WLP Eng4 W1
WLP Eng4 W1
WLP Eng4 W1
E. Evaluation
Let the students answer the given activities in a book.
-English Edge 4 (Page 4 number 1-5)
-English Edge 4 (Page 7 and 8 Exercise 1 and Exercise 2)
2 At the end of the lesson, the learners will Noting Begin with classroom routine:
be able to: Significant a. Prayer;
a. Note significant details in Details b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols;
various text type; and Finding c. Checking of the attendance; and
b. Use dictionary to find meaning Meaning of a d. Ask the students how are they and what they feel.
of a word; and Word Using
c. Identify collective and abstract Dictionary A. Recall (Elicit)
nouns correctly. Guided Questions:
Sub topic: 1. Why it is important to delay judgment?
Collective and 2. What advice can you give to people who always judge one
Abstract Noun another?
B. Motivation (Engage)
The teacher will ask the class how much they love their mother, and will
require the class to give one word that will define their mother.
F. Evaluation
Let the students answer the given activities in a book.
-English Edge 4 (P12-13 Exercise 1)