Flipgrid Presentational Speaking Rubric
Flipgrid Presentational Speaking Rubric
Flipgrid Presentational Speaking Rubric
Grading Rubric:
4 3 2 1
Content & I provide detailed I respond to prompt, I do not respond I do not respond to
Completion responses that meet but may lack detail entirely to prompt prompt and am
prompt and time and depth; response and/or lack much lacking in many
requirements may be slightly short depth in responses; or ideas/depth; or very
short response short
Grammar & Accurate use of Several minor Numerous errors in Major grammar/vocab
Vocabulary chapter-related grammar/vocab grammar/ vocab errors
vocabulary and errors; do not interfere interfere with
grammar w/ comprehension comprehension
Pronunciation & I am well prepared; no I am well prepared; I am not well prepared; I did not prepare well. I
Preparedness hesitations; no reading slight hesitations or hesitations and hesitate often and/or
of notes glances at notes glances at notes are read almost entire
prevalent response
Excellent and correct Some errors in
pronunciation pronunciation Errors in pronunciation Major pronunciation
____ / 12 puntos
____ / 12