PAN Twist Plumb and Tension For Guyed Towers

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Twist, Plumb
and Tension for
Guyed Towers
Guyed tower maintenance has been and always will
remain an area of telecommunications that requires
competent and well-trained individuals. This Plan-
ning Advisory Notice (PAN) is intended to focus on
twist, plumb and tension (TPT) of a guyed tower. We
will discuss the minimum industry standards that must
be referenced for this type of work, they are the ANSI/
ASSP A10.48, ANSI/TIA-222 and ANSI/TIA-322.

What is a TPT? This is a process

that ensures that the tower does
not have excessive twist, is not out
of vertical plumb and that the guy
tensions are compliant with the
engineer’s specifications derived
using the proper design standards.
Proper TPT is accomplished through the use of the guy
and anchor systems working together with the tower
structure to ensure that there is less than 5° of total
twist in the tower and that it does not exceed 0.5° in
any 10’ vertical span on the structure. The tower shall
be vertically plumb to within 0.25% of a vertical span
and finally, the guy tensions shall be set within 10% of
the engineer’s design initial tension. [Note: Tension ±
5% for guys greater than 1” diameter per ANSI/TIA
222 section 13.3.2]. The design initial tension* (often
referred to as initial tension) is often confused with the
breaking strength of the guy. In the analysis and design
process an engineer may vary the initial tension from
7-15% of a given guy’s breaking strength and be in
compliance with ANSI/TIA-222. [NOTE: there are times
when an engineer may need to go outside of the
7-15% and when this is required the engineer considers
the sensitivity of the structure’s behavior to the variation
in initial design tensions.] Once the engineer has com-
pleted the analysis for the structure, the design initial
tension is what is specified in the analysis documents.

Please Note: Figure K2 was reproduced under written permission from the Telecommunications Industry
Association. Authors: Scott Kisting, Robert McCoy, Craig Schnaars, Ryan Seifert, and Scott Vance. The members of
the PAN Advisory Group who are involved in review of each PAN topic include: John Erichsen, Scott Kisting, Ken Hill,
Jeremy Buckles, Craig Snyder, and Stephanie Brewer.


The engineer’s calculations are based on the break- 2. The three common techniques for the Indirect
ing strength of the guys at 60°F to provide a point of measurements are listed below:
consistency. A change in ambient temperature from
60° does not change the ultimate strength of the guy, i. The Pulse Method – This method involves the
it does change the sag and it is this change in sag that creation of an oscillation (pulse) into the guy.
causes a change in the guy tension measured and must The time it takes the pulse or wave to move
be accounted for. up and down the guy is measured. From this
recorded time, the tension in the guy can be
As an example, let’s assume that we have a guyed calculated. In the hands of a properly trained
tower with 5/8” diameter Extra High Strength (EHS) guy technician this method can be very accurate,
strand wires assigned a design initial tension of 9% of however effective documentation can be la-
the breaking strength, at an ambient air temperature borious and lacks a control point. Training and
of 60°F. The breaking strength of the wire is 42,400 supervision are critical with this method as is
pounds. The design initial tension the contractor is commonly the case with much of the work we
seeking to achieve is 3,816 pounds (9% of the 42,400 do in our industry. One of the exciting things
pounds). Knowing that the final tension can deviate as happening now is the development of tools
much as 10% from the design initial tension, the con- to aid with accuracy and consistency when this
tractor’s competent and authorized persons can set the method is chosen. There are several different
final tension from 3,434 pounds to 4,198 pounds (10% technologies that are being implemented
variance from the goal of 3,816 pounds) and still be in which may address many of the underlying
compliance with the standard. The calculations must concerns with this method.
take into account when the temperatures vary from
60°F due to expansion and contraction of the wires; but ii. The Tangent Intercept Method – This method
the allowable deviation from the design initial tension requires sighting up a guy and having a direct
specified in the analysis documents remains 10%. line of sight that continues to the tower in the
same plane as the guy leaves the anchor. This
When erecting, maintaining or modifying a guyed tow- intercept point will be the sag of the guy. Next
er, the TPT are essential for the structure to perform as you determine the vertical height from where
designed. In most cases the best approach is to under- that direct line intercepts the tower and where
stand if twist needs to be adjusted. The next step is to the guy is attached to the tower. The use of the
verify if the plumb is in compliance with the engineer’s equations provided in Annex K of ANSI/TIA-
design. Then the needed tension adjustments can 222 provide the tension in the guy. Accuracy of
be accomplished to address any issues with twist and this method could be improved if there were
plumb while staying ± 10% of the design initial tension. more tools to effectively measure the points
of intercept. Due to consistency issues, this
There are two basic methods that are recognized in method is normally reserved for towers with
ANSI/TIA-222-H for guy initial tensions in the field, the larger guys and specialized crews that have the
Direct Method and the Indirect Method **. extensive training, equipment, knowledge, and
experience required to utilize this method.
1. The Direct Method is the use of a dynamometer
(load cell) with a length adjustment device, such iii. The Shunt Dynamometer Method – This is
as a come-along attached to the guy system by the indirect method recently added to ANSI/
clamping onto the guy just above the dead-end TIA-222-H. This method involves the use of
grip and onto the anchor or rigging attachment a tool that directly attaches to the guy and
point below the turnbuckle. What this method measures deflection as it applies a force to the
does is place the load cell directly in line with the guy. This deflection can then be converted into
load path through the guy. It can be a very accurate a tension and displayed on the device. This
method to determine the tension when the load method has gained popularity because of cost,
cell is properly calibrated. The challenge with this portability and ease of use. However, caution
method is that it can be difficult to determine when should be exercised when using these devices
the full load has transferred from the load cell back as they have a tendency to be inconsistent
to the anchor hardware (turnbuckle, hairpin, etc.). and inaccurate due to the need for frequent
This can cause the tension to be set incorrectly due calibration. [Note: The manufacturers of these
to transferring the load back to the anchor hard- devices have formed a consensus committee
ware. to address some of these issues which will be
published in a future PAN.]



All methods require a competent person(s) to select

the tools and processes that will ensure the accura-
cy required by the standard(s) while providing a safe
working environment. This requires the application
of not just ANSI/TIA-222, but may also involve ANSI/
TIA-322 as well as the ANSI/ASSP A10.48. As with many Figure K2
SOW’s (Scope of Work) performed in our industry there
are other regulations/standards that may apply, and the
contractor shall ensure they are compliant with addi-
tional requirements.

A proper understanding of the process is critical to the

assessment of the infrastructure and not just for mainte-
nance of the structure. When planning the work on a
site that may involve the modification it is important
to assess the TPT of the tower. This can also apply to
an assessment after an adverse impact due to weath-
er, earthquake or vandalism to determine if the tower
has been damaged. Understanding the standards that
govern TPT help create a safe working environment for
everyone involved. This can also eliminate false reports
of loose guys or issues with the guyed tower.

All components of the guy assemblies should be

inspected for damage or improper installation prior to
any adjustments made to TPT. Any discrepancies found
should be communicated to the structure owner or
engineer. The system on the tower should always be
considered as well when performing adjustments to the
TPT as these adjustments can cause issues with system
performance. When the structure has a microwave
path that will be impacted due to removing the twist
from the tower there is the possibility of impacting the
microwave systems performance. It is critical to com-
municate with the impacted parties. When performing


and methods are all in the dominion of the contractor,
but they must meet or exceed the requirements estab-
lished by the standards.

*Note that based on the distance from the tower and

elevation of the anchors the tensions can vary from one
anchor to another. All tensions do not need to be the
same at each anchor, they do need to be within the
10% allowed from the initial design tension. It is critical
to note that the ANSI/TIA standards do not speak to
the means and methods to accomplish the work. The
ANSI/ASSP A10.48 is the primary standard to address
the means and methods to ensure safety and quality
for work on a guyed tower site.

**Please reference Annex K of ANSI/TIA-222-H for

additional information on these methods as this PAN
is only a summary. ANSI/ASSP A10.48 is the primary
standard to address the means and methods to ensure
this type of work the proper tools must be selected safety and quality for work on a guyed tower site. n
to minimize impact on the guy component hardware
when adjustments are being made. Hardware should
also be treated to avoid corrosion due to tool marks.

The engineers work to create the design, the owners

schedule the necessary maintenance to achieve long
term service from the structure and the contractors
must be supported with the proper information, train-
ing and equipment to measure the TPT. The means


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