Mapping of Required Skills To Develop Among SHS Graduates

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2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

Template for Workshop 1 (Experiencing the Process of Determining and Addressing Students’ Learning Loss)

Most Essential Topics of What content- What questions Organize these

___(Core Subject Name)____ Key Areas of Life Skills (WHO, 1999) knowledge must best assess the questions as the
have been MET’s prerequisite subject’s
Communication Decision- Creative Self- Assertiveness Resilience mastered by content-knowledge diagnostic test.
& Interpersonal making & & awareness & Equanimity & Coping students before to gauge the
Relationship Problem- Critical & with engaging into the readiness of a Provide answer
solving Thinking Empathy Problems MET? student in key and score
developing the life guide.
skill(s) aimed in
teaching the MET?
1. Knowing Oneself Defining “self” Illustration and
Essay (5)
2. Developing the Identify the 3 Identification (with
Whole Person aspects of Personal choices) (5) and
Development True or False (2)
3. Coping with Defining “stress” Situational Analysis
Stress in Middle (2) and
and Late Identification (with
Adolescence choices) (5)
4. Power of the Understanding Multiple Choice (5)
Mind concepts of left and True or False
and right brain (4)
5. Personal Expressing oneself True or False (2)

6. Social Social Self True or False (2)

Relationships in
Middle and Late
7. Family Structure Family and its Identification (6)
and Legacies structure.
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

8. Understanding Conflict Situational Analysis

Conflict (2)
9. Persons and Careers Essay (5)

Template for Workshop 2 (Designing an Intradisciplinal Performance Task (that is reflective of the four exits of the K to 12 programs in a VUCA world context to
ensure SHS students’ analytical capabilities and capacities in addressing problems of the future)

Expected Output:
INTRAdisicplinary Performance Task

G - Your goal is to provide all the necessary documentation based on your desired plan after graduating from Senior High School.
R - you are a senior high graduate applying for college application, Technical Vocational program, employment, and entrepreneur presenting business proposal.
A - the person conducting the interview is your audience.
S - you must prepare all the relevant documents for the interview.
P- interview and Portfolio
S – the clarity of the information, as well as the neatness and organization of the portfolio, will be assessed. For the interview, your appearance, communication skills,
posture, and eye contact will be evaluated.
Transfer Goal In a society where a young persons are What skills to champion in List of Skills to champion in teaching the
What in the long run starting to venture into this world teaching the subject are measured subject
after SHS can students confused, lost and overwhelmed, the 21 st (?)… (Must speak of the nature of the discipline
do on their own with Century learners are expected to 1. Communication & of the subject)
what they learned?” demonstrate a deep understanding about Interpersonal Relationship 1. Communication & Interpersonal
themselves and their developmental 2. Decision making & Problem Relationship
changes, equipping appropriate skills and 2. Decision making & Problem solving
traits to relate with other people thus, 3. Self-Awareness & Empathy
3. Self-Awareness & Empathy
showing awareness personal techniques 4. Resilience & Coping with Problems.
in coping stress and their mental health 4. Resilience & Coping with
issues by identifying their vulnerabilities Problems.
and planning how to stay mentally
healthy for the improvement of their
social skills and behavior through
relationship with family, friends and
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

significant others that will help them in

choosing their career.
Performance Scenario … when a student after graduating List of Preparatory Skills of the 4Exits of the
in the SHS: K to 12 Program
What real life situation
can students put
 proceeds to college? Communication, Thinking, Problem-
themselves in where
they can perform the solving, Research
transfer goal?”
 puts up own business? Communication, Creative Thinking
Problem-solving, Risk-taking Leadership

 is employed in any Communication Planning, Organizing, and

institution? Initiative Problem-solving & Self-mgt.,
Learning, Teamwork

Communication, Creative Thinking,

 proceeds to technical- Problem-solving
vocational programs? Technical

Templates for Workshop 3 (Translating an Intradisciplinal Performance Task into Multi- and Inter- disciplinal Performance Tasks

MULTIdisciplinal Performance Task

G - Your goal is to provide all the necessary documentation based on your desired plan after graduating from Senior High School.
R - you are a senior high graduate applying for college application, Technical Vocational program, employment, and entrepreneur presenting business proposal.
A - the person conducting the interview is your audience.
S - you must prepare all the relevant documents for the interview.
P- interview and Portfolio
S – the clarity of the information, as well as the neatness and organization of the portfolio, will be assessed. For the interview, your appearance, communication skills,
posture, and eye contact will be evaluated.
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

In a society where a young persons are starting to venture into this world confused, lost and overwhelmed,
the 21st Century learners are expected to demonstrate a deep understanding about themselves and their
Transfer Goal is the same with that of developmental changes, equipping appropriate skills and traits to relate with other people thus, showing
the INTRAdisciplinal Performance Task awareness personal techniques in coping stress and their mental health issues by identifying their
vulnerabilities and planning how to stay mentally healthy for the improvement of their social skills and
behavior through relationship with family, friends and significant others that will help them in choosing their

 Communicative or speech styles or context
(the learner recognizes that communicative
competence requires understanding of
Discipline speech style, speech act and communicative
 Oral Communication strategy.
Performance scenario maintains the
 Reading and Writing Skills  Creating Resume and Business Proposal (the
inclusion of the 4 exits of the K to12
 Physical Education and Health learner understands that requirements of
Program but MUST be analyzed and
 Understanding Culture, Society and Politics composing academic writing and professional
solved in 3 or more lenses (i.e., using the
theories, concepts, and methods of each
 The learner demonstrates understanding of
fitness and exercise in optimizing one’s health
and habit; as prerequisites for physical
activity assessment performance, and as a
career opportunity.
 Topic: Conformity and Defiance,
Understanding Roles, and Social Groups in

INTERdisciplinal Performance Task

2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

G - Your goal is to provide all the necessary documentation based on your desired plan after graduating from Senior High School.
R - you are a senior high graduate applying for college application, Technical Vocational program, employment, and entrepreneur presenting business proposal.
A - the person conducting the interview is your audience.
S - you must prepare all the relevant documents for the interview.
P- interview and Portfolio
S – the clarity of the information, as well as the neatness and organization of the portfolio, will be assessed. For the interview, your appearance, communication skills,
posture, and eye contact will be evaluated.

In a society where a young persons are starting to venture into this world confused, lost and overwhelmed, the
21st Century learners are expected to demonstrate a deep understanding about themselves and their
Transfer Goal is the same with that of developmental changes, equipping appropriate skills and traits to relate with other people thus, showing
the INTRAdisciplinal Performance Task awareness personal techniques in coping stress and their mental health issues by identifying their
vulnerabilities and planning how to stay mentally healthy for the improvement of their social skills and behavior
through relationship with family, friends and significant others that will help them in choosing their career.
Performance scenario maintains the
inclusion of the 4 exits of the K to12 Screening and Interview
Program but MUST be analyzed and Portfolio (Requirements Compilation)
solved in 3 or more lenses (i.e., using Medical Examination
the theories, concepts, and methods of
each discipline)

Performance Task:
For Employment / Middle Level Skills Development Business/Entrepreneurship College Admission
Senior High School Graduate Entrepreneur Senior High School Graduate
After graduating from Senior High School, you opted to After graduating from Senior High School, After graduating from Senior High School, you
work rather than going to college because of financial you will establish a business. In order to start planned to enroll for college. In order to be
problems. For you to proceed to the interview phase, you a business, you need to submit a business admitted to college, you are required to submit all
need to present all the documents required by the proposal to Department of Trade and the necessary documents to the School’s Registrar
Human Resource Officer. You are going to submit the Industry (DTI) for business assistance. You in a Portfolio Form:
following documents in a portfolio form: are going to submit the following  Enrolment Form
 Resume requirements in a Portfolio Form:  PSA/NSO Certificate (Original Copy)
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

 Application Letter  Nature of Business  2*2 ID Picture (2 pcs)

 PSA/NSO Certificate (photocopy)  Project Proposal  Form 138 (Original Copy)
 2*2 ID Picture (2 pcs)  Business Clearance  Form 137 (Original Copy)
 Barangay Clearance  Barangay Clearance  Good Moral
 Cedula  Cedula  Medical Certificate
 Police Clearance  Mayor’s Permit Your portfolio must contain a convincing
 Good Moral Your portfolio must contain a convincing information for you to proceed to Interview Phase
 Certificate of Immersion information for you to proceed to Interview through these standards:
 Medical Examination Phase through these standards:  Clarity of Content (50%)
Your portfolio must contain a convincing information for  Clarity of Content (50%)  Neatness and Organization (50%)
you to proceed to Interview Phase through these  Neatness and Organization (50%) Your interview will be assessed based on the
standards: Your interview will be assessed based on the following criteria:
 Clarity of Content (50%) following criteria:  Communication Skills (40%)
 Neatness and Organization (50%)  Communication Skills (40%)  Appearance (30%)
Your interview will be assessed based on the following  Appearance (30%)  Posture And Eye Contact (30%)
criteria:  Posture And Eye Contact (30%)
 Communication Skills (40%)
 Appearance (30%)
 Posture And Eye Contact (30%)


CRITERIA 50 40 30 20
CLARITY OF CONTENT (50%) The portfolio contains all the The portfolio contains most of The portfolio contains some of The portfolio contains little of
required documents. the required documents. the required documents. the required documents.
NEATNESS AND Portfolio is presented in a Portfolio is presented in a neat Portfolio is presented in an Portfolio appears sloppy and
ORGANIZATION (50%) neat, clear, organized and organized fashion that is organized fashion but may be unorganized. It is hard to
fashion that is easy to read. usually easy to read. hard to read at times. know what information goes
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

CRITERIA 50 40 30 20
COMMUNICATION SKILLS Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaking is clear with minimal Speaking is unclear – lapses in Speaking us unclear – very
(50%) with no lapse in sentence mistakes in sentence structure sentence structure and difficult to understand
structure and grammar and grammar. grammar. message of what is being said.
usage: speaks concisely with Volume is appropriate. Volume is uneven (varied). Volume is inappropriate for an
correct pronunciation. interview.
Volume conveys business
APPEARANCE (30%) Overall appearance is very Overall neat appearance. Appearance is somewhat Overall appearance in untidy.
neat. Choice in clothing is acceptable untidy. Choice of clothing is
Choice in clothing is for the type of interview. Choice in clothing is inappropriate in any job
appropriate for any job Well groomed. inappropriate. interview.
interview. Grooming attempt is evident. Poor grooming.
Very well groomed.
Overall appearance is
POSTURE AND EYE CONTACT Sits up straight; excellent Sits up straight; good posture; Sits up straight; average posture Does not look at persons
(20%) posture; looks relaxed and establishes eye contact with establishes eye contact with involved in the interview
confident; establishes eye interviewers during the interviewers during the process; keep head down;
contact with the interview. interview. minimal eye contact with the
interviewers during the interviewers during the
interview. interview.
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

MULTI-INTERdisciplinal Performance Task

GOAL – the learners in the long run will be able to reflect on human life through infomercial.
Role – technical and production staff
Transfer Goal is the same with Audience – community
that of the INTRAdisciplinal Situation – A social media platform is disseminating infomercial with the theme: “Kumusta, Beshy Ko?”
Performance Task Product – Based on the research the learners conducted informative commercial that portrays the sacredness of human
Standard depends on different discipline

Performance scenario To create an informative commercial that portrays the sacredness of human life. – infomercial non-government
maintains the inclusion of the 4 organization.
exits of the K to12 Program but
MUST be analyzed and solved MIL – ICT Multimedia output
in 3 or more lenses (i.e., using English – composing and delivering speech
the theories, concepts, and Philosophy – logical thinking and reflection
methods of each discipline) and Personal Development – mental health and well-being and developmental of a whole person
by utilizing the methods of Statistics and Probability – Data analysis
different disciplines UCSP – culture and social awareness
Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino– kamalayan sa paggamit ng mga salita sa pagpapahayag ng
mensahe na nilalaman ng komersyal.
PE – promotion of fitness, safety, and wellness
Physical Science – safety and precaution
21st Century - literature
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers


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