Oral PPT Presentation Rubric

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Oral PPT Presentation Rubric: Job

Criteria 4 - Excellent 3 - Good 2- 1 - Needs Points
Satisfactory Improvemen

Grammar Virtually no Few Some Frequent /4

grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
errors. errors, errors; errors;
Sentence mostly sentence sentence
structure is correct structure is structure is
varied and sentence often confusing.
appropriate. structure. unclear.

Visual Aid Slides are Slides are Slides are Slides are /4
visually clear and somewhat confusing or
appealing, mostly disorganized missing;
well- organized; or cluttered; visuals
organized, visuals visuals detract from
and enhance generally occasionally the
the support the distract presentation
presentation content. from the .
. content.

Content Content is Content is Content is Content is /4

accurate, accurate but somewhat inaccurate,
detailed, and may lack accurate but incomplete,
fully some depth lacks depth or irrelevant
addresses or details. and details. to the topic.
the topic of
job careers.

Pronunciatio Clear and Mostly clear Pronunciatio Pronunciatio /4

n correct pronunciatio n errors n errors
pronunciatio n, with occasionally often hinder
n, easy to minor hinder understandi
understand. mistakes. understandi ng.

Presentation Presenter is Presenter is Presenter Presenter is /4

Display confident, mostly lacks not
engages the confident, confidence confident,
audience, with minor or shows little
and uses lapses in occasionally to no
appropriate engagement fails to engagement,
body or body engage the and uses
language language. audience. inappropriat
and eye e body
contact. language.

Organization Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation /4

is well- is mostly lacks a clear is
structured organized, structure or disorganized
with a clear with minor flow. and lacks
introduction lapses in structure.
, body, and structure.

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