Cyberprograms & Stuff

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A/S/D/F Boosters

 Decryption: +1 Attack
 Encryption: +1 Firewall
 Stealth: +1 to Sleaze
 Toolbox: +1 Data Processing

Situational A/S/D/F Boosters

 Crash: +2 Data Processing when attempting a Reboot Device action
 Edit: +2 Data Processing for the Edit File action
 Exploit: +2 Sleaze when attempting a Hack on the Fly action
 Paintjob: +2 Attack for the Erase Mark action
 Smoke-and-Mirrors: +1 to +5 (user choice) to Sleaze with equivalent amount of noise added to any tests performed
with the deck. Noise also affects Trace Icon tests performed against the deck.
 Swerve: +1 Firewall attribute for resisting Reboot Device attempts
 Track: +2 Data Processing for the Trace User action. Alternately, if the target is running Sneak, Track negates the +2
dice pool bonus from that program. Note that the program delivers one of the listed benefits, not both.

Utility Dice Pool Boosters

 Sneak: +2 dice pool bonus to defend against Trace User actions. Additionally, if you are converged on you while this
program is running, they don’t get your physical location, although you’re still hit with all the other bad stuff that
happens when you're converged on.

 Biofeedback: When your attack causes Matrix damage, the target is hit with an equal amount of Stun (if the target is
using cold-sim) or Physical (if the target is using hot-sim) biofeedback damage. This program also applies to damage
caused by failed Attack actions against you. Biofeedback damage is resisted with Willpower + Firewall. This program
only works if the target is biological in nature (a security spider, for instance).
 Blackout: This is a kinder version of Biofeedback. It works the same way, but only causes Stun damage, even if the
target is using hot-sim.
 Cat's Paw: On a successful Data Spike action, instead of doing damage, the program generates a negative dice pool
modifier equal to two plus the number of marks the user has on their target. Marks added or removed after using Cat’s
Paw will also modify the penalty accordingly.
 Hammer: Whenever you cause Matrix damage with an action, inflict +2 DV worth of Matrix Damage. This does not
apply against targets that take damage from failing an Attack action against you.
 Lockdown: When you cause damage to a persona, he or she is link-locked until you stop running this program or they
successfully Jack Out.
 Mugger: Bonus damage from marks is increased by 1 DV per mark.
 Tantrum: If even a single box of Matrix Damage is scored, the program does no damage from the Data Spike;
instead, the targeted user experiences Nausea for three Combat Turns. Effective against all technomancers, as well as
cold sim or hot sim deckers, but it does nothing to users working in the Matrix in AR, IC, and agents.
 Tarball: +2 Attack and +1 dice pool to Crash Program actions. This bonus is for Crash Program attempts only. This
affects a random program rather than chosen one.

Damage Mitigation
 Armor: +2 dice pool to resist Matrix damage
 Biofeedback Filter: +2 dice pool to resist biofeedback damage
 Guard: Reduces the extra damage you take from marks by 1 DV per mark
 Shell: +1 dice pool to resist Matrix and biofeedback damage

 Cloudless: In addition to saving a file, it allows the user to use a successful Edit File action to move a file off the
Matrix into the memory of a single designated device. This test is an Opposed Test, using the normal rules for Edit
File. The Public grid has a dice pool of 6, local grids a dice pool of 8, and global grids a dice pool of 10 for the
purposes of this test.
 Nuke-from-Orbit: If used to delete a file (the Edit File action should be used), this program ensures that no one will
ever be able to recover the file from the Matrix. Any Overwatch Score generated from the Opposed Test is doubled.
All copies of the file are considered to be gone from the Matrix; offline backups and the Resonance realms are the
only options for getting the file back.
 Shredder: +2 data processing for deleting files with the Edit File action. Recovering a file that has been Shredded (or
destroyed by a Data Bomb, for that matter) requires constant access to the host or grid the file was originally on, and a
Computer (File Recovery) + Logic [Mental] (18, 1 week) Extended Test.

Data Management
 Browse: Cuts the time required to perform a Matrix Search action in half.
 Evaluate: With constant updates from a series of Black BBS that specialize in monitoring paydata auctions, this
program calculates how much a certain amount of paydata might be worth, in order to allow the decker to only take an
amount that would limit the amount of heat they would generate in stealing a little extra while on the job.
 Search: +2 to Matrix Search when looking for specific data on host. No bonus outside of hosts.

Data Bombs
 Defuse: +4 dice pool to resist damage from a Data Bomb.
 Demolition: adds 1 to the rating of any Data Bomb you set while this is running.
 Detonator: With delicate monitoring, this cyberprogram is able to determine how often a file is accessed, and it sets a
data bomb to go off after it has been affected a set number of times. To use this program, a decker attempts a Set Data
Bomb action; if successful, they can then select how many actions can be executed with the file before the bomb goes
off. They can also choose whether the Data Bomb does Matrix damage or just deletes the file. Similar to a Data Bomb,
a Detonator can be detected with a Matrix Perception Test and defused with a Disarm Data Bomb action. Notoriously
difficult to spot, Detonator-enabled data bombs are considered to have a Device Rating of 3 and a Sleaze attribute
equal to [Remaining actions before detonation – 1] for the purposes of opposing Matrix Perception tests.

 Baby Monitor: Current Overwatch Score is always visible
 Fly on a Wall: While this program is running, and the decker is performing no actions other than Matrix Perception
tests, the Overwatch Score only increases by 1D6 per half-hour (rolled in secret by the gamemaster as normal). The
program requires a Hide action in order to activate properly, and it does not assist in any way in preventing any other
icon from noticing the decker.

 Bootstrap: Bootstrap allows for hidden commands to be input into the device after the next reboot. This cyberprogram
allows for a variety of tasks to be set up in the boot record by way of a Format Device action rather than just setting
the device up to no longer function.
 Configurator: Stores 1 alternative configuration for your deck (both attributes and programs), even if this program
gets swapped out.
 Fork: You can perform a single Matrix action on two targets with this program. You make a single test, with
modifiers from each target both counting toward your dice pool. Each of the targets defend with their own dice pools.
Determine the result of the actions separately against each target. Since this is only a single roll, you can re-roll
failures, break the limit, or burn edge against both targets with only one point of edge.
 Hitchhiker: This program allows a decker to bring another individual (another decker or a non-decker) along with
them into a Foundation.
 Signal Scrub: Grants Rating 2 noise reduction.
 Virtual Machine: Your deck can run two additional programs, but whenever your persona takes Matrix damage, it
takes an additional box of Matrix damage that cannot be resisted.
 Wrapper: This program overrides the Matrix protocols for icons. While this program is running, your icons can be
anything that you want them to be when you use the Change Icon action.

Damage in Matrix:
X Matrix damage --> resist with Device Rating + Firewall --> Y boxes of damage to device
Y biofeedback damage --> resist with Willpower + Firewall --> Z biofeedback damage to condition monitor (Physical or
Hacking Hosts
Computer Matrix Perception
Software Data Bombs

Anytime you see a file, you always check it for data bombs. ALWAYS.

WHEN DISARMING DATA BOMBS: do it in AR, from your commlink, NOT your deck. If (heaven forbid) it explodes,
you won't have to deal with biofeedback and only worry about your 15k Nuyen 'link getting bricked, not your 200k+
Nuyen deck.

Példajátékok: DT 87.o; DT 181.o

"Personally I would allow someone to do breaking and entering to place a datatap (...) to give the decker a wireless access
to a device whilst bypassing host defences. They would still suffer noise distance penalties from their deck to the
datatap, and any penalties due to intervening materials, and any penalties due to the highest of local and datatap
spam/static zones.
Part of the reason I allow this (other than, for me, logic), is that it turns hacking from something the hacker does to
something the team does. If (as my new group will) an NPC Hacker is used, it also means that all the tricky on-site
hacking part of getting a connection for the hacker is done by the players, not the NPC."

I completely agree.
If I as a GM want to prevent abuse, I'll just introduce Faraday wallpaper into the situation and be done with it.
And otherwise the wireless remote destruction wouldn't make any sense at all."

Host Rating: 5 (IC statistics: CRB 247); Configuration: Attack 6, Sleaze 5, Data Processing 7, Firewall 8

Security: Patrol IC running. (M. Perc.:

1D6 + 2 Combat Turns)
One Standard Security Spider
Once alarmed, the host launches IC in
this order: Probe, Black IC, Sparky,
and Track.
If one of its IC gets bricked, it will use
the next Combat Turn to reboot that IC
rather than moving on to the next one.

Feladat 1: infószerzés (hely alaprajz és

őrjárat útvonalak = 2 fájl)

Feladat 2: bejuttatni a csapatot (3 zár és

4 kamera)

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