 watts
25. 1.0 million gallons per day = 1.55 cubic feet per second
26. 1.0 million gallons per day 694 gallon per minute
27. 1 day = 1440 minutes
28. = 3.14
29. 1 meter = 100 centimeters
30. 1.0 kilograms = 2.205 lbs
31. 1 mile = 5,280 ft.
Revised 9/15