Sentence Pyramid

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Sentence Pyramids help children struggling to move from reading words to reading
sentences. It will support children in the next step from reading single words to sentences.
Research states that students need 4-6 weeks of practice before obtaining a new skill.
Students need a lot of practice and repetition when it comes to blending, segmenting and
reading words.

How to Play
1. Begin by writing the numbers one through six down the left-hand side of the paper or
whiteboard. Write a small sentence on the first line, such as: "I saw a boy."
2. Ask your child to add a word describing the boy. ("I saw a small boy.") Write this
sentence on the second line.
3. Next, add a word describing what the boy is doing ("I saw a small boy running.") and
write that sentence on the third line.
4. Continue taking turns adding words to the sentence until you've created six or seven
sentences. When you are done, your child will see how building onto that sentence made
the sentence expand. It should like a set of stairs like this:

I saw a boy.
I saw a small boy.
I saw a small boy running.
I saw a small boy running away.
I saw a small boy running away from a dog.
I saw a small boy running away from an angry dog.

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