Ittc Lesson Plan Revised
Ittc Lesson Plan Revised
Ittc Lesson Plan Revised
General Information
Teacher’s Name Lesson Type Level of Students No. of Students
Niloofar Mosadeghi Reading B1 7
Date of Lesson Length of Lesson Name of Observer
2024/10/23 30 mins M Bavali
Subsidiary Aims
1. Students will use recycled and new vocabulary in context to improve their speaking skills through
group discussions. (e.g., head off, spun, diamond, precious, Surface, glow)
All Materials and Resources Used
The reading taken from Family and friends 6, page 110.
The CD taken from Family and friends 6, page110, CD 101
Flashcards (planets)/ PowerPoint
The practice taken from workbook 6, Page105
Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions
1. Some students may struggle with the 1. Pre-teach key vocabulary and use visuals to
new vocabulary. aid understanding.
2. Limited participation from quieter 2. Pair work and small group discussions to
students. encourage participation.
3. Students may not be able to identify 3. Model the process with an example before
the main ideas and supporting details. reading the text together.
4. Students might struggle with 4. Encourage discussion about the meanings
interpreting poetic language and and feelings evoked by specific lines; use
imagery. visual aids to illustrate space concepts.
5. Some students may find it difficult to 5. Read aloud the poem dramatically to model
follow the rhythm and rhyme of the expression and engage students in a follow-
poem. along reading.
Instructor: 1
Stage Timing Aim Procedure
Make the students mind free a. Greet the class & ask how they feel.
Greeting/Warm Up 2 mins from other things. T - WC appearance/the weather etc.
b. “Let’s begin with a quick think-pair-share! Turn
to your partner and share about a dream you had
recently.” (tell students your dream first and use
new vocabulary in the reading)
Attract the students' attention a. Show images of outer space (planets, stars,
to the class. spaceships) and ask, “What do you see in these
Lead –in to the topic Make the students curious T - WC pictures? What do you dream about?”
(Engage) 3 mins about the new content. Make b. Briefly brainstorm with the class about their
the students ready for learning S–S thoughts on space and what it would be like to
the new content. travel there.
Introduce key vocabulary and a. Ask students to look at the pictures. Ask What
explain the poem’s structure can you see? What did the boy do in space? (Pre
and rhyme scheme, enhancing T - WC teach the difficult vocab)
Presentation 7 mins students’ understanding and b. Ask students to skim the poem, without reading
appreciation of the text . S–S in detail, to find the answer to the gist question. A
Answer comprehension (No, the boy’s mother doesn’t believe he went into
questions (identifying its main space.) ICQ: What are you going to do?
ideas) and interpretive c. Ask comprehension questions, e.g. Where did
questions. the boy head to? Where did the boy land?
d. Ask students to look at the example. Ask them
to find the part of the poem that tells them that
the boy saw a comet (line 3 of the first verse).
Ask students to read the text again and write short
answers to the rest of the questions. (In group)
Reinforce their understanding a. Conduct a vocabulary exercise where students
of vocabulary and improve their need to fill in the blanks in the text using the
Controlled Practice 5 min accuracy and boosts confidence S-S words from reading. Students can work in pairs to
as they apply what they’ve complete the task, and then review answers
learned in the exercise. together.
Instructor: 2
Encourage collaboration and a. In pairs or small groups, have students read
Less Controlled deeper comprehension. By the poem aloud. (play the CD)
Practice 3 min reading the poem aloud and t-s After reading, ask them to discuss what the boy’s
discussing its themes and s-s mother thinks about his dream and the aspects of
characters, students practice space travel mentioned in the poem. Provide
their speaking skills, engage guiding questions like:
critically with the text, and “What did the boy see on his journey?”
share interpretations, “Why might his mother think it was just a
enhancing their understanding dream?”
of the poem’s message and
supporting vocabulary use.
To write a paragraph using new s-s Have students write a short creative paragraph
words. about their own dream adventures. They should
Production 8 min Allow students to demonstrate include at least three vocabulary words from the
their understanding of the lesson and share their stories with a partner or
poem and express their the class.
interpretations creatively and
Assessment: 2 min Provide informal feedback t-s Collect students’ vocabulary exercises and creative
during pair shares to gauge paragraphs to assess understanding of the poem
comprehension and and use of vocabulary.
Instructor: 3