FP1 Proof by Induction MS

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OCR Maths FP1

Topic Questions from Papers

Proof by Induction


(iii) M= ⎛ 23 ⎞ M1 t CD )
Attempt to find DC (noPhysicsAndMathsTutor.com
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 01 ⎠ A1 2 Obtain given answer

B1 Explicit check for n = 1or n = 2

1 (iv)
k k
Mk = ⎛ 2 3(2 – 1) ⎞ M1 Induction hypothesis that result is true for Mk
4725 ⎜ ⎟ . Mark Scheme January 2006
⎝ 0 1 ⎠ M1 Attempt to multiply MMk or vice versa
k + 1Total
⎛ 3(2 – 1) ⎞ A1 Element 3(2k+1 –1) derived correctly
⎜2 ⎟ . A1 All other elements correct
⎝ 02 1 ⎠
1. (i) 2 + 16i –i –8i M1
A1 Attempt
6 to multiply
Explicit correctly
statement of induction conclusion
10 +15i A1 2 Obtain correct answer
(ii) M1 Multiply numerator & denominator by conjugate
A1 Obtain denominator 5
1 (Q9, June 2005)
(10 + 15i) or 2 + 3i A1ft 3 Their part (i) or 10 + 15i derived again / 5
2. 2 1
1 = ×1×2×3 B1 Show result true for n = 1or 2
1 2
n(n + 1)(2n + 1) + (n + 1) M1 Add next term to given sum formula, any letter OK
DM1 Attempt to factorise or expand and simplify

(n + 1)(n + 2){2(n + 1) + 1} A1 Correct expression obtained
6 5
A1 Specific statement of induction conclusion, with no
5 errors seen

3. 54
(i) (Q2, Jan 2006)
4725 Mark Scheme June 2006
⎡ 21 ⎤ ⎡ 11 ⎤ ⎡ 12 ⎤ M1 Show correct expansion process, allow sign slips
2⎢ ⎥ –1⎢ ⎥ +3⎢ ⎥
3 ⎣(i)1 3 ⎦
7. ⎣ 13 ⎦ ⎣ 11 ⎦ M1 Attempt at matrix multiplication
2 x 5 – 1 x 2 +3 x -1 A1
3 Obtain correct (unsimplified) expression
5 A1 Obtain correct answer

A2 = ⎛ 4 0 ⎞ A3 = ⎛ 8 0 ⎞
B1ft that MAis2 non-singular as det M non-zero,
(ii) A1 1 StateCorrect ft
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ A1 3 their determinant
Correct A3
⎝ 01 ⎠ ⎝ 01 ⎠ 4
2 B1 u + 2 squared and cubed correctly
u + 4u + 4 n
(ii) A = ⎛ 2 0 ⎞ n B1 1 Sensible conjecture made
⎜ ⎟
3 2
⎝ 0+ 18 ⎠
u + 6u + 12u B1 State that conjecture is true for n = 1 or 2
M1 Attempt to multiply An and A or vice versa
(iii) A1 Obtain correct matrix
A1 4 Substitute
Statementthese and attempt
of induction to simplify
A1 8 Obtain u – 5 = 0 or equivalent

8. u (i) 3 Correct solution to their equation

= 5 A1ft
(Q7, June 2006)
3 M1 Correct expansion process shown
x =2+ 5 A1ft Obtain 2 + their answer
[ Decimals score 0/2 of final A expression
⎡ a0 ⎤ ⎡ 10 ⎤ ⎡ 1a ⎤ A1
Obtain correct unsimplified
a⎢ ⎥ –4⎢ ⎥ +2⎢ ⎥
⎣ 21 ⎦ ⎣ 11 ⎦ ⎣ 12 ⎦
a – 2a A1 3 Obtain correct answer

(ii) M1 Solve their det M = 0

ordinates or complex numbers
7 shown

6.4 (i) B1 Correct expression for un+1

M1 Attempt to expand and simplify

un+1 – un = 2n +4 A1 3 Obtain given answer correctly

(ii) B1 State u1 = 4 ( or u2 = 10 )and is
divisible by 2
M1 State induction hypothesis true for
4725 Mark Scheme June 2007
M1 un
1 EITHER M1 A1 Use trig toAttempt
find an toexpression
use resultfor
in a(ii)
(or b)
a=2 A1 Obtain correct answer
4725 M1 Mark Scheme
A1 Attempt
5 toCorrect
find other value reached
conclusion January 2008
for un+1
A1 Obtain correct answer a.e.f.
b = 2 3, M1 (Allow
8 3.46 )
Clear,explicit statement of induction
6 (i) OR M1 B1 State 2 equations
Horizontal for aline
straight andinb 2 quadrants
7. (i) 2α + β = – 5 αβ = 10 A1 A1B1 B1 4B1 Through
2 State (0, 2)
correct values
B1 Attempt
Straight solve these equations (Q6, Jan 2007)
to line
= 2 2 b = 22 3
a(ii) B1 M1 Obtain
Throughcorrect answers
O with a.e.f.
– slope
α +β =5 B1
4 5 SRIn ±1 scores
st (α +
A1 only
quadrant only
(ii) A1 2 Obtain given answer correctly, using
25 3 1 2 2 B1 B1 Show
Stateresult true for
or obtain n=1
algebraically that y = 2
(1 = ) × 1 × 2 value of -5
2 3 + 42 i M1 Use suitable trigonometry
Product of roots = 1
(iii) M1 A1 B1 3 Add next term
Obtain to answer
correct given sum formula
a.e.f. decimals OK must
1 2 2 3 M1(indep) 8 Attempt to factorise
be a complex and simplify
n (n + 1) + (n + 1) Attempt to find sum of roots
7 (i) 4 A1 M1 M1 Use det
Correct A = 0 obtained convincingly
a = -6 A1 A1 5 2 Obtain correct answer
1 Obtain 5 or equivalent
(n + 1) (n⎛ 1+ 2)
− 23 ⎞ A1 Specific statement10of induction conclusion
(ii) 4 A-1 = a +1 6 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ B1 Both diagonals correct
x 2 − 12 x ⎝+21 = 0a ⎠ B1ft B1ft 4 Write
Divide by det Adown required quadratic
equation, -1
3 3Σr – 3Σr
+ Σ1 M1 M1 Consider
8 the
Premultiply sum oforthree
column any multiple.
by A , no terms
(Q2, method
June 2007)
x = a +4 6 , y = 2a −+a6 Obtain correct answers from their A -1

A1ft Correct formula stated

1 2
A1 A1ft 5
3Σr = n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
2 7
86 (i) 3 M1 Obtain next terms
3Σr = u3n(n
u2 = 4, = 9,+u1)
4 = 16 A1 A1 Correct
2 All termsformula stated
(ii) un = n2 A1 B1 1 Correct termconjecture
Sensible seen made
Σ1 = n M1 Attempt to simplify
(iii)n3 A1 B1 21 6 Obtain
Stategiven answer correctly
that conjecture is true for n = 1 or 2
M1 Find un+1 in terms of n
A1 6 Obtain ( n + 1 )2
4 B1 A1 4 Transpose
Statement of Induction
leading diagonalconclusion
and negate other
(i) 1 ⎛ 5 –1⎞ 7 diagonal or solve sim. eqns. to get 1st column
9 2 ⎜ ⎟ B1 2 Divide by the determinant or solve 2(Q8, nd
to 2008)
3⎝ – 3 1 ⎠ 2 nd
(i) α + 3α β + 3αβ + β 3
2 M1 2 column
getCorrect binomial expansion seen
A1 2 Obtain given answer with no errors seen
M1 Attempt to use B-1A-1 or find B
B1 B1 Attempt at use
State or matrix multiplication
correct values
(ii) Either
1 ⎛ α2+ β0 = 5⎞, αβ = 7 M1(indep) 4 One element correct, a.e.f,
2 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 23 – 53 ⎠ 6 All elements correct, a.e.f.
α + β = 20
A1ft M1 NBFind
ft consistent for α(i)3 + β 3
with their
numeric value
A1 Obtain correct answer
M1 Use new sum and product correctly in
6 quadratic expression
A1ft Obtain correct equation
x2 – 20x + 343 = 0 8 1

Substitute x = u 3
A1 Correct answer a.e.f.
4 PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

47 B1 Establish result is true, for n = 1 ( or 2 or 3 )

M1 Attempt to multiply A and An, or vice versa
M1 Correct process for matrix multiplication
A1 Obtain 3n + 1, 0 and 1
A1 Obtain ½(3n + 1 – 1)
A1 Statement of Induction conclusion, only
if 5 marks earned, but may be in body of
MT 6

(Q4, June 2008)

9. a 1 1 1 1 a M1 Correct expansion process shown

(i) a A1 Obtain correct unsimplified
1 2 1 2 1 1
78 (i) 13 n + 6 n −1 + 13 n +1 + 6 n B1 Correct expression seen
2a 2 2a M1 17 A1 3Attempt to factorise both terms in (i)
(ii) A1 3 Obtain correct
Obtain expression
correct answer
(ii) B1 M1 Check that result is true for n =1 ( or 2)
a = 0 or 1 B1 A1ft Recognise
is divisible
to 0 by 7
B1 A1ft 3Deduce
Obtain u n+1 is divisible
thatcorrect answers, by 7
ft solving a
B1 4 Clearquadratic
statement of Induction conclusion
8 (i)(iii) (a) M1 B1 B1 Equations
Expand at leastconsistent, but non
1 of the brackets unique
(Q7, Jan 2009)
A1 2 solutions
Derive given answer correctly
(b) B1 Correct equations seen &
(ii) α + β = 6k , αβ = k 2 B1 B1 B1 4Stateinconsistent,
or use correctnovalues
M1 Find value of α − β using (i)
9 i) α − β = (4 2 )k A1 M1 Attempt
Obtain given to findcorrectly
value next 2 terms
( allow if –6k
u 2 = 7 u 3 =19 A1 Obtain
used ) correct answers
A1 4 3 Show given result correctly
∑ α ' = 6k B1ft
Sum of new roots stated or used
Expression involving a power of 3
u = 2(3n – 1 )+ 1 M1 A1 Obtain
2Express newcorrect answer
α 'nβ ' = αβ − (α − β ) − 1 product in terms of old roots

(iii) A1ft B1ft Verify

Obtain result
correct truefor
value newnproduct
when = 1 or n = 2
α ' β ' = k 2 − (4 2 )k − 1 M1 Expression for u n +1 using recurrence
u n2+1 = 3(2(3n –21)+1) – 2 B1ft Writerelation
x − 6kx + k − (4 2 )k − 1 = 0 A1 4
down correct quadratic equation
Correct unsimplified answer
u n +1 = 2(3 ) + 1 A1 10 Correct answer in correct form
9 (i) M1 B1 Statement
Use correct of induction conclusion
A1 2 5Obtain given answer correctly
(ii) M1 Express terms as differences using
(Q10, (i) 2009)
M1 Do this for at least 1 3 terms
A1 First 3 terms all correct
A1 Last 3 terms all correct ( in terms or n or r)
1 + 13 − 1
2 n −1
− 1
2 n +1
M1 Show pairs cancelling
A1 6 Obtain correct answer, a.e.f.( in terms of n)
(iii) 3 B1ft 1 Given answer deduced correctly, ft their (ii)

10 (i)
B1 Correct M2 seen
1 4 1 6
M2 = M3 = M1 Convincing attempt at matrix
0 1 0 1
multiplication for M3
MT A1 3 Obtain correct answer
MT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 2n
(ii) Mn = B1ft 1 State correct form, consistent with (i)
4725 0 1 Mark Scheme January 2010
4725 Mark Scheme January 2011
10 (iii) M1 Correct attempt to multiply M & Mk
or v.v.
A1 Obtain element 2( k + 1 )
1 (i) (7 9 ) B1B1
A1 2 Each Clearelement
of induction step, from
SC (7,9)working
scores B1
B1 4 Clear statement of induction conclusion,
(ii) (18) 19 B1* following
Obtain correcttheir working
PMT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
depB1 2 Clearly given as a matrix
(iv) B1 Shear
(Q10, Jan 2010)
12 − 4 DB1 x-axis invariant
6 −2
DB1 3 Obtain e.g. ( 1,2 1× )2 →
( 21, 1 ) or equivalent
using scale factor or angles
A1 Obtain 2 correct elements
111 11 3 Establish
A1 result
Obtain other true forelements
2 correct n = 1or n = 2
7 Add next term to given sum formula
M1 Attempt to factorise or expand and
simplify to correct expression
2. (i) – 12 +13i B1B1 2 Correct
A1 Real and expression
parts correct
A1 5 Specific statement of induction
PMT (ii) B1 z* seen
M1 Multiply by w*
27 14
− i A1 Obtain correct real part or numerator
37 37
A1 4 Obtain correct imaginary part (Q1, June 2010)
or denom.
2 (i) (−7 ) M1 Obtain a single
Sufficient value
working must be shown
6 2 Obtain correct answer as a matrix
4 4a
1 (i) B1 3B seen or implied
12 0
3 12 (ii) 5 −20 M1
B1 Obtain
2 elements ×correct
a 2 result
2 matrix
true for n = 1 or 2
BA =
3 − 12 M1*
B1 3 Use given
Other result incorrect,
2 elements recurrence
a.e.f.,relation in a
A1 relevant
All way
including correct
A1* Obtain 2 + 1 correctly
−7 −20
depA1 4 Specific statement of induction conclusion
11 − 20 B1 4C seen or implied by correct answer
4 4a 3a
(ii) 4M1 Sensible attempt at matrix multiplication
4 1 B1ft 4 Obtain correct answer, ft for a slip in BA
for AB or BA
4 Either B1 Correct value for r stated(Q3,
or used
Jan 2011)
A1 62 Obtain correct answer
M1 Express as sum of two series
a 2 bn 5
n ( n + 1) 2 + (n + 1) A1 Obtain correct unsimplified answer
3 4 Either 2 M1 Express as a sum of 3 terms
2 13 M1
B1 Compare
Establish coefficients
standard sum
result ornsubstitute
true for = 1 or 2 values
M1* for
Addn next term to given sum formula
a = 42 nb(n=+–1)(42n + 1) − 2n(n + 1) + n A1
DM1A1 6 Obtain
with answers
Or 3 A1 Correct unsimplified
A1 Obtain correct expression convincingly
A1 5 Use 2 values
Specific for n of induction conclusion,
a + b = 0 4a + b = 12 A1 A1 Attempt
M1 Obtain to factorise
st equations
provided 1 4 marks earned
Obtain at least factor of n and a
1 M1 Solve simultaneous
quadratic equations
a = 43 nb( 2=n –− 14)(2n + 1) A1 A1
A1 Obtaincorrect
6 Obtain correct answer
3 k2 16 Or B1 Obtain correct det
(Q2, June 2011)
2n n M1 Equate their det to 0
k 4 r2 −4 r2 A1
M1 3 Express
Obtain as difference
correct answersof 2 r2 series
5 r =1 r =1 B1 (A-1)-1 = A seen or implied
4725 Mark Scheme January 2012
PMT PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com
Question Answer Marks Guidance

14 (i) M1 Attempt at matrix multiplication
Question Answer MarksA1 Obtain M2 correctly Guidance
A1 Obtain given answer correctly
3 M1 Use sum of root and conjugate
a = –8 A1 Obtain correct answer
7 (ii) 3n 0 M1 B1 Use 3product of correct
elements root and conjugate
b n= 25 A1 B1 Obtain th correct answer
4 element correct
3 1 1
M1 Substitute 4 + 3i or conjugate into equation
7 (iii) M1 B1 Equate
Show real andtheir
that imaginary
result isparts
true for n = 1 or 2
a = –8 A1 M1 Obtain correct
Attempt find Mk .M or vice versa
to answer
b =3k25
0 A1 A1 Obtain correct
Obtain answer
correct answer
4 3k 1
1 1 M1 Express as sum of 3 series
PMT M1 B1 UseComplete
standard series results, at least 1 conclusion
statement of induction Must have 1st 3 marks
A1 [4] Two terms correct
1 3
4725 2
n( n 1)(2 n 1) 2
n( n 1) 2 n A1 MarkThird term correct
Scheme January 2013
M1 Obtain factor of n
8 Question Answer M1
Marks Combine with a common denominator Guidance (Q7, Jan 2012)
n( n 2 1) A2
Obtain correct answer c.a.o.
Obtain given answerexpansion
9 (i) M1 Attempt at complete
[2] 1
A1 AllowObtain
A1 correct
for unsimplified
A1 2 ( 2 n 2correctly
8 (ii) M1 Obtain termsanswer
Expressgiven using (i)
A1 At least 1st two and last two correct
9 (ii)
Verify result true when n = 1
Show terms cancelling
n 1 M1* Add next(anywhere)
State term in series correct values for , ,
p, 4, 3 DepM1 A1 Attempt
Obtainto correct
obtain answer, in terms of n
A1M1 [4] Show
Express givenworking
sufficient expression as a single
to justify fraction
A1 expression
Obtain correct expression using (i)
B1M1 Clear Usestatements
their values of for sum ofprocesses,
Induction roots etc. in
1st expression
16 6 p A1 4 marks
all beanswer
4725 9 [5] Mark Scheme June 2013
Or 7 (Q5, June 2012)
Question Answer B1 MarksUse substitution 1 / u Guidance
9u 3 (6 p 16)u 2 (8 p 2 )u 1 0 M1
1 M1Rearrange
Use correct trig expression
appropriately and square out
A1 Obtain correct co-efficients 3 2
√316 6 p M1 A1Use (+/-)b/a
Obtain correct answer of u and u
from their cubic
9 A1 M1Obtain Correct expression for modulus
correct answer
2√3 A1FT Obtain correct answer aef
16 (i) 2 2 2 B1 B1 x 3, Obtain 3 correct values
3 – , 3i , B1FT Correct conjugate seen or implied
3 5 7 B1
–√3 i B1 B1FT Correct
Justify given answer
[3] [6]
10 (i)
(ii) 7 223 M1 B1B1 Eachinelement
Fraction, terms ofcorrect,
n, withmissing
correct brackets
numerator B1oronly
2n 1 A1 [2]Obtain correct answer a.e.f.
2 (ii) 6 15 [2] M1 Obtain 2 × 2 matrix
10 (iii) 2 B1ft A1VerifyObtain
result 2true whenelements
correct n = 1, for their (ii), or n = 2, 3 or 4
4 10
2( n 1) 1 M1 A1Expression
Obtainfor un +21 using
other correctrecurrence
elements relation in terms of n using their (ii)
det CB = 0 A1 A1FT Obtain
Correct their det answer
unsimplified CB, must be a 2 × 2 matrix
singular A1 A1FT Correct
Correct answer conclusion
in correctfrom
formtheir det CB
B1 [5]Specific statement of induction conclusion, previous 4 marks must be earned, n=1
[5] must be verified
3 x2 y 2 11 and xy 6 5 M1 Attempt to equate real and imaginary parts of (x + iy)2 and 11 + 12√5
A1 Obtain both results cao (Q10, Jan 2013)
M1* Obtain a quadratic in x2 or y2
±( 2√5 + 3i) DM1 8 Solve a 3 term quadratic to obtain a value for x or y
A1 Obtain 1 correct answer as complex number
A1 Obtain only the other correct answer
17 B1 Establish result true for n = 1 or n = 2
M1 Multiply M and Mk, either order
1 1 1
2 2k 2 2 or 2k 2k 2 A1 Obtain correct element
A1 Obtain other 3 correct elements
A1 Obtain 2k 2 2 convincingly
Specific statement of induction conclusion, provided 5/5 earned so far and
verified for n = 1

(Q4, June 2013)


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