Ref 550
Ref 550
Ref 550
Technical Reference
1 Model information 1
2 General description 1
3 Supported features 1
3.1.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.2.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.3.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 References 11
1 Model information
Manufacturer ABB
Variants The ABB REF 550 PowerFactory relay models simulate the features available in the
ABB REF 550 relay.
2 General description
The ABB REF 550 is an advanced feeder protection system with the newest innovation in
protection, control and automation features. The REF550 is the ideal solution designed for
protecting and controlling distribution and subtransmission line systems. The REF550 offers
the latest HIF Detect (High Impedance Fault detection) technology and a complete package of
protection functionality such as: phase and ground instantaneous and time overcurrent protection;
negative-sequence overcurrent protection; under/over single and three phase and ground, as
well as negative sequence over voltage control and alarm; multi-shot reclosing; and over/under
frequency protection for load-shedding application, breaker failure, synchronism check.
The ABB REF 550 relay has been modeled using two PowerFactory ABB REF 550 relay models
which include most of the protective elements available in the relay.
The following model versions are available in the ”ABB REF 550” folder:
• REF 550 1A
• REF 550 5A
The PowerFactory ABB REF 550 relay model consists of the measurement and acquisition units,
the overcurrent, frequency, voltage and distance protective elements, and the output logic.
The model implementation has been based on the information available in the relay manual [1].
3 Supported features
It represents the interface between the power system and the relay protective elements.
The primary current is converted by one three phase current transformer (”Ct-3P” block) and one
single phase core current transformer (”Ct-E/N” block), the primary voltage is converted by one
three phase voltage transformer (”Vt-3P” block) and one single phase voltage transformer (”Vt-O”
block) . The converted current and voltages are then measured by one 3 phase measurement
unit (”Measure” block), by one 3phase sequence measurement unit (”Measure Seq” block), by
one single phase measurement unit (”Measure SEF” block), and by one frequency measurement
unit (”Meas Freq” block).
A relay input signal can be used to monitor to the power system Cold load condition.
3.1.2 Functionality
The ”Ct-3P” and the ”Ct-E/N” block represent ideal CT. Using the CT default configuration the
current at the primary side is converted to the secondary side using the CT ratio. The CT
saturation and/or its magnetizing characteristic are not considered. Please set the ”Detailed
Model” check box in the ”Detailed Data” tab page of the CT dialog and insert the data regarding
the CT burden, the CT secondary resistance and the CT excitation parameter if more accurate
simulation results are required.
The input signals are sampled in the relay model at 20 samples/cycle; a DFT filter operating over
a cycle calculates the current values used by the protective elements. Please notice that no info
is available in the manual about the sampling rate. For this reason an implementation common in
many protective relays has been used.
The ”BrkClose-ColdLoad” relay input signal is connected to the ”Cold load Time” and ”Neutral
Cold load Time” block and is supposed to transfer the status (open equal to ’0’, close equal to
’1’) of the power breaker.
No manual data input is required in the measurement blocks. Please use the relay model version
with the secondary rated current equal to the secondary rated current of the available CTs.
If no core CT is available assign the 3 phases CT also to the ”Ct-E/N” slot. If no open delta VT is
available assign the 3 phases VT also to the ”Vt-0” slot.
A set of inverse time and definite time overcurrent elements models the relay phase, negative
sequence and earth overcurrent protective functions. The inverse characteristics available in the
relay are available as well in the inverse time model block.
Four phase mho distance elements with positive and negative sequence starting logic are
The overvoltage, undervoltage and frequency (with minimum voltage inhibition threshold) protec-
tion elements are also modeled.
• Three phase overcurrent instantaneous elements (”50P1 (3I>1)”, ”50P2 (3I>2)” and ”50P3
(3I>3)” block).
• Three ground overcurrent instantaneous elements (”50N1 (IN>1)”, ”50N2 (IN>2)” and ”50N3
(IN>3)” block).
3.2.2 Functionality
The PF model contains all the protective elements available in the relay. The inverse time
overcurrent elements support the following trip characteristics:
• ANSI inverse
For most of the trip characteristics a reset characteristic can be used; the following reset
characteristics are available:
Please notice that the User Prog. Curve#1, User Prog. Curve#2, and User Prog. Curve#3
curve characteristic can be freely set by the user inserting up to 10 current, time values. Each
characteristic is shared by any instance of the ABB REF 550 relay model.
The Cold Load condition is declared when the ”BrkClose-ColdLoad” relay input signal becomes
’1’ and is maintained for the time defined in the ”Cold Load Time” and in the ”Neutral cold load
Time” block. The relevant signals are used to block part of the phase and the ground overcurrent
elements. The block logic can be modified in the ”Logic” tab page of the ”Logic” block.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets)::
It represents the output stage of the relay; it’s the interface between the relay and the power
The output logic is implemented by the ”Logic” and by the ”Closing Logic” block.
3.3.2 Functionality
The ”Logic” block has the task to operate the power breaker when a trip command has been
issued by any protective element. The relay output signal used to operate the breaker is ”yout”.
The ”Closing Logic” block controlled by the reclosing feature (”Reclosing” block) has the purpose
of generating a closing command for the power breaker when a reclosing attempt is triggered.
The trip/output logic, the Cold Load condition logic and the directional logic can be freely
configured by the user in the ”Logic” tab page of the ”Logic” block.
Please notice that by default the Cold load condition blocks the ”51P (3I>)” and the ”51N (IN>)”
element. The Neutral Cold Load condition blocks the ”50N2 (I0>>2)”.
No default logic is present for the directional logic. The following input signals of the ”Logic” block
can be used:
• fwd32P (forward fault detection signal, coming from the ”32P2 (I1>->´’ block)).
• rev32P (reverse fault detection signal, coming from the ”32P2 (I1>->´’ block)).
• fwd32N (forward fault detection signal, coming from the ”32N2 (I2>->´’ block)).
• rev32N (reverse fault detection signal, coming from the ”32N2 (I2>->´’ block)).
To disable the relay model ability to open the power circuit breaker disable the ”Logic” block.
To disable the relay model ability to close the power circuit breaker and start a reclosing procedure
disable the ”Closing Logic” block.
• Breaker failure.
• Voltage elements two/three phase operation mode.
5 References
[1] ABB Inc. Substation Automation and Protection, 7036 Snowdrift Road, Allentown Pennsyl-
vania 18106 USA. ABB Advanced Feeder Protection System REF 550 Instruction Booklet Issue A.1 March 2005, 2005.